Individual Notes
Note for: Rebecca S. Qualls, 24 JUN 1877 - 31 OCT 1901
Event: Type: Census-1880
Place: Enumerated in the 1880 U.S. Census of Carter County, Kentucky with his father Elisha Qualls.
Individual Notes
Note for: Aaron Qualls, 11 MAR 1885 - 6 DEC 1961
Burial: Place: Garvin Ridge Cemetery, Carter County, Kentucky
Individual Note: Kentucky death records: Place-CARTER Volume-052 Cert-25865 Deathvol-61
Individual Notes
Note for: Lola Brickles, 12 JUL 1888 - 22 DEC 1965
Burial: Place: Garvin Ridge Cemetery, Carter County, Kentucky
Individual Note: Kentucky death record: Place-ROWAN Volume 062 Cert 30779 Deathvol 65
Individual Notes
Note for: Mary Jane Harbor, 3 APR 1848 - 6 MAR 1912
Burial: Date: 7 MAR 1912
Place: Atchison Graveyard, Bath County, Kentucky
Individual Note: Kentucky death record: Place-BATH Volume-016 Cert- 06055 Deathvol-12
1870 Carter County, Kentucky Census Precinct 3 Page 6 Dwelling #40 Family #36
Henderson, Samuel age 23 M Farmer b. Kentucky
Henderson, Mary age 18 F Keeping House b. Kentucky
Henderson, Mary age 1 F b. Kentucky
Individual Notes
Note for: Mary Frances Henderson, 17 JAN 1869 - 17 JUL 1917
Individual Note: Kentucky death record: Place-FLEMING Volume-028 Cert-13671 Deathvol-17
1870 Carter County, Kentucky Census Precinct 3 Page 6 Dwelling #40 Family #36
Henderson, Samuel age 23 M Farmer b. Kentucky
Henderson, Mary age 18 F Keeping House b. Kentucky
Henderson, Mary age 1 F b. Kentucky
-----Original Message-----
From: Peggy Sturdivant []
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 9:50 PM
Subject: Mary F. Henderson family Emailing: jacob gardner marriage certificate
Hello Darrell,
Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that according to the death certificate for Mary Frances (Henderson) Gardner her birth date is January 17, 1869. Cause of death is listed as cerebral hemorage. It lists her birth place as Carter County, KY. An odd thing though it list her father as what looks like Daniel instead of Samuel.........could just be a mistake. But it does list her mother as Mary Jane Harbor both being born in Carter County, KY. The information is given by her husband Jasper. Also her husbands birthdate according to his death certificate is sept 30, 1850 this info given by their son Clarence Gardner. Jasper's date of death is June 6, 1918.
I can't remember if I have sent this to here goes....... their son, Jacob was married to Miss Russell Vice, daughter of J.A. & Ruth ?May Vice on Sept 12, 1923 in Bath county KY. Birthdates for the 2 above were not given but the ages were, Jacob age 21 and Russell age 19. Both born in Fleming County, KY but resided in Bath County, KY. Jacob's occupation is listed as machinist.
Just thought you'd want to add to your information.
Individual Notes
Note for: Jasper Gardner, 30 SEP 1850 - 6 JUN 1918
Burial: Date: 8 JUN 1918
Place: Hillsboro Cemetery, Fleming County, Kentucky
Individual Notes
Note for: Malinda Jane Henderson, 8 FEB 1876 - 28 AUG 1956
Individual Note: Kentucky death record: Place-BATH Volume-032 Cert-15518 Deathvol-56
Individual Notes
Note for: William Sanford Anderson, 6 MAR 1865 - 4 JAN 1933
Individual Note: Kentucky death record: Place-BATH Volume-001 Cert-00112 Deathvol-33
Individual Notes
Note for: Martha Riddle, 3 DEC 1875 - 8 MAY 1959
Individual Note: -----Original Message-----
From: Alice Warner []
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 1:54 PM
Subject: Henderson/Warner Genealogy information
Hi Darrell, came across a few things thought you might be interested.
IN your file on your website you have a Martha Riddle that married J E
Henderson. This Martha Riddle is the daughter of James Riddle and
Georgia/Georgeann Cutwright or Cartwright. Another daughter of this
couple is also in your website, Nancy Belle Riddle.
