1872 - 1920
P - S
Thanks to Jeni Palmer for extracting many of these. If you have any early deaths for this area which are not included and would like to include them please contact me.
PAAMA A large number of natives from the Karikari , Maungatapu, Matapihi and Whareroa districts proceeded to Matakana on Saturday to express their grief with Chief Hohepa Paama in the recent affliction suffered in the loss of a grandchild. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 Mar 1910, p2]
PAAMA A young native, about 20 years of age, a grandson of the chief Hepa Paama, died at Matakana Island last week. [Bay of Plenty Times, 11 Nov 1912]
On April 28, 1911, William Padlie, of Tauranga, aged 50 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5645, 1 May 1911, Page 2] ... deceased was 50 years of age and had resided in this district for many years. The greatest sympathy is felt for his bereaved widow and seven children, the youngest of whom is only four years of age ...[Obituary + Inquest - Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5645, 1 May 1911, Page 2]
PAENOA Iraia Paenoa, a well known chief in the Whakatane district was thrown from his horse and killed on Monday week. The death of this chief will probably have the effect of opening up the Urewera country as for some years he was the chief in resisting all attempts of European ingress to that county. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 18 Dec 1891, p2]
PAETAWA Whakatane. An inquest was held at Ruatoki on Saturday morning before Mr A J Sisam JP, acting coroner on the body of Paetawa� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 23 Sep 1908, p2]
PAGE Waihi, Thursday. A middle aged man, Michael Page, employed by Foss Brown in Blight�s Katikati bush was suddenly taken ill with pains in his stomach� expired about midnight. The doctor is of the opinion that death was caused by ptomaine poisoning due to partaking of food partially decomposed owing to the hot weather. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Feb 1902, p2]
PAGE Much sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs J R Page in the death of their infant son which occurred as the result of a serious ailment. The interment took place yesterday afternoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Jan 1910, p2]
PAGET Another death of a former resident of Tauranga, happening at Rotorua, is reported to us this morning, viz that of Mr C E Paget for some years auctioneering here, at one time in partnership with Mr C F Hulme� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 25 Jul 1902, p2]
PAHIROA Taupo, Saturday. A native chief well known in Taupo and Wairarapa district, Hame Pahiroa was found dead today, he had evidentially been thrown from his horse. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 19 Jun 1899, p2]
The death occurred in Opotiki on Saturday last of Te Rangi Pai (Mrs [Fanny Rose] Howie) at the age of 48 years. Deceased was a daughter of Colonel T W Porter C.B, her mother being a Maori of high rank. The deaceased was educated at the Ladies College, Napier and subsequently embarked upon a musical career, meeting with considerable success. She appeared at the principal concert halls in England and sang before Queen Victoria, to whom she was also presented. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6697, 25 May 1916, Page 2]
PAKA - Paeroa Wednesday - A great tangi is being held over the body of Sophie Paka, a well known Ohinemuri Chieftainess who died a day or two ago. She was co-heiress with another of the entire town of Paeroa. [Waikato Times, Thur 14 Oct 1886]
PAKAURANGI A Maori girl, five years of age, named Riria Pakaurangi, got into a bath which had just been cleaned out at Ohinemutu on Saturday. The water was so hot that the child was fatally scalded. At the inquest a verdict of accidental death was returned. Another child was severely scalded in the same bath on Sunday. [Bay of Plenty Times, 9 Jan 1918]
PAKE An aged chief, one of the recipients of the old age pension, named Hamiora Pake, died a few days ago at the Wairoa settlement and a considerable number of natives have assembled for the tangi. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Sep 1900, p2]
PAKI A Maori woman named Hira Wiare Paki, about 45 years of age, met her death by drowning off Matapihi on Monday. An inquest was held at the courthouse on Wednesday� [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5609, 3 February 1911, Page 4]
PALETHORPE Our Opotiki correspondent under date of 1st inst writes:- An inquest was held on the body of Thomas Palethorpe who was drowned on Christmas Eve�A verdict was returned in accordance with the evidence "Accidentally drowned while bathing in the Otara River"� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 8 Jan 1876, p3]
PALMER Drowned near Maketu on or about March 31st, while travelling in the performance of his journalistic duties, James John Palmer, travelling reporter for Bay of Plenty Times. RIP. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 6 Apr 1882, p2 + article + inquest]
PALMER Our readers will learn with regret of the death of Mr R Palmer, who was killed at 5pm on Monday by a tree, which he was felling on his allotment at Oropi, falling on him. Deceased and Mrs Palmer, our readers may remember, returned to England a few months ago where they had been on a visit. He was formerly a soldier in the 65th Regiment and was all through the Taranaki campaign. For some time he was one of Captain Best�s pilot crew. He had been long and favourably known as a settler in this district. He was about 60 years of age. An inquest was held on Tuesday at the Halfway house when a verdict of accidental death was returned. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 30 Jan 1890, p2]
PALMER At Selwyn House, Tauranga, on the 7th June, Charles Edward, only son of the late Charles Palmer, Cambridge, England and a nephew of W W Hopkin, Katikati, aged 28 years. The funeral will leave at 2.30pm on Tuesday. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 8 Jun 1903, p2 + article + 10 Jun 1903]
PALMER At the meeting of the Bay of Plenty Hospital and Charitable Aid Board yesterday the secretary notified receipt of a telegram from the Auckland Board announcing the death of Mrs J Palmer, a former resident of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 3 Jul 1907, p2]
PANNIKIN There is at present a very large gathering of natives at Karikari who are holding a tangi over three native women lately deceased. One of them is Mere Tikawe, the principal chieftainess of the Papamoa estate. The others are Pannikin, a very aged woman and a young native named Mrs Okatopa. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Sep 1889, p2]
PARAHARAHA Rawiri Paraharaha, who as will be remembered by our readers was prominently connected with the tragedy at Whakatane when Mr James Fulloon and the crew of the �Kate� were massacred, died at the Stockade yesterday morning. Paraharaha, who was about 32 years of age, was of the Ngatiawa tribe and native of Whakatane� [Daily Southern Cross, 19 Dec 1866, p5]
PARAONE A native woman (a daughter of Ngakumama Paraone and granddaughter of the rebel chief Paraone, who gave the troops so much trouble at Ake Ake in 1870) died at Judea this morning. Deceased was much respected and had lately married one of her own hapu. A large tangi will be held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 30 Jul 1897, p2]
PARATA The New Zealand Free Lance in a recent issue says the unexpected death of Mr Charles Parata, MP for the Southern Maori district in the heyday of his life has quite overshadowed all bowling circles�Two and twenty years ago Mr Charles Parata married Miss Rongokahira Asher of Tauranga�wife and three children; his bright little daughter Peti and his still smaller sons, Thomas Charles and David Asher. [Bay of Plenty Times, 18 Jan 1918] The death is announced of Mr Charles Parata, who has represented the Southern Maori electorate in Parliament since 1911. The deceased wa3 the second son of the late Mr Tame Parata, a former member of Parliament and of the Legislative Council. He was educated at various native colleges, and was subsequently interpreter to the Native Land Court under Judge Wilson, later on joining the Native Department. He married a daughter of Mr David Asher, of Tauranga, and leaves a family of three children. [Te Puke Times 11 January 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6964, 18 January 1918, Page 2]
A Maori women named Pare passed away at the Kaiheka Pah last night, The deceased woman is a sister to the chieftancss of the tribe, and a tangi of a long duration is expected to take place. [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 8 July 1913, Page 2]
PARETE At the Maungatapu settlement another native named Hone Parete, also known as Parete Tawaewae, a Government pensioner died on Saturday night. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 24 Jul 1907 + 31 Jul 1907]
PARIKI - KILLED AT A FLAXMILL - News of a shocking fatality at Messrs Mends and Co's Paengaroa flaxmill, by which a Maori woman named Sarah PARIKI, wife of Wi KAWANA, a scutcher, lost her life, reached Te Puke yesterday ...[Te Puke Times, Volume II, 10 October 1913, Page 3]
PARKER At Tauranga, on 17 Dec, Thomas Jonathon, fourth son of J R C Parker of Ohinemutu, aged 6 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Dec 1882, p2]
PARKER Our Katikati readers will learn with regret that Miss Mary Parker, eldest daughter of Mr Rollo Parker, formerly of Katikati died at Gisborne a few days ago of rheumatic fever. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 1 Sep 1902, p2]
A man named George Parker died suddenly at Katikati on Friday night. He had been staying with a friend at Katikati for a few days, prior to which he had lived in Te Aroha, where he had been treated by Dr Kenny, whom it is understood, is prepared to give a certificate as to the cause of death. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6957, 2 January 1918, Page 2]
PARKINSON At Opotiki, on the 14th inst, of congestion of the lungs, Mary Anne, the wife of John P Parkinson, aged 59 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, 25 Mar 1879, p2]
PARKINSON Opotiki. A very sad occurrence happened on Saturday last. A little boy, the son of Mr Alfred Parkinson, whilst playing in the garden, fell into the well. When the body was found, life was extinct. An inquest was held� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 20 Dec 1883, p2]
PARKINSON We are sorry to hear of a fatal accident in the Otara River at Opotiki. Mr John Parkinson was fording the river on horseback when returning from work and it is supposed that a fresh in the river carried the horse off its feet with the result that the rider was thrown off and drowned. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 Dec 1891, p2]
On October 5th, at Puni, Pukekohe, Mary the beloved wife of Mr W Parkinson, aged 38 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6506, 6 October 1915, Page 2]
PARKINSON Private Frank Parkinson, who has died of wounds, was the second son of Mrs A Parkinson of Kuaotunu. He was 19 years of age and a farmer by occupation. Private Parkinson was an amateur boxer and won the light-weight championship at Tauranga. [Auckland Weekly News, 2 Nov 1916]
The death is announced of Mr Arthur Parkinson, an old identity of Opotiki. Deceased saw service with the first Waikato's in the Maori War of 1863. In 1866 he retired with,the, rank of lieutenant in the Bay of Plenty cavalry and settled in Opotiki. [Te Puke Times 1 April 1919, Page 2] The death occurred at Opotiki on Friday last of Mr Arthur Parkinson at the age of 77 years. Deceased was one of the early settlers in the Opotiki district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7147, 2 April 1919, Page 2]
PAROTO A native girl, the granddaughter of the well known chief Ruka Paroto residing at the settlement near Waitao, died yesterday morning, her complaint being low fever� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 Mar 1898, p2]
PAROTO At the Karikari Maori settlement an elderly native man named Ruka Paroto, aged about 60 years, died on Friday night, after a few days illness. [Bay of Plenty Times, 24 Jul 1907]
A painfully sudden death occurred at Mr James Tait's' Paroa flaxmill on Tuesday night. Mrs Parris, who, with her husband had been employed for the past nine months by Mr Tait as a married couple dropping dead at about 9.30. The deceased, who was apparently in the best of health, had only half an hour previously, prepared supper for some of the men. She was a comparatively young woman, and left a family of four children, the eldest being eight years of age and the youngest two. An enquiry was subsequently held by the Coroner, Mr Lally, a verdict being returned of death from natural causes. The interment took place to-day, the Rev. J. Hobbs officiating at the graveside. 1913/8348 PARRIS Ellen 29Y
[Te Puke Times, Volume II, 31 October 1913, Page 2]
PARSONS At Opotiki, on January 24, Sara Adelaide (Lilla), the dearly loved and only daughter of T & E Parsons. Aged 7 years and 5 months. Safe in the arms of Jesus. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 4 Feb 1898, p2]
PARSONS Many of the old residents here will be sorry to hear that Mr T Parsons, some years ago a settler at Te Puna and later farming at Opotiki, died in the Auckland Hospital on Saturday January 2nd, leaving a wife and two young children. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 11 Jan 1904, p2]
At his residence, No. 3 Road, Te Puke, on January 23rd, 1919, George, dearly beloved husband of Louisa Partridge, aged 56 years. [Te Puke Times 28 January 1919, Page 3]
PASEANA Paeroa. The natives have returned unsuccessful from their search for Paseana�s body. A tangi is being held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 23 Feb 1886, p2]
PATARA Te Puke. Death has removed during the past week an eminent well known Maori in the person of �Old� Patara� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 22 May 1901, p2]
PATARA The well known native named Rewiri Patara, died at the Hawera Pa, Whakatane on Sunday last, at the age of sixty-two years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6935, 9 November 1917, Page 2]
PATENE A feeble old native named Tenohutu Patene met his death in a tragic manner at the Manueka [Manoeka] Settlement, Te Puke, on Monday morning. The whare occupied by deceased caught fire about 8.30 am and he was burnt to death before he could be rescued. Deceased belonged to the Waitaha tribe. He was an old age pensioner, and was about 80 years of age. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5626, 15 March 1911, Page 2]
PATEORA The great chief of the Maoris on Motiti Maehi Pateora died at the island on Thursday after a long illness and having been a man held in high estimation his people will give him a big tangi. Two boats arrived from the island on Saturday and telegrams have been sent to relatives all over the colony announcing the chief�s death. [Bay of Plenty Times, 28 May 1900, p2]
PATEORA A chief of the Te Patuwai tribe named Iehu Pateora died at Mayor Island on Wednesday after a long illness. A tangi is now in progress and many natives from the mainland will attend. [Bay of Plenty Times, 12 Feb 1915]
The body of William Paton, who was drowned at the Waihi Beach of February 25, when surf bathing was recovered on Tuesday morning near the place where deceased was last seen struggling in the water. An inquest was held before the district coroner, Mr W M Wallnutt, on Tuesday when a verdict of accidental death was returned. The coroner suggested that the splendid efforts of Messrs C Delamore and C Wilson who were largely responsible for saving the lives of others who were in a perilous position, were deserving of public recognition. He also commended the action of Mr J Lockington and others who joined in the rescue. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 68217, 5 March 1917, Page 2]
PATTERSON Death by drowning inquest. An inquest was held on Wednesday January 9 before H T Clarke Esq District Coroner on the body of George Patterson, belonging to the 1st Waikato Regiment who was accidentally drowned on the 6th inst�Braithwaite Patterson (brother of deceased) deposed: I live at Te Papa� [Southern Cross, 22 Jan 1867, p4]
PATTERSON Paeroa, Thursday. A little boy named J Patterson, aged 7 years, was accidentally drowned in the Ohinemuri River yesterday afternoon� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 4 Mar 1898, p2]
PATTON At Otumoetai, on August 5, Owen Patton, late Royal Irish, aged 77. For 36 years a faithful servant in the family of the late J Snodgrass Esq, Otumoetai. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Aug 1905, p2]
Major Paul, who was on General Cameron�s staff during the Waikato Campaign died at the Northern Club, Auckland the other day� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 16 Jul 1881, p2]
On March 4, 1911 at Tauranga, Mary Paul, relict of the late Michael Paul, of Puhoi, aged 80 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5622, 6 March 1911, Page 2] It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs M Paul, which occurred at the residence of her daughter (Mrs J J Faulkner) on Saturday last at the age of 80 years. Deceased had been in fair health up till two weeks ago, when she was compelled to take to her bed and despite every attention, failed to rally. The late Mrs Paul landed in Wellington in 1876, with her husband and family, shortly afterwards settling settling on a farm at Puhoi (Auckland) where her husband died in 1890. Six years ago she came to Tauranga where she had since resided. Deceased is survived by a grown-up family of four sons and two daughters. The funeral will leave the residence of Mrs J J Faulkner at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5622, 6 March 1911, Page 2]
We regret to record the death of Mr Joseph Paul, which occurred in a hospital in Auckland on Sunday last. Deceased, who was a brother of Mrs J J Faulkner of Tauranga, enjoyed good health up until about three months ago�born in Bohemia and came out to New Zealand forty two years ago. He settled at Puhoi, where he was engaged in farming till about fifteen years ago when he moved to Tauranga and had since resided here ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7017, 24 May 1918, Page 2]
A fatal accident occurred at the Kahika Pah on Saturday last, whereby a native child, a four-vear-old son of Tommy Paul, lost his life. The child, with some others, was on a flax waggon, the former being in the driver's seat, when he fell to the ground just in front of a wheel, which passed over his head. Dr MacFarlane was at once sent for, but death occurred almost immediately after his arrival. [Te Puke Times 13 November 1917, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6938, 16 November 1917, Page 2]
PAYNE A sad occurrence took place here on Sunday morning in the death of Mrs Payne, mother of Mrs Northcroft of this town. The deceased lady was aged 69 and only arrived here by the Omapere on Wednesday� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Apr 1898, p2]
PAYNE At Tauranga, on Sunday April 10, Susan, wife of the late Henry Payne, formerly of Greymouth, aged 70. [West Coast Times, 12 Apr 1898, p2]
PEACOCK The Maori woman named Peacock who died recently under somewhat suspicious circumstances was buried at Maketu on Friday, her funeral obsequies being largely attended, many natives going from here for the purpose. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Jul 1900, p2]
PEAKE The infant daughter of Mr Peake of Oropi died on Saturday last and was buried yesterday afternoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, 28 Sep 1892, p2]
PEAKE On February 24 1893, at his parents� residence Te Puke, George Alan, infant son of Frances and Herbert Peake, aged 5 weeks. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Feb 1893, p2]
PEAKE On July 24, at the residence of Mr William Lake, Te Puke, Alice Emmerline Antheden, youngest daughter of Frances and Herbert Peake, after two years illness, aged 2 years and 11 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Jul 1893, p2]
PEAKE On September 15, at quarter Acres, Tauranga, Ada Minnie, infant daughter of Herbert and Fanny Peake, aged 13 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Sep 1895, p2 + inquest]
PEARSON The death occurred at the Judea settlement on Saturday night of Master Lovell Pearson, aged 12 years, eldest son of Mr Wintata Pearson. The usual tangi is now in progress. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 31 May 1909, p2]
PEARSON An old native woman named Mrs Pearson, mother of the well known Maoris, Henry and Winiata Pearson, died at the Judea settlement last week. The interment took place on Saturday in the Hapu�s burial ground on Peach Island. [Bay of Plenty Times, 1 Sep 1913]
A man named Hugh Fleming Pearson, who was well known in Tauranga, met his death accidentally at Lemington, Waikato on October 31st in consequence of injuries received by a horse trampling upon him in a railway horse-box. Deceased was forty-six years of age. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6534, 8 November 1915, Page 2]
The death occurred at Taneatua last Thursday of Mrs Peebles, wife of Mr J, Peebles, aged 51. 1916/5902 Peebles Jessie 52Y [Te Puke Times , 29 August 1916, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6762, 28 August 1916, Page 2]
On January 23rd, 1918 at Auckland, Mary, the loved mother of J M Peebles, Tauranga. Until the day break and the shadows flee away. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6968, 28 January 1918, Page 2]
PEEL On the 6th inst, the infant daughter of Mary and Edward Peel. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 9 May 1882, p2]
PEKA Fatal revolver accident at Te Teko, native woman shot�A man named Te Mane entered a house occupied by Captain Bluett, took down a revolver�a struggle ensued during which the revolver was discharged wounding a native named Mata Peka�The unfortunate woman lingered until the following day when she expired� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 23 Sep 1880, p2 + Tues 28 Sep 1880]
Before the Borough Council proceeded to business on Monday night, Cr Brown moved that a letter of sympathy be forwarded to Cr Pemberton, expressing the Council's condolence with him in the loss he has sustained by the death of his son, Sergeant Samuel Pemberton, at the front. Cr Brown said Sergeant Pemberton's death was a very sad loss, not only to his parents and family, but to the country. He had known him for many years and did not know of a finer type of young man. The motion was seconded by Cr Castaing aud passed in silence, all councillors standing. The late sergeant S Pemberton, who was 23 years of age, was the youngest son of Mr S Pemberton. Prior to enlisting he was employed by his father He was amongst the first to respond to the Empire's call and left Tauranga on August 13, 1914, joining the main body of the Expeditionary Force. He proceeded to Gallipoli. where he was wounded on May 1. He remained with his unit and was again wounded on May 8. He spent five months in hospital in Malta and again rejoined his unit before it proceeded to France. Apparently he escaped further injury until he was mortally wounded on September 17. The late Sergeant Pemberton was a keen athlete, and was well known as a wrestler, having taken first prize (gold medal.) as champion middle weight wrestler, at Rotorua, when he was only 18 years of age. He spent two years in the Te Puke Mounted Rifles, and later was b member of the Ye Puke Rifle Club. He joined the Territorials upon their establishment. He left New Zealand as a private, and after leaving Gallipoli was made Corporal. Soon after landing in France he was raised to the rank of sergeant. In giving bis life for King, country, and freedom he has made the supreme sacrifice [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6781, 11 October 1916, Page 2] [Also Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6797, 17 November 1916, Page 2]
On December 28, 1918, at her parent's residence, Te Puke, Rachael Olive (Dot); aged 11 years. Mr and Mrs Pemberton and Family thank all kind friends for assistance and sympathy during their sad bereavement. The many friends of Mr and Mrs Pemberton will regret to hear of the death of their daughter "Dot," who passed away on Saturday (28 December)after a brief illness. She was recovering from an attack of influenza and was apparently doing well when a relapse occurred and she died a few hours later. Deceased was a great favourite and was also a very promising dancer. Mr and Mrs Pemberton and family will have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. 1919/263 Pemberton Rachael Olive 11Y [Te Puke Times 31 December 1918 p2] IN MEMORIAM Pemberton - In loving memory of our darling Wee Dot (Rachel Olive) who died 28th December, 1918. Peace, perfect peace. Inserted by her loving parents, sisters, and brothers. [Te Puke Times 30 December 1919, Page 2]
On October 30th, 1918, at the Hospital, Te Puke, John Thomas, eldest son of Mr and Mrs F. Pemberton, in his 24th year. A sad occurrence, and one that occasioned much sympathy with those afflicted, was the death, at the local hospital on Wednesday morning, of Mr John Thomas Pemberton, eldest son of Mr and Mrs F Pemberton, of Te Puke. The deceased, who was only 24 years of ago, was a popular young fellow, and very highly respected, He was employed by the Public Works Department. About three weeks ago he had an attack of influenza, which later developed into pneumonia, and afterwards into typhoid. Unfortunately, Mr Pemberton had not a very robust constitution and his illness terminated fatally. The funeral took place yesterday, and was largely attended. Messrs Sneddon aud Scanlon represented the Public Works Department. The service at the graveside was conducted bv the Rev Father van Westeinde. [Te Puke Times 1 November 1918, Page 2] IN MEMORIAM - PEMBERTON - In loving memory of our dear son John Thomas (Jack), who died 30th October, 1918. Dearly loved and sadly missed. Inserted by his loving parents, brothers and sisters. [Te Puke Times 31 October 1919, Page 2]
On March 30th 1919, Phylis Mabel, infant daughter of Mr and Mrs J Pemberton, Devonport Road, aged 7 weeks. Christchurch papers please copy. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7146, 31 March 1919, Page 2]
PENNELL - Paeroa - John Pennell, aged 17, died last evening from injuries received by a fall from a horse when jumping hurdles on the 4th inst at Paeroa. The case has been reported to the local Justice, who will probably hold an inquest today. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Mar 1889, p2]
PENNELL We regret to record the death of Mrs W Pennell which took place at her residence Devonport Rd on Saturday morning at the age of 76 years�Mrs Pennell leaves a widower, two married daughters (Mrs James Salt, New Plymouth and Mrs Kerwin) and one son (Mr J J Bettelheim, Otumoetai)� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Jul 1906, p2 + 18 Jul 1906]
PENNO Waihi, Monday. An inquest was held this morning on Harold Penno, killed in the mine on Saturday� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Mar 1905, p2]
