Walker - Palmer Genealogy Web Site
Hannah Phelps
Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Hiriam Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 6 August 1857 Parents:
James Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 1732, Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut Parents:
James E.B. Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Parents:
Jesse Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 18 March 1877 Parents:
Jonah Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Laura Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 1 April 1879 Parents:
Laura Lucille Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 15 February 1897, Phillipsville, Ontario, Canada Parents:
Lazarus Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Levi Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Lily May Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Parents:
Lineous Nelson Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 15 February 1845, Canada Parents:
Loreen Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 6 September 1903 Parents:
Lucy Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Marriage*: Principal=Arden E. Whitmore Parents:
Lucy Ann Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Parents:
Mary Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN, Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut Parents:
Mary Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 7 May 1748, Simsbury, Connecticut Parents:
Mary Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Maud Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Parents:
Miles Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 26 March 1887 Parents:
Nettie G. Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Parents:
Noah Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Note*: NOAH PHELPS, b. Hebron, Ct., 23 Jan., 1694, m. Anna Dyer, 1 Oct., 1719,in Hebron, Ct. Mr. Phelps settled in Hebron, Ct., where his children were all born; latein life he removed to Hillsdale, Col. Co., N. Y., where he died in 1794,in his 100th year. (Phelps Family of America, Page 137) BIRTH-MARRIAGE-SPOUSE: DYER SEARCH; Vol 7, #2; Fall 1995 p15; Extractsfrom 'WHITNEY FAMILY OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS AFFILIATIONS BEING........',VOL 1,2&3; by S. Whitnwy Phoenix, NY 1878; p772 Noah Phelps Sr's will made 11 Oct 1757 and probated 4 May 1764 ColchesterCT REF:TAG 22:215 Julie Mitchell:TAG 22:210; Colchester Court Recds Parents:
Noah Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Note*: Noah was a farmer, and first settled in Hebron, CT. In 1746 he removed tothe upper end of Old Simsbury near Granby, thence to Green River, nearAusterlitz, NY., where he died at the house of his son Jonah, and wasburied in the old Calkins burying ground. (WFT 13, #2557) Parents:
Noah Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Norman Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 16 June 1852 Parents:
Olive Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 23 March 1771, Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut Parents:
Oscar Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 14 February 1859 Parents:
Paulina Phelps Death*: UNKNOWN Family:
Peleg Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 22 June 1746, Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut Parents:
Rebecca Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Sally Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Marriage*: 3 March 1834, Principal=Benjamin Elsworth Parents:
Sarah Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Death*: UNKNOWN Parents:
Thomas Phelps Note*: TOM & EVERETT'S PLANE ACCIDENT On the 12th of August, 1991, Tom and his son, Everett Phelps lost theirlives in a airplane accident in south central Nebraska. They werereturning in Tom’s Piper Comanche PA- 250 to Arkansas from Spearfish,South Dakota after having made repairs to Tom’s father-in-laws home whenthe accident occurred. It is theorized that Tom was the inadvertentvictim of a high altitude disorder known as hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Itssymptomology causes unconscious impairment of judgement and feelings ofeuphoria. The weather over southern Nebraska began to deterioraterapidly, reducing visibility and causing Tom to fly in solid cloud cover.When he attempted to descend, the affect of hypoxia, coupled with anapparent high gravitational force, caused Tom to loose consciousness andultimately control of the aircraft. The airplane came to rest in a cornfield east of Red Cloud, Nebraska. One wing from the aircraft was found amile and a half from the crash site. The above account was received from Edward Hiram Mahoney in August 1992. Family:
Timothy Phelps Death*: UNKNOWN, Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut Family:
Wilbert Lewis Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 1 November 1873, Elbe Mills, Ontario, Canada. Parents:
Wilbur Franklin Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 30 December 1861 Parents:
William Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Marriage*: Principal=Lydia Stevens Parents:
William Byron Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Marriage*: Principal=Hanna M. Brown Parents:
William Henry Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 24 October 1824 Parents:
William Warner Phelps Pop-up Pedigree Marriage*: Principal=Ella Alice Halliday Parents:
Family 1:
Family 2:
George Frederick Macalister White Philbrick Death*: Deceased Family:
Loie Marion Philbrick Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 15 March 1883, Kittery, Maine, U.S.A. Parents:
Family 1:
Family 2:
Phillip Philbrick Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 1918 Parents:
William Philbrick Death*: UNKNOWN Family:
Alice Philips Marriage*: Principal=William Joseph Mahoney Family:
Edwin C Philips Death*: Family:
Flora Eugenia Philips Marriage*: January 1893, Principal=George Mccellan Mahoney Family:
Albert J. Phillips Pop-up Pedigree Birth*: 1861 Parents:
Antha Phillips Death*: Deceased Family:
Ardith L. Phillips Birth*: 3 December 1908, Ketchum, Oklahoma, U.S.A. Family:
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