Ancestors of Lazurus Long & Lilieb555 - with connections to others peoples work
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Urraca Alfonsez DE LEÓN7,15,20,82,158 was born about 1190 in Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain.20 Parents: \King Of León\ Alfonso IX Fernandez LEON and Agnes DE MENDOZA.

Olivier DE LIGNON.2392

Children were: Philipotte DE LIGNON.

Philipotte DE LIGNON.2392 Parents: Olivier DE LIGNON.

Spouse: Almeric DE LAPOTERIE. Children were: Count Of Lens Boulogne Jehan DE LAPOTERIE.

Count Of Flanders Baldwin V DE LILLE7,15,20,21,27,32,35,36,37,46,47,48,81,114,116,129,261,314,340,341,377,378,461,612,987,2425,2426 was born in 1012 in Flanders, Normandy, France.32,35,377,2425 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He died on 1 Sep 1067 in Lillie, Nord, France.15,20,30,31,35,50,114,116,118,157,223,340,377,2425 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]201 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He was also known as The Pious. He was christened in Flanders (Ancient Counts Of Flanders Vii). He was buried in Of, Lille, Duchy Of Loer.201,377 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count

Count of FlandersNickname:<NICK> The Pious
1 NAME Baldwin V "the Debonnair" /de Lille/
2 SOU R S033320
4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001
2 DATE AB T. 1013
2 PLAC Lille, Nord, France
2 SOUR S033320
4 TEXT Date o f Import: Jan 17, 2001

[De La Pole.FTW]

Sources: RC 73, 140, 141, 205; Coe; Guziot's "France"; K&Q of
Britain; Kraentzler 1073, 1157, 1218, 1221, 12 41, 1258, 1265, 1342, 1350, 1371;
Ancestral File; Ancestry and Progeny of Capt . James Blount--Immigrant by Robert
Frederick Pfafman; A. Roots 162-22, 163-22 , 164-22; Royal Descents; AIS; Davis.
RC: Baldwin V de Lille, Count of Flander s.
Descents: Baldwin V, Count of Flanders.
K: Baudouin V, "le Lille et le Deb onnaire." Count de Hainault and Flanders.
Regent in France.
AIS: Baldwin V, C ount of Flandre, born Flandre, Belgium; died 1 Sept. 1067.
Married 1026.
Davi s: Baldwin V, Count of Flanders; married Adela, daughter of Robert of
France.1 BIRT
2 DATE 1012
2 DATE 1012
2 PLAC Flanders, France
2 DATE 1 Sep 1067
2 PLAC Lille, FranceName Suffix:<NSFX> Count de Lille*
GIVN Baldwin V of
SURN Flanders
NSFX Coun t de Lille*
TYPE Acceded
DATE 1035
PLAC Flanders,Norman dy,Fr
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 17:34:36

GIVN Baldwin V of
NSFX Count of Flanders
ABBR Gary Boyd Roberts Book
TITL Via a gedcom from Compuse rve by Jack McDonald which gave the rather
extensive Maybary line
AUTH Gary B oyd Roberts

TYPE Acceded
DATE 1035Entered into hostilities with Empor er Otho II and aquired from that monarch Valenciennes and the Isles of Zealand. He subseqently further increased his territories by another rich accession,
t hat of the citadel of Ghent.

GIVN Baldwin V of
NSFX Count de Lille*
Called Baldwin "the Debonnaire" Count of Flanders 1060-1066. Conflictw ith
Henry III Emporer of France. Was regent of France 1060-1066. Went withWm.
the Conqueror in invasion of England. Dtr. Matilda married Philip 1stof
Franc e.

