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This was a recruiting poster, click here
to see an image of it which I "borrowed from eBay. Most of the patches here
were sent to me by Philip L. KRUG and son, Geoffrey P. KRUG (great-grand nephew of
Pauline Waring HERRICK, a Member of the YMCA AEF Relief Commission Brest, France)
unless otherwise noted. I will try to "borrow" some from eBay in order
to complete the poster.
1917 -
General Headquarters, G. H. Q. |
ARMIES | ||||||||
CORPS | ||||||||
2nd Corps |
4th Corps |
DIVISIONS | ||||||||
10th |
11th |
12th |
13th |
14th |
18th |
19th |
40th |
77th |
79th |
82nd |
86th |
91st |
92nd |
Central Records Office |
2nd Corps School |
3rd Corps School |
Army Artillery School |
Service of Supply |
Section Service of Supply |
13th Engineers |
Camouflage Corps |
Chemical Warfare Service |
Liaison Service |
Reserve Mallet |
North Russian Expedition |
End of poster. | ||||||||
Images listed below where not on the above poster: | ||||||||
Siberian |
Polar Bear - Russian Expedition |
European Headquarter - European Theater Of Operations |
3rd Army Tank Corps |
3rd Corps |
2nd Division |
89th Division - Sanitary Train |
Organization of American Expeditionary Forces, AEF (the U. S. ARMY):
General Headquarters (Gen. Hdqtrs. or GHQ)
1st, 2nd and 3rd Armies
I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X Corps
Special Units: Air Service (Aviation Force or Corps), First Marine Aviation Force, Tank Corps (The 301st Tank Battalion was the 1st to reach France.), Motor Transport Corps, Signal Corps, Ordinance Corps, Trench Mortar Service, Camouflage Corps, Quartermaster Corps, Corps of Engineers, Service of Supply (Advance Section Service of Supply), Chemical Warfare Service, Ambulance Service, Hospital Corps, Army Postal Service (a.k.a., Postal Express Service), Railheads Regulating Service, Railway Artillery Reserve, Liaison Service, District of Paris - United States Liaison Services to French Army, Central Records Office, Camp Pontanezen, North Russian Expedition, Siberian A. E .F., etc.
Back to World War One and wars involving the United States - Home Page
This page was last updated on 01/30/03 .
Comments, suggestions, and specific questions (not general questions or homework assignments, however) may be sent to (I won't be accepting email probably for the rest of the year because I'm very, very busy! I have been swamped with requests.). Questions that may be of interest to the visitors of this site may be posted on the Questions from Web Site Visitors about WWI, World War I web page. I hope that you can help the person asking the question, as well as ask them clarifying questions. Additionally, they may have some information for you. If you are submitting a question, please indicate whether you want you question posted.
Copyright © 2000-2 by P. Darlene McClendon. All Rights
I will not post anything that is still copyrighted. All images and content of
previously copyrighted material was copyrighted prior to 1923. However, my work
in converting this material to suitable web format is copyrighted. Please do not
use without my permission. Teachers/educators may use this material for their
student(s) without having to contact me. The contents of the web site may not be
used for profit in any way.