Individual Notes
Note for: Russell H. Perry, 1892 - 29 MAR 1974
Burial: Date: MAR 1974
Place: Bradley Cemetery, Dry Branch, Carter County, Kentucky
Individual Notes
Note for: Nina Dean, 1894 - 26 OCT 1974
Burial: Date: OCT 1974
Place: Bradley Cemetery, Dry Branch, Carter County, Kentucky
Individual Notes
Note for: William Sanford Tackett, ABT. 1856 -
Individual Note: Listed in the 1880 Carter County, Kentucky census.
288 Tackett, Wm S W M 24 Farm laborer K KTn
Rebecca W F 19 Wife K K K
Wm R W M 2 Son K K K
Individual Notes
Note for: Sarah Bell Tackett, 30 MAY 1884 - 16 APR 1938
Individual Note: Kentucky death record: Place-GREENUP Volume-018 Cert-08986 Deathvol-38
Individual Notes
Note for: Charles Odd Warner, 1845 - 4 MAR 1920
Event: Type: Census-1850
Place: Enumerated in 1850 Bath County, Kentucky census with father, Jonas Warner.
Event: Type: Census-1860
Place: Enumerated in 1860 Bath County, Kentucky census with father, Jonas Warner. His name was listed as Odd S. Warner.
Event: Type: Cival War Veteran
Place: Fought for the Union. Company B, Tenth Kentucky Volunteer Calvery. He was a Private.
Burial: Place: Clovis, New Mexico
Individual Note: Listed in the 1850 Bath County, Kentucky census with parents as Charles R. Warner and in the 1860 Bath County, Kentucky census with parents as Odd Warner.
Enrolled August 10, 1862 in Company B, Tenth Kentucky Volunteer Calvery for the Union. Rank Private, mustered in September 9, 1862, Covington, Kentucky, mustered out September 17, 1963, Mayesville, Kentucky.
1. Place of death
a. County: Cleveland
b. Township or Village: nothing listed
c. City: Central Oklahoma State Hospital
d. Registration district Number: 4250
e. Primary District number: 14156
f. Register number: 449
2. Full name: Charles O. Warner
3. Sex: male
4. Color or race: white
5. Single, married, widowed or divorced: widowed
6. Date of birth: 1845
7. Age: 75
8. Occupation: none
9. Place of birth: Kentucky
10: name of father: nothing listed
11. Birthplace of father: nothing listed
12. maiden name of mother: nothing listed
13. Birth place of mother: nothing listed
14. The above is true to the best of my knowledge.
a. Informant: Hospital record
15. Filed: March 6, 1920 H. P. Meyer Registrar
16. Date of death: March 4, 1920
17. I hereby certify that I attended deceased, from December 31, 1919 to March 4, 1920, That I last saw him alive on March 4, 1920 and that death occurred on the date stated above at 11:15 AM. The cause of death was cerebral hemorage. Signed J. R. McLaughlin of Norman, Oklahoma
18. Length of residence: 1 year 3 months in Cleveland County
19. Place of burial or removal: Clovis, Texas
20. Undertaker: J. M. Jackson
U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865
Name: Charles O. Warner
Side: Union
Regiment State/Origin: Kentucky
Regiment Name: 10 Kentucky Cavalry.
Regiment Name Expanded: 10th Regiment, Kentucky Cavalry
Company: B
Rank In: Private
Rank In Expanded: Private
Rank Out: Private
Rank Out Expanded: Private
Film Number: M386 roll 28
Individual Notes
Note for: James H. Tyree, 10 JAN 1841 - 10 AUG 1914
Event: Type: Cival War Veteran
Place: 20th KY Inf. 25 Oct. 1861 to 5 April 1863
Burial: Date: 11 AUG 1914
Place: Olive Hill, Carter County, Kentucky
Individual Note: Kentucky death record: Age-73 Place-CARTER
Volume-041 Cert-20468 Deathvol-14
He was a Cival War Veteran.
Tyree, James H P G 20th KY Inf. 25OCT1861 5APR1863 1y4m10d
Individual Notes
Note for: John Milton Tyree, 12 MAR 1843 -
Event: Type: Cival War Veteran
Place: 40th KY Inf. 8 June 1863 to 30 Dec. 1864
Individual Note: a hotel keeper in Grayson and Olive Hill; served Union Army as 2nd Lt. Co. E, 40th Ky. Volunteer Infantry, mustered out at Catlessbury Ky. 12-30-1864
Tyree, John M 2L E 40th KY Inf. 8JUN1863 30DEC1864 1y6m22d
Individual Notes
Note for: Temperance J. Osenton, ABT. 1848 - 9 JAN 1923
Individual Note: Kentucky death record: Age-74 Place-BOYD
Volume-001 Cert-00248 Deathvol-23
Individual Notes
Note for: Perry F. Tyree, 28 JAN 1848 -
Individual Note: Listed in the 1880 Carter County, Kentucky census.
211 Tyree, P T or J W M 32 Farming K V K
Ella W F 20 Wife OhOhOh
Dora L W F 12 Dau K K K
Emily E W F 1 Dau K KOh
Zachariah W M 75 Father/Minister V V V
Lafayette W M 30 Bro/ Boss R R K V K
Individual Notes
Note for: Lafayette Franklin Tyree, 26 FEB 1850 - 23 JAN 1930
Burial: Date: 25 JAN 1930
Place: Olive Hill, Carter County, Kentucky