GIVN Baudouin V Count Of
TI TL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PU BL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral Fil e (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL An cestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Co pyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
DATE 16 SEP 2000
TIME 15:17: 58

DATE 5 MAY 2000

OCCU Count of Flanders ...
SOUR 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserv e); ;
COMYNX.ARC (Compuserve),#495 says ABT 1012;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 103 says c1013
SOUR Ameri cans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning,p. 53; ROYAL.JRW (Compuserve);
1CHA RL.TXT (Compuserve);Royalty for Commoners, says 1 Sept 1067;
COMYNX.GED (Compu serve) says 1 FEB 1067,COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve),p.5 1 FEB 1067
SOUR users/daver/rigney/D0001
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, p. 246, 210;
ROYAL.JRW (Compuserve), COMYNI.GED (Compuserve);
Royalty for Co mmoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 102;
Baldwin the Pious - ROYAL.JRW (Compuserve ); Baldwin V de Lille - 1CHARL.TXT
(Compuserve); Count of Valenciennes - 1CHAR L.TXT (Compuserve); Regent of
France - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve)
BALDWIN V, son of BALDWIN IV and AGIVA DE LUXEMBOURG, entered into hostilities with Emporer O tho II and aquired from that monarch Valenciennes and the Isles of Zealand. He subsequently further
increased his territories by another rich accession, that
of the citidel of Ghent. For hundreds of years before 1066, England had bee n ruled by Ango-Saxon Kings. When Edward "the Conffesor" died in 1066, William of Normandy saw his chance for a successful
invasion of England. He built a fl eet of, attracted
many knights, and obtained the pope's blessing. He gained v ictory at the Battle of Hastings and was crowned King of England on Christmas d ay of 1066. During the next few years, William presided over
a gradual redistr ibution of land in England. Saxon
rebellions led to the confiscation of lands , which the Norman Barons received . As a result of this Norman invasion, the E nglish people today are both Norman and Anglo-Saxon extraction. -

OCCU Count of Flanders ...
SOUR 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve); ;
COMYNX.ARC (Compuserve),#495 says ABT 1012;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p . 103 says c1013
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning,p. 53; R OYAL.JRW (Compuserve);
1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve);RName Prefix:<NPFX> Count
Name Suffix:<NSFX> V Parents: Count Of Flanders Baudouin IV LE BARBU and Otgive DE LUXEMBURG. Parents: . Parents: Baldwin OF FLANDERS IV and Otgive DE LUXEMBURG. Parents: Count Of Flanders Baudouin IV LE BARBU. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: Count Of Flanders III BAUDOUIN Count Of Flanders and Otgive DE LUXEMBURG.

Spouse: Princess Adele Alix HAVOISE. Count Of Flanders Baldwin V DE LILLE and Princess Adele Alix HAVOISE were married in 1028.2425 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]201 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] Children were: Count Of Flanders &Artois Baldwin DE FLANDERS VI, Count Of Flanders Le Frisson ROBERT, Count Baldwin VI Of Flanders ARTOIS, Count Of Flanders & Artoi ROBERT I, Ct De Flanders Artois Robert FLANDERS I, Countess Of Flanders Mathilda MATILDA, I Robert FLANDERS, Judith Fausta De FLANDERS, Countess Of Northumberlan Judith Of FLANDERS.

Spouse: Princess Adele Alix HAVOISE. Count Of Flanders Baldwin V DE LILLE and Princess Adele Alix HAVOISE were married in 1028 in Paris, Seine, France.15,16,20,30,31,32,35,114,116,158,244,263,377,797,2366,2427 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]50,223,227,2428,2429,2430,2431 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]115 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] GEN: See Historical Document.1 _KKNB
1 _KKNB See Historical Document.\0=\0:
1 _KKNB Children were: Baudouin VI The FLANDERS AND HAINAULT, Ct De Flanders Baudouin VI DE Flanders, Matilda (Maud) De FLANDRE, The Frislander Richard De Flanders FORSTER, ISABELLA, Countess Of Flanders Judith NORTHUMBRIA, Count Of Flanders &Artois Baldwin DE FLANDERS VI, Baldwin VI "The Peaceable" And OF FLANDERS, Ct De Flanders Artois Robert FLANDERS I, Countess Of Flanders Mathilda MATILDA, \Ct De Flanders Robert I 'Le Frison' Artois, Baldwin VI Baldwin DE MONS I, Helena Le BON, Ct De Flanders Henri FLANDERS I, Judith Fausta De FLANDERS, Alix DE NORMANDY.

Children were: Comte De Flandre ROBERT I.

Spouse: Adel OF FRANCE. Children were: Countess Of Flanders Mathilda MATILDA, Count Baldwin VI OF FLANDERS AND HAINAULT, Judith OF FLANDERS, Ct De Flanders Artois Robert FLANDERS I.

