These came from:
Every Place In New Zealand - The New Zealand Index 1903
Dollimore, Edward Stewart The New Zealand Guide - A Comprehensive Gazetteer Geographical Reference and Travel Guide (1962 A Wise Publication: Dunedin)
Startup R M New Zealand Post Offices (1977 Postal History Society of New Zealand: Hastings)
Reed A W The Reed Dictionary of New Zealand Place Names
Reed A W Supplement to Place Names of New Zealand
McLauchlan Gordon The Saltwater Highway - The Story of Ports and Shipping in New Zealand - many from old maritime maps
from my own research and others were given by fellow genealogists.
Please note some of these places were so small that they were included as a postal address in the nearest 'big' settlement which of course may also have shrunk/disappeared etc since.
I am no expert on changes etc in place names so if you have any to add or corrections etc please let me know. This is by no means an authorative list.
Sorry its soooo long - I never thought there would be this many - try Crtl-F.
2nd River | Wellington | [a location in the lower Hutt Valley 1840/50s] |
31 Mile Camp | Wanganui | Lakes Hill Camp |
3rd River | Wellington | [a location in the lower Hutt Valley 1840/50s] |
40 Mile Bush | Wairarapa | Forty Mile Bush |
Abbotsford | Hawke's Bay | Waipawa |
Abel Head | North Auckland | Puponga Point |
Abel Tasman Roads | Marlborough | Admiralty Bay |
Aberfeldie | Wanganui | Aberfeldy |
Aberfeldie | Wanganui | Kakatihi |
Aberfeldy | Wanganui | Aberfeldie |
Acheron Head | Otago | Grassy Point |
Adair | Canterbury | Pig Hunting Flat |
Adams Flat | Otago | Adam's Flat |
Adam's Flat | Otago | Adams Flat |
Addison's | West Coast | Addison's Flat |
Addison's | West Coast | Skibbereen |
Addison's Flat | West Coast | Addison's |
Adele Island | Nelson | Fisherman Island |
Adele Island | Nelson | Motuareoiti |
Admiralty Bay | Marlborough | Abel Tasman Roads |
Aglionby | Wellington | Hutt |
Aglionby River | West Coast | Buller River |
Ahiaruhe | Wairarapa | Ponatahi (School) |
Ahiaruhe | Wairarapa | Stony Hill |
Ahimia | Thames | Manaia (Dunbar's) |
Ahipara | North Auckland | Waro |
Ahipara | North Auckland | Wharo |
Ahu | North Auckland | Kaitaia |
Ahu Ahu | Wanganui | Te Tuhi |
Ahuahu | Auckland | Great Mercury Island |
Ahuahu | Auckland | Mercury Island |
Ahuriri | Hawke's Bay | Napier (original settlement) |
Ahuriri Flat | Otago | Glenoamaru |
Ahuriri Harbour | Hawke's Bay | McDonald's Cove |
Ahuriri Harbour | Hawke's Bay | McDonnell's Cove |
Ahuroa | Auckland | Komokoriki |
Aickens | West Coast | Aicken's |
Aickens | West Coast | Lower Otira |
Aicken's | West Coast | Aickens |
Aitchenson's | Otago | Aitchison's |
Aitchenson's | Otago | Awamko |
Aitchison's | Otago | Awamko |
Ajax | West Coast | Awatea |
Aka Aka | Auckland | Akaaka |
Akaaka | Auckland | Aka Aka |
Akaloa Bay | Canterbury | Little Akaloa |
Akarana | Auckland | Auckland |
Akaroa | Canterbury | Akeroa |
Akaroa | Canterbury | Hakaroa |
Akaroa | Canterbury | Port Philipe |
Ake Ake | Bay of Islands | Purerua |
Akeroa | Canterbury | Akaroa |
Akiteo | Hawke's Bay | Akitio |
Akitio | Hawke's Bay | Akiteo |
Akuaku | East Coast | Mataahu |
Alam | Otago | Weston |
Alarm River | Fiordland | Seaforth River |
Albany | Auckland | Lisburn |
Albany | Auckland | Lucas Creek |
Albert Crossing | Otago | Albert Town |
Albert Ferry | Otago | Albert Town |
Albert Glacier | West Coast | Fox Glacier |
Albert Park | Auckland | Barrack Hill |
Albert Town | Otago | Albert Crossing |
Albert Town | Otago | Albert Ferry |
Albert Town | Otago | Newcastle |
Albert Town | Otago | Wanaka |
Albertland | Auckland | Port Albert |
Albertland North | Auckland | Oruawharo North |
Albertown | Otago | Albert Crossing |
Albertown | Otago | Albert Ferry |
Albertown | Otago | Albert Town |
Albertown | Otago | Wanaka |
Albion | Canterbury | Ashburton Forks |
Albury | Canterbury | Cave |
Albury | Canterbury | Coal Creek |
Alexandra | Otago | Junction, The |
Alexandra | Otago | Lower Township |
Alexandra | Waikato | Alexandra North |
Alexandra | Otago | Alexandra South |
Alexandra | Otago | Lower Dunstan |
Alexandra | Waikato | Pirongia |
Alexandra South | Otago | Alexandra |
Alexandra South | Otago | Butcher's Gully |
Alexandra South | Otago | Manuherikia |
Alfredton | Wairarapa | Maroa |
Alfredton | Wairarapa | Moroa |
Alfriston | Auckland | Papakura Valley (School) |
Alicetown | Wellington | Ava (Railway name) |
Allandale | Otago | Shag Point |
Allanton | Otago | Greytown |
Allanton | Otago | Greytown South |
Allanton | Otago | Scrogg's Creek Landing |
Allday Bay | Otago | Kakanui |
Allenton | Canterbury | Ashburton West |
Allerton | Hawke's Bay | Pakipaki |
Alma | Otago | Deborah (Railway name) |
Alma River | Hawke's Bay | Tukituki River |
Alpine Hill | West Coast | Eight Mile |
Alpine Hill | West Coast | Zalatown |
Altimarloch | Marlborough | Altimarlock |
Altimarlock | Marlborough | Altimarloch |
Alton | Taranaki | Ball Road (Railway name) |
Alton | Taranaki | Otoia |
Alton | Taranaki | Woodville |
Amberley | Canterbury | Greeney's Road |
Amblethorn | Hawke's Bay | Tamumu |
Amuri | Canterbury | Haumuri |
Amuri | Canterbury | Highfield |
Amuri | Canterbury | Waiau |
Anahau | Nelson | Takaka |
Anakoa Bay | Marlborough | Okoha |
Anakoha Bay | Marlborough | Okoha |
Anakoha Bay | Marlborough | South Guards Bay |
Anama | Canterbury | Hikeao |
Anama | Canterbury | Hikeao |
Anaroa | Hawke's Bay | Argyle Settlement |
Anaroa | Hawke's Bay | Raukawa |
Anaroa | Hawke's Bay | Taheke |
Anatimo | Nelson | Wainui |
Anatohia Bay | Marlborough | Gilbert Bay |
Anatoki | Nelson | Takaka |
Anatuera | Nelson | Sandy Bay |
Anderson Road | Taranaki | Rawhitiroa |
Anderson's Bay | Otago | Bay Town |
Anderson's Crossing | Auckland | Tokatoka |
Andrews (Hutt Valley) | Wellington | Pitcaithleys |
Aniseed | Marlborough | Rakautara |
Aniwaniwa | Waikato | Aniwhaniwha |
Aniwaniwa | Waikato | Horahora |
Aniwhaniwha | Waikato | Aniwaniwa |
Annandale | Southland | Wrey's Bush |
Annat | Canterbury | Malvern |
Annat | Canterbury | Russell's Flat |
Annendale | Wairarapa | Te Nui |
Annesbrook | Nelson | Wakatu |
Annieburn | Otago | Gentle Annie |
Ansdale | Hawke's Bay | Tamumu |
Anuanu | Thames | Mananu |
Aohanga | Manawatu | Ohonga |
Aohanga | Manawatu | Ohonga |
Aohanga | Manawatu | Ohonga Ferry |
Aohanga | Manawatu | Owahanga |
Aokautere | Manawatu | Fitzherbert East |
Aorangi | East Coast | Hikurangi |
Aorangi | East Coast | Makarika |
Aorangi | East Coast | Marumoko |
Aorangi | Canterbury | Mount Cook |
Aorere | Nelson | Golden Bay |
Aorere | Nelson | Lower Kaituna |
Aorere | Nelson | Massacre Bay |
Aotea | Marlborough | Awatere Valley |
Aotea | Auckland | Great Barrier Island |
Aotea | Waikato | Rauraukauera |
Aotea | Waikato | Ruapuke |
Aotea | North Auckland | Shelley Beach |
Aotea South | Waikato | Kawhia |
Aparima | Southland | Riverton |
Aparima River | Southland | Jacobs River |
Aparima River | Southland | Knowsley River |
Aporo | Nelson | Applelands |
Aporo | Nelson | Tasman Applelands |
Appleby | Southland | Invercargill South |
Appleby | Southland | Seaward Bush |
Applelands | Nelson | Aporo |
Arahura | West Coast | Harcourt's Ferry |
Arakura | Wellington | Wainuiomata North |
Aranga | North Auckland | Maunganui Bluff |
Aranui | Canterbury | Flemington |
Aranui | Canterbury | Flemington |
Arapae | Waikato | Ridge Road |
Arapawa | Marlborough | Te Awaite |
Arapawanui | Hawke's Bay | Aropaoanui |
Arapito | West Coast | Promised Land |
Arapohoue | Auckland | Mititai |
Ararimu | Auckland | Ararimu South |
Ararimu | West Coast | Waipuna |
Ararimu North | Auckland | Ararimu |
Ararimu North | Auckland | Kumeu Flat |
Ararimu North | Auckland | Riverhead |
Ararimu South | Auckland | Ararimu |
Ararimu South | Auckland | Opaheke |
Ararua | Auckland | Matakope |
Arataha | East Coast | Takapau |
Arataha | East Coast | Wigan |
Aratapu (Kaipara) | North Auckland | Heawa |
Aratika | Nelson | Craig's Siding |
Aratora | Waikato | Aratoro |
Aratoro | Waikato | Aratora |
Arawata | West Coast | Jackson's Bay |
Arch Hill | Auckland | Newton West |
Ardgowan | Otago | Weston |
Ardmore | Auckland | Wairoa |
Arero | East Coast | Hikuwai |
Argyle | Southland | Waianiwa |
Argyle East | Hawke's Bay | Argyle Settlement |
Argyle Settlement | Hawke's Bay | Anaroa |
Aria | King Country | Mangapapa |
Aria | King Country | Mokauiti |
Arid Island | Auckland | Rakitu |
Aridale | Otago | Weston |
Arno | Canterbury | McLean's |
Arnold | West Coast | Arnold's Siding |
Arnold | West Coast | Maori Gully |
Arnold | West Coast | Stillwater |
Arnold's Line | Wairarapa | Dalefield |
Arnold's Siding | West Coast | Arnold |
Aroha | Waikato | Te Aroha |
Aropaoanui | Hawke's Bay | Arapawanui |
Arowenua | Canterbury | Arowenua Bush |
Arowenua | Canterbury | Arowhenua |
Arowenua Bush | Canterbury | Arowenua |
Arowhenua | Canterbury | Arowenua |
Arowhenua | Canterbury | Temuka (District name) |
Arrow | Otago | Arrowtown |
Arrow Diggings | Otago | Arrowtown |
Arrow River | Otago | Arrow Town |
Arrow Rock | Nelson Harbour | Fifeshire Rock |
Arrow Town | Otago | Arrow River |
Arrowtown | Otago | Arrow |
Arrowtown | Otago | Arrow Diggings |
Arrowtown | Otago | Fox's |
Arthur, Lake | Rotiti, Lake | |
Arthurs Bay | Marlborough | Cannibal Cove |
Arthurs Pass | Canterbury | Arthur's Pass |
Arthur's Pass | Canterbury | Arthurs Pass |
Arthur's Point | Otago | Shotover Diggings |
Arthurstown | West Coast | Woodstock |
Arthurton | Otago | Otaraia |
Arundel | Canterbury | Marshall's Ferry |
Arundel | Canterbury | Rangitata Ferry |
Arundel | Canterbury | Arundell |
Arundel | Canterbury | Rangitata |
Arundel | Canterbury | Rangitata North |
Arundell | Canterbury | Arundel |
Ashburton | Canterbury | Hampstead |
Ashburton | Canterbury | Turton's |
Ashburton | Canterbury | Wakanui |
Ashburton Forks | Canterbury | Albion |
Ashburton Forks | Canterbury | Spreadeagle |
Ashburton Gorge | Canterbury | Hakatere |
Ashburton River | Canterbury | Hakatere |
Ashburton West | Canterbury | Allenton |
Ashburton, Forks of | Canterbury | Forktown |
Ashhurst | Manawatu | Ashurst |
Ashley | Canterbury | Ashley Bank |
Ashley Bank | Canterbury | Ashley |
Ashley Clinton | Hawke's Bay | Makeretu |
Ashley Downs | Otago | Waiwera South |
Ashley River | Canterbury | Rakahuri |
Ashurst | Manawatu | Ashhurst |
Ashurst | Manawatu | Raukawa |
Ashwick | Canterbury | Opuha |
Ashwick | Canterbury | Pleasant Point |
Ashwick Flat | Canterbury | Clayton |
Ashwick Flat | Canterbury | Sherwood Downs |
Astrolabe Channel | Auckland | Prince Regent Channel |
Astrolabe Channel | Auckland | Rangitoto Channel |
Ataahua | Canterbury | Big Bay |
Ataahua | Canterbury | Big Bay (School name) |
Ataahua | Canterbury | Birdling's Flat |
Ataahua | Canterbury | Kaituna |
Ataahua Valley | Canterbury | Kaituna Valley |
Atapo | Nelson | Rainy River |
Atarau | West Coast | Moonlight |
Atarau | West Coast | Moonlight Creek |
Atawhai | Nelson | Dodson's Valley |
Atawhai | Nelson | Oldham's Creek |
Atawhai | Nelson | Oldham's Creek |
Atene | Wanganui | Athens |
Athenree | Bay of Plenty | Frazer's Point |
Athenree | Bay of Plenty | Willow Bank |
Athens | Wanganui | Atene |
Athol | Southland | Nokomai |
Athol | Southland | Parrawa |
Athol | Waikato | Pineall |
Atholl | Southland | Athol |
Atiamuri | Taupo | Orakeikorako |
Atiamuri | Taupo | Pohaturoa |
Atuakahae | Bay of Plenty | Rereatukahia |
Auckland | Auckland | Akarana |
Auckland | North Auckland | Mangatu |
Auckland | North Auckland | Mangatu |
Auckland Harbour | Auckland | Waitemata Harbour |
Auripo | Otago | Poolburn (Railway name) |
Auroa | Taranaki | Ratanui (School name) |
Auruhoe | Waimarino | Mt Ngauruhoe |
Ava (Railway name) | Wellington | Alicetown |
Avalon | Wellington | Wingate |
Avenal | Southland | Harrisville |
Avoca | Auckland | Babylon |
Avoca | North Auckland | Onetea |
Avoca | Auckland | Parkhurst |
Avon River | Canterbury | Otakaro |
Avon River | Canterbury | Shakespeare River |
Avondale | Canterbury | Chisnallwood |
Avondale | Southland | Tiromaunga |
Avondale (Auckland) | Auckland | Whau |
Avondale South | Auckland | Blockhouse Bay |
Avonville | Canterbury | Christchurch |
Awa | Nelson | Churchill |
Awa-Awaroa | Auckland | Cowes |
Awahou | Manawatu | Awahou North |
Awahou | Manawatu | Foxton |
Awahou | Bay of Plenty | Taniwha Springs |
Awahou North | Manawatu | Awahou |
Awahuri (Dairy Factory) | Manawatu | Kauwhata |
Awa-iti | Nelson | Awarua |
Awa-iti | Nelson | Awarua |
Awa-kairangi | Wellington | Hutt River |
Awakokomuka | Otago | Awamoa |
Awamangu | Otago | Awamunga |
Awamangu | Otago | Blackburn |
Awamangu | Otago | Blackburn |
Awamangu | Otago | Dullburn |
Awamangu | Otago | Dullburn |
Awamoa | Otago | Awakokomuka |
Awamoa | Otago | Weston |
Awamoko | Otago | Aitchenson's |
Awamoko | Otago | Aitchison's |
Awamutu | North Auckland | Dargaville |
Awana | Auckland | Awanga |
Awanga | Auckland | Awana |
Awanga | Auckland | Owana |
Awanui | North Auckland | Mangatete |
Awanui | North Auckland | Waipapakauri |
Awanui-o-Peretu | Auckland | Rangitoto Channel |
Awapoto | Southland | Rannock |
Awapuni | Manawatu | Milford |
Awapurua | Manawatu | Ngaawapurua |
Awarata | Waikato | Toroto Road |
Awareo | Otago | Hyde Township |
Awarere | West Coast | Ajax |
Awarere | West Coast | Awatea |
Awaroa | North Auckland | Pareokawa |
Awaroa | Nelson | Totaranui |
Awarua | Nelson | Awa-iti |
Awarua | Nelson | Awa-iti |
Awarua | Southland | Bluff Harbour |
Awarua | North Auckland | Mangakahia |
Awatea | West Coast | Ajax |
Awatea | West Coast | Awarere |
Awatere | Marlborough | Flaxbourne |
Awatere | Marlborough | Starborough |
Awatere Crossing | Marlborough | Awatere |
Awatere Valley | Marlborough | Aotea |
Awatuna | Taranaki | Eels Creek |
Awatuna | Auckland | Kaihu |
Awatuna | West Coast | Lamplough |
Aylesbury | Canterbury | Bealey's Road |
Aylesbury | Canterbury | Lovet |
Aylesbury | Canterbury | Yorktown |
Babylon | Auckland | Avoca |
Babylon | Auckland | Flaxmill |
Babylon | Auckland | Parkhurst |
Babylon | Auckland | Roto |
Babylon | Auckland | Rotu |
Babylon | Auckland | Waitohu |
Back Lead | West Coast | Charleston |
Bainesse | Manawatu | Simpson's |
Bainham | Nelson | Quartz Ranges |
Bainham | Nelson | Riverdale |
Balclutha | Otago | Clutha Ferry |
Bald Hill | Otago | Bald Hill Flat |
Bald Hill | Otago | Speargrass Flat |
Bald Hill Flat | Otago | Bald Hill |
Bald Hill Flat | Otago | Fruitlands |
Balfour | Southland | Black Swamp |
Balfour | Southland | Longridge |
Balfour | Southland | Longridge |
Balfour | Southland | St Patrick's |
Balgownie | Wanganui | Kokohuia |
Ball Road (Railway name) | Taranaki | Alton |
Ballarat | Otago | Mosgiel |
Ballarat Creek | West Coast | Ballarat Rush |
Ballarat Rush | West Coast | Ballarat Creek |
Ballarat Rush | West Coast | Staffordtown |
Balmoral | Otago | Pukepito |
Balmoral | Canterbury | Tekapo Military Camp |
Bannockburn | Otago | Kawarau |
Bannockburn | Otago | Smith's Gully |
Barbriderry | Otago | Maruakoa |
Bare Island | Hawke's Bay | L'Isle Sterile |
Bare Island | Hawke's Bay | Motukura |
Barewood | Otago | Pukerangi |
Barewood Reefs | Otago | Reefs, The |
Barkley Village | Southland | Barkly Village |
Barkly | Southland | Lady Barkly (Railway name) |
Barkly | Southland | Barkly Village |
Barkly Village | Southland | Barkely Village |
Barkly Village | Southland | Barkly |
Barrack Hill | Auckland | Albert Park |
Barrhill | Canterbury | Marawiti |
Barrington | Canterbury | Somerfield |
Barrys Bay | Canterbury | Barry's Bay |
Barrys Bay | Canterbury | Kaituna |
Barry's Bay | Canterbury | French Farm |
Barry's Bay | Canterbury | Te Kau |
Barrytown | West Coast | Barryville |
Barrytown | West Coast | Fosberry |
Barrytown | West Coast | Fosbery |
Barryville | West Coast | Barrytown |
Bartletts | East Coast | Bartlett's |
Bartlett's | East Coast | Bartletts |
Bartlett's | East Coast | Kopua |
Bartlett's | East Coast | Kopua |
Bastings | Otago | Rae's Junction |
Batley | North Auckland | Oahau |
Batley | North Auckland | Otamatea |
Battery | Thames | Tererenga |
Battery Hill | Wellington | Kakahimakatea |
Bay of Islands | Bay of Islands | Port Marion |
Bay Town | Otago | Anderson's Bay |
Bay View (Napier) | Hawke's Bay | Petane |
Bayfield's Flat | Nelson | Mokihinui |
Bayfield's Flat | Nelson | Seddonville |
Bayswater | Auckland | O'Neill's Point |
Beach Haven | Auckland | Beachhaven |
Beach Haven | Auckland | Hellyer's Creek |
Beachhaven | Auckland | Beach Haven |
Beaconsfield | Manawatu | Cunningham's |
Beaconsfield | Canterbury | Pareora |
Beaconsfield | Taranaki | Stanley Road |
Beaconsfield | Marlborough | Wairau Valley |
Beaconsfield (1/2) | Canterbury | Otipua |
Beaconsfield (2/2) | Canterbury | Pareora |
Bealey | Canterbury | Bealey Township |
Bealey | Canterbury | Bealey, The |
Bealey Crossing | Canterbury | Bealey's Road |
Bealey Flat | Canterbury | Arthurs Pass |
Bealey Flat | Canterbury | Camping Flat |
Bealey Flat | Canterbury | Camping Flat |
Bealey Township | Canterbury | Bealey |
Bealey, The | Canterbury | Bealey |
Bealey's Road | Canterbury | Aylesbury |
Bealey's Road | Canterbury | Bealey Crossing (Railway name) |
Bealey's Road | Canterbury | Yorktown |
Bealey's Road | Canterbury | Yorktown |
Bealey's Track | Canterbury | Selwyn Forks |
Bean Rock | Auckland | Kapetaua |
Beatrix Bay | Marlborough | Waimaru |
Beaumont | Otago | Dunkeld |
Beaumont | Southland | Ngaro |
Beaumont | Otago | Tallaburn |
Beaver | Marlborough | Blenheim |
Beaver Station | Marlborough | Blenheim |
Beaver, The | Marlborough | Blenheim |
Beavertown | Marlborough | Blenheim |
Beckenham | Canterbury | Fisherton |
Beck's | Otago | White Horse |
Bedstead Gully | Nelson | Collingwood |
Beef Creek | Manawatu | Mangarimu |
Bel Air | Wellington | Kenakena |
Bel Air | Wellington | North Beach |
Belgrove | Nelson | Bellgrove |
Bell Block | Taranaki | Mangaiti |
Bell Block | Taranaki | Mangati |
Bell Block | Taranaki | Tikokupu |
Belle View | North Auckland | Marsden Point |
Bellemont | Southland | Belmont |
Bellgrove | Nelson | Belgrove |
Bellmount | Southland | Belmont |
Bell's Island | Auckland | Pakatoa |
Belmont | Southland | Bellemont |
Belmont | Southland | Bellmount |
Belmont | Southland | Mangapiri |
Ben More | Otago | Benmore |
Ben Ohau | Canterbury | Ruataniwha |
Bench Island | Southland | Ruapuke Island |
Bendigo | Otago | Lindis Crossing |
Bendigo | Otago | Logantown |
Benger Burn | Otago | Ettrick |
Bengerburn | Otago | Ettrick |
Benmore | Otago | Ben More |
Benmore | Otago | Clearburn |
Benmore | Otago | Fernhills |
Benmore | Otago | Harrington's |
Benmore | Otago | Otematata |
Bennetts | Canterbury | Bennett's |
Bennetts | Canterbury | Carleton |
Bennett's | Canterbury | Bennetts |
Bennett's | Canterbury | Carleton |
Bens Bay | Stewart Island | Spar Cove |
Berlin's | West Coast | Old Diggings |
Berlin's | West Coast | Rocklands |
Bernadin, Cape | Southland | Bluff Harbour |
Berneygoosal | Nelson | Kerrs Hill |
Bertha Island | Fiordland | Dome Island |
Berwick | Otago | Lake Waipori |
Berwick | Otago | Waipori, Lake |
Bethany | Hawke's Bay | Petane |
Bethells (Beach) | Auckland | Te Henga |
Bethlehem | Bay of Plenty | Peterehema |
Beuckville | Nelson | Nelson |
Beverley Hills | Auckland | Woodlands Park |
Bexley | Canterbury | Kiri Kiri |
Bickerstaffe | North Auckland | Marohemo |
Bickerstaffe | Wairarapa | Upper Taueru |
Bideford | Wairarapa | Upper Taueru |
Big Bay | Canterbury | Ataahua |
Big Bay | Marlborough | Punaruawhiti |
Big Bush | Marlborough | Grovetown |
Big Dam | West Coast | Goldsborough |
Big Manly | Auckland | Manly |
Big Omaha | Auckland | Big Omaha |
Big Omaha | Auckland | Leigh |
Big River Junction | West Coast | Merrijigs |
Bingsland | Canterbury | North Avon |
Bingsland | Canterbury | Richmond |
Bingsland | Canterbury | Stanmore Road |
Birch Hill | Canterbury | Puketowai |
Birchfield | West Coast | Griffiths |
Birdling's Flat | Canterbury | Ataahua |
Birdling's Flat | Canterbury | Oasbore |
Birdling's Flat | Canterbury | Poranui |
Birdwood | Auckland | Massey |
Birkdale | Auckland | Beach Haven |
Birkdale | Auckland | Hellyer's Creek |
Birkenhead | Auckland | Freemans |
Birkenhead | Auckland | Highbury |
Birkenhead | Auckland | Mayfield |
Birkenhead | Auckland | Woodside |
Birmingham | Manawatu | Fowlers |
Birmingham | Manawatu | Kimbolton |
Birthday Mine | West Coast | Waiuta |
Bishop's | Otago | Hillend |
Bittle's | Marlborough | Mahau |
Black Burn | Otago | Awamangu |
Black Burn | Otago | Blackburn |
Black Cleugh | Otago | Kowai |
Black Knob Mountain | Otago | Grandview |
Black Swamp | Southland | Balfour |
Blackball Mine | West Coast | Jolliffetown |
Blackburn | Otago | Awamangu |
Blackburn | Black Burn | |
Blackhead | Hawke's Bay | Waipawa |
Blackhorn | Southland | Blackhorn Mill |
Blackhorn Mill | Southland | Blackhorn |
Blackpool (School name) | Auckland | Oneroa |
Blacks | Otago | Black's |
Blacks | Otago | Ophir |
Black's | Otago | Ophir |
Blacks Diggings | Otago | Ophir |
Black's Diggings | Otago | Ophir |
Black's Point | West Coast | Crushington |
Black's Point | West Coast | Murray Creek |
Blackstone Hill | Otago | Hill's Creek |
Blackstone Hill | Otago | Hill's Creek |
Blackwater | West Coast | Hukarere |
Blackwater | West Coast | Ikamatua |
Blackwater | West Coast | Lloyd's |
Blair Taieri | Otago | Middlemarch |
Blairlogie | Wairarapa | Carswell's |
Blairtanner | Otago | Sutton |
Blandville | Canterbury | Springston Railway |
Blenheim | Marlborough | Beaver |
Blenheim | Marlborough | Beaver Station |
Blenheim | Marlborough | Beaver, The |
Blenheim | Marlborough | Beavertown |
Blenheim | Marlborough | Gonland's Ferry |
Blenheim | Marlborough | Wairau |
Blenheim | Marlborough | Wakamarina Gorge |
Blenheim Air Force Base | Marlborough | Woodbourne Air Force Base |
Blind Bay | Nelson | Tasman Bay |
Blockhouse Bay | Auckland | Avondale South |
Bloomfield | Wairarapa | Franklin |
Bloomfield Harbour | Southland | Bluff Harbour |
Blue Glen | Nelson | Kikiwa |
Blue Lake (Rotorua) | Bay of Plenty | Tikitapu |
Blueskin | Otago | Waitati |
Blueskin | Otago | Waiteti |
Bluespur | West Coast | Ho Ho |
Bluff | Southland | Bernadin, Cape |
Bluff | Southland | Campbelltown |
Bluff | Canterbury | Coalgate |
Bluff | Southland | Sterling Point |
Bluff Harbour | Southland | Awarua |
Bluff Harbour | Southland | Bloomfield Harbour |
Bluff Harbour | Southland | Port Macquarie |
Bluff Hill | Southland | Motopohue |
Bluff Hill | Southland | Old Man Bluff |
Boanetaone | Bay of Plenty | Bowantown |
Boat Harbour | Otago | Brighton |
Boatmans | West Coast | Capleston |
Bodleytown | Hawke's Bay | Pohui |
Bodleytown | Hawke's Bay | Te Pohue |
Bombay | Auckland | Paparata |
Bombay | Auckland | Puketutu |
Bombay | Auckland | Williamson's Clearing |
Bon Bay | Canterbury | Le Bon's Bay |
Borne Town | Thames | Waihi |
Bothaville | North Auckland | Okaihau |
Bottle Lake | Canterbury | Marshland |
Boulder Bank | Marlborough | Te Pokohiwi (Wairau River) |
Bowantown | Bay of Plenty | Boanetaone |
Bowen Town | Bay of Plenty | Bowentown |
Bowentown | Bay of Plenty | Bowen Town |
Bowentown | Bay of Plenty | Katikati Heads |
Bowentown | Bay of Plenty | Otawhiwhi |
Box Hill | Wellington | Sentry-box Hill |
Brackley | Canterbury | Ellesmere |
Braco | Canterbury | Fendalton |
Braeburn | Nelson | Tutaki |
Braemore | Rangitikei | Otairi |
Brampton Harbour | Coromandel | Coromandel Harbour |
Brett's Corner | Canterbury | Kirwee |
Bridge Inn | Southland | Kennington |
Bridge Inn | Southland | Kennington |
Bridgewater | Auckland | Kopuku |
Bright Town | West Coast | Brighton |
Bright Town | West Coast | Charleston |
Brightlands | Marlborough | Tuna Bay |
Brighton | Otago | Boat Harbour |
Brighton | West Coast | Charleston |
Brighton | West Coast | Tiromoana |
Brightwater | Nelson | River Terrace |
Brightwater | Nelson | Waimea West |
Brightwater | Nelson | Wairoa |
Brightwater | Nelson | Wairoa Gorge |
Brinn's Point | Otago | Karitane |
Britannia | Wellington | Petone |
Broad Bay | Otago | Dunoon |
Broad Bay | Otago | Oban |
Broad Bay | Otago | Wilson Bay |
Broadwood | North Auckland | Mangaonui-o-wae |
Broadwood | North Auckland | Mangonui-o-wae |
Broken Hills | Thames | Puketui |
Bromells | Nelson | Motupiko Railway |
Bromell's | Nelson | Motupiko Railway |
Bronte | Nelson | Mahana |
Brook Green | Nelson | Stoke |
Brookby | Auckland | Papakura Valley (School) |
Brookfield | Otago | Waiareka Junction |
Brookland | Canterbury | Pareora East |
Brooklands | Waikato | Ruawaro |
Brooklands | Wairarapa | Waterfalls |
Brooklyn | Wellington | Ohiro |
Brooklyn | Nelson | Umukuri |
Brooklynn | Auckland | Muddy Creek |
Brooklynn | Auckland | Nihotapu |
Brookside | Auckland | Glenbrook |
Brookside | Auckland | Packington |
Brookside | Canterbury | South Selwyn |
Brookville | Auckland | Ruakohua |
Brown Bay | Otago | Dublin Bay |
Brown Owl | Wellington | Te Marua |
Browns | Southland | Brown's |
Brown's | Southland | Browns |
Brown's | Southland | Brown's Siding |
Brown's | Auckland | Mahurangi |
Browns Bay | Auckland | Taiaotea |
Brown's Bay | Auckland | Browns Bay |
Browns Island | Auckland | Motukorea |
Brown's Siding | Southland | Brown's |
Brownston | Wairarapa | Hukanui |
Brownstown | Wairarapa | Hukanui |
Browntown | Wairarapa | Tutaekura |
Brunner | West Coast | Brunnerton |
Brunner | West Coast | Dobson |
Brunner | West Coast | Stillwater |
Brunner | West Coast | Taylorville |
Brunner | West Coast | Wallsend |
Brunnerton | West Coast | Brunner |
Brunnerton | West Coast | Dobson |
Brunnerton | West Coast | Dobson |
Brunnerton | West Coast | Maori Gully |
Brunnerton | West Coast | Taylorville |
Bruntwood | Waikato | Fencourt |
Brydone | Southland | Ota Creek |
Bryn Avon | North Auckland | Maungakohatu |
Bryndwr | Canterbury | Elmwood |
Bryndwr | Canterbury | Greer's Road |
Bryndwr | Canterbury | Seven Oaks |
Buache Peninsula | Auckland | Whangaparaoa Peninsula |
Buccleugh | Canterbury | Mount Somers |
Buckler's Burn | Southland | Bucklesburn |
Bucklesburn | Southland | Buckler's Burn |
Buckley | East Coast | Tolaga Bay |
Buckleys | Manawatu | Shannon |
Buffalo | Coromandel | Coromandel (township) |
Bull Creek | Otago | Moanariri |
Bull Town | Rangitikei | Bulls |
Bullendale | Southland | Reefs, The |
Bullendale | Otago | Reefs, The |
Bullendale | Southland | Skippers |
Buller | West Coast | Westport |
Buller River | West Coast | Aglionby River |
Buller River | Nelson | Fox River |
Buller River | West Coast | Kaiwaitiri |
Buller River | Nelson | Kawatiri River |
Bulls | Rangitikei | Bull Town |
Bulls | Rangitikei | Bull's |
Bulls | Rangitikei | Bulltown |
Bulls | Rangitikei | Clifton |
Bulls | Rangitikei | Daniells Bush |
Bulls | Rangitikei | Middle Rangitikei |
Bulls | Rangitikei | Taumaihi |
Bull's | Rangitikei | Bulls |
Bulltown | Rangitikei | Bulls |
Bulmer | Canterbury | Clandeboye |
Bulmer | Canterbury | Orari Swamp |
Bulmer Creek | Murchison | Owen Reefs |
Bulwer | Marlborough | Keto Bay |
Bunga Flat | Thames | Thames |
Bunnythorpe | Manawatu | Mugby Junction |
Buried Village, The | Bay of Plenty | Te Wairoa (Rotorua) |
Burkes | Otago | Burke's |
Burkes | Otago | Burketown |
Burke's | Otago | Burkes |
Burke's Pass | Canterbury | Burkes Pass |
Burke's Pass | Canterbury | Clulee |
Burke's Pass | Canterbury | Clulee |
Burke's Pass | Canterbury | Te Kapo |
Burke's Pass | Canterbury | Three Creeks |
Burketown | Otago | Burkes |
Burlings | Wairarapa | Featherston |
Burling's | Wairarapa | Featherston |
Burnbrae | Nelson | Frog Flat Junction |
Burnbrae | Nelson | Mariua South |
Burnett's Face | West Coast | Coalbrookdale |
Burnett's Face | West Coast | Port Murton |
Burnham | Canterbury | Leeston Road (Railway name) |
Burning Plains | Otago | Clinton |
Burnside | Canterbury | Braco |
Burnside | Canterbury | Fendalton |
Burnside | Otago | Green Island |
Burnt Scrub Creek | Otago | Little Karoro Creek |
Burton's Camp | Auckland | Papatoitoi |
Buscot | Otago | Busket |
Bush Siding | Southland | Mokotua |
Bushmere | East Coast | Matawhero |
Bushside | Canterbury | New Side |
Bushside | Canterbury | Staveley |
Busket | Otago | Buscot |
Butcher's Gully | Otago | Alexandra South |
Butlers | West Coast | Butler's |
Butler's | West Coast | Butlers |
Butler's | West Coast | Kahikatea |
Cabbage Bay | Thames | Colville |
Cabbage Tree Flat | Canterbury | Motunau |
Cabbage Tree Swamp | Auckland | Kingsland, Sandringham |
Caberfeidh | Otago | Kahuika |
Cable Bay | Nelson | Wakapuaka |
Cabo Pieter Boreels | Taranaki | Cape Egmont |
Cabra | Southland | Orawia |
Calcium | Southland | Isla Bank |
Caledonian | West Coast | Ross |
Caledonian Terrace | West Coast | Giles Terrace |
California | Taranaki | Karaponia |
Callaghan's | West Coast | Callaghan's Gully |
Callaghan's Gully | West Coast | Callaghan's |
Cam River | Canterbury | Kaiapoi River |
Cam River | Canterbury | Ruataniwha |
Camberley | Hawke's Bay | Frimley South |
Cambria | Auckland | Puhinui |
Cambrian | Otago | Vinegar Flat |
Cambrian | Otago | Vinegar Hill |
Cambrian | Otago | Welshmans |
Cambridge | Waikato | Remureti |
Cambridge | Canterbury | Newland |
Cambridge West | Waikato | Leamington |
Camels Back | Coromandel | Kapeahete |
Cameron (Tuakau) | Auckland | Camerontown |
Cameron's Crossing | North Auckland | Tuhipa |
Cameron's Terrace | West Coast | Greymouth |
Camerontown | Auckland | Cameron (Tuakau) |
Camp Creek | Otago | Tarras |
Camp Marion | Southland | Hollyford |
Camp No 3 | Hawke's Bay | Kopuawhara |
Camp No 4 | Hawke's Bay | Kaiangapipi |
Camp No 5 | East Coast | Paritu |
Camp, The | Wairarapa | Dreyerton |
Camp, The | Bay of Plenty | Tauranga |
Campbelltown | Southland | Bluff |
Campbelltown | Southland | Bluff Harbour |
Campbelltown | Manawatu | Rongotea |
Campbelltown | Wanganui | Taylorville |
Campbelltown North | Manawatu | Rongotea |
Camping Flat | Canterbury | Bealey Flat |
Camptown | West Coast | Red Jack's |
Canaan | Bay of Plenty | Kenana |
Canavan's | Canterbury | Orton |
Cannibal Bay | Otago | Pounawea |
Cannibal Bay | Otago | Romeriki |
Cannibal Cove | Marlborough | Arthurs Bay |
Cannibal Cove | Marlborough | Ravenscliff |
