Tamera Lee Bayly [Parents]
Other marriages:O'Brien, Matthew
They had the following children:
F i Briahna Nicole Doidge M ii Benjamin Alan Doidge
Ulrich Schmucker died on 23 Jul 1777 in Hirtzbach, , 68, F. He married Barbara Schwartz on 19 Feb 1752. He had other parents.
Barbara Schwartz [Parents].Barbara married Ulrich Schmucker on 19 Feb 1752.
They had the following children:
F i Catherine Schmucker
A L. Skinner.A married Nora Belle (Piatt).
Nora Belle (Piatt) [Parents] was born on 17 Sep 1873 in Westbrookville, Orange County, New York, 12785, Usa?. She died in 1954/1955 in New York, USA. She was buried in 1955 in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA. She married A L. Skinner. Nora was counted in a census in 1880 in Enumeration District 002, MT, SC, New York, USA. She was counted in a census in 1900 in Not Found. She was counted in a census in 1920 in Not Found. She was counted in a census in 1930 in , , , Image 27/41, 134 Beacon Avenue, Jersey City, Hudson C.
Other marriages:Conklin,
Conklin, Herman I
Skinner, Algernon
John Foresman [Parents] was born on 8 May 1800. He married Maria B Follmer.
Other marriages:Unknown
(Piatt), Mary
Maria B Follmer.Maria married John Foresman.
William Charles Edward Holborn
Marjorie Janet (Piatt) [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i James Vernon Allyn Holborn F ii Brenda Kim Holborn
Jacob Guth\Good , Sr was born WFT Est 1743-1774 in Germany. He died WFT Est 1800-1858. He married Anna Marie Bush in 1790.
Anna Marie Bush [Parents] was born on 19 Jan 1763. She died before 1860. She married Jacob Guth\Good , Sr in 1790.
They had the following children:
M i Jacob Guth\Good , Jr M ii Abraham Guth was born on 20 Mar 1794.
Laban Lodge was born in 1796. He died in 1849. He married Catherin Sherrad (Piatt).
Other marriages:(Piatt), Catherine Sherrad
Catherin Sherrad (Piatt) [Parents] was born in 1806. She died in 1842. She married Laban Lodge.
They had the following children:
M i Robert (Piatt) Lodge was born in 1824. He had other parents. M ii William (Piatt) Lodge was born in 1826 in Kentucky. He had other parents. William resided in 1850 in Boone County, Kentucky. He was employed as in 1850 in Farmer. M iii Littleton W C. Lodge M iv Caleb Tate Lodge was born in 1832. He had other parents. Caleb resided in 1850 in Boone County, Kentucky. F v Louisianna Lodge was born in 1835. She had other parents. Louisianna resided in 1850 in Boone County, Kentucky. F vi Nancy Elizabeth "Nannie Eugenia" Lodge was born in 1836. She died in 1925. F vii Francis Marion Lodge was born in 1838. F viii Catherine Sherrad Lodge was born in 1842. She had other parents. Catherine resided in 1850 in Boone County, Kentucky.
James Andrew (Piatt) [Parents] was born on 21 Apr 1789 in Northumberland, Pa. He died on 22 Oct 1838. He married Jemima Ford on 21 Dec 1815 in Cincinatti, OH.
Other marriages:Oxley, Mahala
Jemima Ford was born on 10 Jan 1792 in Maryland. She died on 16 Mar 1836 in IL. She married James Andrew (Piatt) on 21 Dec 1815 in Cincinatti, OH.
They had the following children:
M i William Hart (Piatt) M ii John (Piatt) M iii James Andrew (Piatt) Jr M iv Richard F (Piatt) M v Noah Noble (Piatt) M vi Jacob (Piatt)
Henry Bush.Henry married Anna Marie.
Anna Marie.Anna married Henry Bush.
They had the following children:
F i Anna Marie Bush