Guiotte DE LILLE7,239 was born in 1290. She died on 7 Aug 1338.

Spouse: II Valeran DE LUXEMBOURG. II Valeran DE LUXEMBOURG and Guiotte DE LILLE were married. !MARRIAGE:The History of Nantucket, The History of
Nantucket, Alexander Starb uck, Charles E. Tuttle Co.:
Publishers, Rutland, Vermont, 1983, p. 750

!M ARRIAGE:The Folger Family (continued from what was
printed, The Folger Family (continued from what was printed
in Volume 16, July1862), William Coleman Fo lger, p. 18
(1765 or 1766)

!MARRIAGE:Vital Records of Nantucket Massachus etts to the
Year 1850, Volume II, Vital Records of Nantucket
Massachusetts to the Year 1850, Volume II, New England
Historic Genealogical Society, Bosto n, MA, 1925, p. 442

!MARRIAGE:folger.ged, folger.ged

!MARRIAGE:macy.FTW, macy.FTW Children were: Jean DE LUXEMBOURG.

Jean DE LILLE7,27 was born in 1200. He died in 1244.

Spouse: Maud DE BETHUNE. Jean DE LILLE and Maud DE BETHUNE were married in 1235. Children were: Jean DE LILLE.

Jean DE LILLE7,27 was born in 1235. He died in 1276. Parents: Jean DE LILLE and Maud DE BETHUNE.

Mathilde DE LIMBOURG7,248 was born about 1095 in La Roche, Luxembourg. Parents: Henri I DE LORRAINE and Adelheid Of BAVARIA.

Spouse: Henri I DE LA ROCHE. Henri I DE LA ROCHE and Mathilde DE LIMBOURG were married. Children were: Omtesse \De La Roche\ Mathilde C.

Mathilde DE LIMBOURG7,45 was born about 1111 in Of, La Roche En Ardenne, Luxembourg, Belgium.463 From the Maybee Society files. The data is not verified and is possibly incorre ct.

Spouse: Comte Henri I De La ROCHE. Comte Henri I De La ROCHE and Mathilde DE LIMBOURG were married about 1132 in Of, La Roche En Ardenne, Luxembourg, Belgium.463 Children were: Mathilde De La ROCHE.

Heinrich DE LIMBURG7,45 was born in 1082 in Of, Limburg, Limburg, Belgium.463 He died in 1164.463 From the Maybee Society files. The data is not verified and is possibly incorre ct. Parents: Duke Of Lorraine HENRI I and Duchess Of Lower Lorraine ADELHEID.

Maud DE LIMBURG7,239 was born in 1113 in Germay. She died on 2 Jan 1144/45. !NAME:large-G675.FTW, large-G675.FTW

!NAME:large-G675.FTW, large-G675.FTW

!BIRTH:large-G675.FTW, large-G675.FTW

!BIRTH:large-G675.FTW, large-G675.FTW

!DEATH:large-G675.FTW, large-G675.FTW

!DEATH:large-G675.FTW, large-G675. FTW Parents: .

Spouse: HENRY II. HENRY II and Maud DE LIMBURG were married in 1136. Children were: HENRY III, MARGARET.

Ademar III DE LIMOGES7,111 was born about 1100 in Of, Limoges, Haute-Vienne, France. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XPX-NN

Spouse: Graule De TAILLEFER. Ademar III DE LIMOGES and Graule De TAILLEFER were married. Children were: Emma DE LIMOGES.

Almode DE LIMOGES7,15,16,17,61 died in 1007. Parents: Gerard DE LIMOGES and Rothilda DE BRAOSE.

Spouse: Ct De La Marche Perigord Adalbert I. Ct De La Marche Perigord Adalbert I and Almode DE LIMOGES were married. 1 REFN 60319 Children were: Ct De La Marche Perigord Bernard I.

Spouse: ADALBERT I. ADALBERT I and Almode DE LIMOGES were married. Children were: Bernard DU MARCHE I.


Spouse: Count Of Poitou X Duke Of Guillaume AQUATAINE.