Cannington | Canterbury | Cave (Canterbury) |
Canoe Creek | West Coast | Fosbery |
Canoe Creek | West Coast | Pakington |
Canterbury Bight | Canterbury | Ninety Mile Beach (Canterbury) |
Canvass Town | Marlborough | Canvastown |
Canvass Town | Marlborough | Wakamarina |
Canvastown | Marlborough | Canvass Town |
Capburn | Otago | Tiroti |
Cape Egmont | Taranaki | Cabo Pieter Boreels |
Cape Foulwind | West Coast | Omau |
Cape Karikari | North Auckland | Whakapouaka |
Cape Runaway | East Coast | Whangaparaoa |
Capleston | Inangahua | Boatmans |
Capleston | Inangahua | Caplestown |
Caplestown | Inangahua | Capleston |
Capstan Bay | Campbell Island | Windlass Bay |
Carie | Southland | Redan |
Carleton | Canterbury | Bennett's |
Carleton | Canterbury | Oxford |
Carluke | Marlborough | Timatanga |
Carlyle | Taranaki | Patea |
Carnarvon | Manawatu | Clydesdale (School name) |
Carnarvon | Manawatu | Motuiti |
Carnarvon Junction | Manawatu | Himatangi (Railway name) |
Caroline | Southland | Josephville |
Caroline Bay | Canterbury | Whale Bay |
Carrick River | Otago | Flood Creek |
Carrington | Taranaki | Huatoki |
Carswells | Wairarapa | Blairlogie |
Carswell's | Wairarapa | Blairlogie |
Carter Bay | Stewart Island | Papatiki Bay |
Carter's Beach | West Coast | Carter's Junction |
Carter's Junction | West Coast | Carter's Beach |
Carterton | Wairarapa | Three Mile Bush |
Carterton | Wairarapa | Waihakeke |
Cascade Point | West Coast | Cascades, The |
Cascades, The | West Coast | Cascade Point |
Casebrook | Canterbury | Northcote |
Cashmores | Auckland | Orere |
Castle Hill | Canterbury | Craigieburn |
Castle Point | Wairarapa | Castle Point (Cape) |
Castlecliff Beach | Wanganui | Kokohuia |
Castlepoint | Wairarapa | Castlepoint (Settlement) |
Castlepoint | Wairarapa | Rangiwhakaoma |
Castles Bay | Auckland | Waitawa |
Castor Bay | Auckland | Castor Oil Bay |
Castor Oil Bay | Auckland | Castor Bay |
Catchpole | Wellington | Catchpool Stream |
Catchpool Stream | Wellington | Catchpole |
Cate's Corner | Nelson | Hau |
Catherine Bay | Great Barrier Island | Katherine Bay |
Catherine Bay | Great Barrier Island | Motairehe |
Catlin's | Otago | Catlin's River |
Catlin's | Otago | Ratanui |
Catlins River | Otago | Owaka |
Catlins River | Otago | Pounawea |
Catlin's River | Otago | Catlin's |
Catlin's River | Otago | Quakerfield |
Cattle Valley | Canterbury | Pusey |
Cave | Canterbury | Cave, The |
Cave | Canterbury | Cannington |
Cave Valley | Otago | Whitstone |
Cave, The | Canterbury | Cave |
Caves | East Coast | Waiapu |
Central Heathcote | Canterbury | Spreydon |
Central Takaka | Nelson | Takaka |
Centre Hill | Otago | Mossburn |
Chalky Inlet | Fiordland | Dark Cloud Inlet |
Chalmerston | Auckland | Mangakura |
Chamberlin's Island | Auckland | Ponui Island |
Chamounix | Otago | Gorge Creek |
Chaney's | Canterbury | Chaney's Corner |
Chaney's | Canterbury | Ouruhia |
Chaney's Corner | Canterbury | Chaney's |
Channel Rock | Manakau Harbour | Cutter Rock |
Charles Town | West Coast | Charleston |
Charleston | West Coast | Back Lead |
Charleston | West Coast | Bright Town |
Charleston | West Coast | Brighton |
Charleston | West Coast | Charles Town |
Charleston | West Coast | Charlie's Town |
Charleston | Southland | Maori Point |
Charleston | West Coast | Pahiki |
Charlie's Town | West Coast | Charleston |
Charlton | Southland | Middlevale |
Chasland | Otago | Chaslands |
Chasland | Otago | Waipati River |
Chaslands | Otago | Chasland |
Chaslands | Otago | Heathfield |
Chaslands River | Southland | Waipati River |
Chatham | Southland | Longbush |
Chatham Island | Chatham Islands | Rekohu |
Chatham Island | Chatham Islands | Wharekauri |
Chatto Creek | Otago | Moutere |
Chatton | Southland | Knapdale |
Cheddar | Canterbury | Doyleston |
Cheddar Valley | Bay of Plenty | Hiwirau |
Cheddon | Canterbury | Doyleston |
Chertsey | Canterbury | Pendarves |
Cheviot | Canterbury | MacKenzie's |
Cheviot | Canterbury | McKenzie's |
Cheviot | Canterbury | Retreat, The |
Cheviot | Canterbury | Takahaka |
Chisnallwood | Southland | Avondale |
Cholmondeley River | Canterbury | Rakaia River |
Christchurch | Canterbury | Avonville |
Christchurch | Canterbury | Bingsland |
Christy's | Inangahua | Christy's Junction |
Christy's Junction | Inangahua | Christy's |
Christy's Junction | Inangahua | Inangahua Junction |
Church Bush | Canterbury | Kaiapoi |
Churchill | Auckland | Manurewa South |
Churchill | Nelson | Awa |
Churchill | Waikato | Opoutia |
Churchill | Waikato | Wereroa |
Circle Hill | Otago | Milburn |
Clandeboye | Canterbury | Bulmer |
Clandeboye | Canterbury | Claudeboye |
Clanricarde | Canterbury | Epworth |
Clanricarde | Canterbury | Tai Tapu |
Clarence River | Marlborough | Waiau-toa |
Clareville | Wairarapa | Taratahi |
Claris | Great Barrier Island | Kaitoke |
Claris | Great Barrier Island | Okupu |
Clarkesville | Otago | Clarksville |
Clarkeville | Canterbury | Clarkville |
Clark's | Otago | Clark's Junction |
Clark's Junction | Otago | Clark's |
Clarksville | Otago | Clarkesville |
Clarkville | Canterbury | Kaiapoi Island North |
Claudeboye | Canterbury | Clandeboye |
Claverley | Marlborough | Conway River |
Claybank | Nelson | Kawatiri |
Clayton | Canterbury | Ashwick Flat |
Clearburn | Otago | Benmore |
Clearwater Creek | West Coast | Ross |
Clendon Cove | North Auckland | Manawaora |
Clevedon | Auckland | Te Wairoa |
Clevedon | Auckland | Otau |
Clevedon | Auckland | Wairoa |
Clevedon | Auckland | Wairoa South |
Clifton | Rangitikei | Bulls |
Clifton | Southland | Cliftonville |
Clifton | West Coast | Dunganville |
Clifton | Auckland | Hauraki Corner |
Clifton | Southland | Hawthorn |
Clifton | Nelson | Motupipi |
Clifton | Taranaki | Pukearuhe |
Clifton | Canterbury | Redcliffs |
Clifton | Nelson | Takaka |
Cliftonville | Southland | Clifton |
Clinton | Otago | Burning Plains |
Clinton | Otago | Dunganville |
Clinton | Otago | Kuriwao |
Clinton | Otago | Popotunoa |
Clinton | Otago | Wairuna |
Clinton Valley | Southland | Glade House |
Clive | Hawke's Bay | Farndon |
Clive Grange | Hawke's Bay | Tahamoana |
Clonmore | West Coast | Kotuku |
Clover Valley | Waikato | Te Hoe |
Cluden | Otago | Tarras |
Clulee | Canterbury | Burkes Pass |
Clulee | Canterbury | Burke's Pass |
Clutha Ferry | Otago | Balclutha |
Clutha Ferry | Otago | Iwikatea |
Clutha Junction | Otago | Inch-Clutha |
Clutha River | Otago | Matau |
Clutha River | Otago | Molyneaux River |
Clyde | Otago | Dunstan |
Clyde | Otago | Dunstan and Hartley Township |
Clyde | Otago | Dunstan, The |
Clyde | Otago | Upper Township |
Clyde | Hawke's Bay | Wairoa |
Clydesdale (School name) | Manawatu | Carnarvon |
Coal Bay | Nelson | Golden Bay |
Coal Creek | Canterbury | Albury |
Coal Creek (Westport) | West Coast | Summerleas |
Coal Creek Flat | West Coast | Greymouth |
Coal Hill | Auckland | Mangawai |
Coal Island | Southland | Cromarty |
Coal Mines, Waikato | Waikato | Rahuipokeka |
Coal Pit Hill | Otago | Gallon Hill |
Coal Point | Otago | Kaitangata |
Coalbrookdale | West Coast | Burnett's Face |
Coalbrookdale | West Coast | Denniston |
Coalgate | Canterbury | Bluff (Railway name) |
Coalgate | Canterbury | Homebush |
Coalgate | Canterbury | Selwyn Bluff (Railway name) |
Coatesville | Auckland | Fernielea |
Cobden | West Coast | Paroa |
Cockertown | West Coast | Kanieri Forks |
Codfish Island | Stewart Island | Whenuahou |
Colac Bay | Southland | Colag Bay |
Colac Bay | Southland | Kollak Bay |
Colac Bay | Southland | Oraka |
Colag Bay | Southland | Colac Bay |
Coldstream | Canterbury | Ealing |
Coldstream | Canterbury | Lowcliffe |
Coldstream | Canterbury | Rangitata |
Coleridge | Canterbury | Lake Coleridge |
Coleton | Wairarapa | Mangaone |
Collarbone | Thames | Thames |
Collingwood | Nelson | Bedstead Gully |
Collingwood | Nelson | Gibbstown |
Collingwood | Nelson | Pakawai |
Collingwood | Nelson | Parahara |
Collingwood | Nelson | Parkeston |
Collingwood | Nelson | Riverdale |
Collingwood | Nelson | Seaford |
Collinsville | Rangitikei | Taihape |
Colville | Coromandel | Cabbage Bay |
Colyer Island | Southland | Jones Island |
Colyer's Island | Southland | Greenhills |
Colyton | West Coast | Larry's Creek |
Colyton | Manawatu | Mangaone |
Combermere | East Coast | Waimata Valley |
Condon's | West Coast | Mahitahi |
Conical Hill | Otago | Pomahaka |
Connells Bay | Auckland | Cowes |
Conn's Creek | West Coast | Waimangaroa |
Constant Bay | West Coast | Pahiki |
Conway | Canterbury | Conway Flat |
Conway Camp | Canterbury | Hundalee Railway |
Conway Flat | Canterbury | Conway |
Conway Hills | Marlborough | Hawkeswood |
Conway River | Marlborough | Claverley |
Cook River | West Coast | Weheka River |
Cook Strait | Cook Strait | Raukawa |
Cook's Bay | Coromandel | Cook's Beach |
Cook's Beach | Coromandel | Cook's Bay |
Cook's Harbour | Canterbury | Lyttelton Harbour |
Coonoor | Hawke's Bay | Makuri |
Coonoor | Hawke's Bay | Rising Sun Settlement |
Cooper's Creek | West Coast | Umere |
Cooper's Creek | Canterbury | Woodside |
Coopers Island | Southland | Ulva Island |
Corbys | West Coast | Seddonville |
Corinth | Wanganui | Koroniti |
Corkscrew | Otago | Kononi |
Cormacks | Otago | Weston |
Cornwallis | Auckland | No Mans Land |
Cornwallis | Auckland | Puponga |
Coroglen | Coromandel | Gumtown |
Coromandel (township) | Coromandel | Buffalo |
Coromandel (township) | Coromandel | Kapanga |
Coromandel (township) | Coromandel | Waiau |
Coromandel Harbour | Coromandel | Brampton Harbour |
Corriedale | Otago | Plunket |
Corriedale | Otago | Windsor |
Cosgroves | Southland | Glenary |
Cosgroves | Southland | Upper Waikaia |
Coulhards Bay | Auckland | Orua Bay |
Counsellor Rock | Manakau Harbour | Channel Rock |
Counsellor Rock | Manakau Harbour | Cutter Rock |
Courtenay | Canterbury | Kirwee |
Courtenay River | Canterbury | Waimakariri River |
Coutt's Island | Canterbury | Kaiapoi Island |
Cowes | Auckland | Awa-Awaroa |
Cowes | Auckland | Connells Bay |
Cowes | Auckland | Waiheke |
Cows Creek | Otago | Kyeburn |
Coylton | Manawatu | Marsden |
Cracroft | Canterbury | Ruapuna |
Craigieburn | Canterbury | Castle Hill |
Craigieburn | Canterbury | Haupapa |
Craigieburn | Auckland | Mahurangi Central |
Craigieburn | Auckland | Matakana |
Craig's Siding | Nelson | Aratika |
Cranley | Otago | Henley West |
Crescent City | West Coast | Greymouth |
Creswick | Wellington | Karori |
Crichton | Otago | Lovell's Flat |
Cricklewood | Canterbury | Mangawhare |
Cricklewood | Hawke's Bay | Turiroa |
Crofton | Wellington | Ngaio |
Crofton | Rangitikei | Tee-total Township |
Croisilles | Nelson | Croixelles |
Croisilles | Nelson | Whangarae |
Croixelles | Nelson | Croisilles |
Croixelles | Nelson | Elaine Bay |
Cromarty | Southland | Coal Island |
Cromarty | Southland | Kisbee Bay |
Cromarty | Southland | Longbeach |
Cromarty | Southland | Puysegar Point |
Cromarty | Southland | Wilson's River |
Cromwell | Otago | Junction, The |
Cromwell | Marlborough | Picton |
Cromwell | Otago | Junction, The |
Cromwell | Otago | Kawarau |
Cromwell | Otago | Morven Hills |
Cromwell | Otago | Point, The |
Cronaden | West Coast | Crowadun |
Cronadon | West Coast | Cronaden |
Cronadun | West Coast | Cronaden |
Crookston | Otago | Crookston Flat |
Crookston | Otago | McKellars Flat |
Crookston Flat | Otago | Crookston |
Crosse Estate | Manawatu | Hopelands |
Crowadun | West Coast | Cronaden |
Crows Nest, The | Cambridge | Pukekura |
Croydon | Otago | Haumuri |
Croydon | Otago | Otamita |
Croydon Bush | Otago | Hokanui |
Crushington | West Coast | Black's Point |
Cryers Landing | Thames | Wharepoa |
Cullen Creek | Marlborough | Mahakipawa |
Cullensville | Marlborough | Mahakipawa |
Culverden | Canterbury | Red Post |
Culverden | Canterbury | St Leonard's |
Cunningham's | Manawatu | Beaconsfield |
Curl's Clearing | Manawatu | Hinau |
Cust | Canterbury | Cust Valley |
Cust | Canterbury | Kapukariki |
Cust | Canterbury | Moeraki Downs |
Cust | Canterbury | Summerhill |
Cust Valley | Canterbury | Cust |
Cuthill | Auckland | Freemans |
Cutter Rock | Manakau Harbour | Counsellor Rock |
Cutter Rock | Manakau Harbour | Sail Rock |
Dacre | Southland | Halfway Bush |
Dacre | Auckland | Opango |
Dacre Bay | Marlborough | Onapua |
Dairy Flat | Auckland | Maitahi |
Daitonville | Otago | Tuapeka |
Dalefield | Wairarapa | Arnold's Line |
Dalesford | Waikato | Silverdale |
Dalhousie | Otago | Tuapeka Mouth |
Dallington | Canterbury | North Linwood |
Dalmore | Southland | Pahia |
Dalmore | Southland | Pahia Village |
Danevirke | Hawke's Bay | Dannevirke |
Danger Island | Chatham Islands | Pukapuka Island |
Dangerous Creek | Marlborough | Havelock |
Daniells Bush | Rangitikei | Bulls |
Daniels Crossing | Southland | Dipton |
Daniels Crossing | Otago | Oreti |
Dannevirke | Hawke's Bay | Danevirk |
Dannevirke | Hawke's Bay | Glenlee |
Dannevirke | Hawke's Bay | Umularoa |
Dansey Pass | Otago | Insolvency Court |
Darfield | Canterbury | Hawkins |
Darfield | Canterbury | Hordon Junction |
Darfield | Canterbury | White Cliffs Junction |
Dargaville | North Auckland | Awamutu |
Dargaville | North Auckland | Kaihu |
Dargaville | Northland | Kaihu |
Dargaville | North Auckland | Newport |
Dargaville | North Auckland | Tangowahine |
Dargaville | North Auckland | Tunatahi |
Dargaville | North Auckland | Tunatahi |
Dargaville | North Auckland | Whapu |
Dark Cloud Inlet | Fiordland | Chalky Inlet |
Darlington | West Coast | Tintown |
Dartmoor | Southland | Kinloch |
Dartmoor | Southland | Kinloch |
Dartmoor | Hawke's Bay | Puketapu |
Dartonville | Otago | Tuapeka West |
Dawson Falls | Taranaki | Taputaemai |
Dawson Gate | Taranaki | Waingongoro |
Days Bay | Wellington | Hawtrey Bay |
Day's Bay | Wellington | Hawtrey Bay |
Day's Road | Canterbury | Wakaipa |
Dead Man's Creek | West Coast | Giles Terrace |
Deans Bush | Canterbury | Riccarton Bush |
Deborah (Railway name) | Otago | Alma |
Decanter Bay | Canterbury | Little Akaloa |
Dedwood | Auckland | Ponsonby |
Deep Bay | Marlborough | Waihohonu |
Deep Cove | Fiordland | Doubtful Sound |
Deep Creek | Auckland | Torbay |
Deep Creek | Marlborough | Woodstock |
Deep Stream | Otago | Deepstream |
Deep Water Cove | Bay of Islands | Maunganui |
Deepstream | Otago | Deep Stream |
Deepstream | Otago | Shannon |
Deliverance Cove | Wairarapa | Castlepoint (harbour) |
Denlair | Wanganui | Fordell (nearby) |
Denniston | West Coast | Coalbrookdale |
Deptford | North Auckland | Horeke |
Destruction Gully | Auckland | Makaka |
Devonport | Auckland | Flagstaff |
Devonport | Auckland | North Shore |
Devonport North | Auckland | Narrow Neck |
Diamond Gully | West Coast | Rutherglen |
Dieffenbach | Marlborough | Onapua |
Dieffenbach | Marlborough | Opua |
Dieffenbach | Marlborough | Te Weka |
Dieffenbach Point | Marlborough | Te Weka |
Digbys Bridge | Canterbury | Ouruhia |
Digby's Bridge | Canterbury | Ouihi |
Diggings | Nelson | Nelson Goldfields |
Dillman's | West Coast | Dillmanstown |
Dillman's | West Coast | Kawhaka |
Dillman's Town | West Coast | Dillmanstown |
Dillmanstown | West Coast | Dillman's |
Dillmanstown | West Coast | Dillman's Town |
Dip Creek | Otago | Kaukau |
Dipton | Southland | Daniels Crossing |
Dipton | Southland | Oreti |
Dipton | Southland | Riverside |
Dobson | West Coast | Brunner |
Dobson | West Coast | Brunnerton |
Dodson's Valley | Nelson | Atawhai |
Dog Town | Wairarapa | Waterfalls |
Dolly Varden | Wellington | Mana (Paremata) |
Dome | Southland | Five Rivers |
Dome Creek | Marlborough | Doom Creek |
Dome Island | Fiordland | Bertha Island |
Dome Valley | Auckland | Streamlands |
Donelly's Creek | West Coast | Ross |
Donkey's Tail Falls | Fiordland | Paulin Falls |
Donnelly's | North Auckland | Donnelly's Crossing |
Donnellys Crossing | North Auckland | Donnelly's Crossing |
Donnelly's Crossing | North Auckland | Donnelly's |
Donoghues | West Coast | Ross |
Doom Creek | Marlborough | Dome Creek |
Dorset, Point | Wellington | Waddell, Point |
Double Bay | Marlborough | Raetihi |
Doubtful Sound | Fiordland | Deep Cove |
Douglas | Taranaki | Oruru |
Dove Dale | Nelson | Thorpe |
Doyleston | Canterbury | Cheddar |
Doyleston | Canterbury | Cheddon |
Drayton | Canterbury | Spaxton |
Drevess Valley | North Auckland | Hikurangi |
Dreyers Rock | Wairarapa | Dreyerton |
Dreyerton | Wairarapa | Camp, The |
Dreyerton | Wairarapa | Dreyer's Rock |
Dreyerton | Wairarapa | Kopuaranga |
Dreyerton | Wairarapa | Kopuranga |
Dreyerton | Wairarapa | Opaki |
Driving Creek | Coromandel | McCaskill's Driving Creek |
Drummond | Southland | Gladfield |
Drummond | Southland | Heddon Bush |
Drummonds Ferry | Southland | Tuatapere |
Drunken Bay | Auckland | Islington Bay |
Drury | Auckland | Tauranga |
Dry Creek | Otago | Tarras |
Dry Creek | West Coast | Te Taho |
Dry River | Wairarapa | Dyer Settlement |
Drybread | Otago | Matakanui |
Dryer's Rock | Wairarapa | Tikitapu |
Dublin Bay | Otago | Brown Bay |
Duck Bay | Southland | Mokomoko Inlet |
Duck Creek | Southland | Waimatua Creek |
Duck Point | Otago | Parere |
Duddington | Otago | Dunedin |
Duders Beach | Auckland | Umupuia |
Dudley Road | Taranaki | Ngatoro |
Duffer's Creek | West Coast | Granville |
Dull Burn | Otago | Awamangu |
Dullburn | Otago | Awamangu |
Dumbarton | Otago | Moa Flat |
Dun Edin | Otago | Dunedin |
Dunback | Otago | Inch Valley |
Dunback | Otago | Waihemo |
Dunbars | Thames | Ahimia |
Dunbar's | Thames | Ahimia |
Dunbar's | Thames | Dunbars |
Dunbar's | Thames | Manaia |
Dunedin | Otago | Duddington |
Dunedin | Otago | Dun Edin |
Dunedin | Otago | New Edinburgh |
Dunedin | Otago | Otepopo |
Dunedin | Otago | Pelichet Bay |
Dunganville | West Coast | Clifton |
Dunganville | Otago | Clinton |
Dunganville | West Coast | Maori Creek |
Dungaville | Greymouth | Maori Creek |
Dunkeld | Otago | Beaumont |
Dunoon | Otago | Broad Bay |
Dunoon | Otago | Whakaoho-iti |
Dunsandel | Canterbury | Killinchy |
Dunstan | Otago | Clyde |
Dunstan | Otago | Clyde |
Dunstan | Otago | Hartley Township |
Dunstan | Otago | Hartley's Township |
Dunstan and Hartley Township | Otago | Clyde |
Dunstan Creek | Otago | St Bathan's |
Dunstan, The | Otago | Clyde |
Duntroon | Otago | Otekaike |
Duntroon | Otago | Waikaoru |
Duppa | Wellington | Oriental Bay |
Durham | Nelson | Mokihinui |
Durham Road | Taranaki | Maketawa |
Durietown | Wanganui | Wanganui |
D'Urville Island | Marlborough | Rangitoto |
Dyer Settlement | Wairarapa | Dyerville |
Dyerville | Wairarapa | Dry River |
Dyerville | Wairarapa | Dyer Settlement |
Ealing | Canterbury | Coldstream |
Ealing | Canterbury | Lower Rangitata |
Ealing | Canterbury | Rangitata |
Earls | East Coast | Wharekakaho Camp |
Earnscleugh River | Otago | Fraser River |
East Cape | East Coast | Matarehua |
East Coast | East Coast | Eastland |
East Coast Bays | Auckland | Sevenbays |
East Eyreton | Canterbury | Eyreton |
East Gore | Southland | Gordon |
East Head | Auckland | Musick Point |
East Invercargill | Southland | Sylvan Bank |
East Peak | Otago | Hokanui |
East Side | Wairarapa | Masterton East |
East Taieri | Otago | Lower Taieri |
East Taieri | Otago | Riccarton |
East Tamaki | Auckland | Farnsworth |
East Tamaki | Auckland | Farnsworth |
East Tamaki | Auckland | Flatbush (School name) |
Eastbrook | Wanganui | Wanganui East |
Eastern Bush | Southland | Wairaki |
Eastern Crail Bay | Marlborough | Hopai |
Eastland | East Coast | East Coast |
Eastown | Wanganui | Wanganui East |
Eastport | Thames | Lower Waihou |
Edendale | Southland | Edendale South |
Edendale | Otago | Kamahi |
Edendale | Southland | Maorirua |
Edendale | Southland | Mataura Plains |
Edendale | Auckland | Mount Albert |
Edendale | Otago | Ota Creek |
Edendale | Auckland | Sandringham |
Edendale | Southland | Scotts Corner |
Edendale | Southland | Stuarts Bush |
Edendale North | Auckland | Sandringham |
Edendale South | Southland | Edendale |
Edgecumbe | Bay of Plenty | Rangitaiki |
Edgecumbe Bay | Marlborough | Pukekoikoi |
Edgeware | Canterbury | Knightstown |
Edievale | Otago | Springfield |
Edmonton | Auckland | Te Atatu South |
Edwards | Otago | Victoria Bridge |
Edwards, Mt | Otago | Makairohia |
Eels Creek | Taranaki | Awatuna |
Eely Island | Lake Wanaka | Ruby Island |
Eglinton | North Auckland | Wangarei |
Egmont | Taranaki | Egmont Village |
Egmont Road | Taranaki | Kaimiro |
Egmont Village | Taranaki | Egmont |
Eight Mile | West Coast | Alpine Hill |
Eight Mile | Otago | Hyde |
Eight Mile Junction | King Country | Taumatawaenga |
Eighteen Mile Bush | Bay of Plenty | Oropi (Tauranga) |
Eke Tahuna | Wairarapa | Eketahuna |
Eke-manuka | Wairarapa | Parkvale |
Eketahuna | Wairarapa | Eke Tahuna |
Eketahuna | Wairarapa | Mellenskov |
El Dorado | Otago | Waipori Falls |
Elaine Bay | Marlborough | Croixelles |
Elbow | Southland | Holmdale |
Elbow | Southland | Lowther |
Elbow | Southland | Lumsden |
Elbow, The | Southland | Lumsden |
Elderslie | Southland | Lochiel |
Elephant Hill | Canterbury | Waihao Forks |
Elfin Bay | Southland | Sandfly Bay |
Ellesmere | Canterbury | Brackley |
Ellicott's Block | Waikato | Wharepapa South |
Elliott's Stockade | Wellington | Porirua |
Elmslie's Bay | Marlborough | French Pass |
Elmwood | Canterbury | Bryndwr |
Eltham | Taranaki | Mangawhero |
Eltham | Taranaki | Rukumoana |
Emerald City | Otago | Hyde |
Endeavour Inlet | Marlborough | West Bay |
Enfield | Otago | Lorne |
Enfield | Otago | Teaneraki |
Enfield | Otago | Teaneraki |
Engineer Pass/Col | West Coast | Harold Pass |
Entry Island | Wellington | Kapiti Island |
Eparaima Pa | Hawke's Bay | Wallingford |
Epworth | Canterbury | Clanricarde |
Epworth | Canterbury | Tai Tapu |
Erewhon | Rangitikei | Inland Patea |
Erewhon | Rangitikei | Oruamatua |
Eskdale | Hawke's Bay | Herepoho |
Eskdale Railway Camp | Hawke's Bay | Matahoura |
Eskdale Railway Camp | Hawke's Bay | Tatara |
Eskdale Railway Camp | Hawke's Bay | Waikoau |
Etako | Wellington | Witako |
Etal Creek | Southland | Pararahi |
Ettrick | Otago | Benger Burn |
Ettrick | Otago | Bengerburn |
Ettrick | Otago | Horse Shoe Bend |
Ettrick | Otago | Millar's Flat |
Ettrick | Otago | Moa Flat |
Eureka Hill | Thames | Thames |
Europe | Bay of Plenty | Oropi |
Evans Bay | Wellington | Kokotahi-te-taniwha |
Evan's Flat | Otago | Evan's Gully |
Evan's Flat | Otago | Munro's Gully |
Evan's Gully | Otago | Evan's Flat |
Evansdale | Otago | Warrington |
Evening Island | Stewart Island | Poutama Island |
Evergreen | Wairarapa | Nireaha |
Eweburn | Otago | Ranfurley |
Eyreton | Canterbury | East Eyreton |
Eyreton | Canterbury | Eyretown |
Eyretown | Canterbury | Eyretown |
Fairdown | West Coast | Fairdown Junction |
Fairdown Junction | West Coast | Fairdown |
Fairdown Junction | West Coast | Junction |
Fairfax | Southland | Gropers |
Fairfax | Southland | Hazlett's |
Fairfax | Otago | Milton |
Fairfax | Otago | Tokoiti |
Fairfax | Otago | Tokomaoriro |
Fairfield | Canterbury | Fairton |
Fairfield | Otago | Loudon's |
Fairfield | Otago | Walton |
Fairfield | Otago | Walton Park |
Fairlie | Canterbury | Silverstream |
Fairlie | Canterbury | Winscombe |
Fairlie | Canterbury | Fairlie Creek |
Fairlie Creek | Canterbury | Fairlie |
Fairlie Creek | Canterbury | Hamilton |
Fairlight | Southland | Nokomai |
Fairton | Canterbury | Fairfield |
Fairview | Canterbury | Seaview |
Fairy Cove | Nelson | Falls River Bay |
Fairy Cove | Nelson | Sandfly Bay |
Falls River Bay | Nelson | Fairy Cove |
Falls River Bay | Nelson | Sandfly Bay |
False Bay | Wellington | Lyall Bay |
Farmers Rest | Southland | Oreti Plains |
Farndon | Hawke's Bay | Clive |
Farnsworth | Auckland | East Tamaki |
Favorite Strait | Southland | Fouveaux Strait |
Favourites Straits | Southland | Foveaux Strait |
Featherston | Wairarapa | Burling's |
Featherston | Wairarapa | Kahoutara |
Feldwick | Southland | Orawia |
Feldwick | Southland | Wairaki |
Fencourt | Waikato | Bruntwood |
Fencourt | Waikato | Hautapu |
Fendall Town | Canterbury | Fendalton |
Fendalltown | Canterbury | Fendalton |
Fendalton | Canterbury | Braco |
Fendalton | Canterbury | Fendall Town |
Fendalton | Canterbury | Fendalltown |
Fergusons | West Coast | Fergusons Bush |
Fergusons | West Coast | Little Waitaha |
Fergusons Bush | West Coast | Fergusons |
Ferintosh | Canterbury | Glenfield |
Fern Ground | Wellington | Upper Hutt |
Fernflat | North Auckland | Peria |
Fernhill | Hawke's Bay | Okawa |
Fernhill | Marlborough | Picton |
Fernhills | Otago | Benmore |
Fernhills | Southland | Harringtons |
Fernhills Village | Southland | Harringtons |
Ferniehurst | Marlborough | Kaikoura |
Fernielea | Auckland | Coatesville |
Fernielea | Auckland | Sunnyside |
Ferry Road | Canterbury | Lower Heathcote |
Ferry Road | Canterbury | Phillipstown |
Fifeshire Rock | Nelson Harbour | Arrow Rock |
Fisherman Island | Nelson | Adele Island |
Fisherman Island | Nelson | Motuareoiti |
Fisherton | Canterbury | Beckenham |
FitzGerald | Canterbury | Geraldine |
Fitzherbert East | Manawatu | Aokautere |
Fitzherbert West | Manawatu | Linton |
Five Mile | West Coast | Kanieri |
Five Rivers | Southland | Dome |
Five Rivers | Otago | Lumsden |
Five Rivers | Southland | Ngawaierimu |
Flag Swamp | Otago | Pleasant River |
Flag Swamp | Otago | Goodwood |
Flag Swamp | Otago | Hawksbury Bush |
Flagstaff | Auckland | Devonport |
Flagstaff | West Coast | Karamea Heads |
Flagstaff Hill | Auckland | Mt Victoria, Devonport |
Flat Bush | Auckland | Flatbush |
Flat Creek | Marlborough | Rai Valley |
Flatbush | Auckland | Flat Bush |
Flatbush (School name) | Auckland | East Tamaki |
Flaxbourne | Marlborough | Awatere |
Flaxbourne | Marlborough | Waiharakeke |
Flaxbourne | Marlborough | Ward |
Flaxdale | Waikato | Rototuna |
Flaxmere | Hawke's Bay | Frimley No 2 (School name) |
Flaxmill | West Coast | Muka |
Flaxmill | West Coast | Parore |
Flaxmill | North Auckland | Babylon |
Flea Bay | Canterbury | Flee Bay |
Flee Bay | Canterbury | Flea Bay |
Flemings Homestead | East Coast | Matawai |
Flemington | Canterbury | Aranui |
Flemington | Canterbury | Aranui |
Flints Bush | Southland | Lennons Bush |
Flood Creek | Fiordland | Carrick River |
Flowers Flat | Nelson | Newton Flat |
Flowers Terrace | Nelson | Kea |
Flowery Creek | West Coast | Stafford |
Ford Point | Auckland | Waiau Pa |
Fordell | Wanganui | Denlair |
Fordell | Wanganui | Warrengate |
Forest Hill | Southland | Hokanui |
Forest Hill | Southland | Winton |
Forest Hill | Southland | Lochiel |
Forestdean | Auckland | Riverhead |
Forktown | Canterbury | Forks of Ashburton |
Forsyth | Otago | Lawrence |
Forsyth Bay | Marlborough | Okoha |
Fort Galatea | Uruwera | Galatea |
Fort St George | Taranaki | Tataraimaka |
Fortification | Southland | Waikawa Downs |
Fortification | Otago | Waronui |
Fortrose | Southland | Otara |
Fortrose | Southland | Russelltown |
Fortrose | Southland | Toe Toes |
Fortrose | Southland | Toi Tois |
Fortrose | Southland | Toitois Ferry |
Fortrose | Southland | Waipapa Beach |
Forty Mile Bush | Wairarapa | 40 Mile Bush |
Fosberry | West Coast | Barrytown |
Fosbery | West Coast | Barrytown |
Fosbery | West Coast | Canoe Creek |
Four Fathom Bay | Marlborough | Tamure Bay |
Four Mile | Otago | Fullertons |
Fouveaux Strait | Southland | Favorite Strait |
Foveaux Strait | Southland | Favourites Straits |
Foveaux Strait | Southland | Knowsley Bay |
Foveaux Strait | Southland | Smith's Strait |
Foveaux Strait | Southland | Tees Strait |
Fowlers | Manawatu | Kimbolton |
Fox Glacier | West Coast | Albert Glacier |
Fox Glacier (township) | West Coast | Weheka |
Fox Hill | Nelson | Foxhill |
Fox River | Nelson | Buller River |
Foxhill | Nelson | Fox Hill |
Foxhill | Nelson | Murchison |
Foxhill | Nelson | Quail Valley |
Fox's | Otago | Arrowtown |
Fox's | West Coast | Goldsborough |
Fox's | West Coast | Kawhaka |
Foxton | Manawatu | Awahou |
Foxton | Manawatu | Moutoa |
Foxton | Manawatu | Port of Manawatu |
Foxton | Manawatu | Te Awahou |
Foxton Beach | Manawatu | Manawatu Heads |
Frankleigh Park | Taranaki | Huatoki |
Frankleigh Park | Taranaki | Woodleigh |
Frankley Road | Taranaki | Huatoki |
Franklin | Wairarapa | Bloomfield |
Franklin | Wairarapa | Woodville Village |
Frankton | Waikato | Frankton Junction |
Frankton | Otago | Franktown |
Frankton | Waikato | Hamilton Junction |
Frankton | Otago | Wakatipu |
Frankton Junction | Waikato | Frankton |
Franktown | Otago | Frankton |
Franz Joseph Glacier (township) | West Coast | Waiau |
Franz Joseph Glacier (township) | West Coast | Waiho Gorge |
Fraser River | Otago | Earnscleugh River |
Frazer's Point | Bay of Plenty | Athenree |
Freemans | Auckland | Birkenhead |
Freemans | Auckland | Cuthill |
Freemans | Auckland | Glenfield |
Freemans | Auckland | Hellyer's Creek |
Freemans | Auckland | Mayfield |
French Farm | Canterbury | Barry's Bay |
French Pass | Marlborough | Elmslie's Bay |
Freshford | Southland | Muddy Creek |
Freshford | Southland | Paru |
Frimley No 2 (School name) | Hawke's Bay | Flaxmere |
Frimley South | Hawke's Bay | Camberley |
Frog Flat Junction | Nelson | Burnbrae |
Fruitlands | Otago | Bald Hill Flat |
Fruitlands | Otago | Limerick |
Fruitlands | Otago | Speargrass Flat |
Fullartons | Otago | Four Mile |
Fullartons | Otago | Macraes Flat |
Fyffe, Mt | Marlborough | Kaitarau |
Gabriel's Gully | Otago | Tuapeka |
Galatea | Uruwera | Fort Galatea |
Galatea | Bay of Plenty | Murupara |
Galatea | Uruwera | Te Houhi |
Galatea | Wanganui | Karatia |
Gallon Hill | Otago | Coal Pit Hill |
Gamman's | Hawke's Bay | Kipua |
Gap | Southland | North Forest Hill (School) |
Garden Island | Nelson | Organs Island |
Garfield | Southland | Orepuki |
Garston | Otago | Nokomai Saddle |
Gate Pa | Bay of Plenty | Pukehinahina |
Gatton | Taranaki | Makahu |
Geard's Bay | Thames | Moehau |
Gentle Annie | Otago | Annieburn |
Georgetown | Otago | Kawarau |
Georgetown | Otago | Kawarau Gorge |
Georgetown | Otago | Kingston |
Georgetown | West Coast | Ross |
Georgetown | Southland | Trafalgar |
Georgetown | Otago | Uxbridge |
Geraldine | Canterbury | FitzGerald |
Geraldine | Canterbury | Raukapuka |
Geraldine | Canterbury | Talbot Forest |
German Bay | Canterbury | Takamatua |