I figured out this connection because I have a picture of "Mrs. J.E.
Henderson of Plainsville Farm out in the orchard feeding her flock of
white chickens now isn't she a stylish figure ha ha. for mother from
A note scribbled underneath says "Blanche's 1st cousin's mother-in-law".
Blanche being my great-grandmother, Eva Blanche Whaley. I looked into
the Whaley family and pretty much decided it wasn't another Whaley
cousin that married a Henderson. Then I found Martha Riddle-- I decided
that the reason that it says mother-in-law is that she must have given
it to her mother in law before it entered Blanche's possession. The onle
"Mrs. J E Henderson" that could be connected to Blanche's 1st cousin is
actually her first cousin rather than her cousin's mil, I think.
On a completely separate note, I found a postcard with a picture of a
Warner looking WWI soldier. It was from a Pvt. Luther H. Warner and
addressed to Miss Lella Warner (daughter of Jonas R. Warner) and I
decided this must be the Luther listed in your file, who would be a 1st
cousin to Aunt Lella.
There are several other Warner and related pictures-- I am scanning them
and they will be up on my website sometime this or next week-- if you're
interested I'll send you the link when they are up, and you can post
them on your website as well if you like, so long as you list me as the
owner of the original image.
Also, looking at the close relatives to my family on your site--
additional information for Raymond Paul "Jack" Warner b. 1917. He was in
US Army Air Corps before it became the US Air Force. He died in Ohio, 5
Dec 2004 and was interred at Arlington National Cemetery 12 Jan 2004.
His grave overlooks the Pentagon-- I went to his burial although I never
did actually know him, and I've been back to see his stone several
times, and am going back again soon, to photograph it for my records.
Name: Raymond Paul Warner
Veteran's Rank: LT COL
Branch: US Air Force
Last known address: C/O Director Arlington, VA 22111-0000
Birth Date: 19 Sep 1917
Death Date: 5 Dec 2003
Veteran Service Start Date: 29 Nov 1947
Veteran Service End Date: 16 Sep 1965
Interment Date: 12 Jan 2004
Cemetery: Arlington National Cemetery
Buried At: Section 68 Site 802
Cemetery URL:
Alice Warner
Individual Notes
Note for: Lewis Edward Henderson, 6 MAR 1881 - 24 APR 1969
Individual Note: Social Security #: 405-72-7542 SS# issued in: Kentucky during 1966
ZIP Code of last known residence: 22030
Primary location associated with this ZIP Code: Fairfax, Virginia
Ed Henderson and Elva Coyle drove to Mt. Sterling and were married by Rev.
Elbert Dawson. The groom is from White Oak neighborhood. The bride is a daughter of
A.A. Coyle of Prickly Ash. Slate Valley.
Individual Notes
Note for: Elva Thruston Coyle, 10 DEC 1884 - 26 AUG 1975
Individual Note: Social security #405-72-7543 issued in Kentucky during 1966
Individual Notes
Note for: Hattie Bell Henderson, 6 MAR 1883 - 27 JAN 1962
Individual Note: Kentucky death record: Place-MERCER Volume-004 Cert-01685 Deathvol-62
-----Original Message-----
From: Darrell Warner []
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 4:03 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: genealogy
I would be most happy to include anything you wish to add. Here is what I have at the current time. Do you have any photos of Hattie or her parents?
Descendants of Hattie Bell Henderson
1 Hattie Bell Henderson b: March 06, 1883 d: January 27, 1962 in Mercer County, Kentucky Age at death: 78
. + George James b: December 15, 1878 d: March 17, 1944 Age at death: 65
.... 2 Horace W. James b: February 01, 1911 in Mercer County, Kentucky d: October 31, 1990 Age at death: 79
........... 3 Albert James
..................4 Jeri James
.... 2 Sible James b: March 23, 1914 in Mercer County, Kentucky
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2005 1:17 PM
Subject: genealogy
I have information regarding my
great grandmother Hattie Bell Henderson and
her line. If you are interested.
Jeri James daughter of Albert James son of Horace James son of Hattie Bell Henderson
on your website