Webb Chapel Cemetery Association News

Webb Chapel Cemetery Association
Farmers Branch, Texas



      Annual Meeting

  Webb2002 Reunion

      Annual Meeting

      Lunch at the Church

      Cemetery Visit

      DSO Concert

      Sunday Church Service

      Webb2002 Organizations

  About This Web Site






The Cemetery's historic marker

Webb Chapel Historic Marker

The Historic Texas Cemetery marker was dedicated
at the Webb2002 reunion on June 1, 2002.

2017 Annual Meeting
Webb Chapel Cemetery Association

The Board of Trustees respectfully requests your presence at the annual meeting of the Webb Chapel Cemetery Association.

June 3, 2017

10:00 a.m.

Annual Meeting

The meeting will be held in the cemetery at 12427 Webb Chapel Road in Farmers Branch, Texas. Please bring a lawn chair and join us.

The agenda of the annual meeting will include election of three members of the Board of Trustees, remembrance of those who passed away since the last annual meeting, the board�s report of improvement since the last annual meeting, and other matters of interest presented during the meeting.


To learn more about Webb Chapel Cemetery, its history, and Webb Chapel Cemetery Association, please visit the HERITAGE section of our website.

For more information send us an e-mail now.



2016 Annual Meeting Report
Webb Chapel Cemetery Association

The 2016 annual meeting of the Webb Chapel Cemetery Association was held June 4, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the cemetery at 12427 Webb Chapel Road in Farmers Branch, Texas. Three of the nine Board of Trustee positions are up for election each year. Three of our current trustees were reelected for another three year term.

The possibility of using Rhino Shield or New Spray to protect the paint on the East fence was further discussed this year. A quote has been received from New Spray. The trustees voiced the desire to learn more about the company and the process before voting to accept the bid. A committee has been appointed to continue this research.



2015 Annual Meeting Report
Webb Chapel Cemetery Association

The 2015 annual meeting of the Webb Chapel Cemetery Association was held June 6, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in the cemetery at 12427 Webb Chapel Road in Farmers Branch, Texas. Three of the nine Board of Trustee positions are up for election each year. Two of our current trustees were reelected for another three year term. One new trustee was voted in for a three year term.

One new item of business discussed was the possibility of using Rhino Shield or New Spray to protect the paint on the East fence. That will be further explored before the next annual meeting.

2014 Annual Meeting Report
Webb Chapel Cemetery Association

The 2014 annual meeting of the Webb Chapel Cemetery Association was held June 7, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the cemetery at 12427 Webb Chapel Road in Farmers Branch, Texas. The road construction in the area made it difficult for some people to attend the meeting, so we were glad we had postponed our Reunion to a future date. Three of the nine Board of Trustee positions are up for election each year. Two of our current trustees were reelected for another three year term. One new trustee was voted in for a three year term.

There was a time of remembrance for George Glen Gravley (a former trustee) and Mary Alice (Brent) Bonner who were buried in the cemetery since the 2013 annual meeting.

One of the items discussed at the meeting this year is our plan to get our Facebook page updated on a more regular basis. Stay tuned for news on this issue. You can view the items that have been posted so far at Webb Chapel Cemetery Association on Facebook.

Eagle Scout Raises the Flag at the Cemetery

To earn the Eagle Scout rank, the highest advancement rank in Scouting, a Boy Scout must fulfill requirements in the areas of leadership, service, and outdoor skills. With his sights set on achieving this highest Scouting honor as his father had done, Ryan Hollenshead, an eighth generation descendent of Isaac B. Webb, presented a proposal to the Webb Chapel Cemetery Association to repair the wrought iron fence surrounding the cemetery and to provide a flagpole to proudly fly both the American and Texas flags.

The roughly 900 feet of existing fence, was in poor shape. Ryan determined the fence needed to be stripped, primed and repainted. Also, areas of rust had to be ground down as well and the welds inspected at all joints. Ryan researched several local businesses and contracted with J&J Landscaping of Carrollton to have the fence work done. Their crew finished the project on October 24, 2009 at a cost of $4990.33.

