Accidental Deaths and Suicides in 1886.

From - The Dominion Annual Register For the Twentieth Year of the Canadian
Union, 1886.  Edited by Harry James Morgan.

DATE NAME PLACE OF ACCIDENT CAUSE OF DEATH January 1 Robt. Nallan (90 yrs) & wife Perth, Ont. Burnt to death 1 Arthur Bye Sydenham Tp. Poisoned by taking liniment by mistake 3 A. J. Mills (18 months) Hamilton, Ont Accidentally poisoned 3 John Cochran Toronto Drowned 3 Thos. Muir London, Ont Railway accident 3 John Daw Mitchell, Ont Killed by a bull 3 Wm. A. Hobbs (27 yrs) Hamilton, Ont Stabbed 3 Arthur Sullivan Montreal Accidentally killed by collision of two fire reels 8 Wm. Halstein Eganville, Ont Drowned 9 Jos. Margan do Killed by a falling tree 11 Jno. Greenwood (18 yrs) Lennoxville, P. Q. Shoots himself 11 ?? Gill (25 yrs) Sorel, P. Q. Burnt to death 12 ?? Conway Renfrew, Ont Stabbed in a quarrel 13 Albert H. Randall (18 yrs) Melbourne, P. Q. Killed by a falling tree 13 Chas. Sereny Lake Nipissing, Ont Drowned while under temporary aberration 14 Frank Lundy Newmarket, Ont Factory accident 15 Jno. Morrison Germania, Ont From wounds received at a fire 15 Andrew Mundell Gravenhurst, Ont Falls from a scaffold 18 Robt. Dufort (17 yrs) Ottawa, Ont Falls through a trap-door 19 Miss Alexander Toronto, Ont Drowned 20 Mark Checkley do do Suicide by hanging 21 Duncan McPherson Hamilton Road, P.E.I. Killed by a falling tree 21 ?? O'Connell Charlottetown, P.E.I. Burnt to death 23 ?? Bates & wife Near Allanburg, Ont do do 24 Hugh Stewart Cowichan, B. C. From exposure 25 Wm. Little Near Newmarket, Ont Railway accident 26 H. McQuade do do do do 27 Hector Bouchard St. Etienne, P. Q. Accidentally shoots himself February 1 Elijah Baxter St Thomas, Ont Bleeds to death 2 Jos. E. Franklan Toronto, Ont Railway accident 3 John S Ashurst do Suicide by poisoning 4 Child of B. Hutchison and 2 children of J. Rainnie Fredericton N.B. Drowned 5 D. McPherson ?? Killed by a falling tree 6 Lorenzo Grant Comox B. C. Breaks his neck 9 Joe Smooths Owen Souud, Ont Accidentally killed 9 Thos Conroy (32 yrs) Côte St. Paul, P.Q. Railway accident 9 Red Bird ?? Suicide with a shot gun 10 Robt. Couway (37 yrs) Harrington, Ont Suicide by hanging 10 W. Richardson Grafton, Ont Suicide with poison 10 Josiah Broos Wellington, Ont Accidentally killed 12 Kenneth Joliffe (6 yrs) Montreal Skull fractured by kick of a horse 13 N. Case St George, Ont Burnt to death 13 Jos. Armstrong do do 16 Geo. Middleton (25 yrs) New Edinburgh, Ont Rupture of the bladder through over work 16 Thos. McVeigh Ottawa, Ont Drowned 22 Miss. E. Charbonneau Near Ste Rose, P. Q. Railway accident 23 Mrs. Gallavan Near Frankford, Ont. Burnt to death 23 Philip Adoin Near Staubridge, P. Q. Railway accident 24 Jos. Jackson (92 yrs) Montreal Knocked down by a team of horses 24 ?? Browne, a girl Killed on a toboggan (7 yrs) Hochelaga, P. Q. slide 26 Wm. Paine Toronto Suicide by taking carbolic acid 26 ?? Wallace Near Thornhill, Ont Railway accident 27 Jno. Hanifee Morisburg, Ont Suffocation March 1 Wm F. Rowell Johnsville, P. Q. Railway accident 1 Jno. Hamilton Perth, Ont Sawmill accident 1 Joseph McDonald (40 yrs)Toronto Railway accident 1 Samuel Bowman (29 yrs) Port Dalhousie, Ont Accidental poisoning 2 Wm Adams Near Bruce