Emma DE LIMOGES7,67,111,212 was born about 1138 in . [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]12,13 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She died.13 Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XPX-D9Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XPX-D9
2 SOUR S025186
4 TEXT Date of Import: Mar 19, 2001
2 SOUR S022688
4 TEXT Date of Import: Mar 1 7, 2002

Please use this information at your own risk. Every effort has b een taken to verify the accuracy but you are responsible for your own research. Parents: . Parents: Ademar III De LIMOGES and Graule De TAILLEFER. Parents: Ademar III DE LIMOGES and Graule De TAILLEFER. Parents: . Parents: .

Spouse: Count Of Angoule William IV TAILLEFER. Count Of Angoule William IV TAILLEFER and Emma DE LIMOGES were married before 1160 in .12,13 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] Children were: Count Of Angoule Aymer DE TAILLEFER, Vulgrin TAILLEFER, Mathilde Taillefer DE ANGOULÊME, Guiillaume TAILLEFER.

Gerard DE LIMOGES.61

Spouse: Rothilda DE BRAOSE. Children were: Almode DE LIMOGES.

Vicomte Geraud Of DE LIMOGES7,71 died in 988. Parents: Vicomte Of De Limoges Hildegar and Tietberga Of BOURGES.

Spouse: Rothilde De BROSSE. Children were: Count Of Paris GIRARD I.

Miss DE LINDSEY7,537 was born about 1199. She died Deceased in Waldegrave, Northamptonshire, England.

Spouse: William WALDEGRAVE. William WALDEGRAVE and Miss DE LINDSEY were married. Children were: Warren WALDEGRAVE.


Spouse: Otto DE LEBARTEN III. Children were: Barbe DE LEBARTEN.

Welf I Of Argentin DE LINZGAU.54 Parents: Count Of Auxerre Conrad ARGENGAU I and Princess Of France\ Adelaide OF ALSACE.

Alice DE LISLE7,168 died after 1344. BIBLIOGRAPHY:
Cokayne, George Edward, Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, I reland, GreatBritain, and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dormant. Glo ucester: ASutton, 1982.

Sheppard, Walter Lee, Royal Ancestry of Joseph Bowle s, TAG 37 (Apr 1961)p114-6.

Weis, Frederick Lewis, with additions and correc tions by Walter Lee Sheppard,Jr, Assisted by David Faris, Ancestral Roots of Ce rtain American Colonists whocame to America before 1700, 7th Edition, Baltimore : Genealogical PublishingCo, 1992.

Sources for this Information:
parents: [ Ref: CP VI p125], father: [Ref: Sheppard BOWLES p115]

Sources for this Infor mation:
date: living 1344 [Ref: Weis AR7 #50] Parents: Sir Warin DE LISLE and Alice DE TYES.

Spouse: Sir John DE GREY. Sir John DE GREY and Alice DE LISLE were married before 20 Oct 1330. Sources for this Information:
date: before Oct 20 1330 [Ref: CP VI p125, Shepp ard BOWLES p115, Weis AR7 #50] Children were: Sir Henry DE GREY, Alice DE GREY.

Idonea DE LISLE.62 Parents: William DE LISLE.

Spouse: Sir Hugh BEAUCHAMP. Children were: Sir John BEAUCHAMP.

Sir Warin DE LISLE7,168 died in Kingston-Lisle. BIBLIOGRAPHY:
Cokayne, George Edward, Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, I reland, GreatBritain, and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dormant. Glo ucester: ASutton, 1982.

Sheppard, Walter Lee, Royal Ancestry of Joseph Bowle s, TAG 37 (Apr 1961)p114-6.

Weis, Frederick Lewis, with additions and correc tions by Walter Lee Sheppard,Jr, Assisted by David Faris, Ancestral Roots of Ce rtain American Colonists whocame to America before 1700, 7th Edition, Baltimore : Genealogical PublishingCo, 1992.

Sources for this Information:
place: of Kingston-Lisle [Ref: Weis AR7 #50]

Spouse: Alice DE TYES. Children were: Alice DE LISLE.

William DE LISLE.62

Children were: Idonea DE LISLE.

Albreda DE LISOURES7,838 was born about 1128 in Lincoln, Lincolnhire, England. She died after 1193 in Halton Castle, Skipton, Yorkshire, England. She was also known as Aubrey. Parents: Robert DE LISOURES and Albreda DE LACY.

