Genealogical Record of the Schwenkfelders differences

Differences from the book

There are several differences between this transcription and the book from which it was taken, but the differences are mostly in format. There are no differences in the transcription. The differences are listed below.

  • The pages in the book measure 10� inches wide and about 13� inches tall.
  • In the book, the text is centered and has a different, older font than the web-pages, which now is left-justified and is displayed in the font times new roman. There is a space between each entry, each family account, on the web-pages; in the book there is a dividing line between each family.
  • The index has the surname with each entry on-line; in the book the surname is at the top of each page, and at the top of each surname entry, with ditto marks for each subsequent same surname. At least most of the time, there are some exceptions to that rule.
  • Obviously there are no internal links in the book. (grin)

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    This page was last updated Saturday, 08-Sep-2018 20:47:15 MDT