Mines, Ont Exposure 2 Wm Wilmot Pickering, Ont Killed by a falling tree 3 Jos. Westlake Near Hensall, Ont Crushed under a load of lumber 3 Jovite Labelle Montreal Suicide by shooting 3 Mrs. Feehan (86 yrs) Brockville, Ont Burnt to death 6 M.D. Coll St. Thomas, Ont Railway accident 6 Malcolm Call do do do 6 Alfred Darron Cowansville, P.Q. Burned to death 6 Jos. Alderson ?? Thrown out of a waggon 7 Henry Cavendish Dunnville, Ont Suicide with Paris green 7 Jno. Stapleton Toronto Crushed in a sandpit 7 Fred. Haines Montreal Fireman crushed under a wall 7 Michael Charbonneau Toronto Suicide by poison 7 ?? Potvin Near Ironsides Frozen to death 12 Jno. Reinhart (40 yrs) Galt, Ont Railway accident 13 John Black Picton, Ont Thrown from a sleigh 13 Miss Richardson South Bar, N. S. Falls into a well 15 Martin Kiely (68 yrs) Montreal Falls downstairs 15 ?? Richard Near Knowlton, P. Q. Falling of a tree 15 Adolphe Demers St. Narcisse, P. Q. Killed by a falling tree 22 Ad. Fugère Batiscan, P. Q. Killed by a fall 23 Son of A. A. Trottier (3 yrs) Accidentally shot by Laprairie, P. Q his sister 23 Gustave Damas Grande Ance, N. B. Falls into a well 25 Wm Bailey Near Wiarton, Ont Burnt to death 26 R. L. Drake Montreal Suicide by shooting 26 Mrs. Anna Anderson Insane Asylum, Toronto Suicide while insane 26 ?? Sweet St Lambert, P. Q. Railway accident 27 Jas. P. Kidd Peterboro, Ont Struck by a stone 29 Stanley Roger (2 yrs) Windsor, N. S. Falls into a pail of hot suds 30 Alfred Aldworth Bowmanville, Ont Killed by lightning 31 Adelaide Paton Sherbrooke, P. Q. Struck on the head by a snow-ball, which causes inflam. of the brain April 2 Jas. Welch (45 yrs) Point Edward, Ont Railway accident 2 Frank Harrison Toronto Suffocated by gas 3 Alexander McNeil McKinnon's Cove, N. S. Drowned 5 Norman D. McDonald Near Marsden, P. Q. Railway accident. 6 Chas. Dale Toronto Suffocation by gas 6 G. Benais Montreal Smothered 6 ?? Morton (16 yrs) Tyendinaga, Ont Struck by the limb of a tree 7 J. W. Patterson (26 yrs)Near Grasset Stn. Ont Railway accident 8 Wm. Hearns (90 yrs) Napanee, Ont. do do 12 André Roy Montreal Railway accident 12 Wm Cutler Toronto Killed by a horse 12 Mr. Reeves and son Varennes, P. Q. Drowned 13 Jno. Honsberger (70 yrs)Near Beamsville, Ont Railway accident 14 Andrew McFallin Eganville, Ont Crushed under a fallen bank 15 Mis. Maggie Clegg Near Brussels, Ont Drowned 15 Henry Bain do do 15 Mrs. Laveille ?? Suicide with Paris green 17 Willie Farrar Iberville, P. Q. Drowned 17 ?? Thompson Riverview, Ont do 17 ?? Hugh Foster do do 17 Miss P. Thompson Philipsburg, P. Q. Burnt to death 17 Mrs. Benj. Colby Hatley, P. Q. Suicide by hanging 19 Jno. Doyle St. Gabriel, P. Q do do 22 James Heyward Wallaceburg, Ont Mill accident 23 David Long Winnipeg, Manitoba Falls from an electric lightmast 23 Mrs G. Penk New Hamburg, Ont Drowned 23 Jos. Lessard (25 yrs) St. George, Beauce, P.Q. do 23 Slocum Ramsay Ulverton, P. Q. Cuts his throat 24 Capt. Pingstone Near Little Dalles, B.C.Accidentally shot 26 ?? Gordon Toronto Takes an over dose of bromide of potassium 26 Jos. Girard Montreal Run over by a horse 28 John H. Templeton ?? Falls from a scaffold 29 John Blair St. Thomas, Ont Railway accident 30 Fred. McLean Windsor Mills, P. Q. Drowned 