About Me
About Me
Page last modified: June 09, 2020

If you have any comments, additional information or queries regarding this site please type the following address into your favourite email program:


I am sorry that you cannot just click on the address or cut-and-paste it. The address is actually an image not text. This is a vain attempt to prevent some of the spam mail I have been receiving since setting up this site.

My name is Michele MORRIS and I was born ... well you don’t really expect a lady to divulge her age, do you? When my father retired our family moved to the westcountry where I married a few years later. I am privileged to have three wonderful grown-up sons.

My first real job was as the computer operator, back in the days when mainframes came with a whole 48K of RAM. I soon got into home computing, beginning with an Acorn Atom that refused to be expanded to more than 11K of RAM before overheating. I worked my way through Sinclair Spectrums and Amstrads and various other computers and now own a handy little laptop.

While the boys were small I completed a B.A. degree in Psychology with the Open University. This was followed by full-time study to gain a Masters degree in ‘Intelligent Systems’. This combined my interest in psychology with computing. I spent the next 13 years conducting research in the telecommunications industry. Part of my job involved the design of graphical user interfaces and usability testing of software. So I have no excuses for bad web design, though doubtless I will still make the usual mistakes.

When the bottom fell out of the telecommunications industry my whole department was made redundant. I have been interested in gardening for many years, so the redundancy money came in very handy for paying the tuition fees at the local college, where I completed a BSc in Horticulture. I spent my ‘year out’ working as a Gardener at Audley End House in Essex. Alas, the degree didn’t lead to anything concrete, so I now work as a local government officer.

I began to research my family  a few months before the BBC broadcast the first series of ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ in 2004. Actually, that’s not strictly true. I did attempt to find my grandparents on the 1901 census when it was first published online, but gave up in disgust when I couldn’t find my maternal grandparents. When I did eventually find them in 2004 it proved to be a much needed lesson that our ancestors were only human!

UPDATE July 2020: Unfortunately Michele Morris passed away earlier this year due to complications from Pancreatic cancer. She has asked me to maintain this website and take it on going forward. My plan is to leave it as it is for now and possibly add to it down the line. Philip K Morris, Michele's son.
