Kings Regulations & Admiralty Instructions - 1913 - Pay Accounts

Kings Regulations & Admiralty Instructions - 1913

Chapter XLII

Pay Accounts

I. Books and Returns connected with Pay and Numbers Victualled 530
II. Ledger 530
III. Register of Services, and Monthly Returns 541
IV. Transfer Lists 543
V. Pay Tickets 544
VI. Payments 547
VII. Settlements on Discharge 553
VIII. Paying Off 554
IX. Allotments 555
X. Tenders 559
XI. Disposal of Dead and Run Persons' Effects 559
XII. Differences on Audit of Ledger 561
XIII. Work done for Private Individuals, or for Dependent or Foreign  
  Governments 562
XIV. Bounty Regulations 563
XV. Pay of Officers and Men while Prisoners of War 563
XVI. Savings Banks 564

For modification of these Instructions in time of War, see Article 34 and Appendix XIX.


1561. List of Books and Returns.-The following are the books and returns to be kept by the Accountant Officer:

  To be forwarded.
The ledger, abstract, and classified summaries Quarterly.
The mulct account
Return of numbers borne on the 15th of each month Monthly.
Return of entries and discharges on 15th of each month, and as directed by Article 1595
Return of alterations in allotments
Return of deaths and desertions
Return for Admiralty register of Services
Return of ratings appropriated to home ports Yearly.

2. The books are to be opened immediately after a ship is commissioned, and are to be kept constantly complete.

3. Whenever an Accountant Officer is giving up charge, the surveying officers are to inspect these books, and are to make a report, which is to be transmitted by the Captain to the Commander-in-Chief, for the Admiralty.


1562. Accuracy.-The ledger (forms S. 41a and B. 606) being the basis both of payments on board, and of audit in office, it is essential that :

  1. It should be kept with absolute accuracy;
  2. The ship's ledger upon which the payments are based should be in agreement in every particular with that which is sent into office.


Duplicate Ledger and Abstract.-To attain these objects the ledger and abstract are both to be kept in duplicate independently and concurrently, so that one may serve as a check upon the other, and, where the ship's complement admits of it, one of these ledgers is to be kept by an Accountant Officer. Where it is unavoidable that both ledgers should be compiled by Writers, a statement to this effect is to be added by the Accountant Officer to Certificate 2 (Payment at settlement) on page 1 of the ledger.

2. Lists of Credits and Debits.-It is the sole record, in regard to all persons serving on board, of-

  1. The following credits :-
  2. Full pay and allowances of the nature of full pay.
    Hard-lying money.
    Extra pay of any description (except prizes for good shooting).
    Field allowance.
    Lodging allowance.
    Mess trap allowance.
    Leave allowance.
    Grog money.
    Working suit allowance.
    Clothing and bedding gratuities.
    Gratuity to marines on re-engaging, and marching money.
    Outfit gratuities to warrant and chief petty officers on promotion, and to Royal Naval Reserve officers on appointment.
    Allowances for acting as printers.
    Allowances for acting as Senior Officers' clerks, when already authorised by the Admiralty.
    Allowances for local audit and stocktaking.
    Clothing allowances in Royal Yachts.
  3. All charges against pay.
  4. The particulars requisite for calculating the number of rations with which the Accountant Officer may be entitled to be credited in his victualling account.

3. Entries in and Closing of.-It is to be kept constantly complete by the entry of every transaction or particular, at the time of its occurrence or as soon afterwards as possible. It is to be closed, and sent into office, at the end of every quarter, and a new ledger is to be commenced on the first day of the succeeding quarter. It is also to be closed, and sent into office, when the ship is paid off.

4. Extension of Ledger and Victualling Accounts.-When a ship is commissioned within twenty-eight days of the end of a quarter the foregoing rule may be modified, and the ledger, instead of being closed at the end of the quarter, may be carried on to the end of the quarter following; and, similarly, when a ship is to be paid off within twenty-eight days after the commencement of a quarter, it may be continued for such period. In all these cases the periods of the victualling and clothing accounts rendered by the Accountant Officer must coincide with the period of the ledger.

5. Sections.-The officers' and men's sections of the ledger are to be rendered separately, each complete in itself in regard to the scheme of complement, certificates, tables, lists, and the index ; but on being sent from the ship they are to be securely tied together, the several lists and folios following


in proper numerical order, so as to form one ledger, and an abstract (form S. 41b) with a classified summary, duly balanced, is to be rendered for the complete ledger.