PENNY We regret to hear of the death of Mr William Butler of Opotiki, also of Mr H W Penny of the same place who started the Bay of Plenty Times in 1872. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Jul 1887, p2]
PENNY On Friday evening last considerable excitement was caused in Tauranga when it became known that a gentleman staying at the Star Hotel had committed suicide by shooting himself�Deceased was named A Herbert Penny, aged 32, gentleman and a native of Devonshire, England�he came to New Zealand some three years ago� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Feb 1893, p2]
A casualty list issued on Thursday night shows that Private Frank Pentelow of the Auckland Battalion is reported to be missing. Deceased was well known in Tauranga where he resided for a number of years. Private Charles Edward Pile, formerly of Opotiki is also reported missing. WW1 Deaths 1914-1921 Name PENTELOW Frank Date 21 Feb 1917
Reference 13/2886 Rank Private Force AIR Fate KIA Place France
Relation Son of the late John Pentelow, of the Manor House,
Raunds, Northants, England. Cemetery FRANCE - PONT-DU-HEM MILITARY CEMETERY, LA GORGUE [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 68220, 12 March 1917, Page 2] A casualty list issued on Monday shows that Private F Pentelow of the Auckland Infantry, who was previously reported missing, is now reported to be dead and buried by Germans (no date given). The late Private Pentelow came out from Oxford, England to New Zealand in the year 1908 and immediately joined the staff of Messrs W Harvey and Son of Tauranga, remaining continuously in the employ of the firm till the time of his enlistment, and leaving New Zealand with the Ninth Reinforcements. He was a general favourite with all who knew him and the news of his death will be received with deep regret.[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 689, 8 August 1917, Page 2]
PEPE is reported that Pepe (known to Europeans as Baby) the daughter of the Ngawhai chief at Motiti died from swamp fever. Deceased was well known to many persons in Tauranga. A tangi is now being held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 27 Dec 1895, p4]
A fatal burning accident occurred at Pikowai, in the Matata district, last week. From the evidence given at the inquest held at Matata on Saturday by the district coroner, Mr D. C. Martin, it appears that two native boys were sleeping in a raupo whare, and had gone to sleep, leaving a candle burning. They were awakened at about midnight by the sound of burning raupo, and discovering that the wharc was on fire, hastily left the building. Sam Pereana, one of the youths, about 15 years of age, returned to the burning wharc to save some of his belongings, but was evidently overcome by the flames and did not re-appear, his charred remains being afterwards found among the smouldering debris. [Te Puke Times 9 October 1914, Page 2]
PERRING The sad news reaches us today that Mr Harry Perring, well known and liked both here and in Te Puke passed away this morning at the latter place having been in failing health for the past two or three years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 Jun 1903, p2 + notice 8 Jun 1903]
We regret to record the death of Mr James Perry, which occurred at his residence, Devonport Road on Saturday afternoon at the age of 47 years. Deceased had been attached to Mr Pemberton's building staff since taking up his residence in Tauranga, but some months ago fell into ill health, the end being not altogether unexpected. Deceased is survived by a widow and two children, for whom much sympathy will be felt in the irreparable loss which they have sustained. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, the service at the graveside being conducted by Dr Densem. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5999, 18 August 1913, Page 4]
PERSTON At the residence of the late Mrs Darby, Cameron Rd, on Thursday 21 May, Ada Lilla, beloved wife of H J Perston and youngest daughter of the late John and Eliza Darby. The funeral will leave on Sunday 24th inst at 2.30pm for the old cemetery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 22 May 1903, p2 + article]
PETA An old age pensioner, a native named Peta, died at the Hairini settlement last week. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5999, 18 August 1913, Page 4]
On August 3rd, 1917 at the residence of Mrs ? Ballantine, Edgecumbe Road, Andrew Peterson, aged 84 years. His end was peace. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6894, 3 August 1917, Page 2]
Great regret was expressed here this morning when the news was made known that Mr Alexander Petherbridge, second son of Mr A Petherbridge, of Tauranga, had died in Auckland last night. The deceased, who was twenty nine years of age, was born at Culverden, near Christchurch. He served with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force for over four years, and was severely gassed, the result being that he never regained the robust health which he enjoyed prior to enlistment. After returning from the front he resided in Tauranga for some time, and his genial manner and sterling character won for him the high esteem of a host of friends. Some time ago he was again compelled to undergo medical treatment at Rotorua and at Auckland, and while in the military hospital in the city he was seized with a serious illness, which, terminated fatally as above stated. The funeral, which will be a military and Masonic one, will take place at Auckland on Monday next. The sympathy of the community will go out to the bereaved father, brothers, and sisters in their great loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7503, 24 September 1920, Page 3]
PETIER We regret to learn that James Petier, linesman, Katikati, died yesterday. He had been ailing for some time and went to Auckland hospital, whence he returned on Saturday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 13 Mar 1890, p2]
PETTIT Auckland. At the inquest on the body of John Pettit, storekeeper of Opotiki, found drowned in the harbour, the evidence of Richmond Riddell, brother-in-law was to the effect that on July 13, Captain Neill, of the ketch Venus, informed him deceased was in Auckland having left for Sydney. Deceased was a young man of regular habits and was missed by his friends after the 14th and was supposed to have gone to Sydney. Miss Pettit deposed that she last saw deceased, who was her brother, on 14th July when he was at their house in Grey St� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 1 Aug 1882, p2 + 5 Aug 1882]
Private Robert, 43rd Regiment. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
On August 25, Windham Phillips, aged 45 years. The funeral will leave his late residence Gat Pah at 3pm on Sunday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Aug 1887 + article, ex 1st Waikato Militia]
PHILLIPS - DEATH OF A TAURANGA SOLDIER - Writing to his brother at Matangi, under date of September 5, from a hospital in Egypt, Corporal Thomas W. Phillips, who has since died of his wounds, described how he received his injuries... WW1 Deaths 1914-1921, Name PHILLIPS Thomas Wallace, Date 18 Oct 1915, Reference 13/728, Rank Corporal, Force AMR
Fate DOD, Place UK x Gallipoli, Relation Son of Matthew and Mary Phillips, of Fencourt Cambridge, Hamilton Born at Dumbarton, Scotland
Cemetery UK - WALTON AND WEYBRIDGE (WALTON-ON-THAMES) CEMETERY[ Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6544, 19 November 1915, Page 3]
Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6544, 19 November 1915, Page 3
On April 1st, at his residence, First Avenue, suddenly from heart failure, Thomas R W Philpotts, beloved husband of S Philpott, aged 53. 1917/2186 Philpotts Thomas Richard Winsbury 53Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6848, 2 April 1917, Page 2 - Obituary Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6848, 2 April 1917, Page 3 - Funeral report Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6849, 4 April 1917, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6849, 4 April 1917, Page 3 ]
PICKETT On 13th inst., at Southend-on-Sea (England), John Pickett, father of John J. Picket, aged 84.[Bay Of Plenty Times 17 August 1910, Page 2]
PIERCY We regret to have to record the death of an old settler, Mr James John Piercy, aged 58 years, who died at Maketu on Sunday 15th inst. Mr Piercy was an old colonist and arrived in New Zealand in the year 1843 and during his career in his adopted country had held many important posts. He was first clerk to the Legislative Council and then for many years he was clerk to the Resident magistrate�s Court at Auckland. He was also an interpreter and for the last few years has been residing at Maketu, where, by his uniform kindness and good will he had won the respect of all who had been brought in contact with him. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 17 Jul 1883, p2]
PIERCY On Sunday July 16, at his late residence Hartes Piercy, in his 78th year. By request of deceased, no mourning to be worn. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Jul 1905, p2 + 19 Jul 1905]
On August 19th, at her residence Harvey Street, Sarah, relict of the late Hartis Piercy, in her 86th year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6166, 20 August 1915, Page 2] It is with much regret that we have to record the death of Mrs S Piercy, widow of the late Hartis Piercy. The deceased lady arrived in Tauranga with her husband over fifty years ago, and has resided here ever since. Her husband pre-deceased her several years ago. She leaves a family three daughters and one son, Mrs J D Faulkner of Tauranga, Mrs J Sheppard of Gisborne, Mrs W Layne of Tauranga and Mr J Piercy of Tauranga. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning leaving the deceased lady's late residence at 11 o'clock. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6166, 20 August 1915, Page 2]
PIHAMA A large number of Urewera natives from Ruatoki, a settlement inland from Whakatane arrived at Judea on Saturday, bringing the body of a grandchild of the Rev Wiremu Pihama� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Jan 1900, p2]
A casualty list issued on Thursday night shows ... Private Charles Edward Pile, formerly of Opotiki is also reported missing. WW1 Deaths 1914-1921
Name PILE Charles Edward Date 21 Feb 1917 Reference 24095 Rank Private
Force AIR Fate KIA Place France Relation Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pile, of Opotiki, Thames. Cemetery FRANCE - CITE BONJEAN (NEW ZEALAND) MEMORIAL
[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 68220, 12 March 1917, Page 2]
On the 17th May at Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, Anna Sophia Pillans (late of Inch Clutha, Otago) eldest daughter of the late Colonel Pillans, Bengal Horse Artillery H.E.I.C.S. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5808, 17 May 1912, Page 4, Obituary Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5808, 17 May 1912, Page 5]
On October 12th, Tauranga, NZ, William Soltan, only son of the late Lieut-Col William Soltan Pillans, Bengal Horse Artillery, H.E.I.C.S. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6512, 13 October 1915, Page 2 and he Times (London, England), Friday, Oct 22, 1915; pg. 1; Issue 40992]
PILLING Much regret was felt here yesterday afternoon when it was heard by telegraph that Mr E H Pilling of the Sterling Hotel, Waihi, late of Te Puke, had died after a very short illness. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Jan 1904, p2 + article]
PINA Rotorua. Yesterday morning Niramona Pini, one of the leading chiefs of the Ngatiwhakane, was called to the happy hunting grounds in a very sudden manner through a stroke of apoplexy� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 17 Nov 1885, p2]
PINKER We regret very much to learn that Mrs B G Pinker of Maketu died last Saturday morning, 11th inst rather suddenly, after a week�s illness. She leaves seven children. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Sep 1909, p2]
PINKER The many friends of Mr and Mrs B G Pinker, of Paengaroa, will regret to hear of the death of their second daughter, a girl of nine years, which took place Rotorua on Sunday morning last. The child had been ill for a period of three months as the result of a fall from, her horse in the Paengaroa school-ground, which caused haemorrhage of the brain. [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 5 December 1913, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6044, 3 December 1913, Page 4]
On June 21st at Palmerston North Hospital, Edith Jessie Stewart, beloved wife of David C Pinker, aged 23 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6418, 24 June 1915, Page 2]
PIRRITT Private George Pirritt, Auckland Infantry Battalion, killed in action, was the eldest son of Mr George Pirritt, of Victoria Street. He enlisted with the main body. Pte Pirritt was well known in the country, especially in the Tauranga and Rotorua districts, where he was frequently engaged in surveying operations. [Auckland Weekly News, 2 Sep 1915, p22]
PITT The Victorian public will learn with regret of the death announced by cable message of Major-General George Dean Pitt CB. No Imperial Officer was better known or more highly appreciated in the colonies than the deceased officer. He arrived in Australia in 1858 and was for many years inspector of musketry to the forces then stationed in the colonies. When the volunteer movement broke out Colonel Bladen Neill was invited to take the command of the Victorian force but this officer was killed by an accident and Captain Pitt with the brevet rank of major was selected to raise, organise and train the new corps�As Major General Pitt entered the army in 1839 he must have nearly attained the age of 60 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 1 May 1883, p2]
PITT Much regret has been expressed here by the many friends of Major Dean Pitt at the speedily fatal termination of the illness from which Major Pitt had been suffering�early age of 56. Major Pitt came to the colonies in 1857 after selling out his commission in the 60th Rifles but he has been more or less connected with military matters all his life�laid to rest beside his father major General Pitt who was interred in the Symonds St Cemetery� [Bay of Plenty Times, 7 Nov 1890, p2]
PITTAR We regret to record the death of Mrs A T Pittar, eldest daughter of the Rev Canon Jordan, which occurred in Auckland yesterday afternoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 May 1909, p2]
PITTOCK It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs Mary Frances Pittock, a resident of the Tauranga and Katikati districts for the last 27 years which occurred at the residence of Mrs Gear on Tuesday evening. Deceased, who had reached the age of 85 years, was born in Fulham (England). Her husband and family of seven all predeceased her� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 21 Dec 1906, p2]
On May 6, 1918, killed in action in France, Private E J (Ted) Plummer, Twelfth Reinforcements (Entrenching Battalion) dearly loved second son of Mr and Mrs E C Plummer, St John Street, Tauranga, aged 21 years. Deeply regretted. Waihi paper please copy. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7022, 5 June 1918, Page 2} In Memoriam - In loving memory of our dear son and brother Private E J (Ted) Plummer, Twelfth Reinformcents (Entrenching Battalion) killed in action in France, May 6th 1918 ... (verse) [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7160, 7 May 1919, Page 2]
On January 28th at the Mount, Sydney Plunkett, aged 18 years, accidentally drowned. The funeral will leave the Commercial Hotel for the New Cemetery at 2pm tomorrow. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6599, 29 January 1916, Page 2] Camptain R A Campbell of the Lindstol desires to thank the public of Tauranga for their kindness and sympathy and for the floral wreaths, etc in connection with the recent sad death by drowning of Sydney Plunkett, a member of the crew. He desires especially to thank Messrs J and G Faulkner of the Farina for their kind assistance. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6600, 31 January 1916, Page 2] [Inquest - Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6600, 31 January 1916, Page 6]
Killed in action, in France, on 1st August, 1918, Private W. L. Poad. youngest son of Mr and Mrs W.H, Poad, of Te Puke. [Te Puke Times 1 November 1918, Page 2] On October 1st, killed in action in France, Private William Leslie Poad, Twenty-first Reinforcements, youngest son of Mr and Mrs W H Poad, Tauranga, aged 20 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7086, 4 November 1918, Page 2]
POAKA Paeroa. A telegram has been received from Mr Kenrick RM reporting the death of the native chief Tini Poaka on Sunday last. He was recently committed to the Whau having gone mad while fulfilling a month�s imprisonment for stealing clothes at the Thames. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 20 May 1886, p2 + 27 may 1886]
POKAITARA On Wednesday next a party of Natives from Otaki, accompanying a chief named Pokaitara are expected here on a visit of ceremonial mourning in connection with the death of Pokaitara�s wife, who was a Tauranga woman� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 12 Jan 1903, p2]
POKINO Rotorua, Wed. Yesterday a tangi was being held at Awahou over the remains of a noted chief Hori Karaka, who had recently died and as the natives were returning to Rotorua by boats a terrible accident happened�the names of those drowned are Hikairo, aged 52, Tauri Karaka, 22, Tukiterangi, 36, Ngarimu, 40, Pokino, 50, Henare, 18, Te Poroa, 26, Tuteaiti, 50, Te Kaerangi, 18� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Nov 1893, p4]
POMARE A suicide which is thought to be the outcome of a love affair, occurred at Kopangi, near Tolaga Bay, the other day, when a Maori girl named Ivy Pomare, 18 years of age, hanged herself with a handkerchief. She left a note bidding her friends goodbye. [Bay of Plenty Times, 18 Mar 1910]
POOLE On Tuesday 17th inst, at Te Aroha, Margaret, beloved wife of Mr D Poole, aged 38 years. Victorian papers please copy. [Te Aroha News, Sat 21 Jul 1883]
POPOTA �We were thrilled with horror to hear of the barbarous murder of Mr Abraham Dennett White and the supposed murder of the native postman William Popota (an Arawa) of whose miserable rate we have now no room to doubt� [Tauranga Record, Sat 18 Jul 1867, p3]
Older residents of Tauranga will regret to hear of the death of Mr Charles F potter, which occurred at Auckland on Sunday last. The late Mr Potter was connected for many years with the staff of the Post and Telegraph Office at Tauranga and won the esteem and friendship of all with whom he came into contact. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7537, 10 November 1920, Page 2]
POTIER No traces have been discovered of the body of Alfred Potier, who was drowned at Katikati from the upsetting of a boat on the 27th ult� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Sep 1876, p3 + article relating to his having been murdered by Kingi not accidentally drowned "Deceased was the son of one of the oldest European residents in the Bay of Plenty and son-in-law of Mr Fairfax Johnson of the Wairoa. He leaves a wife and young family. His brother is lineman in the Telegraph Service at Katikati and the deceased was employed with his brother on the telegraph lines�Bay of Plenty Times Wed 3 Apr 1878 + article 6 Apr 1878 + article 10 Apr 1878, p2]
POTIER Last Thursday an old identity joined the majority in the person of Charles Potier of Te Puna. The deceased was a native of France and arrived at the Bay of Islands in the colony in 1838. He ultimately came to settle at Te Puna. He was by trade a carpenter but had been for some time a whaler. He was married in New Zealand and four children (two sons and two daughters) and 35 grandchildren were the fruit of the marriage. At Te Puna he was engaged in farming. He was well stricken in years, being 74 at the time of his death, which was however accelerated by grief for the recent death of his son Alfred. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Aug 1890, p2 + death notice same day]
POTTIER Funeral of Mr James Pottier�s son. Last Saturday there was a great assemblage of natives at Okimoki, Te Puna, when Francis (the infant son of James Pottier) who was drowned at Bowentown, Katikati, accidentally in a well, was conveyed to his last resting place. Immediately after two o�clock in the afternoon the large door of his grandmother�s (Pauline) tomb — the late great chieftainess of Te Puna who was married to Charles Pottier during the time of Bishop Pompalier�s French Mission here — was opened to receive her grandson�s remains, which were carried by his bereaved father. The body of the little chief was embalmed and put in two coffins and placed on top of where its grandmother lies. Both the father and grandfather stood in front of the coffins with two of their faithful friends (young Borell and Louis) inside the tomb, all the natives standing round about the tomb outside. After a while came Rebekah, the young mother of the child, accompanied by her husband�s sister, Heni, both of them dressed in deep black to the front of the tomb door and after a short pause the bereaved mother read the burial service over her son�s corpse with much solemnity in Maori. It was heart piercing to hear her when she said "I commit thy body to the ground; oh thou my loving son; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust &c. The father stood over his son�s coffin and wept quietly for a quarter of an hour as did also those present. The voice of the kind old Pottier was also heard with bitter sorrow when he said to his son in French "Ne pheure pas; mon fila, notre petit enfant n�est pas mort; mais il dort — Weep not, my son; our little child is not dead but sleepeth. There was a great crowd of natives among whom I noticed Elizabeth, Selina, Hemi Bidois and other members of the family. The scene was touchingly solemn and all seemed to be deeply sorry for the loss of their great chieftain�s little son. I join in sympathising deeply with our friend Pottier and his family in their bereavement and hope that the kind and merciful God who has sent the rod will soften it with blessing and comfort. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 20 Nov 1880, p2]
POWER - Waihi, Aug 8. - The inquest was held today on the body of Richard Milgrew Power, who died yesterday morning as a result of injuries received in the football match on Saturday ... [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 8 Aug 1906, p2]
Word was received here on Saturday that Mrs Power, wife of Mr M G Power, a well known resident of Waihi had died there suddenly on the previous day. Several Tauranga friends left for Waihi on Saturday to attend the funeral. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Feb 1908, p2]
POWER Maurice G Power, who died recently at Taumarunui from influenza, was the second son of Mr M G Power of Paeroa and later of Waihi. He carried on business as a stockbroker and commission agent and was for many years a Borough Councillor and for four years Mayor of Waihi. At the time of his death he was town clerk of Taumarunui. He leaves a widow and five young children. [Auckland Weekly News, 21 Nov 1918]
The death occurred in Auckland on Monday of Mr. Maurice Goggan Power, who was well known on the Thames and Ohmemuri goldfields. He was at the Thames in the early days of the goldfield and subsequently removed to Paeroa, where he engaged in the hotel keeping business. He later removed to Waihi and conducted a hotel in that town for a number of years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7373, 31 March 1920, Page 2]
PREECE On December 25, at his residence, Coromandel, Mr James Preece JP. [Southern Cross, 29 Dec 1870, p2]
PREECE Owing to the death of Mr J W Preece, the government will have to appoint a successor to him in the important work of passing through the court the purchases made by the Crown years ago in the Thames and Piako district� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 17 Aug 1878, p2]
PRESTON On March 18, at her residence Katikati, Margaret, beloved wife of William Preston and youngest daughter of Moses Whiteside, Ballygowan, Dromore, Co Down, Ireland, aged 60 years. Deeply regretted. Home papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Mar 1893, p4]
PRESTON Katikati. It is with feelings of deepest regret that I have to report the death of Mr William Preston who, with his wife, son and daughter joined the Katikati No 1 party in the good ship �Carisbrook Castle�� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 3 Dec 1902, p2]
PRESTON Mr H E A Preston, Rotorua — influenza. [Auckland Weekly News, 28 Nov 1918]
On the 29th April at Tauranga, New Zealand, Charles E Pretyman (sic), formerly of Peckham-rye, S.E aged 31. Friends will please accept this intimation. [The Times (London, England), Thursday, Jul 05, 1883; pg. 1; Issue 30864] It is with regret that we have to record the death of Mr Charles Prettyman, one of the Te Puke settlers, which took place at the Tourist Villa, Wharf St, on Sunday last at noon. Mr Prettyman arrived here as a passenger by the ship Oxford from England and at once his selection of land, 100 acres at Te Puke�was a young man of great promise, unmarried and only 27 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 1 May 1883, p2]
Word was received by Constable Stackpoole yesterday of the death of Thomas Priestley, aged 51 years, a farmer at Upper Pongakawa, The Constable in company with Mr C Lally, district coroner, and Dr Young proceeded to Pongakawa, where an inquest was held...1914/4667 Priestley Thomas 51YA [Te Puke Times , 28 August 1914, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6169, 1 September 1914, Page 2]
PRINCE On Saturday a sudden death occurred at Te Puke; Mrs Prince who has for some time been living close to the Post Office expired that day from heart disease but had been ailing somewhat for some time. No inquest was deemed necessary as a medical certificate was forthcoming as to the cause of death. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Sep 1895, p2]
PROLE On September 1, at Wainui River, Aongatete, Richard Greening Prole Esq, youngest son of the late Capt William Prole of Croyde, Georgeham, North Devon, England, after a lingering illness, aged 70 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 8 Sep 1900, p2 + article]
PROUDE Mrs Thomas Proude of Te Puke died in Auckland a few days ago. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Oct 1895, p2]
A casualty list issued on Wednesday night shows that Sergeant-Major A F Pruden, who was previously reported missing is now reported killed in action. Deceased was a well-known and highly respected resident of the Te Puke district and leaves to mourn heir loss a widow and young family, for whom the greatest sympathy will be felt. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6781, 11 October 1916, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6803, 4 December 1916, Page 2] - FARMERS' UNON - The monthly meeting of the Te Puke branch of the Farmers' Union yas held on Saturday, Mr O. Duncan presiding over a fair attendance of members.