Spouse: Baron Halton Richard Fitzeustace CLAVERING. Baron Halton Richard Fitzeustace CLAVERING and Albreda DE LISOURES were married. Children were: John Fitzrichard DE LACY, Roger Fitzrichard DE WARKWORTH, Mary FITZ EUSTACE, Aubrey FITZ RICHARD.

Robert DE LISOURES7,838 was born about 1097 in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England. Parents: Fulk DE LISOURS.

Spouse: Albreda DE LACY. Robert DE LISOURES and Albreda DE LACY were married in 1113. Children were: Robert DE LISOURS, Albreda DE LISOURES.

Fulk DE LISOURS7,838 was born about 1072 in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England. He died about 1096 in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England. Parents: .

Children were: Robert DE LISOURES.

Robert DE LISOURS7,838 was born in 1120 in Holton, Cheshire, England. Parents: Robert DE LISOURES and Albreda DE LACY.

Guisle DE LLUCA7,207,219,517 was born about 1015. She died after 1079. Parents: Sunifred II DE LLUCA and Ermessende DE BALÇARENI.

Spouse: Bérenger-Raymond Ier Le Courbé DE BARCELONE. Bérenger-Raymond Ier Le Courbé DE BARCELONE and Guisle DE LLUCA were married after 1026. CHAN2 Mar 2002 Children were: Sibil DE BARCELONA.

Sunifred II DE LLUCA7,207,517 was born about 995. He died in 1063. #Générale# Seigneur de Lluça, Viguier de Balsareny. Parents: .

Spouse: Ermessende DE BALÇARENI. Sunifred II DE LLUCA and Ermessende DE BALÇARENI were married. CHAN2 Mar 2002 Children were: Guisle DE LLUCA.

Roscille DE LOCHE7,647 was born about 982.

Spouse: Count Of Anjou\ Fulk OF ANJOU I. Count Of Anjou\ Fulk OF ANJOU I and Roscille DE LOCHE were married. Children were: Count Of Anjou Foulques II Le Bon D'ANJOU.

Villentrois Garnier DE LOCHES7,21,32,122,165,708,803 was born about 844 in Of, Loches, Indre-Et-Loire, France. He was also known as Seigneur De Loches. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9HMX-7C
!BIRTH-SPOUSE-CHILDREN: Ancestral File; ; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, CD-ROM dated 21 Aug 1992, Inf ormation submitted by...; St George Regional Family History Center/FamilySearch Home Field Trial, searched Jan 1995; according to notes, Garnier was 'Seigneur de Loches' and 'Seigneur de Villentrois' Parents: Gordan De LOCHES.

Spouse: Mrs-Garnier DE LOCHES. Children were: Roscille DE LOCHES.

Children were: Roscille DE LOCHES.

Spouse: TOSCANDA. Children were: Roscilla DE LA HAYE.

Spouse: Toscanda Or FORCONDA. Villentrois Garnier DE LOCHES and Toscanda Or FORCONDA were married about 870 in Of, Loches, France. Children were: Garnier II De LOCHES, Roscille De Villentras La Kaye LOCHES.

Mrs-Garnier DE LOCHES.708

Spouse: Villentrois Garnier DE LOCHES. Children were: Roscille DE LOCHES.

Countess Of Anjou Roscille DE LOCHES7,242 was born in 874 in France. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Countess of Anjou
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9HPS-G7
CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 874 and place; s ays ABT 874, France
SOUR GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) 2032178705
ANJOU.TXT (Com puserve)
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 82

CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 874 and place; says ABT 874, France
SOUR GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) 2032178705
ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve)
Roy alty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 82

CHARLEMG.ZI P (GS) says 874 and place; says ABT 874, France
SOUR GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) 2032178705
ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve)
Royalty for Comm oners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 82

AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimo re, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT (167-37)
DATE 30 MAY 2000

GIVN Rosci lle
SURN Loches

TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999

DATE 3 JUN 2000 Parents: Thistburge DE ARLES.

Spouse: Count Of Anjou Foulques II Le Bon D'ANJOU. Count Of Anjou Foulques II Le Bon D'ANJOU and Countess Of Anjou Roscille DE LOCHES were married on 5 Jul 905. TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999

_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_ MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_MEND Divorce
REFN 55241

_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural

SOUR Royalty for Common ers, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 125;
CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 5-Jul- 905;
members.a; ;

SOUR Royalty for Co mmoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 125;
CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 5-Jul- 905;
membe; ;

SOUR Royalty fo r Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 125;
CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 5-Jul- 905;
m; ; Children were: Adela DE ANJOU.

