1827 - The Battle of Navarin


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1827 The Battle of Navarin 474

prevent the necessity of proceeding to extremities ; but the prevention of supplies, as before mentioned, is to be enforced, if necessary; and when all other means are exhausted, by cannon-shot.

" In giving you this instruction as to the duty which I am directed to perform, my intention is to make you acquainted thoroughly with the object of our Government, that you may not be taken by surprise as to whatever measures I may find it necessary to adopt. You will still look to me for further instructions as to the carrying any such measures into effect.

" I am, &c. (Signed) ED. CODRINGTON."

On the 25th of September Sir Edward Codrington, in the presence of Admiral de Rigny, had an interview with Ibrahim Dacha, at Navarin. The pacha commanded the Turkish fleet, and was likewise commander-in-chief of the land forces, a considerable portion of which was at Patras. At this conference the orders of the British admiral were made known to the pacha, and much pains were taken by Sir Edward to make Ibrahim perfectly understand that he should put those orders in execution an the event of his non-compliance. After a short conference an armistice was agreed upon between the Turks and Greeks by land and by sea ; both land and sea forces were to remain inactive at Navarin until further instructions should be received from Constantinople ; and, in consequence of this armistice, a part of the Turkish fleet, then outside of the harbour, was allowed to join their admiral at, anchor. At this interview Sir Edward Codrington wished the terms of the treaty, or armistice, to be placed on paper, but Admiral de Rigny mentioned that the request would be considered an insult by Ibrahim Pacha, the word of a Turk being considered by the Turks themselves, and generally so by those who have had intercourse with them, as an inviolable pledge. So cautious was Sir Edward Codrington not to give offence, that his own interpreter was not present.

On the following day the Asia, the flag-ship of Sir Edward Codrington, and the Sirène, a 60-gun ship, bearing the flag of Admiral de Rigny, were making preparations for putting to sea, when the dragoman of Ibrahim Pacha came on board the former ship. He stated " that his master had received information that Lord Cochrane had made a descent upon Patras, and requested to be allowed to send a competent force to frustrate his lordship's intentions." A most decided negative was given by Sir Edward Codrington, who inquired if by this message he was to understand that Ibrahim Pacha no longer considered the treaty as binding. The reply given by the dragoman was, " that if, at the expiration of an hour, he did not return, Sir Edward was to consider the treaty of the preceding day as still in force." About sunset the Asia and Sirène put to

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