SOUTH AFRICA - 1899 - 1902
PLEASE NOTE: These are not in alphabetical order.
Press, Volume LVII, Issue 10584, 19 February 1900, Page 9
The following are brief biographical notes respecting the men of the Canterbury Troop:
Trooper Leopold George Dyke ACLAND was born at Christehurch and educated at Christ's College. He has no relatives living in the colony. Trooper Acland was station-owner at Glentanner.
Trooper Leonard Wilfred Williams BROWN has been a farmer. His relatives live in Auckland.
Trooper John William CANAVAN has heen a farmer at Orari, South Canterbury.
Trooper Charles Edward CHOLMONDELEY is a son of Archdeacon Cholmondeley, of Opawa.
Trooper Alfred CHAPMAN has been employed as a station hand in the Amuri district and his father, Mr James Chapman, lives in Birmingham, England.
Trooper Arthur Carwell COOKE has been employed as a farm and station hand and has been for seventeen years in the Rangiora Rifles. His father, Mr Andrew Carwell Cooke, resides at Springston.
Trooper Harry DASHWOOD was shepherding at Te Papa prior to joining the Troop, and has been for two years a member of the Canterbury Mounted Rifles. His father, Mr John Henry Dashwood, lives at Port Waikato, Auckland.
Trooper Charles DORN, of Cust, is a blacksmith and farrier.
Trooper Charles William ENSOR has been a sheep farmer, and has relatives living at Orari, South Canterbury.
Trooper Edward EGGLESTON has been a survey hand and his father, Mr John Eggleston, is a farmer at Ashburton.
Trooper Edward Charles EVANS has been a rabbiter at Orari Gorge, Woodbury. His mother lives at Woodbury.
Trooper George William FRANKS was a farmer at Yaldhurst, and for eight years was a driver in the East Riding Yorkshire Artillery Volunteers. His father, Mr James J Franks, is a farmer at Briddlington, Yorkshire.
Trooper Robert Oke GILL was a farmer and resided in Colombo road, Sydenham, where his father, Mr Robert Asque Gill, resides.
Trooper Henry John Cracroft HARPER was a musterer and general station hand, and was for eighteen months a trooper in the C.Y.C. His father is Mr C. J. Harper.
Trooper Albert HARPER was a station hand and lived at St. Martins, Christchurch, where his father Mr John Albert Harper, resides.
Sergeant Edmund HARPER was a drover and was a trooper in the C.Y.C. for three years. His father, Mr George Harper, lives in Christchurch.
Trooper John Joseph HEASLEY was a commission agent at Ashburton, and had been a private in the Ashburton Guards for eight months. His father, Mr James Heasley resides in Ashburton.
Trooper Bert Lennox HODGSON was for three months a trooper in the Southland Mounted Rifles, and is a relative of Mr Twentyman Hodgson, now of Woodlands, Southland, but well-known in Canterbury.
Trooper John KENNEDY was a stock driver, and his father resides in Sacramento, California.
Trooper William Thomas LOWE was a station hand recently employed by Mr Max Friedlander, Ashburton. His father, Mr Frank Lowe, lives at Hastings, Hawke's Bay.
Trooper William KELCHER was a farmer at Waimate, and has a relative living at Makikihi.
Trooper Andrew KNUDSON was a farmer at Pigeon Bay, Akaroa, where his relatives live.
Trooper James HENDERSON was a labourer at Orari, South Canterbury, where his relatives reside.
Trooper Arthur James IRELAND was a horse-breaker at Doyleston.
Trooper Hugh JOWSEY is a son of Major Jowsey, commanding the Contingent, and was for three years a member of the Timaru Rifles.
Trooper Charles LUSK was a farmer, and his father resides at Ashburton.
Trooper Robert McFARLANE was a farm hand recently employed By Mr C. M. Orbell. His mother, Mrs Martha McFarlane, resides at Middlesborough, Yorkshire. Trooper McFarlane is orderly to Major Jowsey.
Trooper Harold Goldsmith MANSFIELD of West Eyreton was a station hand, and prior to coming to the colony had two years service as a private in the West Surrey Volunteers. His mother, Mrs Lucy Mansfield, lives at Croydon, West Surrey.
Trooper Robert McINTYRE was a shepherd, and his relatives live at Little River.
Trooper Ronald McDONALD was a farmer at Waikuku, where his father resides.
Trooper Archibald MACINTOSH was a shepherd, and his relatives live in Timaru.
Trooper William Nelthorp MOFFATT was a contractor and horse-dealer, and was for six weeks a trooper in the C.Y.C. His father, Mr W. N. Moffatt, resides at Beaconsfield, Timaru.