Roscille DE LOCHES7,20,21,32,708 was born about 874 in Of, France.20,32 Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9HPS-G7
!BIRTH-SPOUSE-CHILDREN: Ancestral File; ; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, CD-ROM dated 21 Aug 1992, Info rmation submitted by...; St George Regional Family History Center/FamilySearch Home Field Trial, searched Jan 1995; according to notes, Roscille was 'Countess of Anjou' Parents: Villentrois Garnier DE LOCHES. Parents: Villentrois Garnier DE LOCHES and Mrs-Garnier DE LOCHES.

Spouse: Count Of Anjou\ Fulk OF ANJOU I. Count Of Anjou\ Fulk OF ANJOU I and Roscille DE LOCHES were married before 5 Jul 905.20 Children were: Adelaide DE ANJOU, Ingelger D'ANJOU, Guy D'ANJOU, Roscille D'ANJOU, Count Of Anjou Foulques II Le Bon D'ANJOU.

[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] She was born about 535 in Lombard, Italy. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She died in 572 in France. She was also known as Waldrade De Lombardie.222 She was also known as Walderade De Lombards.532 GIVN Waldrada\Wuldetrada of (534)
NSFX Duchess of Lower Bavar ia

I wish I was sure of every name in this file &amp; that I didnt
need to know what you think :) hey, but always refining this,
So if you spot a place where Im just flat wrong please tell
me or someone I didnt go on out with, I d o this file out of fun and wanting to know, but do not
respond to the 'know it alls' , that dont have manners.I dont
consider them Kin!
Thanks and Happy Hunting!

OCCU of the Lombards
SOUR says ABT 534, Lombardy, Italy
He r date of birth may have been "in 530"; however, her three marriages seem
inco nsistent with her age. One source indicates she married second, Rodon, a
Princ e of Bavaria -; Parents: King Of The Lombards WACHO and Princess Of Gepide OSTROGTHA.

Children were: Duke Of Bavaria\ Tassilon De AGILOFINGES I.

Spouse: Garibold I DE BAVIERE. Garibold I DE BAVIERE and Waldrade DE LOMBARDIE were married.

Spouse: Prince Of Rodon BAVARIA. Prince Of Rodon BAVARIA and Waldrade DE LOMBARDIE were married. Children were: Waltrude De LOMBARDIE.

Spouse: The Old Clothaire I. The Old Clothaire I and Waldrade DE LOMBARDIE were married in Never Married. SOUR

Spouse: Theodebald D'AUSTRASIE. Theodebald D'AUSTRASIE and Waldrade DE LOMBARDIE were married in 552. Children were: Grimoald D'AQUITAINE.

Spouse: Garibald Ier DE BAVIÈRE. Garibald Ier DE BAVIÈRE and Waldrade DE LOMBARDIE were married about 562 in Bavaria. SOUR; Children were: Gertrude DE BAVIÈRE, Viscount Grunwald Of Asti LOMBARDY, Tassilon DE BAVIÈRE, Romilde DE AGILOLFINGES, Queen Of Lombardy Theudelinde Of BAVARIA.

Count Of Namur Robert DE LOMME I7,64,103,120,173,243,248,370 was born in 916 in Namur, Belgium. He died in 981 in Namur, Belgium. DATE 29 APR 2000

OCCU Count of Namur ...
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderi ck W. Stuart, p. 274 says BEF 947;
SOUR www.public. says 980;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve) says ABT 973;
HAWKINS .GED says 981
Count of Luxembourg - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); Count of Lomme; l iv 946 -
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 274 Parents: Comte Berenger DE NAMUR and Of Lorraine Symphorienne DE HAINAULT. Parents: Of Lorraine Symphorienne DE HAINAULT. Parents: .

Spouse: Ermengarde DE LORRAINE. Count Of Namur Robert DE LOMME I and Ermengarde DE LORRAINE were married in . Children were: Comte De Namur Albert DE NAMUER I.