At the instance of the Chairman a vote of sympathy, was passed with Mrs. Pruden on the loss she hud sustained through the death of her husband, Sergt- Major Pruden.[Te Puke Times , 31 October 1916, Page 3]THANKS
Mrs Pruden wishes to thank her many friends, and particularly Mrs Douglas and Mrs Mutton, for the very great sympathy expressed, and kindness shown (including letters, cards, and telegrams), on receipt of the news of the death of her dear husband, killed in action in France, September 15th, 1916. His duty nobly done. [Te Puke Times, 3 November 1916, Page 2] PRUDEN - The Public Trust Office Act 1908 (Section 50) - In the estate of Arthur Frederick Pruden of Te Puke, Farmer, deceased, but at the time of his death a Soldier No 26/57 in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force operating in France ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6849, 4 April 1917, Page 1]
On November 15th at the Tauranga Hospital, from pneumonia following influenza, George, husband of Eva Pruden, in his 78th year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7090, 15 November 1918, Page 3] FIRST DEATH - We regret having to record the first death from the epidemic, that of Mr G Pruden, well known in this district and Katikati, which occurred at 11 o'clock this morning. The deceased gentleman was taken with influenza last week, and on Sunday his condition was such as to necessitate his removal to the hospital, where he gradually grew worse, succumbing this morning. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7090, 15 November 1918, Page 3] The death took place at Tauranga last week of Mr George Pruden, father of the late Sergt-Major Pruden, of Te Puke, who lost his life on the Western front. [Te Puke Times 19 November 1918, Page 2] At the meeting of the Borough Council on Friday afternoon a vote of condolence was passed with relatives of the following persons who succumbed during the influenza epidemic; Mesdames H Brown, G Mudgway and Lynch, Miss Maltby, Messrs G Pruden, W Tutchen, G Gillies, F G Dorrington, also Mr and Mrs J Beston who lost their infant child. A vote of sympathy was also passed with Mr Rutland Turner and family of Wainui, in their recent bereavement in the death of Mrs R Turner, an old resident of the district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7097, 2 December 1918, Page 2]
PUAKO Paeora. Riki Puako, a well known native chief, died last evening. A big tangi will be held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Jun 1891, p2]
PUCKEY A little Maori boy named George Puckey has just been drowned off the Victoria Wharf as we go to press. He was fishing alongside another boy named Menzies and fell into the water� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Apr 1893, p4 + 1 May 1893 and Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVI, Issue 7520, 5 May 1893, Page 4]
PUEHU A native boy, the son of Honi Puehu of Motiti was taken ill some time ago and following the usual custom in such cases the patient was taken to a tohunga named Rahara, a brother of Himiona, the prophet, residing up north. Rehara said that the illness was beyond his skill and that a European doctor had better be consulted. Despite the efforts of the Pakeha the boy died on Friday last� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Feb 1898, p2]
PUERAU We learn with regret the death of a young chieftess of the name of Merita Puerau, resident at Te Matata belonging to Te Ngaterangitika tribe� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Sep 1882, p2]
PUKUATUA It is reported here that Henare Pukuatua, late assessor for the Arawa tribe died at a settlement called Waitangi near Rangiuru on Friday last�He had several wives but only one child, a daughter by his first wife, one Ngaroma, who now resides at Maketu� [Bay of Plenty Ti
mes, Mon 12 Jul 1897, p2 + 23 Jul 1897]
PUPUHA On Sunday last the interment of the bodies of the two natives, Hone Parete and Te Matene Pupuha took place at the Waitaea burying ground, Hairini. The last rites of the Church of England were performed by the Rev Goodyear. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 31 Jul 1907, p2]
PURCELL - Rotorua, May 28 - A married man names James Purcell, about 45 years of age, was killed at Steele's mill, Mamaku yesterday morning. Deceased put the brake on a truck too suddenly causing it to capsize. He was pinned underneath and crushed to death. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5813, 29 May 1912, Page 5]
PURSLEY Many of our readers will learn with regret of the death of Mr W Pursley, one of the first of the Pongakawa settlers who expired at his home there on Wednesday. Deceased came here from the Islands�He leaves a widow and grown up family to mourn their loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Oct 1899, p2 + 18 Oct 1899]
On January 23rd, 1917, at the Tauranga Hospital, Mary Helen, daughter of the late John Pursley of Pongakawa. Aged 44 years. The funeral will arrive at the Te Puke Cemetery at 1pm tomorrow, Thursday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6820, 24 January 1917, Page 2] Widespread regret was expressed when it became known locally that Miss Mary H. Pursley, who, with her brother, Mr J. Pursley, had been an inmate of the Tauranga Hospital for a short time past, had succumbed to heart failure, following an attack of typhoid fever. It will be remembered that Mr and Miss Pursley took the late Mr Watson into their home when he was in the last stage of this disease, which, unfortunately, they themselves contracted a week or two after that gentleman's death. Tbe late Miss Pursley was a most estimable person, amiable and kind-hearted, and was highly esteemed throughout the district. She was the elder surviving daughter of the late Mr J. Pursley and Mrs Pursley, of Pongakawa. The funeral took place at the Te Puke cemetery on Thursday afternoon, the Rev. Chapman conducting the burial service. [Te Puke Times, 26 January 1917, Page 2]
PURVIS We regret to record the death of a highly respected former Tauranga resident in the person of Mr F A Purvis, Solicitor, which occurred at Devonport, Auckland, last week� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 2 Nov 1906, p2]
Mr and Mrs E Purvis were among the earliest settlers in Tauranga, and doubtless some of the old residents will be interested to learn of their call Home. Mr Purvis died a year ago and on March 5th Mrs Purvis died and both are interred in the Sumner (State of Washington) cemetery beside one another. Mrs Purvis who was the second daughter of the Rev. S M Spencer who was born at sea, Mary 12, 1842 on the 'Louisa Campbell' was married on October 13, 1862 at Tarawera in the church, the remains of which are still to be seen. In 1868 the late Mr and Mrs Purvis went to America and finally settled in Sumner. Deceased are survived by a family of one daughter and five sons. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5643, 26 April 1911, Page 2]
The death occurred in Auckland on Monday of Mr Francis John Purvis, at the age of 96 years. Deceased took part in the assault on Gate Pa in 1863 and was seriously wounded in the action, a bullet entering his body. At the time of the assault on Gate Pa, he was a member of the crew of H.M.S Miranda. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6060, 9 January 1914, Page 4]
Mr Reginald A. Pyke, a son of the late Mr Vincent Pyke, for many years a Member of Parliament, was found dead in the Government Gardens at Rotorua on Tuesday morning, appearances pointing to suicide. A piece of sash cord was round his neck, with slip knot and four turns, drawn tight, the end of the cord being in his hands. The deceased gentleman is said to have been depressed since the death of his wife, which took place three weeks ago. [Te Puke Times 12 November 1920, Page 2]
QUICK - Thames, Thursday - H N Quick, the well known Native Interpreter, died at his residence Parawai yesterday afternoon. For some months past he had been in very poor health. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Jan 1902, p2 + article 27 Jan 1902, ex 1st WR]
We regret to have to record the death of Miss Susan Quick, which occurred at Auckland on the 20th inst. at an advanced age. Deceased came to New Zealand from Geelong in early life and over forty years ago settled in Tauranga, where she had resided ever since. By her death is removed one of the elder inhabitants of this town, who had seen it in its varying phases and watched its progress from its earliest days as a town. Of a retiring disposition the late Miss Quick nevertheless possessed the sincere friendship of a large number, by whom she was highly esteemed on account of her sterling and fine character, and by whom her death, after a short illness, which necessitated her removal to Auckland, will be much regretted. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6145, 3 August 1914, Page 8]
QUIGLEY The case of Police vs. Wilson, a publican at Ohinemutu for supplying a drunken man named Quigley with drink causing him to fall into a boiling spring and meet his death was heard at Maketu yesterday. The total amount of fines was �35 19s. [Evening Post, 22 Oct 1874, p2]
An inquest into the circumstances surrounding the death of William Quintal, who was killed in the Whakamarama bush yesterday morning, was held at Whakamarama this morning before Mr T. E. Price (coroner) Constable O'Neill represented the police... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 26 November 1920, Page 3]
QUIRK A miner named Thomas Quirk fell into the river at Karangahake on Monday night about 7 o�clock and was drowned. His body was recovered at 9.30pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 14 Aug 1908, p2]
RACKHAM At Tauranga, on the 13th inst, Matthew Rackham, aged 26. The funeral will leave the Knoll at 1pm today. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 16 Feb 1886, p2]
RAHAPA Maketu. Our Maori population is at present rather sparse, most of the females having gone to Mourea to a tangihanga for Rahapa, the beloved wife of Hapeta Te Pakuu. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Dec 1872, p3]
RAHAPA The death occurred at Oponui last week of a very aged lady named Rahapa, the wife of the late chief Hone Taharangi, who died last year. The deceased lady�s first husband was Henare Taratoa, who drafted the conditions of war for the engagement at Gate Pa and Te Ranga. These conditions gave protection to European women and children and men not carrying arms or connected with the engagement and that they were faithfully carried out by the Ngaiterangi tribe is evidenced by the action of Rawiri at Gate Pa when Colonel Booth fell. Hone Taharangi was also in the same engagement and lost one of his legs. A very large tangi is being held. [Bay of Plenty Times, 20 Apr 1914]
RAHURAHI Waihi. Two tangis over well known Maoris are now being held. Hape Rewi and Mairia Rahurahi of the Ngatikoe being the subjects of the ceremony� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 19 Jun 1886, p2]
RAIKIRITEA There died at Parawanui on Wednesday last, Hamuera Raikiretea whose history is that he was 96 years of age, has bridged the period which has converted savage New Zealand into colonial New Zealand. Historically too Hamuera may be said to have had an official hand in the transformation seeing that he was one of three members of the Ngatiapa tribe who affixed their signature to the Treaty of Waitangi. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Jan 1898, p2]
RAKAWHATI During the month a native named Rakawhati died in the Avondale Mental Hospital, to which he had been committed from Te Puke about 12 months ago. The body was conveyed to the Kahika settlement, and one of the biggest tangis held in Te Puke for a considerable time resulted, mourners in strong force attending from Rotorua, Waikato and surrounding districts. Rakawhati was about 39 years of age at the time of his death. The burial took place last week, the last rites of the Church of England being performed by the Rev Rameka. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 31 Aug 1908, p2]
RAKIRAKI A Maori named Daniel Rakiraki died at Te Puke on Thursday last. [Bay of Plenty Times, 10 Jul 1916]
RAKITU A telegram was received here yesterday announcing the death at Rotorua of a Maori chieftess of great renown, aged 74 years, viz Puhou Rakitu, head of the Ngatiwhakaeu. Deceased was a clever and active woman� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 Mar 1899, p2 + 10 Apr 1899]
RALPH At Paengaroa, on 26 September, the infant daughter of Mr and Mrs H F Ralph. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Oct 1905, p2]
Sapper Frederick Hill Ralph of Windmill Road, Auckland, who has died of wounds, was well known in Tauranga. HE left New Zealand with the rank of sergeant in the engineers but gave up his stripes in order to get to the front quickly. He was the seventh son of the late Colonel Ralph, and was born in Dublin. He served with the Seventh New Zealand Contingent in the Boer War, and belonged to the Auckland division of the Legion of Frontiersmen. Five months ago he was in hospital suffering from the effects of gas but he recovered quickly. The late Sapper Ralph had several heroic deeds to his credit and had repeatedly rescued wounded comrades under fire. He sustained the wounds from which he died at Armentieres three months ago. A widow and two little children survive him.[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6821, 16 February 1917, Page 2]
RAMAPIA A great tangi is going on at Te Taheke, a settlement some 12 miles this side of Ohinemutu on the Te Puke Rd, over one of the principal chiefs of that district named Ramapia�45 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 15 Sep 1885, p2]
RAMARI Ramari, an old woman died at Whakatane on Friday night. She belonged to the Ngatiawa tribe. About 30 natives left Opotiki on Sunday morning to be in attendance at the tangi. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Sep 1882, p2]
RAMSAY A private telegram received in town early this morning from Mr Carter, Matata stating that Captain Ramsay, well known here, and for many years master of the cutter Leah, had met with a fatal accident last night. The telegram gives no information as to the circumstances. The message simply asks that Mr McPherson, who is at present in the Waikato, should be communicated with� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 18 Oct 1881, p2 + 24 Oct 1881, p2]
On November 17th, at Featherston Hospital from Pneumonia, Arthur Alexander, the dearly beloved eldest son of Mr and Mrs J B Ramsay, the Schoolhouse, Tauranga, aged 20 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7091, 18 November 1918, Page 2] Pte A A Ramsay, died of influenza — NOK Mrs J B Ramsay, Tauranga. [Auckland Weekly News, 17 Nov 1918] Mr J Ramsay, headmaster of the Tauranga District High School, received a telegram last night advising him of the death of his son Arthur, which occurred at Featherston Camp, as the result of influenza. Some little time back deceased enlisted for service and had been in camp up till the time of his demise. Much sympathy will be extended to Mr and Mrs Ramsay in their great loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7091, 18 November 1918, Page 2]
Much sympathy will be felt for Mr and Mrs Randall of Mount Maunganui in the loss they have sustained by the death of their little son, Hilton Percival, 3 1/2 years of age, which occurred on Saturday last. The interment took place at the Tauranga cemetery yesterday, the service being conducted by the Rev. Archdeacon Tuke. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6877, 11 June 1917, Page 2]
A large tangi has just been held at Pukehina and Maketu over the death of Miss Te Ngarokitawhiti Te Uara Rangihoro the daughter of Mr and Mrs Te Uara Rangihora. Miss Rangihoro was a girl of high rank both on her mother's and father's side, and was a young chieftainess of the Ngatimakiro and Ngatiawa tribes, sub-tribes of the Arawa, located at Whakatane. She was a grand daughter of a well known chief named Timi Waata. She was buried outside the Maori Mission Church at Maketu, last Saturday afternoon. Mr Hemana P, Mokonuiarangi, officiating at the graveside. [Te Puke Times 20 July 1920, Page 2]
RANGINUI Henare Ranginui a chief of and hapu of Ngati Raukawa died on Thursday morning at Judea after a long and painful illness of some three months. Great hopes of his recovery were entertained until a few days ago. He was a married man and had only a small family. He was greatly respected by his own and neighbouring tribes. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Jun 1887]
News has been received here of the death of Major Te Keepa Rangipuawhe, one of the loyal chiefs of the Arawa in the old days, who commanded some of the Native troops both on the East and West Coasts, being highly commended for his bravery and that of his men. He was residing at Wairoa (Lake Tarawera) at the time of the eruption� [Bay of Plenty Times, 30 Jun 1905, p2]
RANGITAHI On Friday afternoon Mr T E Price, coroner, received a wire from Constable Stackpole of Te Puke to the effect that a native named Rangitahi had been found dead at Maketu the previous day. Mr Price received instructions to hold an inquest on Saturday. The deceased was a strong able bodied man about 28 years of age and was a son of Pirimi the great Arawa chief who recently died in Rotorua. A great tangi will be held as Rangitahi was a man of high rank. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Mar 1908, p2]
RANGITIKEI The death occurred at Hairini on Sunday of Hori Rangitikei, a chief of the Patuwai tribe and a very well known resident of Motiti Island. The deceased was about fifty five years of age, had been in failing health for some months. A son of deceased was killed at Gallipoli. He is survived by two sons and three daughters. The interment is to take place at Motiti Island, where the customary tangi will be held. [Bay of Plenty Times, 10 Jul 1918]
RANSLEY - A VETERAN'S DEATH - When proceeding to town yesterday afternoon Mr C. Gunson discovered Mr J. Ransley lying dead alongside the road just in front of Mr G. W. Brown's residence on Devonport Road. He immediately informed the Police and Constable O'Neill proceeded to the spot and called Dr Stuart, who pronounced life to be extinct. Constable O'Neill then had the body removed to deceased's late home at the corner of Ninth Avenue and Devonport Road. The late Mr Ransley was a well-known figure about town, having for many years been Sexton for the Cemetery Trustees, and had resided in Tauranga for over fifty years. He was 81 years of age, and was born at Westminster, London,. At twenty years of age he went to sea and was engaged in the merchant service in the Crimea during the war. In 1851 be was on the Victorian Goldfields, later coming to New Zealand. He fought in various engagements during the Maori War as a member of the 1st Waikato Regiment, and took part in the engagement at Te Ranga in 1864. Mr Ransley, who never married, had no relatives in New Zealand.
In connection with the funeral, which has been arranged to leave deceased's late residence, Devonport Road, to-morrow at 2.30. Col Ward will be glad if as many officers and members of the forces who can will fall in with him at the hour and place named to pay the last tribute of respect to the deceased veteran. 1916/10393 Ransley Joseph 81Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6711, 13 June 1916, Page 3]
RAPLEY Death was unusually busy in our township last week and we regret to chronicle�a young lady Mrs Rapley who recently arrived here to stay for the benefit of her health. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Sep 1899, p2]
RAPLEY A painful sensation was caused yesterday about midday when news was received in town that a young man named Michael Rapley had dropped down dead while engaged digging in Mr Brittain�s grounds at Te Renga-Renga. Deceased was a son-in-law of Mr De le Haye who recently left here seriously ill, the main cause of his ill health being grief at the death of his daughter Mrs Rapley who died a few months ago. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 10 Aug 1900, p2 + inquest 13 Aug 1900]
RAROA Gisborne, Tues. A Maori girl aged sixteen years named Amera Roroa committed suicide by hanging herself to a tree at Awanui because her father would not allow her to marry the man she loved. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Sep 1893, p2]
RARUS Gisborne, Sat. W J Rarus, of the survey department died suddenly yesterday. He was working in his garden in the morning and complaining of pains in his head he went to bed, dying in the evening. The cause of death was effusion of blood on the brain. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 6 Feb 1893, p4]
RASPBERRY A wire was received yesterday from Opotiki by the Judea natives of the death of one of their chiefs named Raspberry who was one of the attendants of Te Kooti on his visit to the coast on the religious movement that is taking place and which representatives are attending from all parts. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Jul 1887, p2 + 4 Jul 1887]
RASPBERRY The death occurred at Katikati on Wednesday last of a well known Judea native named James Raspberry after an illness lasting only three days. The body was conveyed to the Judea settlement this morning, its arrival being heralded by the discharge of firearms fired at various intervals for a couple of hours. Deceased, who was only about 35 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 apr 1908, p2]
RATAMA A death occurred at Rotorua this week of a daughter of Ratama, a well known native clergyman of that district� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 2 Jan 1915]
Private Romana Ratima, a well known native of the Whakatane district was killed in action at Gallipoli on August 7th. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume 6178, Issue 6178, 3 September 1915, Page 2]
Three Maori children were burned to death and their mother critically burnt and the only surviving child was badly burnt at Mr George Murray's farm near Te Teko on Wednesday evening. It appears that the mother and father and four children lived in a substantially built raupo whare on the farm. This caught fire about nine o'clock and was burned to the ground. The father (Pah Ratime) was only slightly burnt.[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7082, 25 October 1918, Page 2]
On Friday April 30, 1919 at the Tauranga Hospital, Florence Francesca, the dearly loved wife of Arthur J Ratford, of Te Puke. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7395, 1 May 1920, Page 2] It is with deep regret that we learn, just as go to press, of the death at the Tauranga Hospital this morning of Mrs Ratford, the wife of Mr Ratford, manager of the local branch of the Farmers' Trading Co. Much sympathy will be felt with Mr Ratford and his two little girls in their sad bereavement. 1920/9497 Ratford Florence Francesca 44Y
[Te Puke Times 30 April 1920, Page 2] On Friday 30th, ult,, at Tauranga hospital, Florence Francesca, the dear wife of Arthur J. Ratford. "Until the Day Break." [Te Puke Times 4 May 1920, Page 2] [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7395, 1 May 1920, Page 2]
RATIMA Private Romana Ratima, a well known native of the Whakatane district was killed in action at Gallipoli on August 7th. [Bay of Plenty Times, 3 Sep 1915]
RAUKAWA The body was removed to the Bethlehem settlement, where another young woman, Maria Te Mete Raukawa, fourth daughter of Mete Raukawa, had also passed away at the age of 18� [Bay of Plenty Times, 3 Feb 1908]
A movement is afoot amongst the Natives of the Tauranga district to erect a monument over the grave of Rawiri, the Native chief who is buried in the military cemetery, and who distinguished himself as a warrior at the Gate Pa fight before he fell in the subsequent engagement at Te Renga [sic]... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5794, 15 April 1912, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5823, 24 June 1912, Page 4 and 1914/2851 Reid Myra Jane 43Y]
Te Aroha, Friday. A sudden and melancholy death occurred this forenoon, the deceased being a Mrs [Emily] Rawlings who had resided here for some months, attending upon her husband at the baths�The relatives of the deceased reside in Auckland and at Hamilton. [Waikato Times, Sat 18 Sep 1886 + Tues 21 Sep 1886]
The death occurred at Te Puke on Tuesday last of Mrs Raymond, widow of the late Mr T Raymond. Deceased had resided in Te Puke for a long period and is survived by an adult family. 1917/2214 Raymond Elizabeth 89Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6867, 18 May 1917, Page 2]
The death occurred at Katikati last week of Mr Rea sen. after a long and painfull illness, borne with Christian fortitude. The deceased gentleman was a member of Mr Vesey Stewart's first special settlement party which reached New Zealand in September 1875. Mr Rea was a sound, practical farmer, a true friend, a man of honour, quiet, unobtrusive, yet ever willing to give a neighbour a helping hand. Much sympathy is felt for his widow and sorrowing children. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLL, Issue 5905, 8 January 1913, Page 2]
The first two victims of the disease now so rife in this district were Messrs W. Galloway, of Otamarakau, and S. Rea, of Paengaroa, both of whom succumbed to the malady on Wednesday, The funeral of the former took place at Te Puke yesterday, whilst the latter was interred at Maketu.