6. Contents.-The ledger is to contain the names of all persons (except troops and prisoners of war, who are to be shown in numbers) of whatever rank or rating and whether belonging to the Service or not, who are borne or victualled during the period to which it relates. It is also to contain a debtor and creditor account for every person entitled to pay or incurring charges, except those taking passage, who are to be dealt with as directed by Article 1569 ; and all the particulars required by the headings of the columns are to be duly noted. The names of supernumeraries borne for victuals only, such as distressed British subjects and other persons who have no claim for pay, are to be inserted in the ledger for the purpose of showing the details of victualling. All men and boys recovered from desertion are to be so noted on the ledger with the name of the ship from which they deserted, and the dates of desertion.

7. Classification.-The officers, seamen, marines and boys forming the ship's complement, as well as the supernumeraries and others, are to be classified in lists as laid down in the printed ledger forms. While in course of preparation the ledger if possible should be so arranged as to avoid the inclusion of blank pages in the completed volume.

In all ships with a complement of 60 and above the complement list should be subdivided as follows:

5. Military Branch.
5A. Engineer Branch.
5B. Artisan Branch.
5C. Sick Berth Staff.
5D. Accountant Staff.
5E. Miscellaneous ratings.
5F. Schoolmasters in training ships, and seamen riggers.

In ships of complements of below 60 the list should be subdivided thus :

5. Military Branch.
5A. All other ratings.

The same course should be followed with regard to the supernumerary lists where the number of supernumeraries borne is large. (See also 728, clause 4.)

8. Marines, pensioners, and officers and men of the Royal Naval Reserve, Royal Fleet Reserve, or Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, are always to be borne on separate lists, or subdivisions of lists, those on any list except 4, 6, 9, 10 and 11, in a sub-division marked respectively M., P., R.N.R., R.F.R., or R.N.V.R.

9. Substantive Rating's and Pay.-The pay of seamen is to be shown on the Ledger at the rates specified in the table of wages, Appendix XV., and in the case of men whose rates of pay increase by length of service, the fact of their having completed such service should be shown in the rating column as follows:

(over 3 years).
" Chief Stoker "
(over 6 years' service, &c.)

10. Abstract and Classified Summaries.-The following regulations are to be observed in the preparation of the abstract and classified summaries

  1. The totals of the ledger folios are to be arranged on the abstract in two groups :
    1. All lists except those on which marines are borne.
    2. Lists on which marines are borne.


  2. Only such items as have no separate columns provided for them in the abstract are to be shown in the " Miscellaneous Other Credits " and " Miscellaneous Other Charges " columns thereof.
  3. Separate totals are to be rendered at the foot of each column for each class of credit or debit with the exception of the column headed " Balances Debtor from Former Accounts," &c., for which one total will suffice.
  4. The totals of groups I. and II. of (a) above are to be transferred to the classified summary of pay and inserted under the proper headings as shown thereon, the credit totals (excluding those for the column headed " Former Credits, Full Pay Wages and Allowances ") being shown in the schedule headed " Charges to Votes " and the debit and settlement totals in either Table II. or Table III. " Credits at Settlement " as the case may be. The several totals of each sub-head are to be entered in the second money column of the " Charges to Votes " schedule and in the third money column of Table III., " Credits at Settlement," the grand total of which should agree with the total of the schedule on page 4 of the summary.
  5. The credits and debits to Vote 2 should also be shown on the classified summary of victualling in the spaces provided for the purpose.

11. Ratings, &c., borne in lieu.-When a rank or rating is borne in lieu of another not available at the time of commissioning, or on account of advancement to a higher grade, or for other causes, no alteration is to be considered as having been thereby made in the complement, but a notation is to be made in the ledger that such rank or rating is " borne in lieu " of the one authorised, the authority for so bearing being quoted.

12. Permanent Supernumeraries.-In the case of permanent supernumeraries care is to be taken to define clearly, under proper headings in the complement tables of the ship's ledger, and opposite their names in the " Remarks " column of the body of the ledger, the several duties or services for which they are specially authorised and borne. At the beginning of each list the class of men borne on the list, or the nature of the establishment for which borne (Torpedo store, &c.), is to be noted.