Trooper Amos CHATFIELD was born at Barry's Bay, Akaroa, and was a farm labourer. His mother lives at Lyttelton.
Lance-Corporal Edgar Warren NELSON is a native of Warwick, England, and during the period he has been in Canterbury he has been managing Mr F. Lance's farm at Waikari. His uncle, Mr William Nelson, resides at Tomoana, Hawke's Bay.
Trooper Harry NEILL was a shearer, andr has a relative serving in the 60th Rifles in South Africa.
Trooper Luke PERHAM was a farmer, and has relatives living at Fendalton.
Trooper Augustus PORTER was a fanner, and his relatives live at Aylmer Valley, Akaroa.
Trooper Campbell PARKINSON was a sheep farmer at Kaituna, and is a brother of Corporal Parkinson of the C.Y.C.
Trooper Robert Riley RICHARDS was a farmer at Southbridge, where his relatives reside.
Trooper Charles TILLYSHORT was a blacksmith at Addington, and had been for seven months a private in the Temuka Rifles. His relatives live at Addington.
Trooper Joseph William HARRISON was a farmer at Cheviot, his relatives residing at Fernside.
Trooper Robert David SMITH was a shepherd at Waimate, where his relatives reside.
Trooper Harry Robert RULE was a storeman at Rangiora. and for the past seven years was a sergeant in the Rangiora Rifles. His relatives live in Rangiora.
Quartermaster Sergeant Alexander Don ROSS is a son of Mrs Elizabeth Ross, of Christchurch, and was recently a gunner in the E Battery, having been previously for three years in the College Rifles.
Trooper Francis James RYAN was a station manager and his relatives live in Sydenham.
Trooper James William SANSOM was a farmer at Southbrook, and for eighteen months had been a private in the Rangiora Rifles. His relatives live at Southbroak.
Trooper Donald Blatchford SMITH was a farmer at Teddington, where his father, Mr John Smith, resides.
Trooper Thomas Lorimer SCOTT was a shepherd, and his relatives live at Cathedral Estate, Pukerau, Otago.
Trooper Harold BENNETT was horn at Pleasant Valley, Geraldine. His father is a farmer at Fairfield. Trooper Bennett has been engaged at farming and station work.
Trooper Melville Portal KNIGHT was born at Akaroa, where his parents have lived for the past twenty-two years. Trooper Knight was educated at the Cathedral school and the Christchurch Boys' High School. He has been a trooper for one year in the C.Y.C, and also a member of the Akaroa Football Club.
Trooper Frank Leslie MURRAY was born at Lakeside, Leeston but his parents now reside at Gore, Southland. Until recently his father was farming at Lincoln. Trooper Murray for over five years has been employed by his cousin at Green Park, shepherding, and for the past month was shepherding at Clarence Bridge. He was educated at Lincoln school and was a member of the Lincoln Cricket Club.
Trooper Hugh Charles GRAHAME was born at Kempston, Bedfordshire, England, and his mother resides at Timaru. Trooper Grahame has had experience of many callings from clerk to surveying. He was educated at the Cathedral School, Christchurch.
Trooper Charles Clarendon ROBERTS was born at Mudgee, New South Wales, but his parents reside at Tinwald, where his father is a sheep farmer. He has been engaged shepherding in the Mount Somers district, and for three or four years he followed the Ashburton hounds.
Trooper John Gordon Gunn COOPER is a native of Waimate where his parents live. He was a farmer and had been a member of the Waimate Rifles for about a year. He plays the bagpipes, and has won several prizes for bagpipe playing, and has also played pipe-music at the annual balls of the Waimate and Hakateramea Caledonian Societies.
Trooper John BULLER was born at Bald Hill Flat, near Alexandra, Central Otago. He has been engaged in mining, shearing and waggoning.
Trooper Maurice BOYCE is a native of Lethfield, and he is a son,of Mr John Boyce, the well-known proprietor of the Cheviot coaches. He has been used to horses all his life, and was employed recently at mustering. He belonged to the Kowai Football and Cricket Clubs.
Trooper Archibald COUPLAND was born in Timaru, and his parents now live at Beaconsfield, his father being an engine-driver. For the past eight years he has been employed as groom and shepherd on Mr A. S. Ellworthy's Holme Station, Pareora.
Trooper Archibald Morton MACKINTOSH is a native of Invercargill. His father is dead, but his mother resides at Timaru. He has been engaged at stock work since he was fifteen years old.
Trooper Robert MORRISS was born at Waikuku, where his parente reside. He has been 'bush-whacking' in the North Island for the past three years.
Trooper Charles WHEELER was born at Sumner, where he was educated, and where his parents reside, his father holding a position in the Land and Income Tax Department at Christehurch and has lived at Sumner for the past twenty years. He was a member of the Sumner Star Football Club, and was recently employed at Mount Palm, Culverden.
