Voyage Contract Page 3
Section 15.
    The departure from Basel shall take place on 25 Febr. and the 
voyagers must report to the bureau there at the latest one day prior 
with their effects, upon request the latter must be delivered earlier.
    Whosoever should remain behind before or at the time of departure 
or during the same through negligence, shall bear the consequences 
themselves, the same applies to those who cite incorrect ages.
Section 16.
    For the correct details of the ages of minors, these shall, in 
case of doubt, be required to prove their age with a baptismal 
Section 17.
    Transport shall, however, not be undertaken, until the emigrants 
are in the possession of the legal passport to America and the date of 
such is entered in this contract.

Section 18.
    The party to the Accord is in the possession of proper 
passes of the Police Authority of the Canton of Glarus[left blank] 
Section 19.
    This contract can be neither broken by one party, nor transferred 
to others than the persons listed by name in it.  If this is circumvented 
or a new ship's Accord concluded with a third party, then the violator 
shall be obligated to pay Mr. A. Zwilchenbart one third of the sum 
stipulated in Section 11 as compensation. 
Section 20.
    The following shall never be permitted transport:
    Idiots, sleepwalkers, lunatics or those in any way mentally weak:
one-eyed, blind, deaf or dumb; infirm, lame, mutilated or in any way 
crippled persons; persons who have exceeded the sixtieth year of life, 
as well as children under thirteen years who are not under protection 
of relatives; completely penniless persons who do not possess the 
necessary means upon arrival in America to move to the inner regions
of the country.
Section 21.
    Emigrants who become ill on the journey to the seaport or in the 
seaport and as a consequence cannot embark shall bear all resultant 
travelling and other costs themselves.
Section 22.
    The undersigned contractor shall undertake to take all disputes 
arising from the concluded contract,according to the choice of the 
emigrant, either before the courts of his homeland or before the nearest 
Swiss consulate, or of the competent courts of the  present foreign 
place of residence[illegible]
    Force major or revolutions, which make the land or sea routes 
described in the Accord impossible, shall release the supplier 
Zwilchenbart from all of his obligations.
Section 23.
    Relatives or authorities which sign for the emigrant, shall be 
unconditionally liable for the same according to the wording of this 
Accord. Thus completed, inspected[left blank]copied, signed by 
the own hand of both parties and each party handed a copy.

Basel the 23 febr 1859

Signature of the Voyager:            Signature of the Agent or his
                                        Authorized Representative:
    Baltz. Luschinger                          ?.A.Zwilchenbart
                                                     F.U. Schmid
              Accord sum .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Fr. 816.00
              The entire sum received with                        Fr.816.00
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