Walker - Palmer Genealogy Web Site
Ethel Davis
Pop-up Pedigree
Note*: Person Source Parents:
Evan Davis Death*: Deceased Family:
Floyd Davis Death*: Family:
Frank Seymour Davis Marriage*: Principal=Lula Gould Family:
Franklin H. Davis
Death*: UNKNOWN Family:
Fred Nicholas Davis Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 26 April 1885 Parents:
George Humphrey Davis
Note*: Person Source Family:
George Washington Davis Note*: Person Source Family:
George Washington Davis Pop-up Pedigree Death*: Parents:
Georgia I. Davis Birth*: 29 August 1887, Indiana, U.S.A. Family:
Gerneral M. L. Davis Marriage*: 12 February 1880, Montgomery, Montgomery County, Alabama, U.S.A., Principal='Lucy' Colby Lucenda Garner Family:
Gideon F. Davis Pop-up Pedigree
Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Hattie Davis Death*: Deceased Family:
Henrietta Davis Marriage*: circa 1869, Of, New Brunswick, Canada, Principal=Isaac 'Isaac Brock' Brock Lawrence Family:
James Davis Death*: Deceased Family:
James Davis Pop-up Pedigree Marriage*: Newport, Rhode Island, Principal=Mary (Joan) ? Parents:
Family 1:
Family 2:
Family 3:
John Davis Note*: Assumption made that these are the parents of Julia Davis (Emerson). 1850Census records for Rockport, Essex, Mass., shows Julia's birthdate as 43,which would correlate with information in the book, 'Vital Records ofGloucester, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849 - Vol. I -- Births'published by the Topsfield Historical Society. This shows Julia'sparents to be John and Esther (Wilson) Davis. Her birthdate is shown asMay 27, 1808. Family:
John Blodgett Davis Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 6 February 1896, Menominee, Mi Parents:
John Walters Davis Pop-up Pedigree Occupation*: Under Sherrif Moffit County, Town Council for several years Parents:
Joseph Roy Davis Pop-up Pedigree Marriage*: UNKNOWN, Principal=Mary Elizabeth Bessie 'Aunt Betsie' Delung Parents:
Josie Mae (Dude) Davis Birth*: 31 December 1895, Oxford, Mississippi, U.S.A. Family:
Julia Davis Pop-up Pedigree Note*: NOTE: Assumption made that John Davis and Esther Wilson are the parentsof Julia Davis (Emerson). 1850 Census records for Rockport, Essex,Mass., shows Julia's birthdate as 43, which would correlate withinformation in the book, 'Vital Records of Gloucester, Massachusetts tothe end of the year 1849 - Vol. I -- Births' published by the Topsfield Historical Society. This showsJulia's parents to be John and Esther (Wilson) Davis. Her birthdate isshown as May 27, 1808. Parents:
Katherine Davis Death*: Deceased Lona Davis Pop-up Pedigree
Death*: Parents:
Lucy L Davis Death*: Family:
Lydia A. Davis Note*: probably dau. of John S. Davis. Family:
Mamie Jones Davis Marriage*: Principal=Glenn Henry Marchbanks Family:
Maretta Louisa Davis Marriage*: Principal=John Drake Wetmore , Rev. Family:
Margaret E Davis Death*: UNKNOWN Family:
Marian Baynum Davis Pop-up Pedigree Death*: Deceased Parents:
Martha Davis Death*: 1969 Martha Ellen Davis Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Mary Davis Marriage*: Principal=Nathaniel Day Family:
Mary Ann Davis Pop-up Pedigree Marriage*: 7 August 1848, Saint Martin, Worcester County, Worcester, England, Principal=Frederick William Dinsdale Parents:
Mary Ann Davis Death*: Family:
Mary R Davis Note*: Person Source Family:
Maxine Davis Pop-up Pedigree Note*: Reference from Jack Dole (Email) Parents:
Myrtle Davis Pop-up Pedigree
Note*: Person Source Parents:
Nicholas Luther Davis Note*: son of William5, Nicholas4, Ezra3, John2, John1 Hist. of Limington, Me Nicholas Davis bk p.47 ======================== Nicholas left the family farm in Limington when he was seventeen and wentto New Bedford, Massachusetts, where he obtained work with the Tauntonand New Bedford Railway, in the very early days of the railroad industry.The road sent him to Taunton, where in the locomotive works he became askilled mechanic. Running the first engine into Rutland, Vermont, heremained there, first as an engineer, then as a foreman of the railroad'smachine shops, and finally as master mechanic of the Rutland Railroad.(Mass. & Maine Family Histories, p.413) Family:
Norman Davis Death*: UNKNOWN Family:
Phillip Davis Marriage*: 1848, Principal=Susanna Ann Palmer Family:
Phoebe Davis Death*: Deceased Family:
Richard Davis Death*: UNKNOWN Ruth Davis Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 24 March 1642/43, Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Parents:
Ruth Estelle Davis Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 22 October 1891, Caledonia Township, Shiawassee County, Michigan, U.S.A. Parents:
Sarah Davis
Marriage*: 1 November 1870, St. Peter's Anglican Church, Alberton, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Principal=John Hensley Wiggins Family:
Sarah Davis Marriage*: Principal=James Edwin Coy Family:
Sarah E. Davis Marriage*: 23 June 1875, Newburyport, Massachusetts, Principal=Dr. Leverit Duncan Gunter Family:
Sarah Lucia Davis Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Selma Sawyer Davis Marriage*: 29 August 1944, St. Johnsbury, New Hampshire, U.S.A., Principal=Carll Lockhart Burleigh Family:
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