Walker - Palmer Genealogy Web Site - Person Page 666

Walker - Palmer Genealogy Web Site
Person Page 666


Martha Potter
Pop-up Pedigree

Note*: she was the widow of Daniel Weeden. she m. 3rd 5 July 1769, Nicholas Spencer of East Greenwich.
Birth*: 15 May 1736
Marriage*: 6 April 1759, Principal=Thomas E. Eldred
Death*: before 9 December 1776, Rhode Island
Burial*: Quidnessett Cemetery, North Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island


Father: Robert Potter , Jr. b. 26 July 1702, d. UNKNOWN
Mother: Judith Clarke b. 8 August 1712, d. UNKNOWN


Thomas E. Eldred b. 1712, d. 23 September 1767


Waity Gould Eldred+ b. 4 May 1762, d. 12 Aug 1839
Thomas Eldred+ b. 18 Jan 1768, d. 24 May 1844

Martha Potter

Descendant Chart for Hugh Hull

Marriage*: 1740, Principal=Joseph Hull


Joseph Hull b. 1 October 1706, d. 1771


Elizabeth Hull b. 20 Jun 1741, d. UNKNOWN
Joseph R. Hull b. 23 Feb 1742/43, d. 1785
Thomas Hull b. 30 Jun 1744, d. UNKNOWN
Benjamin Hull b. 22 Jun 1748, d. UNKNOWN
Thomas Hull b. 23 Jun 1750, d. UNKNOWN
Charles Hull b. 10 Sep 1752, d. UNKNOWN
Martha Hull b. 26 Oct 1755, d. UNKNOWN
Lydia Hull b. 23 Sep 1759, d. UNKNOWN

Mary Eliza Potter
Pop-up Pedigree

Note*: 'She takes an active interest in worthy enterprises, and derives herchief enjoyment from travel. She has a winter home in Providence and asummer home at Rumstick Point, Rhode Island. She is a member of theGaspee Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, of Providence.'[Cutter] DAR ID #14423 Descendant of John Potter and of Capt. Samuel J. Potter of Rhode Island. died age 68 (GS)
Birth*: 16 October 1846, Johnston, Providence, Rhode Island
Marriage*: 1 November 1869, Principal=Rodney Fenner Dyer , Jr.
Death*: 22 March 1915, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island


Father: Isaac Fenner Potter b. 8 July 1796, d. 31 December 1883
Mother: Sally Ennis b. 1819, d. 1863


Rodney Fenner Dyer , Jr. b. 27 January 1841, d. 18 October 1896

Mary Elizabeth Potter
Pop-up Pedigree

Note*: Address: 551 Jerome St., Astoria, Oregon.
Birth*: 24 May 1857, Philadelphia, Jefferson, New York
Marriage*: 21 October 1875, Principal=James Samuel Dyer


Father: Alanson Warren Potter b. 6 January 1827, d. UNKNOWN
Mother: Elizabeth M. Roberts d. UNKNOWN


James Samuel Dyer b. 21 December 1847, d. December 1931


Josephine Dyer b. a 1875, d. UNKNOWN
Norman Murray Dyer+ b. 11 Mar 1882, d. UNKNOWN

Olive Tourtelotte Potter
Marriage*: Principal=William Alexander McCullam
Note*: !NAME: - William Oulton, BC 1976 BD: DD: HUS: died aged 64
Birth*: 1823
Death*: 1887


William Alexander McCullam b. 5 May 1821, d. 1888


Fontaine McCullan+ b. 1853, d. 1942

Peter Potter
Note*: Person Source
Marriage*: Principal=Louisa Corey


Louisa Corey b. 17 November 1819

Rememberance Potter
Note*: Person Source
Birth*: February 1666, Rhode Island
Marriage*: 1 May 1718, Principal=Roger Cory
Death*: circa 1760, Rhode Island


Roger Cory b. circa 1665, d. 6 January 1753


Samuel Cory+ b. 14 Feb 1720, d. c 1770
Sarah Cory+ b. 8 May 1722, d. c 1760
Rosanna Cory+ b. 26 Oct 1723, d. c 1760
John Cory b. 13 Mar 1727, d. c 1753
Content Cory b. Sep 1729, d. c 1770

Reverand Theodore Harding Potter
Note*: Occupation: Baptist Minister in Fredericton, New Brunswick. They residedin Fredericton, N.B.
Marriage*: circa 1857, Principal=Elizabeth J. Estabrooks


Elizabeth J. Estabrooks b. 1837

Richard Potter
Note*: Richard Potter was a farmer.
Marriage*: Principal=Alferetta C. Annie McLean
Birth*: circa 1861, Queens County, New Brunswick, Canada
Death*: 26 April 1892, Aroostook County, Maine, U.S.A.