Children were: Comte De Namur Albert DE NAMUER I.

Waudbert V DE LOMMOIS7,33 was born about 635. #Générale# Comte de Lommois.

Spouse: Berthilde DE THURINGE. Waudbert V DE LOMMOIS and Berthilde DE THURINGE were married. Children were: Waudbert VI DE LOMMOIS.

Waudbert VI DE LOMMOIS7,33 was born about 665. He died in 704. #Générale# Comte de Lommois. Parents: Waudbert V DE LOMMOIS and Berthilde DE THURINGE.

Spouse: Adeltrude De HAINAULT. Waudbert VI DE LOMMOIS and Adeltrude De HAINAULT were married. Children were: Waudbert VII DE LOMMOIS.

Waudbert VII DE LOMMOIS7,33 was born about 695. He died in 725. #Générale# Comte de Lommois. Parents: Waudbert VI DE LOMMOIS and Adeltrude De HAINAULT.

Spouse: Aldegonde DE BAVIÈRE. Waudbert VII DE LOMMOIS and Aldegonde DE BAVIÈRE were married. Children were: Waudbert VIII DE LOMMOIS.

Waudbert VIII DE LOMMOIS7,33 was born before 725. He died in 762. #Générale# Comte de Lommois. Parents: Waudbert VII DE LOMMOIS and Aldegonde DE BAVIÈRE.

Children were: Richard D'AMIENS, Angilbert DE PONTHIEU.

Wautrude DE LOMMOIS7,33 was born about 640. #Générale# Elle fonda le monastère de Mons.

Spouse: Vincent Madelgaire Le Saint Of HAINAULT. Vincent Madelgaire Le Saint Of HAINAULT and Wautrude DE LOMMOIS were married. Children were: Adeltrude De HAINAULT.

Hawise DE LONDRES7,51,129,252,948 was born about 1223 in Kidwelly, Carmarthan, Wales.948 She died in 1274 in (Unknown), Austria-Hungary.948 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 924R-77Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 924R-77
Line 922 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Hawise De /LONDRES/ GIVN Hawise De

Line 923 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:

Li ne 926 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT DATE Abt 1223

Li ne 931 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
SOUR @S1@ Parents: . Parents: Thomas De LONDRES and Eve De TRACY.

Spouse: V Patrick De CHAWORTH. V Patrick De CHAWORTH and Hawise DE LONDRES were married in 1244 in (Unknown), Eng.948 Children were: Payne CHAWORTH, Knight Patrick Of Kidwelley DE CHAWORTH, Hervey Harvey CHAWORTH, Eve CHAWORTH, Anne Agnes CHAWORTH, Emma CHAWORTH.

Spouse: Patrick De CHAWORTH. Children were: Knight Patrick DE CHAWORTH.

Ela DE LONGESPEE7,385 was born about 1220 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. She died on 9 Feb 1297/98. She was buried in Oseney, Abbey, Oxon, England. Parents: .

Spouse: Knight Philip BASSET. Knight Philip BASSET and Ela DE LONGESPEE were married.

Ela DE LONGESPEE7,20,27,35,36,62,67,82,121,129,212,225,244,252,261,300,301,948 was born about 1226 in Northampton, England.20,225,948 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]35 She died on 22 Nov 1299.20,35,225,948 Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 92D2-9H2 SOUR S002120
4 TEXT Date of Import: Apr 17, 2001 Parents: . Parents: [Sir Knight] William DE LONGESPEE II and [Countess Of Salisbury] Idoine DE CAMVILLE.

Spouse: Justicular Of Ireland James DE ALDITHELEY. Justicular Of Ireland James DE ALDITHELEY and Ela DE LONGESPEE were married in 1244 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England.20,35,225,244,268 2 _PREF Y Children were: Joan DE ALDITHELEY, Baron Audley Hugh DE AUDLEY, James DE ALDITHELEY, Nicholas DE AUDLEY, Earl Of Gloucester\ Hugh De Audley, Henry DE ALDITHELEY, William DE ALDITHELEY, Henry Of ALDITHLEY AUDLE, Knight William Of ALDITHLEY AUDLE, Joan Of ALDITHLEY AUDLE, [Baron Audley] Hugh Of ALDITHLEY AUDLE.