30 Daughter of Mr. Childs (6 months) Montreal Accidental poisoning 30 Wm O'Neal Ridgetown, Ont Mill accident 30 Mrs. Craine Niagara Falls, Ont Drowned May 2 ?? Rusten Toronto Suicide by drowning 4 Dr. McDonald Winnipeg, Manitoba do do 4 J. A. McDonald (32 yrs) Alexandria, Ont Suicide by shooting 4 ?? Jenning Kingsclear, N. B. Burnt to death 4 ?? Craig do do do 7 Anthony Copp Hamilton, Ont Falls from a building 7 Andrew Sherman Thurlow, Ont Explosion of a blast 7 Chas. Reid Toronto Suicide by shooting 10 Two children of L. Hurd, aged 3 & 4 yrs. St. Raymond, P. Q. Burnt to death 10 Henry Archer Owen Sound, Ont do do 10 Mrs. C. Schane Near Delhi, Ont Suicide by taking carbolic acid 15 Annie Degan Cornwall, Ont Drowned 16 James Loo do do 16 Michael Derrick (17 yrs)Belleville, Ont Drowned 20 Mrs Levesque and niece Sandy Bay,P.Q. Struck by lightning 20 Theo. Tremblay Eboulements, P.Q. Drowned 21 ?? Lachance ?? Railway accident 21 Matthew Campbell Near Port Huron, Ont Drowned 21 ?? Bedard Rigaud, P. Q. do 21 ?? Tranchemontagne do do 22 ?? Larose Near Gatineau, P. Q. do 22 ?? Norquay do do 23 P. O'Donohue Toronto do 23 Patrick Sullivan Parkdale, Ont do 26 Mary A. Dwyer (33 yrs) Montreal Burnt to death 26 Edward Murphy Lake Michigan Drowned 27 Jas. Vorchan Montreal Burnt 28 Henry Braken Ste Cunégonde, P. Q. Railway accident 28 Geo. Jackson Greenwood Suicide by hanging 29 ?? O'Hara Marmora, Ont Drowned 30 Son of John Rainbow (5 yrs) Foxboro, Ont. Killed by a colt 31 ?? Greeves Near Craigvale, Ont Drowned 31 Edward Smith Napanee, Ont Railway accident 31 Jos. Grieve Near Rockwood, Ont Waggon accident 31 Geo. Anning St. John, N. B. Nervous shock 31 Geo. Murickson (8 yrs) Near Grand Falls, N. B. Swallows a snake 31 Bridget Sheehan Toronto Suicide by hanging 31 Robt. Summerley St. Canute, P. Q. Drowned June 1 R. M. Moore (66 yrs) Kingston, Ont Suicide while insane 2 Edgar Allison Near Hamilton, Ont Railway accident 4 ?? Leduce (70 yrs) Near Renfrew, Ont do do 5 Michael Byrnes (60 yrs) Near Fort Erie, Ont do do 7 Conductor Williams Petewawa, Ont Railway accident 9 K Cline Moosejaw, N. W. T. Killed by lightning 9 ?? Thompson Tp. of Collingwood, Ont Accidentally shoots himself 9 ?? McCormick ?? Killed by a blast 10 D. R. Hawley (37 yrs) Montreal Falls from a trapeze 12 Anna Suboiger do Suicide by poison 12 Anne Deslauriers do do do 14 Samuel Léonard Portage la Prairie, Man. Drowned 14 ?? Masson Near Bosworth, Ont do 14 ?? Doner (16 yrs) Stayner, Ont do 14 David McGrath Shelburne, N. S. Suicide by shooting 15 ?? Davidson (18 yrs) Hamilton, Ont Drowned 15 Jno. Mercer Chatham, Ont do 16 Thos. Bickle Cobourg, Ont Accidently shoots himself 16 Ths. Pritchard East Hawkesbury, Ont Drowned 17 Thos. Whitlock Seaforth, Ont Falls from a roof 17 Wm. Bengreth (45 yrs) Hamilton, Ont Suicide by shooting 19 Thos. Renshaw Musquash River, N. B. Drowned 20 Jno. Quinlan Toronto do 20 Alex. Hay Near Winnipeg, Manitoba do 20 L. J. Jenning do do do 20 Robt. Walker Priceville, Ont Suicide by drowning 21 Chas. Sheriff Pointe St. Claire, P.Q. Drowned 22 Thos. McGill Thorold, Ont do 22 Wm. Hirtle Near Bridgewater, N. S. Suicide by drowning 22 Mrs Jos. McQuley (40 yrs) Tracadie, P. E. I. do by hanging 23 Mrs B. Russell Near Birtle, Manitoba Killed