Garner McConnico


Garner McConnico

The following was found at <> and is taken from

Jacksonian Miscellanies, #10: March 18, 1997
Topic: Baptist Preachers on the Early Frontier

Copyright by the editor, Hal Morris, Secaucus, NJ 1997. Permission is granted to copy, but not for sale, nor in multiple copies, except by permission.

From: "The Life and Times of Elder Reuben Ross" by his son James Ross

A 2-part series of descriptions of Baptist ministers in central Kentucky and Tennessee in the early 1800's

    Elder Garner McConnico, who belonged to the Cumberland Association, used to come down now and then and preach among us. He was a large, handsome man. His voice was singularly rich and powerful, and his talents of the first order.

    On one occasion he had an appointment to preach under some shade trees on the banks of Big Harpeth River, but there fell a heavy rain the night before, and when he reached the river it was past fording; consequently, he could not join his congregation. He spoke to them, however, from the opposite bank, and told them if they would seat themselves and be quiet they should hear what he had to say. This being done, he raised his voice a little above its usual pitch, and preached a fine sermon, every word of which was distinctly heard on the other side, notwithstanding the distance, and the dashing of the swollen stream against its banks. Elder Todevine used to say when speaking of him, "Brother McConnico has a voice like a trumpet."

    The following sketch of him is condensed from an old record now before me.

    Elder McConnico was born in 1771, in Lunenburg County, Virginia, and was the youngest of three brothers His mother was a woman of great piety, from whom he received when young many kind admonitions. An old Baptist preacher who had belonged to the British army, and remained in the United States after the Revolutionary war was over, was instrumental in awakening him to a sense of his lost condition.

    This old soldier had an appointment to preach in his mother's neighborhood, and she requested Garner to go with her to hear him. To this he objected. The request was slightly modified so as to take the form of a command. With this he thought it prudent to comply. He hated the very name of Englishman, having when a youth been often compelled by the British and Tories to leave his home, and lie out in the woods when they were in that part of the country. And he determined, if he did go, not to listen to a word the preacher had to say - his mother could not make him do that any way.

    On reaching the place, however, he concluded to go just near enough to look at the preacher. He proved such a diminutive, unsightly dwarf of a man, that young McConnico felt some curiosity to hear him talk a little. He did so, and never heard mortal man speak with such power. To use his own expression, "He seemed to bring the very heavens and Earth together," and when he came to himself he was standing near the old man in tears. From this time he never rested until he embraced religion, and united with the Baptist Church at Tusekiah.

    Soon after this he was married to Miss Mary Walker, and commenced trying to preach. He was, however, so disgusted with his efforts, and annoyed by the ridicule of his brother that he and his young wife left Virginia, crossed the mountains, and in 1795 settled in Davidson County, Tennessee, hoping to get rid of the impression that it was his duty to preach. Fully resolving never to do so any more, he enjoined on his wife, when they should seek their new home, not to let it be known he had ever presumed to be a minister of the gospel. Here he resided two years after his removal, in a state of great darkness, to use his words.

    After this he was in search of his horse that had strayed off in the spring of the year. As he was walking along a narrow path cut through the tall cane, in deep thought on the subject of preaching, he saw a small venerable-looking man advancing towards him. The thought at once came into his mind that this was just such a looking person as the apostle Paul, and when they met after the usual salutations, the following dialogue ensued.

    "What sort of a country is this we are in?" said McConnico.

    "A very rich woody country," responded the old man.

    "Any religion in it ?"

    "A few scattered about here and there."

    "Any Baptist preaching in it ?"

    "There will be Baptist preaching in it next Lord's Day."

    "And you are the preacher ?"

    "I try to preach here sometimes for want of a better."

    Here they parted. This old man afterwards proved to be Elder Dillahunty, a pioneer Baptist preacher, well known in that part of the country in the early times.

    Young McConnico could hardly wait for the day of preaching to come round, so great was his desire to hear the venerable old man preacher. Punctual to the time he was there; and when Elder Dillahunty at the close of his sermon made an appointment to preach on a certain Lord's Day at Richland Meeting House, young McConnico in his excitement rose up and said:

    "And I will be with you there."

    "And who are you?" says Father Dillahunty.

    "The man you met in the cane brake."

    "A Baptist?"


    "And a preacher?"

    "Why, yes, I have tried to exercise a little in that way."

    And now the great secret he and his wife were going to keep so close, was out, and he was in great trouble on account of what he had done.

    At the time and place appointed, he attended, but tried hard to beg off from preaching; Father Dillahunty, however, held him to his promise. He had not gotten more than half through his sermon before the good old man rose from his seat, took him in his arms, wept aloud, and thanked God for having found a young brother on the frontier both able and willing to assist him in spreading the glad tidings in the wilderness.

    This Elder Dillahunty was a Baptist preacher belonging to the Neuse River Association, North Carolina, before he came to the west. (See Burkitt and Reed, page 309). Richland Meeting House where this took place was the name of the first Baptist Church ever planted on the south side of Cumberland River, in Davidson County.

    In the fall of 1797 Elder McConnico removed to the neighborhood of Franklin, Williamson County. Here he built up the Big Harpeth Church, which was organized in 1800. It was the third Baptist church planted south of Nashville. He was ordained to the ministry by this church in 1800, and took the pastoral charge of it the day he was ordained. He continued pastor until his death in August 1833, in the sixty­second year of his age. All his life after he joined the church, about forty­five years, was spent in preaching the gospel. He loved this church to the last, and in the dying hour when all else seemed forgotten often repeated its name.

    One thing in this connection strikes us as a very singular coincidence. It so happened that he preached his first and his last sermon from the same text. "Examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith." Probably such a thing never occurred before. It seems to have been purely accidental.

    At the organization of the Cumberland Baptist Association he was chosen its Moderator, and remained in that honorable office till his death. This showed the high estimation in which he was held by his brethren, and his ability to preside. over their deliberations.

    An extract from a notice of his life says: "Elder McConnico was peculiarly commanding. He was of a stout, robust person - his face intellectual - his eye penetrating - his whole demeanor marked with perfect dignity, and his voice singularly powerful, manly, and pleasing."

    Such I remember him to have been more than fifty years ago, when in the prime of his manhood and the vigor of his faculties, he would address us while sitting under the trees during the pleasant days of summer.

    The happiness which those of the same faith felt when they happened to meet in the wilderness is well illustrated by the account given above of the interview between Elders Dillahunty and McConnico. And it is altogether unlike what is felt in densely populated sections at the present day. Their loneliness and isolation caused a thrill of joy at meeting more easily imagined than described.

    Who shall describe the deep feeling of brotherly love among the few men and women who met in Severn's Valley, ninety years ago, under the branches of a primeval sugar maple, to organize the first Baptist church ever constituted in the state of Kentucky? The men were clothed in hunting shirts, leggings, and moccasins all made of the skins of wild beasts, and wearing hats made of buffalo hair rolled round oaken splits. The women wore garments of the same materials. Their descendants who now worship in costly temples have little conception of the Christian affection that filled the hearts of these strangers meeting thus in a strange land.

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