Walker - Palmer Genealogy Web Site
Dursilla Johnson
Death*: Deceased Family:
Eldora A. Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Elizabeth Johnson Death*: Deceased Family:
Elizabeth Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Death*: Deceased Parents:
Emerett Johnson Birth*: 11 February 1843, Maine, U.S.A. Family:
Esther Johnson Note*: died age 78 Family:
Ezekiel Johnson Birth*: circa 1780, Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts Family:
Frances Johnson Birth*: 1833, Alabama, U.S.A. Family:
Frank Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Death*: Deceased Parents:
George Nelson Johnson Marriage*: Principal=Mayrtle F. Coye Family:
George William Johnson
Occupation*: George worked in a flour mill in Portland and is now retired. Family:
Gertrude Johnson Family:
Gideon Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Gideon Sebrekke Johnson Note*: Occupation: Certified Accountant.. His remains were cremated andscattered at sea. Hannah Johnson Death*: Deceased Family:
Harold Johnson Death*: Deceased Family:
Harold J Johnson Note*: Person Source Harrington W. Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Hector Lloyd Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 11 April 1892, Salt Springs, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada Parents:
Helen Louise Johnson Birth*: 16 February 1920, Milton, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Hiram P. Johnson Death*: Deceased Family:
Homer Coye Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 16 December 1904, Suring, Oconto County, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Parents:
Irene Johnson Death*: Deceased Irene Adell Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Marriage*: Principal=Howard J. Countryman Parents:
James Allen Johnson Death*: Deceased, James died in infancy. Jenny Johanna Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 8 February 1909, Mandan, Morton, North Dakota, U.S.A. Parents:
John Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Death*: Deceased Parents:
John Johnson Marriage*: Principal=Mary Sayer Family:
John Johnson Event-Misc*: Jewel City, Kansas, Jewl County, Kansas, U.S.A., Type: Fact #1 Family:
Jonathan Johnson Death*: UNKNOWN Family:
Judd C. Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 5 November 1843 Parents:
Kate Edna Johnson Birth*: 20 November 1887, Mondomin, Harrison County, Iowa, U.S.A. Family:
Leland T. Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Leo M. G. Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 10 October 1918, Lawrence, Van Buren, Mi Parents:
Lester B Johnson Death*: Family:
Louis Johnson Note*: Louis and Christina 'Nilson' (Olson) Johnson, arrived in Spearfish, SouthDakota Louis worked in different parts of the Black Hills area forseveral years, while Christina worked for several wealthy families inSpearfish. Later he came to Crook County and filed on a homestead. Theywere married about 1909, and made their home two and one half milesnorthwest of Alva. In 1914 Mr. Johnson purchased the first fuel powered tractor in the areato operate threshing machine. Later they sold the ranch and moved to Alva where they purchased agrocery store, which they operated until their health failed. they had nochildren. Mr. Johnson passed away in 1925, and his wife in 1944. In 1906 Leonard Frojd, a nephew of Mrs. Johnson arrived from Sweden andfiled on a homestead adjoining the Johnsons. In 1909, his brother, Ernest'Ernst' Fabian Nelson and Father Magnus Frojd arrived, followed in 1910and 1911 by mother and six other children. The family settled in theAladdin area. Contributed by Frances Ruland in the book, 'Pioneers Of Crook County1876-1920', By Crook County Historical Society, Crook County, Wyoming,copyright 1981. on page 257 Family:
Louisa Johnson Death*: Lewis County, New York Family:
Lucy May Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Mabel Johnson Death*: Deceased Family:
Margaret Johnson Birth*: 22 September 1706, Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, U.S.A. Family:
Margaret Elizabeth Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 24 September 1920, Oxford, Nova Scotia, Canada Parents:
Marinus Earl Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 8 March 1903, Spanish Fork, Utah, U.S.A. Parents:
Martha Louise Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 9 September 1899 Parents:
Mary Johnson Marriage*: Principal=John Bell Family:
Mary (Greene) Johnson Note*: [Lost.FTW] RI Cemetery Trans. Project has her Mary (Greene) Dyer. Family:
Mary A. Johnson Pop-up Pedigree Marriage*: Principal=Gustave Percival Wiksell Parents:
Mary L Johnson Marriage*: Principal=George B Corey Family:
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