Alferetta C. Annie McLean b. 1861, d. 23 August 1915

Robert Potter , Jr.
Birth*: 26 July 1702
Marriage*: 5 September 1731, South Kingstown, Rhode Island, Principal=Judith Clarke


Judith Clarke b. 8 August 1712, d. UNKNOWN


Martha Potter+ b. 15 May 1736, d. b 9 Dec 1776

Robert Bruce Potter
Birth*: 1 November 1924, Eaton, New York, U.S.A.
Death*: November 1969, Adirondacks, Unknown GEDCOM info: Missing since Nov 1969 hunting trip in the Adirondacks and is presumed deceased

Rosanna Frost Potter
Residence*: Salinas, Monterey County, California
Occupation*: dairy farmer
Note*: Person Source
Birth*: Shoreham, Addison Co, Vermont
Marriage*: 8 October 1856, Essex, Chittenden Co, Vermont, Principal=Hiram Corey
Death*: 9 March 1900, Salinas, Monterey County, California


Hiram Corey b. 7 March 1831, d. 7 September 1913

Samuel Potter
Death*: Deceased

Samuel J Potter
Pop-up Pedigree

Note*: He was brought up on Matunuck farm, known as the Goodman Potter=laterowned by John Babcock. He lived at Point Judith, on a farm given to himby his father. He was a very prominent man in Rhode Island, and heldvarious important offices. He served as senator,=also as deputy governorof the state from 1790 to 1799, Lt. Governor from 1799 to1800, In 1800 hewas defeated by George Brown but the following year was again elected. OnOctober 30, 1802, Mr. Potter=elected United States Senator from RhodeIsland. for a term of six years. He was a staunch Democrat. Children were Samuel J. Jr; Ann; Fenner, Joseph, Sarah and Elizabeth. Taken from: New England Families Genealogy and Memorials by WilliamRichard Cutter. 3rd Series, 1915, Vol. 4:2064 Served as lieutenant of the Third Company, and was promoted captain,1776. He was appointed recruiting officer, 1777, of South Kingston, thetown where he born. (DAR)
Note*: both of South Kingstown at marriage. m. by George Hazard Peckham, JP, Principal=Ann Nancy Segar
Birth*: 1753, So. Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island
Marriage*: 10 September 1788, South Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island, Principal=Ann Nancy Segar
Death*: 1804


Father: John Potter b. 29 July 1724, d. 1787
Mother: Elizabeth Hazard b. 26 July 1729, d. 1806


Ann Nancy Segar d. UNKNOWN


Isaac Fenner Potter+ b. 8 Jul 1796, d. 31 Dec 1883

Sarah Kilburn Potter
Note*: Person Source
Birth*: circa 1828, Essex, Chittenden Co, Vermont
Marriage*: 18 December 1855, Essex, Chittenden Co, Vermont, Principal=Noah Corey
Death*: 16 May 1904, Salinas, Monterey County, California


Noah Corey b. 14 November 1828, d. 5 November 1909


Nora Eliza Corey+ b. 28 Jun 1859, d. 30 May 1923
Sarah Isabel Corey b. 18 Sep 1861, d. 26 Apr 1876
Josiah Potter Corey+ b. 17 Aug 1863
Clarissa Allen Corey b. 15 Aug 1869, d. 3 Nov 1869

Augustin Poulin
Death*: Deceased


Ludivine Bolduc d. Deceased


Celina Pooler+ b. 28 Jan 1874, d. Deceased

Agnes Powe
Marriage*: 9 May 1655, Principal=Humphry Mosse


Humphry Mosse d. 22 October 1691


Rowland Moase+ b. 27 Mar 1665, d. 10 Dec 1721

Adeline Powel
Death*: Deceased


Elwood F. Beals b. 17 March 1894, d. June 1961

Abby Powell
Pop-up Pedigree

Reference: 11K6-JVS

Birth*: 1810, Kentucky or Tennessee, U.S.A.


Father: Lewis Powell b. 1763
Mother: Rachel Byrd b. before 1767


Levi Stewart b. circa 1804


Julia Ann Stewart+ b. 29 Jan 1830, d. 9 Jun 1899

Ella Caroline Powell
Death*: Deceased


Harry Allen d. Deceased


Thomas George Allen+ b. 11 Aug 1885, d. 21 Mar 1969

George Hiram Powell
Pop-up Pedigree

Burial*: Baie Verte, Westmorland County, New Brunswick
Note*: !ID= OU 1111921

-RO Unmarried
Birth*: 1892
Marriage*: 30 July 1915, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, Principal=Drusilla Burgess
Residence*: August 1953, Amherst, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia
Death*: 1967


Father: John F. Powell
Mother: Alice Maude Oulton b. 1871, d. 1 August 1953


Drusilla Burgess b. circa 1898

John F. Powell
Note*: !ID= UN 192
Marriage*: 10 November 1891, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, Principal=Alice Maude Oulton


Alice Maude Oulton b. 1871, d. 1 August 1953


George Hiram Powell b. 1892, d. 1967

Lewis Powell
Reference: 16ZS-SV8

Marriage*: Principal=Rachel Byrd
Birth*: 1763, Georgia, U.S.A.