[Te Puke Times 22 November 1918, Page 2] The death of the late Mr Rae is a sore spot in our time of. convalescence. It was hard for one who had nursed him in the first few days of his illness, to lie a helpless prisoner of flu, and to hear from time to time how painfully and rapidly he was nearing the final crossing. Upright and obliging, Paengaroa will not soon forget him. [Te Puke Times 10 December 1918, Page 3]
READING On Sunday last, Mrs Reading died at her son�s residence Katikati from the general decay of old age. The funeral took place on Tuesday, Mr W J Gray being the undertaker. The coffin was hidden under a pile of wreaths and other floral offerings and there was a large attendance of mourners and friends despite an incessant downpour of rain. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Apr 1895, p2]
REDDY Waihi, Thursday. Another very serious accident resulting in a fatality has occurred at Waihi, while Reddy, one of the stokers employed by the Waihi Co�s engine room was engaged at the furnace, a truck loaded with firewood broke away�killing him almost instantly. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 Jul 1901, p2]
REDFEARN On March 2, at 36 Izett St, Praham, Melbourne, Mary, relict of the late George Refearn, and formerly of Second Avenue, Tauranga, aged 65 years. At rest. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 18 Mar 1910, p2]
REDFERN At his residence Second Avenue, on the 10th inst, George Redfern, aged 53 years. Melbourne papers please copy. + We regret to have to announce the death of Mr George Redfern, one of the oldest settlers of this district. Mr Redfern had been ill for several weeks, and his death, which occurred at a quarter to twelve yesterday, was not unexpected. He was 53 years of age, and arrived here on June 10th 1864, with the First Waikato Regiment. He took part in the engagement at Te Ranga and was in several other skirmishes in this district. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 11 Apr 1882, p2]
REDMOND On November 27, at Hamilton, Thomas Peter Redmond, eldest son of Mr J J Redmond, from an accident, aged 34, deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 28 Nov 1889, p2]
REDMOND John James, died on 4 June 1903, at Tauranga, 80 years, cause of death senile decay, son of Fitzsimmons Redmond, maltster and Mary Redmond nee O�Neil, buried Tauranga 7 June 1903, RC, born Wexford, Ireland, in NZ 40 years, married (1) Julia Quinn (2) Rosa Violetta Stansfield at age 60, sons living aged 27, daughters living aged 44, 42 and 17. [RG 1903]
On June 4th, at his residence 2nd Ave, John James Redmond, formerly of the 1st Waikato Regiment, aged 80 years. The funeral will leave as above at 2.30pm on Sunday for the old cemetery. Friends will kindly accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 Jun 1903, p2 + article]
REEVE On July 14, at her daughter�s (Mrs Alf Davoren) residence Cameron Rd, Emma Annie, wife of Samuel Reeve, Gate Pah, aged 68 years. �To be with Christ, which is far better�. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Jul 1906, p2 + article]
Killed in action on June 7, 1917 Rifleman William Charles Leslie Reeve, the dearly beloved eldest son of Mr and Mrs E Reeve, of Gate Pa, Tauranga aged 21 years. 'He died doing his duty.' [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 688, 25 June 1917, Page 2] In Memoriam - In loving memory of Rifleman W H C Reeve killed in action at Messines June 7th, 1917 - verse - inserted by his loving parents, brothers and sisters. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7174, 9 June 1919, Page 2]
With much regret we record the death from pneumonia of Mr Harry Reeve, which occurred this morning at his residence, Te Puke. Deceased who was only 52 years of age, was a well known and highly respected citizen of this town and his death will come as a shock to a large circle of friends. Mr Reeve was formerly in the employ of Mr H E Butcher and Mr A H Washer, and was about to take up the managership of Messrs Washer Bros butchery business when he was forced to take to bed. We extend our sincerest sympathy to the deceased's wife and family. The funeral will leave the residence of deceased at 2pm on Thursday. [Te Puke Times 17 August 1920, Page 2]
On the 10th inst. at the Thames Hospital of typhoid fever, William Samuel, eldest and beloved son of Samuel and Emma Reeve of Gate Pah, Tauranga and nephew of Mrs Charles Bacon of Rolleston street, Thames, aged 22 years. (Tauranga papers please copy). [Thames Advertiser, Volume XXIII, Issue 6581, 11 April 1890, Page 2] William Reeves, son of Samuel Reeves of Greerton, aged 22 years, from typhoid fever at the Thames Hospital, on April 10th, deeply lamented. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 28 Apr 1890, p2]
In referring to the influenza epidemic the Whakatane Press of Wednesday last gave the Whakatane death roll as follows: Judge T H Wilson, Messrs W Regan, Erwin, A J Baton, Williams, H Speight and a lad, R Fraser .... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7094, 25 November 1918, Page 2]
Mr W Regan, hotel proprietor, Whakatane (Pneumonia). [Auckland Weekly News, 21 Nov 1918]
REHAN An old man named Bartholomew Rehan died suddenly at Te Aroha on Thursday afternoon. He had been ailing of some time and purposed going to the Waikato Hospital on Friday morning. The deceased was 75 years of age and had been in the colony since 1864. He served in the Hone Heke war, Bay of Islands in the 58th Regiment. He was attracted to Te Aroha by the gold rush in 1881 and has resided here on and off ever since. So far as is known the old man had no relations in the colony. Te Aroha News. [Waikato Times, Tues 5 Nov 1895]
REID Another sudden death occurred yesterday in this city. It appears that a man named William James Reid, a storekeeper of Tauranga� [Southern Cross, 7 Apr 1871, p2]
REID Thames, Sat. The death occurred last night of Mrs Jane Reid, wife of w D Reid, grocer, Pollen St, and mother of James Reid. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Feb 1896, p2]
REID We are sorry to learn that Mr John Reid, the well known owner of Motutapu Island has died under distressing circumstances off Levuka... [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Aug 1899, p2]
REID We regret to record the death of Mrs L Reid, the wife of Major Reid, Adjutant of the Auckland district which took place at Devonport on Friday last. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 3 Dec 1902, p2]
REID A sad occurrence is reported from Whakatane on Sunday morning whereby Mr G E Reid, a well known resident and son, we believe, of Dr Reid, lost his life� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 8 Apr 1903, p2 + 15 Apr 1903]
We regret to record the death of Mrs C Reid, of Devonport Road which took place on Monday last. Deceased is survived by a husband and three young children for whom much sympathy will be felt in the great loss which they have sustained. 1914/2851 Reid Myra Jane 43Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6128, 24 June 1914, Page 4]
News has been received by Mr C. Hillman, of Ngawaro, of the death at the front of his stepson, Private Stewart Reid, who was killed in action on March 27th. The late Private Reid left New Zealand at the beginning of 1916, and had been on active service ever since. [Te Puke Times 18 June 1918, Page 2]
Wallace Whyte, youngest son of William and Frances Reid, Papamoa Hills, aged 2 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7194, 30 July 1919, Page 2]
At the Hospital, Te Puke, on July 25th, 1919, Wallace Whyte, dearly beloved infant son of William and Frances Reid, aged one year and nine months. [Te Puke Times 29 July 1919, Page 2]
On August 9, 1916 at Tauranga, Elizabeth Mary, dearly beloved second daughter of Mrs Rennie, Durham Street, Tauranga, aged 12 years and 8 months. Loved by all. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6755, 11 August 1916, Page 2]
In Memoriam - In sad and loving memory of our dear little sister, Lizzie who departed this life on 9th August 1916 ... verse ..Inserted by her loving sister Eva and brother in law Jack Murphy (on active service in France). [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7050, 9 August 1918, Page 2]
RENSHAW Katikati. Mr and Mrs Renshaw have also lost a young child under a year old, of, I believe, the same complaint [water on the brain], Dr Grattan Guinness of Waihi was in attendance� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Sep 1904, p2]
RETEMANA Two natives died last night, one, of the name of Retemana, at Matapihi was an old government pensioner who saw hard service in the war� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Jul 1892, p2]
RETIMANA - Te Puke - Another death has occurred amongst the Maoris, the wife of Hone Retimana having died on Wednesday morning. This will make two tangis in the neighbourhood in one week. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 21 Sep 1900, p2]
REWI - Waihi - Two tangis over well known Maoris are now being held. Hape Rewi and Mairia Rahurahi of the Ngatikoe being the subjects of the ceremony� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 19 Jun 1886, p2]
A well known native named Rewiti died at the Judea settlement yesterday. Deceased, who was about fifty years of age, had been in ill health for six months. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6020, 6 October 1913, Page 4]
REWITI A Maori chieftainess, Katene Reweti, died on Tuesday last at the age of 102 years. As a child the deceased joined the late Bishop Williams as mission helper and was with him until her marriage. She was the daughter of the great chief Tareha of the tribe of Ngaiterangi of the Tauranga district. She was twice married, her first husband being the late Hami Pateoro� [Bay of Plenty Times, 18 Jul 1914]
An inquest concerning the death of a Maori named Wiri Haria Reweti was held at the Accommodation House, Kaimai on Friday afternoon before Mr C C Norris, acting coroner ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6142, 27 July 1914, Page 3]
�Mr John Reynolds of Cambridge had died at Ohinemutu on Friday morning. The deceased gentleman who was in the prime of his life was visiting the Lakes in the company of some friends but was taken suddenly ill at Ohinemutu and expired in a few days�The deceased was buried in the Tauranga Cemetery� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 Mar 1876, p2] John C Reynolds, died 24 Mar 1876, 30 years, son of William Reynolds, farmer and Elizabeth Reynolds formerly Chidley, born Devonshire, England, in NZ 8 years. [RG 1876]
We regret to record the death of Mr M [Michael] Reynolds, draughtsman in the Public Works office at Tauranga. The late Mr Reynolds was admitted into the local hospital on Wednesday suffering from appendicitis, and an operation was performed. A further operation was deemed necessary on Saturday but the patient was unable to rally and passed away. Mr Reynolds, who was only 30 years of age, leaves a wife and infant son for whom great sympathy will be felt. Mr Reynolds was an enthusiastic cricketer and was esteemed by his fellow workers, numbers of whom came from Te Puke and the Mount to attend his funeral at two o'clock this afternoon. The whole of the head office staff were present to mark their respect to the memory of a loyal officer and a good comrade. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6228, 9 November 1914, Page 2]
RHODES On November 14, Richard Mark Rhodes, aged 56 and Ernest John Rhodes, aged 10, by the accidental capsizing of a boat� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 16 Nov 1886, p2 + article same day + inquest on body of Ernest 18 Nov 1886 + inquest on body of Richard 30 Nov 1886 and Thames Advertiser, Volume XVII, Issue 5649, 30 November 1886, Page 2]
The death is announced of Mr Frank Rhodes, solicitor, of Rotorua, after a long illness. [Te Puke Times, 29 December 1916, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6802, 20 December 1916, Page 2]
The many Tauranga friends of Mr T W Rhodes (MP for Thames) will regret to learn that his son, Sergt. Earnest (sic) W Rhodes was killed in action on July 21. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6898, 13 August 1917, Page 2]
The Thames Star, in referring to the death of Sergeant Ernest W Rhodes, second son of Mr T W Rhodes M.P, says: "Sergeant Rhodes left New Zealand in December last as a sergeant in the Twentieth Reinforcements. His age was 27. He had been a clerk in the Magistrates Court in Auckland for six years, and subsequently was clerk in the Supreme Court at New Plymouth. Immediately prior to enlistment he was clerk in the Supreme Court, Wellington. He was born at Coromandel and educated there. He was killed in action in France on July 23, after being only seven weeks at the front. Mr Rhodes has received a cable intimating that two other soldier sons who are at the front, are well. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6898, 15 August 1917, Page 2]
On July 17, 1920 at Tauranga, Melinda, relict of the late Richard Mark Rhodes, aged 77. Private internment. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7454, 17 July 1920, Page 2] The death occurred at Tauranga on Saturday morning of Mrs M. Rhodes, relict of the late Mr Richard Rhodes, after a brief illness. The deceased lady is survived by five sons and five daughters. One of the former is Mr T. W. Rhodes, M.P., for the Thames. [Te Puke Times 20 July 1920, Page 2] It is cur sad duty to chronicle the death of a very old resident of Tauranga in the person of Mrs Melinda Rhodes, which occurred this morning after n brief illness. The late Mrs Rhodes, who was 77 years of age, was born in Glasgow, and when about twelve years of age accompanied her parents to New Zealand, settling in Auckland. She was married in that city to Mr Richard Rhodes, and for some time they lived at Thames. They moved to Tauranga about fifty years ago, and Mrs Rhodes had resided here ever since Her husband, who was in business here, took a keen interest in public affairs. As the result of a boating accident about 34 years ago he and one of his sons were drowned in the harbour. The late Mrs Rhodes was held in high esteem by all who knew her, and the relatives will have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in their bereavement. She is survived by a grown-up family of five sons and five daughters, and a large number of grandchildren and great grand children. The sons are Mr T. W. Rhodes, M. P. Thames; Mr H Rhodes, Claremont, Western Australia; Mr R. Rhodes, Gisborne; Mr P. Rhodes, Mangapeehi; and Mr C. G. Rhodes, Auckland. The daughters are: Mrs P. Munro, Tauranga Mrs C Laird, Pukekohe Mrs D. Andrews, Hamilton Mrs J. Boyce, Epsom, Auckland and Mrs N. Sorrensen, Hamilton The funeral, which will be a private one will take place on Monday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7454, 17 July 1920, Page 3]
The Rev. E D Rice, returned from Auckland on Tuesday last. He received an urgent call last week owing to the serious illness of his father but reached Auckland too late on Friday morning to go to Wellsford. Almost immediately however he learnt of his fathers death. The late Mr Vincent E Rice was well known throughout the Auckland Province as the first Secretary of the Auckland Education Board, a position which he held for upwards of thirty years until 1909. The deceased gentleman had been ailing for some time and his death was not altogether unexpected. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6559, 9 December 1915, Page 2]
Our Opotiki correspondent writes: The funeral of the late Mr Loftus Richards took place immediately after the inquest on Monday afternoon which was largely attended. The funeral service was impressively read by Dr Reid. Mr Robert S Bush RM has convened a public meeting to be held in the Settlers Hall on Friday the 13th inst to consider what steps shall be taken for the relief of the widow who is left with a family of six children and I have no doubt the public of Opotiki will respond with their usual liberality. [Bay of Plenty Times, 19 Apr 1883, p2 + 24 Apr 1883 + 26 Apr 1883 + 8 May 1883]
RICHARDS - Ohinemuri goldfield - The tragic deaths of two poor children by burning at Karangahake. The unhappy father of the children, whose name is Richards, owns and conducts a boarding house at that place� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 25 Mar 1886, p2]
Word has been received that the man Charles Richards, who was removed from Te Puke to the Hamilton Hospital some few weeks ago died in that institution on Saturday last. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Nov 1906, p2]
RICHARDS - Rotorua, this day - John Richards, aged 45 years, died in the Town Square on Saturday evening. Deceased, who was subject to epileptic fits, was found suffering from one by his father and a cousin, who placed him on a seat. On returning shortly afterwards they found him dead. A doctor gave a certificate as the cause of death. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5797, 22 April 1912, Page 5]
On July 31, 1918 at his residence Sea View Road, New Brighton, Canterbury, Richard S, beloved husband of E M Richards and father of Mrs A H Innes, late of Tauranga, aged 60 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7050, 9 August 1918, Page 2]
Mr W R Richmond, brother of Judge Richmond, died at Christchurch on Sunday. He arrived in 1850 and practised as a barrister and solicitor at New Plymouth. He was well known in other parts of the colony. He has been ailing for some time. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Dec 1890, p2]
RICHMOND On Sunday last a native child, belonging to the Waitangi settlement, Te Puke, met with a fatal accident. Whilst the parents, with the child, were returning from church service at Te Matai, the horse fell, with the result that all the occupants of the vehicle were thrown out. The parents - Mr and Mrs Richmond - escaped unhurt, but it was at once seen that the child was seriously injured, and death supervened within an hour. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 4 Mar 1908, p2]
RICHMOND A casualty list issued yesterday shows that Privates T Richmond and M Wahia of the Maori contingent, have died of wounds, and that Private R Devon is reported to be wounded. [Bay of Plenty Times, 23 Sep 1915]
RICKETTS Word was received last night by Mr J Maxwell that the wife of Mr W C Ricketts, traveller for the Auckland Roller Mills, died last evening, leaving a family of three boys and one girl to mourn her loss. The man friends of the deceased lady will regret her untimely demise. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Dec 1895, p2]
We regret to record the death of Mr William Stephen Riddell, of Katikati, which occurred at Waihi on Monday last at the age of 85 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5639, 15 April 1911, Page 2]
The death is announced from Katikati of Miss Riddell. Deceased was a member of Mr Vesey Stewart's second special settlement party. 1912/7277 Riddell Mary Ann 71Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5894, 9 December 1912, Page 4]
RIDDELS - Katikati - With much regret I have to report another loss by death in our small community, Mrs Riddels having quietly passed away on Friday after a lingering illness�came out with the Katikati No 2 party accompanied by her two sons and two daughters ...[Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 May 1895, p2]
On the 9th inst. at Tauranga, F H Ridder, aged 61 years. 1912/262 Ridder Frederick Heinrich 61Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5767, 9 February 1912, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5767, 9 February 1912, Page 5, Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5768, 12 February 1912, Page 4, Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5768, 12 February 1912, Page 5]
On August 31st at her residence, Cambridge Road, Johanah Maria Magdelana, relict of the late Frederick Ridder, aged 75. The funeral will the residence Cambridge Road, tomorrow Tuesday September 2nd at 11.30am for the New Cemetery. Friends please accept this intimation. [Bay Of Plenty Times , 1 September 1919, Page 2]
RIFLE The dead body of a native named �Rifle� who has been out of his mind for some time and wandering about the country was found on Friday near Te Puke. Deceased was a nephew of Major Te Pokiha and belonged to Rotoiti. Two days ago his wife said she knew he was dead and shortly afterwards she herself died. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 6 Mar 1893]
RIHI The death took place at Rotorua on Tuesday last of a young Native woman of high rank and well esteemed by both races viz Rihi, eldest daughter of Taikato, the leading chief of the Rotorua tribes� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Jan 1901, p2]
A young Native woman, a daughter of Rikihana, died at Okahu near Matapihi, on Wednesday. The remains were removed to Whareroa where a tangi is now in progress. The death makes the fifth amongst local Maoris within the last fortnight. [Bay of Plenty Times, 13 Sep 1912]
The death occurred at Maungatapu last night, of the only son of Mr George Ririnui, well known football circles. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5861, 20 September 1912, Page 4]
The death occurred at Rotorua on Saturday of Hekemaru Ririnui, youngest son of the Ngati-hei chief, Ririnui, of Maungatapu. The deceased served with the Maori battalion for about two and half years. A party of natives have left to bring the body to Maungatapu, where the tangi will be held. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7434, 21 June 1920, Page 2]
RIRITUKU We have again to notice the falling away of the old race of native chiefs. Within this last week two of the principal chiefs belonging to the Ngatipikiao tribe at Maketu have passed away to swell the number of their fathers. Te Huehu te Rirituku, a chief of the old school of Maoris diedd a week ago at the Otamarakau settlement, lying betwixt Maketu and Matata� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 23 Jun 1883, p2]
RITCHIE A fatal gun accident of a distressing character occurred near Paeroa on Saturday, the victim being Walter Ritchie, aged 13 years, son of the master of the public school at Paeroa. He was out shooting with three other boys — named Ernest More, aged 11, Thomas Cashan aged 14 and Frederick Lipsey, aged 17� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 28 Apr 1881, p2]
RIVAL An inquest was held on the body of the late Jean Rival, who as drowned on Monday night, was held yesterday afternoon and evidence having been taken the jury returned a verdict of "Accidentally drowned". [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 2 Oct 1884, p2 + article same day + full inquest 4 Oct 1884]
ROACH The inquest on the body of Patrick Roach, an elderly man who died suddenly at Katikati on Sunday the 29th ult was held at the Katikati Hotel, Bowentown on Tuesday before Captain Tovey JP Coroner. Mr Harley was elected foreman of the jury. The evidence went to show that the deceased had recently been paid a sum of �30 for wages and had been drinking heavily since, having had a constant supply of liquor in his possession of which he drank freely. He had also been suffering from general debility. His employer Mr Ross as was stated in the evidence had been in the habit of giving the deceased liquor in part payment of his wages. The jury gave the verdict "that the deceased died from general debility aggravated by excessive drinking". [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 5 May 1877, p2]
ROACH It is with extreme regret that we record the death of Mrs Roach, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs J Malyon of Te Puke, which occurred at Ponsonby, Auckland on Friday last. Mrs Roach was only 27 years of age at the time of her demise and the greatest sympathy is universally felt for the relatives of deceased in their sad bereavement [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 22 Aug 1900, p2]
ROACH On Friday 15 August 1902, at the Waikato District Hospital, Emily, the fond and loving wife of James Roach, of Paeroa. "Thy will be done". [Waikato Argus, Mon 18 Aug 1902]
ROBB Rotorua. Mr A Robb of Waipawa died here last Wednesday night. The doctor says his complaint was one no mineral waters could cure — he had been dying for the last two years. His remains will be removed to Waipawa tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 21 Feb 1885, p2]
ROBERTS Coromandel, Thursday. A shocking fatality occurred at the Royal Oak mine last evening whereby Leonard Roberts, one of the underground bosses lost his life� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 18 Oct 1901, p2]
ROBERTS At her residence Tauranga, on the 16th inst, Jessie Mackintosh, wife of Colonel Roberts SM. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Feb 1908, p2 + article + 19 Feb 1908]
ROBERTS - IN MEMORIAM - Roberts - In loving memory of George Walter Roberts, who died at Otahuhu, of influenza; November, 1918. Inserted by Mrs Annie Roberts and family.