German Gully | West Coast | Ross |
German Terrace | West Coast | Giles Terrace |
Gibbston | Otago | Tucker Flat |
Gibbstown | Nelson | Collingwood |
Gibson | Marlborough | Kaituna |
Gibson's | Otago | Papakaio |
Gibsontown | Marlborough | Gibson |
Gibsontown | Marlborough | Kaituna |
Gibsontown | Marlborough | Kaituna |
Giggerigoo | Marlborough | Kekerengu |
Gilbert Bay | Marlborough | Anatohia Bay |
Giles Terrace | West Coast | Papahaoa |
Giles Terrace | West Coast | Caledonian Terrace |
Giles Terrace | West Coast | Dead Man's Creek |
Giles Terrace | West Coast | German Terrace |
Giles Terrace | West Coast | Sergeant's Hill |
Gillespie's Beach | West Coast | Hunt's Beach |
Gillespie's Beach | West Coast | Kangarua Cooks |
Gisborne | East Coast | Makauri |
Gisborne | East Coast | Toanga |
Gisborne | East Coast | Turanga-a-kiwa |
Gisborne | East Coast | Turanganui |
Gisborne | East Coast | Turanga-nui-a-Kiwa |
Gisborne | East Coast | Waihika |
Gisborne | East Coast | Waipiro |
Gisborne | East Coast | Waitaria |
Gisborne | East Coast | Whatanpoko |
Gladbrook | Otago | Strath Taieri |
Glade House | Southland | Clinton Valley |
Gladfield | Otago | Drummond |
Gladfield | Southland | Heddon Bush |
Gladfield | Southland | Maraekoa |
Gladstone | West Coast | Gladstone Siding |
Gladstone | Southland | Harrisville |
Gladstone | Canterbury | Hawarden |
Gladstone | East Coast | Kahikatea |
Gladstone | West Coast | Kahikatea |
Gladstone | Wairarapa | Tupurupuru |
Gladstone Siding | West Coast | Gladstone |
Glasnevin | Canterbury | Waipara |
Glen Eden | Auckland | Waikumete |
Glen Esk | Auckland | Glen Ness |
Glen Lady | Otago | Glenledi |
Glen Ness | Auckland | Glen Esk |
Glen Osborne | Auckland | Kingsland Gully |
Glen Park | Otago | Shag Valley |
Glenary | Southland | Cosgroves |
Glenary | Southland | Upper Waikaia |
Glenavy | Canterbury | Ikawai |
Glenavy | Canterbury | Redcliff |
Glenavy | Canterbury | Waitaki North |
Glenbrook | Auckland | Brookside |
Glenbrook | Auckland | Packington |
Glenbrook | Auckland | Ruakohua |
Glencoe | Southland | Hedgehope |
Glencoe | Manawatu | Korepo |
Glencoe | Southland | Upper Hedgehope |
Glencoe | Southland | Woolshed |
Glendermid | Otago | Sawyer's Bay |
Glenelg | Southland | Matuku |
Glenfalls | Hawke's Bay | Upper Mohaka |
Glenfield | Canterbury | Ferintosh |
Glenfield | Auckland | Freemans |
Glenfield | Auckland | Glenfield North |
Glengregg | Waikato | Moeatoa |
Glenholm | Bay of Plenty | Rotorua West |
Gleniti | Canterbury | Glen-iti |
Glen-iti | Canterbury | Wai-iti |
Glenkenich | Southland | Tapanui |
Glenledi | Otago | Glen Lady |
Glenlee | Hawke's Bay | Dannevirke |
Glenlee | Marlborough | Pauri |
Glenmore | Otago | Mount Stuart |
Glenoamaru | Otago | Ahuriri Flat |
Glenomaru | Otago | Romahapa |
Glenorchy | Otago | Head of the Lake |
Glenorchy | Otago | Ree's River |
Glenore | Otago | Woolshed |
Glenore | Otago | Woolshed, The |
Glenquoich | Southland | Nokomai |
Glenside | Wellington | Halfway |
Glenside | Wellington | Pukehuia |
Glentunnel | Canterbury | Homebush |
Glenwood | Manawatu | Makino Road |
Glenwood | Manawatu | Ridgelands |
Glenwye | Canterbury | Glynn Wye |
Gloucester Town | Bay of Islands | Kerikeri |
Glynn Wye | Canterbury | Glenwye |
Goat Valley (School name) | Wanganui | Kai Iwi |
Golden Bay | Nelson | Aorere |
Golden Bay | Nelson | Massacre Bay |
Golden Cross | Thames | Maratoto |
Golden Cross | Thames | Waitekauri |
Golden Cross | Thames | Waitekauri North |
Golden Cross | Thames | Whakamoehau |
Golden Downs | Nelson | Gordons Downs |
Golden Ridge | Nelson | Taitapu |
Golders Hill | Wellington | Goldies Brae |
Goldies Brae | Wellington | Golders Hill |
Goldsborough | West Coast | Big Dam |
Goldsborough | West Coast | Fox's |
Goldsborough | West Coast | Six Mile Township |
Goldsborough | West Coast | Waimea |
Gonland's Ferry | Marlborough | Blenheim |
Gonville | Wanganui | Mount Desert Estate |
Goodwood | Otago | Flag Swamp |
Gordon | Southland | East Gore |
Gordon | Nelson | Hiwipango |
Gordons Downs | Nelson | Golden Downs |
Gordonton | Waikato | Hukanui |
Gore | Southland | Long Ford, The |
Gore | Southland | Longford |
Gore | Southland | Maruawai |
Gore | Southland | Otakarama |
Gore Bay | Canterbury | Port Robinson |
Gorge Bridge Village | Northern Wairarapa | Woodville |
Gorge Creek | Otago | Tawhiti |
Gorge Creek | Otago | Chamounix |
Gorge Road | Southland | Oteramika |
Goulands Ferry | Marlborough | Marlborough |
Goulands Ferry | Marlborough | Marlborough Town |
Goulands Ferry | Marlborough | Peninsula |
Goulands Ferry | Marlborough | Spring Creek |
Goulands Ferry | Marlborough | Wairau Ferry |
Goulburn Island | Southland | Ruapuke Island |
Goulthards | Auckland | Orua Bay |
Governor's Bay | Canterbury | Ohinetahi |
Governor's Bay | Canterbury | Teddington |
Gowan Bridge | Nelson | Gowanbridge |
Gowanbridge | Nelson | Gowan Bridge |
Gowanbridge | Nelson | Pikomanu |
Grahams | North Auckland | Onerahi |
Grahams Beach | Auckland | Taitimu |
Grahamsfern | North Auckland | Hoanga |
Grahamstown | North Auckland | Onerahi |
Grahamstown | Thames | Thames North |
Grahamstown on Thames | Thames | Grahamstown |
Grande Plage | Nelson | Sandy Bay |
Grandview | Otago | Black Knob Mountin |
Granity | Southland | Pourakino Valley |
Granity | Southland | Torea |
Granity | West Coast | Granity Creek |
Granity Creek | West Coast | Granity |
Grants Brae | Otago | Waverley |
Granville | West Coast | Duffer's Creek |
Granville | West Coast | Half Ounce |
Grass Cove | Marlborough | Wharehunga |
Grassondale | Wairarapa | Te Nui |
Grassy Point | Otago | Acheron Head |
Great Barrier Island | Auckland | Aotea |
Great Mercury Island | Auckland | Ahuahu |
Green Island | Otago | Burnside |
Green Lake (Rotorua) | Bay of Plenty | Rotokakahi |
Greenburn | Marlborough | Reserve, The |
Greendale | Canterbury | Selwyn Forks |
Greeney's Road | Canterbury | Amberley |
Greenhills | Southland | Colyer's Island |
Greenhills | Canterbury | Pukekakariki |
Greenhithe | Auckland | Pine Hill |
Greenhithe | Auckland | Wainoni |
Greenmeadows (Napier) | Hawke's Bay | Jevoiston |
Greenstone | West Coast | Greenstone Creek |
Greenstone Creek | West Coast | Greenstone |
Greenvale | Otago | Parkhill |
Greer's Road | Canterbury | Bryndwr |
Greigs | West Coast | Karoro |
Greta Valley | Canterbury | Motonau |
Greta Valley | Canterbury | Motunau |
Grey Town | Wairarapa | Greytown |
Greymouth | West Coast | Cameron's Terrace |
Greymouth | West Coast | Coal Creek Flat |
Greymouth | West Coast | Crescent City |
Greymouth | West Coast | Kaiata |
Greytown | Wairarapa | Greytown North |
Greytown | Wairarapa | Morrison's Bush |
Greytown | Otago | Allanton |
Greytown North | Wairarapa | Greytown |
Greytown South | Otago | Allanton |
Gricedale | Waikato | Rotoorangi |
Griffiths | West Coast | Birchfield |
Griffiths (West Coast) | West Coast | Waumangaroa Junction |
Grono Bay | Fiordland | Groznoz |
Gropers | Otago | Fairfax |
Gropers | Southland | Gropers Bush |
Gropers Bush | Southland | Gropers |
Grove | Southland | Grove Bush |
Grove | Marlborough | Okiwi |
Grove Bush | Southland | Grove |
Grove Bush | Southland | Rakahouka |
Grove Bush | Southland | Woodlands |
Grovetown | Marlborough | Big Bush |
Grovetown | Marlborough | Tuamautire |
Groznoz | Fiordland | Grono Bay |
Guards Bay | Marlborough | Tititangi |
Gummies Bush | Southland | Gummys Bush |
Gummies Bush | Southland | Thornbury |
Gummys Bush | Southland | Gummies Bush |
Gumtown | Coromandel | Coroglen |
Guneye Bay | Marlborough | Te Kanae Bay |
Gunns | West Coast | Wataroa |
Guthrie | Bay of Plenty | Guthrie's Settlement |
Guthrie's Settlement | Bay of Plenty | Guthrie |
Guys Cliff | Motuihe Island | Te Raeokahu |
Haast | West Coast | Haast River |
Haast River | West Coast | Haast |
Hackthorne | Canterbury | Lismore (Ashburton) |
Hadfield | Wellington | Waikanae |
Hadfield Town | Wellington | Otaki |
Haewai | Wellington | Houghtons Bay |
Haggers Point | North Auckland | Kaimaumau |
Haggers Point | North Auckland | Waiharara |
Hahae | Coromandel | Hahei |
Hahei | Coromandel | Hahae |
Hairini | Bay of Plenty | Ireland |
Hairini | Waikato | Rangiaohia (Te Awamutu) |
Haitaiti | Wellington | Kilbirnie South |
Hakana | Marlborough | Ngakuta |
Hakaroa | Canterbury | Akaroa |
Hakaru | North Auckland | Kaiwaka |
Hakaru | North Auckland | Mangawai |
Hakaru | North Auckland | Mangawai |
Hakataramea | Otago | Kaingapai |
Hakataramea | Otago | Sandhurst |
Hakataramea | Otago | Upper Ferry |
Hakatere | Canterbury | Ashburton Gorge |
Hakatere | Canterbury | Ashburton River |
Halcombe | Rangitikei | Kakairiki |
Haldane | Southland | Six Mile |
Haldon | Canterbury | Selwyn Forks |
Half Moon Bay | Stewart Island | Horse Shoe Bay |
Half Moon Bay | Stewart Island | Oban |
Half Ounce | West Coast | Granville |
Halfway | Wellington | Glenside |
Halfway Bush | Southland | Dacre (near Gore) |
Halfway Bush (Dunedin) | Otago | Kirkland Hill |
Halfway Bush (Dunedin) | Otago | Whakaari |
Halfway House | Canterbury | Kuritapu |
Halfway House | Otago | Waenga |
Halfway House | Nelson | Whangamoa |
Halkett | Canterbury | Halkett Town |
Halkett Town | Canterbury | Halkett |
Hall Block | Manawatu | Te Rauparaha |
Hallville | Manawatu | Ruaroa |
Halswell | Canterbury | Lansdowne |
Halswell | Canterbury | Tankerville |
Halswell, Point | Wellington | Kaitawharo |
Hamama | Nelson | Waingaro |
Hamilton | Canterbury | Fairlie Creek |
Hamilton | Waikato | Kirikiriroa |
Hamilton Burn | Southland | Matuku |
Hamilton East | Waikato | Kirikiriroa |
Hamilton Junction | Waikato | Frankton |
Hamilton Plain | Canterbury | Hanmer Plain |
Hamilton South | Otago | (Ghost town in Maniototo, Otago) |
Hamilton South | Otago | Hamiltons |
Hamiltons | Otago | (Ghost town in Maniototo, Otago) |
Hamiltons | Otago | Pukepuri |
Hamiltons Station | Otago | (Ghost town in Maniototo, Otago) |
Hampden | Nelson | Longford |
Hampden | Nelson | Murchison |
Hampden | Hawke's Bay | Tikokino |
Hampstead | Canterbury | Ashburton |
Hamua | Wairarapa | Hawera (near Pahiatua) |
Hanmer Plain | Canterbury | Hamilton Plain |
Hanmer Plain | Otago | Hanmer Springs |
Hanmer Plains | Otago | Upper Waiau Ferry |
Hanmer Springs | Otago | Hanmer Plain |
Hannaton Village | Canterbury | Studholme Junction |
Hape Creek | Thames | Thames |
Happy Valley | Nelson | Hira |
Happy Valley | Canterbury | Motunau |
Happy Valley | Nelson | Wakapuaka |
Hapuakohe | Waikato | Hoe-o-Tainui |
Harataunga | Coromandel | Kennedy's Bay (Coromandel) |
Haratonga | Great Barrier Island | Okupu |
Harben | West Coast | Waimangaroa Junction |
Harcourt's Ferry | West Coast | Arahura |
Hardington's Flat | Auckland | Onehunga |
Harewood | Canterbury | Harewood Settlement |
Harewood Settlement | Canterbury | Harewood |
Harihari | West Coast | Hende's Ferry |
Harlington | Otago | Mount Cargill |
Harold Pass | West Coast | Engineer Pass/Col |
Harrington | Southland | Kauana |
Harringtons | Southland | Fernhills |
Harringtons | Southland | Fernhills Village |
Harrington's | Southland | Benmore |
Harrisville | Southland | Avenal |
Harrisville | Southland | Gladstone |
Harrodsville | Waikato | Otorohanga |
Hartley Township | Otago | Dunstan |
Hartley's Township | Otago | Dunstan |
Haruru Falls | Bay of Islands | Waitangi Falls |
Harwea Road | Wairarapa | Tutaekura |
Hastings | Hawke's Bay | Heretaunga |
Hastings | Hawke's Bay | Hicksville |
Hastings | Thames | Tapu (Thames) |
Hastings | Hawke's Bay | Whakatu |
Hastings East | Hawke's Bay | Parkvale |
Hastings South | Hawke's Bay | Karamu |
Hastings West | Hawke's Bay | Raureka |
Hastwell | Wairarapa | Hastwell's |
Hastwell's | Wairarapa | Hastwell |
Hastwell's | Wairarapa | Hastwell's Clearing |
Hastwell's | Wairarapa | Mangamahoe |
Hastwell's | Wairarapa | Mauriceville North |
Hastwell's Clearing | Wairarapa | Hastwell's |
Hatfield | Canterbury | Rakaia |
Hatters Terrace | Nelson | Nelson Creek (Greymouth) |
Hau | Nelson | Cate's Corner |
Hau Hau | West Coast | Ho Ho |
Hau Hau | West Coast | Hoho Creek |
Hau-kawakawa | Wellingon | Thorndon |
Haumoana | Hawke's Bay | Tahamoana |
Haumuri | Canterbury | Amuri |
Haumuri | Otago | Croydon |
Haunui | Wairarapa | Utewai |
Haupapa | Canterbury | Craigieburn |
Hau-papakia | Marlborough | Iron Gate Stream |
Haupoto (Motu River) | Bay of Plenty | Maraenui |
Hauraki Corner | Auckland | Clifton (Devonport) |
Hauraki Gulf | Auckland | Shouraki Gulf |
Hauraki Plains | Waikato | Piako Swamp |
Haurua | Waikato | Otorohanga |
Hautanoa | East Coast | Waima |
Hautapu | Waikato | Fencourt |
Hautapu | Waikato | Pukeroro |
Hautapu | Rangitikei | Taihape |
Hautapu Settlement | Rangitikei | Taihape |
Hautere | Southland | Solander Island |
Hautere Cross | Horowhenua | Te Horo |
Hauturu | Waikato | Te Awaroa |
Hauturu Valley | Waikato | Honikiwi |
Havelock | Marlborough | Dangerous Creek |
Havelock | Hawke's Bay | Havelock North |
Havelock | Auckland | Mangatawhiri |
Havelock | Marlborough | North West Bay |
Havelock | Marlborough | Waimaru |
Havelock | Otago | Waitahuna |
Havelock North | Hawke's Bay | Havelock |
Havelock Suburban | Marlborough | Kaituna |
Hawai | Bay of Plenty | Opotiki |
Hawainga | Rangitikei | Mangaweka |
Hawarden | Canterbury | Gladstone |
Hawarden | Canterbury | Horsley Down |
Hawea Flat | Otago | Lower Hawea |
Hawera | Taranaki | Te Hawera |
Hawera | Wairarapa | Teatukara |
Hawera (near Pahiatua) | Wairarapa | Hamua |
Hawkesbury | Otago | Hawksbury |
Hawkesbury | Otago | Isaactown |
Hawkesbury | Marlborough | Omaka |
Hawkesbury | Otago | Waikouaiti |
Hawkeswood | Marlborough | Conway Hills |
Hawkeswood | Marlborough | Hundalee |
Hawkins | Canterbury | Darfield |
Hawkins | Canterbury | Koiawa |
Hawkins | Canterbury | Koiawa |
Hawksbury | Otago | Hawkesbury |
Hawksbury | Otago | Waikouaiti |
Hawksbury Bush | Otago | Flag Swamp |
Hawthorn | Southland | Clifton |
Hawthorndale | Otago | Wakari |
Hawtrey Bay | Wellington | Days Bay |
Hawtrey Bay | Wellington | Day's Bay |
Haye's Lake | Otago | Lower Shotover |
Hayland | Canterbury | Tauhinu |
Haywards | Wellington | Haywards Camp |
Haywards Camp | Wellington | Haywards |
Haywards Camp | Wellington | Manor Park Camp |
Hayward's Point | Otago | Mihiwaka |
Hazlett's | Otago | Fairfax |
Head of the Lake | Otago | Glenorchy |
Heao | Waikato | Heao Valley |
Heao Valley | Waikato | Heao |
Heathcote | Canterbury | Heathcote Valley |
Heathcote Valley | Canterbury | Heathcote |
Heathdale | Greymouth | Taylorville |
Heatherlea | Wairarapa | Wainuioru |
Heathfield | Otago | Chaslands |
Heawa | North Auckland | Aratapu (Kaipara) |
Hector | Buller | Ngakawau |
Heddon Bush | Southland | Drummond |
Heddon Bush | Southland | Gladfield |
Heddon Bush | Southland | Taringatura |
Hedgehope | Southland | Glencoe |
Heifer Station | Wairarapa | Kaiwaiwai |
Hekeia | Southland | Longwood |
Helens Bay | Wellington | Kau Bay |
Helenslee Road (Pokeno) | Franklin | Razorback Road |
Helensville | Auckland | Mount Rex |
Helensville | Auckland | Ohirangi |
Helensville | Auckland | Wharepapa |
Helensville (Hot Springs) | Auckland | Parakai |
Hellensvilla | Auckland | Hellensville |
Hellensville | Auckland | Hellensvilla |
Hell's Gate (Rotorua) | Bay of Plenty | Tikitere |
Hellyer's Creek | Auckland | Beach Haven |
Hellyer's Creek | Auckland | Birkdale |
Hellyer's Creek | Auckland | Freemans |
Helvetia | Auckland | Swiss Settlement |
Henderson | Auckland | Henderson's Mill |
Henderson's Mill | Auckland | Henderson |
Henderson's Point | Auckland | Te Atatu |
Hende's Ferry | West Coast | Harihari |
Hende's Ferry | West Coast | Hokitika |
Henley | Otago | Taieri Ferry |
Henley | Otago | Mataipapa |
Henley West | Otago | Cranley |
Henley-on-Taieri | Otago | Taieri Ferry |
Hennington | Marlborough | Picton |
Henrys Hill | Auckland | Mt Atkinson |
Henry's Point | North Auckland | Marsden Point |
Henry's Point | North Auckland | Marsden Point |
Hepworth | Canterbury | Tai Tapu |
Hepworth | Canterbury | Tai Tapu |
Hepworth | Canterbury | Taitapu |
Herald Island | Auckland | Pine Island |
Herald Island | Auckland | Woods Island |
Herbert | Otago | Otepopo |
Herbert | Otago | Waianakarua |
Herbert | Otago | Waimotu |
Herbertville | Hawke's Bay | Wainui |
Herd's Point | Hokianga | Rawene (township) |
Herekeno | Auckland | Manukau Harbour (township) |
Herekino | Bay of Islands | Whangape |
Herepoho | Hawke's Bay | Eskdale |
Heretaunga | Hawke's Bay | Hastings (township) |
Heretaunga | Wellington | Hutt Valley |
Heretaunga | Manawatu | Mataiwi |
Heriot | Otago | Swift Creek |
Hermitage | North Auckland | Huarau |
Hervey Island | Chatham Islands | Manuae |
Hexton | East Coast | Waiwhero |
Hickfords | Manawatu | Rongotea |
Hick's Bay | East Coast | Wharekahika |
Hicksville | Hawke's Bay | Hastings |
Highbury | Auckland | Birkenhead |
Highbury | Auckland | Birkenhead |
Highbury | Manawatu | Takaro |
Highcliff | Otago | Highcliffe |
Highcliffe | Otago | Highcliff |
Highfield | Canterbury | Amuri |
Hihitahi | Rangitikei | Turangaarere Railway |
Hikeao | Canterbury | Anama |
Hikoekoea | Marlborough | Titirangi |
Hikuai | Thames | Laycock's |
Hikuai | Thames | Upper Landing |
Hikurangi | East Coast | Aorangi |
Hikurangi | North Auckland | Drevess Valley |
Hikurangi | North Auckland | Jordan |
Hikurangi | North Auckland | Otonga |
Hikurangi | North Auckland | Waro |
Hikurangi | North Auckland | Whananaki |
Hikuwai | East Coast | Arero |
Hikuwai | Thames | Laycock's |
Hildethorpe | Otago | Oamaru |
Hillcrest (Hamilton) | Waikato | Kinleith |
Hillcrest (Hamilton) | Waikato | Seddon's Hill |
Hillend | Otago | Bishop's |
Hillend | Otago | Lovell's Flat |
Hilles | Otago | Kurow |
Hillgrove | Otago | Kartigi |
Hillgrove | Otago | Moeraki Junction |
Hill's Creek | Otago | Blackstone Hill |
Hill's Creek | Otago | Blackstone Hill |
Hill's Road | Canterbury | Leeston |
Hillsborough | Auckland | Waikowhai |
Hillsborough | Canterbury | Woolston |
Hillside (School) | Canterbury | Puaha |
Hillside (School) | Nelson | Wakapuaka |
Hilltop | Taupo | Taupo South |
Hilton | Canterbury | Kakahu |
Himitangi (Railway name) | Manawatu | Carnarvon Junction |
Hinakura | Wairarapa | Pahaua Valley |
Hinau | Rangitikei | Curl's Clearing |
Hinau | Rangitikei | Marshalls |
Hinau | Rangitikei | Ohingaiti |
Hindon | Otago | West Taieri Goldfield |
Hindon Railway | Otago | Hindon Township |
Hindon Township | Otago | Hindon Railway |
Hinehaka | Murchison | Punt, The |
Hinemoa | Wairarapa | Tiraumea Valley |
Hinuera | Waikato | Mangawhara |
Hira | Nelson | Happy Valley |
Hirstfield | Southland | Orepuki |
Hiruharama | Wanganui | Jerusalem |
Hiruharama | Lake Taupo | Motutere |
Hiruharama | Wanganui | Patearero (Pati-arero) |
Hiruharama | East Coast | Waitakaro |
Hitaua | Marlborough | Te Weka |
Hiwera | Wanganui | Ohinewairua |
Hiwipango | Nelson | Gordon |
Hiwipango | Nelson | Upper Wai-iti Valley |
Hiwirau | Bay of Plenty | Cheddar Valley (Ohiwa) |
Hiwiroa | Southland | Longridge North |
Ho Ho | West Coast | Bluespur |
Ho Ho | West Coast | Houhou |
Ho Ho | West Coast | Three Mile |
Hoanga | North Auckland | Grahamsfern |
Hobsons Folly | Bay of Islands | Russell |
Hocquards | Marlborough | Te Puru |
Hodstock | Canterbury | Pleasant Point |
Hoe-o-Tainui | Waikato | Hapuakohe |
Hogburn | Otago | Mount Ida |
Hogburn | Otago | Naseby |
Hoho | West Coast | Ho Ho |
Hoho | West Coast | Houhou |
Hohonu | West Coast | Taramakau |
Hohoura | North Auckland | Ohora |
Hohoura | North Auckland | Te Koa |
Hokanui | Otago | Croydon Bush |
Hokanui | Otago | East Peak |
Hokanui | Otago | Forest Hill |
Hokianga | North Auckland | Horeke |
Hokianga | North Auckland | Mangatu |
Hokianga | North Auckland | Rawene (township) |
Hokianga Heads | North Auckland | Onoke Point |
Hokio | Horowhenua | Hokio Beach |
Hokio Beach | Horowhenua | Hokio |
Hokitika | West Coast | Hende's Ferry |
Hokitika | West Coast | Mahinapua |
Hokitika | West Coast | Okitiki |
Hokitika | West Coast | Waipara |
Hokonui | Southland | Hokanui |
Hollyburn | Southland | Te Tua |
Hollyford | Southland | Camp Marion |
Hollyford | Fiordland | Marian Camp |
Holmdale | Southland | Elbow |
Holmsdale | Southland | Lumsden |
Holmslea | Canterbury | Holmslee |
Holmslee | Canterbury | Holmslea |
Homebush | Canterbury | Coalgate |
Homebush | Canterbury | Glentunnel |
Homedale | Wellington | Wainuiomata |
Homewood | Marlborough | St Marys Bay |
Homewood | Marlborough | St Omer (Picton) |
Honikiwi | Waikato | Hauturu Valley |
Honikiwi | Waikato | Honingakiwi |
Honingakiwi | Waikato | Honikiwi |
Hook | Canterbury | Studholme Junction |
Hoopers Inlet | Otago | Kapuke-tu-roto |
Hopai | Marlborough | Eastern Crail Bay |
Hope | Nelson | Ranzau |
Hope Junction | Marlborough | Kawatiri |
Hopelands | Manawatu | Crosse Estate |
Horahora | Waikato | Aniwaniwa |
Horahora | Waikato | Mangatautari No 2 (School) |
Horahora | North Auckland | Te Mai |
Hordon Junction | Canterbury | Darfield |
Hordon Junction | Canterbury | White Cliffs Junction |
Horeke | North Auckland | Deptford |
Horeke | North Auckland | Hokianga |
Horeke | North Auckland | Opara |
Hornby | Canterbury | Southbridge Junction |
Horne Bay | Marlborough | Picton |
Horoeka | Manawatu | Rising Sun Block |
Horoera | East Coast | Te Araroa |
Horokiri | Wellington | Horokiwi |
Horokiwi | Wellington | Horokiri |
Hororata | Canterbury | Selwyn Forks |
Horotiu | Waikato | Pukete |
Horowhenua | Horowhenua | Oeinekokeoa |
Horowhenua | Horowhenua | Waikawe |
Horrellville | Canterbury | Horrelville |
Horrelville | Canterbury | Horrellville |
Horrelville | Canterbury | West Eyreton |
Horse Flat | Otago | Macraes Flat |
Horse Shoe Bay | Stewart Island | Half Moon Bay |
Horse Shoe Bend | Otago | Ettrick |
Horse Shoe Bend | Otago | Rigney's |
Horse Shoe Bend | Otago | Tallaburn |
Horse Shoe Bush | Auckland | Wade |
Horse Terrace | Nelson | Upper Matakitaki |
Horsley Down | Canterbury | Hawarden |
Horsley Down | Canterbury | Medbury |
Hoteo North | Auckland | Tauhoa |
Hoteo North | Auckland | Wayby |
Hoteo North | Auckland | Wellsford |
Houghtons Bay | Wellington | Haewai |
Houhora | North Auckland | Hohoura |
Houhora | North Auckland | Ohore |
Houhora Landing | North Auckland | Pukenui |
Houhou | West Coast | Ho Ho |
Houipapa | Otago | Owaka |
Houipapa | Otago | Ribbonwood Flat |
Houipapa | Otago | Upper Catlins |
Houlbrooke | Wairarapa | Tiraumea |
Houpoto | Bay of Plenty | Maraenui (School) |
Howards | Southland | Mangarua |
Howe | Otago | Howe's Ford |
Howe's Ford | Otago | Howe |
Howick | Auckland | Paparoa |
Huarahi | Southland | Raymonds Gap |
Huarahi | Southland | Sharpridge |
Huarau | North Auckland | Hermitage |
Huarau | Auckland | Paparoa |
Huarau | North Auckland | Wharera |
Huatoki | Taranaki | Carrington |
Huatoki | Taranaki | Frankleigh Park |
Huatoki | Taranaki | Frankley Road |
Huhue | Auckland | Pohuehue |
Huhuka | West Coast | Upper Turnbull |
Huhutahi | Wanganui | Ranana |
Huia | Auckland | Little Huia |
Huia | Auckland | Mill Bay |
Huia | Auckland | Whatipu |
Huiakama | Taranaki | Mangaere |
Huiakama | Taranaki | Mangaere |
Huiakarua | Taranaki | Strathmore |
Huiarau | East Coast | Huiarua |
Huiarau | Wairarapa | Ihuraua |
Huiarau | Rotorua | Ruatahuna |
Huiarua | East Coast | Huiarau |
Huiarua | East Coast | Whakoau |
Huinga | Taranaki | Toko Road |
Hukanui | Wairarapa | Brownston |
Hukanui | Wairarapa | Brownstown |
Hukanui | Waikato | Gordonton |
Hukarere | West Coast | Blackwater |
Hukatere | Auckland | Pahi |
Hukatere | Wanganui | Pariroa Pa |
Hukatere (Kaipara) | Auckland | Matakohe |
Hukawai | West Coast | Snowy River |
Hukinga | Wellington | Martin's River |
Hukinge | Otago | Rock and Pillar |
Hull | Otago | Taieri Beach |
Humphreys | West Coast | Humphreys Gully |
Humphreys | West Coast | Upper Arahura (School) |
Humphreys Gully | West Coast | Humphreys |
Hundalee | Marlborough | Hawkeswood |
Hunter | Canterbury | Makikihi |
Hunter | Canterbury | Upper Makikihi |
Hunterville | Rangitikei | Ingram's Homestead |
Hunterville | Rangitikei | Mangainako |
Hunterville | Rangitikei | Mongahoe |
Hunterville | Rangitikei | Overton |
Hunterville | Rangitikei | Poukiore |
Hunterville | Rangitikei | Pukiore |
Huntley | Waikato | Huntly |
Huntly | Waikato | Huntley |
Huntly | Waikato | Ruawaro |
Huntly | Waikato | Rahuipokeka |
Huntly Lodge | Waikato | Huntly |
Huntly West | Waikato | Rakaumanga (School) |
Hunt's Beach | West Coast | Gillespie's Beach |
Hunt's Beach | West Coast | Raleigh |
Hunt's Road | Otago | Katea (Owaka) |
Hunua Siding | Auckland | Opaheke |
Hurimoana | Taranaki | Whitianga |
Huri-whenua | Wellington | Te Aro Flat |
Hutchinsville | Taranaki | Rerekapa |
Hutt | Wellington | Aglionby |
Hutt | Wellington | Hutt Valley |
Hutt | Wellington | Hutt Bridge |
Hutt (Lower) | Wellington | Richmond |
Hutt Bridge | Wellington | Hutt |
Hutt River | Wellington | Awa-kairangi |
Hutt Valley | Wellington | Heretaunga |
Hutt Valley | Wellington | Hutt |
Hutt Valley | Wellington | Hutt, The |
Hutt, The | Wellington | Hutt Valley |
Hyde | Otago | Eight Mile |
Hyde | Otago | Emerald City |
Hyde | Otago | Hyde Township |
Hyde | Otago | Newton |
Hyde Railway | Otago | Newtown |
Hyde Township | Otago | Awareo |
Hyde Township | Otago | Hyde |
Ida Valley | Otago | Ophir |
Idaburn | Otago | Rough Ridge |
Ihukoi | Wairarapa | Tanglewood |
Ihumatao | Auckland | Mangere (Auckland) |
Ihuraua | Wairarapa | Huiarau |
Ikamatua | West Coast | Blackwater |
Ikamatua | West Coast | Little Grey Junction |
Ikawai | Canterbury | Glenavy |
Ikawai | Canterbury | Redcliff |
Inaha | Taranaki | Riverdale |
Inangahua Junction | Inangahua | Christy's Junction |
Inch Clutha | Otago | Inch-Clutha |
Inch Clutha | Otago | North Molyneaux |
Inch Valley | Otago | Dunback |
Inch-Clutha | Otago | Clutha Junction |
Inch-Clutha | Otago | Inch Clutha |
Inch-Clutha | Otago | Island, The |
Inch-Clutha | Otago | Junction Clutha |
Inch-Clutha | Otago | Tauhinu |
Inch-Holme | Otago | Incholme |
Inch-Holme | Otago | Island, The |
Inch-Holme | Otago | Maheno |
Incholme | Otago | Inch-Holme |
Inglewood | Southland | Invercargill |
Inglewood | Taranaki | Milton |
Inglewood | Taranaki | Moa |
Inglewood | Taranaki | Moa Block |
Inglewood | Taranaki | Moatown |
Ingram's Homestead | Rangitikei | Hunterville |
Inland Mokau | Taranaki | Maryville |
Inland Patea | Rangitikei | Erewhon |
Inland Rangitikei | Rangitikei | Tututotara |
Insolvency Court | Otago | Dansey Pass |
Inumea | North Auckland | Kaeo |
Invercargill | Southland | Clifton |
Invercargill | Southland | Inglewood |
Invercargill | Southland | Otatara |
Invercargill | Southland | Roslyn Bush |
Invercargill East | Southland | Sylvan Park |
Invercargill South | Southland | Appleby |
Ireland | Bay of Plenty | Hairini |
Irihuka | Otago | Long Point |
Irirangi (HMNZS) | Rangitikei | Waiaruhe (Waiouru) |
Iron Gate Stream | Marlborough | Hau-papakia |
Iron Pot, The | Hawke's Bay | Port Ahuriri (Napier) |
Isaactown | Otago | Hawkesbury |
Isaactown | Otago | Waikouaiti |
Isla Bank | Southland | Calcium |
Isla Bank | Southland | Limestone Plains |
Island Block | Otago | Tallaburn |
Island Cliff | Otago | Tokarahi (School) |
Island Cliff | Otago | Windsor Junction |
Island, The | Otago | Inch-Clutha |
Island, The | Otago | Inch-Holme |
Islay Down's | Otago | Morrisons |
Islington Bay | Auckland | Drunken Bay |
Iwikatea | Otago | Clutha Ferry |
Iwiroa | East Coast | Te Iwiroa |
Jackey Town | Manawatu | Palmerston North |
Jackeytown | Manawatu | Palmerston North |
Jackeytown | Manawatu | Tiakitahunga |
Jacks Point | Canterbury | Patiti Point |
Jacks Point | Canterbury | Tuhawaiki Point |
Jackson Bay | West Coast | Jackson's Bay |
Jacksons | West Coast | Lake Brunner |
Jacksons | Southland | Sylvan Bank |
Jackson's | West Coast | Lake Brunner |
Jackson's Bay | West Coast | Arawata |
Jackson's Bay | West Coast | Jackson Bay |
Jackson's Bay | West Coast | Okahu |
Jackson's Bay | West Coast | Seacombe |
Jacobs River | Southland | Aparima River |
Jacobs River | Southland | Riverton |
Jacob's River | West Coast | Bruce Bay |
Jacob's River | Southland | Manakaiaua |
Jamestown | Southland | Martins Bay |
Jamestown | Canterbury | Rangitata |
Jericho | Franklin | Pukekohe East |
Jerusalem | Wanganui | Hiruhārama |
Jerusalem | East Coast | Waitakaro |
Jevoiston | Hawke's Bay | Greenmeadows (Napier) |
Johnson's Clearing | Wellington | Johnsonville |
Johnsonville | Wellington | Johnson's Clearing |
Johnsonville | Wellington | Johnstown |
Johnstone | Otago | Waitahuna |
Johnstown | Wellington | Johnsonville |
Jollie's Pass | Canterbury | Hanmer Plains |
Jolliffetown | West Coast | Blackball |
Jones Diggings | West Coast | Ross |
Jones Diggings | West Coast | Totara |
Jones Flat | West Coast | Ross |
Jones Island | Southland | Colyer Island |
Jones's Creek | West Coast | Ross |
Jordan | North Auckland | Hikurangi |
Jordan | North Auckland | Tanekaha |
Josephville | Southland | Caroline |
Junction | West Coast | Fairdown Junction |
Junction Clutha | Otago | Inch-Clutha |
Junction Road | Wanganui | Moumahakinui |
Junction, The | Otago | Alexandra |
Junction, The | Otago | Cromwell |
Junction, The | Otago | Lawrence |
Junction, The | Northern Wairarapa | Woodville |
Kaawa | Waikato | Waikaretu |
Kackarow Island | Stewart Island | Mokinui Island |
Kaeo | North Auckland | Inumea |
Kaeo | North Auckland | Kaio |
Kaeo | North Auckland | Papuka |
Kaeo | North Auckland | Pupuka |
Kaeo | North Auckland | Taraire |
Kaeo | North Auckland | Waiari |
Kaeo | North Auckland | Wesleydale |
Kaeo | North Auckland | Woodside |
Kahahimakatea | Wellington | Battery Hill |
Kaheke | Manawatu | Marton Block |
Kahikatea | West Coast | Butler's |
Kahikatea | East Coast | Gladstone |
Kahikatea | West Coast | Gladstone |
Kahikatearoa | North Auckland | Waipapa |
Kahokawa | North Auckland | Scotts Point |
Kahotea | Waikato | Otorohanga |
Kahoutara | Wairarapa | Featherston |
Kahuika | Otago | Caberfeidh |
Kahukura | East Coast | Tikitiki |
Kahutara | Wairarapa | Te Maire |
Kahutara | Wairarapa | Te Pare |
Kahuwera | Otago | Kaiwera |
Kai Iwi | Wanganui | Goat Valley (School name) |
Kai Iwi | North Auckland | Rotorima |
