Signature of Edward B. Walker Genealogy of Edward B. Walker
1756-1838, Duplin County, North Carolina - Sullivan, Claiborne, Hancock Counties, Tennessee


Problems with the Bible

20 March 1845

Once again, the Pension Office questions the two sets of Bible records, in this case because the pages sent to the office do not appear to them to be old enough to show that the births were recorded contemporaneously. In fact, the earlier depositions by the Walkers state quite clearly that the records were not that old but were written down when a particular sister moved to Indiana and took the original Bible.

The letter writer indicates that there is "every appearance" that both sets of family records sent to the Pension office were torn from the same book, and they might have been, although there was no attempt at fraud here. As Jonathan had explained earlier, the first set of Bible records were a copy he had made expressly to send to the Pension Office; he might well have made the copy on other pages of the same Bible.

In this case, the person from the Pension Office does suggest one of the alternative methods for proving the date of the marriage, primarily by finding someone not in the family to swear that he or she knew Edward and Jane before 1794 and knew them to be married then. Given the timing of the family moves and the fact that more than fifty years had passed, quite possibly no one in the area had known them that brief period of time between 1790 and the end of 1793, a period in which they lived in Sullivan County, Tennessee, quite likely for that entire period. In any event, no specific evidence of this type appears to have been introduced after this letter.

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Pension Office
Mar 20 45


The addl [sic] evidence with case of Jane Walker widow of Edward Walker has been examined and filed. On comparing the leaves heretofore sent, containing, as alleged, the family register both of which have been described as original, there is every appearance of them having been taken from the same book and it will required the clearest evidence to satisfy the Dept as to the date of the marriage. The above registers do not sufficiently bear the impress of antiquity to be recd in proof of an event so long past but there shd be no difficulty in obtaining the testimony of disinterested credible & intelligent witnesses who can swear to the existence of the relation of husband and wife at some specific period prior to '94.

[To:] Alfred Noelle Esq
Grainger Co

7170 Act July 7th 38

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