Gall Family

Gall Family Page

 Herbert Beckles Gall 1804-1862

This is the family history page for the Gall family in the West Indies, mostly on Barbados and Demerara. 

It is thought that the family originally came from Scotland.

This site is dedicated to the exchange of information about this family.

BARBADOS  From the arrival of the first British settlers in 1627–1628 until independence in 1966, Barbados was under uninterrupted British control. Nevertheless, Barbados always enjoyed a large measure of local autonomy.

Large numbers of Celtic people, mainly from Ireland and Scotland, went to Barbados as indentured servants. Over the next several centuries the Celtic population was used as a buffer between the Anglo-Saxon plantation owners and the larger African population, variously serving as members of the Colonial militia and playing a strong role as allies of the larger African slave population in a long string of colonial rebellions.
As the sugar industry developed into the main commercial enterprise, Barbados was divided into large plantation estates that replaced the small holdings of the early British settlers. Some of the displaced farmers relocated to British colonies in North America, most notably South Carolina. To work the plantations, West Africans were transported and enslaved on Barbados and other Caribbean islands. The slave trade ceased in 1804. Thirty years later slavery was abolished in the British Empire in 1834. In Barbados and the rest of the British West Indian colonies, full emancipation from slavery was preceded by an apprenticeship period that lasted six years.

Plantation owners and merchants of British descent dominated local politics. It was not until the 1930s that the descendants of emancipated slaves began a movement for political rights. One of the leaders of this movement, Sir Grantley Adams, founded the Barbados Labour Party in 1938.
[source: Wikipedia]
Henry Beckles GALL 1804-1862
 For information on the Galls click on the resources button below.  
The Gall family lived on various islands in the Caribean but mostly on Barbados and Grenada and in British Guiana. The earliest record of Galls in Barbados goes back to the baptism of Mary GALL in the parish of St.Michael on 20 August 1675
Arthur Gall Treasurer of Grenada
Arthur Gall  Chief of Police in St.Lucia
Henry Beckles Gall 1804-1862, founder of Barbados Mutual Assurance

Gall resources
History of Barbados click on: Wikipedia