Kai Iwi Beach | Wanganui | Mowhanau |
Kaianga | Canterbury | Kainga |
Kaianga | Canterbury | Stewart's Gully |
Kaiangapipi | Hawke's Bay | Camp No 4 |
Kaiapohia | Canterbury | Kaiapoi |
Kaiapoi | Canterbury | Church Bush |
Kaiapoi | Canterbury | Kaiapohia |
Kaiapoi Island | Canterbury | Coutt's Island |
Kaiapoi Island North | Canterbury | Clarkville |
Kaiapoi Pa | Canterbury | Tuahiwi |
Kaiapoi River | Canterbury | Cam River |
Kaiarero | Hawke's Bay | Petane |
Kaiarero | Otago | South Oamaru |
Kaiata | West Coast | Greymouth |
Kaiata | East Coast | Mount Buckley |
Kaiatea | North Auckland | Kiripaki |
Kaiatea | North Auckland | Kaitea |
Kaiaua | Thames | Kai-awa |
Kaiaua | Thames | New Brighton |
Kaiauai | Taranaki | Kaimiro |
Kai-awa | Thames | Kaiaua |
Kai-hau-o-kupe | Wanganui | Wanganui |
Kaihere | Waikato | Ngarua |
Kaihiku | Otago | Kaihiku Bridge |
Kaihiku | Otago | Waiwera South |
Kaihiku Bridge | Otago | Kaihiku |
Kaihu | North Auckland | Awatuna |
Kaihu | Northland | Dargaville |
Kaihu | North Auckland | Dargaville |
Kaihu | North Auckland | Mahurangi |
Kaihu | North Auckland | Mungatu |
Kaihu | North Auckland | Opanake |
Kaik | Otago | Kaiki |
Kaik | Otago | Otakou |
Kaik, The | Otago | Kaiki |
Kaiki | Otago | Kaik |
Kaiki | Otago | Kaik, The |
Kaikohe | Northland | Opangu |
Kaikohe | North Auckland | Oruoru |
Kaikora | Hawke's Bay | Otane |
Kaikora North | Hawke's Bay | Otane |
Kaikora North | Hawke's Bay | Pourere |
Kaikoura | Marlborough | Ferniehurst |
Kaikoura | Marlborough | Lookers On |
Kaikoura | Rangitikei | Utiku |
Kaikoura Island | Hauraki Gulf | Selwyn Island |
Kaimakau | Thames | Kennedy's Bay (Coromandel) |
Kaimamaku | North Auckland | Otonga |
Kaimango | Hawke's Bay | Spooners Point |
Kaimanuka | Wanganui | Waitotara |
Kaimarama | Coromandel | Whitianga |
Kaimata | West Coast | Kokiri |
Kaimaumau | North Auckland | Waiharara |
Kaimiro | Taranaki | Egmont Road |
Kaimiro | Taranaki | Kaiauai |
Kainga | Canterbury | Kaianga |
Kainga | Wellington | Te Kainga |
Kaingapai | Otago | Hakataramea |
Kaingaroa | North Auckland | Mangatete |
Kaio | North Auckland | Kaeo |
Kaipai Beach | Otago | Kartigi Beach |
Kaipara | North Auckland | Mangawhare |
Kaipara | North Auckland | Pahi |
Kaipara Flats | North Auckland | Kaurawhero |
Kaipara Flats | North Auckland | Tauhoa |
Kaipara Heads | North Auckland | Pouto |
Kaiparoro | Wairarapa | Eketahuna |
Kaipo | Auckland | Tuakau |
Kaipororo | Wairarapa | Mangagahoe |
Kairaki Beach | Canterbury | Pines, The (Kaiapoi) |
Kairoa | East Coast | Ruakaka |
Kairua (Tauranga) | Bay of Plenty | Otaimatua |
Kaitaia | North Auckland | Ahu |
Kaitaia | North Auckland | Takahue |
Kaitaia | North Auckland | Te Ahu |
Kaitangata | Otago | Coal Point |
Kaitangata | Otago | Kaitiria |
Kaitangata Junction | Otago | Stirling |
Kaitara | North Auckland | Kara |
Kaitara | Wairarapa | Morrison's Bush |
Kaitara | North Auckland | Whangarei |
Kaitarau | Marlborough | Fyffe, Mt |
Kaitawa | Wairarapa | Te Aurapa |
Kaitawa | Wairarapa | Tiraumea |
Kaitawharo | Wellington | Halswell ,Point |
Kaitea (Whangarei) | North Auckland | Kaiatea |
Kaiteratahi | East Coast | Ormond |
Kaitiria | Otago | Kaitangata |
Kaitohi | Great Barrier Island | Okupu |
Kaitoke | Wellington | Pakuratahi |
Kaitoke | Great Barrier Island | Claris |
Kaituna | Canterbury | Ataahua |
Kaituna | Canterbury | Barrys Bay |
Kaituna | Marlborough | Gibson |
Kaituna | Marlborough | Gibsontown |
Kaituna | Marlborough | Havelock Suburban |
Kaituna | Marlborough | Onamalutu |
Kaituna | Wairarapa | Waingawa |
Kaituna | Marlborough | Okaramio |
Kaituna Valley | Marlborough | Okaramio |
Kaituna Valley | Canterbury | Ataahua Valley |
Kaiwaitiri | Nelson | Buller River |
Kaiwaiwai | Wairarapa | Heifer Station |
Kaiwaka | North Auckland | Hakaru |
Kaiwaka | Auckland | Pukekararo |
Kaiwaka | Hawke's Bay | Tareha |
Kaiwarawara | Wellington | Kaiwharawhara |
Kaiwarra | Wellington | Kaiwharawhara |
Kaiwera | Otago | Kahuwera |
Kaiwera | Southland | Karere |
Kaiwharawhara | Wellington | Kaiwarawara |
Kaiwharawhara | Wellington | Kaiwarra |
Kaka | Nelson | Manu |
Kaka Point | Otago | Molyneaux Beach |
Kakahi | King Country | Oio |
Kakahoroa | Bay of Plenty | Whakatane |
Kakahu | Canterbury | Kakahu Bush |
Kakahu | Canterbury | Pleasant Point |
Kakahu | Canterbury | Hilton |
Kakahu Bush | Canterbury | Kakahu |
Kakahu School | Canterbury | Rapuwai |
Kakairiki | Manawatu | Halcombe |
Kakanui | Otago | Allday Bay |
Kakanui | Otago | Maheno |
Kakapuaka | Otago | Kakapuawaka |
Kakapuaka | Otago | Kakapuawaka |
Kakapuaka | Otago | McKees |
Kakapuaka | Otago | McKee's |
Kakapuaka | Otago | Waitapeke |
Kakapuawaka | Otago | Kakapuaka |
Kakapuawaka | Otago | Kakapuaka |
Kakariki | Wairarapa | Maungaraupi |
Kakatahi | Wanganui | Kakatihi |
Kakatihi | Wanganui | Aberfeldie |
Kakatihi | Wanganui | Kakatahi |
Kakatihi | Wanganui | Kotikotia |
Kaka-whirinaki | North Auckland | Whirinaki |
Kakepuku | Waikato | Kopua |
Kamahi | Otago | Edendale |
Kamaka | West Coast | No Town Road |
Kamo | North Auckland | Kauri-Ho-Hore |
Kanakanae | East Coast | Kanakanaia |
Kanakanaia | East Coast | Kanakanae |
Kanekani | East Coast | Te Karaka |
Kangarua Cooks | West Coast | Gillespie's Beach |
Kaniere | West Coast | Kanieri |
Kanieri | West Coast | Five Mile |
Kanieri | West Coast | Kaniere |
Kanieri | West Coast | Woodstock |
Kanieri Forks | West Coast | Cockertown |
Kanohi | Auckland | Kaukapapa |
Kapanga | Coromandel | Coromandel (township) |
Kapara | Wanganui | Taumatatahi |
Kapeahete | Coromandel | Camels Back |
Kapetaua | Auckland | Bean Rock |
Kapiti Island | Wellington | Entry Island |
Kaponga | Bay of Plenty | Mamaku (Rotorua) |
Kapuatarua | Manawatu | Koputarua |
Kapuka | Southland | Mokotua |
Kapuka | Southland | Oteramika |
Kapukariki | Canterbury | Cust |
Kapukuriki | Canterbury | Little Racecourse Hill |
Kapuri | Taranaki | Manaia (Taranaki) |
Kaputahi | Waikato | Te Kawa |
Kapu-tu-roto | Otago | Hoopers Inlet |
Kara | North Auckland | Kaitara |
Kara West | North Auckland | Kokopu |
Karaka | Auckland | Kingseat |
Karaka | Auckland | Waiau Pa |
Karaka | Auckland | Waiau Pa |
Karaka Bay | Auckland | Orama |
Karamea | West Coast | Riverdale |
Karamea Heads | West Coast | Flagstaff |
Karamea River | Tasman | Mackay River |
Karamu | Hawke's Bay | Hastings South |
Karamuramu | Auckland | Plum Pudding Island |
Karangahake | Thames | Mackay Town |
Karangarua | West Coast | Scott's Gap |
Karangarua | West Coast | Welcome Pass |
Karaponia | Taranaki | California |
Karatia | Wanganui | Galatea (Wanganui) |
Karehana Bay | Wellington | Plimmerton Extension |
Karekare | Auckland | Nihotupu |
Karere | Southland | Kaiwera |
Karere | Manawatu | Longburn |
Karetu | North Auckland | Owae |
Karetu | Bay of Islands | Taumarere |
Karewa Island | Bay of Plenty | Karewha |
Karewha | Bay of Plenty | Karewa Island |
Karikari Bay | North Auckland | Whakapouaka |
Karioi | Wanganui | Niania |
Karioi, Waipapa Point | Southland | Woodyhead |
Karitane | Otago | Brinn's Point |
Karitane | Otago | Port Waikouaiti |
Karitane | Otago | Puketeraki |
Karoha | Auckland | Weymouth |
Karori | Wellington | Creswick |
Karoro | West Coast | Greigs |
Kartiga | Otago | Katiki |
Kartigi | Otago | Hillgrove |
Kartigi Beach | Otago | Kaipai Beach |
Kartigi Beach | Otago | Katiki Beach |
Karuotewhenua | Waikato | Paemako |
Katea | Otago | Owaka |
Katea (Owaka) | Otago | Hunt's Road |
Katherine Bay | Great Barrier Island | Catherine Bay |
Katherine Bay | Great Barrier Island | Motairehe |
Kati Kati | Bay of Plenty | Katikati |
Katikati | Bay of Plenty | Kati Kati |
Katikati | Bay of Plenty | Uretara |
Katikati | Bay of Plenty | Waterford |
Katikati Heads | Bay of Plenty | Bowentown |
Katiki | Otago | Kartiga |
Katiki Beach | Otago | Kartigi Beach (Otago) |
Kau Bay | Wellington | Helens Bay |
Kauaeranga | Thames | Thames |
Kauana | Southland | Harrington |
Kauana | Southland | Pukearuhe |
Kauananuka | Wanganui | Waitotara |
Kaukapakapa | Auckland | Makarau |
Kaukapapa | Auckland | Kanohi |
Kaukau | Otago | Dip Creek |
Kaurawhero | North Auckland | Kaipara Flats |
Kauri | North Auckland | Kaurihohore |
Kauri Point | Bay of Plenty | Te Hono Point |
Kaurihohore | North Auckland | Kauri |
Kaurihohore | North Auckland | Kauri-Ho-Hore |
Kaurihohore | North Auckland | Kirktown |
Kauri-Ho-Hore | North Auckland | Kamo |
Kauri-Ho-Hore | North Auckland | Kirktown |
Kauroo Hill | Otago | Kauru Hill |
Kauru | Wellington | Kilbirnie |
Kauru Hill | Otago | Kauroo Hill |
Kauwhata | Manawatu | Awahuri (Dairy Factory) |
Kawa | Waikato | Te Kawa |
Kawakapatu | Southland | Wakapatu |
Kawakawa | Waikato | Ongarue |
Kawakawa | Auckland | Ruakawakawa |
Kawakawa | East Coast | Te Araroa |
Kawakawa Bay | Auckland | Ruakawakawa |
Kawarau | Otago | Bannockburn |
Kawarau | Otago | Cromwell |
Kawarau | Otago | Georgetown |
Kawarau Gorge | Otago | Georgetown |
Kawatau | Wellington | Kawhatau |
Kawatiri | Nelson | Claybank |
Kawatiri | Nelson | Hope Junction |
Kawatiri River | Nelson | Buller River |
Kawau | Auckland | Mullet Point |
Kawau Landing | Auckland | Sandspit (Rodney) |
Kaweheitiki | North Auckland | Rangi Point |
Kaweku | Southland | Sandstone |
Kawhai-nui | Bay of Plenty | Tauranga |
Kawhaka | West Coast | Dillman's |
Kawhaka | West Coast | Fox's |
Kawhatau | Wellington | Kawatau |
Kawhia | Waikato | Aotea South |
Kawhia | Waikato | Oparou |
Kawhia | Waikato | Puruha |
Kawhia | Waikato | Rokaunui |
Kawhia | Waikato | Taharoa |
Kawhia | Waikato | Te Waitere |
Kawhia | Waikato | Waiharakiki |
Kawhia (township) | Waikato | Pouwewe |
Kays | West Coast | Taipo |
Kea | Nelson | Flowers Terrace |
Kekepuke | Waikato | Kopua |
Kekerangu | Marlborough | Kekerengu |
Kekerengu | Marlborough | Giggerigoo |
Kekerengu | Marlborough | Kekerangu |
Kellys Beach | Auckland | Puru Creek |
Kelly's Creek | West Coast | Kellytown |
Kellytown | West Coast | Kelly's Creek |
Kenakena | Wellington | Bel Air |
Kenana | Bay of Plenty | Canaan |
Kenana | North Auckland | Kohumaru |
Kenara | North Auckland | Mangonui |
Kenepuru | Marlborough | Torea |
Kennedy's | Wanganui | Makirikiri |
Kennedy's Bay | Coromandel | Kaimakau |
Kennedy's Bay | Coromandel | St Andrew |
Kennedy's Bay | Coromandel | Harataunga |
Kennedy's Isle | Marlborough | Pohuenui |
Kennington | Southland | Bridge Inn |
Kennington | Southland | Bridge Inn |
Kennington | Southland | Longbush |
Kennington | Southland | One Tree Point |
Kenny's Flat | Auckland | Onehunga |
Kereone | Waikato | Kiwitahi Railway |
Kerepeehi | Waikato | Kerepehi |
Kerepehi | Waikato | Kerepeehi |
Kereru | Manawatu | Koputarua |
Kereru | Hawke's Bay | Poporangi Station |
Kereta | Thames | Otakeo |
Kereta | Thames | Otakeo |
Kerikeri | Bay of Islands | Gloucester Town |
Kerrs Hill | Nelson | Berneygoosal |
Kerr's Station | Canterbury | Waitohi |
Kerry | Canterbury | Kerrytown |
Kerrytown | Canterbury | Kerry |
Ketemarae | Taranaki | Normanby |
Ketu Bay | Marlborough | Bulwer |
Ketu Bay | Marlborough | Pohuenui |
Ketu Bay | Marlborough | Port Ligas |
Kiaarero | Otago | Oamaru |
Kiangawari | Nelson | Madsen |
Kihi | Waikato | Maungatautari |
Kihikihi | Waikato | Paikuku |
Kihikihi | Waikato | Ranpoahia |
Kihikihi | Waikato | Wakau |
Kihikihi | Waikato | Warahoe |
Kikiwa | Nelson | Blue Glen |
Kikowhakarere | Coromandel | Kikowhakariri |
Kikowhakariri | Coromandel | Kikowhakarere |
Kilbirnie | Wellington | Kauru |
Kilbirnie South | Wellington | Haitaiti |
Killinchy | Canterbury | Dunsandel |
Kimberley | Canterbury | Upper Courtenay |
Kimbolton | Manawatu | Birmingham |
Kimbolton | Manawatu | Fowlers |
Kimbolton Road (School) | Manawatu | Kiwitea |
Kingsdown | Chatham Islands | Raorao |
Kingsdown | Canterbury | Timaru |
Kingseat | Auckland | Karaka |
Kingsland | Auckland | Cabbage Tree Swamp |
Kingsland Gully | Auckland | Glen Osborne |
Kingston | Otago | Georgetown |
Kingston | Southland | St Johnstown |
Kingston Crossing | Southland | Longridge Village |
Kinleith | Waikato | Hillcrest (Hamilton) |
Kinloch | Southland | Dartmoor |
Kinloch | Southland | Dartmoor |
Kinloch | Canterbury | Te Oka |
Kiokio | Waikato | Puketarata |
Kioreroa | North Auckland | Opau |
Kioreroa | North Auckland | Port Whangarei |
Kipua | Hawke's Bay | Gamman's |
Kiri Kiri | Canterbury | Bexley |
Kiri Kiri | Canterbury | Oxford |
Kirikiri | Thames | Kopu |
Kirikiri-katata | Southern Alps | Mt Wakefield |
Kirikiriroa | Waikato | Hamilton |
Kirikiriroa | Waikato | Hamilton East |
Kirikiri-tatangi | Wellington | Seatoun |
Kiripaka | North Auckland | Kaiatea |
Kiritaki | Hawke's Bay | Maharahara East |
Kirkland Hill (Dunedin) | Otago | Halfway Bush |
Kirktown | North Auckland | Kauri-Ho-Hore |
Kirtleburn | Otago | Roaring Meg |
Kirwee | Canterbury | Brett's Corner |
Kirwee | Canterbury | Courtenay |
Kisbee Bay | Southland | Cromarty |
Kisselton | Canterbury | Lake Coleridge |
Kiwai | Canterbury | Leithfield Beach |
Kiwinui | Bay of Plenty | Whakatane Junction |
Kiwitahi Railway | Waikato | Kereone |
Kiwitea | Manawatu | Kimbolton Road (School) |
Knapdale | Southland | Chatton |
Knightstown | Canterbury | Edgeware |
Knockladye | Hawke's Bay | Tahekenui |
Knowsley | Wanganui | Wanganui River Mouth |
Knowsley Bay | Southland | Foveaux Strait |
Knowsley Bay | Wanganui | Wanganui River Mouth |
Knowsley River | Southland | Aparima River |
Knowsley River | Southland | Riverton |
Knowsley River | Wanganui | Wanganui River Mouth |
Kohi Road | Hawke's Bay | Pahautuhia |
Kohitere | North Auckland | Port Whangarei |
Kohumaru | North Auckland | Kenana |
Kohupatiki | Hawke's Bay | Kohuratahi Pa |
Kohuratahi Pa | Hawke's Bay | Kohupatiki |
Kohurau | Otago | Kurow |
Koiawa | Canterbury | Hawkins |
Koiro | Waikato | Otuiti |
Koiterangi | West Coast | Kowhitirangi |
Kokako | Auckland | Port Albert Central |
Kokakotangireka | Wellington | Windy Point |
Kokatahi | West Coast | Lower Kokatahi |
Kokiri | West Coast | Kaimata |
Kokoamo | Otago | Waipiata |
Kokohuia | Wanganui | Balgownie |
Kokohuia | Wanganui | Castlecliff Beach |
Kokonga | Otago | Ryans Crossing |
Kokopu | North Auckland | Kara West |
Kokotahi-te-taniwha | Wellington | Evans Bay |
Kokourata | Canterbury | Port Levy |
Kollack Bay | Southland | Colac Bay |
Komako | Otago | Waipata |
Komiti | North Auckland | Oruru Valley |
Komokoriki | Auckland | Ahuroa |
Konini | Manawatu | Makakahi |
Kononi | Otago | Corkscrew |
Kononi | Otago | Lower Tuapeka West |
Kononi | Otago | Makakahi |
Kopaki | King Country | Paratikana |
Kopara | Greymouth | Kopara Flats |
Kopara Flats | Greymouth | Kopara |
Kope | Whakatane | Kopeopeo |
Kopeopeo | Whakatane | Kope |
Kopikopiko | Wairarapa | Waiwera |
Kopu | Thames | Kirikiri |
Kopu | Thames | Takapua |
Kopua | East Coast | Bartletts |
Kopua | East Coast | Bartlett's |
Kopua | Waikato | Kakepuku |
Kopua | Waikato | Kekepuku |
Kopua | Hawke's Bay | Otawhao |
Kopua | Hawke's Bay | Ormondville |
Kopuarahi | Thames | Pipiroa East |
Kopuaranga | Wairarapa | Dreyerton |
Kopuaranga | Wairarapa | Opaki |
Kopuawhara | Hawke's Bay | Camp No 3 |
Kopuku | Auckland | Bridgewater |
Kopungara | Wairarapa | Pahautea |
Kopuranga | Wairarapa | Dreyerton |
Kopuru | North Auckland | Te Kopuru |
Koputai | Otago | Port Chalmers |
Koputarua | Manawatu | Kapuatarua |
Koputarua | Manawatu | Kereru |
Koraha | North Auckland | Lower Ramarama |
Koreke | Nelson | Quail Valley |
Korepo | Manawatu | Glencoe |
Korere | Nelson | Upper Motupiko |
Koreromaiwaho | Manawatu | Mingiroa |
Korokonui | Rangitikei | Taihape |
Koromiko | Marlborough | Para |
Koromiko | Southland | Waihoaka |
Koromiko | Marlborough | Waitohi |
Koroniti | Wanganui | Corinth |
Kororareka | Bay of Islands | Russell |
Kotemaori | Hawke's Bay | Te Maori (Wairoa) |
Kotikotia | Wanganui | Kakatihi |
Kotikotia | Wanganui | Parapara |
Kotinga | Nelson | Long Plain |
Kotinga | Nelson | Long Plain |
Kotuku | West Coast | Clonmore |
Kourow | Otago | Kurow |
Kourow | Otago | Upper Ferry |
Koutu | North Auckland | Hokianga Heads |
Koutu | North Auckland | Onoke Point |
Kowai | Otago | Black Cleugh |
Kowai | Canterbury | Leithfield |
Kowai Pass | Canterbury | Springfield |
Kowai Rock | Canterbury | Rock Ford |
Kowhai | East Coast | Motuhora |
Kowhatu | Otago | Rocky Point |
Kowhitirangi | West Coast | Koiterangi |
Kuka Creek | North Auckland | Ohauroro Island |
Kukuae | North Auckland | Parua Bay |
Kukuwai | North Auckland | Parua Bay |
Kumara | West Coast | Kumara Junction |
Kumara Beach Road | West Coast | Kumara Junction |
Kumara Junction | West Coast | Kumara |
Kumara Junction | West Coast | Kumara Beach Road |
Kumeu | Auckland | Pomona |
Kumeu Flat | Auckland | Ararimu North |
Kuranga | Thames | Thames |
Kurani | Thames | Thames |
Kuratawhiti | Canterbury | Otarama Peak |
Kura-te-au | Marlborough | Tory Channel |
Kuri-a-paoa | East Coast | Young Nick's Head |
Kuripapanga | Hawke's Bay | Kuripapango |
Kuripapango | Hawke's Bay | Kuripapanga |
Kuripuni | Wairarapa | Kurupuni |
Kuritapu | Canterbury | Halfway House |
Kuriwao | Otago | Clinton |
Kurow | Otago | Hilles |
Kurow | Otago | Kohurau |
Kurow | Otago | Kourow |
Kurow | Otago | Pukaki |
Kurow | Otago | Strachans |
Kurow | Otago | Wharekuri |
Kurupuni | Wairarapa | Kuripuni |
Kutarere | Whakatane | Ohiwa |
Kutarere | Whakatane | Waiotahi |
Kyeburn | Otago | Cows Creek |
Kyeburn Diggings | Otago | Upper Kyeburn |
Kyle | Canterbury | Pendarves |
Kynnersley | West Coast | Waimarie |
Lady Barkly (Railway name) | Southland | Barkly |
Laingholm | Auckland | Langholm |
Laingholm | Auckland | Little Muddy Creek |
Laingholm | Auckland | Roseneath |
Lairdvale | King Country | Lairdville |
Lairdville | King Country | Lairdvale |
Lake Acland | Canterbury | Lake Emma |
Lake Arthur | Nelson | Lake Rotoiti |
Lake Brunner | West Coast | Jackson's |
Lake Brunner | West Coast | Laketown |
Lake Coleridge | Canterbury | Coleridge |
Lake Coleridge | Canterbury | Kisselton |
Lake Coleridge | Canterbury | Whakamatau |
Lake Ellesmere | Canterbury | Waihora |
Lake Emma | Canterbury | Lake Acland |
Lake Hay | Otago | Lake Hayes |
Lake Hayes | Otago | Lake Hay |
Lake Ohau | Otago | Long Bush |
Lake Rotoiti | Nelson | Lake Arthur |
Lake Takapuna | Auckland | Pupuke Lake |
Lake Waipori | Otago | Berwick |
Lakes Hill Camp | Wanganui | 31 Mile Camp |
Lakes Hill Camp | Wanganui | Okopua |
Laketown | West Coast | Lake Brunner |
Lamplough | West Coast | Awatuna |
Land of Promise | West Coast | Umere |
Langdale | Wairarapa | Whareama |
Langhmor | Canterbury | Westerfield |
Langholm | Auckland | Laingholm |
Langridge | Marlborough | Middlehust |
Langs Beach | North Auckland | Wairahi |
Langthorne | East Coast | Rakauroa |
Lansdowne | Canterbury | Halswell |
Laodicea | Wanganui | Raorikia |
Larry's Creek | West Coast | Colyton |
Lauriston | Canterbury | Mitcham |
Lauriston | Canterbury | Sherwood |
Lauriston | Otago | Tahakopa |
Lauriston | Canterbury | Urral |
Lavenham | East Coast | Patutahi |
Lawrence | Otago | Forsyth |
Lawrence | Otago | Junction, The |
Lawrence | Otago | Tuapeka |
Laycock's | Thames | Hikuai |
Laycock's | Thames | Hikuwai |
Le Bon's Bay | Canterbury | Bon Bay |
Le Pic Mascarin | Taranaki | Mt Egmont/Taranaki |
Lea Stream | Otago | Lee Stream |
Leader | Canterbury | Riversdale |
Leamington | Waikato | Cambridge West |
Lee Stream | Otago | Lea Stream |
Lee Stream | Otago | Traquair |
Leeston | Canterbury | Hill's Road |
Leeston Road (Railway name) | Canterbury | Burnham |
Leigh | Auckland | Big Omaha |
Leigh | Auckland | Little Omaha |
Leigh's Stockade | Wellington | Tawa Flat |
Leithfield | Canterbury | Kowai |
Leithfield Beach | Canterbury | Kiwai |
Lennons Bush | Southland | Flints Bush |
Leper Island | Wellington | Mokopuna Island |
Lepperton | Taranaki | Manutahi North |
Lethbridge | Wanganui | Turakina |
Levels | Canterbury | Pleasant Point |
Levels, The [farm] | Canterbury | Timaru [now part of] |
Levin | Horowhenu | Taitoko |
Levin | Horowhenua | Wereroa |
Lewis Hill | Rotorua | Lynmore |
Liberton | Dunedin | Pine Hill |
Lichfield | Waikato | Wauts |
Lillburn | Southland | Wairoto |
Limehills | Southland | Ords |
Limehills | Southland | Oreti |
Limehills | Southland | Woody Knoll |
Limerick | Otago | Fruitlands |
Limestone Hill | North Auckland | Waipu |
Limestone Island, Whangarei Harbour | North Auckland | Matakohe |
Limestone Plains | Southland | Isla Bank |
Linburn | Otago | Linnburn |
Lincoln Road | Taranaki | Waitoriki |
Linden | Wellington | Tawa Downs |
Lindis | Otago | Tarras |
Lindis Crossing | Otago | Bendigo |
Linds Bridge | Southland | Makarewa |
Lindsay | Hawke's Bay | Ruataniwha |
Lindsay | Hawke's Bay | Vernon |
Linkwater | Marlborough | Mahakipawa |
Linnburn | Otago | Linburn |
Lintley Village | Southland | Lumsden |
Linton | Manawatu | Fitzherbert West |
Linton | Manawatu | Whitmore |
Linwood Railway | Canterbury | Wilson's Road |
Lisburn | Auckland | Albany |
L'Isle Sterile | Hawke's Bay | Bare Island |
Lismore (Ashburton) | Canterbury | Hackthorne |
Little Akaloa | Canterbury | Akaloa Bay |
Little Akaloa | Canterbury | Decanter Bay |
Little Akaloa | Canterbury | Raupo Bay |
Little Grey Junction | West Coast | Ikamatua |
Little Grey Junction | West Coast | Waipuna |
Little Huia | Auckland | Huia |
Little Karoro Creek | Otago | Burnt Scrub Creek |
Little Manly | Auckland | Little Manly Beach |
Little Manly Beach | Auckland | Little Manly |
Little Muddy Creek | Auckland | Laingholm |
Little Omaha | Auckland | Leigh |
Little Omaha | Auckland | Little Omaha Harbour |
Little Omaha Harbour | Auckland | Little Omaha |
Little Racecourse Hill | Canterbury | Kapukuriki |
Little Racecourse Hill | Canterbury | Malvern |
Little Scotland | Auckland | Pohuehue |
Little Taranaki | Wanganui | Maben Road |
Little Waitaha | West Coast | Fergusons |
Little Wanganui | West Coast | Wanganui |
Little Wanganui Ferry | West Coast | Te Namu |
Little Wanganui River | West Coast | Poerua |
Livingston (Hawera) | Taranaki | Tokaora |
Livingstone | Otago | Maerewhenua |
Livingstone | Otago | Ramsaytown |
Livingstone | Manawatu | Sandon Block |
Livingstone's | East Coast | Waingake |
Lloyd's | West Coast | Blackwater |
Loburn | Otago | Lowburn Ferry |
Loburn | Canterbury | South Loburn |
Lochiel | Southland | Elderslie |
Lochiel | Southland | Forest Hill |
Logantown | Otago | Bendigo |
London | Wanganui | Ranana |
Long Bush | Otago | Lake Ohau |
Long Bush | Southland | Woodlands |
Long Ford, The | Southland | Gore |
Long Ford, The | Murchison | Longford |
Long Island | Southland | Ruapuke Island |
Long Plain | Nelson | Kotinga |
Long Plain | Nelson | Kotinga |
Long Plain | Nelson | Lotinga |
Long Plain | Nelson | Takaka |
Long Point | Otago | Irihuka |
Long Valley | Otago | McKenzies Flat |
Longbeach | Southland | Cromarty |
Longbeach | Southland | Te Oneroa |
Longbeach Railway Station | Canterbury | Winslow |
Longburn | Manawatu | Karere |
Longburn | Manawatu | Tiakitahuna |
Longburn | Manawatu | Whitmore |
Longbush | Southland | Chatham |
Longbush | Southland | Kennington |
Longbush | Southland | Seven Mile Crossing |
Longbush | Southland | Rimu |
Longford | Southland | Gore |
Longford | Murchison | Long Ford, The |
Longridge | Southland | Balfour |
Longridge | Southland | Balfour |
Longridge North | Southland | Hiwiroa |
Longridge Village | Southland | Kingston Crossing |
Longwood | Southland | Hekeia |
Longwood | Southland | Oraki |
Lookers On | Marlborough | Kaikoura |
Lorne | Otago | Enfield |
Lorne | Southland | Wallacetown Junction |
Lorne | Otago | Whitstone |
Lorneville | Southland | Wallacetown Junction |
Lotinga | Nelson | Kotinga |
Loudon's | Otago | Fairfield |
Loury Bay | Wellington | Lowry Bay |
Lovell's Flat | Otago | Crichton |
Lovell's Flat | Otago | Hillend |
Lovet | Canterbury | Aylesbury |
Lowburn | Otago | Loburn |
Lowburn | Otago | Lowburn Ferry |
Lowburn Ferry | Otago | Lowburn |
Lowburn Ferry | Otago | Perriam's |
Lowcliffe | Canterbury | Coldstream |
Lowden Hills | East Coast | Puketawa |
Lower Cashmere | Canterbury | Thorrington |
Lower Dunstan | Otago | Alexandra |
Lower Dunstan | Otago | Manuherikia |
Lower Eweburn | Otago | Waipiata |
Lower Hawea | Otago | Hawea Flat |
Lower Heathcote | Canterbury | Ferry Road |
Lower Kaituna | Nelson | Aorere |
Lower Kokatahi | West Coast | Kokatahi |
Lower Moawhango | Rangitikei | Taoroa |
Lower Nevis | Otago | Nevis |
Lower Otira | West Coast | Aickens |
Lower Pareora | Canterbury | St Andrew |
Lower Port Chalmers | Canterbury | Mansford Town |
Lower Ramarama | North Auckland | Koraha |
Lower Rangitata | Canterbury | Ealing |
Lower Rangitikei | Rangitikei | Scotts Ferry |
Lower Retaruke | King Country | Retaruke |
Lower Shotover | Otago | Haye's Lake |
Lower Taieri | Otago | East Taieri |
Lower Township | Otago | Alexandra |
Lower Tuapeka West | Otago | Kononi |
Lower Tutaenui | Rangitikei | Marton |
Lower Waianiwa | Southland | Waianiwa |
Lower Waiawa | Rotorua | Omarumutu |
Lower Waihou | Thames | Eastport |
Lower Wairau | Marlborough | Spring Creek |
Lower Wakefield | Nelson | Wakefield |
Lowood | Southland | Winton |
Lowrie's | Wanganui | Turakina Valley |
Lowry Bay | Wellington | Whiorau |
Lowther | Southland | Lumsden |
Lucas Creek | Auckland | Albany |
Luggate | Otago | Lugget |
Lugget | Otago | Luggate |
Lumsden | Southland | Elbow |
Lumsden | Southland | Elbow, The |
Lumsden | Southland | Five Rivers |
Lumsden | Southland | Holmsdale |
Lumsden | Southland | Lintley Village |
Lumsden | Southland | Lowther |
Lumsden | Southland | New Elbow |
Luscombe | North Auckland | Parahi |
Lyall Bay | Wellington | False Bay |
Lyall Bay | Wellington | Maranui |
Lyalldale | Canterbury | Pareora No 2 Settlement |
Lymore | Rotorua | Lewis Hill |
Lyndon | Canterbury | Temara |
Lyttelton | Canterbury | Port Cooper |
Lyttelton | Canterbury | Port Victoria |
Lyttelton [Port] | Canterbury | Te Whaka |
Lyttelton [Port] | Canterbury | Te Whaka-raupo |
Lyttelton Harbour | Canterbury | Cook's Harbour |
Lyttelton Harbour | Canterbury | Tokolabo |
Maanu | North Auckland | Maunu |
Maata | Taranaki | Mata |
Mabel | Southland | Mabel Bush |
Mabel Bay | West Coast | Meybille Bay |
Mabel Bush | Southland | Mabel |
Maben Road | Wanganui | Little Taranaki |
Maben Road | Wanganui | Matukuroa |
Maben Road | Wanganui | Opaku |
Macetown | Otago | Twelve Mile |
Mackay River | Tasman | Karamea River |
Mackay Town | Thames | Karangahake |
Mackay Town | Thames | Mackaytown |
Mackaytown | Thames | Mackay Town |
MacKenzie | Otago | Mina |
Mackenzie Country | Canterbury | MacKenzie Plains |
Mackenzie Plains | Canterbury | Mackenzie Country |
MacKenzie's | Canterbury | Cheviot |
Maclennan | Otago | Papatowai |
MacManamen's | Marlborough | Terawhiti |
Macrae's | Otago | Macraes Flat |
Macraes Flat | Otago | Fullartons |
Macraes Flat | Otago | Horse Flat |
Macraes Flat | Otago | Macrae's |
Macraes Flat | Otago | Murphys Flat |
Madsen | Nelson | Kiangawari |
Maerewhenua | Otago | Marowhenua |
Maerewhenua | Otago | Maruwenua |
Maerewhenua West | Otago | Livingstone |
Maggie Creek | Nelson | Berneygoosal |
Maggie Creek | Nelson | Kerrs Hill |
Mahakipawa | Marlborough | Cullen Creek |
Mahakipawa | Marlborough | Cullensville |
Mahakipawa | Marlborough | Linkwater |
Mahakirau | Coromandel | Whitianga |
Mahana | Nelson | Bronte |
Maharahara | Hawke's Bay | Matahiwi |
Maharahara | Hawke's Bay | Mataiwi |
Maharahara | Hawke's Bay | Ruangarehu |
Maharahara East | Hawke's Bay | Kiritaki |
Maharakeke | Hawke's Bay | Marakeke |
Mahau | Marlborough | Bittle's |
Maheno | Otago | Kakanui |
Maheno | Otago | Inch-Holme |
Maheno | Otago | Reidston |
Mahia | East Coast | Old Mahia |
Mahia | East Coast | Opoutama |
Mahia | Hawke's Bay | Oraka |
Mahia | East Coast | Te Mahia |
Mahia Beach | East Coast | Maina |
Mahinapua | West Coast | Ogilvies |
Mahinepua | North Auckland | Stephenson Island |
Mahirakau | Waikato | Pukeraumati |
Mahitahi | West Coast | Condon's |
Mahitahi | West Coast | Maitahi |
Mahora | Hawke's Bay | Tomoana |
Mahunga Military Settlement | Gisborne | Ormond |
Mahurangi | Auckland | Brown's |
Mahurangi | North Auckland | Kaihu |
Mahurangi | Auckland | Mahurangi Heads |
Mahurangi | Auckland | Te Kapa |
Mahurangi | Auckland | Warkworth |
Mahurangi Central | Auckland | Craigieburn |
Mahurangi Heads | Auckland | Mahurangi |
Mahuta | Auckland | Ralphville |
Maimai | Nelson | Squaretown |
Maina | East Coast | Mahia Beach |
Maioro | Auckland | Waiuku |
Mair | North Auckland | Whangarei |
Mairtown | North Auckland | Whangarei |
Maitahi | Auckland | Dairy Flat |
Maitahi | Auckland | Mahitahi |
Makahoe | Otago | Papanui Inlet |
Makahu | Taranaki | Gatton |
Makairo | Wairarapa | Pahiatua |
Makairo | Wairarapa | Tiraumea |
Makairohia | Otago | Edwards, Mt |
Makaka | Auckland | Destruction Gully |
Makakahi | Manawatu | Konini |
Makakahi | Otago | Kononi |
Makakahikatoa | Otago | Outram |
Makaraka | East Coast | Makauri |
Makaraka | East Coast | New Gisborne |
Makarau | Auckland | Kaukapakapa |
Makaretu | Hawke's Bay | Makaretu North |
Makaretu North | Hawke's Bay | Makaretu |
Makarewa | Southland | Linds Bridge |
Makarika | East Coast | Aorangi |
Makauri | East Coast | Gisborne |
Makauri | East Coast | Makaraka |
Makeretu | Hawke's Bay | Ashley Clinton |
Makerua | Manawatu | Makurerua |
Makerua | Manawatu | Makurerua |
Makerua | Manawatu | Shannon |
Maketawa | Taranaki | Durham Road |
Maketawa | Taranaki | Te Tawa |
Maketu | Auckland | Opaheke |
Maketu | Auckland | Ramarama |
Maketu | Auckland | Te Maketu |
Makikihi | Canterbury | Hunter |
Makino | Wellington | Pikiariki |
Makino Road | Manawatu | Glenwood |
Makirikiri | Wanganui | Kennedy's |
Makirikiri | Wanganui | Upokongaro |
Makohine | Rangitikei | Ohingaiti |
Makomako | Wairarapa | Mangaho |
Makomako | Waikato | Moerangi |
Makotuku | Wanganui | Raetihi |
Makowhai | Manawatu | Mickeytown |
Maku | Hawke's Bay | Pongaroa |
Makukupara | Manawatu | Waione |
Makurerua | Manawatu | Makerua |
Makurerua | Manawatu | Makerua |
Makuri | Wairarapa | Coonoor |
Malaghan's | Otago | Miller's Flat |
Malaghan's | Otago | Speargrass Flat |
Malaghan's | Otago | Wharehuanui |
Malaspina Sound | Fiordland | Smith Sound |
