From the Southern Historical Society-Heroes of the old Camden District SC
The 17th regiment, which was organized in the early part of 1862 (with the
exception of but 2 companies from Barnwell), was composed entirely of men
from York, Chester, Lancaster and Fairfield. These were: Three companies
from York, Captains Meacham, Wilson & Whitingan; 2 companies from Chester,
Captains Culp and Caskey, and 2 companies from Fairfield, Co. B, Captain
W.P. Coleman and Co., Captain James Beatty. It was organized by the election
of Governor John H. Means as Colonel, F.W. McMaster as Lieutenant Colonel,
and Julius Mills as Major, with Robert Stark Means as Adjutant.
This regiments first service was on the coast of SC, but it was to
be its fortune, with the rest of its brigade, first under Evans, then under
Elliot and then under Wallace, to serve in almost every State in the Confederacy.
It belonged to what might be called, not disrespectfully, "The Tramp Brigade."
It saw service in SC. It fought in VA, MD, NC and MS. It traversed AL &
GA, and served for some time on the Island of Hope, in the latter State,
including in its service a term of bombardment in Fort Sumter.
Its first battle was the Second Manassas, and in this battle it lost in
proportion to its numbers more than any other regiment from this State during
the whole war did in any single engagement. There were but three other regiments
in the Confederacy which had a greater percentage of loss in any single battle.
Its loss was 189 killed and wounded out of 284 carried into action. But this
loss, great and terrible in its numbers as it was, did not cover its calamity
to the State. At the head of this regiment fell one of SC noblest citizens.
(Captain Gaston, of the 6th).
The Seventeenth regiment was in Maryland, at Boonesboro, on the 14th September, in which out of 141 present, the regiment lost 61 killed, wounded & missing.
At Sharpsburg, on the 17th, this regiment had been reduced by casualties and marching to but 59 present, including officers, rank and file and ambulance corps. Of this small number 19 were killed & wounded.
One-half of the regiment was lost at Fort Steadman on the 25th March, 1865. Colonel McMasters & 20 officers were captured. The remainder fought at Five Forks, where Lieutenant-Colonel Culp was captured. The three remaining officers of the regiment-Major Avery, Adjutant Fant and Captain Steele, of Lancaster-were each wounded on the day of the surrender.