Dodson and Dotson
Military Service
Before and during Revolutionary War Military Service
and Pension Applications
Dodsons and Dotsons
Prior to the Revolutionary War - there are records of Dodson men serving at the time of the French and Indian War and Dunmore's War.
1755 Aug 21 Enlistment William Dotson 5'9" age 24 born in Virginia, Farmer - Listed on a return of the 2nd Company of Rangers, Commanded by Captain John Ashby and Report dated 21 Oct 1755.
1756 May 22 Enlistment William Dodson, 5'7" age 22 born Chester, Pennsylvania, carpenter, brown complexion, short, well set, slow in speech.
1756 July 13 William Dodson - listed as one of those helping to build Fort Loudoun at Winchester, Virginia. During the French and Indian War, George Washington formed a company of artificers under Captain William Peachy with more than a hundred men to work on the building of the fort near the town of Winchester in Frederick County, Virginia, where Washington was headquartered. George Mercer later had a command at Fort Loudoun.
1756 Aug 2 William Dodson on roll of Capt William Peachy, Fort Cumberland, MD
1756 Aug 14 William Dodson on roll of Capt William Peachy, Fort Cumberland, MD
1756 Aug 21 William Dodson on roll of Capt William Peachy, Fort Cumberland, MD
1756 Aug 26 William Dodson from Pennsylvania, Chester County, age 22, 5 feet 7 inches. In Capt George Mercer's Company; trade carpenter.
1756 Aug 29 William Dodson on roll of Capt William Peachy, Fort Cumberland, MD
1756 Sept 2 William Dodson deserted. Weekly return of Captain George Mercer's Company, Winchester, VA. reported 6 Sept 1756.
1757 October 21 William Dodson on return of Captain John Ashby 2nd Company of Rangers - enlistment date showing as 21 Aug 1755
1757 November 28 Richard Dodson age 25, born in Pennsylvania, enlisted for three years. Also 1758 March and April Muster Rolls - Captain John Weatherholt, stationed in Heyldelburg township, Northampton County, PA
1760 January 24 Richard Dodson was in Capt Wetheroldt�s Company, serving at Ft Bedford under Lt. Col Joseph Shippen
1774 Lord Dunmore's War - Richard Dodson/Dotson was on payroll at Pittsburgh Pennsylvania on Capt Samuel Kinkade's Roll
Transcriptions of Revolutionary War Pension Applications
If a soldier lived long enough to apply for a pension for his service in the Revolutionary War, the application itself provides details about his life, such as where he was living when he enlisted, when and under whom he served during the war, and usually where he had lived after the war. Not all men survived to apply; some did not apply. The rules were changed by Congress so that sometimes there was a needs test, and a soldier had to prove financial need to be eligible. There are only a few Dodson/Dotson pension applications of record. After the soldier died, the widow could apply. Details about Qualifications for Pensions
Other than the pension applications, muster rolls can also be a source proving service. However, many men served in local militias defending their counties, and rolls were not preserved. The following Dodson/Dotson men applied for pensions:
Richard Dotson 1752 - 1847
State of Virginia
Tyler County to wit:
On this 10th day of June 1833, personally appeared in open Court before Robert Gorrell; William Bond; John D. Wells; & James G. West, Justices of the Peace, constituting the County Court of Tyler County, now sitting. Richard Dotson, a resident of said County and State of Virginia, aged 81 years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832, that he was born in Frederick County now Shenandoah County State of Virginia and continued to reside there until he was about 20 years of age, he then removed to Greene County State of Pennsylvania, that in the year 1774 he served a tour of duty under Lord Dunmore against the western Indians, that he marched to Fort Charlotte near the place where Chillicothe now stands, in the State of Ohio, from whence he returned to his place of residence in the State of Pennsylvania where he continued to live until after the close of the Revolutionary war, that in the spring of the year 1777 he entered the service of the United States as a volunteer Indian Spy under Captain John Minor and served six months of that year, that in the years 1778 & 79, he also served the United States six months each year as an Indian Spy under Captain John Minor entering the service in the spring and leaving in the fall, making in all he served as an Indian Spy the term of eighteen months or more that services consisted in watching movements of the Indians examining their trails and giving information of their approach to the settlements that he principally served in Greene and adjoining Counties, that his headquarters were at Jenkinses Fort in said County of Greene and Jarard Fort about three miles from the former that the said Captain John Minor was the commandant of these stations, that in the summer of 1777 or 8 he and four of his companions had a skirmish with about the same number of Indians, that one of his party (to wit) John Nichols was killed and one of the Indians was also killed by Richard Hall. This skirmish took place near Jarard Fort on Big Whitely and that he has no recollection of having received a discharge. He further says that after the close of the Revolution he returned to Shenandoah County, Virginia after remaining there a few years (the precise number he cannot recollect) he removed to Landon (Loudon) County, Virginia and continued there about two years, from Landon (Loudon) he removed to Hampshire Co., Va, where he lived about six years from thence he removed to Wood Co, Va, since which time he has continued to reside alternately in Wood and Tyler Counties until the present time that he now lives in said County of Tyler. He further says he has a record of his age and that he was born on the 23rd day of October 1752.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
His Mark X Richard Dotson
Notes: John Ripley, a clergyman and William Wells certified that they were well acquainted with Richard Dotson and were of the opinion that he was a soldier.