by lightning 23 Miss Ida McFadden do do do do 23 J.O. Codel Montreal Drowned 23 Thos. S Reid ?? Struck by a stone 23 Richmond Dixie Canning, N.S. Suicide by shooting 24 Geo. Whitaker Beachville, Ont do by hanging 25 David Fortier (34 yrs) St. Henri Run over by a truck 25 Geo. Bright Near St. Catharines, Ont Railway accident 26 Archie Woodworth (13 yrs) Lacolle, P. Q Drowned 26 Irving Slott (10 yrs) do do 26 Wm McNaughton (19 yrs) Near Brantford, Ont do 27 Thos. Bromhall Toronto do 28 Thos. Delaney Kingston, Ont Drowned 28 Geo. L. H. Cassar Toronto do 30 Daniel Cuthbert Near Norden, Manitoba Suicide by hanging July 1 Mrs. Longridge (35 yrs) Halifax, N. S Drowned while in delirium 2 Mrs. Sheridan (80 yrs) Near Osgoode, Ont Suicide 3 Dennis Nolan Montreal Drowned 3 W. Buchanan & Jas Peterson Sandy Point, N. S. do 3 ?? Deslauriers Rivière du Loup (en bas) P. Q. do 4 Willie Atchison (8 yrs) Brantford, Ont do 4 Geo. Jack Whitby, Ont do 4 Henry Bolton Toronto do 4 Thos. Brown London, Ont do 4 Amable Parent Rivière du Loup (en bas) P. Q. do 4 Chas. Blake Toronto do 4 Norton Marks do do 4 Geo. Watt Near Morden, N. S. Killed by lightning 4 ?? Schryver Near Trenton, Ont Drowned 5 Wm. Lacoste Montreal Falls from a scaffold 6 ?? Edinburgh London, Ont Suicide by drowning 6 W. Bowell Near Omemee, Ont Railway accident 6 Frs. Brunelle Beloeil, P. Q. do do 6 Clovis Caron Métis, P. Q. Drowned 7 Miss M. Panton Oshawa, Ont do 7 Jas. Burns St. Thomas, Ont Railway accident 7 Mrs. St. Pierre Vge St. Gabriel P.Q. near Montreal Burnt to death 8 Geo. Dolson Essex Centre, Ont Railway accident 8 John Pentland Belleville, Ont Suicide by shooting 8 ?? Wilson Near Donald, B. C. Accidentally killed 8 Michael Gallahan (27 yr) Near Hochelaga, P. Q. Drowned 9 Wm. Chas. Blair Near Chalk River, Ont do 10 Alexander Cowan Battleford, N. W. T. do 12 David Ménard Ottawa, Ont Killed by an accidental discharge of a revolver 14 L. B. de onzague St. Helen's Island, Montreal, P. Q. Suicide by shooting 14 Frederick Miller Winnipeg, Manitoba Railway accident 15 Geo. Presswell St. Catharines, Ont Falls into a cellar 15 Chas. Dumas Winnipeg, Manitoba Accidentally shot 16 Mrs. Swail Côte des Neiges, P. Q. Falls into a cellar 17 W. White Halifax, N. S. Killed by a falling wall 17 Sam. S. Bobby (50 yrs) Toronto Killed by lightning 17 Jas. Grégoire Flock Lake, P. Q. Crushed under a rock 20 Jno. A. Carrière Windmill Pt., P. Q. Drowned 20 Wm. Uglow North Dorchester do 21 David Appel Bridgeport, Ont do 21 Robt. Kitto St. Catharines, Ont do 21 Fred. Whistler On Dumoine River Drowned while breaking a log jam 22 Robt. Cox Nelson Run over by a load of hay 23 Chas. Swanson Hope, B. C. Railway accident 23 Neil McIntyre Tp. of Dunwich, Ont Suicide with Paris Green 23 ?? Rajotte Near Hull, P. Q. Drowned 24 Jno. Schwartz Formosa, Ont Suicide by hanging 25 Lewis Davies Peterboro, Ont Cuts his throat 25 Thos. Kenyon Chatham, Ont Drowned 25 W. Labrèque (16 yrs) Ottawa do 26 Wm. Malcolm (78 yrs) Point Lanim, N. B. Suicide by hanging 27 Alf. Blackburn (19 yrs) Chatham, Ont Drowned 27 Mrs. N. Vanasse Montreal Killed by the collapsing of an arch 27 Félix Giroux Montreal Falls from a scaffold 27 ?? Calvert Quebec Falls into the hold of a steamship 27 Jacques Grégoire