Photo Album
Photo Album  Home Davis Cook Leigh Hoadley

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Me at one month.  Click if you've got the guts <grin>.


Here are some of the photos we have collected.  They are not really in any particular order, although I have tried to group them together by families.

Each page has thumbnails for you to click on that will take you to a larger version of that photo.  Hopefully this will cut down on the load time for each page.

You can "copy" any of these photos to your own computer (usually) by clicking on the right button of your mouse and then choosing "Save As" from the menu that comes up.  You have to wait for the whole picture to load and this may not work if you're not using Windows.  

Have Fun!!


Hoadley Family Photos: Here are some photos of Ivan and Rosie and their children.
Robinson & Wilson Photos:  These photos are of relatives of Ivan's mother's family.
Eslinger Cemetery
Leigh Family Photos:  These photos are, mostly, of Gramma Hoadley and her brother, Tony.
Davis Family Photos:  We can't thank Midge Baker and Judy Young enough for these photos.
More Davis Photos:  These are from Linda Mulkey and Gail Morris. They include Davis, Owens, Victory, Truitt and other family members.
Cook Family:  Are these our kin?



My Family and Me
Aunt Mid
Photo Album
Memorial Day

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This website is maintained by Nettie Mae.  Not everything is documented, so if it's really important to your research, track down those sources!