Ann Reddick said in support of Richard's application that she was 95 and that she lived in 1777, 1778 and 9 in Greene County, PA during which time she was well acquainted with Richard Dotson and that he served as an Indian Spy. She also said that she and Dotson were frequent inmates of Jenkin's Fort at the same time.
Thomas Dodson 1748 - 1825
On this 25 Day of May 1818. Before me the subscriber or Judge of the general Court of Virginia appears Thomas Dodson age 70 years resident in the county of Shenandoah who being by me first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provision enacted by the late act of Congress entitled "an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the ? and received service of the United States in the revolutionary war" that he the said Thomas enlisted in the year 1775 in the state of Pennsylvania in the company commanded by Captain Kelpnoss 2nd Regt Pennsylvania in the state of Pennsylvania, that he continued to serve in the said corps or in the service of the United States Until the year 1783 (note: document states 1783, but believe correct date is 1781 as is stated in 1820) when he was discharged from service in Philadelphia state of Penn. That he was in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown & Monmouth and that he is in reduced circumstances and stand in need of the assistance of his country for support, and that he has no other evidence now in his power of his said services except the affidavit now enclosed sworn to and declared before me the day __ aforesaid.
Signed H(?) Holmes
I H Holmes Judge as aforesaid do hereby certify that it appears to my satisfaction that the said Thomas Dodson did serve and in the revolutionary war against the common enemy and that he is in reduced circumstances and stands in need of the asked support as stated in the preceding declaration, and I now transmit the proceedings and testimony taken and ___ before us to the secretary for the department of war pursuant to the directions of the aforementioned act of Congress.
Under my hand and the seal of the county court of Shenandoah the 25th May 1818
Signed H(?) Holmes
State of Virginia Shenandoah County
On this 13th day of June 1820 personally appeared in open Court being a Court of record in the said County Thomas Dodson aged 72 years and six month resident in the said County who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath declare that he served in the revolutionary war as follows. That he enlisted for the term of one year on the day of 1775 (the month and day not recollected __ in the fall of the year) in the state of Pennsylvania in the Company commanded by Capt Caleb North in the Reg. commanded by Col Anthony Wayne in the line of the state of Pennsylvania on the ___ (not known) continental establishment that he served this first tour and again enlisted for the term of three years in the state of Pennsylvania in the company commanded by Capt John Christie in the Regiment commanded by Colonel Johnson in the times above mentioned on the continental establishment, that he served this second tour again enlisted in the said state for or during the War in the Company commanded by Captain John Christie in the Regiment commanded by (the Colonel's name not recollected) in the said line and on the Continental Establishment, that he served the last tour (making in and about 6 years in the whole to the best of my recollection and was discharged in the year 1781 (some time in the fall) in the City of Philadelphia state of Pennsylvania. The original declaration dated May 25 one thousand eight hundred and eighteen and the number of the certificate 5805.
And I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift or sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it or to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress entitled "an act to provide for certain person engaged in the Land and naval Service of the United States in the revolutionary war "passed on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have _______ person in that for me any property or securities contracts or debts due to me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto ____ and by me subscribed.
Schedule: Due me between $20 & $30 in trust (a part of my pension) and one cow valued @ $12
Signed Thomas Dodson
My original occupation was that of a blacksmith but by age, disease and misfortunes of body I have been unable to pursue it. I myself comprise the whole of my family there are none of my children residing with me.