St. Elzéar, P. Q. Killed by a stone 28 Duncan Matheson Quebec Drowned 28 W. H. Tarton ?? Suicide by jumping from a steamer 29 Thos. McKee (8 yrs) Kingston, Ont Drowned 30 ?? Freese Bow River, Manitoba do 31 Joel Redden Rainy Falls do 31 Chas. Twigg Near Shannonville, Ont Railway accident 31 John Bell Scarboro' Junction, Ont Fractures his skull August 1 Wm. Brownall Cornwall, Ont Drowned 1 Geo. Goulding (65 yrs) Toronto Suicide by drowning 1 ?? Francoeur At Chelmsford, N. B. Railway accident 1 Geo. R. Garland North Toronto Run over by waggon 2 ?? Patton Kingston, Ont Drowning accident 2 G. Cliff do do do do 2 Jas. G. Sutherland Napier, Ont Mill accident 2 ?? Dickson Near Brtle, Man Drowned 2 H. Mackenzie On Lake Huron Drowned, while yachting 2 Wm J. Sinclair do do do do 2 F. Mackenzie do do do do 2 Wm Vidal do do do do 2 T. A. Telfer do do do do 2 W. C. Morrison do do do do 2 L. H. Tibbitts Lawrenceville, P. Q. Drowning accident 3 Aug. Langlois Pte-aux-Trembles, P.Q. Killed by a game cock 3 Archibald S. Campbell Ottawa, Ont Accid'ly killed by the explosion of a revolver 4 Thos. Worthy (34 yrs) Toronto Block of stone falls on him 5 Jno. Murphy (25 yrs) ?? Crushed in a drain 5 Robt. Perry Falls from a building 5 ?? Seers Beauharnois, P. Q. Drowned 6 Capt. E.G. Green (of Montreal) Near Bordeaux, France Suicide by shooting 6 Antoine Léger ?? Struck by a stone 6 Henry Osborne Limehouse, Ont Drowned 6 Marie Dubois Montreal Railway accident 6 Ed. J. Richey Toronto Run over by a waggon 6 Théo. Carrier Warwick, P. Q. Railway accident 7 C. Clark (25 yrs) Near Port Union, Ont do do 8 Wm. Smith Toronto Drowned 9 Jos. McCulloch Near Gore's Landing, Ont do 9 Chas. Langlois Montreal Falls from a building 10 Jas. Callaghan (47 yrs) Montreal do 11 Alex. Duguld (60 yrs) London, Ont Killed by a horse 11 Richard Cox Rockland Mills, Ont Crushed by a pile of lumber 11 J. B. Hue (15 yrs) Norwich, Ont Waggon accident 11 Mr. Chisner Marthaville Falls from a derrick 12 Pat. Kehoe (70 yrs) Charlottetown, P. E. I. Drowned 12 John Graham do do 14 ?? Gauthier Varennes, P. Q. Falls from a scaffold 14 Albert Tobin Windsor, Ont Falls into a gutter 15 ?? McNulty (3yrs) Port Dalhousie, Ont Burned to death 15 Alex. Riddle Barclay Railway accident 16 Thos. Taylor Orr Lake, Ont Drowned while fishing 16 Wm. Taylor do do do 16 Jno. Hamilton do do do 17 Mrs. Howard Priercy Rustico P. E. I. Shot 17 Nettie E. Hales Ganonoque, Ont Drowned 17 Michael Ryan Montreal do 17 ?? Graham Nepean, Ont Suicide by hanging 17 W. Rabe Victoria B.C. Explosion on board Queen of the Pacific 17 Jas. Kade (30 yrs) do do 17 H. Hanson (21 yrs) do do 17 A. Johnson (28 yrs) do do 17 P. Priestly (43 yrs) do do 17 Geo. Watch (26 yrs) do do 17 H. Jackson (42 yrs) do do 17 Jno. McDonald (39 yrs) do do 20 Wm. Robertson Forest City, N. B. Drowned 23 Capt. Downie Port Matoum Island, N.S. Killed on board ship 23 Ben Downie do do do Drowned 23 Albert Chandler Near Brown's Bank, N.S. do 23 Albert Kathan Massawippi P.Q. do 23 Mrs. Cantin Near Hadlow Creek, P.Q. Killed by a train 27 W. Wolfe (40 yrs) Montreal Falls down hatch of steamship 27 Télesphore Coallier ?? Railway accident 27 ?? Gauthier Portneuf, P.Q. do do 28 A. H. Sisson Palmerston, Ont Killed while loading circus waggon 28 