Malfroy | Rotorua | Rotorua West |
Malton | Southland | Te Hiwi |
Malvern | Canterbury | Annat |
Malvern | Canterbury | Little Racecourse Hill |
Malvern | Canterbury | Waddington |
Malvern | Canterbury | Malvern Hills |
Malvern | Canterbury | Sheffield |
Malvern Hills | Canterbury | Malvern |
Mamaku (Rotorua) | Bay of Plenty | Kaponga |
Mana (Paremata) | Wellington | Dolly Varden |
Mana Island | Wellington | Table Island |
Manaia | Thames | Dunbars |
Manaia | Taranaki | Kapuri |
Manaia | Taranaki | Waimate Plains |
Manaia (Dunbar's) | Thames | Ahimia |
Manaia Station | Wairarapa | Solway |
Manakaiaua | West Coast | Jacob's River |
Manakau Harbour | Auckland | Manou-kao |
Manakau Harbour | Auckland | Manukoe [Harbour] |
Mananu | Thames | Anuanu |
Manawa | Hawke's Bay | Tenui |
Manawaora | North Auckland | Clendon Cove |
Manawaora Bay | Bay of Islands | Manawara Bay |
Manawara Bay | Bay of Islands | Manawaora Bay |
Manawatu | Manawatu | Oroua Downs (township) |
Manawatu Gorge | Manawatu | Te Apiti |
Manawatu Gorge | Manawatu | Te Au-rere-a-te-tonga |
Manawatu Heads | Manawatu | Foxton Beach |
Manchester (School name) | Manawatu | Bunnythorpe |
Manchester (School name) | Manawatu | Mugby Junction |
Mandeville | Southland | Otamete |
Mandeville | Southland | Retreat Station |
Mandeville | Southland | Wantwood Station |
Mandeville (North) | Canterbury | Swannanoa |
Mandeville North | Canterbury | Ohoka |
Manga | Taranaki | Taurakawa |
Mangaehu | Taranaki | Pahautuhia |
Mangaehu | Taranaki | Puniwhakau |
Mangaere | Taranaki | Huiakama |
Mangaere | Taranaki | Huiakama |
Mangaetaroa | Wanganui | Mangaituroa |
Mangaha | Manawatu | Pokokomuka |
Mangahao | Wairarapa | Moku Moku |
Mangaho | Wairarapa | Makomako |
Mangainako | Rangitikei | Hunterville |
Mangaiti | Taranaki | Bell Block |
Mangaituroa | Wanganui | Mangaetaroa |
Mangaituroa | Wellington | Waipuna |
Mangakahia | North Auckland | Awarua |
Mangakahia | North Auckland | Oruoru |
Mangakahia | North Auckland | Pakotai |
Mangakahia | North Auckland | Pipwai |
Mangakura | Auckland | Chalmerston |
Mangamahoe | Wairarapa | Hastwells |
Mangamaire | Wairarapa | Tutaekara |
Mangamaunu | Marlborough | Sandy Bay |
Mangamoko | Rangitikei | Ohingaiti |
Mangamuka | North Auckland | Maungamuka |
Mangamuka | North Auckland | Taikawhana |
Mangamuka Bridge | North Auckland | Mangamuka |
Mangamutu | Wairarapa | Scarborough |
Manganui | Taranaki | Midhirst |
Manganui | Taranaki | Waipuku |
Mangaohiku | Hawke's Bay | Reporua |
Mangaohutu | King Country | Ohutu Landing |
Mangaone | Wairarapa | Coleton |
Mangaone | Manawatu | Colyton |
Mangaone | Wairarapa | Pleckville |
Mangaone North | Wairarapa | Pahiatua |
Mangaone Valley | Wairarapa | Eketahuna |
Mangaone Valley | Hawke's Bay | Tangitere |
Mangaone Village | Wairarapa | Rongomai |
Mangaonui | Waikato | Newstead |
Mangaonui-o-wae | North Auckland | Broadwood |
Mangaorongo | Waikato | Rangiatea |
Mangapai | Auckland | Ruarangi |
Mangapai | Auckland | Waikiekie |
Mangapai Wharf | North Auckland | Oakleigh |
Mangapapa | King Country | Aria |
Mangapapa | Hawke's Bay | Maryville |
Mangapapa | Hawke's Bay | Pariwaro |
Mangapapa Valley | Waikato | Otangiwai |
Mangapiko | Waikato | Te Awamutu |
Mangapiri | Southland | Belmont |
Mangapuaka | Hawke's Bay | Ngapaeruru Block No 2 |
Mangarakau | Collingwood | Southend |
Mangarakau | Collingwood | West Wanganui |
Mangarawa | Wairarapa | Pinfold Road |
Mangarimu | Manawatu | Beef Creek |
Mangarimu | Manawatu | Beef Creek |
Mangaroa | Rotorua | Maroa |
Mangaroa | Wellington | Maymorn |
Mangaroa | King Country | Ohura |
Mangaroa Valley | Wellington | Wallaceville (Hutt Valley) |
Mangarua | Southland | Howards |
Mangatangi | Auckland | Maungatawhiri |
Mangatangirau | Auckland | Touwai |
Mangatapu | Waikato | McArthurs Siding |
Mangatara | Dannevirke | Mangatera |
Mangatau | Taranaki | Opunake |
Mangatautari No 2 (School) | Waikato | Horahora |
Mangatawhiri | Auckland | Havelock |
Mangatepopo | Waimarino | Taurewa |
Mangatera | Dannevirke | Mangatara |
Mangatete | North Auckland | Awanui |
Mangatete | North Auckland | Kaingaroa |
Mangati | Taranaki | Bell Block |
Mangati | Great Barrier Island | Okupu |
Mangatoetoe | North Auckland | Victoria Valley |
Mangatu | North Auckland | Auckland |
Mangatu | North Auckland | Hokianga |
Mangatu | North Auckland | Marlborough |
Mangatua | Otago | Woodside |
Mangawai | Auckland | Coal Hill |
Mangawai | North Auckland | Hakaru |
Mangawai | Auckland | Mangawhai |
Mangawai | Auckland | Molesworth |
Mangawai | Auckland | North Albertland |
Mangawara | Thames | Manuwaru |
Mangawara | Waikato | Orini |
Mangaweka | Rangitikei | Hawainga |
Mangaweka | Rangitikei | Three Log Whare |
Mangawhai | Auckland | Mangawai |
Mangawhai | Auckland | Mangowhai |
Mangawhara | Waikato | Hinuera |
Mangawharariki | Manawatu | Ruahine |
Mangawhare | Canterbury | Cricklewood |
Mangawhare | North Auckland | Kaipara |
Mangawhera | Taranaki | Mata |
Mangawhero | Taranaki | Eltham |
Mangere | Auckland | Ihumatao |
Mangere | Auckland | One Tree Point |
Mangere | Auckland | Pukaki |
Mangoihe | Waimarino | Tawaglen |
Mangonui | North Auckland | Kenara |
Mangonui | North Auckland | Mongonui |
Mangonui | North Auckland | Oruaiti |
Mangonui | North Auckland | Oruru |
Mangonui | North Auckland | Taemaro |
Mangonui | North Auckland | Waimahara |
Mangonui-o-wae | North Auckland | Broadwood |
Mangorei (New Plymouth) | Taranaki | Mongorei |
Mangowhai | Auckland | Mangawhai |
Maniaroa | Nelson | Tapawera |
Maniatoto | Otago | Maniototo |
Maniototo | Otago | Maniatoto |
Manly | Auckland | Big Manly |
Manly | Auckland | Polkinghornes Beach |
Mannings Valley | Auckland | Moumoukai |
Manor Park Camp | Wellington | Haywards Camp |
Manou-kao | Auckland | Manukau Harbour |
Mansford Town | Otago | Lower Port Chalmers |
Manu | Nelson | Kaka |
Manuae | Chatham Islands | Hervey Island |
Manuherikia | Otago | Alexandra South |
Manuherikia | Otago | Lower Dunstan |
Manui | Wairarapa | Masterton-Tenui |
Manukau Harbour (township) | Auckland | Herekeno |
Manukou [Harbour] | Auckland | Manukau Harbour |
Manurewa South | Auckland | Churchill |
Manutahi North | Taranaki | Lepperton |
Manuwaru | Thames | Mangawara |
Maori Creek | Greymouth | Dungaville |
Maori Gully | West Coast | Arnold |
Maori Gully | West Coast | Brunnerton |
Maori Hill | Dunedin | Murrayville |
Maori Kaik | Otago | Kaiki |
Maori Point | Southland | Charleston |
Maorirua | Southland | Edendale |
Mapua | Nelson | Ruby Bay |
Maraekoa | Southland | Gladfield |
Maraekoa | Southland | Gladfield |
Maraenui | Bay of Plenty | Haupoto (Motu River) |
Maraenui | Hawke's Bay | Richmond Block |
Maraenui (School) | Bay of Plenty | Houpoto |
Maraetaha | East Coast | Whareata |
Maraetaho | Hawke's Bay | Tarewa |
Marahea | East Coast | Tokomaru Bay |
Marakeke | Hawke's Bay | Maharakeke |
Marakura | Fiordland | Te Anau |
Marama | Auckland | Maungarei |
Marama | Marlborough | Richmond Brook |
Maranui | Wellington | Lyall Bay |
Maratoto | Thames | Golden Cross |
Marawiti | Canterbury | Barrhill |
Maretutu North | North Auckland | Taipuha |
Marewhenua | Otago | Ramsaytown |
Marian Camp | Fiordland | Hollyford |
Mariomoto | Otago | Wedderburn |
Marlborough | Marlborough | Goulands Ferry |
Marlborough | North Auckland | Mangatu |
Marlborough Town | Marlborough | Goulands Ferry |
Marlow | Bay of Islands | Towai |
Maroa | Wairarapa | Alfredton |
Maroa | Rotorua | Mangaroa |
Marohemo | North Auckland | Bickerstaffe |
Marowhenua | Otago | Maerewhenua |
Marsden | Manawatu | Coylton |
Marsden Point | North Auckland | Belle View |
Marsden Point | North Auckland | Henry's Point |
Marsden Point | North Auckland | Ruakaka |
Marsdens Vale | Bay of Islands | Paihia |
Marshalls | Rangitikei | Hinau |
Marshall's Ferry | Canterbury | Arundel |
Marshland | Canterbury | Bottle Lake |
Marshmeadows | Waikato | Newstead |
Martinborough | Wairarapa | Te Waihenga |
Martinborough | Wairarapa | Waihenga |
Martins Bay | Southland | Jamestown |
Martin's River | Wellington | Hukinga |
Marton | Rangitikei | Lower Tutaenui |
Marton | Rangitikei | Pukepapa |
Marton | Rangitikei | Tutaenui |
Marton Block | Manawatu | Kaheke |
Marua | North Auckland | Otonga East |
Maruakoa | Otago | Barbriderry |
Maruawai | Southland | Gore |
Maruia | Murchison | Matakitaki |
Maruia | Murchison | Walker's |
Maruia South | Murchison | Burnbrae |
Marumoko | East Coast | Aorangi |
Maruwenua | Otago | Maerewhenua |
Maryvale | Hawke's Bay | Omahanui |
Maryville | Taranaki | Inland Mokau |
Maryville | Taranaki | Mangapapa |
Maryville | Taranaki | Pariwaro |
Mason's Flat | Canterbury | Woodgrove |
Massacre Bay | Nelson | Golden Bay |
Massey (Waitemata) | Auckland | Birdwood |
Massey (Waitemata) | Auckland | Massey-Birdwood |
Massey-Birdwood | Auckland | Massey (Waitemata) |
Masterton East | Wairarapa | East Side |
Masterton-Te Nui | Wairarapa | Manui |
Mata | Taranaki | Maata |
Mata | Taranaki | Mangawhera |
Mata (Hokianga) | North Auckland | Mata North |
Mata North | North Auckland | Mata (Hokianga) |
Mataahu | East Coast | Akuaku |
Mataatua | Rotorua | Ruatahuna |
Matahiwi | Hawke's Bay | Maharahara |
Matahorua Stream | Hawke's Bay | Matahoura |
Matahoura | Hawke's Bay | Eskdale Railway Camp |
Matahoura | Hawke's Bay | Matahorua Stream |
Matahoura | Hawke's Bay | Tatara |
Matahura | Waikato | Waeranga |
Matai | Southland | Otapiri |
Matai | West Coast | Ngahere |
Matai (Matamata) | Waikato | Mati |
Mataikuna | Wairarapa | Whakataki |
Mataiwi | Manawatu | Heretaunga |
Mataiwi | Hawke's Bay | Maharahara |
Matakana | Auckland | Craigieburn |
Matakanui | Otago | Tinkers |
Matakanui | Otago | Drybread |
Matakitaki | Murchison | Maruia |
Matakohe | Auckland | Hukatere |
Matakohe | North Auckland | Limestone Island, Whangarei Harbour |
Matakope | Auckland | Ararua |
Matangi | Waikato | Tamahere |
Matapouri Bay | North Auckland | Whananaki |
Matarehua | East Coast | East Cape |
Matariki | Nelson | Wangapeka Settlement |
Matata | Bay of Plenty | Richmond |
Matau | Otago | Clutha River |
Matauhi | Bay of Islands | Matauwhi Bay |
Mataura | Southland | Tuturau |
Mataura | Southland | Waimumu |
Mataura Plains | Southland | Edendale |
Mataura River | Southland | Toetoe River |
Matauwhi Bay | Bay of Islands | Matauhi |
Matauwhi Bay | Bay of Islands | Matawhi |
Matawai | East Coast | Flemings Homestead |
Mataweka | Hawke's Bay | Tapairu |
Mataweka | Hawke's Bay | Te Tapairu |
Matawhero | East Coast | Bushmere |
Matawhi | Bay of Islands | Matauwhi Bay |
Mati (Matamata) | Waikato | Matai |
Matiapapa | Otago | Henley |
Matiri | West Coast | Murchison |
Matiu | Wellington | Somes Island |
Matoro | Southland | Otama |
Matuku | Southland | Glenelg |
Matuku | Southland | Hamilton Burn |
Matukuroa | Wanganui | Maben Road |
Mauao | Bay of Plenty | Mount Maunganui (hill) |
Maud Island | Marlborough | Maude Island |
Maud Island | Marlborough | Te Hoiere |
Maude Island | Marlborough | Maud Island |
Maungakakaramea | Bay of Plenty | Rainbow Mountain (Rotorua) |
Maungakawa | Waikato | Sanitorium Hill (Cambridge) |
Maungakiekie | Auckland | One Tree Hill |
Maungakohatu | North Auckland | Bryn Avon |
Maungamuka | North Auckland | Mangamuka |
Maunganui | Bay of Islands | Deep Water Cove |
Maunganui Bluff | Hokianga | Aranga |
Maungaraupi | Wairarapa | Kakariki |
Maungarei | Auckland | Marama |
Maungarei | Auckland | Mount Wellington (hill) |
Maungatapu | Waikato | McArthurs Siding |
Maungatautari | Waikato | Kihi |
Maungatawhiri | Auckland | Mangatangi |
Maungatua | Otago | Woodside |
Maungaturoto | North Auckland | Rowsells |
Maungaturoto | North Auckland | Wairau Creek |
Maungerkeruhi | Wanganui | Mangamahu |
Maunu | North Auckland | Maanu |
Maunu | North Auckland | Whangarei |
Mauriceville North | Wairarapa | Hastwell's |
Ma-waro | Canterbury | Mawaro |
Mawaro | Canterbury | Ma-waro |
Mawheraiti | West Coast | Waimaunga |
Maxwell | Wanganui | Maxwelltown |
Maxwell | Wanganui | Okehu |
Maxwelltown | Wanganui | Maxwell |
Maxwelltown | Wanganui | Okehu |
Maybelle Bay | West Coast | Meybille Bay |
Mayfield | Auckland | Birkenhead |
Mayfield | Auckland | Freemans |
Mayfield | Auckland | Glenfield |
Maymorn | Wellington | Mangaroa |
Mayor Island | Bay of Plenty | Tuhua |
Maytown | Canterbury | Waimate |
McArthurs Siding | Waikato | Maungatapu |
McCaskill's Driving Creek | Coromandel | Driving Creek |
McCleverty, Mount | Wellington | Tinakori Hill |
McConnells Bush | Thames | Otamakitai |
McConnell's Bush | Thames | Otamakitai |
McDonalds | West Coast | Otira Gorge |
McDonald's Cove | Hawke's Bay | Ahuriri Harbour |
McDonnell's Cove | Hawke's Bay | Ahuriri Harbour |
McKee's | Otago | Kakapuaka |
McKellars Flat | Otago | Crookston |
McKenzie | Canterbury | Cheviot |
McKenzies Flat | Otago | Long Valley |
McLean Township | Auckland | Pokeno |
McLean's | Canterbury | Arno |
McLean's | Canterbury | Pukeraruhe |
Mead | Canterbury | Mead Settlement |
Mead Settlement | Canterbury | Mead |
Mechanics Bay | Auckland | Waipapa |
Medbury | Canterbury | Horsley Down |
Medbury | Canterbury | Peaks |
Medlands | Great Barrier Island | Oruawharo |
Mellenskov | Wairarapa | Eketahuna |
Menzie's Ferry | Southland | Wyndham |
Mercer | Waikato | Point Russell |
Mercer | Auckland | Point Russell |
Mercer | Auckland | Te Paina |
Mercury Island | Auckland | Ahuahu |
Merrijigs | West Coast | Big River Junction |
Merrijigs | West Coast | Reefton |
Meybille Bay | West Coast | Mabel Bay |
Meybille Bay | West Coast | Maybelle Bay |
Mickey Town | Manawatu | Sanson |
Mickeytown | Manawatu | Makowhai |
Middle Island | New Zealand | New Munster |
Middle Island | New Zealand | South Island |
Middle Rangitikei | Rangitikei | Bulls |
Middlehurst | Marlborough | Lampridge |
Middlemarch | Otago | Blair Taieri |
Middlemarch | Otago | Springs |
Middlemarch | Otago | Strath Taieri |
Middlemarch | Otago | Sutton |
Middlevale | Southland | Charlton |
Midhirst | Taranaki | Manganui |
Midhirst | Taranaki | Midhurst |
Midhurst | Taranaki | Midhirst |
Mihiwaka | Otago | Haywards Point |
Mihiwaka | Otago | Purakanui |
Mikanui | Marlborough | Oaro |
Milburn | Otago | Circle Hill |
Milburn | Otago | Millburn |
Mildura | East Coast | Tamarau |
Milford | Manawatu | Awapuni |
Milford | Canterbury | Temuka |
Mill Bay | Auckland | Huia |
Millar's Flat | Otago | Ettrick |
Millburn | Otago | Milburn |
Miller's Flat | Otago | Malaghan's |
Mills | Marlborough | Wharanui |
Milltown | Otago | Milton |
Milton | Otago | Fairfax |
Milton | Otago | Tokomairiro |
Milton | Taranaki | Inglewood |
Milton | Otago | Milltown |
Milton | Taranaki | Moa |
Milton | Taranaki | Moatown |
Milton | Otago | Southbridge |
Milton | Otago | Table Hill |
Mimihau | Southland | Waerikiki |
Mina | Otago | Mackenzie |
Mingaroa | Mingiroa | |
Minginui | Whakatane | Minginui Forest |
Minginui Forest | Whakatane | Minginui |
Mingiroa | Manawatu | Koreromaiwaho |
Mingiroa | Mingaroa | |
Miramai | Wellington | Worser Bay |
Miramar Peninsula | Wellington | Whataitai |
Miranda | Auckland | Pokorokoro |
Miranda | Auckland | Pukorokoro |
Mirimar (Peninsula) | Wellington | Watt's Peninsula |
Miro | Taranaki | Norfolk |
Mironni | West Coast | Ross |
Mirza | Marlborough | Ward |
Mitcham | Canterbury | Lauriston |
Mitchellstown | Southland | North Invercargill |
Mititai | Auckland | Arapohoue |
Moa | Taranaki | Inglewood |
Moa Flat | Otago | Dumbarton |
Moa Flat | Otago | Ettrick |
Moa Flat | Otago | Roxburgh |
Moanariri | Otago | Bull Creek |
Moanaroa | Rangitikei | Scotts Ferry |
Moanatairi | Thames | Thames |
Moatown | Taranaki | Inglewood |
Moatown | Taranaki | Milton |
Moeatoa | Waikato | Glengregg |
Moehau | Thames | Geard's Bay |
Moeraki Downs | Canterbury | Cust |
Moeraki Junction | Otago | Hillgrove |
Moerangi | Waikato | Mokomoko |
Moewhare | Whangarei | Omywhare |
Mokamoka | Otago | Newhaven |
Mokamoka | Otago | Pounawea |
Mokao | Taranaki | Mokau |
Mokau | Taranaki | Mokao |
Mokauiti | King Country | Aria |
Mokihinui | Nelson | Bayfield's Flat |
Mokihinui | Nelson | Durham |
Mokihinui | West Coast | St Helen's |
Mokinui Island | Southland | Kackarow Island |
Mokomoko Inlet | Southland | Duck Bay |
Mokonui | East Coast | Te Araroa |
Mokopuna Island | Wellington | Leper Island |
Mokotua | Southland | Bush Siding |
Mokotua | Southland | Kapuka |
Mokotua | Southland | Oteramika |
Mokotua | Southland | Woodlands |
Moku Moku | Wairarapa | Mangahao |
Molesworth | Auckland | Mangawai |
Molyneaux Beach | Otago | Kaka Point |
Molyneaux River | Otago | Clutha River |
Momahaki | Wairarapa | Richardson |
Moneymore | Otago | South Toko |
Mongahoe | Rangitikei | Hunterville |
Mongaone | Wairarapa | Eketahuna |
Mongaorongo | King Country | Otorohanga |
Mongatuhu | Taranaki | Strathmore |
Mongonui | North Auckland | Mangonui |
Mongorei | Taranaki | Mangorei (New Plymouth) |
Moonlight Creek | West Coast | Atarau |
Moretown | Southland | New Brighton |
Morley | Southland | Nightcaps |
Moroa | Wairarapa | Alfredton |
Morrins Landing | Waikato | Morrinsville |
Morrinsville | Waikato | Morrins Landing |
Morrinsville | Waikato | Motumaoho |
Morrinsville | Waikato | Murray's |
Morrinsville | Waikato | Waitoa |
Morrisons | Otago | Islay Down's |
Morrisons | Otago | Pigroot |
Morrisons | Otago | Shingley Creek |
Morrisons | Otago | Swinburn |
Morrisons | Otago | Waihemo |
Morrison's Bush | Wairarapa | Greytown |
Morrison's Bush | Wairarapa | Kaitara |
Morton Mains | Southland | Oteramika |
Morven | Canterbury | Waihao |
Morven Hills | Otago | Cromwell |
Mosgiel | Otago | Ballarat |
Mosquito Point | Bay of Islands | Tokatokahau Point |
Mossburn | Otago | Centre Hill |
Mosston | Wanganui | Mosstown |
Mosstown | Wanganui | Mosston |
Motairehe | Great Barrier Island | Catherine Bay |
Motairehe | Great Barrier Island | Katherine Bay |
Motatau | North Auckland | Towai |
Motherly Bay | - | South Taranaki Bight |
Motonau | Canterbury | Greta Valley |
Motonau | Canterbury | Happy Valley |
Motopohue | Southland | Bluff Hill |
Motoremu | Southland | Seaward Moss |
Motuareoiti | Nelson | Adele Island |
Motuareoiti | Nelson | Fisherman Island |
Motuarohia | Bay of Islands | Roberton Island |
Motuhora | East Coast | Kowhai |
Motuhora (Whakatane) | Bay of Plenty | Whale Island |
Motuiti | Manawatu | Carnarvon |
Motukaraka | North Auckland | Rawene |
Motukorea | Auckland | Browns Island |
Motukura | Hawke's Bay | Bare Island |
Motumaoho | Waikato | Morrinsville |
Motunau | Canterbury | Cabbage Tree Flat |
Motunau | Canterbury | Greta Valley |
Motuotaria | Hawke's Bay | Wanstead |
Motupiko Railway | Nelson | Bromell's |
Motupipi | Nelson | Clifton |
Motutere | Lake Taupo | Hiruharama |
Moumahakinui | Wanganui | Junction Road |
Moumoukai | Auckland | Mannings Valley |
Mount Albert | Auckland | Edendale |
Mount Buckley | East Coast | Kaiata |
Mount Cargill | Otago | Harlington |
Mount Cook | Canterbury | Aorangi |
Mount Desert Estate | Wanganui | Gonville (Wanganui) |
Mount Edgecombe | Bay of Plenty | Putauaki |
Mount Egmont | Taranaki | Mt Taranaki |
Mount Egmont/Taranaki | Taranaki | Le Pic Mascarin |
Mount Hobson | Auckland | Ohinerau |
Mount Hyde | Otago | Parere |
Mount Ida | Otago | Hogburn |
Mount Ida | Otago | Naseby |
Mount Maunganui (hill) | Bay of Plenty | Mauao |
Mount Maunganui (township) | Bay of Plenty | Mount, The |
Mount Rascal | Auckland | Mount Roskill |
Mount Rex | Auckland | Helensville |
Mount Roskill | Auckland | Mount Rascal |
Mount Roskill | Auckland | Puketapapa |
Mount Somers | Canterbury | Buccleugh |
Mount Stuart | Otago | Glenmore |
Mount Taranaki | Taranaki | Mt Egmont |
Mount Victoria, Devonport | Auckland | Flagstaff Hill |
Mount Wakefield | Wellington | Tinakori Hill |
Mount Wellington (hill) | Auckland | Maungarei |
Mount, The | Bay of Plenty | Mount Maunganui (township) |
Moutere | Otago | Chatto Creek |
Moutere | Nelson | St Paulidorf |
Moutoa | Manawatu | Foxton |
Mowhanau | Wanganui | Kai Iwi Beach |
Mt Aspiring | Canterbury | Tititea |
Mt Atkinson | Auckland | Henrys Hill |
Mt Ida | Otago | Naseby |
Mt Ngauruhoe | Waimarino | Auruhoe |
Muddy Creek | Auckland | Brooklynn |
Muddy Creek | Southland | Freshford |
Muddy Creek | Auckland | Nihotapu |
Mugby Junction | Manawatu | Bunnythorpe |
Muka | West Coast | Flaxmill |
Muller | Marlborough | Muller, The |
Muller, The | Marlborough | Muller |
Mullet Point | Auckland | Kawau |
Mungapakeha | Wairarapa | Te Nui |
Mungatu | Auckland | Kaihu |
Munro's Gully | Otago | Evan's Flat |
Murchison | Nelson | Foxhill |
Murchison | West Coast | Hampden |
Murchison | West Coast | Matiri |
Murdering Beach | Otago | Whareakeake |
Murihuku | - | Southland District |
Muriomato | Otago | Wedderburn |
Murpheys Flat | Otago | Macraes Flat |
Murray Creek | West Coast | Black's Point |
Murray's | Waikato | Morrinsville |
Murrayville | Dunedin | Maori Hill |
Murupara | Bay of Plenty | Galatea |
Musick Point | Auckland | East Head |
Mutton Bird Islands | Southland | Titi Islands |
Mutton Town Gully | Hokianga | Waikerikeri |
Naenae | Wellington | Nae Nae |
Naenae | Wellington | Nai Nai |
Naeroa | Southland | New River Ferry |
Nai Nai | Wellington | Naenae |
Nanuhu | Auckland | Pukeatua |
Nanuhu | Auckland | Wade |
Napier (original settlement) | Hawke's Bay | Ahuriri |
Nardoo | Nelson | Upper Matakitaki |
Narrow Neck | Auckland | Devonport North |
Naseby | Otago | Hogburn |
Naseby | Otago | Mount Ida |
Naseby | Otago | Mt Ida |
Naseby | Otago | Parkers Diggings |
Naseby | Otago | Parkers Town |
Naseby | Otago | Vincent |
National Park (township) | Waimarino | Waimarino |
Neavesville | Thames | Puriri (Thames) |
Nelson | Nelson | Beuckville |
Nelson (original settlement) | Nelson | Wakatu |
Nelson Creek | Greymouth | Hatters Terrace |
Nelson Goldfields | Nelson | Diggings |
Nelson Haven | Nelson | Wakatu |
Netherby | Otago | Pomahaka |
Nevesville | Thames | Puriri |
Nevilles | Nelson | Newton Flat |
Nevis | Otago | Lower Nevis |
New Brighton | Thames | Kaiaua |
New Brighton | Southland | Moretown |
New Edinburgh | Otago | Dunedin |
New Elbow | Southland | Lumsden |
New Gisborne | East Coast | Makaraka |
New Leinster | New Zealand | Stewart Island |
New Leith | Otago | Port Chalmers |
New Munster | New Zealand | Middle Island |
New Munster | New Zealand | South Island and southern part of North Island |
New Perth | Otago | Port Chalmers |
New Plymouth (original settlement) | Taranaki | Ngamotu |
New River | Otago | Oreti River |
New River Ferry | Southland | Naeroa |
New Side | Canterbury | Bushside |
New Ulster | New Zealand | North Island |
Newark | Northland | Pakanae |
Newcastle | Otago | Albert Town |
Newcastle | Waikato | Ngaruawahia |
Newcastle | Waikato | Queenstown |
Newcastle | Otago | Wanaka |
Newhaven | Otago | Mokamoka |
Newhaven Harbour | Southland | Owaka Harbour |
Newland | Canterbury | Cambridge |
Newlands | Wellington | Pukehuia |
Newman | Wairarapa | Eketahuna |
Newport | North Auckland | Dargaville |
Newport | Bay of Islands | Opua |
Newstead | Waikato | Mangaonui |
Newstead | Waikato | Marshmeadows |
Newton | Otago | Hyde |
Newton | Marlborough | Picton |
Newton | Marlborough | Waitohi |
Newton Flat | Nelson | Flowers Flat |
Newton Flat | Nelson | Nevilles |
Newton West | Auckland | Arch Hill |
Newtown | Otago | Hyde Railway |
Newtown | Otago | Tinker's Gully |
Nga Timote | Nelson | Pokororo |
Ngaawapurua | Manawatu | Awapurua |
Ngaere | Taranaki | Ngaire |
Ngaere | Taranaki | Te Ngaere |
Ngahauranga | Wellington | Ngauranga Gorge (Wellington) |
Ngahere | West Coast | Matai |
Ngaio | Wellington | Crofton |
Ngaire | Taranaki | Ngaere |
Ngakawau River | West Coast | Hector |
Ngakuta | Marlborough | Hakana |
Ngamotu | Taranaki | New Plymouth (original settlement) |
Ngapaeruru Block No 2 | Hawke's Bay | Mangapuaka |
Ngapara | Otago | Queen's Flat |
Ngapipito | North Auckland | Ngawha |
Ngapohatu | Southland | Riverton |
Ngaro | Southland | Beaumont |
Ngarua | Waikato | Kaihere |
Ngaruawahia | Waikato | Newcastle |
Ngaruawahia | Waikato | Pukete |
Ngatea | Thames | Orchard, The |
Ngatoro | Taranaki | Dudley Road |
Ngauranga Gorge | Wellington | Ngahauranga |
Ngawaierimu | Southland | Five Rivers |
Ngawapurua | Wairarapa | Woodville |
Ngawha | North Auckland | Ngapipito |
Ngawha | North Auckland | Ngawhitu |
Ngawhitu | North Auckland | Ngawha |
Ngtuwera | Wanganui | Richardson |
Niagara | Southland | Waikawa Falls |
Niania | Wanganui | Karioi |
Nightcaps | Southland | Morley |
Nihoniho | King Country | Ratatomokia |
Nihotapu | Auckland | Brooklynn |
Nihotapu | Auckland | Muddy Creek |
Nihotupu | Auckland | Karekare |
Nikau | Manawatu | Waiata |
Nineteen Mile | Otago | Queensberry |
Ninety Mile Beach | Canterbury | Canterbury Bight |
Nireaha | Wairarapa | Evergreen |
No Mans Land | Auckland | Cornwallis |
No Town | West Coast | Stillwater |
No Town Creek | West Coast | Onganui |
No Town Road | West Coast | Kamaka |
Nohoroa | Rotorua | Oturoa |
Nokomai | Southland | Athol |
Nokomai | Southland | Fairlight |
Nokomai | Southland | Glenquoich |
Nokomai Saddle | Otago | Garston |
Nolantown | Taranaki | Taupatete |
Norfolk | Taranaki | Miro |
Normanby | Taranaki | Ketemarae |
Normanby | Taranaki | Waihi |
North Albertland | Auckland | Mangawai |
North Albertland | Auckland | Oruwharo North |
North Auckland | New Zealand | Northland |
North Avon | Canterbury | Richmond |
North Beach | Wellington | Bel Air |
North Forest Hill (School) | Southland | Gap |
North Halcombe | Manawatu | Stanway |
North Invercargill | Southland | Mitchellstown |
North Island | New Zealand | New Ulster |
North Linwood | Canterbury | Dallington |
North Moeraki Downs | Canterbury | Springbank |
North Molyneaux | Otago | Inch Clutha |
North Ormond | East Coast | Willows, The |
North River | North Auckland | Waipu North |
North Shore | Auckland | Devonport |
North West Bay | North Avon | Havelock |
Northcote | Canterbury | Casebrook |
Northcote | Auckland | Stokes Point |
Northern Wairarapa | New Zealand | Forty-Mile Bush |
Northland | New Zealand | North Auckland |
Northport | Canterbury | Saltwater Creek |
Norton | Canterbury | Wainono |
Norwood | Canterbury | Selwyn |
Nugget Point | Otago | Nuggets, The |
Nuggets, The | Otago | Nugget Point |
Nukumaru | Wanganui | Waitotara |
Nukutawhiti | North Auckland | Opouteke |
Oahau | North Auckland | Batley |
Oahau | North Auckland | Otamatea |
Oakati | North Auckland | Whangarei |
Oakleigh | North Auckland | Mangapai Wharf |
Oakura | Taranaki | Oakura Beach |
Oakura Beach | Taranaki | Oakura |
Oakura Beach | Taranaki | Te Ahuahu |
Oamaru | Otago | Hildethorpe |
Oamaru | Otago | Kiaarero |
Oamaru | Otago | Otiake |
Oamaru | Otago | Waiareka Junction |
Oanaka | Otago | Wanaka |
Oaro | Marlborough | Mikanui |
Oasbore | Canterbury | Birdling's Flat |
Oban | Stewart Island | Broad Bay |
Oban | Stewart Island | Half Moon Bay |
Ocean Grove | Otago | Tomahawk |
Oeinekokeoa | Horowhenua | Horowhenua |
Oero | Hawke's Bay | Patangata |
Ogilvies | West Coast | Mahinapua |
Ohaeawai | North Auckland | Taiamai |
Ohakea | Manawatu | Ohakia |
Ohakea | Manawatu | Pukapukatea Bush |
Ohakea | Manawatu | Pukenui |
Ohakia | Manawatu | Ohakea |
Ohape | Canterbury | Temuka |
Ohapuku | Canterbury | Wetheral Railway |
Ohariu | Wellington | Owhariu |
Ohauroro Island | North Auckland | Kuka Creek |
Ohauroro Island | North Auckland | Peach Island |
Ohinemoa | Thames | Shaftesbury |
Ohinemuri | Waikato | Paeroa |
Ohinemutu | Bay of Plenty | Rotorua |
Ohinerau | Auckland | Mount Hobson |
Ohinetahi | Canterbury | Governor's Bay North |
Ohinewairua | Wanganui | Hiwera |
Ohinewha | Hawke's Bay | Wallingford |
Ohingaiti | Rangitikei | Hinau |
Ohingaiti | Taranaki | Makohine |
Ohingaiti | Rangitikei | Mangamoko |
Ohingaiti | Taranaki | Ponwhakaroa |
Ohirangi | Auckland | Helensville |
Ohiro | Wellington | Brooklyn |
Ohiwa | Bay of Plenty | Kutarere |
Ohoka | Canterbury | Mandeville North |
Ohonga | Manawatu | Aohanga |
Ohonga Ferry | Manawatu | Aohanga |
Ohora | North Auckland | Hohoura |
Ohui | Coromandel | Tairua |
Ohui | Bay of Plenty | Waiohau (Whakatane) |
Ohura | Taranaki | Mangaroa |
Ohutu Landing | King Country | Mangaohutu |
Ohutu Landing | King Country | Torere |
Oihi | Bay of Islands | Rangihoua Bay |
Oio | King Country | Kakahi |
Oira | Auckland | Runciman |
Okaehau | North Auckland | Okaihau |
Okahau | Otago | Warrington |
Okahu | West Coast | Jackson's Bay |
Okahu | Waiheke Island | Toka Toka |
Okahukura | Auckland | Tapora (Wellsford) |
Okaihau | North Auckland | Bothaville |
Okaihau | North Auckland | Okaehau |
Okains Bay | Canterbury | Opara |
Okains Bay | Canterbury | Stony Bay West |
Okakuri | Marlborough | Te Awaite |
Okanagan | Rangitikei | Scotts Ferry |
Okaramio | Marlborough | Kaituna |
Okaramio | Marlborough | Kaituna Valley |
Okawa | Hawke's Bay | Fernhill |
Okehu | Wanganui | Tewkesbury |
Okehu | Wanganui | Maxwell |
Okehu | Wanganui | Maxwelltown |
Okiato | Bay of Islands | Old Russell |
Okitiki | West Coast | Hokitika |
Okiwi | Marlborough | Grove |
Okiwi | Wellington | Rona Bay |
Okoha | Marlborough | Anakoa Bay |
Okoha | Marlborough | Anakoha Bay |
Okoha | Marlborough | Forsyth Bay |
Okopua | Wanganui | Lakes Hill Camp |
Okupu | Great Barrier Island | Claris |
Okupu | Great Barrier Island | Haratonga |
Okupu | Great Barrier Island | Kaitohi |
Okupu | Great Barrier Island | Mangati |
Okupu | Great Barrier Island | Owana |
Okura | Auckland | Red Vale (Birkenhead) |
Old Diggings | Nelson | Berlin's (Nelson) |
Old Mahia | East Coast | Mahia |
Old Man Bluff | Southland | Bluff Hill |
Old Russell | Bay of Islands | Okiato |
Oldham's Creek | Nelson | Atawhai |
Oldham's Creek | Nelson | Atawhai |
Omaha Bay | Auckland | Big Omaha |
Omahanui | Hawke's Bay | Maryvale |
Omaka | Marlborough | Hawkesbury |
Omakere | Hawke's Bay | Tamumu |
Omaru | Waiheke Island | Putiki Bay |
Omaru | Waiheke Island | Toka Toka |
Omarumutu | Rotorua | Lower Waiawa |
Omarunui | Hawke's Bay | Taradale |
Omau | West Coast | Cape Foulwind |
Omoho | Coromandel | Tokatea |
Omywhare | Whangarei | Moewhare |
Onapua | Marlborough | Dacre Bay |
Onapua | Marlborough | Dieffenbach |
Onapua | Marlborough | Redheugh |