Sworn to and declared the 13th day of June 1820 in open Court.
A Copy Test. P WilliamsThomas Dodson appears on several muster rolls for the 5th Pennsylvania Regiment. He apparently signed with his signature rather than a mark as can be seen on this list of payments for service in the month of February 1779 in Capt. John Christy's company. Thomas Dodson began receiving pension payments of $8 per month in 1818, paid twice yearly, until his death in 1825. List of all pension payments.
William Dodson 1758 - 1840
State of Kentucky, Nelson County
See copy of muster roll and discharge March 1778 for William Dotson. William Dodson on the roll of Captain John Spotswood in the Company of the 10th VA Regt. commanded by Col. Edward Stephens, September 1777
On this 14th day January 1833 personally appeared in open court, before the justices of the Nelson County Court now sitting, William
Dodson a resident of the said county and state aforesaid aged Seventy 74 years and being duly sworne according to Law doth on his oath
make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. That he enlisted in the
Eight Virginia Rifle Regiment, he thinks in the month of February in the year 1776 for the term of two years; that at the time he entered
the service he was a resident of Shenandoah County Virginia; that he served two years and two months and two months over the time
enlisted for when he was discharged at the Valley Forge by Gen. Scott. That he was commanded by Colonel Muchlenburg & Roman(?) and in
the company of Capt Richard Campbell. That after his enlistment they started from Stevens(?) Town and went to Williamsburg from
thence to Suffolk & Norfolk, from thence to Tanberry (?) & Hillsburg (?), through N. Carolina, to Cambliss(?) to Charlestown and to
Savannah, to Sansberry and there we were stationed & Ge. Lee was commander in ? We then returned to the North and wintered at the
Valley Forge. That he was in the engagement at Brandywine & also at German Town. At the first place Gen Scott commanded, at the last he
does not recollect who commanded; Gen Scott however was there.
I do hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declare that my name is not on the Pension
Roll of the Agency of any State.
Interrogatories propounded by the Court.
1. Where and in what year were you born? Ans. I was born in Shenandoah county on the Shenandoah River Virginia on the 29 of March 1758
2. Have you any record of your age? Ans. I have none.
3. Where were you living when called into service, where have you lived since the Revolutionary war and where do you now live?
Ans. In Shenandoah County. I moved from there moved to Kentucky and have lived in Nelson County of said state until the present time.
4. How were you called into service, were you drafted, did you volunteer or were you a substitue and if a substitute for whom? Ans. I volunteered.
5. State some of the Regular officers who were with the troops where you served; such continental and Militia regiments as you can recollect and the general circumstances of your service.
Ans. I have stated all I know or can now recollect in this declaration.
6. Did you ever receive a discharge from the service and if so, by whom was it given and what has become of it?
Ans. I received my discharge from Gen. Scott but it is lost.
7. State the names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighbourhood and who can testify to your character for veracity and
good behavior, your services as a soldier of the Revolution.
Ans. Thomas Duncan - Thomas Linthicum
Subscribed and sworn to the date aforesaid.
Wm X (his mark) Dodson
We Thomas Duncan and Thomas Linthicum residing in Nelson County State of Kentucky, hereby certify that we are well acquainted with
William Dodson who has subscribed and sworn to the foregoing declare and believe that he is 74 years of age and that he is reputed and
believed to be a man of good character.
Thomas Duncan
Thos Linthicum
(There is another declaration of William Combs taken on the sixth of December 1832 in Flemingsburg, Fleming County Kty - but the entire
statement is crossed through. This statement adds some other information such as "he served the term of within a few days when he
as discharged on account of sickness at the Valley forge by Gen Scott etc.)
State of Kentucky Nelson County
At a County Court held for said County at the Courthouse in Bardstown (?) on the 14th day of January 1833
William Dodson a citizen of this County presented in Court his petition and application for a pension under an act of Congress of
the 9th of June 1832 which being sworn to is ordered to be certified, also the certificate thereon and (?) of Thomas Duncan and
Thomas Linthicum is sworn to and ordered to be certified and the said Court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation
of the matter and after putting the Interrogatories prescribed by the War Department that the above named applicant was a revolutionary
soldier and served as he states, and the court further certified that it appears to them that Thomas Linthicum & Thomas Duncan
citizens in said County and are creditable persons and their statement is reliable to (?)