Fred. Derr Quebec Railway accident 28 Geo. Dixon Rolly Bay Harbour Suicide by drowning 28 Mrs. Sanders Darlington, Ont Thrown from a buggy 28 ?? Descoteaux (22 yrs) St. Thomas de Pierreville, P. Q. Drowned 30 Thos. Davis Tp. of Culross, Ont Suicide by hanging 31 ?? Marshall Bet'n N. Toronto & Agincourt, Ont Railway accident September 1 Langlois Sorel, P. Q. Drowned 1 Mrs. Caleb Garron Near Shag Harbour, N.S. Suicide by hanging 1 John McGregor Kingston, Ont Falls down stairs 4 Jas. Byers Belleville, Ont Railway accident 5 Wm. Grundler (19 yrs) Toronto Drowned 6 ?? Robert (4 yrs) Chambly, P. Q. Railway accident 6 Pierre Fayette Montreal Falls from a scaffold 6 Hector McFadden Donald, B. C. Railway accident 6 Adolphe Simard (30 yrs) Montreal Crushed by a load of planks 7 François Delaire Near Beaconsfield P. Q. Railway accident 7 Jas. Glass (18 yrs) When off Giants Tomb Drowned 7 Wm Jos. Brownlee Hullet, Ont Killed by a bull 8 Louis Brisson Montreal Struck by a derrick 8 Frederick Madill Lakefield, Ont Drowned 8 ?? McMullen (1 yr 7 mo) Belleville, Ont Railway accident 8 Chas. Duquette (50 yrs) Near Céte St. Paul, P.Q. Crushed between a barge and canal bank 8 A. Lespérance Montreal Factory accident 9 ?? Pauzé (28 yrs) Montreal Railway accident 9 Jos. Campbell (55 yrs) Hamilton, Ont do do 10 ?? Hefterson Near Rat Portage, Ont do do 10 ?? Phillips do do do do 10 Edmond Leroux (57 yrs) Hochelaga, P.Q. Crushed in a drain 10 Geo. Frederick ?? Railway accident 10 H. Smith Parry Sound, Ont Struck by the wheel of a steamer 10 Alfred Coté Valleyfield, P.Q. Drowned 10 Dennis McCarthy Near Peterboro', Ont Railway accident 10 Geo. Bruce London South Accidentally shot by G. Lewis 10 Jas. Donaldson Toronto Railway accident 14 S. York (15 yrs) Russell, Ont Thrown from a horse 14 Felix Traversy Ottawa, Ont Thrown from a cart 16 Aaron Martindale ?? Thrown from a carriage 16 Jno. O'Neil Vernon River, P.E.I. Accidentally shoots himself 16 Geo. Mulherrin (38 yrs) Off Grand Manan Drowned 16 Jno. Adzeme Stellarton, N. S. Run over by a car 19 P. R. Blanchard St. Hugues, P. Q. Suicide hy hanging 16 Peter Milari Near Lachine, P. Q. Railway accident 18 Wm. Jones Toronto Drowned 18 Geo. Thibaudeau St. Winceslas, P. Q. Struck by a plank 18 Roger Gilleghan (16 yrs) Côte St. Antoine, P.Q. Scratches his foot with a rusty nail and dies with lockjaw. 18 Jas. Morrison Osprey Suicide by shooting 18 Donald McKechey ?? Struck by a derrick 18 Patrick O'Brien Almonte, Ont Killed by a stallion 19 Wm. Roballe Near Point Lepreaux Drowned 19 Jas. Groat Carleton N.B. ?? 20 Freeman Bear Sherbrooke, P. Q. Suicide by taking Paris green 22 Mrs. Mullaly (47 yrs) Halifax, N. S. Thrown from a carriage 22 Jos. Marvin (40 yrs) Ameliasburg, Ont Drowned 23 Jno. McDonald Halifax, N.S. do 25 F. W. Peters Longueuil, P. Q. Accidental Drowning 25 Louis Blouin ?? Waggon accident 25 Geo. Fleshram Twp. of Bayham Accidental Drowning 26 Jos. White Thurlow, Ont Suicide by hanging 27 Jos. Glenn Near Dungannon, Ont do by shooting 27 Jos. Warren Near Duart, Ont Accidental Fall 27 Marcel Arsenault Lower Village N. B. Dragged by a horse 27 Geo. Maguire Tp. of Dawn, Ont Knocked down by a steer 29 C Jones (45 yrs) St. Catharines, Ont Accidental drowning 29 ?? Chipman Near