One Tree Hill | Auckland | Maungakiekie |
One Tree Point | Southland | Kennington |
One Tree Point | Auckland | Mangere |
Onehunga | Auckland | Hardington's Flat |
Onehunga | Auckland | Kenny's Flat |
O'Neill's Point | Auckland | Bayswater |
Onekeneke Terraces | Taupo | Terrace, The (Taupo) |
Onerahi | North Auckland | Grahams |
Onerahi | North Auckland | Grahamstown |
Oneroa | Auckland | Blackpool (School name) |
Oneroa | Auckland | Torbay |
Onetapu Desert | Waimarino | Rangipo Desert |
Onetea | North Auckland | Avoca |
Onganui | West Coast | No Town Creek |
Ongarue | Waikato | Kawakawa |
Onoke Point | North Auckland | Hokianga Heads |
Opaheke | Auckland | Ararimu South |
Opaheke | Auckland | Hunua Siding |
Opaheke | Auckland | Maketu |
Opaki | Wairarapa | Dreyerton |
Opaki | Wairarapa | Kopuaranga |
Opaku | Wanganui | Maben Road |
Opanake | Auckland | Kaihu |
Opango | Auckland | Dacre |
Opangu | Northland | Kaikohe |
Opapa | Hawke's Bay | Te Aute (Railway Station) |
Opara | North Auckland | Horeke |
Opara | Canterbury | Okains Bay |
Oparou | Waikato | Kawhia |
Opau | North Auckland | Kioreroa |
Ophir | Otago | Black's |
Ophir | Otago | Black's Diggings |
Ophir | Otago | Ida Valley |
Opihi | Canterbury | Pleasant Point |
Oporo | Southland | Waianiwa |
Opotiki | Bay of Plenty | Hawai |
Opotiki | Bay of Plenty | Pakowhai |
Opouriao North | Whakatane | Taneatua |
Opouriao West | Whakatane | Waimiha |
Opoutama | East Coast | Mahia |
Opouteke | North Auckland | Nukutawhiti |
Opoutere | Thames | Wharekawa Harbour |
Opoutia | Waikato | Churchill |
Opua | Marlborough | Dieffenbach |
Opua | Bay of Islands | Newport |
Opuha | Canterbury | Ashwick |
Opuha | Canterbury | Pleasant Point |
Opunake | Taranaki | Mangatau |
Opunake | Taranaki | Punehu |
Oraka | Southland | Colac Bay |
Oraka | Hawke's Bay | Mahia |
Orakeikorako | Taupo | Atiamuri |
Oraki | Southland | Longwood |
Oraki | Southland | Tihaka (in Colac Bay) |
Orama | Auckland | Karaka Bay |
Orari Bridge | Canterbury | Struggler's Flat |
Orari Swamp | Canterbury | Bulmer |
Orari Swamp | Canterbury | Clandeboye |
Oratia | Auckland | Sunnyvale |
Oraukura | Rangitikei | Raukura |
Orawia | Southland | Cabra |
Orawia | Southland | Feldwick |
Orawia | Southland | Orewia |
Orawia | Southland | Rosehill |
Orawia | Southland | Sharpridge |
Orawia | Southland | Waiau |
Orchard, The | Thames | Ngatea |
Ords | Southland | Limehills |
Orepuki | Southland | Garfield |
Orepuki | Southland | Hirstfield |
Orepuki | Southland | Round Hill |
Orepuki | Southland | Te Ina |
Orepuki | Southland | Waiau River |
Orere | Auckland | Cashmores |
Oreti | Southland | Dipton |
Oreti | Southland | Limehills |
Oreti Plains | Southland | Farmers Rest |
Oreti River | Southland | New River |
Orewia | Southland | Orawia |
Organs Island | Nelson | Garden Island |
Oriental Bay | Wellington | Duppa |
Orini | Waikato | Mangawara |
Orinoco | Nelson | Oronoko |
Orira | Hokianga | Umawera |
Ormond | East Coast | Kaiteratahi |
Ormond | Gisborne | Mahunga Military Settlement |
Ormond | East Coast | Waimarie |
Ormondville | Hawke's Bay | Kopua |
Oronoko | Nelson | Orinoco |
Oropi | Bay of Plenty | Europe |
Oropi (Tauranga) | Bay of Plenty | Eighteen Mile Bush |
Oroua Downs (township) | Manawatu | Manawatu |
Oroua River | Manawatu | Styx River |
Orton | Canterbury | Canavan's |
Orton | Canterbury | Canavans |
Orua Bay | Auckland | Coulhards Bay |
Orua Bay | Auckland | Goulthards |
Oruaiti | North Auckland | Mangonui |
Oruamatua | Rangitikei | Erewhon |
Oruapou | North Auckland | Scarrotts |
Oruapukapuka Island | Bay of Islands | Urupukapuka |
Oruawharo | Auckland | Medlands |
Oruawharo | Auckland | Tryphena |
Oruoru | North Auckland | Kaikohe |
Oruoru | North Auckland | Mangakahia |
Oruoru | North Auckland | Pakotai |
Oruru | Taranaki | Douglas |
Oruru | North Auckland | Mangonui |
Oruru Valley | North Auckland | Komiti |
Oruwharo North | Auckland | Albertland North |
Oruwharo North | Auckland | North Albertland |
Ostend | Waiheke Island | Putiki |
Ostend | Waiheke Island | Putiki Bay |
Ota Creek | Southland | Brydone |
Ota Creek | Southland | Edendale |
Otago | New Zealand | Otakou |
Otago Harbour | Otago | Port Daniel |
Otago Harbour | Otago | Port Oxley |
Otago Heads | Otago | Taiaroa |
Otahu | Southland | Otahu Valley |
Otahu Valley | Southland | Otahu |
Otahuti | Southland | Springburn |
Otaihape | Rangitikei | Taihape |
Otaika | North Auckland | Whangarei |
Otaimatua (Tauranga) | Bay of Plenty | Kairua |
Otairi | Rangitikei | Braemore |
Otairi | Rangitikei | Otiwhiti |
Otaitai | Southland | Otaitai Bush |
Otaitai Bush | Southland | Otaitai |
Otakairangi | North Auckland | Ruatangata |
Otakarama | Southland | Gore |
Otakarama | Southland | Pukerau |
Otakaro | Canterbury | Avon River |
Otakeo | Thames | Kereta |
Otakeo | Thames | Kereta |
Otaki | Wellington | Hadfield Town |
Otakou | Otago | Kaiki |
Otakou | Otago | Otago |
Otakou | Otago | Taiaroa Heads |
Otama | Southland | Matoro |
Otama Bridge (Mataura) | Southland | Otamita |
Otamahono | Nelson | Wairangi |
Otamakitai | Thames | McConnells Bush |
Otamakitai | Thames | McConnell's Bush |
Otamatea | North Auckland | Batley |
Otamatea | North Auckland | Oahau |
Otamatea | North Auckland | Young's Point |
Otamete | Southland | Mandeville |
Otamita (Mataura) | Southland | Croydon |
Otamita (Mataura) | Southland | Otama Bridge |
Otane | Hawke's Bay | Kaikora |
Otane | Hawke's Bay | Kaikora North |
Otangiwai | Waikato | Mangapapa Valley |
Otapiri | Southland | Matai |
Otapiri | Southland | Otapiri Gorge |
Otapiri | Southland | Winton |
Otapiri Gorge | Southland | Otapiri |
Otara | Southland | Fortrose |
Otara Point | Southland | Waipapa Point |
Otaraia | Otago | Arthurton |
Otaraia | Southland | Pukerau |
Otarama Peak | Canterbury | Kuratawhiti |
Otarawao | Nelson | Waituna |
Otatara | Southland | Invercargill |
Otau | Auckland | Clevedon |
Otaua | Auckland | Otaua North |
Otaua | North Auckland | Punakitere |
Otaua North | Auckland | Otaua |
Otautau | Southland | Ringway |
Otawhao | Hawke's Bay | Kopua |
Otawhao | Waikato | Te Awamutu |
Otawhiwhi | Bay of Plenty | Bowentown |
Otehi Bay | Bay of Islands | Zane Grey Camp |
Otekaike | Otago | Duntroon |
Otematata | Otago | Benmore |
Otepope | Otago | Herbert |
Otepoti | Otago | Dunedin |
Oteramika | Southland | Kapuka |
Oteramika | Southland | Gorge Road |
Oteramika | Southland | Mokotua |
Oteramika | Southland | Morton Mains |
Oteramika | Southland | Woodlands |
Otewa | King Country | Otorohanga |
Otewhakauki | Otago | Windsor |
Otiake | Otago | Kuroa |
Otiake | Otago | Strachan's |
Otipua | Canterbury | Beaconsfield |
Otira Gorge | West Coast | McDonalds |
Otira Gorge | West Coast | Rolleston Gorge |
Otiria | North Auckland | Scoria Flat |
Otiwhiti | Rangitikei | Otairi |
Otoia | Taranaki | Alton |
Otonga | North Auckland | Hikurangi (Northland) |
Otonga | North Auckland | Kaimamaku |
Otonga East | North Auckland | Marua |
Otopae (Dannevirke) | Hawke's Bay | Otope |
Otope | Hawke's Bay | Otopae (Dannevirke) |
Otoroa | North Auckland | Woodside |
Otorohanga | Waikato | Harrodsville |
Otorohanga | Waikato | Haurua |
Otorohanga | Waikato | Kahotea |
Otorohanga | Waikato | Mongaorongo |
Otorohanga | Waikato | Otewa |
Otorohanga | Waikato | Puketarata |
Otorohanga | Waikato | Te Kumi |
Otuiti | Waikato | Koiro |
Otupuraho | Bay of Plenty | Pye's Pa (Tauranga) |
Oturehua | Otago | Rough Ridge |
Oturoa | Rotorua | Nohoroa |
Oue | North Auckland | Rawene |
Ouihi | Canterbury | Digby's Bridge |
Ouruhia | Canterbury | Chaney's |
Ouruhia | Canterbury | Chaney's Corner |
Outram | Otago | Makakahikatoa |
Outram | Otago | Shands |
Overdale | Canterbury | Rakaia |
Overdale | Canterbury | Rosedale Settlement |
Overton | Rangitikei | Hunterville |
Owae | North Auckland | Karetu |
Owahanga (Palmerston North) | Manawatu | Aohanga |
Owaka | Otago | Catlins River |
Owaka | Otago | Houipapa |
Owaka | Otago | Katea |
Owaka | Otago | Quakerfield |
Owaka Harbour | Southland | Newhaven Harbour |
Owana | Auckland | Awanga |
Owana | Auckland | Okupu |
Oware | Southland | Sunnyside |
Owen Reefs | Murchison | Bulmer Creek |
Owhariu | Wellington | Ohariu |
Oxford | Canterbury | Carleton |
Oxford | Canterbury | Kiri Kiri |
Oxford | Waikato | Tirau |
Oxford | Canterbury | Woodside |
Pa | New Zealand | Pah |
Packington | Auckland | Brookside |
Packington | Auckland | Glenbrook |
Packington | Auckland | Pukekohe |
Paemako | Waikato | Karuotewhenua |
Paerau | Otago | Styx |
Paeroa | Thames | Ohinemuri |
Pah | New Zealand | Pa |
Paharekeke | Waikato | Te Aroha |
Pahaua Valley | Wairarapa | Hinakura |
Pahautane | West Coast | Powellville |
Pahautea | Wairarapa | Kopungara |
Pahautuhia | Hawke's Bay | Kohi Road |
Pahautuhia | Taranaki | Mangaehu |
Pahi | North Auckland | Hukatere |
Pahi | North Auckland | Kaipara |
Pahia | Southland | Dalmore |
Pahia Village | Southland | Dalmore |
Pahiatua | Wairarapa | Makairo |
Pahiatua | Wairarapa | Mangaone North |
Pahiatua | Wairarapa | Scarborough |
Pahiatua | Wairarapa | Tiraumea |
Pahiatua | Wairarapa | West Mangitainoka |
Pahiki | West Coast | Charleston |
Pahiki | West Coast | Constant Bay |
Paihia | Bay of Islands | Marsdens Vale |
Paikuku | King Country | Kihi Kihi |
Pakanae | Northland | Newark |
Pakaratahi | Wellington | at foot of Rimutaka's near Kaitoke |
Pakatoa | Auckland | Bell's Island |
Pakawai | Nelson | Collingwood |
Pakihi | West Coast | Pahiki |
Pakihi | Hauraki Gulf | Sandspit Island |
Pakihikura | Rangitikei | Tapuae |
Pakington | West Coast | Canoe Creek |
Pakipaki | Hawke's Bay | Allerton |
Pakotai | North Auckland | Mangakahia |
Pakotai | North Auckland | Oruoru |
Pakowai | Hawke's Bay | Pakowhai |
Pakowai | Wairarapa | Whakataki |
Pakowhai | Bay of Plenty | Opotiki |
Pakowhai | Hawke's Bay | Pakowai |
Pakowhai | Hawke's Bay | Papakura |
Pakuratahi | Wellington | Kaitoke |
Palmerston | Manawatu | Palmerston North |
Palmerston North | Manawatu | Jackey Town |
Palmerston North | Manawatu | Palmerston |
Palmerston North | Manawatu | Papaioea |
Panmure | Auckland | Tauoma |
Papahaoa | West Coast | Giles Terrace |
Papahaoa | West Coast | Sergeants Hill |
Papaioea | Manawatu | Palmerston North |
Papa-iti | Wanganui | Preston |
Papakaio | Otago | Gibson's |
Papakaio | Otago | Peebles |
Papakura | Hawke's Bay | Pakowhai |
Papakura South | Auckland | Rosehill |
Papakura Valley (School) | Auckland | Alfriston |
Papakura Valley (School) | Auckland | Brookby |
Papanui Inlet | Otago | Makahoe |
Paparata | Auckland | Surrey Redoubt |
Paparoa | Auckland | Howick |
Paparoa | West Coast | Huarau |
Paparoa | West Coast | Wairere |
Papatawa | Wairarapa | Tahua |
Papatawa | Wairarapa | Victoria |
Papatiki Bay | Stewart Island | Carter Bay |
Papatoetoe | Auckland | Papatoitoi |
Papatoetoe | Auckland | Woodside |
Papatoitoi | Auckland | Burton's Camp |
Papatoitoi | Auckland | Papatoetoe |
Papatotara | Southland | Tuatapere |
Papatowai | Otago | Maclennan |
Papuka | North Auckland | Kaeo |
Para | Marlborough | Koromiko |
Parae | Otago | Tahora |
Paraekaretu | Wanganui | Silverhope |
Parahaki | North Auckland | Parihaki |
Parahaki | North Auckland | Whangarei |
Parahara | Nelson | Collingwood |
Parahi | North Auckland | Luscombe |
Parakai | Auckland | Helensville (Hot Springs) |
Parakakau | Auckland | Wainui |
Paramatta | Wellington | Paremata |
Parapara | Wanganui | Kotikotia |
Pararahi | Southland | Etal Creek |
Pararata (Village) | Wellington | Waikanae |
Paratikana | King Country | Kopaki |
Parawai | Thames | Thames |
Parawanui | Rangitikei | Parewanui |
Paremata | Wellington | Paramatta |
Parenga | North Auckland | Parengarenga |
Parenga | North Auckland | Paua (North Cape) |
Parengarenga | North Auckland | Parenga |
Pareokawa | North Auckland | Awaroa |
Pareora | Canterbury | Beaconsfield |
Pareora | Canterbury | Priest's Corner |
Pareora | Canterbury | Springbrook |
Pareora East | Canterbury | Brookland |
Pareora No 2 Settlement | Canterbury | Lyalldale |
Pareora Settlement | Canterbury | Springbrook |
Pareora Village Settlement | Canterbury | Springbrook |
Parera | Otago | Taioma |
Parere | Otago | Duck Point |
Parere | Otago | Mount Hyde |
Parewanui | Rangitikei | Parawanui |
Parihaki | North Auckland | Parahaki |
Parininihi | Taranaki | White Cliff's |
Pariroa Pa | Wanganui | Hukatere |
Paritu | East Coast | Camp No 5 |
Pariwaro | Taranaki | Maryville |
Parkers Diggings | Otago | Naseby |
Parkers Town | Otago | Naseby |
Parkeston | Nelson | Collingwood |
Parkhill | Otago | Greenvale |
Parkhurst | Auckland | Babylon |
Parkvale | Wairarapa | Eke-manuka |
Parkvale | Hawke's Bay | Hastings East |
Parkville | Wairarapa | Eketahuna |
Paroa | West Coast | Cobden |
Parore | West Coast | Flaxmill |
Parrawa | Southland | Athol |
Paru | Southland | Freshford |
Parua | North Auckland | Kukuae |
Parua | North Auckland | Kukuwai |
Parua | North Auckland | Pataua |
Parua | North Auckland | Patua |
Parua | North Auckland | Taihoruru |
Parua | North Auckland | Taranui |
Parua | North Auckland | Waiparera |
Passage Rock | Stewart Island | Whero Rock |
Patangata | Hawke's Bay | Oero |
Pataua | North Auckland | Parua |
Patea | Taranaki | Hukatere |
Patea | Taranaki | Carlyle |
Patearero | Wanganui | Hiruhārama (Wanganui River) |
Patearoa | Otago | Sowburn |
Patiti | Otago | Richmond |
Patiti Point | Canterbury | Jacks Point |
Patua | North Auckland | Parua |
Patutahi | East Coast | Lavenham |
Paua (North Cape) | North Auckland | Parenga |
Paulin Falls | Fiordland | Donkeys Tail Falls |
Pauri | Marlborough | Glenlee |
Pautahanui | Wellington | Pawatahanui |
Pawatahanui | Wellington | Pauatahanui |
Peach Island | North Auckland | Ohauroro Island |
Peaks | Canterbury | Medbury |
Peebles | Otago | Papakaio |
Pegleg | West Coast | Stafford |
Peka Peka | Waikato | Piako |
Pekapeka | Hawke's Bay | Rissington |
Pelichet Bay | Otago | Dunedin |
Pemberton | Manawatu | Rangiwahia |
Pembroke | Otago | Wanaka |
Pendarves | Canterbury | Chertsey |
Pendarves | Canterbury | Kyle |
Peninsula | Marlborough | Goulands Ferry |
Pentland Hills | Canterbury | Waihao Forks |
Peria | North Auckland | Fernflat |
Perriam's | Otago | Lowburn Ferry |
Petane | Hawke's Bay | Bay View (Napier) |
Petane | Hawke's Bay | Bethany |
Petane | Hawke's Bay | Kaiarero |
Peterehema | Bay of Plenty | Bethlehem |
Petone | Wellington | Pito-one |
Petre | Wanganui | Wanganui/Whanganui |
Phillipstown | Canterbury | Ferry Road |
Piako | Waikato | Peka Peka |
Piako Swamp | Waikato | Hauraki Plains |
Picton | Marlborough | Cromwell |
Picton | Marlborough | Fernhill |
Picton | Marlborough | Hennington |
Picton | Marlborough | Horne Bay |
Picton | Marlborough | Newton |
Picton | Marlborough | Waitohi |
Pig Hunting Flat | Canterbury | Adair |
Pigroot | Otago | Morrisons |
Pikomanu | Nelson | Gowanbridge |
Piliariki | Wellington | Makino |
Pine Hill | Auckland | Greenhithe |
Pine Hill | Dunedin | Liberton |
Pine Island | Auckland | Herald Island |
Pine Valley (Waitemata) | Auckland | White Hills |
Pineall | Waikato | Athol (Matamata) |
Pines, The (Kaiapoi) | Canterbury | Kairaki Beach |
Pinfold Road | Wairarapa | Mangarawa |
Pinkertons Ford | Otago | Howe |
Pinkertons Ford | Otago | Howe's Ford |
Pinnacles, The | Wellington | Steeples, The (Wellington Harbour) |
Pipiroa East | Thames | Kopuarahi |
Pipiwai | North Auckland | Mangakahia |
Pirongia | Waikato | Alexandra |
Pitcaithleys | Wellington | Andrews (Hutt Valley) |
Pito-one | Wellington | Petone |
Pitt Island | Chatham Islands | Rangiauria |
Pleasant Point | Canterbury | Ashwick |
Pleasant Point | Canterbury | Hodstock |
Pleasant Point | Canterbury | Kakahu |
Pleasant Point | Canterbury | Levels |
Pleasant Point | Canterbury | Opihi |
Pleasant Point | Canterbury | Opuha |
Pleasant Point | Canterbury | Raincliff |
Pleasant Point | Canterbury | Totara |
Pleasant River | Otago | Flag Swamp |
Pleckville | Wairarapa | Eketahuna |
Pleckville | Wairarapa | Mangaone |
Plimmerton | Wellington | Taupo Pa |
Plimmerton Extension | Wellington | Karehana Bay |
Plum Pudding Island | Auckland | Karamuramu |
Plunket | Otago | Corriedale |
Poatiri | Otago | Wycliffe Bay |
Poerua | West Coast | Little Wanganui River |
Pohangina | Manawatu | Puhangina |
Pohaturoa | Taupo | Atiamuri |
Pohuehue | Auckland | Huhue |
Pohuehue | Auckland | Little Scotland |
Pohuenui | Marlborough | Kennedy's Isle |
Pohuenui | Marlborough | Ketu Bay |
Pohui | Hawke's Bay | Te Pohue |
Point Russell | Waikato | Mercer |
Point, The | Otago | Cromwell |
Pokeno | Auckland | McLean Township |
Pokeno | Auckland | Queen's Redoubt |
Pokeno Ranges | Auckland | Razorback Hills |
Pokokomuka | Manawatu | Mangahao |
Pokorokoro | Auckland | Miranda |
Pokororo | Nelson | Nga Timote |
Polkinghornes Beach | Auckland | Manly |
Pomahaka | Otago | Conical Hill |
Pomahaka | Otago | Netherby |
Pomahaka Downs | Otago | Popotunoa |
Pomona | Auckland | Kumeu |
Ponatahi (School) | Wairarapa | Ahiaruhe |
Poneke | Wellington | Port Nicholson (Wellington Harbour) |
Pongaroa | Wairarapa | Maku |
Ponsonby | Auckland | Dedwood |
Ponsonby | Auckland | Surrey Hills |
Ponui Island | Auckland | Chamberlin's Island |
Ponwhakaroa | Rangitikei | Ohingaiti |
Poolburn (Railway name) | Otago | Auripo |
Poporangi Station | Hawke's Bay | Kereru |
Popotunoa | Otago | Clinton |
Popotunoa | Otago | Pomahaka Downs |
Poranui | Canterbury | Birdling's Flat |
Porirua | Wellington | Elliott's Stockade |
Porirua Pa | Wellington | Takapuwahia |
Porowhita | Canterbury | Winchmore |
Port Ahuriri (Napier) | Hawke's Bay | Iron Pot, The |
Port Ahuriri (Napier) | Hawke's Bay | Spit, The |
Port Albert | Auckland | Albertland |
Port Albert | Auckland | Topuni |
Port Albert Central | Auckland | Kokako |
Port Awanui | East Coast | Waiomatatini |
Port Chalmers | Otago | Koputai [Bay] |
Port Chalmers | Otago | New Leith |
Port Chalmers | Otago | New Perth |
Port Cooper | Canterbury | Lyttelton |
Port Daniel | Otago | Otago Harbour |
Port Levey | Canterbury | Port Levy |
Port Levy | Canterbury | Kokourata |
Port Levy | Canterbury | Port Levey |
Port Ligas | Marlborough | Ketu Bay |
Port Macquarie | Southland | Bluff Harbour |
Port Marion | Bay of Islands | Bay of Islands |
Port Molyneaux | Otago | Reomoano |
Port Murton | West Coast | Burnett's Face |
Port Nicholson | Wellington | Wellington Harbour |
Port of Manawatu | Manawatu | Foxton |
Port Oxley | Otago | Otago Harbour |
Port Philipe | Canterbury | Akaroa |
Port Robinson | Canterbury | Gore Bay |
Port Victoria | Canterbury | Lyttelton |
Port Waikato | Waikato | Putataka |
Port Waikouaiti | Otago | Karitane |
Port Whangarei | North Auckland | Kioreroa |
Port Whangarei | North Auckland | Kohitere |
Portage, The | Marlborough | Torea Neck (Marlborough) |
Portobello | Otago | Wickliffe Bay |
Potae-rua | Otago | Seacliff |
Poukawa | Hawke's Bay | Te Aute |
Poukiore | Rangitikei | Hunterville |
Pounawea | Otago | Cannibal Bay |
Pounawea | Southland | Catlins River |
Pounawea | Otago | Mokamoka |
Pounawea | Otago | Mokamoka |
Pounawea | Otago | Romeriki |
Pourakino Valley | Southland | Granity |
Pourakino Valley | Southland | Torea |
Pourere | Hawke's Bay | Kaikora North |
Pourewa Island | East Coast | Sporings Island |
Poutama Island | Stewart Island | Evening Island |
Pouto | North Auckland | Kaipara Heads |
Poutu (Taupo) | Taupo | Te Poutu |
Poututu | East Coast | Waihuka |
Pouwewe | Waikato | Kawhia (township) |
Poverty Bay | East Coast | Turanga |
Powellville | West Coast | Pahautane |
Precipice Creek | Otago | Temple Burn |
Preston | Wanganui | Papa-iti |
Priest's Corner | Canterbury | Pareora |
Prince Regent Channel | Auckland | Astrolabe Channel |
Prince Regent Channel | Auckland | Rangitoto Channel |
Progress Valley Mill | Southland | Young Valley |
Promised Land | West Coast | Arapito |
Puaha | Canterbury | Hillside (School) |
Puhangina | Manawatu | Pohangina |
Puhinui | Auckland | Cambria |
Pukaki | Auckland | Kurow |
Pukaki | Auckland | Mangere (Auckland) |
Pukapuka Island | Chatham Islands | Danger Island |
Pukapukatea Bush | Manawatu | Ohakea |
Pukearuhe | Taranaki | Clifton |
Pukearuhe | Southland | Kauana |
Pukearuhe | Taranaki | White Cliffs |
Pukeatua | Auckland | Nanuhu |
Pukehinahina | Bay of Plenty | Gate Pa (Tauranga) |
Pukehuia | Wellington | Glenside |
Pukehuia | Wellington | Newlands |
Pukekakariki | Canterbury | Greenhills |
Pukekararo | Auckland | Kaiwaka |
Pukekohe | Auckland | Camerontown |
Pukekohe | Auckland | Packington |
Pukekohe East | Auckland | Jericho |
Pukekohe East | Auckland | Tuimata |
Pukekoikoi | Marlborough | Edgecumbe Bay |
Pukekura | Cambridge | Crows Nest, The |
Pukemutu | Southland | Upper South Hillend |
Pukenui | North Auckland | Houhora Landing |
Pukenui | Manawatu | Ohakea |
Pukepapa | Rangitikei | Marton |
Pukepito | Otago | Balmoral |
Pukepuke | North Auckland | Pupuke |
Pukepuri | Otago | Hamiltons |
Pukerangi | Otago | Barewood |
Pukeraruhe | Canterbury | McLean's |
Pukerau | Southland | Otakarama |
Pukerau | Southland | Otaraia |
Pukerau | Southland | Taylor's Creek |
Pukeraumati | Waikato | Mahirakau |
Pukeraumati | Canterbury | Summerhill |
Pukeroro | Waikato | Hautapu |
Puketapapa | Auckland | Mount Roskill |
Puketapu | Hawke's Bay | Dartmoor |
Puketapu | Hawke's Bay | Woodthorpe |
Puketarata | Waikato | Kiokio |
Puketarata | Waikato | Otorohanga |
Puketawa | East Coast | Lowden Hills |
Pukete | Waikato | Horotiu |
Pukete | Waikato | Ngaruawahia |
Puketeraki | Otago | Karitane |
Puketowai | Canterbury | Birch Hill |
Puketui | Thames | Broken Hills |
Puketutu | Auckland | Bombay |
Pukeuri | Otago | Richmond |
Pukewitahi | Otago | Shag Point |
Pukiore | Rangitikei | Hunterville |
Pukiti | Bay of Islands | Te Ahuahu |
Pukorokoro | Auckland | Miranda |
Punakitere | North Auckland | Otaua |
Punaruawhiti | Marlborough | Big Bay |
Punehu | Taranaki | Opunake |
Punga Flat | Thames | (Ghost town near Thames) |
Puniwhakau | Taranaki | Mangaehu |
Punt, The | Murchison | Hinehaka |
Puponga | Auckland | Cornwallis |
Puponga Point | North Auckland | Abel Head |
Pupu Springs | Nelson | Waikoropupu Springs |
Pupuka | North Auckland | Kaeo |
Pupuke | North Auckland | Pukepuke |
Pupuke Lake | Auckland | Lake Takapuna |
Purakanui | Otago | Mihiwaka |
Purerua | Bay of Islands | Ake Ake |
Puriri | Thames | Neavesville |
Puriri | Thames | Nevesville |
Puru Creek | Auckland | Kellys Beach |
Puruha | Waikato | Kawhia |
Pururu | King Country | Tapairu |
Pusey | Canterbury | Cattle Valley |
Putaringamotu | Canterbury | Riccarton |
Putataka | Waikato | Port Waikato |
Putauaki | Bay of Plenty | Mount Edgecombe |
Putiki Bay | Waiheke Island | Omaru |
Putiki Bay | Waiheke Island | Ostend |
Putiki Bay | Waiheke Island | Rocky Bay |
Putoetoe | Waikato | Raglan |
Putoetoe | Waikato | Raglan |
Putorino | Hawke's Bay | Waikare |
Putorino | Hawke's Bay | Waikari |
Pututaka | Waikato | Port Waikato |
Puysegar Point | Southland | Cromarty |
Pye's Pa (Tauranga) | Bay of Plenty | Otupuraho |
Quail Valley | Nelson | Foxhill |
Quail Valley | Nelson | Koreke |
Quakerfield | Otago | Catlin's River |
Quakerfield | Otago | Owaka |
Quarantine Island | Otago | St Martins Island |
Quarry Hills | Southland | Waikawa Valley |
Quartz Ranges | Nelson | Bainham |
Quartzopolis | West Coast | Reefton |
Queen Charlotte Sound | Marlborough | Totaranui |
Queen's Flat | Otago | Ngapara |
Queen's Redoubt | Auckland | Pokeno |
Queensberry | Otago | Nineteen Mile |
Queenstown | Waikato | Ngaruawahia |
Rae's Junction | Otago | Bastings |
Raetihi | Waimarino | Makotuku |
Raetihi (Marlborough Sounds) | Marlborough | Double Bay |
Raglan | Waikato | Putoetoe |
Raglan (Marlborough) | Marlborough | Wash, The |
Raglan Harbour | Waikato | Whaingaroa |
Raglan Harbour | Waikato | Whangaroa |
Ragland | Waikato | Putoetoe |
Rahuipokeka | Waikato | Coal Mines, Waikato |
Rahuipokeka | Waikato | Huntly |
Rai Falls | Marlborough | Flat Creek |
Rainbow Mountain (Rotorua) | Bay of Plenty | Maungakakaramea |
Raincliff | Canterbury | Pleasant Point |
Rainy River | Nelson | Atapo |
Rakahouka | Southland | Grove Bush |
Rakahuri | Canterbury | Ashley River |
Rakaia | Canterbury | Hatfield |
Rakaia | Canterbury | Overdale |
Rakaia Gorge | Canterbury | Windwhistle |
Rakaia, Gorge of the | Canterbury | Windwhistle |
Rakaumanga (School) | Waikato | Huntly West |
Rakauroa | East Coast | Langthorne |
Rakautara | Marlborough | Aniseed |
Rakitu | Auckland | Arid Island |
Rakiura | Stewart Island | Stewart Island |
Raleigh | West Coast | Hunt's Beach |
Raleigh | Taranaki | Waitara |
Ralphville | Auckland | Mahuta |
Ramarama | Auckland | Maketu |
Ramarama | Auckland | Sheppards Bush |
Ramarama | Auckland | Te Maketu |
Ramsaytown | Otago | Livingstone |
Ramsaytown | Otago | Marewhenua |
Ranana | Wanganui | Huhutahi |
Ranana | Wanganui | London |
Ranfurly | Otago | Eweburn |
Rangi Point | North Auckland | Kaweheitiki |
Rangiaohia | Waikato | Hairini |
Rangiaohia | Waikato | Rangiowhia |
Rangiaohia | Waikato | Te Awamutu |
Rangiatea | Waikato | Mangaorongo |
Rangiauria | Chatham Islands | Pitt Island |
Rangihoua Bay | Bay of Islands | Oihi |
Rangi-ita | Taupo | Te Rangiita |
Rangikura | Taranaki | Whenuakura (Patea) |
Rangikura (Patea) | Taranaki | Whenuakura |
Rangiowhia | Waikato | Rangiaohia (Te Awamutu) |
Rangipo Desert | Waimarino | Onetapu Desert |
Rangitaiki | Bay of Plenty | Edgecumbe |
Rangitaiki | Bay of Plenty | Thorndon |
Rangitata | Canterbury | Arundel |
Rangitata | Canterbury | Coldstream |
Rangitata | Canterbury | Ealing |
Rangitata | Canterbury | Jamestown |
Rangitata | Canterbury | Woodbridge |
Rangitata | Canterbury | Ealing |
Rangitata Ferry | Canterbury | Arundel |
Rangitata Ferry | Canterbury | Marshall's Ferry |
Rangitata North | Canterbury | Arundel |
Rangitata North | Canterbury | Ealing |
Rangitikei Ferry | Rangitikei | Scotts Ferry |
Rangitikei, Inland | Rangitikei | Tututotara |
Rangitikei, Middle | Rangitikei | Bulls |
Rangitoto | Marlborough | D'Urville Island |
Rangitoto Channel | Auckland | Astrolabe Channel |
Rangitoto Channel | Auckland | Awanui-o-Peretu |
Rangitoto Channel | Auckland | Prince Regent Channel |
Rangitukia | East Coast | Waiapu |
Rangiwahia | Manawatu | Pemberton |
Rangiwahia | Manawatu | Ruahine |
Rangiwhakaoma | Wairarapa | Castlepoint |
Rannock | Southland | Awapoto |
Ranpoahia | King Country | Kihi Kihi |
Ranzau | Nelson | Hope |
Raorao | Chatham Islands | Kingsdown |
Raorikia | Wanganui | Laodicea |
Rapuwai | Canterbury | Kakahu School |
Ratana | Wanganui | Ratana Pa |
Ratana Pa | Wanganui | Ratana |
Ratanui | Otago | Catlin's |
Ratanui | Otago | Paparowai |
Ratanui | Otago | Tauhupu |
Ratanui (School name) | Taranaki | Auroa |
Ratatomokia | King Country | Nihoniho |
Raukapuka | Canterbury | Geraldine |
Raukapuka | Canterbury | Raukapuka Bush |
Raukapuka Bush | Canterbury | Raukapuka |
Raukawa | Hawke's Bay | Anaroa |
Raukawa | Manawatu | Ashurst |
Raukawa | Cook Strait | Cook Strait |
Raukawa | Hawke's Bay | Te Aute |
Raukura | Rangitikei | Oraukura |
Raumati | Wellington | Whareamuku |
Raupo Bay | Canterbury | Little Akaloa |
Rauraukauera | Waikato | Aotea |
Raureka | Hawke's Bay | Hastings West |
Ravensbourne | Otago | Rothesay |
Ravenscliff | Marlborough | Cannibal Cove |
Rawene (township) | North Auckland | Herds Point |
Rawene (township) | North Auckland | Hokianga |
Rawene (township) | North Auckland | Motukaraka |
Rawene (township) | North Auckland | Oue |
Rawhitiroa | Taranaki | Anderson Road |
Raymonds Gap | Southland | Huarahi |
Razorback Hills | Auckland | Pokeno Ranges |
Razorback Road | Auckland | Helenslee Road (Pokeno) |
Red Head Point | Stewart Island | Weather Point |
Red Jack's | West Coast | Camptown |
Red Jack's | West Coast | Stillwater |
Red Post | Canterbury | Culverden |
Red Vale (Birkenhead) | Auckland | Okura |
Redan | Southland | Carie |
Redan Valley | Southland | Wyndham |
Redcliff | Canterbury | Glenavy |
Redcliff | Canterbury | Ikawai |
Redcliffs | Canterbury | Clifton |
Redheugh | Marlborough | Onapua |
Redvale | Auckland | Wade |
Reef Town | Greymouth | Reefton |
Reefs, The | Otago | Barewood Reefs |
Reefs, The | Otago | Bullendale (ghost town) |
Reefs, The | Southland | Skippers |
Reefton | Greymouth | Merrijigs |
Reefton | Greymouth | Quartzopolis |
Reefton | Greymouth | Reef Town |
Reefton | Greymouth | Rest Town |
Reefton | Greymouth | Tawhai |
Ree's River | Otago | Glenorchy |
Reidston | Otago | Maheno |
Reidston | Otago | Teschemakers |
Rekohu | Chatham Island | Pitt Island |
Remureti | Waikato | Cambridge |
Renwick | Marlborough | Renwicktown |
Renwicktown | Marlborough | Renwick |
Reomoano | Otago | Port Molyneaux |
Reporua | Hawke's Bay | Mangaohiku |
Rereatukahia | Bay of Plenty | Atuakahae |
Rerekapa | Taranaki | Hutchinsville |
Reserve, The | Marlborough | Greenburn |
Rest Town | Greymouth | Reefton |
Retaruke | King Country | Lower Retaruke |
Retreat Station | Southland | Mandeville |
Retreat, The | Canterbury | Cheviot |
Ribbonwood Flat | Otago | Houipapa |
Riccarton | Otago | East Taieri |
Riccarton | Canterbury | Putaringamotu |
Riccarton Bush | Canterbury | Deans Bush |
Richardson | Wanganui | Momahaki |
Richardson | Wanganui | Ngutwera |
Richardson | West Coast | Stillwater |
Richmond | Christchurch | Bingsland |
Richmond | Wellington | Hutt (Lower) |
Richmond | Bay of Plenty | Matata |
Richmond | Canterbury | North Avon |
Richmond | Otago | Patiti |
Richmond | Otago | Pukeuri |
Richmond | Hawke's Bay | Richmond Block |
Richmond Block | Hawke's Bay | Maraenui |
Richmond Block | Hawke's Bay | Richmond |
Richmond Brook | Marlborough | Marama |
Ridge Road | Waikato | Arapae |
Ridgelands | Manawatu | Glenwood |
Rigney's | Otago | Horse Shoe Bend |
Rimu | Southland | Longbush |
Rimu | West Coast | Rimu Flat |
Rimu Flat | West Coast | Rimu |
Ringway | Southland | Otautau |
Ripa Island | Canterbury | Ripapa Island (Lyttelton) |
Ripapa Island (Lyttelton) | Canterbury | Ripa Island |
Ririwha | North Auckland | Stephenson Island |
Rising Sun Block | Manawatu | Horoeka |
Rising Sun Block | Hawke's Bay | Waipatiki |
Rising Sun Settlement | Hawke's Bay | Coonoor |
