Deaths Havercroft A to Z
 Havercroft Deaths around the World Updated October 2008 Caution: This is a volatile database. Please verify the data. The content is subject to change.
A to Z of Havercrofts Havercroft Births Havercroft Marriages Havercroft Deaths Places Family Trees About this site A to Z Other Names Links Contact Us
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

To find a Havercroft Death click on the first letter of their forename on the A - Z letters above.


This section contains an alphabetical list of all known Havercroft Deaths or Burials around the world. Names are sorted by the first letter of the Havercroft's forename. The list also includes wives that married a Havercroft, their maiden name is shown in brackets. If the event is a Burial then the name of the Cemetery/Church is shown if it is known. Where an actual date of Death is not known, but a date of birth or marriage is, then the Date of Death is shown as before (Bef) 100 years from the Date of Birth or 60 years from the Date of Marriage. In this case the Place shown is the last place they were known to be. Each individual has been given a unique number (RIN) so that they can be tracked through each section. The type of event is shown as well as the year and the place in which it occured. To find an individual's family data click on their forename and their details will be shown.

Every attempt has been made to ensure that no living persons are included in the data presented here. If you find this not to be the case and you wish for an individual or family to be removed then please send me an email with the reference number of the person or persons to be removed.


Created by AFPage Version 2.00 - 11 October 2008