Prince Of Cumberland EUGENE - Judith EVERARD

Prince Of Cumberland EUGENE

Ancestors of Prince Of Cumberland EUGENE

                            /-Kenneth I "Macalpin", King of SCOTLAND 844-59
                  /-Constantine II, King of SCOTLAND 863-77
        /-Donald II, King of SCOTLAND 889-900
Prince Of Cumberland EUGENE
        \-Queen Of Scotland MRS-DONALD

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Cecilia Fraser of EURE

Ancestors of Cecilia Fraser of EURE

                            /-Roger Fitzrichard, 1st Lord WARKWORTH 1157-
                  /-Robert FitzRogert de WARKWORTH
                  |         \-Alice de VERE
        /-John, 4th Baron WARKWORTH
        |         |         /-William de Chesney, Lord of HORSFORD
        |         \-Margery de Chesney, Lady of HORSFORD
Cecilia Fraser of EURE
        |         /-Hugh of BALIOL
        \-Ada of BALIOL
                  \-Cecily of FONTAINES

Descendants of Cecilia Fraser of EURE

1 Cecilia Fraser of EURE
  =Patrick, (G) 7th Earl of DUNBAR 1248-89  Marriage: 1242
      2 Patrick, (H) 8th Earl of DUNBAR 1289-1308
        =Marjory (or Egidia or Agnes) of COMYN
            3 Patrick, (I) 9th Earl of DUNBAR
              =Ermengarde de SOULIS  Marriage: BEF 1304
            3 Alexander of DUNBAR
      2 Christiana de DUNBAR
        =Alexander of BONKYL , of that ilk
            3 Margaret, heiress of BONKIL
              =John STEWART , Knt. , of Berwickshire  Marriage: 1262/1280
              =David, Lord of BRECHIN  Marriage: ABT 1298
      2 John of DUNBAR
      2 Alexander of DUNBAR

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Francis EURE

Ancestors of Francis EURE

                            /-William, 1st Baron EURE 1544-8
                  /-Ralph EURE
                  |         \-Elizabeth WILLOUGHBY
        /-William, 2nd Lord EURE
        |         |         /-Ralph BOWES of Streatlam Castle, co Durham
        |         \-Marjery BOWES
        |                   \-Elizabeth CLIFFORD
Francis EURE
        |                   /-Robert DYMOKE of Kyme and Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire
        |         /-Edward DYMOKE
        |         |         \-Anne SPARROW
        \-Margaret DYMOKE
                  |         /-George Tailboys, Lord KYME
                  \-Anne TAILBOYS
                            \-Elizabeth GASCOIGNE

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Hugh de EURE

Ancestors of Hugh de EURE

                            /-Roger Fitzrichard, 1st Lord WARKWORTH 1157-
                  /-Robert FitzRogert de WARKWORTH
                  |         \-Alice de VERE
        /-John, 4th Baron WARKWORTH
        |         |         /-William de Chesney, Lord of HORSFORD
        |         \-Margery de Chesney, Lady of HORSFORD
Hugh de EURE
        |         /-Hugh of BALIOL
        \-Ada of BALIOL
                  \-Cecily of FONTAINES

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Descendants of Jane EURE

1 Jane EURE
  =Robert OGLE
      2 Richard OGLE
        =Mary FITZWILLIAM
            3 Richard OGLE of Pinchbeck
              =Catherine or Beatrice COOKE

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Margaret EURE

Descendants of Margaret EURE

1 Margaret EURE
  =John PUDSEY  Marriage: ABT 1401, Barforth, Yorks, Eng
      2 Ralph PUDSEY

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Martha EURE

Ancestors of Martha EURE

                            /-William, 1st Baron EURE 1544-8
                  /-Ralph EURE
                  |         \-Elizabeth WILLOUGHBY
        /-William, 2nd Lord EURE
        |         |         /-Ralph BOWES of Streatlam Castle, co Durham
        |         \-Marjery BOWES
        |                   \-Elizabeth CLIFFORD
Martha EURE
        |                   /-Robert DYMOKE of Kyme and Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire
        |         /-Edward DYMOKE
        |         |         \-Anne SPARROW
        \-Margaret DYMOKE
                  |         /-George Tailboys, Lord KYME
                  \-Anne TAILBOYS
                            \-Elizabeth GASCOIGNE