I Nathaniel Wickliffe Clerk of the County Court for the said County of Nelson in the state of Kentucky aforesaid do hereby certify that the above contains the copy of the original proceedings in the matter of the application of William Dodson for a Pension.
In Testimony whereof I have herewith set my and seal of office this 15th day of January 1833
(Signed) Nath. WickliffeJohn Dodson 1751 - 1838
State of Tennessee
Hawkins County
On this 28th day of November 1832 personally appeared in open court before the Justices of the court of pleas and greater ____ for said county, now sitting John Dodson a resident of said county aged about eighty years, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the act of Congress ____ June 7th 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. That he was born in the state of Virginia at a place near Staunton River. (he cannot recollect the name of the county) in the year 1751 or 1752 - that afterwards his father moved into the county of Shenandoah Virginia and in the year 1775 about the 1st of July in that year he entered the service of the United States under Captain Cravens as a volunteer and was marched by said Captain with his company against the Shawnee Indians - to the West Fall station in Tigert Valley on the river of that name which is now called Greenbriar county, on Western Virginia and that this declarant remained at said station guarding the frontiers for the term of three months, and about the first of October 1775 he returned home to Shenandoah. He cannot say whether he got a discharge or not, but he thinks at that time it was not common with the militia officers to give written discharges. He furthermore states that Captain Cravens company was the only one doing duty at said station at the time this declarant was in service as above stated. Declarant further states that again about the first of April in the year 1779 he entered as a spy under Captain Joseph Wilson for three months in what is now called Greene county in the state of Tennessee on the waters of Nolichucky when this declarant then resided (having removed from Virginia to the above place then resided in Tennessee ever since), which at that time was under the Government of South Carolina and this declarant continued to serve as an Indian spy in what is now called the counties of Greene and Washington that being his bounds until about the first of July in the year 1779 when his requirement expired.
Again declarant states that in the month of August in the year 1779, he entered the said service of the United States under Col. John Sevier, the day he cannot state, as a volunteer and under Captain Lando Castor, declarant then residing on the waters of Nolichucky ____ on Lick Creek a branch of Nolichucky were thence marched to Big Creek, the Spies which ___ up Long Creek being fired upon by the Indians returned to the army on Long Creek. The next morning they were marched up Long Creek and ___ French ___out encamped on Boyd's creek and the next day the guard under Capt Stinton marched up Boyd's Creek and about three miles distant discovered the Indian encampment. About three quarters of a mile from their camp the enemy fired upon the advance guard _____ from an ambuscade.
The advance guard returned the fire and retreated to the main body. The Army was then formed into three divisions, commanded, severally by Col Sevier Major Walton and Major Tifton, and marched on until they reached Cedar Spring. Then they had a skirmish with the Indians, whom they compelled to retreat into a swap leaving behind them about twenty eight killed. The troops were then marched back to the great Island in French broad River and remained there until ___________ joined them, with their ___. The whole Army then amounting to between five and six hundred men, marched on to the _____ then to Lick River, to ___ to nine Mile Creek to Tennessee River which they crossed at the ___ ford, and into the town of Timotha (?), thence to Tilling (?) then to the waters of (?) and thence to the town of (?) where one of the spies shot one Indian. The Army then marched to the Chickamauga on Lookout Towns where they encamped. After next day marched in the ____ where they took some Negroes, on Squaw and children and a Captain Rogers. . . . (More of the same type of information). . . discharged latter part of Dec 1782.
Signed with his mark - John Dodson
Also appeared George Mooney, aged about 64 years, a resident of Hawkins County and made oath he was acquainted with John Dodson since the fall of 1781 and was then a resident on Nolachucky River, now Greene County.Michael Dodson 1751 - 1830
Huntington County Pennsylvania
7th day of April 1819
Before me the subscriber an associate Judge of the Court personally appeared Michael Dotson residing in Greenfield Township Bedford
County in said District who being by me first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to
obtain the provision made by the late act of Congress 'entitled' "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval
service of the United States in the Revolutionary War" that he the said Michael Dotson, in the year 1776 enlisted for 6 months with
Captain Jacob Good in Taney Town Maryland and march with said Jacob Good to the North war that he was in sundry skirmishes ___ the term
of his enlistment and was honorably discharged at Philadelphia and returned home. Then enlisted the 20th day of April 1777 in Taney
Town aforesaid with Ensign John Hamilton and marched to Baltimore and was then placed under the command of Captain Lancaster (?) thence
marched to Wilmington & composed part of the 4th Maryland Regiment commanded by Col Josiah(?) C Hall in the Maryland line on the
continental establish(?) that he continued to serve in said Regiment in the service of the United States until the 20th day of April 1778
when the term of his enlistment having expired he was discharged at Trenton New Jersey. That he was in the battles of Brandywine,
German Town, White Plains besides many skirmishes with the enemy. That his said discharge he now has in his possession and is annexed
to this his affidavit. That he is in reduced circumstances in life and stands in need of the assistance of this Country for support and
that he has no other evidence in his possession except an acct. of his clothing drawn while a soldier aforesaid and a pay (?) which he
also forwards with his declaration.