Rachel Byrd b. before 1767


Abby Powell+ b. 1810

Martha Powell
Marriage*: Principal=Benjamin Boling


Benjamin Boling


Louisa Lord Boling+ b. 3 Sep 1840, d. 6 Mar 1889

Mr. Powell
Marriage*: Principal=Isabel Dyer


Isabel Dyer b. after 1762, d. UNKNOWN

William 'Morgan' Morgan Powell
Birth*: 28 April 1914
Death*: 6 March 1970

Mary Ann Power
Pop-up Pedigree

Note*: Person Source
Birth*: October 1777, Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island
Marriage*: 30 April 1800, Principal=William Blodgett
Death*: 1 December 1840


Father: Nicholas Power b. 5 April 1742
Mother: Rebecca Cory b. circa 1747, d. 29 October 1825


William Blodgett b. circa 1775

Nicholas Power
Note*: Person Source
Marriage*: Principal=Rebecca Cory
Birth*: 5 April 1742
Birth: circa 1745


Rebecca Cory b. circa 1747, d. 29 October 1825


Rebecca Power+ b. Sep 1768, d. 18 Oct 1860
Sarah Power+ b. Jan 1770, d. May 1807
Nicholas Power+ b. 15 Sep 1771, d. 28 Apr 1844
Mary Ann Power b. Oct 1777, d. 1 Dec 1840

Nicholas Power
Pop-up Pedigree

Note*: Person Source
Birth*: 15 September 1771, Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island
Marriage*: August 1798, Principal=Ann Marsh
Death*: 28 April 1844


Father: Nicholas Power b. 5 April 1742
Mother: Rebecca Cory b. circa 1747, d. 29 October 1825


Ann Marsh b. circa 1772


Rebecca Power b. Sep 1800, d. 14 Sep 1825
Sarah Helen Power b. 5 Mar 1803
Susan Anna Power b. 1 Feb 1813, d. 8 Dec 1877

Rebecca Power
Pop-up Pedigree

Note*: Person Source
Birth*: September 1768, Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island
Marriage*: 3 November 1815, Principal=Joseph Leonard Tillinghast
Death*: 18 October 1860


Father: Nicholas Power b. 5 April 1742
Mother: Rebecca Cory b. circa 1747, d. 29 October 1825


Joseph Leonard Tillinghast b. circa 1765


Mary Ann Tillinghast b. c 1817
Nicholas Tillinghast b. c 1818

Rebecca Power
Pop-up Pedigree

Note*: Person Source
Birth*: September 1800
Marriage*: 27 November 1821, Principal=William Reed Staples
Death*: 14 September 1825


Father: Nicholas Power b. 15 September 1771, d. 28 April 1844
Mother: Ann Marsh b. circa 1772


William Reed Staples b. September 1800

Sarah Power
Pop-up Pedigree

Note*: Person Source
Birth*: January 1770, Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island
Marriage*: 14 August 1796, Principal=David Rogerson Williams
Death: before May 1807
Death*: May 1807


Father: Nicholas Power b. 5 April 1742
Mother: Rebecca Cory b. circa 1747, d. 29 October 1825


David Rogerson Williams b. circa 1770


John Nicolas Williams
George Williams

Sarah Helen Power
Pop-up Pedigree

Note*: Person Source
Birth*: 5 March 1803, Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island
Marriage*: 10 July 1828, Principal=John Winslow Whitman


Father: Nicholas Power b. 15 September 1771, d. 28 April 1844
Mother: Ann Marsh b. circa 1772


John Winslow Whitman b. circa 1800

Susan Anna Power
Pop-up Pedigree

Note*: Person Source
Birth*: 1 February 1813
Death*: 8 December 1877


Father: Nicholas Power b. 15 September 1771, d. 28 April 1844
Mother: Ann Marsh b. circa 1772