[Te Puke Times 28 November 1919, Page 2]
ROBERTSON On April 6, at the Provincial Hospital, Auckland, of consumption, James Robertson, late orderly room clerk 1st Waikato Regiment. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 19 Apr 1876, p2]
ROBERTSON We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr Duncan Robertson, of the Maketu Hotel. He had been under constant medical attendance for some days and was suffering from a complication of disorders. The funeral will leave Maketu at 11am Wednesday reaching Te Puke cemetery at 2pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 28 Sep 1896, p2 + notice 30 Sep 1896 + 2 Oct 1896]
ROBERTSON News was received here today that Mrs Robertson, who has been a resident of Maketu for the past 30 years, succumbed last night to an attack of influenza. Deceased�s husband predeceased her by some years and she leaves a grown up family of four daughters and four sons to mourn their loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 6 May 1904, p2 + 9 May 1904 + 11 May 1904]
ROBINSON On Monday 27th inst, at her residence Cameron Rd, Tauranga, the wife of Ebenezer Robinson, aged 27 years. The funeral will take place at half past two on Wednesday next. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 28 Aug 1883, p2]
ROBINSON A dreadful fatal accident occurred at Ferguson�s battery on the Waiorongomai Creek, near Te Aroha on Saturday, the victim being Mr Thomas Robinson, one of the staff employed in erecting the new buildings�He was a cousin of Mr Geo White, butcher, Hamilton East� [Waikato Times, Tues 25 May 1886 + inquest Thur 27 May 1886]
ROBINSON On May 15, at Waihi, Elizabeth Jane, the beloved wife of John Robinson and eldest daughter of Richard and Eliza Bainbridge, aged 26 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 21 May 1897, p2 + article which states that her child died about a month ago]
ROBINSON News was received today by telegraph that Miss May Robinson, youngest daughter of Mr E I Robinson, formerly of Tauranga had died at Waihi this morning at 7 o�clock. She had been taken with typhoid fever�about 15 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 9 May 1898, p2 + notice and funeral report 11 May 1898]
ROBINSON Cora Blanche Robinson, died on 10 April 1899, at Rotorua, female, 23 years, of typhoid fever, daughter of Thomas J Robinson, settler and Mary Jane Heywood Robinson nee Crispe, buried 11 Apr 1899, Rotorua, born Mononui, NZ. [RG 1899]
ROBINSON On August 24, at his residence [Waihi] Ebenezer I Robinson, late of Tauranga. The funeral will leave the residence of Mr W Allely, Cameron Rd, Tauranga at 2pm tomorrow, Tuesday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 26 Aug 1901, p2 + article + 28 Aug 1901]
ROBINSON The many friends of Mrs Caleb Robinson (nee Miss M Henry, and only daughter of Mr Henry, formerly engaged on the staff of this paper) will be sorry to hear of her untimely death. Deceased was seized last Sunday with a sudden and serious illness and was removed from her home at Waihi during the day to the Thames hospital� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 Apr 1902, p2]
ROBINSON The many friends in Tauranga and Te Puke of Mr Caleb Robinson will regret to hear of his untimely demise, which occurred at Waihi last Saturday. Deceased, was only 26 years of age and was the fourth son of the late Mr E I Robinson who was an old identity of Tauranga and who subsequently resided in Waihi� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Feb 1907, p2]
ROBINSON Thomas Joseph Robinson, died on 3 December 1910, at Rotorua, school master, 77 years, son of William Robinson, clergyman, buried 5 Dec 1910, Rotorua, born Boston, England, in NZ 55 years, married in Auckland at age 27 to Mary Jane, widow 75 years, male offspring living aged 49 years, 45 years, and 42 years, female aged 45 years. [RG 1910]
On January 31st at the residence of her son, Cambridge Road, Emma Robinson, relict of the late G Robinson of Howick, Auckland. In her 84th year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6600, 31 January 1916, Page 2] We regret having to record the death of Mrs E Robinson, who died suddenly this morning at the residence of her son Mr H Robinson, Cambridge Road, with whom she has been residing almost since the death of her husband thirty years ago. The deceased lady who was in her 84th year, came to New Zealand in the ship Sir George Seymour landing with her parents at Auckland in December 1847 and went with family to live at Howick where she was married four years later. She lived there until the death of her husband and shortly afterwards came to live at Tauranga. She leaves a family of twelve sons and daughters residing in various parts of the Auckland province. The funeral takes place on Wednesday. 1916/361 Robinson Emma 84Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6600, 31 January 1916, Page 2]
On March 18th, 1916 at Oropi, Susan Robinson, dearly beloved wife of Leonard Wilkinson Robinson, aged 69 years. The funeral will leave her late residence, Oropi, for the Oropi cemetery at 2pm tomorrow (Sunday). [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6643, 18 March 1916, Page 2]
On September the 1st, suddenly, at his late residence, Edgecumbe Road, Tauranga, William Robinson beloved husband of Harriett, in his 67th year. Until the day Breaks and the shadows flee away. [Auckland Weekly News, 14 Sep 1916] ...Deceased leaves a widow and a grown up family of sic\x. Mrs J Neal of Elizabeth Street is a daughter ...[Obituary - Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6765, 4 September 1916, Page 2]
July 8th, suddenly at his late residence, Cambridge Road, Henry, eldest son of the later George and Emma Robinson, late of Howick, aged 68. The funeral will leave his late residence July 11th at 1.30pm for Church of England cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6886, 9 July 1917, Page 2] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mr Harry Robinson, which occurred at his residence, Cambridge Road, last night, at the age of 68 years. Deceased, who was unmarried, resided in early life at Howick, near Auckland, and moved to this district thirty four years ago settling on Glen Farm Cambridge Road, where he had since resided... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6886, 9 July 1917, Page 3]
The death occurred at the hospital yesterday of Mr Edward Robson, a very old resident of the district. The deceased gentleman came here in 1880 as sheep inspector, having previously been sheep farming in Poverty Bay, where he was one of the earliest settlers. He remained here for ten years, and then went to Waihi where he worked with the Waihi Goldmining Company for several years. Latterly Mr Robson had lived in Tauranga, but had been in the hospital for several weeks prior to his death. His funeral took place yesterday afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7404, 13 May 1920, Page 2]
ROCHE Many here will learn with regret that Mr E F Roche, father-in-law of the Member for the Electorate, Mr W Herries, passed away at the advanced age of 77, at his residence Otahuhu, on Monday last� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 Sep 1903, p2]
The Herald's Tauranga correspondent wires that on Friday a very sudden death occurred there. Mr James Rodell, one of the oldest residents, while attending choir practice at Trinity Church,was suddenly seized with apoplexy and almost immediately expired. He had been a resident in the district for 27 years, and was formerly Mayor of the borough. [Thames Advertiser, Volume XXV, Issue 7331, 27 September 1892, Page 3]
RODGERS New Plymouth. A gentleman named William Rodgers, known as a farmer at Opotiki which place he left for the purpose of settling here, died after a day�s illness at the Clarendon Boarding House last night. He was apparently in good health on Sunday and his death was sudden. [Wanganui Herald, 9 Mar 1880, p2]
ROGERS The dilatoriness of the Public Health Department in appointing a medical officer to attend the local natives is once more brought into prominence through the death last week of a young daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles ROGERS, of Maketu, a child of 14, from typhdid fever. We have ascertained that although the Department was notified of the case, it was not until the third day after such notification that Dr Young was instructed to report, and by that time the child had died... [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 2 January 1914, Page 2] Sympathy is expressed with Mr and Mrs C. Rogers, of Maketu, who, last week, had the misfortune to lose a little daughter, aged 14, from an attack of typhoid fever. [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 2 January 1914, Page 2]
The death occurred at Rotorua on Sunday last of Mr William Rogers, a very old resident of Rotorua, who was also well known in the Te Puke and Maketu districts. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6852, 25 April 1917, Page 2] The Rotorua Chronicle in a reference to the late Mr W. Rogers, stated that the deceased was born at the Thames in 1857. He was educated at the Auckland College and Grammar School, and having entered the Government service, was for several years an accountant in the Post Office Savings Bank at Wellington and Nelson. Subsequently, he had a trip to San Francisco in charge of the New Zealand mails, but had to leave the Post Office on account of his health. After a few months' residence in Gisborne, where he was farming, he became an interpreter, and afterwards established stores at Ohinemutu, Maketu, Te Puke, and Waitekauri. The deceased afterwards built the Geyser Hotel, Whakerewarewa, which he conducted for some time. For a number of years he had been resident in Ohinemutu as a storekeeper and licensed interpreter. He was married in 1881, to a granddaughter of the late Chief Waharoa, of Waikato. Mr Rogers traced his descent from the famous Tamati Kapua (sic), who came over from Hawaiki in the historical canoe Te Arawa. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6859, 30 April 1917, Page 2]
ROIL Coromandel, this day. A boating fatality occurred here at 4pm yesterday near Pita�s Island. A yacht capsized in a squall and the six occupants were precipitated into the water. William Edgar, miner, Jas Roil and Donald Calder were drowned�All the drowned men were married men. Roil and Calder leave young families... [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 Dec 1903, p2 + 23 Dec 1903]
ROLF On April 26, Charles William Rolf, late of Nottinghamshire, England. Home papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Apr 1897, p2]
ROLFE We understand that Mr Charles Rolfe, an old military settler at Greerton, departed this life last night. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Jan 1892, p2]
The death occurred at Matakana on Wednesday last of Mr Sam Rolleston, the well known footballer. Deceased, who was about twenty six years of age, had been ailing for about two weeks. Yesterday, a younger brother of deceased also died. A tangi is now in progress and is being attended by some hundreds of natives. [Bay of Plenty Times, 20 Jul 1914]
ROPIHA Maketu is plunged into grief intense and indescribable on account of the death of Riria Ropiha (Lydia Hobson), granddaughter of the principal chief of the Ngatipikiao tribe who died yesterday after a very short affliction at the age of 36. Last week Lydia gave birth to two healthy and promising children� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 19 Jun 1879, p2]
ROSE On May 26, Catherine Rose, wife of Edwin Rose, baker of this town. Friends will kindly accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, 29 May 1890, p2]
ROSE This morning Mr Edwin Rose, well known to almost every person living in Tauranga died suddenly when being conveyed to Rotorua. Deceased, who was 62 years of age, having been born in Southampton in 1835 came to New Zealand from Australia with the 1st Waikatos and served in the Maori war. Previous to that he had been HMS Navy� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Jul 1897 + inquest 7 Jul 1897]
ROSE Auckland, Thursday. The young man Frank T Rose [from Waihi] who shot himself with a revolver at the Thames Hotel on Tuesday died in the Auckland Hospital about noon today. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Jul 1905, p2]
ROSS �The cavalry escort (Bay of Plenty Volunteers) under Captain Smith left at Opepe by Colonel St John while he proceeded on a reconnoitring expedition was surprised on the morning of the 8th and 9 men killed�Hector Gilles Ross, subaltern of Militia� [Southern Cross, 14 Jun 1865, p4]
ROSS A terrible fire occurred at about three o�clock on Friday morning last at Maunder�s private boarding house Rotorua whereby at least as far as can be gleaned two persons lost their lives�named [David] Ross and came from Dunedin a few days previously� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Feb 1896, p2]
ROTA On Sunday last Rota, a most influential chief of the Ngatipikiao section of the Arawa tribe, died at Maketu. He was of high rank and held a Government appointment for many years, receiving latterly a pension for his loyal services. A tangi is now being-held and natives from all parts are floating to Maketu. Deceased leaves a large family, the eldest son being an assessor of the Land Court, possessing more than usual ability. [Bay of Plenty Times, 26 Jun 1895]
ROTO On Friday last a noted chief and assessor of the Native Land Court A Rangihoro Roto died at Maketu at the age of 55 years. Deceased was married to a daughter of Wi Maihi of Rotorua� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Apr 1901, p2 + 12 Apr 1901]
Another young man from this district has laid down his life for King and Country, viz. Corporal Mark W Rowe, seventh son of Mr and Mrs W J Rowe of Wairoa, who was killed in action on March 27. Deceased was twenty-three years of age. He was born in Eltham, Taranaki and accompanied his parents to this district seven years ago ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6998, 10 April 1918, Page 2]
ROWLEY We record with much regret the death of the little daughter of the Hon. Mr and Mrs Rowley. The child had been ill with whooping cough but latterly congestion of the lungs set in, terminating fatally yesterday morning. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Jun 1893, p2]
ROY It is with regret that we chronicle the death of Mr Andrew S Roy, late of Katikati, who had for a long time been in failing health and who died last Friday at the North Shore, Auckland. The deceased was a descendant of the old historic family of Roys of Scotland, being a son of Robert Roy Esq of Hutton Park, Alloa and was married in 1884 to Miss Grace Fletcher, daughter of T K Fletcher Esq of Homewood, Katikati, he was also a brother of Mrs Heath, Principal of the Girls� High School Auckland. He was for some time in the employment of Messrs Stone Bros and Mr Killen at Katikati and during his long residence there earned universal liking and respect. Widespread sympathy is expressed for his young widow and child. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 26 Oct 1886, p2]
RUAIPETE Rotorua, Sat. A native girl, six years of age, named Ruaipete, daughter of Ihaka, fell into a boiling spring yesterday forenoon and was fatally scalded� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 20 Feb 1893, p2]
The death is reported of Mr M B Rudd, President of the Ohinemuri Miners and Batteries Union, which occurred on Friday last. The late Mr Rudd had been a resident of Waihi for four years and was elected President of the new Union shortly, after the strike. He leaves a widow and five girls and three boys, one of the latter being "Bill Rudd," the well-known boxer. 1913/3192 Rudd Michael Blacket 48Y [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 17 June 1913, Page 2]
RUKA Poor old Ruka, for so many years a familiar figure about the Government buildings and north end of the Strand, died at his settlement Otuawahia behind Matapihi yesterday morning. His relatives are preparing to give his remains a great tangi. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Mar 1901, p2]
RUSDEN On the 25th October, at the Thames Hospital, Samuel Rusden of Tauranga, aged 43 years, second son of the late Thomas Rusden, formerly of the Thames. Taranaki papers please copy. [The Auckland Evening Bell, Thur 27 Oct 1887 + Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Oct 1887, p2, formerly employed in Tauranga]
RUSDEN On Thursday August 10, at Auckland, Edward Walter Rusden, aged 30 years. The funeral will start from corner of Strand and Wharf Sts at 2pm on Wednesday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Aug 1899, p2 + 11 Aug 1899, 21 Aug 1899 + in memoriam 12 Aug 1901, p2]
RUSSELL On May 15, from drowning, Robert Russell of Otumoetai, Tauranga (late of South Canterbury), husband of Agnes Russell, aged 64� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 May 1909, p2 + inquest]
Quite a gloom was cast over the town on Wednesday night when it became known that Mr Andrew Hampton Russell had met his death by drowning in the Bay of Plenty ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5650, 12 May 1911, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5651, 15 May 1911, Page 2]
RYAN A sudden death under the most peculiar circumstances occurred on the road between Te Aroha and Hamilton on Sunday afternoon. A young man named Patrick Ryan, a miner from Waitekauri� [Waikato Argus, Tues 22 Feb 1898 + Thur 24 Feb 1898]
RYAN - Coromandel, Thursday - �J P Ryan was found dead in bed at his residence Pound Rd� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 25 Oct 1901, p2]
RYAN - Waihi, Thursday - Information was received here tonight from Waitekauri stating that Sub-Inspector Ryan was killed by a fall from his horse when on his way to the Golden Cross. No particulars are yet to hand. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 14 Jul 1905, p2]
The death occurred in the hospital at two o'clock this morning of Mr Charles Ryan, an old resident of the Te Puke district. Deceased was thrown from a vehicle at Te Puke on Monday last and sustained injuries to his spine. On Thursday he was conveyed to the Tauranga Hospital but despite all that could be done passed away as above stated. Deceased was sixty one years of age, and is survived by a widow and grown up family. The interment will take place at Te Puke. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6233, 14 November 1914, Page 2]
SADLIER I send you an account of the deaths which have taken place within the month of March�1st Waikato Regiment Sergeant Sadlier, 30 years, died March 4� [Southern Cross, 4 Apr 1865, p4]
SAINSBURY On 12 June, at his father�s residence Whangamata, William Sainsbury, the beloved and second son of John Sainsbury, aged 18 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Jun 1895, p2 + article]
SAINSBURY On 29 August, at Whangamata, Henrietta, eldest daughter of John Sainsbury, aged 17 years. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Sep 1895, p2 + article]
SAINSBURY News was received in Waihi from Whangamata on Saturday evening that Mr James S Sainsbury had been found dead� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 8 Jan 1908, p2]
On January 10 at his residence, Tauranga, James, beloved husband of Margaret B Salmon, aged 61. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5755, 12 January 1912, Page 4] The death occurred in Tauranga of Mr James Salmon. Some two years ago deceased took up his residence in this town, in the hope of improving his health, but no material benefit resulted. The late Mr Salmon arrived in New Zealand thirty six years ago, and for a long period resided in Te Aroha. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn their loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5755, 12 January 1912, Page 4, Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5756, 15 January 1912, Page 4, Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5760, 24 January 1912, Page 5]
SALT Sudden death of Mrs [Elizabeth Jane] Salt. An inquest was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o�clock in the Masonic Hotel�James Salt, husband of the deceased said his wife had been ailing for some time�On returning home from his workshop at about 5 o�clock he saw her lying on the sofa�called to Mr and Mrs Downey, their neighbours and ran for a doctor. Met his two sons William and Joseph Salt and told them to get Dr Ginders at once�Mrs William Salt said deceased was at her house on Thursday afternoon�death from disease of the heart. [Bay of Plenty Times, 18 Aug 1883, p2 + death notice]
SALT On June 7, at his residence Harington St, James Salt, late of the 6th Enniskillen Dragoons. Aged 70. Auckland papers please copy. The funeral will leave his late residence at 2pm tomorrow. Friends will please accept this invitation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 8 Jun 1891, p2 + obituary same day + funeral report 10 Jun 1891, ex 4th WR]
SALT On 18 April, at her residence Durham St, Tauranga, the wife of Joseph Salt, of a son, still born. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 19 Apr 1895, p4]
SALT Corporal John J, who was killed in action in France on 12 September, was the younger son of Mrs J Salt of Paeroa, late of Tauranga and Te Aroha. He was 19� years of age and had seen two years service in France. He enlisted on his 17th birthday, with the 14th Reinforcements and was attached to the Rifle Brigade, except for a period when he was with the 6th, Hauraki, Company. He received his corporal�s stripes for work in the Messines battle. He was wounded twice in the head but only on the latter occasion was he away from his unit and then only for a few days. Educated at the Paeroa High School, he afterwards became a clerk in the railway office there. His grandfather, Sergeant James Salt of the Inniskillen Dragoons, saw service in the Crimea and later in NZ. [Auckland Weekly News, 24 Oct 1918, p19 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7073, 2 October 1918, Page 2]
The death occurred at sea on April 30 of Rev. Walter L Salter, Baptist Minster, who was well known in the Tauranga and Athenree districts. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7414, 25 May 1920, Page 2] The late Rev. W. L. Salter whose death was referred to yesterday, was born in England and came to New Zealand at the age of seven years with his parents' who made their home at St. Albans, Christchurch. He entered the Methodist ministry as a young man and later went to Norfolk Island as a missionary. About 22 years ago he joined the Baptist Church. At the time of his death, Mr Salter, who was accompanied by Mrs Salter, was returning from a visit to his missionary, son, Rev. W. L, Salter, in India and they were due back in Auckland in a few days. Mr Salter was known to a number of friends in Tauranga having visited this district on several occasions. Mr Salter, who was in his 70th year, is survived by his widow, three sons, two daughters and several grandchildren, also one brother, Mr C. E. Salter of Christchurch, and two sisters, Mrs T. Jones of Ponsonby and Mrs W. B. Scott of Opotiki. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7415, 26 May 1920, Page 2]
On 30th August at 'The Cliff', Elizabeth Street, Tauranga, Edward Samuel, in his 64th year. Private interment. No flowers. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6167, 31 August 1914, Page 2 + obituary Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6167, 31 August 1914, Page 2]
Advice has been received that Second Lieutenant Claude M Samuel has died while a prisoner of war. Deceased resided in Tauranga for many years and after leaving school joined the service of the Bank of New Zealand. He was held in high esteem by all who knew him and the news of his death will be received with deep regret. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7082, 25 October 1918, Page 2]
SAMUEL - Waihi, May 18 - An inquest touched the death of James Samson, killed in the Waihi mine on Wednesday was held last evening ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5658, 19 May 1911, Page 2]
We hereby record the demise of a very old colonist, in the person of Mr Thomas Sanders of Two Pines, Durham St, aged 74 years, which occurred on Saturday last. The deceased came to Port Adelaide more than 50 years ago when he was quite a young man. He afterwards resided for some time in New South Wales and Tasmania. He came to Auckland in 1843�He leaves a widow, sons and grandchildren� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 9 Dec 1889, p2]
On March 11th, 1911, Agnes Mary Sanders, dearly beloved daughter of Mary Dudley Sanders, aged five months. She died of convulsions. (verse) [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5626, 15 March 1911, Page 2]
On the 26th Jan., of appendicitis, at Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, Katharine (Kitten), youngest daughter of Lieut-Colonel Guy Sanders, late Devon Regt. aged five years. [The Times (London, England), Tuesday, Jan 30, 1923; pg. 1; Issue 43252]
I send you an account of the deaths which have taken place within the month of March�68th Light Infantry, Private John Sanderson, 39 years, died March 12� [Southern Cross, 4 Apr 1865, p4]
SANDLAND Gisborne, Sat. A young man, Ernest Sandland, well known athlete and oarsman in this district, died very suddenly today, he overstrained himself in the recent sports and rowing races, the internal injuries resulting in death. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 12 Dec 1892, p2]
SANGSTER At Tauranga, on July 23, Robert Sangster, aged 88. At rest. Taranaki papers please copy� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Jul 1907, p2 + article]
SAUNDERS A man named Harry Saunders dropped death at Ohiwa yesterday, an inquest will be held today. [Bay of Plenty Times, 27 Nov 1896, p2]
SAUNDERS On 9 Nov 1914, at Waihi Hospital, Hazel, wife of J S Saunders, Princes St, Waihi, aged 18. [Auckland Weekly News, 12 Nov 1914]
SAVAGE Mr Ben Savage, an old colonist and one of the earliest settlers in the Bay of Plenty died at his residence Matata on Saturday morning last. Deceased was well known to most coast travellers having resided at Matata for many years. He was the father of a numerous family, of whom Valentine Savage, boat builder, is perhaps the best known. The Rev Mr Goodyear proceeded to Matata yesterday to conduct the burial service. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Aug 1897, p2]
Corporal Albert Savage, son of Mr M Savage of Matata, was killed in action on August 25. Deceased was attached to the Wellington Infantry. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7067, 18 September 1918, Page 2]
SCANLAN Sergt Phair received telegrams from Const O�Reilly (Opotiki) and Const Wainhouse (Whakatane) stating that a man named Maurice Ross Scanlan recently from Gisborne, went over Ohiwa bar to fish at 4am 8 days ago in a flat bottomed punt and has not been seen since�[Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 27 Nov 1903, p2 + 4 Dec 1903]
SCELLY William, died 27 November 1891 at Waharoa, 14 years. Cause of death pneumonitis and exhaustion. Born Waharoa, son of Daniel Scelly, farmer and Ellen Locksley. Informant Kate P Lawlor, agent duly authorised in writing by father of deceased, Te Aroha. [RG 1891]
SCHOFIELD Thames, 9 May. Tasman Schofield, employed at the tailings plant connected with the Waiotahi battery was killed� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 9 May 1906, p2]