Signed Michael (X his Mark) Dodson
Jacob Warsham (?) reputable citizen of Bedford County being duly sworn deposeth and saith that he is well acquainted with Michael
Dotson the applicant above named. That his is a man of truth, and that he is entitled to full and (?) on his oath or otherwise & that
his circumstances are reduced and that he stands in need of the assistance of his Country for support. Signed 7 April 1819Esau Dodson
The State of Mississippi Claiborne County: Circuit Court October Term 1832
On this first day of October 1832 personally appeared in open Court before Alexander Montgomery Judge of the Circuit Court of Claiborne County now sitting Esau Dotson a resident of said Claiborne County and State of Mississippi aged about seventy-eight years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. He was drafted in the year 1779 in the North Carolina Militia in Guilford County and State of North Carolina in the company commanded by Captain Absalom Bostick. That the Regiment to which he was attached was commanded by Colonel Alexander. That General Rutherford was the Commanding General of the North Carolina Militia. That he was drafted for three months and served his time out, but did not receive any written discharge __ That he was in the Battle in which General Gates was defeated and was wounded three times and that Battle. That General De Calb was in the same battle commanding Regulars and was taken prisoner after being wounded many times and soon after died and was buried in Camden South Carolina. That he was also drafted in Henry County and State of Virginia in the year 1781 for the term of five months. That Captain Rubels commanded the Company to which he was attached __ and Colonel Calaway the Regiment __ That he was marched to Little York and was under the Regular Officers, General Washington being Commander in Chief. That the Militia were engaged in building fortifications: that he was in no battles during that time; that he received a written discharge when his term of Service was out, that the same has been lost by time or accident __ That he has no Documentary evidence and that he knows of no person now living by whom he can prove said service.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever to a Pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the agency of any State.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid in Open Court. First of October 1832.
S/ P. A. Vandorn, Clk S/ Esau Dotson, X his markCaleb Dodson made application for a Revolutionary War pension on 25 Sept 1832 in Halifax County VA, age 81, but application was rejected.
Widow Lucy Dodson, widow of George Dodson, made application in Pittsylvania County VA for pension for her husband's service in a company of the Pittsylvania Militia.
Thomas Dodson of NC - Application for bounty land rejected "because his service does not appear of record in this office" (pension office).
William Dotson NC - application by former widow Zilphia Crawford Dotson Bartley 16 Jan 1855 in Chatham County, GA who stated William served in the militia of NC and part time SC. She said they were married 13 Nov 1830 and that he died 8 Nov 1839 in Chatham County, GA. In file is letter from NC Comptroller's office showing pay record for William Dotson for Revolutionary Service.
Revolutionary War 1775 to 1783
The following is an alpha index of records of some Dodsons and Dotsons who served in some capacity in the Revolutionary War. Practically all served as privates. Below this listing are some of the same men and other men with more details about their service from a variety of sources.
