Born: 1725 |
Died: 3 Mar 1810 Rockingham Co., NC |
Married: 7 Jul 1808 Rockingham Co., NC |
General Sources
I am noting here that in the history of the Pirtle's of Hardeman County, Tenn.
There is mention of a John Jacob Pirkle who passed away leaving his property to be divided among eight sons.
George (whose name became Pirtle)
John Pirkle
Nathaniel Pirkle
Jacob Pirkle
Jesse Pirkle
Samuel Pirkle
William Pirkle
As the date of death is 1808-1811 and all the eight sons names match that of John Jacob Pirkle who was listed as born in Holland in the year 1725 and died in 1810, and whose wifes name is Charity Dibbs matching that of our John Jacob Pirkle First born in America in Pennsylvania of Parents Jacob Birkle and wife Dorothea .
Then it is plain that this man was not born in Holland, but was born in the year 1834 in Penn. Therefore is a descendant of the Birckles of Baden, from Germany.
I thank you for giving me this opportunity to make this correction. Barbara Pirtle Gridley