On April 6th at his late residence, Edgecumbe Road, Carl Whillem, the beloved husband of Emily Schreiber, aged 79 years. The funeral will leave the late residence at 2.30pm on Sunday April 9th for the New Cemetery. Friends please accept this intimation. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6661, 8 April 1916, Page 2]
On October 22, 1918 at the residence of Mrs Monk, St Johns Street, Karl Schultz, aged 71 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7081, 23 October 1918, Page 2] The death took place yesterday of Mr Karl Schultz who had resided in Tauranga for about twenty years ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7081, 23 October 1918, Page 2]
SCOTT On Wednesday last a young man named David Scott, son of Mr F Scott, died at Rotorua. His mother is a Maori woman of high rank and an extensive tangi is now being held, friends and relatives coming from great distances. Deceased was buried in the European Cemetery, quite 200 persons following the hearse. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Sep 1898, p2]
SCOTT - Matamata, Saturday - A young man named Scott, when being taken to Rotorua by Constable Pratt, jumped off the train between Morrinsville and Matamata� The policeman returned to pick up the body. The unfortunate man was about 28. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Jul 1905, p2]
The death took place at Auckland on Wednesday of Mr William B Scott. Deceased was born in Auckland in 1850 and was associated with the 'Thames Advertiser' during the early days of the goldfield. Later Mr Scott went to Christchurch, and was for 25 years on the staff of the Lyttleton Times. In 1904 he purchased the East Coast 'Guardian'. Mr Scott was a son of the late Thomas Scott of Thames. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6918, 28 September 1917, Page 2]
SEALY On the 17th inst, Saville Christopher Sealy, grandson of Mr Richard John Gill, aged 16 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 18 Nov 1892, p2]
SEBRIGHT Whakatane. A fatal accident occurred here about two weeks ago to a fine young fellow named Sebright who after three weeks lingering died from injury to the brain, the skull having been literally smashed in by the kick of a horse. He was insensible all the time and never spoke. The event is all the more melancholy, especially to the family, as his brother died only a few weeks before the happening of the accident. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Aug 1893, p4]
SEDDON Rotorua. A fearful calamity occurred here on Saturday night, Mrs Seddon suddenly left her husband�s house at half past eleven in her night dress and shoes and stockings�the body a fearful sight was witnessed� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 6 Oct 1885, p2 + 8 Oct 1885]
SEDDON It is our melancholy duty to record the death of one of our most prominent and highly respected residents of Te Puke in the person of Mr Robert Seddon, who succumbed at Rotorua at 8 o�clock yesterday morning as the result of complications ensuing on an accident which happened to him in the Mamaku bush a few weeks ago�The late Mr Seddon came to Tauranga from the Waikato as a single man in the year 1886, being engaged on the staff of the Bank of new Zealand. In August of the same year he married Miss Swarbrick, a sister of the well known Waikato solicitor Mr A Swarbrick�He was a son of Mr Seddon of "Knighton" near Hamilton and leaves behind to mourn their loss, a widow, three sons and one daughter� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 16 Nov 1906, p2]
SELBIE We regret to announce the death of Miss J Selbie of "Claremont" Timaru (sister of Mr C H Selbie of Te Puke) which occurred on Friday last� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Nov 1908, p2]
Word was received in Te Puke on Saturday afternoon conveying the sad intelligence of the death of Mr Charles H. Selbie, which occurred at Auckland, where the deceased had been under going medical treatment for a serious complaint for some time. The greatest sympathy is felt in the Tauranga and Te Puke districts for Mrs Selbie and child in the great loss which they have sustained. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXX, Issue 5734, 27 November 1911, Page 5]
News was received in Te Puke this week,from Mr Dan Selbie, a late resident of this town, and now of Timaru; of the death of his father, an old and highly respected resident of that district. [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 19 September 1913, Page 2]
SELBY Opotiki. Richard James Selby, lately cook at the Oporiau Station died at the Opotiki Hotel on Saturday. At the inquest held today the jury returned a verdict to the effect that he came to his death from an overdose of strychnine but that there was no evidence to show whether he took it accidentally or wilfully. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 19 Apr 1887, p2 + 7 May 1887]
SELLARS Daniel, died 22 September 1880, Tauranga, master mariner, 50 years, son of Peter Sellars, mariner and Isabella Sellars nee Clarke, born Isle of Arran, Scotland, in NZ 28 years, married in Auckland at age 27 to Jane Faulkner, 3 sons and 3 daughters living ages unknown. [RG 1880 + death notice + obituary Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 23 Sep 1880, p2 + funeral report 25 Sep 1880]
SELLARS Jane, died 7 July 1884, at Tauranga, widow of Daniel Sellars, master mariner, 43 years, daughter of John Lees Faulkner, shipwright and Elizabeth Faulkner nee Puihi, born Otumoetai, Tauranga, married at age 16 to Daniel Sellars, sons aged 24, 18 and 13, daughters aged 26, 21 and 15. [RG 1884]
Another death occurred yesterday about noon. Mrs Sellars, relict of the late Capt D Sellars, who has been an invalid for a long time, succumbed to the effects of a pulmonary complaint. The several members of her family feared she would not survive this last attack and were prepared in a great measure for her death. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 8 Jul 1884, p2 + death notice and article 10 Jul 1884]
SELLARS Private George M A Sellars, who has been killed in action, was the third son of Captain E Sellars of Auckland and grandson of the late Captain Daniel Sellars of Tauranga. As a footballer he represented Auckland and New Zealand on many occasions. He was captain of the Ponsonby District Football Club for several seasons and a member of the New Zealand team which visited America. His brother Roy is a divisional signaller with one of the latest reinforcements. [Bay of Plenty Times, 29 Jun 1917]
SEMMENS - Whakatane, Sept 3 - At the inquest concerning the death of Nelson Semmens the evidence showed that the trigger of the gun was caught in a stout piece of ti-tree. A verdict of accidental death was returned. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7210, 3 September 1919, Page 3]
SEPHTON - Paeroa, Tuesday - A gruesome discovery was made at Karangahake this morning. The body of R Sephton was found at the grating of the Crown Company�s water race when the debris of the recent flood was being cleared away. Deceased was carrying on the business of an accountant at Paeroa but disappeared suddenly last week� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 Jun 1898, p2]
SHOOTING FATALITY - TE MATAI RESIDENT FOUND DEAD - Much consternation was felt both in Te Puke and Tauranga yesterday when the news was announced that Mr Stewart Serjeant had been found dead in a a paddock on his farm at Te Matai ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6088, 16 March 1914, Page 5] An impressive memoriam service was held in the Mission Hall on Sunday evening, Mr Climie officiating, the solemnity of the occasion being added to by the news of the death of Mr SERGEANT, a devoted adherent of the church and a member of the choir. The preacher delivered a most earnest and eloquent address, emphasising the fact that that there was but a step between life and death, and exhorting his hearers to so live their lives as to be prepared for that great change which might at any moment overtake them. At the conclusion of the service the organist phyed the Dead March, during which the congregation uiiained standing, after which the benediction was pronounced. 1914/872 Serjeant Stewart 48Y[Te Puke Times, Volume II, 17 March 1914, Page 2 and Page 3
It is with very deep regret we have to chronicle the death of Mrs S Serjeant, of Te Puke, which occurred at Stratford yesterday. The deceased lady came to reside at Tauranga some five or six years ago, eventually going to Te Puke. Unfortunately her health had lately been the subject of grave anxiety to her family and friends and her untimely death was due to heart trouble. Mrs Serjeant was a daughter of Mrs McKay, Cameron Road, Tauranga, and a sister of Mrs Charles Wallis of Cambridge Road. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn their loss, and to them we, in common with a large circle of friends, tender our most sincere sympathy. The funeral will take place on Saturday at Midhirst (Taranaki) her former home. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5506, 3 June 1910, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5513, 17 June 1910, Page 2]
SHANAHAN Private P, 68th Regiment. [Southern Cross, 29 Jun 1864, p3, killed at Te Ranga]
Private Leslie Richard Shannon whose funeral took place at Dunedin recently was 30 years of age. He was a member of the Second Reinforcements joining at Tauranga, Bay of Plenty. He was a son of Denis and Mary Shannon of Westbury, Tasmania and took part in the operations at Gallipoli until August 8, when he was invalided back to New Zealand on the hospital ship Willochra. His death occurred at the Dunedin Hospital on January 9th. Owing to Private Shannon's relatives all residing in Tasmania it was impossible for them to attend the funeral. The only relative present was his sister, who arrived at Dunedin a week before her brother died. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6593, 22 January 1916, Page 2]
At Te Puke, on Tuesday, 25th March, 1919, Walter Edwin, infant son of Mr and Mrs E.V. Sharp, aged 14 months. [Te Puke Times 28 March 1919, Page 2]
The death of Mr John Sharp. sen., one of the earliest Nelson settlers and father of Mr H A Sharp of Tauranga, took place on the 4th inst... (long obit) [Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7176, 13 June 1919, Page 5]
On October 24th at Featherston Camp, Richard Wearne (Dick), eight son of Mr and Mrs H H Sharplin, Whakamarama, aged 22 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6788, 27 October 1916, Page 2] We regret to record the death of Mr Richard Sharplin, eight son of Mr H H Sharplin of Whakamarama, which occurred at the Featherston military hospital last night. Deceased responded to the Empire's call some six weeks ago and while in camp was attacked with measles, followed by pneumonia and pleurisy. On account of their son's serious condition Mr and Mrs H H Sharplin proceeded to Featherston last week. Deceased was a keen footballer and well-known boxer and was a most estimable young man. The interment will take place at Tauranga. The sympathy of the community will be extended to Mr and Mrs Sharplin and family in their great bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6787, 25 October 1916, Page 2] The funeral of the late Private R W (Dick) Sharplin will leave the Presbyterian Church tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock for the new cemetery. The body is being brought from Featherston for interment, and the funeral will be a military one the arrangements being of Sergeant Major Anderson. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6788, 27 October 1916, Page 2] [Obituary - Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6788, 30 October 1916, Page 3] In Memoriam - Sharplin - in fond and loving memory of Private Richard Wearne (Dick) Sharplin who passed away October 24, 1916 at Featherston Military Hospital. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6928, 24 October 1917, Page 2]
On December 8, at his residence Wharf St, Peter Shaughnessy, aged 73, late sergeant HM 94th Regiment. RIP. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 11 Dec 1893, p2 + article, ex 1st WR]
SHAW On 12 November, at Woodleigh, Cheltenham, England, Margaret, the beloved wife of Joseph Shaw Esq, in her 60th year. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 5 Jan 1886, p2 + article]
SHAW On 21 May at Castletown, Cellridge, County Kildare, Ireland, Joseph Shaw, the dearly loved father of William Shaw of Woodlands, Katikati and of Mrs Stevenson, Fern Cliff, Tauranga, aged 73 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 24 May 1887, p2 + article]
SHAW Thames, Sunday. F Shaw, the young man recently injured in the tunnel accident at Karangahake, expired yesterday at the Thames Hospital� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Nov 1904, p2]
The many friends of Mr Peter Shea will regret to hear of his death, which occurred at Devonport, Auckland on Saturday last. The late Mr Shea was well known in Tauranga, having been engaged as engineer for a long period on several of the Northern Steamship Co's steamers. He resided for some time in Tauranga, when acting as engineer on the steamer Fingal, and always took a keen interest in sport of all kinds. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6023, 4 March 1914, Page 4]
On October 31, 1910, at his residence, Sixth Avenue, Tauranga, Robert Clarke Shearman, aged 88 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times 2 November 1910, Page 2] We regret to record the death of Mr Robert Clarke Shearman, a resident of the Tauranga district for many years, which occurred at his residence, Sixth Avenue on Monday afternoon at the ripe age of 88 years. The deceased gentleman was born in Dunkit, Waterford, Ireland and was hereditary freeman of the city of Waterford...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5571, 2 November 1910, Page 3]
SHEATH We regret to have to announce the death of Mr Sheath, cousin of Mr J H Sheath, postmaster of this town, which took place at Christchurch on Monday. Mr Sheath left here some weeks ago to obtain medical advice in Auckland and after a short stay there proceeded to his home in Christchurch where he died a few days after his arrival. He was known to a good many in this town by whom he will be much regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 1 Sep 1881, p2]
SHEATH At Otaki, on the 16th inst, Ellen, the beloved wife of J H Sheath Esq, Postmaster Tauranga, aged 35. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 18 May 1886, p2]
Mr James H Sheath, who had just died at Napier entered the Postal Department under the Provincial Government at Christchurch in 1865. He opened the post office at Kaiapoi the same year. For many years he was Postmaster at Tauranga and during his stay here acquired the 'Hillsdene' property and built there. In 1910 he was elected a member of the Hawke's Bay Education Board, and became chairman in 1914. Mr Sheath was also a member of the Napier Borough Council , the Anglican General Synod and chairman of the Board of Governors of the High School. Deceased was 69 years of age. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6938, 16 November 1917, Page 2]
SHEEHAN Although the worst fears were entertained yesterday that there was no hope of recovery, still there was a clinging to the fact that as the late Mr Sheehan had youth [38 years] on his side he would possibly be able to battle against the attack of pleurisy�death of Mr [John] Sheehan cast a cloud of sorrow over this town�sympathy for Mrs Sheehan and those relatives who are left to mourn� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 13 Jun 1885, p2 + 16 Jun 1885 + 18 Jun 1885 + 20 Jun 1885]
SHEEHAN Coromandel. A miner named Patrick Sheehan was killed on Friday last by falling over a cliff on to stones on a creek at Kuaotunu diggings� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Dec 1889, p2]
SHEPPARD On Friday 14th inst, Anna Josephine, infant daughter of Edward and Mary Louisa Sheppard, aged two months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 18 Aug 1885, p2 + article]
SHEPPARD Many here learnt with deep regret on Saturday afternoon that Mr Edward Sheppard, formerly well known in business here and son-in-law of Mr J L Vercoe of this town had expired quite suddenly at his home in Auckland from heart failure. Deceased leaves a wife and family of four, the two elder of whom are however much launched in the world� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Jun 1903, p2]
SHEPPARD Pte Edgar Francis — of Tauranga, who has been killed in action, was the son of Mr Edward Sheppard, accountant. He was for a few years in a lawyer�s office in Auckland but afterwards returned to Tauranga, where he was employed in Mr Ridley�s provision store. [Auckland Weekly News, 24 Jun 1915, p21] In Memoriam - In loving memory of Edgar F Sheppard, Sixth Hauraki's, killed at Gallipoli May 8, 1915 - verse - inserted by his loving mother, The Camp, Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7160, 7 May 1919, Page 2]
SHERIDAN At Te Puke on Saturday, Mr T E Price, coroner, held an inquest upon the body of a man named James Sheridan who was found dead in a hut at Te Puke Mine, on the previous day�natural causes. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 4 Aug 1909, p2]
The death is announced of Mr P. H. Shine, of Waiharera. At the age of sixteen years deceased served as a volunteer under Colonel Harington against the rebels at Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7349, 1 March 1920, Page 2]
Many of our old colonists will regret to learn of the decease at Home of Colonel Shuttleworth of the 68th Regiment. This gallant officer took an active part in the attack on Gate Pa and was also foremost in the engagement at Te Ranga where his regiment greatly distinguished itself. Whilst in Tauranga this brave soldier was always ready with his purse and genial influences to make all round him happy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 27 Oct 1883, p2]
SIBBIN The following further particulars of the death of Mr T Sibbin, who has acquaintances in this town will be of interest to our readers�ran backwards to stop a descending [cricket] ball�collided with another player�Sibbin fell backwards over the others back�the immediate cause of death being a fracture of the base of the skull� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Sep 1891, p2]
SIBLEY Died 7th January at Bulltown, Waihi, Henry Thomas Sibley, male, musician, aged 60 years, born at Woolwich, Kent, England, son of James Sibley, sergeant major engineers and Harriet Newton, in NZ 37 years. Buried Te Aroha Cemetery 9 Jan 1898. Married at Howick at age 24 to Sarah Mellon. Male issue living aged 29,13, female issue aged 31, 26, 24, 22, 18 and 11. Informant William Henry Sibley, son of Bulltown, Waihi. [RG 1898]
SILVA Deaths seem to have been unusually numerous among the Maoris around here, for some time past, the latest recorded being that of a woman known as Silva, a native of the Waikato married to a Karikari resident; the customary tangi is now in progress. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Jan 1900, p2]
On April 26 1914 at his residence, Cameron Road, Harry McLellan Simmonds, beloved husband of A M Simmonds, aged 54 years - Southern papers please copy.[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6105, 27 April 1914, Page 4] The many friends of Mr Harry McLellan Simmonds will regret to hear of his death, which occurred at his residence, Hillesdene, at 5pm yesterday. Mr Simmonds had been absent from home and returned on Friday not feeling well. He went to bed immediately and his condition becoming worse Dr Stuart was called in yesterday morning. Mr Simmonds was then unconscious and his condition was such that Dr Stuart called Dr Bewes into consultation, but while the medical gentlemen were present yesterday afternoon Mr Simmonds passed away. He had apparently contracted influenza while absent from home, and the travelling evidently brought on a relapse followed by congestion of the lungs. The deceased gentleman, who was a director of Gamman�s Tauranga Ltd, was 54 years of age and leaves a widow and fifteen children who will have the sympathy of friends in the sudden bereavement. [Bay of Plenty Times, 27 Apr 1914 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6107, 1 May 1914, Page 5]
SIMMS - Waihi, August 11 - An inquiry into the death of Robert C. Simms, whose body was found in a creek in Lower Kenny-street on Wednesday morning, was held before the district Coroner (Mr W. M. Wallnutt) yesterday. The evidence pointed to deceased being in financial difficulties, and Dr. Frazer Hurst, who made an examination of the body, stated that it was compatible with deceased having died from syncope, the result of sudden immersion in cold water, and due to old age and enfeebled heart condition. The jury returned a verdict to the effect that death was due to syncope, caused by deceased's own act of throwing himself into a creek whilst of unsound mind. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5690, 14 August 1911, Page 5]
SIMPKINS At Whakatane, on the morning of the 29th ult, after a long and painful illness, Miss Jane Simpkins, aged 17, niece to Mr George Simpkins, Whakatane. Auckland papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 5 Jul 1879, p2]
The fighting on Gallipoli Peninsula has counted for the loss of another very popular and highly esteemed Whakatane boy, in the person of Trooper Thomas Simpkins, son of Mr and Mrs George Simpkins, who died on the 1st September, as the result of wounds received in action. The late Trooper Simpkins was born in Whakatane 29 years ago and spent practically the whole of his life in that district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6491, 18 September 1915, Page 2]
The death occurred at Taneatua on the 21st inst. at the advanced age of 90 years, of Mrs Katarina Simpkins, a daughter of Fhillip Tapsell, a Danish nayal officer, who was shipwrecked at Maketu in 1840, and whose descendants still reside in that locality. Phillip Tapsell fought at the battle of Copenhagen, but later deserted from the navy, and followed an adventurous life, arriving in New Zealand while 1800 was in its teens. He married a chieftainess of high rank, the mother of the late Mrs Simpkins and of Retreat Tapsell, who died a few years ago at Maketu. Both the latter were on board the armed brigantine Falcon, a vessel fitted out by their father, when she was wrecked. They were saved by the Natives. Mrs Simpkins was residing with her husband at Whakatane at the time of the Te Kooti troubles, and fled to Matata when the former town was sacked by the rebels. She was a woman of kindly disposition and highly respected. [Te Puke Times , 26 October 1917, Page 2]
SIMPSON We are sorry to hear that Mr and Mrs Simpson have had the misfortune to lose their little baby boy from the combined effects of teething and whooping cough. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 17 Feb 1893, p4]
SIMPSON We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr Simpson, proprietor of the Ferry Hotel, Ohiwa, who for many years has also filled the post of ferryman across the mouth of the harbour there� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 May 1894, p2]
On December 6th at the Camp, Tauranga, Anna Josephine, eldest daughter of the late J L Vercoe and wife of Captain L Simpson, in her 57th year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6045, 8 December 1913, Page 4] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs L Simpson, which occurred at the residence of her mother (Mrs J L Vercoe) on Saturday afternoon at the age of 57 years. Deceased had been in failing health for some time and the end was not altogether unexpected. The late Mrs Simpson was the eldest daughter of the late Mr J L Vercoe and had resided in the Tauranga district for about forty years. Deceased is survived by her husband, Captain L Simpson and one daughter, Mrs H H McCarthy. The relatives have the sympathy of a large circle of acquaintances in the great loss which they have sustained. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6045, 8 December 1913, Page 4]
We regret to chronicle the death of Captain Leonard Simpson, which occurred at Carlton Gore Road, Auckland on Sunday last at the age of seventy three years. Deceased was born in Lancashire, England and came out to New Zealand in 1853. He took part in the Maori war and attained the rank of Captain in the Second Waikatos. He afterwards engaged in his profession as a surveyor, residing for many years at Maketu and Tauranga. Mr R M Simpson of Wellington, general manager in New Zealand for the Phoenix Assurance Company is a brother of the deceased. The late Mr Simpson is survived by one daughter, Mrs H H McCarthy of Tauranga, his wife having predeceased him last December. The interment took place at the Waikumete cemetery, Auckland on Tuesday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6144, 31 July 1914, Page 4]
The body of the young man names Simpson who lost his life bathing in the Ohiwa Harbout has been washed ashore. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 68219, 9 March 1917, Page 2]
SIMS We regret to have to record the death of Mr James Sims, an old settler in the district. He had been in bad health for some time and his death, which took place yesterday, was no surprise to his immediate friends though it was to the majority of the people in town as he was seen about on Saturday. He followed the business of serving milk through the town for many years past and was highly respected and esteemed. By his death we lose another of the old identities, a race which is fast disappearing from Tauranga. His demise is universally regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 3 Mar 1881, p2 + funeral 5 Mar 1881 + obit 8 Mar 1881]
SIMS At Waihi on 19th inst, Mrs Anne Sims, very suddenly aged 80 years. Internment takes place at the Old Mission Cemetery tomorrow (Saturday) at 2pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 21 Jan 1910, p2 + article + 24 Jan 1910]
It is our painful duty to chronicle the death of Mr James Sinclair, a well-known resident of Te Puke, who passed away at the Tauranga Hospital as the result of serious burns, caused by the explosion of a lamp on Peace Day. It has been suggested that all business premises close to-morrow between 1.30 and 2.30 p.m. as a mark of respect to our late townsman. The funeral takes place at 2 p.m. [Te Puke Times 22 November 1918, Page 2] The death occurred at the Tauranga Hospital this afternoon of Mr James Sinclair, a resident of Te Puke, who succumbed to injuries received as the result of a burning accident at Te Puke. The funeral takes place at Te Puke tomorrow afternoon. Lodge Tauranga 125 - The funeral of Bro. J Sinclair will Te Puke at 2pm on Saturday 23rd inst. All brethren are requested to attend. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7093, 22 November 1918, Page 3] IN MEMORIAM SINCLAIR - In loving memory of James Sinclair, who departed this life November 22nd, 1918 Inserted by A. and M. Montgomery. [Te Puke Times 21 November 1919, Page 2]
On December 20th (1920) at his residence, the Camp, Duncan, the beloved husband of Martha Sinclair, aged 74. The funeral will leave deceased's late residence tomorrow, Wednesday at 2pm for the New Cemetery.