Spouse: Justicular Of Ireland James DE ALDITHELEY. Justicular Of Ireland James DE ALDITHELEY and Ela DE LONGESPEE were married in 1244 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England.948 Children were: Hugh DE AUDLEY.

Emmeline DE LONGESPEE7,111,252,377,948 was born in 1250 in Ulster, Ireland.377,948 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]20,81,273 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She died in 1291.20,81,273,948 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] 1 _FA1
2 PLAC Co-heiress of her father.
2 SOUR S286879
3 PAGE line 178 p 154
2 SOUR S286834
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Mar 1999
2 SOUR S261374
3 NOTE Penman "Here be Dragons" p. 285, makes him brother to Gwenllia n verch Rhys who m Ednyfed Fychan. But, Online db (Univ. of Hull?) I had him so n of Gwenwynwyn of Powys.GEDCOM line 40318 not recognizable or too long:
() 2 GIVN Emmeline de

GEDCO M line 40319 not recognizable or too long:
() 2 SURN Longespee

Weis' "AR" ( 178:6) File Number:<AFN> FSLG-9FAncestral File Number:<AFN> FSLG-9F
Line 140322 from GEDCOM File not recogniza ble or too long:
NAME Emmeline De /LONGESPEE/ GIVN Emmeline De

Line 140323 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:

Line 140331 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
SOU R @S1@

Line 140334 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
FAMC PEDI birth Parents: Earl Of Ulster Stephen LONGSPEE and Countess Ulster Emeline RIDDLESFORD. Parents: .

Spouse: Maurice Fitzmaurice FITZGERALD. Maurice Fitzmaurice FITZGERALD and Emmeline DE LONGESPEE were married in 1276 in Ireland.948 Children were: Julian FITZ MAURICE.

Spouse: \Baron Offaly\ Maurice FITZMAURICE. \Baron Offaly\ Maurice FITZMAURICE and Emmeline DE LONGESPEE were married in 1276 in Ireland.20,30,81,273,304,377 Children were: Fitz Maurice Of Offaly Juliane FITZ GERALD, Julian FITZ MAURICE.

Earl Of Salisbury William DE LONGESPEE7,51 was born about 1173 in (Unknown), Eng. He died on 7 Mar 1225/26 in Salisbury, Wilts, Eng. He was buried in Salisbury, Wilts, Eng. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Earl of Salisbury
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Earl of Salisbury Parents: King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU and Isabel WARREN.

[Sir Knight] William DE LONGESPEE II7,15,20,67,82,121,129,212,225,244,251,252,285,300,301,948,2345 was born in 1207 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England.20,225,948 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He died about Jan 1256/57 in Blyth, Nottinghamshire, England.20,244,948 He was buried in The Cathedral, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Burial] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Burial] Name Suffix:<NSFX> [Sir Knight]
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> V9ST-RD Parents: Earl Of Salisbury , Arque William LONGESPEE and Countess Of Salisbury Ela FITZ PATRICK. Parents: [Sir Knight] William DE LONGESPEE II and [Countess Of Salisbury] Idoine DE CAMVILLE. Parents: .

Spouse: [Countess Of Salisbury] Idoine DE CAMVILLE. [Sir Knight] William DE LONGESPEE II and [Countess Of Salisbury] Idoine DE CAMVILLE were married in Jun 1226.20,225,244 2 _PREF Y Children were: Ela DE LONGESPEE, Ida LONGESPEE, [Sir Knight] William DE LONGESPEE II.

William DE LONGSPEE.377

Spouse: Katherine GIFFARD.

Iii; Count Adalbert DE LONGWY7,45,121,243,264 was born in 1000 in . He died in 1048 in Battle Of Thuim. Name Suffix:<NSFX> III; Count
DATE 28 APR 2000Name Suffix:<NSFX> III; Count
DATE 28 APR 2000Name Suffix:<NSFX> III; Count
DATE 28 APR 2000

DATE 28 APR 2000 Parents: Count Of Metz GERHARD II and Gisella Of LORRAINE. Parents: .

Spouse: Clemene DE CARCASSONNE. Iii; Count Adalbert DE LONGWY and Clemene DE CARCASSONNE were married in . Children were: Ermensinde De LONGWY, Stephanie De LONGWY.

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