Trooper John MACKAY was bom at Tongue, Sutherland, Scotland, and came to the colony about twenty years ago, and for the greater portion of that period has been shepherding in the Amuri district. He has been a member of the Amuri County Council, and of the Amuri Football Club. His brother resides in the Amuri district.
Trooper George Cecil DERRETT was born at Hororata, and is the son of one of Canterbury's oldest pioneers. He has been on his father's farm all his life. He always had a hankering to be a soldier, and would have joined the C.Y.C. only he lived too far from the centre. He has always taken a leading part in matters connected with the Selwyn Cycling Club, of which he was secretary for two years. He was also a vestryman and a member of the choir.
Trooper William Henry COOKE was born at Richmond, Christchurch, and has four brothers and sisters alive, both his parents being dead. He has been farming for the past ten years, and was at one time a member of the Richmond Football Club.
Trooper Harry WORSLEY, of Fendalton, is a son of one of the oldest pioneers of Canterbury, who arrived in the first ship after the arrival of the first four ships. He has been mining in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, and more recently was managing a small sugar plantation in Queensland. His stepmother and sister live at Fendalton, and his brother is chief officer on the Government steamer Hinemoa.
Trooper Malcolm STEWART was born at Middlesborough, Yorkshire, and his parents live in Nelson district, where his father is a farmer. For the past four years Trooper Stewart has been engaged mustering and shepherding.
Trooper Edward WILLIS was born at the Lower Hutt, Wellington. His father is the proprietor of the Ashburton Publishing Company, and is also the proprietor of the Pelham Poultry Yard, Ashburton. Trooper Willis has been shepherding for the past three years. During the past nine months, whilst living in Ashburton, he devoted much time to cyclmg, and has been a member of the Ashburton City Guards since the inauguration of that corps.
Trumpeter Alexander SYME, who though on the roll of the Canterbury Troop, is trumpeter in No. 2 Company, was born in Christchurch, where his father and mother reside. He waa bugler in the E Battery, and for the past four years has been employed in the machine room of "The Press" Office
Trooper Charles Edward CROSS is a native of Christchurch, and is a son of Mr F. Cross, who for a considerable period was a commercial traveller, but is now a commission agent. Trooper Cross was educated at the Christchurch Boys High School, and afterwards went to Akaroa, where he was engaged in station work. From Akaroa he went to Mr G. J. Black's Island Bay Estate, Akaroa, and was also engaged in the Government Survey Camp at the East Cape some years ago. Just before offering for the Troop, he was engaged as buyerr for Mr Acton-Adams.
Trooper Charles Augustus WILSON, Orderly Room clerk, is a native of Timaru, but when he was five years of age his parents removed to Waimate. He was educated at the Waimate District High School, and after leaving school when fifteen years of age, he tried various occupations, finally settling down to learn printing in the office of the local newspaper. He worked there for five years, and in the meantime studied shorthand with Mr Gilby, of Christchurch,and was amongst the first in Canterbury to receive a diploma from the National Phonographic Society. In 1895, Trooper Wilson started business on his own account as job printer in Waimate, and shortly after doing so launched the Waimate Advertiser, first published weekly, and ultimately three times a week. He edited the "Advertiser" in addition to managing the printing business, and in a short time had made a good property of it. He was for two years a member of the Waimate Rifles. His father is a contractor, and resides at Waimate; he has also relatives living in Cape Colony and in England. He is the eldest of the family.
Trooper Henry NEAVE is a son of Mr David Neave, who has been a resident in the colony for the past twenty-seven years, and was at one time a farmer, but is now a master baker in Sydenham. Mr Neave recently bought a farm his son, but feels no regret, that instead of taking it up he has gone to fight for the honour of England.
Regimental Sergeant Major William Thomas WALKER is a son of Lieutenant William Walker, of the Medical Staff Corps, who died from wounds received the day after the disastrous engagement at Majubas Hill, January 30th, 1881. Sergeant-Major Walker was born at Sandhurst, England, and was eight years of age when his father died. He received part of his education at Sandhurst and part at the Chelsea Military School. He had been over a year in Canterbury when he offered his services for the Troop. He owned a farm at Ruapuna. His mother resides at Sandhurst, and he has an uncle and an aunt in this colony, one residing at Sandon, the other at Huntervilile.
Sergeant Vincent William O'FARRELL is a Victorian by birth and was born at Ballarat, in which city his father, who is dead, was auctioneer. Sergeant O'Farrell was educated at Geelong College, was at one time a member of the Ballarat Rangers, and has represented Victoria in intercolonial football matches. Eighteen months before offering for the Troop he came to New Zealand, and has been engaged at station work in the Waimate district. His mother and sister at present reside in Perth, West Australia.