It is with extreme regret that we have to announce the death somewhat suddenly shortly after six o'clock last evening of Mr D Sinclair of the Camp, who has been resident here for the past two years... The late Mr Sinclair resided for many years in the Palmerston district. Since coming here he has taken a keen and active interest in local affairs being secretary of the Tauranga Citizen's Association and also of the recently formed Beautifying Society. He was also an enthusiastic member of the Bowling Club...1920/5286 Sinclair Duncan 74Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 21 December 1920, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7538, 31 December 1920, Page 2]
With the death of Mr Duncan Sinclair at his residence on the Camp last week there passed away one of the few remaining links with the early history of Wellington and the Dominion. His parents arrived in Wellington in 1838, and shortly afterwards took up land at Wainui o Mata, the present locality of Wellington's main water supply. It was here that the deceased gentleman was born, and spent his early life in farming and sawmilling. He owned and sold to the Wellington City Council the site of the present reservoirs, to which he also gave access through a mile and a half of his land. The sawmill which the late Mr Sinclair ran at Wainui o Mata was one of the first in the North Island and was at that time the largest. Possessed of a foresight which was strongly characteristic of his many undertakings he early recognised the value of steel rails in the working of his mill. These he imported from England and simultaneously obtained from Hobart a steam engine which he I named the "Pio Pio." The task of getting the engine from Wellington to the mill was a most formidable one �to all but its enterprising owner. By almost everyone it was declared impossible, the latter portion of the sixteen mile journey being over a very steep hill. The task was, however, safely accomplished with the aid of twelve bullocks and six horses. In 1871 Mr Sinclair was married at Wellington by the Rev. Jas. Patterson to Miss Mowlem sister of the late Captain John Mowlem (one of the pioneer skippers of the Shaw Savill and Albion Company's clippers) of Palmerston North. Captain Mowlem married Mr Sinclair's twin sister. The deceased gentleman's first move from Wainui was to Lowry Bay�just across the hill and on the shores of Wellington harbour. This estate consisting of some 584 acres � he purchased from the Government which had previously acquired it as a residence for Sir George Grey. After a short time there he moved north and went in for contracting on a large scale making Palmerston North his headquarters. Amongst the works which were constructed under his supervision were the Marton waterworks and the Apiti bridge, besides several other important undertakings. Subsequently, Mr Sinclair was appointed engineer to the Pohangina County Council, and while in this position he undertook a world tour, and was enabled to apply the knowledge gained by his extensive travel to the Council's benefit during the twelve years he was associated with that body. He was succeeded as engineer by his son, Mr Hugh Sinclair. The deceased gentleman took a keen and intelligent interest in all matters of public moment, and for some time he occupied a seat on the Palmerston North Borough Council. A keen student of nature, he was an authority on New Zealand flora, and had, besides, a remarkable knowledge of many other branches of natural history. It is interesting to note that one native plant, discovered by Mr Sinclair, bears his name. In this connection he was a valued member of the defunct Manawatu Beautifying Society, his remarkable knowledge being always avail able in the interests of the town. He rendered yeoman service in building up the local museum, many gifts he made having been found by him in exploring little known places-when engaged in valuing timber lands (a good deal of which he did for the Government) or in his many journeys over the highlands of the Pohangina County. On many occasions Mr Sinclair had found around Apiti fossilised remains of sea life. A staunch Wesleyan, he was a prominent member and lay reader of the Broad Street Methodist Church for 25 years, and regularly preached in the churches in Bunnythorpe, Ashhurst and other district townships. For many years too, he was a member of the Terrace End School Committee. In all respects he was one of nature's gentlemen, and his quiet and unassuming character earned for him the affection and goodwill of all whom he met.
As already stated Mr Sinclair came here to reside some two years ago. He is survived by his widow, four sons and three daughters: Messrs Hugh and Norman (Palmerston North) Duncan (Tauranga), and Harold (Auckland), and Mesdames Louisson (Tauranga), D'Anvers (Papamoa)and W Grace (Wellington.) [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 30 December 1920, Page 4]
SKEET On 5 November, at Waiwera Hot Springs, Captain Henry Lufkin Skeet NZM, late Chief Surveyor West Coast Commission. Napier and Tauranga papers please copy. [Taranaki Herald, 13 Nov 1882 + Bay of Plenty Times Wed 8 Nov 1882, p2 + article]
SKEET Gisborne, Thurs. Mr R M Skeet, one of the pioneer settlers of the colony who arrived at Nelson in January 1850 and has since been resident at Hawkes Bay and Wellington, died last night aged 62 years. He has been a resident in Poverty Bay for the last 24 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Mar 1894, p4]
We regret to learn of the death of Constable Skinner's father, which occurred at North-east Valley, Dunedin, at an early hour this morning. Constable Skinner left today for Waihi to catch the Main Trunk train tonight and hopes to reach Dunedin in time for the funeral which takes place on Thursday. 1910/5822 Skinner Arthur 76Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5553, 19 September 1910, Page 2]
SKIPPER - A TRAGIC END - Very general regret was expressed in Te Puke on Friday last when it became known that Mr John Fisher Skipper, a well known settler, of Matata, had met his death under tragic circumstances. Mr Skipper and his family lived on their farm at Otamarakau, situated about twenty miles from Te Puke. On Friday morning before breakfast, he took hia gun to go out shooting, which was not an unusual occurrence. Shortly after a shot was heard, but no alarm was felt, even when he did not return to breakfast, for he would often call in at a neighbour's for a cup of tea instead of returning home. As time wore on, however, Mrs Skipper became anxious, and set out in the direction of the sound of the shot. After proceeding some distance she was horrified to observe the body of her husband lying near a fence, with his head badly shattered. Much agitated, she at once rushed away, and fortunately met Mr Quarrie of Otamarakau, who assisted to remove the body. The authorities were then notified, and an inquest was subsequentlyγ held by Mr Lally, Coroner of Te Puke. Evidence was given by Mr Burton, who saw deceased leave the house, Mr Quarrie, Dr MacFarlane, who testified to the nature of the injuries, and Mrs Skipper. The latter deposed that her husband had been somewhat depressed lately, but there was nothing whatever to indicate that he intended taking his life. He had not been drinking, the only stimulant he took being brandy with an egg beaten up in it, which she gave him at regular intervals. The Coroner found that deceased met his death by a gunshot wound, but that there was no evidence to show how the fatality occurred. The internment took place at the Te Puke cemetery on Saturday [Te Puke Times 31 December 1917, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6957, 2 January 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6958, 4 January 1918, Page 2]
SLATTERY ... Sergeant Slattery fought like a lion, cutting right and left with his sword until at last he fell victim. When his body was found his eyes were starting out of his head and his teeth clenched. [Southern Cross, 23 Jun 1869, p4]
SMALE Waihi, Nov 27. A miner named Smale fell down a pass of 150ft in the Talisman Mine, Karangahake this afternoon� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Nov 1906, p2]
SMALLBONE On January 5, at his parents� residence, Robert Henry (Roddie), only son, aged 5 years, also on January 7th, Frances Constance, only daughter, aged 13 months of Reginald and Louisa Smallbone, Cameron Rd, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Jan 1903, + article]
SMARDON On January 22 1899, at his residence Palace Hotel, Te Aroha, Samuel Tozer, the dearly beloved husband of Anna Rowe and father of J S and E Smardon; aged 62 years. Deeply regretted. [Waikato Argus, Tues 24
Jan 1899]
SMITH �two of the wounded privates died during the course of the night, their names were Laurence Manion, 68th and George Smith, also of the same regiment�[Southern Cross, 29 Jun 1864, p3, died from wounds received at Te Ranga]
SMITH - Opotiki - I am exceedingly sorry to have to report another fatal case of drowning. The ketch Isabella Baker master arrived on Saturday July 26 from Napier with 37 head of cattle�Deceased, Alexander Smith by name, was a very fine young man about 25 years of age and a native of Dundee�[Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 6 Aug 1873, includes inquest]
SMITH On the 7th inst, at her residence Cameron Rd, the wife of James Smith — funeral at 2.30pm tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 8 Nov 1881, p2]
SMITH Thomas Smith, a storekeeper at Whangamata, aged 69, died at the Thames Hospital this morning. He was riding from Puriri on Saturday when his horse rolled over him. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 3 Oct 1882, p2]
SMITH A brave soldier who distinguished himself in the New Zealand war has just passed away. Colonel Frederick A Smith died last week at Brierly, Duleck, County Meath, Ireland�Colonel Smith greatly distinguished himself while serving the 3rd Light Infantry in the New Zealand War of 1864 and was severely wounded at the assault of Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Oct 1887, p2]
SMITH Inspector Emerson received a telegram from constable white at Huntly Coal Mines stating that a portion of Ralph�s mine (The dip) had fallen in about 9pm yesterday. John Casely, James Smith, Alexander Harris (a boy) and John Tracy are entombed in it�the bodies of Casely and Harris have been recovered... [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 24 Dec 1890, p2 + the body of John Tracy was recovered at 5.30pm on Thursday and the body of James Smith was recovered at 1.15am on Friday� [Bay of Plenty Times, 29 Dec 1890, p2]
SMITH On Wednesday April 18 1900, at his residence Spring St, Tauranga, William Washington Smith, aged 68 years. [Bay of Plenty times, Fri 20 Apr 1900, p2 + obituary, ex Lady Jocelyn + 23 Apr 1900]
SMITH On January 2 1903, at Tauranga, Arthur Harold Jackson, youngest son of E C Smith "Star Hotel", Tauranga, aged 4 years and 1 month. Deeply regretted� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Jan 1903, p2 + article]
SMITH At her residence on May 28th, Hannah, relict of the late William Washington Smith, in her 69th year. The funeral will leave her late residence Spring St for the new cemetery on Sunday next at 3.30pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 29 May 1903, p2 + article + 1 Jun 1903]
SMITH Mrs Smith took poison at Waihi on Saturday morning and died in the hospital there at 6 o�clock next morning. She admitted to Constables McInnes and Clarke that she took poison deliberately but gave no definite reason for doing so. It appears however that she was having some trouble over being required to move from her residence. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 9 May 1906, p2]
SMITH We regret to record the death of Mr Charles Joseph Smith, a young man of 20 years of age, which occurred at Mrs Harper�s "Sunnyside" on Wednesday night. Deceased, who was a sufferer from consumption� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Sep 1906, p2]
SMITH A painful shock was caused in town on Tuesday morning when it became known that Mr Edward Louis Smith had passed away at his residence te Puke, on Monday evening�Deceased, who was 71 years of age�born in Calais (France) of English parents and proceeded to Ballarat (Australia) when only 18 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Mar 1907, p2 + notice + 22 Mar 1907]
SMITH Word has been received from Napier announcing the death of a son of Mr C Smith of Bethlehem and grandson of the well known chief Te Mete Raukawa. The boy was a pupil at Te Aute College and succumbed to an attack of typhoid. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Nov 1909, p2]
On September 18, 1912 at Tauranga, William Thomas Smith, aged 73 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5860, 18 September 1912, Page 4]
On September 18th, 1912, at Nurse Symonds', William Thomas, beloved husband Matilda Smith, aged 73 years. At Rest. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5861, 20 September 1912, Page 4] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mr William Thomas Smith, which occurred this morning at Nurse Simpson's, Devonport Road. Deceased had been in failing health for some years. Lately his condition grew worse, but despite loving care and medical attention the end came as above stated. The late Mr Smith, who had reached the age of 73 years, was born in London, and came to New Zealand 52 years ago, taking up his residence on the West Coast of the South Island, where he lived for a long period. Subsequently, he proceeded North, settling at Te Puke, where he took up a farm on the northern end of the No 1 road and also engaged in storekeeping. While there he took a keen interest in educational matters and for a time acted as school commissioner. Over two decades ago deceased left Te Puke, and later went with his family to England, leaving again after a stay of two years for New Zealand. About fourteen years ago he came to Tauranga and resided here since. The late Mr Smith was a man of strict integrity and was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. He was an adherent of the Methodist Church, and a member of the Masonic order. He leaves to mourn their loss a widow and one daughter, for whom the greatest sympathy is felt in their bereavement. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5860, 18 September 1912, Page 4]
On June 5, 1913 at his parent's residence Cameron Road, Edward Raymond, infant son of Mr and Mrs G Smith, aged 16 months. The friends of Mr and Mrs G Smith are invited to attend the funeral of their late infant son Edward Raymond, which will leave their residence for the new cemetery on Saturday June 7 at 2.30 pm. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5968, 6 June 1913, Page 4] Much sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs G Smith in the loss which they have sustained din the death of their little son Edward Raymond, which occurred yesterday after an illness of a month's duration. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5968, 6 June 1913, Page 4]
Residents of Katikati will regret to learn of the death of Mr Edward Smith, of Marton. Deceased was married to a sister of Mr R V Surtees, of Katikati. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6773, 22 September 1916, Page 2]
One of the saddest fatalities that have happened within the harbour occurred yesterday afternoon when the elder son, Ralph - aged 3 years and 9 months to the day - of Mr and Mrs E Smith of Park Street, was drowned in the vicinity of Judea Pa ... + inquest [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6979, 22 February 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6981, 27 February 1918, Page 2] In Memoriam - In sweet and loving memory of our darling little Barney, the dearly loved eldest child of Mr and Mrs E P Smith, who was so sadly and suddenly taken from us on February 21st 1918, aged 3 years and nine months. So dearly loved and so sadly missed by his loving parents and brother Bobbie. [ Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7130, 21 February 1919, Page 2]
Mrs J J Ashdown, of Cameron Road, has received the sad intelligence that her second son, Private Victor Jubilee SMITH was killed in action on March 30. Deceased was born at Pahatanui, near Wellington, and was 30 years of age. He enlisted in Hamilton, where he was a member of the staff of Messrs Booth, MacDonald and Co, and left New Zealand with the 26th Reinforcement. Much sympathy will be extended to Mrs Ashdown in her sad loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6999, 12 April 1918, Page 2]
The death occurred at the Thames Hospital on the 3rd inst. of Mr Patrick Smith, of Waitoa, and formerly a farmer in the Tauranga County. Deceased was sixty years of age. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7024, 10 June 1918, Page 2]
A serious accident occurred at the Government quarry at Te Puke on Friday last, resulting in Mr Ben Smith, the manager, being badly hurt. It appears that Mr Smith was standing on a couple of planks that stretched from the hill to the crusher, talking to Mr Sneddon, of the Public Works Department, who was standing below, when one of the planks gave way and he was precipitated to the ground. It was seen that he was badly injured by the all, and he was brought in to Te Puke and attended to by Dr MacFarlane. His injuries proved to be very severe, consisting of a fractured skull and a deep gash in the head. On inquiry this morning we learn that Mr Smith is doing well. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7033, 1 July 1918, Page 2] We regret to hear of the death, in the Tauranga Hospital, on Tuesday last, of Mr Ben Smith, who was recently severely injured at the Public Works quarry. Deceased was a native of Nottingham, England. [Te Puke Times 2 August 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7019, 7 August 1918, Page 2]
It is with extreme regret that we learn that death has claimed still another of the young men who left Te Puke to fight against the common enemy, advice having been received by Mr and Mrs James Smith that their youngest son, Harold, who left with the Thirtieth Reinforcements, had died from wounds received in France. The deceased soldier was a promising young fellow of 22 years of age, and was a general favorite with his acquaintances. Prior to leaving New Zealand he was on the locomotive staff of the Public Works Department, The greatest sympathy will be felt with the sorrowing parents in their bereavement. [Te Puke Times 27 September 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7071, 27 September 1918, Page 2]
On May 16th 1920, at her late residence, Whakatane, Marion Lucy Churchill, widow of the late Edward Louis Smith, late of Tauranga and Te Puke and beloved mother of Mrs Fred Norris, Tauranga and Miss Ruby Smith, Whakatane. Deeply regretted. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7408, 18 May 1920, Page 2] Word reached Te Puke yesterday of the death at Whakatane of Mrs Smith, formerly proprietress of the well known boarding house, the Club. [Te Puke Times 17 May 1920, Page 2] Smith - On May 16th at her late residence, Whakatane, Marion Lucy Churchill, widow of the late Edward Louis Smith, later of Tauranga and Te Puke, and beloved mother of Mrs Fred Norris, Tauranga and Miss Ruby Smith, Whakatane. Regretted. The death occurred at Whakatane on Sunday of Mrs M L C Smith, widoe of the late Mr E L Smith, who was for many years licensee of the Star Hotel, Tauranga and afterwards owner of the The Club, Te Puke.... The late Mrs Smith is survived by an adult family; Mr E Smith, Auckland, Mrs E Smith, Auckland, Mrs F Norriss, Tauranga, Mrs Goodwin, Tirau, Mrs McEwen, Hellensville and Miss Ruby Smith, Whakatane. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7408, 18 May 1920, Page 2]
On August 12, 1920 at her residence the Manse, Tauranga, Barbara, widow of the late Andrew H Smyth, of County Tyrone, Ireland, aged 83 years. The funeral will leave the manse at 3pm tomorrow (Saturday) for the new cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7472, 13 August 1920, Page 2] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs Barbara Smyth (mother of the Rev. J. W. Smyth, B. A.), which occurred at the Manse at 6-30 o'clock last evening. Deceased, who was eighty-three years of age, had enjoyed excellent health until about a week ago, when as the result of a chest trouble she was compelled to take to her bed and despite every care and attention passed away as above stated. The late Mrs Smyth was born and spent most of her life in County Tyrone, Ireland. Since the death of her husband, twelve years ago, she had resided with her son, the Rev J. W. Smyth, who was her only surviving child. She accompanied him to New Zealand five years ago, moving with her son to Tauranga in October last. The late Mrs Smyth is survived by a sister in Victoria, Australia, and a brother, the Rev. James Weir, B. A., an ex-Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. She looked upon the time she had spent in Tauranga as the pleasantest part of her sojourn in New Zealand. The funeral will take place at three o'clock tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7472, 13 August 1920, Page 3]
SNODGRASS On 17 September, at the Bank of New Zealand, the infant daughter of John and Emmeline Snodgrass. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 19 Sep 1887, p2]
SNODGRASS At Otumoetai, on June 3, John Snodgrass, aged 85 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Jun 1900, p2 + obituary same day + article 6 Jun 1900]
SNODGRASS On May 24 1901, at Durban, South Africa, Henry Graham, sixth son of the late J Snodgrass Esq of Otumoetai, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 May 1901, p2 + article]
On December 13, at her residence, Otumoetai, Barbara Stirling (sic) Snodgrass, relict of the late John Snodgrass. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6258, 14 December 1914, Page 2] On 13 December 1914, at her residence, Otumoetai, Barbara Rennie, widow of John Snodgrass, aged 91. [Auckland Weekly News, 21 Jan 1915] It is interesting to note in connection with the late Mrs Snodgrass, whose death occurred at Otumoetai recently that she was the sister of the late Mr Robert Graham, at one time Superintendent of the Auckland province. Mr Graham had the distinction of turning the first sod of the Auckland Railways and has had his name perpetuated in Grahamstown, now a portion of Thames. The late Mrs Snodgrass landed with her husband and family at Auckland in 1860 and after living at Remuera for a short time the family came to Tauranga about forty years ago and went immediately to Otumoetai where Mrs Snodgrasss resided up to the time of her demise. Although ninety-three years of age she followed the progress of the war with the keenest interest and retained her intellect with remarkable clearness right to the close of her long life. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6282, 13 January 1915, Page 2]
The death took place at Auckland on Tuesday night of Mr John Snodgrass, a member of a very old Bay of Plenty family. The deceased was previously connected with the Bank of New Zealand, but had retired from the service and had latterly resided at Otumoetai. [Te Puke Times, 19 March 1915, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6338, 19 March 1915, Page 2]
It is with exceeding regret that we have to announce the death of Corporal Jack Snodgrass, the eldest son of Mrs T P Lemon, who was killed at the front on the 9th inst. The sad news was received by a private cablegram yesterday. The late Corporal Snodgrass, who was 29 years of age, was extremely well known in Te Puke and Tauranga, having spent the greater part of his life in this district, where he was attached to the Public Works Department. When war broke out he was in Canada, but crossed over to England, where he enlisted. He was a member of the British section of the New Zealand Engineers. The utmost sympathy will be felt with Mrs Lemon and family in their bereavement. [Te Puke Times 18 December 1917, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6953, 21 December 1917, Page 2]
SNOW - Paeroa, Sat. - At Karangahake on Friday night a young man named William Snow committed suicide by shooting himself. Deceased left a letter from which cause seems to have been blighted affections. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 1 Feb 1897, p2]
SNOWDON On the 3rd September, at Te Papa, Tauranga, Maria, wife of Mr. Thomas Snowdon, late 1st Waikatos. Newcastle (England) papers will copy please. [New Zealand Herald, 19 Sept 1870]
The body of Solomon, one of the natives who left Tauranga for Motiti a fortnight ago with a mate, and was missing was found on Ocean Beach, near Maketu. The survivor does not know how his comrade got lost from the boat. An inquest will be held. [Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVI, Issue 7811, 9 May 1894, Page 2]
SOMERSET On Monday June 10, at the Militia Hospital, Tauranga of fever and effusions of blood on brain, Frederick Adolphus Fitzgerald Somerset, aged 38. [Tauranga Argus, Sat 15 Jun 1867, p2]
SOMERVILLE We regret very much to have to announce the sudden death of Mr Thomas Somerville, a very old and much respected settler here and one of the earliest in the province� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 11 Sep 1893, p2 + 22 Sep 1893]
SOMERVILLE On April 15, at her late residence Cameron Rd, Emma, relict of the late Thomas Somerville, aged 77. The funeral will leave for the new cemetery at 2.30 next Wednesday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Apr 1901, p2 + article]
SOUTAR Another death has occurred in our midst. Mrs Soutar of Greerton passed away yesterday. She had been ailing for some time. The funeral takes place tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 15 Oct 1897, p2]
Much sympathy will be felt for Mr and Mrs Spearman in the loss which they have sustained by the death of their little son, which occurred yesterdy morning. 1913/8316 Spearman Rexford 1Y .[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6022, 10 October 1913, Page 5]
In referring to the influenza epidemic the Whakatane Press of Wednesday last gave the Whakatane death roll as follows: Judge T H Wilson, Messrs W Regan, Erwin, A J Baton, Williams, H Speight and a lad, R Fraser .... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7094, 25 November 1918, Page 2]
The news of the death of Mr Samuel Spence, which occurred at 5 p.m on Wednesday will be received with profound regret by the whole communuty...Deceased who was fifty nine years of age, was born in Portadown, County Armagh, Ireland...and with his brother, Mr M Spence, took up land on the No 2 Road, Te Puke ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5980, 4 July 1913, Page 4]
The Public Trust Office Act 1908 (Section 50) In the respective estates of Elizabeth Collins, late of Tauranga, widow, and John Flett Spence, later of Te Puke, labourer, but at his death, a soldier in His Majesty's New Zealand Expeditionary Force, deceased ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6918, 28 September 1917, Page 2]
SPENCER At Wharekaha, Maketu, Ellen Stanley, the wife of Rev S M Spencer, aged 67 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 Nov 1882, p2]
SPENCER At Tauranga, on June 11, Ivy Kate, daughter of Charles and Isabella Spencer, aged one year, eight months. The funeral will leave the residence of the parents, Devonport Rd, at 2pm today. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 12 Jun 1883, p2]
SPENCER Died on July 3 at Tauranga, Dorothy, daughter of Rev F H and Mrs Spencer, aged 9 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 4 Jul 1889, p2 + age corrected to 9 weeks 8 July 1889]
SPENCER It appears that Mr Spencer, lately of the pharmacy here, has sustained a sad loss through the wreck of the ss Wairarapa, by which his father, well known at the Thames and in Auckland was returning from a visit to the old country. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 2 Nov 1894, p4 + body of Mr Thos Spencer recovered Mon 5 Nov 1894]
