The Oldest Church

Webb Chapel Cemetery Association
Farmers Branch, Texas

The Oldest Church


  Annual Meeting

  Webb2002 Reunion


  Isaac B. Webb

  The Oldest Church

  Webb Chapel Cemetery

  A New Look



  Annual Contributions





Webb Chapel United Methodist Church
Webb Chapel Methodist Church, built 1903


Webb Chapel United Methodist Church is the First Methodist Church founded in Farmers Branch and Dallas County. Founded on May 5, 1845 by Isaac B. Webb, Webb Chapel has a rich heritage.

Mr. Webb's log cabin church was first located on Webb Chapel between Selma and Veronica in front of the Webb Chapel Cemetery. In 1903 the property on Valley View was purchased by the congregation. Here the members of the church built a little white church which was in the center of downtown Farmers Branch. Timbers from the original church building were used in the white frame structure. Later whenever the present sanctuary was built in 1955, some of these same timbers were used in erecting the present Webb Chapel United Methodist Church.

The walls in the rooms off the foyer area as well as the ceiling in the sanctuary contain some of the wood from Isaac B. Webb's old log cabin church.

Located in the courtyard of the church are some huge trees which are said to be over one-hundred years old.

Displayed in the historical room of the present church are several items of interest pertaining to the Isaac B. Webb family and to the history of the church. There are pictures of Mr. and Mrs. Webb and their children and a reproduction of Isaac Webb's Diary. The original diary is located in the vault at Fondren Library at Southern Methodist University. All conference Journals up until 1964 are now in Bridwell Library, the Methodist Historical Library at Southern Methodist University.

Also on display in the historical room are purses belonging to Mrs. Isaac Webb and Mrs. Nancy Ann Maria Webb Taliaferro, daughter of Mr. Webb. Used in the 1903 church are the punch bowl, white Bible markcr, and baptismal bowl which are also shown. The wicker furniture was used in the little white church in the pulpit area.

There are also two albums containing newspaper articles, excerpts from various books, a second book written by Mr. Webb, records of anniversary celebrations, and pictures of various activities pertaining to the church on display in the historical room at the present church on Valley View.

Reprinted by permission from the Webb Chapel United Methodist Church booklet which was printed for the dedication of the Historical Marker honoring the Webb Chapel Church.

Published in Elm Fork Echoes, Volume 1 #1, April 1973, page 18
Used by permission of the Peters Colony Historical Society

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