Descendants of Martha EURE

1 Martha EURE
      2 William ARMYNE , 1st Baronet

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Ancestors of Mary EURE

                            /-William, 2nd Lord EURE
                  /-Ralph, 3rd Lord EURE of Witton
                  |         \-Margaret DYMOKE
        /-William, 4th Lord EURE of Witton
        |         \-Mary DAWNEY
        |                   /-Andrew NOEL , Esq. of Dalby-on-the-Wolds, Leicestershire
        |         /-Andrew NOEL , Knt 1586
        |         |         \-Elizabeth HOPTON
        \-Lucy (Lucia) NOEL
                  |         /-James HARINGTON of Exton, Rutland
                  \-Mabel HARINGTON of Ridlington
                            \-Lucy SYDNEY

Descendants of Mary EURE

1 Mary EURE
  =William HOWARD of Naworth, Cumberland  Marriage: 1621

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Ralph EURE

Ancestors of Ralph EURE

                            /-William, 2nd Lord EURE
                  /-Ralph, 3rd Lord EURE of Witton
                  |         \-Margaret DYMOKE
        /-William, 4th Lord EURE of Witton
        |         \-Mary DAWNEY
Ralph EURE
        |                   /-Andrew NOEL , Esq. of Dalby-on-the-Wolds, Leicestershire
        |         /-Andrew NOEL , Knt 1586
        |         |         \-Elizabeth HOPTON
        \-Lucy (Lucia) NOEL
                  |         /-James HARINGTON of Exton, Rutland
                  \-Mabel HARINGTON of Ridlington
                            \-Lucy SYDNEY

Descendants of Ralph EURE

1 Ralph EURE
  =Catherine ARUNDEL  Marriage: 1 Nov 1627

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Ralph EURE

Descendants of Ralph EURE

1 Ralph EURE
  =Muriel HASTINGS  Marriage: 18 Jun 1482
      2 William, 1st Baron EURE 1544-8
        =Elizabeth WILLOUGHBY
            3 Ralph EURE
              =Marjery BOWES

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Ralph EURE

Ancestors of Ralph EURE

                  /-Ralph EURE
        /-William, 1st Baron EURE 1544-8
        |         |         /-Hugh, 10th Baron HASTINGS
        |         \-Muriel HASTINGS
        |                   \-Ann GASCOIGNE
Ralph EURE
        |                   /-Robert WILLOUGHBY of Eresby
        |         /-Christopher WILLOUGHBY
        |         |         \-Cicely de WELLES
        \-Elizabeth WILLOUGHBY
                  |         /-William JENNEY , K.B. of Knotteshall, Suffolk
                  \-Margaret JENNEY
                            \-Elizabeth CAWSE

Descendants of Ralph EURE

1 Ralph EURE
  =Marjery BOWES
      2 William, 2nd Lord EURE
        =Margaret DYMOKE
            3 Martha EURE
            3 Francis EURE
            3 Ralph, 3rd Lord EURE of Witton
              =Mary DAWNEY  Marriage: 1558/1579
              =Elizabeth SPENCER  Marriage: 1575/1617

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Ralph, 3rd Lord EURE of Witton

Ancestors of Ralph, 3rd Lord EURE of Witton

                            /-William, 1st Baron EURE 1544-8
                  /-Ralph EURE
                  |         \-Elizabeth WILLOUGHBY
        /-William, 2nd Lord EURE
        |         |         /-Ralph BOWES of Streatlam Castle, co Durham
        |         \-Marjery BOWES
        |                   \-Elizabeth CLIFFORD
Ralph, 3rd Lord EURE of Witton
        |                   /-Robert DYMOKE of Kyme and Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire
        |         /-Edward DYMOKE
        |         |         \-Anne SPARROW
        \-Margaret DYMOKE
                  |         /-George Tailboys, Lord KYME
                  \-Anne TAILBOYS
                            \-Elizabeth GASCOIGNE

Descendants of Ralph, 3rd Lord EURE of Witton

1 Ralph, 3rd Lord EURE of Witton
  =Mary DAWNEY  Marriage: 1558/1579
      2 William, 4th Lord EURE of Witton
        =Lucy (Lucia) NOEL  Marriage: 15 Sep 1601, Ingleby Greenhow
            3 William EURE
            3 Mary EURE
              =William HOWARD of Naworth, Cumberland  Marriage: 1621
            3 Ralph EURE
              =Catherine ARUNDEL  Marriage: 1 Nov 1627
  =Elizabeth SPENCER  Marriage: 1575/1617