Trooper William Tasman SCOTT was a shepherd, and resided at Heathcote Valley. His retatives reside at Opawa.
Trooper Guy Blundell SEYMOUR was a dental student, and his father, Mr S. B. Seymour, resides in Christchurch.
Trooper Thomas Rutherford TINDALE was a farm hand, recently in the employ of the Hon. L. Walker. His mother lives at Temuka.
Trooper Alfred Albert WILCOX was a butcher at St. Albans, and had been a private in the Christchurch City Rifles. His relatives reside at St. Albans.
Trooper Charles Edward NURSE was a surveyor's assistant, and his relatives reside at Aylesbury.
Trooper Charles Edward Smith was a musterer at Clarence Bridge. His relatives live at Timaru. [#695 Charles Edward SMITH born 1875 to Thomas and Ellen Usley SMITH nee MURFITT, Private, No 5 Company Third Contingent Occ Labourer, Ship Knight Tempar 17 Feb 1900,Address Clarence Bridge, Kaikoura,NOK Mr Thomas Smith, father, Timaru, Age 24 years 3 months. This is the Charles Edward SMITH that died on the7 September 1900 in South Africa.]
Trooper John Archibald CLARK was a shepherd at Waiau, and his relatives live at Ashburton.
Trooper Charles Frederick VERNALL was a groom at Orari and had been a private in the Temuka Rifles for a year. His relatives live at Orari.
Trooper Thomas Richard Moss was a farm labourer at Winchester, and had been a private in the Temuka Rifles for eighteen months. His relatives live at Winchester.
Trumpeter David STRACHAN was asalesman at Timaru, where his relatives reside. He was trumpeter for three years in the C.Y.C, and for four months in the Timaru City Rifles.
Trooper Cecil Young WARD was a farrier at Waimate, and was for one year in the Waimate Rifles. His mother resides in Oamaru.
Trooper William John ELLISON was a saddler, and for eighteen months was a private in the Christchurch City Rifles.
Trooper Thomas CLARK was a coach-driver, employed by Mr J O Dalimain, Christchurch. His relatives reside at Kaiapoi.
Trooper Dudley SPENCER was a shepherd and his mother lives in Nelson.
Trooper Albert Edward JACKSON was a farrier, and for eighteen mouths had been a gunner in the E Battery. His father resides at Papanui.
Trooper Albert Charles CONE was a shepherd, employed at Rangiora. His relatives live at Waitohi Flat, South Canterbury.
Trooper William Erie TOMLINSON was labourer at Waikuku, and was a private for six months in the Rangiora Rifles. His father, Mr T. A. Tomlinson, is schoolmaster at Waikuku.
Trooper John James MURRAY was a farm hand, and his relatives reside in Sydenham.
Trooper William KIDD was a station hand at Albury, South Canterbury, where his relatives live.
Trooper Hugh MUNRO was employed as Government Stock Agent at Waimate, and his relatives live at Palmerston South.
Trumpeter James THORN was a moulder and had been for six months a trumpeter in the E Battery. His father, Mr John Thorn, resides in Christchuruch.
Trooper George WRIGHT was an attendant at the Sunnyside Asylum, and has a relative living at Croyen, New South Wales.
Trooper Ernest Browning TOSWILL was a station hand at Kaikoura, and his relatives live at Pahiatua, Wellington province.
Trooper Arthur Henry JOSEPH is a well known Christchurch athlete, and was a stock dealer. His relatives live at Upper Riccarton.
Trooper Robert Sinclair HUGONIN was a station hand at Green Hills. His relatives live in Inverness, Scotland.
Trooper Robert Henry Bramley UPTON was a clerk in the Union Bank of Australasia, at Ashburton, where his father, Mr J. W. Upton, resides.
Trooper Robert Hugh VALLANCE was a butcher at Sefton, and for six months was a private in the Rangiora Rifles.
Trooper Charles Edward SMITH was a farmer at Tinwald, and was for eight years a private in the Ashburton Rifle Volunteers. His relatives live at Tinwald. [#690 - Charles Edward SMITH born 1876 to William Henry and Hannah SMITH, Private, No 5 Company Third Contingent, Occ Farmer, Ship Knight Tempar 17 Feb 1900, Address Tinwald, NOK Mrs Harriet Smith, mother, Tinwald, Age 23 years 7 months.]
Trooper Robert STEVENSON has been a farmer and survey hand, and his relatives live in Christchurch.
Trooper Ernest Hartley STONE was a farmer at Glentui, near Timaru where his mother resides.
Trooper John Armitt SCOTT was a farmer and his father, Mr David Scott lives at Coldwells, Brookside.