Rissington | Hawke's Bay | Pekapeka |
River Hutt | Wellington | Hutt Valley |
River Terrace | Nelson | Brightwater |
Riverdale | Nelson | Bainham |
Riverdale | Nelson | Collingwood |
Riverdale | Taranaki | Inaha |
Riverdale | West Coast | Karamea |
Riverhead | Auckland | Ararimu North |
Riverhead | Auckland | Forestdean |
Riverhead | Auckland | Waitemata Mills |
Riversdale | Canterbury | Leader |
Riversdale | Southland | Wendon |
Riverside | Southland | Dipton |
Riverside | Southland | Winton |
Riverton | Southland | Aparima |
Riverton | Southland | Jacobs River |
Riverton | Southland | Knowsley Ruver |
Riverton | Southland | Ngapohatu |
Roaring Meg | Otago | Kirtleburn |
Roberton Island | Bay of Islands | Motuarohia |
Robin Hood Bay | Marlborough | Waikutakuta |
Rock and Pillar | Otago | Hukinge |
Rock and Pillar | Otago | Winfield |
Rock Ford | Canterbury | Kowai Rock |
Rocklands | West Coast | Berlin's |
Rocky Bay | Waiheke Island | Putiki Bay |
Rocky Point | Otago | Kowhatu |
Rokaunui | Waikato | Kawhia |
Rolleston Gorge | West Coast | Otira Gorge |
Romahapa | Otago | Glenomaru |
Romeriki | Otago | Cannibal Bay |
Romeriki | Otago | Pounawea |
Rona Bay | Wellington | Okiwi |
Rongomai | Wairarapa | Eketahuna |
Rongomai | Wairarapa | Mangaone Village |
Rongotea | Manawatu | Hickfords |
Rongotea | Manawatu | Campbelltown |
Rosebery | Otago | Rosebery Settlement |
Rosebery Settlement | Otago | Rosebery |
Rosedale Settlement | Canterbury | Overdale |
Rosehill | Southland | Orewia |
Rosehill | Auckland | Papakura South |
Roseneath | Auckland | Laingholm |
Roslyn Bush | Southland | Invercargill |
Ross | West Coast | Caledonian |
Ross | West Coast | Georgetown |
Ross | West Coast | Jones Flat |
Ross | West Coast | Totara |
Ross | West Coast | Clearwater Creek |
Ross | West Coast | Donelly's Creek |
Ross | West Coast | Donoghues |
Ross | West Coast | German Gully |
Ross | West Coast | Jones's Creek |
Ross | West Coast | Mironni |
Ross | West Coast | Swipers Gully |
Ross | West Coast | Totara |
Rothesay | Otago | Ravensbourne |
Roto | North Auckland | Babylon |
Rotokakahi | Bay of Plenty | Green Lake (Rotorua) |
Rotokarangu | Uruwera | Wahanui |
Rotongaru | Waikato | Wahi Lake |
Rotongaru (Huntly) | Waikato | Waahi Lake |
Rotongaru (Huntly) | Waikato | Wahi Lake |
Rotoorangi | Waikato | Gricedale |
Rotorima | North Auckland | Kai Iwi |
Rotorua | Bay of Plenty | Ohinemutu |
Rotorua West | Bay of Plenty | Glenholm |
Rotorua West | Rotorua | Malfroy |
Rototuna | Waikato | Flaxdale |
Rotu | North Auckland | Babylon |
Rough Ridge | Otago | Idaburn |
Rough Ridge | Otago | Oturehua |
Round Bush | Southland | Winton |
Round Hill | Southland | Orepuki |
Rowsells | North Auckland | Maungaturoto |
Roxborough | Otago | Roxburgh |
Roxburgh | Otago | Moa Flat |
Roxburgh | Otago | Roxborough |
Roxburgh | Otago | Teviot |
Roxburgh | Otago | Teviot Junction |
Roys Bay | Otago | Wanaka |
Ruahine | Manawatu | Mangawharariki |
Ruahine | Manawatu | Rangiwahia |
Ruakaka | East Coast | Kairoa |
Ruakaka | North Auckland | Marsden Point |
Ruakawakawa | Auckland | Kawakawa Bay |
Ruakohua | Auckland | Brookville |
Ruakohua | Auckland | Glenbrook |
Ruangarehu | Hawke's Bay | Maharahara |
Ruapuke | Waikato | Aotea |
Ruapuke Island | Southland | Goulburn Island |
Ruapuke Island | Southland | Long Island |
Ruapuna | Canterbury | Cracroft |
Ruarangi | Auckland | Mangapai |
Ruarangi | Auckland | Waikieke |
Ruaroa | Manawatu | Hallville |
Ruatahuna | Rotorua | Huiarau |
Ruatahuna | Rotorua | Mataatua |
Ruatangata | North Auckland | Otakairangi |
Ruataniwha | Canterbury | Ben Ohau |
Ruataniwha | Canterbury | Cam River |
Ruataniwha | Hawke's Bay | Lindsay |
Ruataniwha Plains | Hawke's Bay | Takapua Plains |
Ruato | North Auckland | Whangaroa |
Ruatoki | Bay of Plenty | Ruatoki North (Whakatane) |
Ruatoki North (Whakatane) | Bay of Plenty | Ruatoki |
Ruawaro | Waikato | Brooklands |
Ruawaro | Waikato | Huntly |
Ruby Bay | Nelson | Mapua |
Ruby Island | Lake Wanaka | Eely Island |
Rugged Burn | Fiordland | Wapiti River |
Ruguville | Hawke's Bay | Taradale |
Rukumoana | Taranaki | Eltham |
Runciman | Auckland | Oira |
Russell | Bay of Islands | Hobsons Folly |
Russell | Bay of Islands | Kororareka |
Russell | Bay of Islands | Whangamumu |
Russell | Bay of Islands | Whangape |
Russell, Point | Waikato | Mercer |
Russells Flat | Canterbury | Tenoti |
Russell's Flat | Canterbury | Annat |
Russeltown | Southland | Fortrose |
Rutherglen | West Coast | Diamond Gully |
Ryans Crossing | Otago | Kokonga |
Sail Point | Kaipara | Tikinui |
Sail Rock | Manakau Harbour | Channel Rock |
Sail Rock | Manakau Harbour | Cutter Rock |
Salisbury | Otago | Taioma |
Saltwater Creek | Canterbury | Northport |
Sandfly Bay | Southland | Elfin Bay |
Sandfly Bay | Nelson | Fairy Cove |
Sandfly Bay | Nelson | Falls River Bay |
Sandhurst | Canterbury | Hakataramea |
Sandon Block | Manawatu | Livingstone |
Sandon Block | Manawatu | Sanson |
Sandringham | Auckland | Cabbage Tree Swamp |
Sandringham | Auckland | Edendale |
Sandringham | Auckland | Edendale North |
Sandspit (Rodney) | Auckland | Kawau Landing |
Sandspit Island | Hauraki Gulf | Pakihi Island |
Sandstone | Southland | Kaweku |
Sandy Bay | Nelson | Grande Plage |
Sandy Bay | Marlborough | Mangamaunu |
Sandy Bay | Nelson | Anatuera |
Sanitorium Hill (Cambridge) | Waikato | Maungakawa |
Sanson | Manawatu | Mickey Town |
Sanson | Manawatu | Sandon Block |
Sarau | Nelson | Upper Moutere |
Sawyer's Bay | Otago | Glendermid |
Scarborough | Wairarapa | Mangamutu |
Scarborough | Wairarapa | Pahiatua |
Scarrots | Auckland | Tatarariki |
Scarrotts | North Auckland | Oruapou |
Schachstal | Nelson | Upper Moutere |
Schnapper Point | Marlborough | Snapper Point (Kenepuru Sound) |
Scoria Flat | North Auckland | Otiria |
Scotts Corner | Southland | Edendale |
Scotts Ferry | Rangitikei | Lower Rangitikei |
Scotts Ferry | Rangitikei | Moanaroa |
Scotts Ferry | Rangitikei | Okanagan |
Scott's Gap | West Coast | Karangarua |
Scotts Point | North Auckland | Kahokawa |
Scrogg's Creek Landing | Otago | Allanton |
Scrubby Hill | Southland | Waikawa Valley |
Seacliff | Otago | Potae-rua |
Seacombe | West Coast | Jackson's Bay |
Seaford | Nelson | Collingwood |
Seaforth River | Fiordland | Alarm River |
Seatonville | West Coast | Seddonville |
Seatoun | Wellington | Kirikiri-tatangi |
Seatoun | Wellington | Turanga-a-kupe |
Seaview | Canterbury | Fairview |
Seaward Bush | Southland | Appleby |
Seaward Moss | Southland | Motoremu |
Seaward Moss | Southland | Woodend |
Second River | Wellington | [a location in the lower Hutt Valley 1840/50s] |
Seddon | Marlborough | Starborough |
Seddon's Hill | Waikato | Hillcrest (Hamilton) |
Seddonville | Nelson | Bayfield's Flat |
Seddonville | West Coast | Corbys |
Seddonville | West Coast | Seatonville |
Sedgebrook | Wanganui | Wanganui East |
Sedgemere | Canterbury | Taumutu |
Selwyn | Canterbury | Norwood |
Selwyn | Waikato | Selwyn's Siding (Putaruru) |
Selwyn Bluff (Railway name) | Canterbury | Coalgate |
Selwyn Forks | Canterbury | Bealey's Track |
Selwyn Forks | Canterbury | Greendale |
Selwyn Forks | Canterbury | Haldon |
Selwyn Forks | Canterbury | Hororata |
Selwyn Island (Hauraki Gulf) | Auckland | Kaikoura Island |
Selwyn's | Waikato | Selwyn's Siding (Putaruru) |
Selwyn's Siding (Putaruru) | Waikato | Selwyn |
Selwyn's Siding (Putaruru) | Waikato | Selwyn's |
Sentry-box Hill | Wellington | Box Hill |
Sergeants Hill | West Coast | Giles Terrace |
Sergeants Hill | West Coast | Papahaoa |
Sergeant's Hill | West Coast | Giles Terrace |
Seven Mile Crossing | Southland | Longbush |
Seven Oaks | Canterbury | Bryndwr |
Sevenbays | Auckland | East Coast Bays |
Seventy-Mile Bush | Southern Hawke's Bay/Northern Wairarapa | Southern Hawke's Bay/Northern Wairarapa |
Shaftesbury | Thames | Ohinemoa |
Shaftesbury | Waikato | Te Aroha |
Shag Point | Otago | Allandale |
Shag Point | Otago | Pukewitahi |
Shag Point | Otago | Vulcan Point |
Shag Point | Otago | Whataparaerae |
Shag Valley | Otago | Glen Park |
Shakespeare River | Canterbury | Avon River |
Shands | Otago | Outram |
Shannon | Manawatu | Buckleys |
Shannon | Otago | Deepstream |
Shannon | Manawatu | Makerua |
Shannon | Manawatu | Te Maire |
Sharpridge | Southland | Huarahi |
Sharpridge | Southland | Orawia |
Sheffield | Canterbury | Malvern |
Shelley Beach | North Auckland | Aotea |
Sheppards Bush | Auckland | Ramarama |
Sherwood | Canterbury | Lauriston |
Sherwood Downs | Canterbury | Ashwick Flat |
Shingley Creek | Otago | Morrisons |
Shortland | Thames | Thames |
Shotover Diggings | Otago | Arthur's Point |
Shouraki Gulf | Auckland | Hauraki Gulf |
Silverdale | Waikato | Dalesford |
Silverdale | Auckland | Wade |
Silverhope | Wanganui | Paraekaretu |
Silverstream | Canterbury | Fairlie |
Simpson's | Manawatu | Bainesse |
Six Mile | Southland | Haldane |
Six Mile Diggings | West Coast | Stafford |
Six Mile Diggings | West Coast | Waimea |
Six Mile Township | West Coast | Goldsborough |
Skibbereen | West Coast | Addison's |
Skippers | Otago | Skippers Point |
Skippers Point | Otago | Skippers |
Skulking Bay | Marlborough | Tara Bay |
Slateford | Nelson | Washbourne |
Smith Sound | Fiordland | Malaspina Sound |
Smithfield | Canterbury | Smithfield Settlement (Winchester) |
Smithfield Settlement (Winchester) | Canterbury | Smithfield |
Smith's Gully | Otago | Bannockburn |
Smith's Strait | Southland | Foveaux Strait |
Snapper Point | Marlborough | Schnapper Point |
Snowy River | West Coast | Hukawai |
Sockburn | Canterbury | Wigram |
Solander Island | Southland | Hautere |
Solway | Wairarapa | Manaia Station |
Somerfield | Canterbury | Barrington |
Somes Island | Wellington | Matiu |
Sommerville | Rangitikei | Taihape |
South Guards Bay | Marlborough | Anakoha Bay |
South Island | New Zealand | Middle Island |
South Island | New Zealand | New Munster |
South Island | South Island | Te Wai Pounamu |
South Loburn | Canterbury | Loburn |
South Oamaru | Otago | Kaiarero |
South Selwyn | Canterbury | Brookside |
South Taranaki Bight | - | Motherly Bay |
South Toko | Otago | Moneymore |
Southbridge | Otago | Milton |
Southbridge Junction | Canterbury | Hornby |
Southend | Collingwood | Mangarakau |
Southend | Collingwood | West Wanganui |
Southern Hawke's Bay/Northern Wairarapa | Southern Hawke's Bay/Northern Wairarapa | Seventy-Mile Bush |
Southland District | - | Murihuku |
Sowburn | Otago | Patearoa |
Spar Bush | Southland | Waianiwa |
Spar Cove | Stewart Island | Bens Bay |
Spaxton | Canterbury | Drayton |
Speargrass Flat | Otago | Bald Hill |
Speargrass Flat | Otago | Fruitlands |
Speargrass Flat | Otago | Malaghan's |
Spingbrook | Canterbury | Pareora Village Settlement |
Spit, The | Hawke's Bay | Port Ahuriri (Napier) |
Spit, The | Southland | Waikawa |
Spit, The | Hawke's Bay | Westshore |
Spooners Point | Hawke's Bay | Kaimango |
Sporings Island | East Coast | Pourewa Island |
Spreadeagle | Canterbury | Ashburton Forks |
Spreydon | Canterbury | Central Heathcote |
Spring Creek | Marlborough | Goulands Ferry |
Spring Creek | Marlborough | Lower Wairau |
Springbank | Canterbury | North Moeraki Downs |
Springbrook | Canterbury | Pareora |
Springbrook | Canterbury | Pareora Settlement |
Springbrook | Canterbury | Stoke |
Springburn | Southland | Otahuti |
Springfield | Otago | Edievale |
Springfield | Canterbury | Kowai Pass |
Springs | Otago | Middlemarch |
Springston Railway | Canterbury | Blackville |
Squaretown | Nelson | Maimai |
St Andrew | Canterbury | Kennedy's Bay |
St Andrew | Canterbury | Lower Pareora |
St Bathans | Otago | Surface Hill |
St Bathans | Otago | Vinegar Hill |
St Bathan's | Otago | Dunstan Creek |
St Helen's | West Coast | Mokihinui |
St John's Hill | Wanganui | St John's Wood |
St John's Redoubt | Auckland | Wiri |
St John's Wood | Wanganui | St John's Hill |
St Johnstown | Southland | Kingston |
St Leonard's | Canterbury | Culverden |
St Martins Island | Otago | Quarantine Island |
St Marys Bay | Marlborough | Homewood |
St Omer (Picton) | Marlborough | Homewood |
St Patrick's | Southland | Balfour |
St Patrick's Cove | East Coast | Te Mawhai (Tokomaru Bay) |
St Paulidorf | Nelson | Moutere |
St Paulisdorf | Nelson | Moutere |
Stafford | West Coast | Six Mile Diggings |
Stafford | West Coast | Flowery Creek |
Stafford | West Coast | Pegleg |
Staffordtown | West Coast | Ballarat Rush |
Staircase | Canterbury | Staircase Gully |
Staircase Gully | Canterbury | Staircase |
Stanley Road | Taranaki | Beaconsfield |
Stanway | Manawatu | North Halcombe |
Starborough | Marlborough | Awatere |
Starborough | Marlborough | Seddon |
Staveley | Canterbury | Bushside |
Steeples, The | Wellington | Pinnacles, The |
Stephenson Island | North Auckland | Mahinepua |
Stephenson Island | North Auckland | Ririwha |
Sterling Point | Southland | Bluff |
Stewart Island | Stewart Island | New Leinster |
Stewart Island | Stewart Island | Rakiura |
Stewart's Gully | Canterbury | Kaianga |
Stillwater | West Coast | Arnold |
Stillwater | West Coast | Brunner |
Stillwater | West Coast | No Town |
Stillwater | West Coast | Red Jack's |
Stillwater | West Coast | Richardson |
Stillwater | West Coast | Stillwater Junction |
Stillwater Junction | West Coast | Stillwater |
Stirling | Otago | Kaitangata Junction |
Stoke | Nelson | Brook Green |
Stoke | Canterbury | Springbank |
Stokes Point | Auckland | Northcote |
Stoney Creek | Otago | Stony Creek |
Stony Bay West | Canterbury | Okains Bay |
Stony Creek | Otago | Stoney Creek |
Stony Hill | Wairarapa | Ahiaruhe |
Strachans | Otago | Kurow |
Strachan's | Otago | Otiake |
Stratford | Taranaki | Stratford-on-Patea |
Stratford-on-Avon | Taranaki | Stratford |
Stratford-on-Patea | Taranaki | Stratford |
Strath Taieri | Otago | Gladbrook |
Strath Taieri | Otago | Middlemarch |
Strathmore | Taranaki | Huiakarua |
Strathmore | Taranaki | Mongatuhu |
Streamlands | Auckland | Dome Valley |
Struggler's Flat | Canterbury | Orari Bridge |
Stuarts Bush | Southland | Edendale |
Studholme (Timaru) | Canterbury | Studholme Junction |
Studholme Junction | Canterbury | Hannaton Village |
Studholme Junction | Canterbury | Hook |
Studholme Junction | Canterbury | Studholme (Timaru) |
Styx | Otago | Paerau |
Styx River | Manawatu | Oroua River |
Summerhill | Canterbury | Cust |
Summerhill | Canterbury | Pukeraumati |
Summerlea | Nelson | Waimarie |
Summerleas | West Coast | Coal Creek |
Sumner Head | Canterbury | Whitewash Head |
Sunnyside | Auckland | Coatesville |
Sunnyside | Auckland | Fernielea |
Sunnyside | Southland | Oware |
Sunnyvale | Auckland | Oratia |
Surface Hill | Otago | St Bathans |
Surrey Hills | Auckland | Ponsonby |
Surrey Redoubt | Auckland | Paparata |
Sutherland's | Canterbury | Timaru |
Sutton | Otago | Blairtanner |
Sutton | Otago | Middlemarch |
Swannanoa | Canterbury | Mandeville (North) |
Swift Creek | Otago | Heriot |
Swinburn | Otago | Morrisons |
Swipers Gully | West Coast | Ross |
Swiss Settlement | Auckland | Helvetia |
Switzers | Southland | Waikaia |
Sylvan Bank | Southland | East Invercargill |
Table Hill | Otago | Milton |
Table Island | Wellington | Mana Island |
Taemaro | North Auckland | Mangonui |
Tahakopa | Otago | Lauriston |
Tahamoana | Hawke's Bay | Clive Grange |
Tahamoana | Hawke's Bay | Haumoana |
Taharoa | Waikato | Kawhia |
Taheke | Hawke's Bay | Anaroa |
Tahekenui | Hawke's Bay | Knockladye |
Tahora | Otago | Parae |
Tahua | Wairarapa | Papatawa |
Tahuna | Nelson | Tatahi |
Tai Tapu | Canterbury | Clanricarde |
Tai Tapu | Canterbury | Hepworth |
Tai Tapu | Canterbury | Hepworth |
Tai Tapu | Canterbury | Taitapu |
Taiamai | North Auckland | Ohaeawai |
Taiaotea | Auckland | Browns Bay |
Taiaroa | Otago | Otago Heads |
Taiaroa Heads | Otago | Otakou |
Taieri Beach | Otago | Hull |
Taieri Ferry | Otago | Henley |
Taieri Ferry | Otago | Henley-on-Taieri |
Taihape | Rangitikei | Collinsville |
Taihape | Rangitikei | Hautapu |
Taihape | Rangitikei | Hautapu Settlement |
Taihape | Rangitikei | Korokonui |
Taihape | Rangitikei | Otaihape |
Taihape | Rangitikei | Sommerville |
Taihoruru | North Auckland | Parua |
Taiko | Canterbury | Tycho |
Taingaehe (Dargaville) | North Auckland | Tangaihe |
Taioma | Otago | Parera |
Taioma | Otago | Salisbury |
Taipo | West Coast | Kays |
Taipuha | North Auckland | Mareretu North |
Tairua | Coromandel | Ohui |
Taitapu | Nelson | Golden Ridge |
Taitapu | Canterbury | Hepworth |
Taitapu | Canterbury | Tai Tapu |
Taitimu | Auckland | Grahams Beach |
Taitoko | Horowhenu | Levin |
Takahaka | Canterbury | Cheviot |
Takahue | North Auckland | Kaitaia |
Takaka | Nelson | Anahau |
Takaka | Nelson | Anatoki |
Takaka | Nelson | Clifton |
Takaka | Nelson | Coal Bay |
Takaka | Nelson | Long Plain |
Takaka | Nelson | Waingaroa |
Takaka | Nelson | Waitapu |
Takamatua (Akaroa) | Canterbury | German Bay |
Takapau | East Coast | Arataha |
Takapau Plains | Hawke's Bay | Ruataniwha Plains |
Takapu | Wellington | Tawa Flat |
Takapua | Thames | Kopu |
Takapuwahia | Wellington | Porirua Pa |
Takaro | Manawatu | Highbury |
Talbot Forest | Canterbury | Geraldine |
Tallaburn | Otago | Beaumont |
Tallaburn | Otago | Horse Shoe Bend |
Tallaburn | Otago | Island Block |
Tamahere | Waikato | Matangi |
Tamaki | Wairarapa | Tapuata (Dannevirke) |
Tamarau | East Coast | Mildura |
Tami Tami | North Auckland | Whangaroa |
Tamumu (Waipawa) | Hawke's Bay | Amblethorn |
Tamumu (Waipawa) | Hawke's Bay | Ansdale |
Tamumu (Waipawa) | Hawke's Bay | Omakere |
Tamumu (Waipawa) | Hawke's Bay | Titoki |
Tamure Bay | Marlborough | Four Fathom Bay |
Taneatua | Whakatane | Opouriao North |
Tanekaha | North Auckland | Jordan |
Tangaihe | North Auckland | Taingaehe (Dargaville) |
Tangea | Kaipara | Tikinui |
Tangihua | North Auckland | Tangiteroria |
Tangitere | Hawke's Bay | Mangaone Valley |
Tangiteroria | North Auckland | Tangihau |
Tangiwai (Waiouru) | Waimarino | Waitangi |
Tanglewood | Wairarapa | Ihukoi |
Tangowahine | North Auckland | Dargaville |
Taniwha Springs | Bay of Plenty | Awahou |
Tankerville | Canterbury | Halswell |
Taonui | Manawatu | Trondheim |
Taoroa | Rangitikei | Lower Moawhango |
Tapairau | Hawke's Bay | Waipawa |
Tapairu | Hawke's Bay | Mataweka |
Tapairu | King Country | Pururu |
Tapairu | King Country | Te Tapairu Pa |
Tapanui | Southland | Glenkenich |
Tapawera | Nelson | Maniaroa |
Tapora (Wellsford) | Auckland | Okahukura |
Tapu | Thames | Hastings |
Tapu | Thames | Waiomo |
Tapuae | Manawatu | Pakihikura |
Tapuae | Manawatu | Waituna West |
Tapuata (Dannevirke) | Hawke's Bay | Tamaki |
Taputaemai | Taranaki | Dawson Falls |
Tapuwae | Bay of Plenty | Te Puke No 2 (School) |
Tar White | Marlborough | Te Awaiti |
Tara Bay | Marlborough | Skulking Bay |
Taradale | Hawke's Bay | Omarunui |
Taradale | Hawke's Bay | Ruguville |
Taraire | North Auckland | Kaeo |
Taramakau | West Coast | Hohonu |
Taramauku | Taranaki | Taramoukou |
Taramoukou | Taranaki | Taramauku |
Taranui | North Auckland | Parua |
Tarapatiki | Hawke's Bay | Terapatiki |
Tararu | Thames | Thames |
Taratahi | Wairarapa | Clareville |
Taratahi | Wairarapa | Taratahi East |
Taratahi East | Wairarapa | Taratahi |
Tarawhiti | Wellington | Terawhiti |
Tareha | Hawke's Bay | Kaiwaka |
Tarewa | Hawke's Bay | Maraetaho |
Taringatura | Southland | Heddon Bush |
Tarras | Otago | Camp Creek |
Tarras | Otago | Cluden |
Tarras | Otago | Dry Creek |
Tarras | Otago | Lindis |
Tarwhite | Wellington | Te Awaiti |
Tasman Applelands | Nelson | Aporo |
Tasman Bay | Nelson | Blind Bay |
Tasman Bay | Nelson | Zeehaen's Bocht |
Tatahi | Nelson | Tahuna |
Tatara | Hawke's Bay | Eskdale Railway Camp |
Tatara | Hawke's Bay | Matahoura |
Tataraimaka | Taranaki | Fort St George |
Tatarariki | North Auckland | Scarrots |
Tatarariki | North Auckland | Te Kopuru |
Taueru | Wairarapa | Tauweru |
Tauhinu | Canterbury | Hayland |
Tauhinu | Otago | Inch-Clutha |
Tauhoa | Auckland | Hoteo North |
Tauhoa | Kaipara | Kaipara Flats |
Tauhupu | Otago | Ratanui |
Taumaihi | Rangitikei | Bulls |
Taumaranui | King Country | Taumarunui |
Taumarere | Bay of Islands | Karetu |
Taumarunui | King Country | Taumaranui |
Taumatatahi | Wanganui | Kapara |
Taumatawaenga | King Country | Eight Mile Junction |
Taumutu | Canterbury | Sedgemere |
Tauoma | Auckland | Panmure |
Taupahi | Taupo | Turangi |
Taupatete | Taranaki | Nolantown |
Taupo | Taupo | Taupō-nui-a-Tia |
Taupo Pa | Wellington | Plimmerton |
Taupo South | Taupo | Hilltop |
Taupō-nui-a-Tia | Taupo | Taupo |
Taurakawa | Taranaki | Manga |
Tauranga | Bay of Plenty | Camp, The |
Tauranga | Bay of Plenty | Kawhai-nui |
Tauranga (Auckland) | Auckland | Drury |
Tauranga (CBD) | Bay of Plenty | Te Papa |
Tauranga Harbour | Bay of Plenty | Te Awanui |
Tauraroa | North Auckland | Tauroroa |
Taurewa | Waimarino | Mangatepopo |
Taurico [Tauranga Rimu Company] | Bay of Plenty | Tauriko |
Tauriko | Bay of Plenty | Taurico [Tauranga Rimu Company] |
Tauroroa | North Auckland | Tauraroa |
Tauweru | Wairarapa | Taueru |
Tauweru | Wairarapa | Taweru |
Tawa | Wellington | Tawa Flat |
Tawa Downs | Wellington | Linden |
Tawa Flat | Wellington | Leigh's Stockade |
Tawa Flat | Wellington | Takapu |
Tawa Flat | Wellington | Tawa |
Tawaglen | Waimarino | Mangoihe |
Tawata | Taumaranui | Tawhata |
Tawataia | Wairarapa | Eketahuna |
Taweru | Wairarapa | Tauweru |
Tawhai | West Coast | Reefton |
Tawhata | Taumaranui | Tawata |
Tawhiti | Otago | Gorge Creek |
Tawhiuau | Uruwera | Tawhiwau |
Tawhiuau | Uruwera | Tawhiwhau |
Tawhiwau | Uruwera | Tawhiuau |
Tawhiwhau | Uruwera | Tawhiuau |
Tayler Point | Otago | Taylor Point |
Taylor Point | Otago | Tayler Point |
Taylors | Canterbury | Yardhurst |
Taylor's Creek | Southland | Pukerau |
Taylorville | Greymouth | Heathdale |
Taylorville | Wanganui | (Dissapeared) |
Taylorville | West Coast | Brunner |
Taylorville | West Coast | Brunnerton |
Te Ahu | North Auckland | Kaitaia |
Te Ahuahu | Taranaki | Oakura Beach |
Te Ahuahu | Taranaki | Pukiti |
Te Anau | Fiordland | Marakura |
Te Apiti | Manawatu | Manawatu Gorge |
Te Arai Bridge | East Coast | Wairakaia |
Te Araroa | East Coast | Horoera |
Te Araroa | East Coast | Kawakawa |
Te Araroa | East Coast | Mokonui |
Te Araroa | East Coast | Pakihi |
Te Araroa | East Coast | Te Kawakawa |
Te Araroa | East Coast | Tutua |
Te Araroa | East Coast | Wairapu |
Te Araroa | East Coast | Wharekahika |
Te Aro Flat | Wellington | Huriwhenua |
Te Aroha | Waikato | Aroha |
Te Aroha | Waikato | Paharekeke |
Te Aroha | Waikato | Shaftesbury |
Te Atatu | Auckland | Henderson's Point |
Te Atatu South | Auckland | Edmonton |
Te Aurapa | Wairarapa | Kaitawa |
Te Au-rere-a-te-tonga | Manawatu | Manawatu Gorge |
Te Aute | Hawke's Bay | Poukawa |
Te Aute | Hawke's Bay | Raukawa |
Te Aute | Hawke's Bay | Te Hauke |
Te Aute (Railway Station) | Hawke's Bay | Opapa |
Te Awahou | Manawatu | Foxton |
Te Awaite | Marlborough | Arapawa |
Te Awaite | Marlborough | Okakuri |
Te Awaite | Marlborough | Yelaton |
Te Awaiti | Marlborough | Tar White |
Te Awaiti | Marlborough | Tarwhite |
Te Awaiti | Marlborough | Wickett |
Te Awamutu | Waikato | Mangapiko |
Te Awamutu | Waikato | Otawhao |
Te Awamutu | Waikato | Rangiaohia |
Te Awanui | Bay of Plenty | Tauranga Harbour |
Te Awaroa | Waikato | Hauturu |
Te Hauke | Hawke's Bay | Te Aute |
Te Hawera | Taranaki | Hawera |
Te Henga | Auckland | Bethells (Beach) |
Te Hiwi | Southland | Malton |
Te Hoe | Waikato | Clover Valley |
Te Hoiere | Marlborough | Maud Island |
Te Hono Point | Bay of Plenty | Kauri Point |
Te Horo | Wellington | Hautere Cross |
Te Houhi | Uruwera | Galatea |
Te Ikaamaru | Wellington | Te Kamaru |
Te Ina | Southland | Orepuki |
Te Iwiroa | East Coast | Iwiroa |
Te Kainga | Wellington | Kainga |
Te Kamaru | Wellington | Te Ikaamaru |
Te Kanae Bay | Marlborough | Guneye Bay |
Te Kapa | Auckland | Mahurangi |
Te Kapo | Canterbury | Burke's Pass |
Te Karaka | East Coast | Kanekani |
Te Karaka | East Coast | Waikohu |
Te Kau | Canterbury | Barry's Bay |
Te Kawa | Waikato | Kaputahi |
Te Kawa | Waikato | Kawa |
Te Kawakawa | East Coast | Te Araroa |
Te Koa | North Auckland | Hohoura |
Te Kopuru | North Auckland | Kopuru |
Te Kopuru | Auckland | Tatarariki |
Te Kopuru | West Coast | Westport |
Te Kuiti | King Country | Te Kuititanga |
Te Kuititanga | King Country | Te Kuiti |
Te Kumi | King Country | Otorohanga |
Te Mahia | East Coast | Mahia |
Te Mai | North Auckland | Horahora |
Te Maire | Wairarapa | Kahutara |
Te Maire | Manawatu | Shannon |
Te Maketu | Auckland | Maketu |
Te Maketu | Auckland | Ramarama |
Te Maori (Wairoa) | Hawke's Bay | Kotemaori |
Te Maru | Canterbury | Timaru |
Te Marua | Wellington | Brown Owl |
Te Mata | Waikato | Waitetuna |
Te Mawhai (Tokomaru Bay) | East Coast | St Patrick's Cove |
Te Namu | West Coast | Little Wanganui Ferry |
Te Ngaere | Taranaki | Ngaere |
Te Noti | Canterbury | Russells Flat |
Te Nui | Wairarapa | Annendale |
Te Nui | Wairarapa | Grassondale |
Te Nui | Wairarapa | Mungapakeha |
Te Nui | Wairarapa | Tinui |
Te Oka | Canterbury | Kinloch |
Te Oneroa | Southland | Longbeach |
Te Paina | Auckland | Mercer |
Te Papa | Bay of Plenty | Tauranga (CBD) |
Te Pare | Wairarapa | Kahutara |
Te Pohue | Hawke's Bay | Pohui |
Te Pokohiwi (Wairau River) | Marlborough | Boulder Bank |
Te Poutu | Taupo | Poutu (Taupo) |
Te Puke No 2 (School) | Bay of Plenty | Tapuwae |
Te Puru | Marlborough | Hocquards |
Te Raeokahu | Motuihe Island | Guys Cliff |
Te Rangiita | Taupo | Rangi-ita |
Te Rauparaha | Manawatu | Hall Block |
Te Taho | West Coast | Dry Creek |
Te Tapairu | Hawke's Bay | Mataweka |
Te Tapairu Pa | Hawke's Bay | Tapairu |
Te Tawa | Taranaki | Maketawa |
Te Ti | North Auckland | Te Ti Mangonui |
Te Ti Mangonui | North Auckland | Te Ti |
Te Ti Mangonui | North Auckland | Te Tii |
Te Tii | North Auckland | Te Ti Mangonui |
Te Tua | Southland | Hollyburn |
Te Tuhi | Wanganui | Ahu Ahu |
Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui | Wellington | Wellington Harbour |
Te Wai Pounamu | South Island | South Island |
Te Waihenga | Wairarapa | Martinborough |
Te Waimate | North Auckland | Waimate North |
Te Wairoa | Bay of Plenty | Buried Village, The (Rotorua) |
Te Wairoa | Auckland | Clevedon |
Te Waitere | Waikato | Kawhia |
Te Wakaru | Chatham Islands | Te Whakuru |
Te Weka | Marlborough | Dieffenbach |
Te Weka | Marlborough | Dieffenbach Point |
Te Weka | Marlborough | Hitaua |
Te Whaka | Canterbury | Lyttelton [Port] |
Te Whaka-raupo | Canterbury | Lyttelton [Port] |
Te Whakuru | Chatham Islands | Te Wakaru |
Teaneraki | Otago | Enfield |
Teaneraki | Otago | Enfield |
Teatukara | Wairarapa | Hawera |
Teddington | Canterbury | Governor's Bay |
Tees Strait | Southland | Foveaux Strait |
Tee-total Township | Rangitikei | Crofton |
Teikaparua Stream | Taranaki | Warea Stream (Taranaki) |
Tekapo Military Camp | Canterbury | Balmoral |
Temara | Canterbury | Lyndon |
Temple Burn | Otago | Precipice Creek |
Temuka | Canterbury | Arowhenua |
Temuka | Canterbury | Milford |
Temuka | Canterbury | Ohape |
Tenui | Wairarapa | Manawa |
Terapatiki | Hawke's Bay | Tarapatiki |
Terawhiti | Marlborough | MacManamen's |
Terawhiti | Wellington | Tarawhiti |
Teremakau | Greymouth | Whitcombe |
Tererenga | Thames | Battery |
Terrace, The (Taupo) | Taupo | Onekeneke Terraces |
Teschemakers | Otago | Reidston |
Teviot | Otago | Roxburgh |
Teviot Junction | Otago | Roxburgh |
Tewkesbury | Wanganui | Okehu |
Thames | Thames | Bunga Flat |
Thames | Thames | Collarbone |
Thames | Thames | Eureka Hill |
Thames | Thames | Grahamstown |
Thames | Thames | Hape Creek |
Thames | Thames | Kauaeranga |
Thames | Thames | Kuranga |
Thames | Thames | Kurani |
Thames | Thames | Moanatairi |
Thames | Thames | Parawai |
Thames | Thames | Punga Flat |
Thames | Thames | Shellback Creek |
Thames | Thames | Shortland |
Thames | Thames | Tararu |
Thames | Thames | Totara |
Thames | Thames | Waiotahi Creek |
Thames River | Thames | Waihou River |
The Junction | Otago | Alexandra |
The Junction | Otago | Cromwell |
The Junction | Otago | Lawrence |
The Junction | Northern Wairarapa | Woodville |
The Retreat | Canterbury | Cheviot |
Third River | Wellington | [a location in the lower Hutt Valley 1840/50s] |
Thomson's Crossing | Southland | Winton |
Thornbury | Otago | Gummies Bush |
Thorndon | Wellington | Hau-kawakawa |
Thorndon | Bay of Plenty | Rangitaiki |
Thorndon | Wellington | Thorndon Flat |
Thorndon Flat | Wellington | Thorndon |
Thorpe | Nelson | Dove Dale |
Thorrington | Canterbury | Lower Cashmere |
Three Creeks | Canterbury | Burkes Pass |
Three Log Whare | Rangitikei | Mangaweka |
Three Mile | West Coast | Ho Ho |
Three Mile Bush | Wairarapa | Carterton |
Tiakitahuna | Manawatu | Longburn |
Tiakitahunga | Manawatu | Jackeytown |
Tihaka (in Colac Bay) | Southland | Oraki |
Tikinui | Kaipara | Sail Point |
Tikinui | Kaipara | Tangea |
Tikitapu | Bay of Plenty | Blue Lake (Rotorua) |
Tikitapu | Wairarapa | Dryer's Rock |
Tikitere | Bay of Plenty | Hell's Gate (Rotorua) |
Tikitiki | East Coast | Kahukura |
Tikitikiora | Bay of Islands | Tikitikioure |
Tikitikioure | Bay of Islands | Tikitikiora |
Tikokino | Hawke's Bay | Hampden |
Tikokupu | Taranaki | Bell Block |
Timaru | Canterbury | Kingsdown |
Timaru | Canterbury | Levels, The (farm) |
Timaru | Canterbury | Sutherland's |
Timaru | Canterbury | Te Maru |
Timatanga | Marlborough | Carluke |
Tinakori Hill | Wellington | McCleverty, Mount |
Tinakori Hill | Wellington | Mount Wakefield |
Tinkers | Otago | Matakanui |
Tinker's Gully | Otago | Newtown |
Tintown | West Coast | Darlington |
Tinui | Wairarapa | Te Nui |
Tinwald | Canterbury | Wheatstone |
Tirau | Waikato | Oxford |
Tirauemea | Wairarapa | Houlbrooke |
Tiraumea | Wairarapa | Kaitawa |
Tiraumea | Wairarapa | Makairo |
Tiraumea | Wairarapa | Pahiatua |
Tiraumea Valley | Wairarapa | Hinemoa |
Tiromaunga | Canterbury | Avondale |
Tiromoana | West Coast | Brighton |
Tiroti | Otago | Capburn |
Tisbury | Southland | Waimatua |
Titi Islands | Southland | Mutton Bird Islands |
Titirangi | Marlborough | Guards Bay |
Titirangi | Marlborough | Hikoekoea |