Location Surname Given Name Date Event Company or Regiment Details No Carolina Dodson Charles 1777 Muster Roll 1st NC Battalion Capt James Read No Carolina Dodson Charles 1778 Muster Roll 1st NC Battalion Col Thomas Clear No Carolina Dodson Charles 1783 Land Grant Private 640 acres No Carolina Dodson Charles 1796 Land Grant Private 247 acres No Carolina Dodson Charles 1796 Land Grant Private 640 acres No Carolina Dodson Charles 4th NC Regiment No Carolina Dodson Esau 1779 Drafted served 3 months Also drafted 1781 in Henry VA 5 mo Virginia Dotson Greenham 1777 Died 6th VA Regiment Col James Hendrix Pennsylvania Dodson James 1780 Enlisted 6th Bn, 1st Class Nov - Capt Adam Stahler; disch. 1781 Pennsylvania Dotzen James 1783 Discharged Militia Northampton County PA-also 1784 Virginia Dodson Joel 1777 Enlisted 6th VA Regiment Lt Col James Hendricks - Month of May Maryland Dodson John 1778 Enlisted Discharged 11 June 1778 No Carolina Dodson John 1785 Land Grant Private Pennsylvania Dotson John 1779 Fine 5th Bn, 3rd Company Bucks County-non attendance fine Pennsylvania Dotson John 1780 Fine 4th Battalion Bucks County-non attendance fine Pennsylvania Dodson John 1781 Enlisted 2nd Bn Chester County Lt Col Thomas Bull - Sept Pennsylvania Dodson John 1791 Certificate Chester County Militia Certificate issued 1791 Virginia Dodson John 1779 Enlisted Spy Capt Joseph Wilson No Carolina Dotson Joseph 1776 Captain Surry; French Broad River Against Cherokees Col. Joseph Williams Maryland Dodson Michael 1777 Enlisted 4th MD Regimnt Cpt Jacob Good; Disch 1778 No Carolina Dodson Reuben Enlisted One Year Pennsylvania Dodson Richard 1775 Soldier Northhampton Militia Penn Company- May 22 Pennsylvania Dotson Richard 1781 Enlisted 6th Co, 1st Bn Wash. Co. Discharge 1783 Pennsylvania Dotson Richard 1784 Class Roll Washington County 2nd Sgt Capt Guthrey's Class Roll Virginia Dotson Richard 1777 Indian Spy SW Pennsylvania Capt John Minor; also 1778 and 1779 Pennsylvania Dodson Samuel 1775 3rd Class Northumberland county 2nd Co, 6th Bn Capt Wm Moyer Pennsylvania Dodson Samuel 1778 Muster Roll 5th PA Regiment Cpt Wm Oldham's Co. - April muster Pennsylvania Dodson Samuel 1780 Gen Roll Northhampton Militia 6th Bn, 2nd Co Capt Wm Moyer Oct 26 Virginia Dodson Samuel 1781 Enlisted Shenandoah Co Brigade Col Elias Edmonson; discharged 1781 No Carolina Dodson Thomas Quarter Mast. Gen's Dept No Carolina Dodson Thomas Land Grant Rejected Pennsylvania Dodson Thomas 1775 Enlisted 2nd Regt Discharge 1781 Philadelphia, PA Pennsylvania Dodson Thomas 1777 Enlisted 8th Co, 1st Regmnt Capt North; age 31 Pennsylvania Dodson Thomas 1781 Certificate 5th Regiment Virginia Dodson Thomas 1777 15 Sept Montgomery County Capt Daniel Triggs Company Pennsylvania Dodson Thomas 1788 Land Grant Private Private; 200 acres Georgia Dodson Walter 1785 Soldier Maryland Dodson William 1778 Enlisted 7th MD Regimnt Col. Jno. Gunby; Disch 1779 No Carolina Dodson William 1777 Expedition Against Cherokees General Rutherford; Surry County Virginia Dodson William 1777 15 Sept Montgomery County Capt Daniel Triggs Company Virginia Dodson William 1776 Enlisted 8th VA Rifle Regiment Capt Richard Campbell - February Virginia Dodson William 1777 Enlisted 10th VA Regiment Col Edward Stephens - September Georgia Dodson William Jr 1785 Soldier Georgia Dodson William Sr 1785 Soldier Charles Dodson on the roll of Captain James Read in the Company of the 1st NC Battalion commanded by Col. Thomas Clark, September 8, 1778
Joel Dodson on payroll of Captain Alexander Rose(?) in the Company of the 6th Virginia Regiment commanded by Lt. Col. James Hendricks, May 1777
From Pennsylvania Archives
Associators were volunteers who comprised the Military Association, a civilian reserve designed to repel any invasion of Pennsylvania until the collapse of the Association in the winter of 1776-1777. The Pennsylvania Militia was organized under an Act of the Assembly of March 17, 1777 that required compulsory enrollment by constables of all able-bodied white males between the ages of 18 and 53 to repel invaders. The "Flying Camps" were special battalions of Pennsylvania Line troops recruited from the Pennsylvania Associators. Rangers were soldiers who served long periods of enlistment to protect the frontier against Indian incursions. Entries for Depreciation Pay Certificates apply to soldiers who served 1777-1780 when the currency was depreciating and were paid in Continental Bills of Credit that quickly lost value. To compensate for such depreciation, each soldier of the Pennsylvania Line who remained in service in 1781 was awarded a substantial sum in Depreciation Pay Certificates which were both interest bearing and negotiable. In addition, at the end of the war arrears and allowances due were met by issuing to each soldier still in service a number of interest-bearing final settlements called Pierce's Certificates (named after the paymaster who dispensed them).