Amherst, N. S. Railway accident 29 Allen Hurlow Co. of Queens Breaks his neck 29 Thos. L. Scott Toronto Suffocated by gas 30 Geo. W. Guest (30 yrs) Sarnia, Ont Suicide by poisoning October 1 Jas. Fouratt Merritton, Ont Railway accident 1 A. Hay (21 yrs) Mildmay, Ont Falls into a threshing machine 2 F. Bilakiewiecz Hamilton, Ont Drowned 2 M. Kielinski do do 3 ?? Fetterly Rat Portage, Ont Railway accident 3 ?? Palmer Pincher Creek, Man Killed by a horse 3 Robt. Barron (50 yrs> Kingston, Ont Drowned 3 Alfred Sutton Cowichan, B. C. Accidentally shot by D. Mahoney 4 ?? Lattie Alton Stn., N. S. Shoots himself accidentally 4 Geo. Dufort Near Rockiffe Killed by a falling tree 6 Albert Newton River Lièvre P.Q. Drowned 7 Robt. Sproule Brantford, Ont Suicide by hanging 11 Jos. Hicks North Gower, Ont Shoots himself accidently 11 Mrs. Kelly Toronto Elevator accident 12 Jos. Carson Port Arthur, Ont Drowned 12 Mrs Smith Winnipeg, Man Accidental fall 13 Jno. Stevens Fredericton, N. B. Drowned 13 J. B. Thibaudeau Woodstock, Ont Run over by a train 14 S. Brown Owen Sound, Ont Accidentally shot 14 Jno. Heysel Woodstock, Ont Killed by a falling tree 15 Ed. Klerenchench Hamilton, Ont Suicide by shooting 15 Sam. Eagleson Bridgetown, Ont do by poisoning 15 Peter Coffee (32 yrs) Nanaimo, B. C. From injuries sustained at an explosion of coal dust 15 ?? Morrissey (13 yrs) Petersville, P. E. I. Crushed in a threshing machine 15 P. C. Falconer Longueuil, P. Q. Drowned 15 L. Leboeuf Near Pointe Claire, P.Q. Railway accident 15 Alex. Crow Tp. of Arran, Ont Killed by a colt 15 Miss E. Morton St. Catharines, Ont Jumps from a window while delirious from fever 15 D. Kavanagh Hamilton, Ont Run over by a waggon 16 Leon Lévesque Near Côteau, P. Q. Railway accident 17 Wm. McDonald Port Dalhousie, Ont Drowned 17 ?? Wren 8 mi. from Bryson, P.Q. Drowned 19 Thos. Burns Guelph, Ont Railway accident 19 F. Pelletier (77 yrs) Berthier (E. B.), P.Q. Waggon accident 19 Jno. Kelly Lachine, P. Q. Drowned 19 Dan. Morrison At Sydney Mills, N.S. Mine accident 19 Thos. Robinson Near Richmond, P. Q. Railway accident 19 Jno. Griffiths ?? do do 20 J. Menzie Near Bervie, Ont Accidentally shot by D. Robertson 20 ?? Gillis Antigonish, N.S. Shoots himself accidentally 21 W. Powell (15 yrs) Tp. of London, Ont Gunning accident 24 E. Richard Ottawa, Ont Gunning accident 25 Juo. Young Greenock, Ont Crushed under a load of timber 26 Robt. Parks Bracebridge, Ont Railway accident 26 John McGee Montreal Falls into a tub of boiling water 27 H. McDonald Point Ann, Ont Waggon accident 27 Andrew Guild Storrington, Ont Suicide by hanging 29 ?? Jones (10 yrs) Toronto Run over by a Street car 30 Louis Leduc Kingston, Ont Drowned 30 ?? Duffy Sturgeon Falls, Ont do November 2 Théo. Lavoie Montreal Falls from a roof 3 Wm Bell Harrisburg, Ont Railway accident 4 Peter Hamel (65 yrs) Chatham, Ont do do 4 John Savage Quebec Crushed by falling box 5 Alex. Reed Tp. of Colborne, Ont Waggon accident 6 Hector McFadden Donald, B. C Railway accident 6 Adolphe Simard (30 yrs) Montreal Crushed under a load of planks 6 Elz. Boulin Hull, P. Q. Falls from a roof 6 ?? McRae Near Rogers Pass, B.C. Foreman-Railway accident 6 ?? McDermott do do do do do 6 ?? Ross do do do do do 6 ?? Code do do do do 8 