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I am researching the following names:
My gedcom database is part of the RootsWeb WorldConnect Project. You may view and search the gedcom on-line or download it. Information on living individuals, notes, and sources are not included in this database. You may also search my husband's lines at WorldConnect: Shelton/Burton and Lofthouse/Fullmer.
Pictures on this site have a low resolution so they will load quickly. If you would like a higher resolution copy for printing, please e-mail me.
E-mail Heather for more information.
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I make no guarantees as to the accuracy of any information provided on these pages. Please don't consider the notes, sources, or information as definitive. They are the collected notes of various researchers and should be considered as research aids only. I am grateful for the generosity of other family researchers and am posting this genealogical information in that same spirit.