Worcestershire surname list Worcestershire, Geneology, Worcestershire Surnames Interests

Worcestershire Surname Interests

Surnames F

This page last updated on October 12 2004

To enquire further about any of the surnames, click on the submitter's name or e-mail address to send an e-mail.

FARLEY,all,1675- 1750, Dennis H Farley
FARMER, Kidderminster, 1775 forwards, Bruce Moorhouse
FEWTRILL and various spellings,Thomas,Worcester,Clent and Dudley area,1825 - 1870, Pamela Miles
FINCH, Ethel, Baughton,1900-present, Jane Reid
FINCHER, William,Old Swinford,1790 - 1825, Rhonda Thompson
FINDON,Reditch/Evesham, any date , David Sorrill
FIRMSTONE,Stourbridge/Kingswinford Area,--, Joanne Richards
FISHER,Hanbury,1700-1800, Joanne Richards
FLANAGAN, Martin, Dudley, pre 1853, Derek Bradshaw
FOSTER,Kidderminster,1850 - present, Sue Page
FRADGLEY,All,All, James Burke
FRANKLIN,Charles Henry,1851 - present,Brenda Franklin
FRASER,any,Old Swinford,Pre 1850, Rhonda Thompson
FREEMAN,Pensax,1840 - 1870 , Brian Burleigh
FREEMAN,Mary,Doddenham,1800 - present, Sarah Brown
FRYER/FRIER/FRIAR ,Levi ,Kington/Inkberrow ,1725-1775 , [email protected]
FUDGER,Worcester,1778 - 1843, Deb Cutten
FULWELL,Defford & Pershore,1700 - 1850, Julie Whitehouse


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