Individual Notes

Note for:   John Albert Clark,   30 SEP 1858 - 10 FEB 1932         Index

     Date:   11 FEB 1932
     Place:   Oldfields Cemetery, Bath County, Kentucky

Individual Note:
     Article from the Bath County New-Outlook July 1924

Sheriff S. M. Estill hurried to the picnic grounds in the afternoon where he was told that the gathering was being disturbed by men thought to be drinking. Sheriff Estill and his son William, who was deputised especially for this occasion, arrested Ernest and Everett Clark and placed them in the county jail on a charge of being drunk. These young men resisted arrest, but the officers soon overpowered them. They are the sons of "Squire" John Clark of near Salt Lick.

1910 Bath County, Kentucky Census Page 14A
Clark, John A. head Male White age 51 married 1 years married 23 born Kentucky
Father born Kentucky Mother born Kentucky
Clark, Eliza wife female white age 48 married twice years married 23 # of children 10 # of children born alive 9
Born Kentucky Father born Kentucky Mother born Kentucky
Clark, Catlett son male white age 22 single born Kentucky Father born Kentucky Mother born Kentucky
Clark, Ernest son male white age 21 single born Kentucky Father born Kentucky Mother born Kentucky
Clark, Matlie daughter female white age 19 single born Kentucky Father born Kentucky Mother born Kentucky
Clark, Stanley son male white age 18 single born Kentucky Father born Kentucky Mother born Kentucky
Clark, Everett son male white age 14 single born Kentucky Father born Kentucky Mother born Kentucky
Clark, William son male white age 12 single born Kentucky Father born Kentucky Mother born Kentucky
Clark, Robert son male white age 10 single born Kentucky Father born Kentucky Mother born Kentucky
Clark, Eddie son male white age 8 single born Kentucky Father born Kentucky Mother born Kentucky
Clark, Vinnetta daughter female white age 6 single born Kentucky Father born Kentucky Mother born Kentucky

Bourbon County, Kentucky Death Certificate #2624
1. Place of death: Bourbon County, Kentucky
2. Full name: John A. Clark
3. Sex: male
4. Race of color: white
5. Married, single or widowed: married
6. Date of birth: 9-15-1856
7. Age: 75 years 7 months 5 days
8. Occupation: farmer
9. Birthplace: Bath County, Kentucky
10. Name of father: James Clark
11. Birthplace of father: Kentucky
12. Maiden name of mother: Levila Clayton
13. Birthplace of mother: Kentucky
14. Informant: Robert Clark
15. Filed: 2-11-1922
16. Date of death: 2-10-1932
17, 18. Cause of death: Chronic intestinal
19. Place of burial: Old Fields Cemetery, Bath County, Kentucky
20. Undertaker: Shrout, Piper & Shrout

Individual Notes

Note for:   Richard Little,    -          Index

Individual Note:
     ----- Original Message -----
From: ljones
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 5:27 PM
Subject: chester little

I am the grandson of Chester Little. There were 4 other children to come out of that marriage. Rodney real name is Clarence Rodney Little. That is my father. The names of the other children were Dorothy, Preston, Chester Jr., and Gerald. There is alot more information I can provide if you are interested please contact me.
        Richard Little

Individual Notes

Note for:   John Catlett Clark,   29 APR 1886 - 20 FEB 1945         Index

     Date:   22 FEB 1945
     Place:   Old Fields Cemetery, Bath County, Kentucky

Individual Note:
     Clark County, Kentucky Death Certificate 2832
1. Place of death: Rural Winchester, Clark County, Kentucky
2. Usual residence: Rural Owingsville, Bath County, Kentucky
3. Full name: John Catlett Clark
4. Sex: male
5. Color or race: white
6. Single, married or divorced: widowed
7. Birthdate: 4-12-1887
8. Age: 57 years
9. Birthplace: Kentucky
10, 11. Usual occupation: farmer
12. Father's name: John Clark
13. Father's birthplace: Kentucky
14. Mother's maiden name: Eliza Warner
15. Mother's birthplace: Kentucky
16. Informant: Miss Mattie Clark
17. Burial: Old Fields Cemetery, Bath County, Kentucky 2-22-1945
18. Funeral director: Shrout, Piper & Shrout
19. Filed: 2-27-1945
20. Date of death: 2-20-1945
21. Cause of death: tuberculosis

Individual Notes

Note for:   Ernest Ray Clark,   1 OCT 1887 - 31 DEC 1958         Index

     Place:   Old Fields Cemetery, Bath County, Kentucky

Individual Notes

Note for:   Mattie Lewis Clark,   25 DEC 1889 - 16 AUG 1970         Index

     Place:   Owingsville Cemetery, Bath County, Kentucky

Individual Notes

Note for:   Stanley Clark,   10 MAY 1891 - DEC 1970         Index

     Type:   Color of eyes
     Place:   Blue

     Type:   Color of hair
     Place:   Brown

Individual Notes

Note for:   George Everett Clark,   9 DEC 1894 -          Index

     Type:   Color of hair
     Place:   Blue

     Type:   Color of hair
     Place:   Black

     Place:   Owingsville Cemetery, Bath County, Kentucky

Individual Notes

Note for:   William Clark,   27 JAN 1896 -          Index

     Place:   Machpelah Cemetery, Montgomery County, Kentucky

Individual Notes

Note for:   Robert Lee Clark,   21 MAR 1898 - 5 MAY 1965         Index

     Type:   Color of eyes
     Place:   Blue

     Type:   Color of hair
     Place:   Light

     Place:   Owingsville Cemetery, Bath County, Kentucky

Individual Notes

Note for:   Edward Walice Clark,   12 MAY 1900 -          Index

     Type:   Color of eyes
     Place:   Brown

     Type:   Color of hair
     Place:   Brown