Individual Notes

Note for:   Ercel Graden Baker,   28 AUG 1908 - 2 JAN 1996         Index

     Date:   JAN 1996
     Place:   Ash Qualls Cemetery, Carter County, Kentucky

Individual Note:
     Social security #403-07-2422 issued in Kentucky before 1951

Individual Notes

Note for:   Molly McCleese Burchett,   7 JAN 1912 - 15 MAY 1973         Index

     Place:   Burchett Plummer Cemetery, Carter County, Kentucky

Individual Note:
     Kentucky death record: Age-61 Place-ROWAN Residence-CARTER
Volume-038 Cert-18784 Deathvol-73

Individual Notes

Note for:   Chester B. Stanley,   24 FEB 1914 - 22 MAR 1988         Index

     Place:   Burchett Plummer Cemetery, Carter County, Kentucky

Individual Note:
     Kentucky death record: Age-74 Sex-male Race-White Placecode-210
Place-BOYD Residence-022 Volume-018 Cert-08788 Deathvol-88

Social security #403-03-2596 issued in Kentucky before 1951

Individual Notes

Note for:   Richard Hansel Burchett,   2 JUN 1914 - 20 MAY 1976         Index

Individual Note:
     Social Security #: 402-18-9310 SS# issued in: Kentucky

Individual Notes

Note for:   James Royce Liles,   18 MAR 1917 - 6 FEB 1965         Index

Individual Note:
     Kentucky death record: Place BOONE Volume-004 Cert-01848 Deathvol-65
Social security #400-20-9326 issued in Kentucky before 1951

Individual Notes

Note for:   Thomas Hale,   1797 - 21 JUN 1875         Index

     Place:   Hale Cemetery, Carter County, Kentucky

Individual Note:
     ----- Original Message -----
From: Glenn and Katy
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 3:10 PM
Subject: thanks

Hi Darrell,
I do have that info. In fact, thanks to you, I have corresponded with a Webb cousin who's brother is now living in my gt.grandfather's (Robert Hale) old homestead in Olive Hill. He sent photos of it and also put me in touch with the grand daughter of Thomas Haile Jr.
She has sent photos of the graves of Thomas Sr. and Francis Oliver. (I have her Oliver ancestry) and a photo of Robert and Thomas Jr. cr. 1861. They enlisted together on the same day to fight in the Ky. Infantry. My mother told me that Thomas Jr. was wounded in battle and that Robert carried him home on his back. It took him three days to get home.
My one brick wall is finding the name of Thomas Sr's mother I have a photo copy of his death notice from Carter Co. naming his parents and their places of birth, however, it is somewhat illegible. The father is Wheeler Haile of Essex, Co. Va. and you can tell that the mother's name starts with an "A" (Alce or Alse) and she is also from Essex. Thomas Sr. had a brother John, who bought Thomas' property when he left Va. (for Ky.) and a sister Seryicin (?) I found them all listed on the settlement of Wheeler's estate.
The only "Alce" I have found during that time frame b. 1763 in King & Queen County is Alcey Walden. Her brother Lewis is listed as living next door to Wheeler in 1797 and Wheeler is known to have been a carpenter and made the casket of Henry Kidd, grandfather of Alcey Walden. Henry Kidd was a signer of the LWT of John Haile and Richard Thomas Haile, Wheeler's father. I know that Alcey died by 1800 because Wheeler is shown married to Mary Croxton.
I just can find no documented proof of who Thomas Sr.'s mother is... it's driving me crazy
Anyway, thanks for the quick response and listining. If you would like a photo of Robert & Thomas Jr. I can email it to you.

Individual Notes

Note for:   Francis Oliver,   1801 - DEC 1888         Index

     Place:   Hale Cemetery, Carter County, Kentucky

Individual Notes

Note for:   Mildred Hale,   1843 - 15 JAN 1915         Index

     Type:   Census-1880
     Place:   Enumerated in the 1880 U.S. Census of Carter County, Kentucky with her husband James Henderson.

     Date:   16 JAN 1915
     Place:   Henderson Cemetery, Carter County, Kentucky

Individual Note:
     Kentucky death record: Age-72 Place-CARTER
Volume-002 Cert-00573 Deathvol-15

Individual Notes

Note for:   Basil Jackson Bond,   24 FEB 1860 - 21 AUG 1921         Index

     Date:   22 AUG 1921
     Place:   Dean Cemetery on Rt. 60, Globe, Carter County, Kentucky

Individual Note:
     Lewis County, Kentucky Death Certificate of Basil Jackson Bond
1. Place of death: Lewis County, Kentucky
2. Full name: Jackson Bond
3. Sex: Male
4. Color: White
5. Married or single: Married
6. Date of birth: nothing listed
7. Age 61
8. Occupation: Farmer
9. Place of birth: Kentucky
10. Name of father: Marion Bond
11. Birthplace of father: Kentucky
12. Maiden name of mother: Elixander (Alexander)
13. Birthplace of mother: Kentucky
14. Informant: James Riley
15. Filed 8-21-1921
16. Date of death: August 21, 1921
17, 18. Cause of death: Heart failure
19. Place of burial: Dean Cemetery, 8-22-1921
20. Undertaker: L. M. Stephens

Individual Notes

Note for:   Louis Washington Bond,   ABT. 1866 -          Index

     Type:   Census-1880
     Place:   Enumerated in the 1880 U.S. Census of Carter County, Kentucky with his father James M. Bond.