Mayflower - The-Pilgrims-Landing-Nov

Ancestors of Forrest Gene PLUMSTEAD Sr


The-Pilgrims-Landing-Nov - By Dr Mike Haywood

Here is my latest painting which shows some of the Pilgrims landing on Cape Cod on November 13th 1620. I wanted to capture a joyous moment when a group of Mayflower passengers first set foot on land after having spent so many weeks cooped up on board a pitching ship; the moment when American soil was touched for the first time. My picture is not of the landing at Plimoth. I rely on Caleb Johnson to provide me with the historical facts. He tells me that the the Mayflower anchored off what is now called Provincetown at dawn on the 11th November. Caleb continues...........
...........They took a quick jaunt ashore on November 11 (�15 or 16 men, well armed�) mostly to gather juniper to be burned (to purify the air on the ship). On November 13, they hauled their shallop ashore (which was in several pieces) so it could be fixed up and re-assembled. The carpenter made �slow work of it� (more than two weeks, actually) and so the men set out on their first expedition by foot �well armed � with every man his musket, sword and corslet� and led by Myles Standish. That same day they also brought many others ashore simply to �refresh themselves�, and even the women and teenage girls came ashore to do laundry: The Mayflower�s captain and some of the crew and a dog were also apparently ashore, as the explorers accidentally mistook two men and their dog for being the captain and some of his men � but as they got closer they realized they were Indians, who then took off into the forest whistling the dog after them. The Mayflower is known to have had an English Mastiff and an English spaniel onboard.....................

Painting by Dr. Mike Haywood
Used With Permission

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