It has long been the goal of the cemetery association to erect a flagpole near the historical markers. With the board�s approval, Ryan purchased a 25-foot, natural anodized flagpole with an internal halyard system to deter vandalism. To commemorate the flagpole as an Eagle Scout project, a 12-inch tall eagle adorns the top of the pole. Ryan procured a United States flag that has flown over the nation's capitol, and a Texas flag that has flown over the state capitol in Austin. Ryan directed a volunteer crew digging the large hole, mixing and pouring concrete around the pole's underground sleeve, and inserting, leveling, and packing the flagpole into the sleeve. They also installed a combination lock box near the entrance gates to keep the flagpole's halyard door key safe. The project was completed for $1697.94. The flags were raised and certificates presented to cemetery board members Richard Monroe, Jack Hollenshead, Beverly Cavender and Brent Webb on December 19, 2009. The cemetery board is currently looking for a local Boy Scout troop willing to raise and lower the flags at the cemetery on predetermined holidays for a small annual fee.

To fund the projects Ryan organized twelve volunteers to hold a successful car wash, raising $338. To cover the remaining costs, he mailed donation requests to friends, family, and those with ties to the Webb Chapel Cemetery. Forty-two generous contributors donated a total of $5935, bringing his overall total to $6273.

Ryan appreciates the opportunity to be a part of making something better that means so much to those in his family and his community. Though the Webb Chapel Cemetery benefitted greatly from Ryan's Eagle Scout Project, the leadership, planning, and budgeting skills Ryan learned from this project are much greater and will serve him throughout his life.

Submitted by Patrice Hollenshead

2008 "Dinner on the Grounds"
Webb Chapel Cemetery Association

The 2008 Webb Chapel Cemetery Association meeting was a great success. Sixty-five members and friends enjoyed the catered "Dinner on the Grounds." The fajitas and all the trimmings were served by the staff of Cantina Laredo. Desserts and watermelon were available for those who had room. Jim & Linda Webb and Brent & Karin Webb sponsored this luncheon. The North Dallas Funeral Home donated the use of and set up a canvas pavilion and Tree Artistry brought two shade canopies. Lone Star Restrooms provided our restroom as a significant donation.

Billie Ford was presented with a Waterford crystal bowl to honor the decades of service of her late husband "Pete" Ford to the cemetery. The trustees depended upon Pete to keep a watchful eye on the cemetery. In Pete's absence it is important that association members notify a trustee of any item that needs attention. Pete's daughter, Susan Ford Murphy, was nominated and elected to fill the remainder of Pete's term.

Master Plan Committee
Webb Chapel Cemetery Association

Master Plan

The board of trustees has been continuously working on projects to enhance the perpetual care of the cemetery. The driveway, which was dedicated in 2008, is the largest capital project to date and is a great enhancement to the fence that was the previous capital enhancement. The latest project in the master plan was the installation of 10 Crepe Myrtle trees. The board will continue to  investigate landscaping and beautification projects. All of which are made possible by specific memorial donations and annual donations suggested as follows:

$20 immediate family in the cemetery
$10 grandparent in the cemetery
$5 any person related to you in the cemetery


April 22, 1955, Anne Johnston Ford (Mrs. Gus L. Ford) formally conveyed a strip of land off the north side of her property to the Webb Chapel Cemetery Association, confirming an earlier gift to the Cemetery in 1945 by her late husband. This deed was recorded March 16, 1956, in Volume 4458, Page 74, Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas.

In 2006, 50 years after the land was deeded the board began pursuing bids from three different contractors for a drive that would withstand both time and the rigors of heavy machinery. It was with this in mind that the board decided on a concrete drive 6" thick with 18" rebar centers. The drive has been constructed 4 feet from any existing grave or any possible future land deemed for gravesites. Construction of the driveway required the removal of several hackberry trees that were in failing health. The drive was completed in July 2007 after the association meeting at a cost of $21,831. The board is asking for contributions to defray the cost and those donations over $250 will be designated on a permanent marker set in the driveway.