Henry W. Bateson Harrison River, B.C. Shot accidentally by C. Atherton 8 Mrs. Jérome Near Lachute, P. Q. Railway accident 9 Mrs. King Toronto Falls down Stairs 9 Jos. Campbell (55 yrs) Hamilton Ont Railway accident 9 E. F. Routley (38 yrs) On Gore Bay, Ont Drowned 9 Jos. Caron do do 9 W. Welsh do do 9 Jos Young do do 10 Hy. Smith Lachine Bridge, P. Q. Fractures his skull 11 Elie Lalonde (55 yrs) Muirkirk, Ont Tarred and feathered 11 Kate Foy (23 yrs) Merritton, Ont Suicide by drowning 11 Chas. Desmarais Ironsides, P.Q. Burned to death 11 Mrs. Jos. Tretheway Near Nicomin Station Suicide by drowning 11 ?? Moreland Near Shawinigan Lake, P.Q. do by shooting 12 Capt. Wm. Stalker Sault Ste-Marie Ont Crushed on a propellor 13 J O'Hara Port Hope, Out Railway accident 13 W J Robinson Delhi, Ont Suffocation by gas 14 ?? Desrochers (18 yrs) Baie St. Paul, P.Q. Shot accidentally 14 Miss Mina Stevens Durham, Ont Waggon accident 14 Pat. Largey (14 yrs) Tp. of Bury, Ont From exposure 15 Jos. Heckerdon Near Waterloo, P. Q. Suicide by hanging 15 Alex. Carr Thornton, Ont Railway accident 15 A. Powley Bass Lake Gunning accident 15 A. Peterson Near Red River, Man Drowned 18 Mrs. Smyth ?? Falls downstairs 18 Mrs. H. Mott Montreal From injuries sustained in falling 19 F. Haney (34 yrs) Dunville, Ont Mill accident 10 Jas. Williams Toronto Burnt to death 20 W. Copeland St. Catharines, Ont Killed by explosion of boiler 20 Lewis Snyder Odessa, Ont Suicide by shooting 21 Ls. Labelle Montreal Drowned 22 John Marriot Oakland Farm Accidental shooting 25 Ad. Desautels Eastman, P. Q. Mill accident 26 Jos. E. Arnold Forest, Ont Suicide by shooting 26 D. Cotreau Tusket Wedge, N. S. Drowned in a well 27 Edward Taaffe Hamilton, Ont Drowned 27 ?? Norigall London, Ont do 27 ?? Silverthon (18 yrs) Owen Sound, Ont Accidentally shot by his brother 27 Edward Curran Auckland Suicide by drowning 28 Michael Levy Montreal Burned to death 28 Jos. Desloges Aumond, P. Q. Falls from a verandah 29 Jos. Trudeau (23 yrs) St. Henri de Mascouche, P. Q. Falls from a bridge 29 Alf. Lavoie (45 yrs) L'Orignal, Ont Devoured by bears 29 Adelard Lavoie (11 yrs) do do do December 2 Thos. Anderson Near Hamilton, Ont Railway accident 2 A. Nesbitt do do do do 3 Thos. Beatly Buckingham, P.Q. Killed by a mine explosion 3 W.Raybould, MPP New Westminster, B. C. Accidental fall 4 E. A Young Stratford, Ont Suicide 4 ?? Gordon (girl) Pictou, N. S. Falls from a window 5 F. Tuchu Toronto Suicide by jumping out of a window 5 Mrs. Calhoun Near St. Mary's, Ont Falls into an open cattle-guard 6 Jos. Young Bet'n Charing Cross & Buckhorn Killed by a falling tree 7 Robt. Lewis Hafifax, N. S. Suicide by shooting 7 Oct. Dominique (20 yrs) Montreal do do 8 Chas. Dale Toronto Suffocation by gas 11 Herbert Fox do Accidentally shoots himself 11 Wm. Brett Ottawa Railway accident 11 ?? Washburne Comber, Ont Thrown from a waggon 11 Jas. Armstrong Near St. James, Man Shoots himself accidentally 13 Jos. Doran Pakenham, Ont Killed by a falling tree 15 Robt. Smith Near Allanburg, Ont Suffocation 16 Jos. Johnson Cargill, Out Accidentally shot by one Griffith 22 John Finnigan Montreal Suicide while under mental aberration 27 Ernest Dubois Toronto Drowned 28 Robt. Willard Windsor, Ont Waggon accident