Josephine Powers
Death*: Deceased


Harry Cony d. Deceased


Edward M. Cony b. 26 May 1904, d. 13 Sep 1959

Webster Powers
Note*: Person Source
Marriage*: Principal=Betsey Cory


Betsey Cory b. circa 1789, d. circa 1840

Ann Powle
Death*: Deceased
Birth*: circa 1677


Daniel Bedell b. circa 1673, d. Deceased


Mary Bedell+ b. 21 Jun 1699, d. 17 May 1749

Katherine Poyntz
Marriage*: Principal=Fulk Prideaux
Birth*: circa 1467, Langleys, Devonshire, England


Fulk Prideaux b. 1471, d. 15 January 1531


Humphrey Prideaux+ b. 1487, d. 8 May 1550

Belle Pratt
Death*: Deceased

Celia J Pratt
Pop-up Pedigree

Birth*: 1878, Minnesota


Father: Edward E Pratt b. 7 June 1834, d. 22 February 1908
Mother: Frances E Dyer b. 13 May 1838, d. 1 June 1907

Charles L Pratt
Pop-up Pedigree

Birth*: 27 April 1873, Minnesota


Father: Edward E Pratt b. 7 June 1834, d. 22 February 1908
Mother: Frances E Dyer b. 13 May 1838, d. 1 June 1907

Charles Weaver Pratt
Marriage*: 10 April 1894, Principal=Carrie Leonora Corey
Marriage*: 4 February 1914, Principal=Clara Jane Corey

Family 1:

Carrie Leonora Corey b. 25 November 1865, d. 7 January 1911

Family 2:

Clara Jane Corey b. circa 1875, d. 22 February 1962

Edward E Pratt
Birth*: 7 June 1834, Greenfield, Franklin, Massachusetts
Marriage*: 31 May 1867, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, Principal=Frances E Dyer
Death*: 22 February 1908, Bethel, Anoka County, Minnesota
Burial*: 25 February 1908, Bethel, Anoka County, Minnesota


Frances E Dyer b. 13 May 1838, d. 1 June 1907


Malinda S Pratt+ b. 10 Jan 1865, d. 1935
Henry Grant Pratt b. 1868, d. UNKNOWN
Frank F Pratt b. 1869, d. UNKNOWN
John D Pratt+ b. Jan 1871, d. 1926
Charles L Pratt b. 27 Apr 1873, d. UNKNOWN
Sumner W Pratt b. 1876, d. UNKNOWN
Celia J Pratt b. 1878, d. UNKNOWN

Elizabeth Pratt
Marriage*: Principal=Rev. Alexander Robinson Banks


Rev. Alexander Robinson Banks b. 26 June 1808, d. 23 September 1891


Henry Howard Banks b. 16 May 1839, d. 6 Aug 1878
Alexander Banks b. 19 Aug 1842, d. 18 Dec 1847

Frank F Pratt
Pop-up Pedigree

Birth*: 1869, Minnesota


Father: Edward E Pratt b. 7 June 1834, d. 22 February 1908
Mother: Frances E Dyer b. 13 May 1838, d. 1 June 1907

Ginette Pratt
Note*: Person Source
Birth*: October 1821
Marriage*: 25 January 1857, Principal=Minor Cory


Minor Cory b. September 1819

Hannah Pratt
Marriage*: 1652, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Principal=William Spooner


William Spooner d. 1685


William Spooner
Martha Spooner
Isaac Spooner
Hannah Spooner
Mercy Spooner
Sarah Spooner b. 1653
Samuel Spooner b. 1655
Ebenezer Spooner+ b. 1660

Henry Grant Pratt
Pop-up Pedigree

Birth*: 1868, Minnesota


Father: Edward E Pratt b. 7 June 1834, d. 22 February 1908
Mother: Frances E Dyer b. 13 May 1838, d. 1 June 1907

Irene Janet Pratt
Pop-up Pedigree

Birth*: 1910
Death*: 1911
Burial*: 13 September 1911, Bethel, Anoka County, Minnesota


Father: John D Pratt b. January 1871, d. 1926
Mother: Harriet E Porter b. circa 1871, d. 1951

John D Pratt
Pop-up Pedigree

Note*: Not sure that this man is H. E. Pratt's husband, conclusion based ongravestone in Old Bethel Cemetary reading: 'Irene J. Pratt - Daughter ofJ.D. & H.E. Pratt' [JWP]
Birth*: January 1871, Minnesota
Marriage*: circa 1904, Principal=Harriet E Porter
Death*: 1926, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota
Burial*: 31 August 1926, Bethel, Anoka County, Minnesota


Father: Edward E Pratt b. 7 June 1834, d. 22 February 1908
Mother: Frances E Dyer b. 13 May 1838, d. 1 June 1907


Harriet E Porter b. circa 1871, d. 1951


Irene Janet Pratt b. 1910, d. 1911


David Walker
Edwards, Ontario, Canada

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