The landscape committee of the association recommended the placement of 10 Crepe Myrtles at the southeast border of the cemetery in the strip of land between the driveway and the iron fence. After significant deliberation, the committee determined that the Crepe Myrtles would be 6 purple (Catawba) and 4 white (Acoma) that would grow to an approximate mature height of 15 feet with a 14 foot spread. When in bloom the colors from east to west are 3 purple, 2 white, 3 purple, and 2 white. The varieties chosen were recommended for their ability to flourish in the Texas heat and long blooming season once established.

The motion was made by the landscape committee to allow memorial gifts to be made to underwrite the purchase and installation cost of $250 per Crepe Myrtle. Within 5 minutes, people in attendance had spoken for all 10 trees.  Tree Artistry had placed the first 3 trees in the middle of May. The remaining 7 trees were planted within two weeks after the meeting.

Unfortunately, drought conditions prevailed for the rest of the year. The trustees had to provide for watering the Crepe Myrtles. An arrangement was made with the cemetery's neighbor at 12206 Veronica Rd. to water the trees. Jeannine Cumming built and installed a "hookem" that facilitated watering eight of the trees at one time. The two furthest trees required hand watering due to water pressure. Manuel Ortiz spent over 100 hours hand watering and kept the trees alive.


Items of Concern

A number of headstones experienced considerable movement during the 2008-2009 drought and heavy rain cycles. The movement by heaving of some of the stones has become pronounced. The association will need to determine a plan for care of the monument markers and headstones. This is a particular problem when there are no descendants of record and no known relatives.

The iron fence was originally painted in 2002 and 2004. The black paint used appears to have a 5 to 7 year service life. You may want to observe the large areas of primer now visible on the fence and gate. This item has now been resolved. See the article above about Ryan Hollenshead's Eagle Scout project.


A Note about Erosion Control

In 2007 members of the Board of Trustees met with the city of Farmers Branch, who walked the cemetery together to determine the need for an erosion control solution. It was determined that nothing would be needed in the foreseeable future based on the view of the City Engineer after Farmers Branch did an extensive flood control study of the city.

Other News
Webb Chapel Cemetery Association

In 2006, 2007, and 2008, the Peters Colony Historical Society featured Webb Chapel Cemetery in their display at the Texas History Alive! event at Farmers Branch Historical Park. Two portable display boards were created for this event. The display showcases photographs of the cemetery and people buried there along with historical facts about those people. A quiz about the information presented on the display was used by Junior Girl Scouts to learn more about their Hometown History. Webb Chapel Cemetery Association members who have participated in the event are Howard & Mary Cox and Richard Monroe & Jan Jones.

Webb Chapel Cemetery display boards

Webb Chapel Cemetery display boards.

A celebration of the 200th birthday of Isaac B. Webb

On June 1, 2002 at 8:30 in the morning, Webb Chapel Cemetery Association members and trustees gathered at Webb Chapel United Methodist Church at 2536 Valley View Lane in Farmers Branch, Texas. Last minute preparations were checked. Registration packets were in order. The Webb family tree was posted. Doughnuts and coffee were put out. The scanning and video taping displays were set. Flowers arrived at 9 a.m. And the people came.

People in hallway People near registration area

Throngs of Webb2002 attendees registered and marked their attendance on the various family trees. The activity room was filled with people exploring their family history and looking at the historical displays. New family ties were formed and old ones renewed among cousins.