Tititea | Canterbury | Mt Aspiring |
Titoki | Hawke's Bay | Tamumu |
Titokino (Hawke's Bay) | Hawke's Bay | Hampden |
Toanga | East Coast | Gisborne |
Toe Toes | Southland | Fortrose (Southland) |
Toetoe River | Southland | Mataura River |
Toi Tois | Southland | Fortrose (Southland) |
Toitois Ferry | Southland | Fortrose |
Toka Toka | Waiheke Island | Okahu |
Toka Toka | Waiheke Island | Omaru |
Tokaanu Junction | Taupo | Turangi |
Tokaora (Hawera) | Taranaki | Livingston |
Tokarahi (School) | Otago | Island Cliff |
Tokatea | Coromandel | Omoho |
Tokatoka | Kaipara | Andersons Crossing |
Tokatokahau Point | Bay of Islands | Mosquito Point |
Toko Road | Taranaki | Huinga |
Tokoiti | Otago | Milton |
Tokolabo | Canterbury | Lyttelton Harbour |
Tokomairiro | Otago | Fairfax |
Tokomairiro | Otago | Milton |
Tokomaru Bay | East Coast | Marahea |
Tolaga Bay | East Coast | Buckley |
Tolaga Bay | East Coast | Uawa |
Tomahawk | Otago | Ocean Grove |
Tomarata | Auckland | Tomorata |
Tomoana | Hawke's Bay | Mahora |
Tomorata | Auckland | Tomarata |
Tongariro Bridge | Taupo | Turangi |
Topuni | Auckland | Port Albert |
Torbay | Auckland | Deep Creek |
Torbay | Auckland | Oneroa |
Torea | Southland | Granity |
Torea | Marlborough | Kenepuru |
Torea | Southland | Pourakino Valley |
Torea Neck | Marlborough | Portage, The |
Torere | Wanganui | Ohutu Landing |
Torlesse Range | Canterbury | Whataarama |
Toroto Road | Waikato | Awarata |
Tory Channel | Marlborough | Kura-te-au |
Totara | Canterbury | Pleasant Point |
Totara | West Coast | Ross |
Totara | West Coast | Ross |
Totara | Thames | Thames |
Totara | North Auckland | Whangaroa |
Totaranui | Nelson | Awaroa |
Totaranui | Marlborough | Queen Charlotte Sound |
Totaranui | Nelson | Wainui |
Touwai | Auckland | Mangatangirau |
Towai | Bay of Islands | Marlow |
Towai | Bay of Islands | Motatau |
Trafalgar | Southland | Georgetown |
Traquair | Otago | Lee Stream |
Trondheim | Manawatu | Taonui |
Tryphena | Great Barrier Island | Oruawharo |
Tua Marina | Marlborough | Tuamarino |
Tuaheni Point | East Coast | Tuahina Point |
Tuahina Point | East Coast | Tuaheni Point |
Tuahiwi | Canterbury | Kaiapoi Pa |
Tuakau | Auckland | Kaipo |
Tuamarino | Marlborough | Tua Marina |
Tuamautire | Marlborough | Grovetown |
Tuapeka | Otago | Daitonville |
Tuapeka | Otago | Gabriel's Gully |
Tuapeka | Otago | Lawrence |
Tuapeka Mouth | Otago | Dalhousie |
Tuapeka West | Otago | Dartonville |
Tuatapere | Southland | Drummonds Ferry |
Tuatapere | Southland | Papatotara |
Tucker Flat | Otago | Gibbston |
Tuhawaiki Point | Canterbury | Jacks Point |
Tuhipa | North Auckland | Cameron's Crossing |
Tuhua | Bay of Plenty | Mayor Island |
Tuimata | Auckland | Pukekohe East |
Tuingaro | Marlborough | Willawa Point |
Tukituki River | Hawke's Bay | Alma River |
Tummil Flats | Marlborough | Tummil, The |
Tummil, The | Marlborough | Tummil Flats |
Tuna Bay | Marlborough | Brightlands |
Tunatahi | North Auckland | Dargaville |
Tunatahi | North Auckland | Dargaville |
Tupurupuru | Hawke's Bay | Turangakumu Saddle |
Tupurupuru | Wairarapa | Gladstone |
Turakina | Wanganui | Lethbridge |
Turakina Valley | Wanganui | Lowrie's |
Turanga | East Coast | Gisborne |
Turanga | East Coast | Poverty Bay |
Turanga | East Coast | Turanga-a-kiwa |
Turanga-a-kiwa | East Coast | Gisborne |
Turanga-a-kiwa | East Coast | Turanga |
Turanga-a-kupe | Wellington | Seatoun |
Turangaarere Railway | Rangitikei | Hihitahi |
Turangakumu Saddle | Hawke's Bay | Tupurupuru |
Turanganui | East Coast | Gisborne |
Turangi | Taupo | Taupahi |
Turangi | Taupo | Tokaanu Junction |
Turangi | Taupo | Tongariro Bridge |
Turiroa | Hawke's Bay | Cricklewood |
Turiwhate | West Coast | Turiwhati |
Turiwhati | West Coast | Turiwhate |
Turtons | Canterbury | Ashburton |
Turton's | Canterbury | Ashburton |
Tutaekara | Wairarapa | Browntown |
Tutaekara | Wairarapa | Harwea Road |
Tutaekara | Wairarapa | Mangamaire |
Tutaekura | Wairarapa | Hamua |
Tutaenui | Rangitikei | Marton |
Tutaki | Nelson | Braeburn |
Tutua | East Coast | Te Araroa |
Tuturau | Southland | Mataura |
Tututotara | Rangitikei | Inland Rangitikei |
Twelve Mile | Inangahua | Macetown |
Tycho | Canterbury | Taiko |
Uawa | East Coast | Tolaga Bay |
Ulva Island | Stewart Island | Coopers Island |
Umawera | Hokianga | Orira |
Umere | West Coast | Cooper's Creek |
Umere | West Coast | Land of Promise |
Umukuri | Nelson | Brooklyn |
Umularoa | Hawke's Bay | Dannevirke |
Umupuia | Auckland | Duders Beach |
Upokongaro | Wanganui | Makirikiri |
Upper Arahura (School) | West Coast | Humphreys |
Upper Catlins | Southland | Houipapa |
Upper Courtenay | Canterbury | Kimberley |
Upper Ferry | Otago | Hakataramea |
Upper Ferry | Otago | Kourow |
Upper Hedgehope | Southland | Glencoe |
Upper Hutt | Wellington | Fern Ground |
Upper Kyeburn | Otago | Kyeburn Diggings |
Upper Landing | Thames | Hikuai |
Upper Landing | Thames | Laycock's |
Upper Makikihi | Canterbury | Hunter |
Upper Matakitaki | Nelson | Horse Terrace |
Upper Matakitaki | Nelson | Nardoo |
Upper Mohaka | Hawke's Bay | Glenfalls |
Upper Motupiko | Nelson | Korere |
Upper Moutere | Nelson | Sarau |
Upper Moutere | Nelson | Schachstal |
Upper South Hillend | Southland | Pukemutu |
Upper Taueru | Wairarapa | Bickerstaffe |
Upper Taueru | Wairarapa | Bideford |
Upper Township | Otago | Clyde |
Upper Turnbull | West Coast | Huhuka |
Upper Valley | Wellington | Upper Hutt |
Upper Waiau Ferry | Canterbury | Hanmer Plains |
Upper Wai-iti Valley | Nelson | Hiwipango |
Upper Waikaia | Southland | Cosgroves |
Upper Waikaia | Southland | Glenary |
Upper Wainui | Hawke's Bay | Wimbledon |
Ure Bridge | Marlborough | Waima Bridge |
Ure River | Marlborough | Waima River |
Uretara | Bay of Plenty | Katikati |
Urral | Canterbury | Lauriston |
Urupukapuka | Bay of Islands | Oruapukapuka Island |
Uruwhenua | Nelson | Westlands |
Utewai | Wairarapa | Haunui |
Utiku | Rangitikei | Kaikoura |
Uxbridge | Otago | Georgetown |
Valetta | Canterbury | Westerfield |
Vernon | Hawke's Bay | Lindsay |
Victoria | Wairarapa | Papatawa |
Victoria Bridge | Otago | Edwards |
Victoria Bridge | Otago | Waitiri |
Victoria Valley | North Auckland | Mangatoetoe |
Victory Beach | Otago | Wickliffe Bay |
Vincent | Otago | Naseby |
Vinegar Flat | Otago | Cambrian |
Vinegar Hill | Otago | Cambrian |
Vinegar Hill | Otago | St Bathans |
Vulcan Point | Otago | Shag Point |
Waahi Lake | Waikato | Rotongaru (Huntly) |
Waddell, Point | Wellington | Dorset, Point |
Waddington | Canterbury | Malvern |
Wade | Auckland | Horse Shoe Bush |
Wade | Auckland | Nanuhu |
Wade | Auckland | Redvale |
Wade | Auckland | Silverdale |
Wade | Auckland | Weiti |
Wade River | Auckland | Wai-peraro |
Wade, The | Auckland | Silverdale |
Waenga | Otago | Halfway House |
Waeranga | Waikato | Matahura |
Waerenga | Waikato | Wairangi |
Waerikiki | Southland | Mimihau |
Wahanui | Uruwera | Rotokarangu |
Wahi Lake | Waikato | Rotongaru (Huntly) |
Waianakarua | Otago | Herbert |
Waianiwa | Southland | Argyle |
Waianiwa | Southland | Lower Waianiwa |
Waianiwa | Southland | Oporo |
Waianiwa | Southland | Spar Bush |
Waiapu | East Coast | Caves |
Waiapu | East Coast | Rangitukia |
Waiareka | Otago | Weston |
Waiareka Junction | Otago | Brookfield |
Waiareka Junction | Otago | Oamaru |
Waiari | North Auckland | Kaeo |
Waiata | Manawatu | Nikau |
Waiau | Canterbury | Amuri |
Waiau | West Coast | Franz Joseph Glacier (township) |
Waiau | Marlborough | Waiau-ua |
Waiau | West Coast | Waiho Gorge |
Waiau | Coromandel | Coromandel (township) |
Waiau | Southland | Orawia |
Waiau Mouth | Southland | Papatotara |
Waiau Pa | Auckland | Ford Point |
Waiau Pa | Auckland | Karaka |
Waiau Pa | Auckland | Karaka |
Waiau River | Southland | Orepuki |
Waiau-toa | Marlborough | Clarence River |
Waiau-ua | Marlborough | Waiau |
Waigona | Taranaki | Waiongana |
Waihaha | Bay of Islands | Waikare Inlet |
Waihakeke | Wairarapa | Carterton |
Waihao | Canterbury | Waimate |
Waihao | Canterbury | Morven |
Waihao Forks | Canterbury | Elephant Hill |
Waihao Forks | Canterbury | Pentland Hills |
Waihao Forks | Canterbury | Waihaorunga |
Waihaorunga | Canterbury | Waihao Forks |
Waiharakeke | Marlborough | Flaxbourne |
Waiharakiki | Waikato | Kawhia |
Waiharara | North Auckland | Haggers Point |
Waiheke | Auckland | Cowes |
Waihemo | Otago | Dunback |
Waihemo | Otago | Morrisons |
Waihenga | Wairarapa | Martinborough |
Waihi | Taranaki | Normanby |
Waihi | Thames | Borne Town |
Waihi (Normanby) | Taranaki | Waihi Redoubt |
Waihi Bush | Canterbury | Woodbury |
Waihi Crossing | Canterbury | Winchester |
Waihi Redoubt | Taranaki | Waihi (Normanby) |
Waihika | East Coast | Gisborne |
Waiho Gorge | West Coast | Franz Joseph Glacier (township) |
Waiho Gorge | West Coast | Waiau |
Waihoaka | Southland | Koromiko |
Waihonhonu | Marlborough | Deep Bay |
Waihora | Canterbury | Lake Ellesmere |
Waihou River | Thames | Thames River |
Waihuka | East Coast | Poututu |
Wai-iti | Canterbury | Glen-iti |
Waikaia | Southland | Switzers |
Waikaia | Southland | Wai-o-whakaea |
Waikaia | Southland | Wendonside |
Waikaia | Otago | Whitcombe |
Waikaka | Southland | Wendon Valley |
Waikanae | Wellington | Hadfield |
Waikanae | Wellington | Pararata (Village) |
Waikaoru | Otago | Duntroon |
Waikaraka | North Auckland | Whangarei |
Waikare | Hawke's Bay | Putorino |
Waikare Inlet | Bay of Islands | Waihaha |
Waikaretu | Waikato | Kaawa |
Waikari | Hawke's Bay | Putorino |
Waikari | Canterbury | Wakari |
Waikari | Canterbury | Whakaari |
Waikato River | Waikato | Waikatoa (River) |
Waikatoa (River) | Waikato | Waikato River |
Waikawa | Southland | Spit |
Waikawa Downs | Southland | Fortification |
Waikawa Falls | Southland | Niagara |
Waikawa Valley | Southland | Quarry Hills |
Waikawa Valley | Southland | Scrubby Hill |
Waikawe | Horowhenua | Horowhenua |
Waikeri | Hokianga | Waikerikeri |
Waikerikeri | Hokianga | Mutton Town Gully |
Waikerikeri | Hokianga | Waikeri |
Waikieke | Auckland | Ruarangi |
Waikiekie | Auckland | Mangapai |
Waikoau | Hawke's Bay | Eskdale Railway Camp |
Waikohu | East Coast | Te Karaka |
Waikomiti | Auckland | Waikumete |
Waikoropupu Springs | Nelson | Pupu Springs |
Waikouaiti | Otago | Isaactown |
Waikouaiti | Otago | Hawkesbury |
Waikouaiti | Otago | Hawkesbury West |
Waikowhai | Auckland | Hillsborough |
Waikumate | Auckland | Glen Eden |
Waikumete | Auckland | Waikomiti |
Waikutakuta | Marlborough | Robin Hood Bay |
Waima | East Coast | Hautanoa |
Waima Bridge | Marlborough | Ure Bridge |
Waima River | Marlborough | Ure River |
Waimahara | North Auckland | Mangonui |
Waimakariri River | Canterbury | Courtenay River |
Waimangaroa | West Coast | Conn's Creek |
Waimangaroa Junction | West Coast | Harben |
Waimarie | West Coast | Kynnersley |
Waimarie | East Coast | Ormond |
Waimarie | Nelson | Summerlea |
Waimarino | Waimarino | National Park (township) |
Waimaru | Marlborough | Beatrix Bay |
Waimaru | Marlborough | Havelock |
Waimata Valley | East Coast | Combermere |
Waimate | Canterbury | Maytown |
Waimate | Canterbury | Waihao |
Waimate | Canterbury | Waimatemate |
Waimate North | North Auckland | Te Waimate |
Waimate Plans | Taranaki | Manaia |
Waimatemate | Canterbury | Waimate |
Waimatua | Southland | Tisbury |
Waimatua Creek | Southland | Duck Creek |
Waimaunga | West Coast | Mawheraiti |
Waimea | West Coast | Goldsborough |
Waimea | West Coast | Six Mile Diggings |
Waimea | West Coast | Waimea Diggings |
Waimea Diggings | West Coast | Waimea |
Waimea West | Nelson | Brightwater |
Waimiha | Waikato | Ohinemoa |
Waimiha | Whakatane | Opouriao West |
Waimotu | Otago | Herbert |
Waimumu | Southland | Mataura |
Waingake | East Coast | Livingstone's |
Waingaro | Nelson | Hamama |
Waingaroa | Nelson | Takaka |
Waingawa | Wairarapa | Kaituna |
Waingongoro | Taranaki | Dawson Gate |
Wainoni | Auckland | Greenhithe |
Wainono | Canterbury | Norton |
Wainui | Nelson | Anatimo |
Wainui | Hawke's Bay | Herbertville |
Wainui | Auckland | Parakakau |
Wainui | Nelson | Totaranui |
Wainuiomata | Wellington | Homedale |
Wainuiomata North | Wellington | Arakura |
Wainuioru | Wairarapa | Heatherlea |
Waiohau (Whakatane) | Bay of Plenty | Ohui |
Waiomatatini | East Coast | Port Awanui |
Waiomio | Thames | Waiomu |
Waiomo | Thames | Tapu |
Waiomo | Thames | Waiomu |
Waiomou | Thames | Waiomu |
Waiomu | Thames | Waiomio |
Waiomu | Thames | Waiomo |
Waiomu | Thames | Waiomou |
Waione | Manawatu | Makukupara |
Waiotahi | Whakatane | Kutarere |
Waiotahi Creek | Thames | Thames |
Waiouru | Waimarino | Waiouru Camp |
Waiouru Camp | Waimarino | Waiouru |
Wai-o-whakaea | Southland | Waikaia |
Waipahi | Clutha | Waipaihi |
Waipaihi | Clutha | Waipahi |
Waipapa | North Auckland | Kahikatearoa |
Waipapa | Auckland | Mechanics Bay |
Waipapa Beach | Southland | Fortrose |
Waipapa Point | Southland | Otara Point |
Waipapakauri | North Auckland | Awanui |
Waipaparoa | Stockade Mill | |
Waipara | Canterbury | Glasnevin |
Waipara | West Coast | Hokitika |
Waiparera | North Auckland | Parua |
Waipata | Otago | Komako |
Waipati River | Otago | Chasland |
Waipati River | Southland | Chaslands |
Waipatiki | Hawke's Bay | Rising Sun Block |
Waipatiki | Hawke's Bay | Weber |
Waipawa | Hawke's Bay | Abbotsford |
Waipawa | Hawke's Bay | Blackhead |
Waipawa | Hawke's Bay | Tapairau |
Waipawa | Hawke's Bay | Waipawamate |
Waipawamate | Hawke's Bay | Waipawa |
Wai-peraro | Auckland | Wade River |
Waipero Bay | East Coast | Waipiro Bay |
Waipiata | Otago | Kokoamo |
Waipiata | Otago | Lower Eweburn |
Waipipi | Auckland | Waiuku |
Waipiro | East Coast | Gisborne |
Waipiro Bay | East Coast | Waipero Bay |
Waipori Falls | Otago | El Dorado |
Waipori, Lake | Otago | Berwick |
Waipu | Auckland | Limestone Hill |
Waipu North | North Auckland | North River |
Waipuku | Taranaki | Manganui |
Waipuna | West Coast | Ararimu |
Waipuna | West Coast | Little Grey Junction |
Waipuna | Wellington | Mangaituroa |
Waipuna | Auckland | Whangaroa |
Wairahi | North Auckland | Langs Beach |
Wairakaia | East Coast | Te Arai Bridge |
Wairaki | Southland | Eastern Bush |
Wairaki | Southland | Feldwick |
Wairangi | Nelson | Otamahono |
Wairangi | Waikato | Waerenga |
Wairapu | East Coast | Te Araroa |
Wairarapa | Wairarapa | Wyderap' |
Wairau | Marlborough | Blenheim |
Wairau Creek | North Auckland | Maungaturoto |
Wairau Ferry | Marlborough | Goulands Ferry |
Wairau Valley | Marlborough | Beaconsfield |
Wairere | Wairarapa | Paparoa |
Wairio | Southland | Woodlaw |
Wairoa | Auckland | Ardmore |
Wairoa | Nelson | Brightwater |
Wairoa | Auckland | Clevedon |
Wairoa | Hawke's Bay | Clyde |
Wairoa | Taranaki | Waverley |
Wairoa Gorge | Nelson | Brightwater |
Wairoa South | Auckland | Clevedon |
Wairoto | Southland | Lillburn |
Wairuna | Otago | Clinton |
Waitahuna | Otago | Havelock |
Waitahuna | Otago | Johnstone |
Waitakaro | East Coast | Hiruharama (Gisborne) |
Waitakere | Auckland | Waitakerei |
Waitakerei | Auckland | Waitakere |
Waitaki North | Canterbury | Glenavy |
Waitaki River | Otago | Waitangi River |
Waitangi | Waimarino | Tangiwai (Waiouru) |
Waitangi Falls (Paihia) | Bay of Islands | Haruru Falls |
Waitangi River | Otago | Waitaki River |
Waitapeka | otago | Kakapuaka |
Waitapeka | Otago | Waitepeka |
Waitapu | Nelson | Takaka |
Waitara | Taranaki | Waitera |
Waitara (Taranaki) | Taranaki | Raleigh |
Waitara River | Taranaki | Waitera River |
Waitaria | East Coast | Gisborne |
Waitati | Otago | Waiteti |
Waitati | Otago | Blueskin |
Waitawa | Auckland | Castles Bay |
Waitekauri | Thames | Golden Cross |
Waitekauri North | Thames | Golden Cross |
Waitemata Harbour | Auckland | Auckland Harbour |
Waitemata Mills | Auckland | Riverhead |
Waitepeka | Otago | Waitapeka |
Waitera | Taranaki | Waitara |
Waitera River | Taranaki | Waitara River |
Waiteti | Otago | Waitati |
Waitetuna | Waikato | Te Mata |
Waitiri | Otago | Edwards |
Waitiri | Otago | Victoria Bridge |
Waitoa | Waikato | Morrinsville |
Waitoetoe | Taranaki | Waitoitoi |
Waitohi | Canterbury | Kerr's Station |
Waitohi | Marlborough | Koromiko |
Waitohi | Canterbury | Newton |
Waitohi | Marlborough | Picton |
Waitohi | Canterbury | Waitohi Flat |
Waitohi Flat | Canterbury | Waitohi |
Waitohu | North Auckland | Babylon |
Waitoitoi | Taranaki | Waitoetoe |
Waitoriki | Taranaki | Lincoln Road |
Waitotara | Wanganui | Kaimanuka |
Waitotara | Wanganui | Kauananuka |
Waituna | Nelson | Otarawao |
Waituna West | Manawatu | Tapuae |
Waiuku | Auckland | Maioro |
Waiuku | Auckland | Waipipi |
Waiuta | West Coast | Birthday Mine |
Waiwatu | Wellington | Waiwhetu (Hutt Valley) |
Waiwatu River | Wellington | Waiwhetu (Hutt Valley) |
Waiwera | Wairarapa | Kopikopiko |
Waiwera | Auckland | Waiwera North |
Waiwera North | Auckland | Waiwera |
Waiwera South | Otago | Ashley Downs |
Waiwera South | Otago | Kaihiku |
Waiwetu | Wellington | Waiwhetu (Hutt Valley) |
Waiwhero | East Coast | Hexton |
Waiwhetu | Wellington | Waiwetu |
Wakaipa | Canterbury | Day's Road |
Wakamarina | Marlborough | Canvastown |
Wakamarina Gorge | Marlborough | Blenheim |
Wakanui | Canterbury | Ashburton |
Wakapatu | Southland | Kawakapatu |
Wakapuaka | Nelson | Cable Bay |
Wakapuaka | Nelson | Happy Valley |
Wakapuaka | Nelson | Hillside (School) |
Wakapuni | Wairarapa | Whakapuni |
Wakari | Otago | Waikari |
Wakari (Dunedin) | Otago | Hawthorn Hill |
Wakatipu | Otago | Frankton |
Wakatu | Nelson | Annesbrook |
Wakatu | Nelson | Nelson (original settlement) |
Wakatu | Nelson | Nelson Haven |
Wakau | King Country | Kihi Kihi |
Wakefield | Nelson | Lower Wakefield |
Wakefield, Mt | Southern Alps | Kirikiri-katata |
Walker's | Murchison | Maruia |
Wallacetown Junction | Southland | Lorneville |
Wallaceville (Hutt Valley) | Wellington | Mangaroa Valley |
Wallingford | Hawke's Bay | Eparaima Pa |
Wallingford | Hawke's Bay | Ohinewha |
Wallsend | West Coast | Brunner |
Walton | Otago | Fairfield |
Walton Park | Otago | Fairfield |
Wanaka | Otago | Albert Town |
Wanaka | Otago | Albertown |
Wanaka | Otago | Newcastle |
Wanaka | Otago | Oanaka |
Wanaka | Otago | Pembroke |
Wanaka | Otago | Roys Bay |
Wangaehu | Wanganui | Whangaehu |
Wangaloa | Otago | Whangaroa |
Wanganui | Wanganui | Kai-hau-o-kupe |
Wanganui | West Coast | Little Wanganui |
Wanganui | Wanganui | Whanganui |
Wanganui East | Wanganui | Eastbrook |
Wanganui East | Wanganui | Eastown |
Wanganui East | Wanganui | Sedgebrook |
Wanganui River Mouth | Wanganui | Knowsley Bay |
Wanganui/Whanganui | Wanganui | Petre |
Wangape | Bay of Islands | Whangape |
Wangapeka Settlement | Nelson | Matariki |
Wangarei | North Auckland | Eglinton |
Wangarei | North Auckland | Kiripaka |
Wangarei | North Auckland | Parahaki |
Wangarei | North Auckland | Whangarei |
Wanstead | Hawke's Bay | Motuotaria |
Wantwood Station | Southland | Mandeville |
Wapiti River | Fiordland | Rugged Burn |
Warahoe | King Country | Kihi Kihi |
Ward | Marlborough | Flaxbourne |
Ward | Marlborough | Mirza |
Warea Stream | Taranaki | Teikaparua Stream |
Warkworth | Auckland | Mahurangi |
Waro | North Auckland | Ahipara |
Waro | North Auckland | Hikurangi |
Waronui | Otago | Fortification |
Warrengate | Wanganui | Fordell |
Warrington | Otago | Evansdale |
Warrington | Otago | Okahau |
Wash, The | Marlborough | Raglan |
Washbourne | Nelson | Slateford |
Washdyke | Canterbury | Washdyke Junction |
Washdyke Junction | Canterbury | Washdyke |
Wataroa | West Coast | Gunns |
Wataroa | West Coast | Whataroa |
Waterfalls | Wairarapa | Brooklands |
Waterfalls | Wairarapa | Dog Town |
Waterford | Bay of Plenty | Katikati |
Watt's Peninsula | Wellington | Mirimar Peninsula |
Waumangaroa Junction | West Coast | Griffiths |
Wauts | Waikato | Lichfield |
Waverley | Otago | Grants Brae |
Waverley (South Taranaki) | Taranaki | Wairoa |
Wayby | Auckland | Hoteo North |
Wayby | Auckland | Wellsford |
Weather Point | Stewart Island | Red Head Point |
Weatherston | Otago | Weatherstones |
Weatherstones | Otago | Weatherston |
Weber | Hawke's Bay | Waipatiki |
Wedderburn | Otago | Mariomoto |
Wedderburn | Otago | Muriomato |
Weedon | Canterbury | Weedons |
Weedons | Canterbury | Weedon |
Weheka | West Coast | Fox Glacier (township) |
Weheka River | West Coast | Cook River |
Weiti | Auckland | Wade |
Welcome Pass | West Coast | Karangarua |
Wellington | Wellington | Britannia |
Wellington Harbour | Wellington | Poneke |
Wellington Harbour | Wellington | Port Nicholson |
Wellington Harbour | Wellington | Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui |
Wellington Harbour | Wellington | Whanganui-a-Tara |
Wellsford | Auckland | Hoteo North |
Wellsford | Auckland | Wayby |
Welshmans | Otago | Cambrian |
Wendon | Southland | Riversdale |
Wendon Valley | Southland | Waikaka |
Wendonside | Southland | Waikaka |
Wereroa | Waikato | Churchill |
Wereroa | Horowhenua | Levin |
Wesleydale | North Auckland | Kaeo (Mission station) |
West Bay | Marlborough | Endeavour Inlet |
West Coast | New Zealand | Westland |
West Eyreton | Canterbury | Horrelville |
West Haven Inlet | West Coast | Whanganui Inlet |
West Mangitainoka | Wairarapa | Pahiatua |
West Taieri Goldfield | Otago | Hindon |
West Wanganui | Collingwood | Southend |
West Wanganui Inlet | West Coast | Whanganui Inlet |
Westerfield | Canterbury | Langhmor |
Westerfield | Canterbury | Valetta |
Westland | New Zealand | West Coast |
Westlands | Nelson | Uruwhenua |
Weston | Otago | Alam |
Weston | Otago | Ardgowan |
Weston | Otago | Aridale |
Weston | Otago | Awamoa |
Weston | Otago | Cormacks |
Weston | Otago | Waiareka |
Weston | Taranaki | Westown (New Plymouth) |
Westport | West Coast | Buller |
Westport | West Coast | Te Kopuru |
Westshore | Hawke's Bay | Spit, The |
Wetheral Railway | Canterbury | Ohapuku |
Wetheral Railway | Canterbury | Tram Road |
Weymouth | Auckland | Kariha |
Whaingaroa | Waikato | Raglan Harbour |
Whaingaroa Harbour | Waikato | Raglan Harbour |
Whaka | Bay of Plenty | Whakarewarewa (Rotorua) |
Whakaari | Otago | Halfway Bush (Dunedin) |
Whakaari | East Coast | Waikari |
Whakamatau | Canterbury | Lake Coleridge |
Whakamoehau | Thames | Golden Cross |
Whakaoho-iti | Otago | Dunoon |
Whakapouaka | North Auckland | Cape Karikari |
Whakapouaka | North Auckland | Karikari Bay |
Whakapuni | Wairarapa | Wakapuni |
Whakarewarewa (Rotorua) | Bay of Plenty | Whaka |
Whakari | Bay of Plenty | White Island |
Whakataki | Wairarapa | Mataikuna |
Whakataki | Wairarapa | Pakowai |
Whakatane | Bay of Plenty | Kakahoroa |
Whakatane Junction | Bay of Plenty | Kiwinui |
Whakatete Bay | Thames | Woods Bay |
Whakatu | Hawke's Bay | Hastings |
Whakoau | East Coast | Huiarua |
Whale Bay | Canterbury | Caroline Bay |
Whale Island (Whakatane) | Bay of Plenty | Motuhora |
Whananaki | North Auckland | Hikurangi |
Whananaki | North Auckland | Matapouri Bay |
Whangaehu | Wanganui | Wangaehu |
Whangamoa | Nelson | Halfway House |
Whangamumu | Bay of Islands | Russell |
Whanganui | Wanganui | Wanganui |
Whanganui Inlet | West Coast | West Haven Inlet |
Whanganui Inlet | West Coast | West Wanganui Inlet |
Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington | Wellington Harbour |
Whangaparaoa | East Coast | Cape Runaway |
Whangaparaoa Peninsula | Auckland | Buache Peninsula |
Whangape | Bay of Islands | Herekino |
Whangape | Bay of Islands | Russell |
Whangape | Bay of Islands | Wangape |
Whangarae | Nelson | Croisilles |
Whangarei | North Auckland | Kaitara |
Whangarei | North Auckland | Mair |
Whangarei | North Auckland | Mairtown |
Whangarei | North Auckland | Maunu |
Whangarei | North Auckland | Oakati |
Whangarei | North Auckland | Otaika |
Whangarei | North Auckland | Waikaraka |
Whangarei | North Auckland | Whauwhau |
Whangaroa | North Auckland | Ruato |
Whangaroa | North Auckland | Tami Tami |
Whangaroa | North Auckland | Totara |
Whangaroa | Auckland | Waipuna |
Whangaroa | Otago | Wangaloa |
Whangaroa Harbour | Waikato | Raglan Harbour |
Whangaruru Beach | Bay of Islands | Whangaruru North |
Whangaruru North | Bay of Islands | Whangaruru Beach |
Whapu | North Auckland | Dargaville |
Wharaite | Manawatu | Whariti |
Wharanui | Marlborough | Mills |
Whareakeake | Otago | Murdering Beach |
Whareama | Wairarapa | Langdale |
Whareamuku | Wellington | Raumati (Paraparaumu) |
Whareata | East Coast | Maraetaha |
Wharehuanui | Otago | Malaghan's |
Wharehunga | Marlborough | Grass Cove |
Wharekahika | East Coast | Hick's Bay |
Wharekahika | East Coast | Te Araroa |
Wharekakaho Camp | East Coast | Earls |
Wharekauri | Chatham Islands | Chatham Island |
Wharekawa Harbour | Thames | Opoutere |
Wharekuri | Otago | Kurow |
Wharepapa | Auckland | Helensville |
Wharepapa South | Waikato | Ellicott's Block |
Wharepoa | Thames | Cryers Landing |
Wharera | North Auckland | Huarau |
Wharerata (Gisborne) | East Coast | Maraetaha |
Wharite | Manawatu | Whariti |
Whariti | Manawatu | Wharaite |
Whariti | Manawatu | Wharite |
Wharo | North Auckland | Ahipara |
Whataarama | Canterbury | Torlesse Range |
Whataitai | Wellington | Miramar Peninsula |
Whatanpoko | East Coast | Gisborne |
Whataparaerae | Otago | Shag Point |
Whataroa | West Coast | Wataroa |
Whatipu | Auckland | Huia |
Whau | Auckland | Avondale |
Whauwhau | North Auckland | Whangarei |
Wheatstone | Canterbury | Tinwald |
Whenuahou | Stewart Island | Codfish Island |
Whenuakite | Coromandel | Whitianga |
Whenuakura (Patea) | Taranaki | Rangikura |
Whero Rock | Stewart Island | Passage Rock |
Whiorau | Wellington | Lowry Bay |
Whirinaki | North Auckland | Kaka-whirinaki |
Whitcombe | Otago | Teremakau |
Whitcombe | Otago | Waikaia |
White Cliffs | Taranaki | Pukearuhe |
White Cliff's | Taranaki | Parininihi |
White Cliffs Junction | Canterbury | Hordon Junction |
White Hills | Auckland | Pine Valley (Waitemata) |
White Horse | Otago | Beck's |
White Island | Bay of Plenty | Whakari |
White Pine Bush (Whakatane) | Bay of Plenty | White Pine Valley |
White Pine Valley (Whakatane) | Bay of Plenty | White Pine Bush |
Whitefoord Park | Auckland | Whitford |
Whitewash Head | Canterbury | Sumner Head |
Whitford | Auckland | Whitefoord Park |
Whitianga | Taranaki | Hurimoana |
Whitianga | Coromandel | Kaimarama |
Whitianga | Coromandel | Mahakirau |
Whitianga | Coromandel | Whenuakite |
Whitmore | Manawatu | Linton |
Whitmore | Manawatu | Longburn |
Whitstone | Otago | Cave Valley |
Whitstone | Otago | Lorne |
Wickett | Marlborough | Te Awaiti |
Wickliffe Bay | Otago | Portobello |
Wickliffe Bay | Otago | Victory Beach |
Wigan | East Coast | Arataha |
Wigram | Canterbury | Sockburn |
Willawa Point | Marlborough | Tuingaro |
Williamson's Clearing | Auckland | Bombay |
Willow Bank | Bay of Plenty | Athenree |
Willows | Southland | Winton |
Willows, The | East Coast | North Ormond |
Wilson Bay | Otago | Broad Bay |
Wilson's River | Southland | Cromarty |
Wilson's Road | Canterbury | Linwood Railway |
Wimbledon | Hawke's Bay | Upper Wainui |
Winchester | Canterbury | Waihi Crossing |
Winchmore | Canterbury | Porowhita |
Windermere | Canterbury | Winslow |
Windlass Bay | Campbell Island | Capstan Bay |
Windsor | Otago | Corriedale |
Windsor | Otago | Otewhakauki |
Windsor Junction | Otago | Island Cliff |
Windwhistle | Canterbury | Rakaia Gorge |
Windwhistle | Canterbury | Rakaia, Gorge of the |
Windy Point | Wellington | Kokakotangireka |
Winfield | Otago | Rock and Pillar |
Wingate | Wellington | Avalon |
Winiata | Rangitikei | Wynyard |
Winscombe | Canterbury | Fairlie |
Winslow | Canterbury | Longbeach Railway Station |
Winslow | Canterbury | Windermere |
Winton | Southland | Forest Hill |
Winton | Southland | Lowood |
Winton | Southland | Otapiri |
Winton | Southland | Round Bush |
Winton | Southland | Thomson's Crossing |
Winton | Southland | Willows |
Winton | Southland | Riverside |
Wiri | Auckland | St John's Redoubt |
Witako | Wellington | Etako |
Woodbourne Air Force Base | Marlborough | Blenheim Air Force Base |
Woodbridge | Canterbury | Rangitata |
Woodbury | Canterbury | Waihi Bush |
Woodend | Southland | Seaward Moss |
Woodgrove | Canterbury | Mason's Flat |
Woodlands | Southland | Grove Bush |
Woodlands | Southland | Long Bush |
Woodlands | Southland | Mokotua |
Woodlands | Southland | Oteramika |
Woodlands Park | Auckland | Beverley Hills |
Woodlaw | Southland | Wairio |
Woodleight | Taranaki | Frankleigh Park |
Woods Bay | Thames | Whakatete Bay |
Woods Island | Auckland | Herald Island |
Woodside | Auckland | Birkenhead |
Woodside | Canterbury | Cooper's Creek |
Woodside | North Auckland | Kaeo |
Woodside | North Auckland | Otoroa |
Woodside | Auckland | Papatoetoe |
Woodside | Auckland | Wiri |
Woodside | Otago | Mangatua |
Woodside | Otago | Maungatua |
Woodside | Canterbury | Oxford |
Woodstock | West Coast | Arthurstown |
Woodstock | Marlborough | Deep Creek |
Woodstock | West Coast | Kanieri |
Woodthorpe | Hawke's Bay | Puketapu |
Woodville | Taranaki | Alton |
Woodville | Northern Wairarapa | Gorge Bridge Village |
Woodville | Northern Wairarapa | Junction, The |
Woodville | Hawke's Bay | Ngawapurua |
Woodville Village | Wairarapa | Franklin |
Woody Knoll | Southland | Limehills |
Woodyhead | Southland | Karioi, Waipapa Point |
Woolshed | Southland | Glencoe |
Woolshed | Otago | Glenore |
Woolshed, The | Otago | Glenore |
Woolston | Canterbury | Hillsborough |
Worser Bay | Wellington | Miramai |
Worser Bay | Wellington | Youngs Bay |
Worser's Bay | Wellington | Worser Bay |
Wrey's Bush | Southland | Annandale |
Wycliffe Bay | Otago | Poatiri |
Wyderap | New Zealand | Wairarapa |
Wyndham | Southland | Menzie's Ferry |
Wyndham | Southland | Redan Valley |
Wynyard | Rangitikei | Winiata |
Yardhurst | Canterbury | Taylors |
Yelaton | Marlborough | Te Awaite |
Yorktown | Canterbury | Aylesbury |
Yorktown | Canterbury | Bealey's Road |
Young Nick's Head | East Coast | Kuri-a-paoa |
Young Valley | Southland | Progress Valley Mill |
Youngs Bay | Wellington | Worser Bay |
Young's Point | North Auckland | Otamatea |
Zalatown | West Coast | Alpine Hill |
Zane Grey Camp | Bay of Islands | Otehi Bay |
Zeehaen's Bocht | Nelson | Tasman Bay |