Biography of Ralph Waldo Emerson

Interesting Ancestors & Relatives of the
Harlock and O'Grady Families

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Ralph Waldo Emerson
U.S. Poet, Essayist and Lecturer

(my 4th cousin, fifth removed)

b. 25 May 1803 in Boston, MA - d. 27 Apr 1882 in Concord, MA at age 78
m. Lydia JACKSON 14 Sep 1835


"Sunshine was he, In the winter day;
And in the midsummer, Coolness and shade."

U.S. poet, essayist, and lecturer. Born in Boston, he graduated from Harvard and was ordained a Unitarian minister in 1829. His questioning of traditional doctrine led him to resign the ministry three years later. He formulated his philosophy in Nature 1836); the book helped initiate New England Transcendentalism, a movement of which he soon became the leading exponent. In 1834 he moved to Concord, Mass., the home of his friend H. D. Thoreau. His lectures on the proper role of the scholar and the waning of the Christian tradition caused considerable controversy. In 1840, with M. Fuller, he helped launch The Dial, a journal that provided an outlet for Transcendentalist ideas. He became internationally famous with his Essays (1841, 1844), including "Self-Reliance." Representative Men (1850) consists of biographies of historical figures. The Conduct of Life (1860), his most mature work, reveals a developed humanism and a full awareness of human limitations. His Poems (1847) and May-Day (1867) established his reputation as a major poet.

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