People looking at historical displays Viewing the descendant database

A bustle of constant activity surrounded the terminal displaying the Webb Chapel Cemetery Association descendant database. A number of people viewed information about their family and some provided new or updated information to be added to the database. Dallas County Pioneer Association president William McRae, his wife, and several volunteers discussed questions concerning the lives of the early pioneers and Isaac B. Webb's role as the first Vice President of their organization. Peters Colony Historical Society of Dallas County (PCHS) president Barbara Cope and officers Betty Harris and Ann Perdue displayed "Elm Fork Echoes" and "Elm Fork Settlement". These publications of PCHS document the history of the early Dallas County areas of Farmers Branch and Carrollton. They reported having interesting discussions with a number of attendees.

Peters Colony Historical Society table Dallas County Pioneer Association table

At 11 a.m. the 2002 annual meeting of the Webb Chapel Cemetery Association was held in the sanctuary of Webb Chapel United Methodist Church with Mark Asbury presiding. Brent Webb, Jack Hollenshead, and Sarah Coursey were elected to 3-year terms as trustees. Jeff Rudy was elected to fill the remaining one-year portion of Ralph Bell's term. Mary Jane Rudy read a resolution of appreciation for Webb2002. The treasurer's and secretary's reports were accepted.

Mark Asbury presiding over annual meeting Mary Jane Rudy reading resolution at annual meeting

A bountiful barbecue luncheon was served at 11:30 a.m. in the gym. Families gathered in groups to visit, eat, and exclaim over the historic photo replications that were used as table decorations. Sammie Perry presented a program on the life of Isaac B. Webb. Howard Cox discussed the history of the cemetery. Rev. Joyce Cravens shared information on the current programs of Webb Chapel United Methodist Church.

Lunch in the gym Lunch in the gym

Sammie Perry speaking about Isaac Webb Howard Cox speaking about the history of the cemetery Rev. Joyce Cravens speaking about Webb Chapel UMC programs

After lunch, about 200 people rode the shuttle bus between the church and cemetery. Various family clusters walked about the cemetery visiting the gravesites of their ancestors and relatives. Other sipped on ice water under the shade of the tress or sat in the chairs under the canopy. At 2:30 p.m. Rev. William Jennings Bryan, III was introduced by Mark Asbury. After a short discourse on the spirit and accomplishments of pioneers, Rev. Bryan gave the invocation. Mary Margaret Webb Davis, who was appointed to prepare the documentation necessary to obtain the Texas Historic Cemetery designation, presented a short program on the Webb family before the new marker was unveiled. Rev. Joyce Cravens gave the closing benediction.

People visiting gravesites at cemetery People visiting in shade of trees People sitting under canopy

Rev. William Jennings Bryan, III Mary Margaret Webb Davis Rev. Joyce Cravens giving benediction

About 35 association members attended the Dallas Symphony Orchestra concert at Farmers Branch Historical Park at 8 p.m. It was a pleasant evening of music and fellowship. The firework display at the end of the concert received many ooohs and aaaahhs.

Orchestra bandshell Enjoying the music Bandshell after dark

Fireworks Fireworks Fireworks

On Sunday morning, Rev. Joyce Cravens provided a thought-provoking sermon about what those early church services might have been like. We enjoyed singing "From All that Dwell Below the Skies" which was the hymn sung at the first worship service held by Isaac B. Webb in his new home in Texas. Jim and Sammie Perry hosted the farewell reception after the worship service.

Sunday attendees

Thank you to all who attended and to all who contributed to making Webb2002 such a smashing success!


P.O. Box 810508
Farmers Branch, Texas 75381-0508

The cemetery is located on Webb Chapel Road one-half mile north of Interstate 635.

Send us an e-mail message:

Visit our website on the Internet at:

2536 Valley View Lane
Farmers Branch, Texas 75234-6170

2540 Farmers Branch Lane
Farmers Branch, Texas 75234

PO BOX 110846
Carrollton, Texas 75011-0846

PO BOX 12496
Dallas, Texas 75225-0496

Our Web Site

RootsWeb, the genealogical organization that hosts our website, has made the space for this website available to us without charge.

Advertising revenue goes to RootsWeb to cover its costs. Webb Chapel Cemetery Association does not receive any advertising revenue.

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