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Robert de EURE

Ancestors of Robert de EURE

                            /-Roger Fitzrichard, 1st Lord WARKWORTH 1157-
                  /-Robert FitzRogert de WARKWORTH
                  |         \-Alice de VERE
        /-John, 4th Baron WARKWORTH
        |         |         /-William de Chesney, Lord of HORSFORD
        |         \-Margery de Chesney, Lady of HORSFORD
Robert de EURE
        |         /-Hugh of BALIOL
        \-Ada of BALIOL
                  \-Cecily of FONTAINES

Descendants of Robert de EURE

1 Robert de EURE
  =Isabella de MERLAY  Marriage: 1268/1270

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William EURE

Ancestors of William EURE

                            /-William, 2nd Lord EURE
                  /-Ralph, 3rd Lord EURE of Witton
                  |         \-Margaret DYMOKE
        /-William, 4th Lord EURE of Witton
        |         \-Mary DAWNEY
William EURE
        |                   /-Andrew NOEL , Esq. of Dalby-on-the-Wolds, Leicestershire
        |         /-Andrew NOEL , Knt 1586
        |         |         \-Elizabeth HOPTON
        \-Lucy (Lucia) NOEL
                  |         /-James HARINGTON of Exton, Rutland
                  \-Mabel HARINGTON of Ridlington
                            \-Lucy SYDNEY

Descendants of William EURE

1 William EURE

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William, 1st Baron EURE 1544-8

Ancestors of William, 1st Baron EURE 1544-8

        /-Ralph EURE
William, 1st Baron EURE 1544-8
        |                   /-John, 9th Lord HASTINGS
        |         /-Hugh, 10th Baron HASTINGS
        |         |         \-Anne MORLEY
        \-Muriel HASTINGS
                  |         /-William GASCOIGNE , Knt. , of Gawthorpe
                  \-Ann GASCOIGNE
                            \-Margaret CLARELL

Descendants of William, 1st Baron EURE 1544-8

1 William, 1st Baron EURE 1544-8
  =Elizabeth WILLOUGHBY
      2 Ralph EURE
        =Marjery BOWES
            3 William, 2nd Lord EURE
              =Margaret DYMOKE

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William, 2nd Lord EURE

Ancestors of William, 2nd Lord EURE

                            /-Ralph EURE
                  /-William, 1st Baron EURE 1544-8
                  |         \-Muriel HASTINGS
        /-Ralph EURE
        |         |         /-Christopher WILLOUGHBY
        |         \-Elizabeth WILLOUGHBY
        |                   \-Margaret JENNEY
William, 2nd Lord EURE
        |                   /-Ralph BOWES
        |         /-Ralph BOWES of Streatlam Castle, co Durham
        |         |         \-Margaret CONYERS
        \-Marjery BOWES
                  |         /-Henry, 10th Lord CLIFFORD
                  \-Elizabeth CLIFFORD
                            \-Anne ST JOHN

Descendants of William, 2nd Lord EURE

1 William, 2nd Lord EURE
  =Margaret DYMOKE
      2 Martha EURE
            3 William ARMYNE , 1st Baronet
      2 Francis EURE
      2 Ralph, 3rd Lord EURE of Witton
        =Mary DAWNEY  Marriage: 1558/1579
            3 William, 4th Lord EURE of Witton
              =Lucy (Lucia) NOEL  Marriage: 15 Sep 1601, Ingleby Greenhow
        =Elizabeth SPENCER  Marriage: 1575/1617

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William, 4th Lord EURE of Witton

Ancestors of William, 4th Lord EURE of Witton

                            /-Ralph EURE
                  /-William, 2nd Lord EURE
                  |         \-Marjery BOWES
        /-Ralph, 3rd Lord EURE of Witton
        |         |         /-Edward DYMOKE
        |         \-Margaret DYMOKE
        |                   \-Anne TAILBOYS
William, 4th Lord EURE of Witton
        \-Mary DAWNEY

Descendants of William, 4th Lord EURE of Witton

1 William, 4th Lord EURE of Witton
  =Lucy (Lucia) NOEL  Marriage: 15 Sep 1601, Ingleby Greenhow
      2 William EURE
      2 Mary EURE
        =William HOWARD of Naworth, Cumberland  Marriage: 1621
      2 Ralph EURE
        =Catherine ARUNDEL  Marriage: 1 Nov 1627

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Lady Jane EVANS

Descendants of Lady Jane EVANS

1 Lady Jane EVANS
  =Roger FARLEY  Marriage: WFT Est 1576-1605
      2 Susanna FARLEY
      2 Margaret FARLEY
      2 Jane FARLEY

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Charles Nicholas EVELEIGH

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Descendants of Judith EVERARD

1 Judith EVERARD
  =Samuel APPLETON

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