Roxburghshire FreeCEN Project

Volunteers Wanted


If you would like to become a transcriber, please email me and let me know your address, phone number/contact info and what parishes you are interested in.


If you have any questions please contact me, Jan Hall, at [email protected]

Volunteers are needed to participate in the FreeCEN project. As the project is internet based it doesn't matter where you live — all you need is a computer with a spreadsheet program.

We supply all the software and fiche. Volunteers are needed for transcribing the original records and also for checking and validating the transcriptions.

As a transcriber you would be responsible for transcribing a single parish. How much time you spend on the project and how long you take to transcribe is up to you, however status reports on a regular basis are required.


While it is preferred for checkers to have had experience in transcribing this is not essential. As a checker, your job is to proof read the transcriber’s work — making sure that all census entries have been included and inputed correctly and to resolve any queries flagged by the transcriber.