SPENCER On April 30, at Maketu, Rev Seymour Mills Spencer, CMS, aged 86. The funeral will take place at Maketu tomorrow afternoon at 3pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 May 1898, p2 + article + obituary 9 May 1898]
SPENCER News was received here today that Miss Spencer, daughter of the late Rev Spencer, Anglican Missionary, died at Auckland yesterday. Deceased was a sister-in-law to Captain H F Way of this town. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 8 Jun 1904, p2 +10 Jun 1904 + 13 Jun 1904 + 15 Jun 1904]
The death is announced of Mr W C C Spencer which occurred at Auckland on the 11th inst. The deceased was the eldest son of the late Rev. S M Spencer who came out to New Zealand with Bishop Selwyn's party in 1842. The late Mr Spencer was born at Te Ngae on March 12, 144. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6338, 19 March 1915, Page 2]
The Poverty Bay Herald of Feb. 28 says "The death occurred last night of Mrs W Spooner, after an illness lasting over two months. Of a quiet but cheerful disposition the deceased lady was beloved by all who knew her. She was an active worker in the Gisborne Methodist Church. To Mr Spooner and his four young children much sympathy will be extended in their bereavement." Deceased was well known in Tauranga. 1916/824 Spooner Adelaide 39Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6633, 7 March 1916, Page 2]
We regret the death of Mr George Frederick Spooner, which occurred at Palmerston North on Saturday last, at the age of seventy five years. The late Mr Spooner resided in Te Puke and Tauranga for many years. He always took a keen interest in public affairs and occupied a seat on the Tauranga Borough Council for some years. He was also actively associated with the work of the Methodist Church. The sympathy of a wide circle of friends will be extended to Mrs Spooner and family in their bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7073, 2 October 1918, Page 2]
SPRATLEY - In Memoriam - In loving memory Sergeant William Nelson Spratley M.M, killed in action, France, 25th June 1918. [Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7182, 25 June 1919, Page 2]
SPURLING On Christmas morning, December 25th, at his residence, John Spurling, aged 67 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 30 Dec 1982, p4 + article]
On 21st September 1916, killed in action in France, Private Albert George Squinobal, of Aongatere, Katikati in his 27th year. Deeply regretted. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6781, 11 October 1916, Page 2] In Memoriam - In loving memory of Private Albert George Squinobal, killed in action in France, September 21st, 1916. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7069, 23 September 1918, Page 2]
News was received in Te Puke on Monday of the death at Ngaruawahia the previous night of Constable Stackpoole, formerly stationed in this town, who was found on the roadside with his throat cut, having evidently committed suicide. He had been suffering much from ill-health of late, and had become mentally affected. The late officer was appointed to this district in July, 1905, and remained in charge until September, 1918, when, owing to ill-health, he was granted three months' leave of absence. At the end of that time, his health not having greatly improved, he retired from the police force, and spent the last few months visiting his relatives. He was a warm-hearted impulsive man, and was generally respected, and his unhappy end will be much deplored. He leaves a wife and two children. [Te Puke Times 18 November 1919, Page 2]
STANGER On August 22, at Miss Bicker�s residence, 3rd Avenue, Tauranga, William, son of Charles and Mary Stanger of Orkney Island, Scotland, aged 65 years. The funeral will leave the above residence at 2pm tomorrow, Saturday. Friends will kindly accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Aug 1901, p2 + article]
STANLEY Te Aroha, Saturday. The body of the girl Ethel Stanley, who disappeared from her home last Friday evening, was found drowned in the Waihou River yesterday. Her father and one of his daughters found the girl�s body under a willow tree about 200 yards below the place where she is supposed to have fallen in. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Apr 1901, p2]
STANTON On 21 April, drowned at Opotiki, Edward Stanton, late of Nelson. [Nelson Examiner and NZ Chronicle 29 Apr 1871, p5]
At Toowoomba, this 6ih day of April 1920. Michael Joseph, beloved husband of Agnes Stanton, late of Te Puke. [Te Puke Times 6 April 1920, Page 2]
News was received by cable this morning, by Mr James Collins of the death of Mr Michael Joseph Stanton, formerly of Te Puke. The late Mr Stanton, who married a daughter of Mr Collins senr was at one time manager of the local dairy factory. [Te Puke Times 6 April 1920, Page 2] Death of Former Resident A cable was received in Te Puke on Tuesday announcing the death of Mr J. Stanton, son in-law of Mr James Collins, of Te Puke. For some years Mr Stanton was manager of the Te Puke butter factory, and whilst here took a keen interest in public affairs and sport generally. He acquired land on the Deviation Road and at Papamoa, and later disposed of his property, and went to reside outside Auckland, Later, Mr Stanton moved to the Paeroa district, and afterwards, for health reasons, proceeded to Australia. Mr Stanton died at Toowoomba, Queensland, and leaves a widow and family. While in Te Puke Mr Stanton made a host of friends, who will hear, of his death with deep regret and will unite in extending their sympathy to the bereaved. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7378, 8 April 1920, Page 3]
STARKEY On the 14th inst, at her residence Cameron Rd, Marian Agnes Starkey. The funeral will leave her late residence at 3pm today. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 12 Sep 1877, p2]
Mr C N Lasenby a well known settler of Oropi, recently discovered the bones of a man's body on his property in that district. It is believed that the remains are those of a man named STARMER, who mysteriously disappeared from his home at Oropi some years ago. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5835, 22 July 1912, Page 4]
STEELE Hamilton, Tuesday. Capt William Steele died very suddenly this afternoon� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 21 Sep 1898, p2]
STEIN A telegram was received yesterday conveying the sad intelligence of the death on Wednesday evening, in Auckland, of Mrs Stein, the wife of Capt Stein of the Waitangi. Capt and Mrs Stein were residing here for a few years back and made many friends by whom her death will be much regretted and much sympathy is felt for Captain Stein and his four children in their irreparable loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, 17 Feb 1899, p2]
STEIN Much sympathy will be felt with Captain and Mrs Stein in the sad loss of their little two year old boy after a very short illness. This feeling will be deepened by the knowledge that the first news which greeted Capt Stein on Wednesday morning after arrival at Tauranga during the night was a telegram announcing the little fellow�s death. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Jul 1902, p2]
STEIN A communication has been received here to the effect that it is the wish of the Opotiki settlers to erect a monument to the late Captain P A Stein� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Jan 1909, p2 + 13 Jan 1909]
STEPHENS Rotorua. The untimely death of Mr Stephens, surveyor, who shot himself at Taupo on Monday last, has created a profound sensation here, the deceased being well known in this district. At the inquest held yesterday a verdict of "Temporary Insanity" was returned. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 23 Sep 1887, p2]
STEPHENS Paeroa, Sat. Thomas Stephens committed suicide at Waitekauri on Thursday morning by hanging himself to the ridge pole of a tent belonging to a man named Daniel Voss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Apr 1896, p2]
The news of the death of Lance Corporal George F Stephenson, who was killed in action on July 25 - will be received here with deep regret. Deceased enlisted from this district and went with the Main Body to Gallipoli. Later he proceeded to France and met his death in the Flanders zone. The late Lance-Corporal Stephenson was well-known as the teacher of the school at Mount Maunganui ...[[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6898, 13 August 1917, Page 2]
STEVENS On March 31, at his parents residence Tauranga District School, Clifford Dudley, youngest child of Percy E Stevens, of dysentery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 3 Apr 1883, p2]
STEVENS It is with regret we chronicle the death of Mr Alfred Stevens, son of Dr Stevens, who departed this life at an early hour this morning. He had been suffering from asthma for a long time and latterly developed symptoms of consumption� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 22 Mar 1895, p4 + 25 Mar 1895]
Private Stevenson of 1st Waikato Regiment was here shot (since dead)� [Southern Cross, 1 Feb 1867]
STEVENSON On Saturday 3rd November 1883, at his residence Fern Cliff, Tauranga, Rupert V T E Stevenson, late 66th Reg, second son of the late Rev J R Stevenson, formerly rector of Clonfeacle, County Tyrone, Ireland, aged 33. The funeral will leave Fern Cliff at 11 o�clock tomorrow morning. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 6 Nov 1883, p2]
STEVENSON On 23 April (Good Friday), at Exmouth, England, Eliza, widow of the late Rev R V Stevenson and mother of the late R V Stevenson of Fern Cliff, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 3 Jul 1886, p2]
On November 27th at Nurse Fountain's Private Hospital, Ann, relict of the late James Stevenson, and mother of J B and R M Stevenson of Ake Ake, and W Stevenson of Cambridge Road, aged 82. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6245, 28 November 1914, Page 2]
News has been received of the death at the front of Lance-Corporal George F. Stevenson, formerly teacher at the Mount Maunganui-School. [Te Puke Times , 14 August 1917, Page 2]
The death took place at the Tauranga Hospital last night Mr Robert Macindoe Stevenson, at the age of sixty-two years. For many years he resided in Otago and then moved to this district, settling at Ake Ake where he engaged in farming operations. He had been in ill-health for some time. Much sympathy will be felt for his brothers, Messrs James and William Stevenson in their bereavement. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7409, 19 May 1920, Page 3]
STEWART At Whakatane, Bay of Plenty, on the 10th January, in her 44th year, after a prolonged illness, Marian Stewart, licensed native interpreter, wife of Robert Oliphant Stewart. {The deceased was well known in Waikato having been born and resided there until 1873. she was the first female licensed as Maori interpreter having been appointed in 1869} [Waikato Times, Sat 21 Jan 1882 + Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Jan 1882 p2, long article]
STEWART Te Aroha Monday. The name of the man found in the river yesterday is supposed to be T B Stewart. He came here about a fortnight since from Cambridge where he had worked a day or two for Mr Thos Wells. There is nothing in the paper found on him to show where he belongs to or whether he has any relatives. He was about 60 years of age and is said to have been well educated. An inquest will be held tomorrow. [Waikato Times, Tues 21 Sep 1886]
STEWART With unfeigned regret we have to announce the death of Captain Mervyn Stewart JP, who, after a long illness, passed away at an early hour yesterday morning. The deceased was the father of George Vesey Stewart and has been a resident in Katikati since the arrival of the No 2 Special Settlement in 1878�the ripe old age of 96. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 14 Sep 1886, p2 + 16 Sep 1886 long obituary + funeral report 18 Sep 1886]
STEWART Quite a gloom was thrown over Katikati and Tauranga on Saturday by a rumour which proved only too true that a terrible mishap had overtaken the newly purchased Katikati fishing boat, Hot or Miss and that her owners Messrs George Vesey Stewart junior and Frank Anderson together with their assistant a man named [Robert] Irwin had all been drowned�George Stewart was the second son of Mr George Vesey Stewart the founder of the Katikati settlement and was married about 2� years ago to Miss Anderson, sister of his partner and he leaves a widow and two little ones� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Jul 1892, p2 + 27 Jul 1892, + 29 Jul 1892 + 3 Aug 1892 + 8 Aug 1892 + 12 Aug 1892]
STEWART On Saturday February 11, at her husband�s residence, Mary, beloved wife of John Stewart, Tauranga, aged 58 years. Perth (Scotland) papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 Feb 1899, p2 + article]
STEWART Much sympathy is felt throughout the town and district at the sad loss which befell Mr and Mrs M P Stewart by the loss of their eldest son Douglas, a bright and taking lad of about 14 who died this morning of peritonitis after only a few days illness� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Jan 1904, p2 + 6 Jan 1904]
STEWART Home papers announce the death, on February 26th, of Sir John Marcus Stewart, Baronet DL of Athenry, Co Tyrone, Ireland, which took place at Belfast, in his 75th year. The deceased gentleman has many kinsfolk and friends in this part of the world, among the former, Captain Hugh and Mr G V Stewart� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Apr 1905, p2]
STEWART Word has been received by mail announcing the death of Captain H Stewart RA, late of Athenree (Katikati), which occurred at Falmouth, Cornwall, England on April 14. Deceased was a brother to George Vesey Stewart of Katikati. He is survived by a widow and one son, Mr Mervyn James Stewart. He retired from active service in 1877 to join the No 2 Katikati settlers� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 31 May 1909, p2]
STEWART We regret to record the death of Mrs A Stewart, relict of the late Captain Hugh Stewart, which occurred at Katikati on Saturday. The deceased lady was well known and highly respected in the Katikati, Tauranga and Te Puke districts. Together with her only son, Mr Mervyn J Stewart, she had only recently returned to New Zealand after residing for some time in the Old Country (where Captain Stewart died). The funeral took place this afternoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Feb 1910, p2]
News has been received of the death at Devonport, Auckland, on Tuesday, of Mrs Stewart, wife of Mr George Vesey Stewart, of Katikati, at the advanced age of 82. She is survived by her husband, five sons, and three daughters � Mrs Surtees, Katikati; Mrs M. P. Stewart, Devonport Mrs Dumbleton, Ponsonby and Messrs H. M. Stewart, Papamoa; Mervyn and Harry Stewart, Katikati, Jack Stewart, Wellington and William Stewart, Tauranga
1914/10764 Stewart Margaret Torrens 81Y
[Te Puke Times, Volume II, 31 July 1914, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6143, 29 July 1914, Page 5 ]
On November 1st at Rumashi, British West Africa, Ruby, third daughter of Mr and Mrs J Stewart, Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6260, 16 December 1914, Page 2 and Obituary Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6260, 16 December 1914, Page 3]
STEWART Cable advice was received by Mr Huranui Apanui on the 20th inst to the effect that his adopted son, Trooper David Stewart, had died as the result of wounds received in action. The late Trooper Stewart was a son of Mr and Mrs D Stewart of Thames and a nephew of Huranui Apanui. He was very popular amongst both Maoris and Europeans here and prior to enlisting in the Maori contingent was a member of the Whakatane Brass Bank and also a prominent footballer. [Bay of Plenty Times, 30 Aug 1915]
On January 15th, 1917 at First Australian Casualty Receiving Station, France, Leslie, fourth son of James and Emily Stewart, Cameron Road. Late Signaller, Ninth Reinforcements, Aged 21 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6816, 15 January 1917, Page 2] On Friday evening, Mr James Stewart of Cameron Road, received the sad intelligence from the Minister of Defence, that his son Lance Corporal Lance P Stewart had died on pneumonia and pleurisy at the First Australian Casualty Receiving Station, France on the 5th inst. The Lance Cpl Stewart was born at Woodbury, Canterbury and was only twenty one years of age. He had resided in Tauranga for about twelve years. He joined the Ninth Reinforcements and participated in the fighting on the Somme, escaping injury. On the 4th inst, word was received that he was dangerously ill, and unfortunately death supervened. When in Tauranga deceased took an active part in hockey and was also an active worker in the Methodist Church, having been secretary of the Sunday School and a member of the choir. He was a popular young man and his aged parents and relatives will have the sympathy of the whole community in their irreparable loss.
[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6816, 15 January 1917, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6819, 22 January 1917, Page 3]
On June 28th, at his late residence "The Anchorage", Cameron Road, James Stewart (late of Geraldine, South Canterbury), Beloved husband of Emily M Stewart, aged 84 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6885, 29 June 1917, Page 2]
Word was received here on Saturday that Private Harry Stewart had died of wounds on October 23. Deceased was son of Mrs W Stewart of Auckland and had resided in Tauranga for many years and later at Matata. He left New Zealand with the 30th Reinforcements. He is survived by a widow who lives at Matata. Much sympathy will be felt for his widow and relatives in their bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7089, 11 November 1918, Page 2]
We regret to record the death of Mrs Stewart, wife of Mr S R Stewart, which occurred at the local hospital on Monday last. The late Mrs Stewart had been in ill health for some time and had been an inmate of the hospital for several weeks. Much sympathy will be felt for Mr Stewart in his sad bereavement. 1919/5659 Stewart Naomi Robertson 62Y [Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7193, 23 July 1919, Page 2]
STEWART News been received of the death ot Mr George Vesey Stewart, which occurred at Rotorua, after a brief illness, on Wednesday. A few weeks ago the, deceased gentleman had a severe attack of bronchitis, from which he made a slow recovery, leaving him in a very weak state. In the hope that he would regain his usual strength and vigour, he was removed to Rotorua, but his condition became gradually worse and he succumbed on Wednesday as stated... [ Te Puke Times 5 March 1920, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7351, 4 March 1920, Page 2]
On August 26, 1919 at Ohauiti, Tauranga of pneumonia, John Bowman Stilburn, dearly beloved husband of Maude Ellen Stilburn, aged 53 years. Late of Matahuru, Waikato. Deeply regretted. [Bay Of Plenty Times, 27 August 1919, Page 2 + obituary]
On the 6th Jan, 1917 at 'Tauranga', Combe Dingle, Bristol, Commander Willoughby Edward STILL R.N. (Retired) aged 70. No flowers. [he Times (London, England), Tuesday, Jan 09, 1917; pg. 1; Issue 41371]
On January 23, at Claremont, Katikati, Clara Louisa, beloved wife of Major General T H Stoddard M.S.C. (retired list). [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Jan 1896, p2 + 7 Feb 1896] Indian and Plymouth papers, please copy. [The Times (London, England), Thursday, Mar 19, 1896; pg. 1; Issue 34842]
STODDARD We are extremely sorry to hear of the death of General T H Stoddard, one of the earliest Katikati settlers and greatly esteemed by all classes of the community. He had just gone through to the Thames to stay with his widowed daughter Mrs Swindley and died there yesterday afternoon. His body is being brought back to Katikati where the funeral will take place tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 6 Feb 1901, p2 + 11 Feb 1901 + 17 Nov 1902]
STONE It was with very general regret that the announcement recording the death of Mr J C Stone was received here. Mr Stone was one of the oldest merchants in the Colony. He arrived in Auckland in 1840�attended the first land sale in Tauranga�acquired other properties at Katikati and other parts of the district. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 18 Apr 1885, p2]
The death occurred on Friday at Rotorua, of Mr Edward E Storer, aged 57 years. Deceased was a well known farmer who resided for the past seven years at Paerata Ridge, Opotiki. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6300, 3 February 1915, Page 2]
STUART We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr Robert Stuart of Katikati, brother of Mr T Stuart, draper of this town. The deceased who has been ailing for some time expired yesterday. He leaves a widow and family. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Jan 1894, p2 + notice 12 Jan 1894]
STUART This morning the sad news was received of the death of Mr David Stuart, the youngest brother of Mr T Stuart of this town, which took place at Waihi yesterday. Deceased had been dangerously ill owing to an injury to the lungs but appeared last week to be rallying, however a relapse set in a few days ago and he died as above. The funeral will take place at Katikati tomorrow and Mr T Stuart left here this morning to attend it. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 19 Jul 1895, p4 + death notice 22 Jul 1895]
STUART - Katikati - I regret to state that Arthur, the youngest son of Mrs Robert Stuart, widow, died on Thursday and was buried on Saturday; he was attended by Dr Slater of Waihi� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Sep 1905, p2]
...Mr Arthur H Stuart, for many years associated with the postal department. The late Mr Stuart joined the staff of the post office at Tauranga as a cadet in 1879... [Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 170, 20 July 1929, Page 18]
STUBBS On Saturday night the sad intelligence reached here that the wife of the Rev F Stubbs, Presbyterian Minister, lately settled in Rotorua, had passed away after a short illness� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 Mar 1905, p2]
On April 26, 1938 at Katikati, New Zealand, Richard Villiers Surtees, late of Dinsdale-on-Tees, eldest son of the late Rev. Richard Surtees, aged 85. [The Times (London, England), Friday, Apr 29, 1938; pg. 1; Issue 47981]
The death occurred at Onehunga on Friday last of Mr R Harry Swales, a well known resident of Auckland, and father of Mrs R Blomfield, of Tauranga. 1917/2146 Swales Richard Henry 54Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6851, 11 April 1917, Page 2]
SWALLOW �Sergeant James Swallow of the 65th L I who died yesterday of brain fever. This much and worthily respected sergeant was one of the principal clerks attached to the district adjutant�s staff by which officer his loss will be much deplored. Sergeant Swallow was a native of Yorkshire and is a descendant of a very highly respectable family. [Southern Cross, 4 Apr 1865, p4]
SWANSON We regret to announce the death of Captain Swanson, master of the scow Waikonini which occurred at Katikati yesterday as the result of an attack of peritonitis. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 May 1907, p2]
SWARBRICK A melancholy and fatal accident occurred on Thursday to a little girl, the daughter of Mr W Swarbrick, of this town. The child, by some accident, fell into a tub of boiling water and though almost immediately rescued was very severely burned. Medical aid was procured and Dr Moir did all that was possible for the little sufferer who died from the effects of the burns yesterday afternoon. Great sympathy is felt for the parents. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 1 Aug 1885, p2 + 4 Aug 1885]
On February 21st, 1916, at his parents' residence, Te Matai Road, Harvey, only and dearly loved son of Robert Leonard and Vera May Swayne, aged 4 1/2 years. The funeral will leave his parents' residence at 1.30 p.m. to-morrow. [Te Puke Times , 22 February 1916, Page 2]A SECOND FATALITY.
We extremely regret to have to chronicle a second death from the prevailing epidemic, the victim being the four-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Swayne of Te Matai, who passed away at 9 o'clock last evening. The child had only been ill a few days. The utmost sympathy is expressed with the sorrowing, parents in their bereavement. [Te Puke Times 22 February 1916, Page 3] We regret to record the death of the four year old son of Mr and Mrs Swayne, of Te Matai, who succumbed this morning to an attack of infantile paralysis. We understand that there is also another case of this disease at Te Puke. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6620, 22 February 1916, Page 2]
The late Major Frederick Swindley, who died at Parawai, Thames, on Tuesday, began life as a soldier and served as lieutenant-adjutant of the Kings Royal Irish Hussars in India. He came to New Zealand 37 years ago and fought with the Colonial troops in the Maori war...He married Miss Stoddard, daughter of General T H Stoddard... [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Jan 1901, p2]
Captain R Swindley died at Coromandel last Friday evening at the age of 69, after a short illness. Deceased was a brother of the late Major Swindley of Whakatane, both having held commissions in the Imperial service. Captain Swindley was very popular at Coromandel and has filled at different times nearly every public position in the district in various local bodies.1912/5582 Swindley Alfred Robert Hale 68Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5851, 28 August 1912, Page 4]
Mr 'Jack" Swindley, son of Captain Swindley, well known in Tauranga, is reported as dead from the result of the explosion of a gas engine in Sumatra. Mr Swindley was well known as a footballer and athlete. He left twelve years ago to take charge of a gold mine in Sumatra. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7087, 6 November 1918, Page 2]
SYDLE A German named Ernest Sydle, aged 75 years, residing at Waimapu was found dead outside his dwelling by Mr Dennis fielding this morning. Deceased had been a resident in this district for a number of years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Jul 1904, p2]
SYDNEY A native youth named Jack Sydney who had been working with a survey party near Katikati died suddenly on Wednesday at the native settlement of Te Rereatukahia. He had not been suffering from influenza, and as there was nothing to indicate the cause of death, the district coroner ordered a post-mortem examination. This disclosed that death was caused by thrombosis of the pulmonary artery, a large ante-mortem adherent blood clot being found at the right of the hear. Dr Stewart Brown said thrombosis was one of the possible complications of influenza, though the condition of the patient may have been comparatively normal for several days following the actual attack. A verdict is accordance with the medical evidence was returned.[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7103, 16 December 1918, Page 2]
SYKES Information was brought into town yesterday morning by two natives that while they were looking for a lost boat they had discovered the body of a young woman�identified as that of Blanche Sykes whose mother resides at the corner of Durham and Chappel Strs, Auckland. The young woman had been engaged here for some time as domestic servant but latterly resided at Mr John Faulkners� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 Jul 1896, p2 + 6 Jul 1896]
SYMS On July 27, accidentally killed on the Paeroa-Te Aroha Road, Ernest, dearly beloved husband of Martha Syms, aged 36 years. The funeral will leave the Shortland Railway Station tomorrow, Wednesday, 29th inst., on arrival of the midday train for the Shortland Cemetery. Friends will please accept this intimation. Robert Twentyman, undertaker, Thames. [Thames Star, Tues 28 Jul 1914]