Military Accounts: Militia, Records of the Comptroller General
The Basic Record Does Not Prove Active Duty
Dotson, Sam'l
Northampton County, 6th Battalion
2nd Company - Capt Wm Moyer, 3rd Class
General Roll
Oct 26, 1780
Dotson, John
Bucks County, 5th Battalion
3rd Company Bensalem Twp
Uncollected non attendance Fines List 1779
June 4, 1779 Muster fines (pounds) 19.10.0
Dotson, John
Bucks County, 4th Battalion
Bensalem Township
Incurred Oct. and Nov 1780
Nonattendance Fines List (pounds) 13.10.0
Dodson, John
Chester County Militia
Certificate 19424 Total (pounds) 1.11.6
Certificate issued 14 July 1791 - Cancelled Certificate
Dodson, James Rank Private
Northampton County
6th Bn, 1st Class
Time of service Sept 26 - Nov 12 one month 16 days
Capt Adam Stahler Commander Militia
Substituted for by Phillip Krouss Sept 25 to Nov 12
"in actual service on the fronteers"
Muster Roll: November 12, 1781
Dodson, James Rank Private
Northampton County
6th Bn., Lt Col. Henry Geiger, Class 6th
Time of Service Nov 15 1780 - Jan 4 1781, 1 month, 25 days
Commander Capt Fred'k Sechler's Co
In the service on the Frontiers of Northampton County. Served as a
substitute for Christian Heilman. Co. M/R Fort Penn, Jan 5, 1781
Dodson, Thomas Active Duty Line
5th Regt.
Amount Settled (pounds) 92.5.4
Series Reading (24 March to 17 May 1781)
Book A Register of Depreciation Certificates
Dotson, Richd
Washington County, 1st Battalion
6th Company
1781 - 1783
From Maryland Archives and War of the American Revolution, 1775-83. Musters of Maryland Troops, Volume L :William Dodson - 30 Jun 1778 William Dodson present; Private; Enlisted in Gunby's for 9 months June 13 1778; Sick in Flying Hospital September and October 1778; Discharged 30 March 1779.
From Muster Rolls: 9 Sep 1778 William Dodson appears with the rank of private on a roll of Capt Jonathan Morris's Company of the 7th Maryland Regiment Commanded by Col. Jno. Gunby. Roll dated White Plains. Engaged to serve 9 month term. In hospital.
John Dodson - Private; Enlisted 5 February 1778 - discharged 11 June 1778.
Michael Dodson - Private enlisted 20 April 1777; Corporal 1 November 1778; Discharged 20 April 1880.
1 Nov 1780 John Dodson present; William Dodson present
From National Archives Microfilm Series T-515, Roll 15
Dodson, Charles - 1st NC Regiment
Dotson, Charles, Pvt - 1st SC Regiment
Dodson, Charles, Pvt - 4th NC Regiment
Dodson, Joel, Cpl - 6th VA Regiment
Dodson, Michael - 4th MD Regiment
Dodson, Thomas - Quarter Master General's Dept.
Dodson, Thomas, Pvt - PA Regiment
Dodson, Thomas, Pvt - 1st PA Regiment
Dodson, Thomas, Pvt - 2nd PA Regiment
Dodson, Thomas, Pvt - 5th PA Regiment
Dodson, William - 7th MD Regiment
Dodson, William, Pvt - 10th VA Regiment
Dotson, Greenham, Pvt - 6th VA Regiment
Dotson, Samuel, Pvt - 5th PA Regiment
Dotson, William, Pvt - 10th VA Regiment (original filed under Dodson, William)
8 September 1778 Roll of Capt. Read's Company of the 1st North Carolina Battalion, commanded by Col. Thomas Clear, (Book of Army Returns)
No. 50 Charles Dodson, enlisted for one year
No. 51 Reuben Dodson, enlisted for one year
Roster of the Continental Line from North Carolina, 1783 (Original Muster and Payrolls 4th Regiment, Thomas Polk, Col.)
