All known ancestors of Harriet Skipper

All known ancestors of Harriet Skipper

Harriet Skipper
John Barrett [grandfather](MF)
Charlotte Barrett [mother]
John Goodbury [2*great-grandfather] (MMFF)
William Goodbody [great-grandfather] (MMF)
Francis Langley [4*great-grandfather] (MMFMFF)
Francis Langley [3*great-grandfather] (MMFMF)
Martha Hutton [4*great-grandmother] (MMFMFM)
Elizabeth Langley [2*great-grandmother] (MMFM)
Alice Hague [3*great-grandmother] (MMFMM)
Harriet Goodbody [grandmother](MM)
John Hudson [2*great-grandfather] (MMMF)
Mary Hudson [great-grandmother] (MMM)
Susanna Hudson [2*great-grandmother] (MMMM)

Lines show:

  1. Name
  2. Relationship to Harriet Skipper
  3. Precise relationship, as Father's Mother's Mother, etc. Running your mouse over a name will highlight the person and their partner.