15 May 1777 Dodson, Chas., Pvt, Col Phillips Co., enlisted for the war.Land Grants for Revolutionary War Service
From: Revolutionary War bounty land grants: awarded by state governments by Lloyd DeWitt BockstruckDodson, Beletha. N.C. Private. 9 Feb 1796. 640 acres to heirs.
Dodson, Charles. N.C. Private. 21 Oct 1783. 640 acres.
Dodson, Charles. N.C. Private. 22 Dec 1796. 247 acres.
Dodson, Charles. N.C. Private. 24 Dec 1796. 640 acres
Dodson, John. N.C. Private. 22 Apr 1785. 274 acres
Dodson, Thomas PA Private. 30 Dec 1788. 200 acres
Dodson, Walter GA Soldier. 5 Aug 1785
Dodson, William Jr GA Soldier. 5 Aug 1785
Dodson, William SR GA Soldier. 5 Aug 1785
More Revolutionary War Dodson Records from Several Sources
Some may be duplicates of the above-named soldiers1775 May 22 Capt Richard Dodson was in Penn Company of Northampton PA Militia
Samuel Dotson was showing in 1775 as 3rd class and in the 2nd Company of 6th Battalion of Northumberland County PA under Capt Wm Moyer
July 20th, 1776 Maryland - Enrolled by Capt. Jacob Good, Lieut. John Battis Thompson, Lieut. John Ghiselin and Ensign John Smith. Reviewed and passed by Baker Johnson but Michael Dodson "did not appear at the review. I am informed they are able bodied and effective." B. Johnson. Michael Dodson is on a report of the names of the Revolutionary Pensioners which have been placed on the roll of Pennsylvania, under the law of the 18th of March, 1818, from the passage thereof to this day, inclusive, with the Rank they held, and the lines in which they served - Service in MD.
Greenham Dotson - Private in the 6th Virginia Regiment under Captain Nathaniel Fox's Company, commanded by Col. James Hendrix. Greenham is listed on a muster Roll May 1777 to 16 June 1777. Notation: Dead
July 1776 #15 William Dodson in General Rutherford's Expedition against the Cherokees: Ordered in to assemble 300 men form the Surry County Militia NC.
1777 Thomas Dodson of PA Eighth Company, 1st Regiment: enlisted in Ticonderoga under Capt North - blacksmith - age 32 5 ft 7 1/4 inches Brown Hair, Dark Complexion.
1777 Sept 17 Capt Daniel Triggs Company Montgomery County, VA William Dodson and Thomas Dodson
Samuel Dotson - Private, 5th Pennsylvania Regiment, Capt. William Oldham's Company commanded by Col. Francis Johnston; on Muster Roll April 1778 to May2, 1778. Deserted from Regiment between 2 May 1778 and 1 March 1779.
James Dodson entered 6th Battalion of Northumberland County, PA 16 Nov 1780 to 4 Jan 1781; also 26 Sep 1781 to 12 Nov 1781.
Samuel Dodson - Private - Captain Linchfield Sharpe's Company of Shenandoah county VA, under the command of Col. Elias Edmondson; of General Stephen's Brigade, from 2 Aug until 5 Oct., 1781. From: Virginia Soldiers compiled and edited by Louis A Burgess
John Dodson served as a Private in the 1st Company- Capt Beatty in 2nd Battalion, Chester County PA Militia, commanded by Lt. Col. Thomas Bull, who are ordered on a tour of duty immediately, Sept 24, 1781. Pennsylvania Archives, 5th Series, Volume 5, page 536
James Dotzen listed as discharged 1783/1784 from Northampton County PA militia
1781 March 11 Milita men who marched to the assistance of Gen Green at Guilford Court house from Henry County VA. Hamon Critz's Company:
Charles Dotson and William Dotson1784 Jan 4 2nd Sgt Richard Dotson Washington County PA � Hugh Johnson - Capt Jno. Guthrey�s Class Roll
Robert Dodson grant of 2666 2/3 acres of land for three years of service as a signalman in the Virginia Navy.