The duty for which each man is borne on the complement lists (51 to 1111) is also to be noted against his name on the ledger in the case of general depots, shore establishments, and all ships where the scheme of complement issued sets out the duties in detail.

13. Officers on passage.-An officer superseded or discharged abroad, and not appointed to a ship in commission, is to be placed on the supernumerary list for victuals only, for passage to England ; but if appointed to a ship in commission, he is to be borne on the supernumerary list for passage to join such ship.

14. Passing for Petty Officer.-When a man of any class passes educationally or professionally for petty officer a detailed notation of the fact, together with the date of passing, is to be inserted against his name in the " Remarks " column of the ledger.

1563. Characters and Abilities.-The characters and abilities in rating awarded to petty officers, seamen and others are to be carefully noted on the ledger for the quarter in which the assessment of character and ability is made on the service certificates. The notation as to character is to be carefully distinguished from that as to ability, which it is invariably to precede.

2. Names and Addresses of Relatives.-The name and address of the nearest known relative or friend of each seaman and boy and of each marine serving


afloat are to be obtained on form S. 537 and noted in the ledger on which they are borne for pay on 1st September in each year, after the particulars on the service certificate have been verified. (See Article 829, clause 13.) Men D.S.Qd. to hospital or to sick quarters &c., or in prison, on 1st September, are to have their relatives' names and addresses noted in the ledger on which they are next re-entered for pay. This information is also to be inserted in the ledger in the case of men, and youths (over 17 years of age) on first entry or re-entry, and in the case of marines who embark for service afloat, in the ledger on which they are first borne for pay.

3. Recommendations, Badges, Conduct, &c.-Recommendations for good conduct medals and gratuities, the award and deprivation of good conduct badges, changes in class for conduct, notations of offences and punishments by warrant, and special recommendations as to gallantry, &c., are also to be duly noted in the ledger, in the columns provided for the purpose.

A notation " Recommended for the Royal Fleet Reserve " is to be made in the " Remarks " column of the Ledger when a man's service certificate is endorsed. (See 830, clause 9.)

In the case of the award and restoration of good conduct badges and restoration to the first class for conduct, for S. 1130 is to be forwarded with the ledger.

4. All examinations are to be noted in the current ledger in the column for remarks when men are not at once advanced.

5. When the corner of a man's certificate is cut off on his discharge, the fact is to be noted in the ledger.

6. Discharges.-Men discharged on completing time for pension are to be so described in the ledger, and are not to be shown as discharged on completing continuous service engagements. See. 731, clause 2 (Notation. on Ledger of Discharge from Prison or Detention Establishment) ; 777, clause 1 (Men disrated for Incompetency) ; 808, clause 4 (Charges against Deserters and Absentees).

1564. Musters.-All persons on board are to be mustered by the ship's books once in each quarter, irrespective of pay-days, and the result is to be entered in the proper table of the ledger.

1565. Number on Ship's Books.-Officers and men are as a rule to retain one number on the ship's books during the whole period of the commission, and those who may have been discharged and re-entered in the same quarter are to return to their original numbers ; but if, from having been borne as supernumeraries, or from any other cause, their names necessarily appear in more than one place in the books, cross references are to be made at each entry, so that there may be no difficulty in tracing the whole of their services.

1566. Men with same name.-When several men of the same name are borne on the books of a ship during her commission, they are each to receive a distinguishing number, as John Smith (1), John Smith (2), and John Smith (3).

1567. Particulars on joining.-When any person is received on board, his name, the place where, or ship from which he was received, together with his list and number in such ship, his rank or rating, the date of commencing pay, rates of pay and allowances, and other information, as well as the official number of each man and boy, and whether C.S., S.S., or Non-C.S., are to be immediately inserted in the ledger and verified by the man's certificate. It should also be ascertained that the official number corresponds to the class of the man's or boy's rating - vide 1593, clause 3.


2. In the case of an officer, the date of his appointment, in whose vacancy, and whether additional or for special service, are also to be stated.

3. As regards boys, the dates of their C.S. engagements are to be noted on the ledger in which their names appear on first entry, but these particulars need not be repeated on subsequent ledgers. Entry of these dates is in all cases to be made direct from the boy's service certificates.

1568. First entry.-Each first entry into the Service is to be noted on the ledger, and the official number is to be inserted as soon as received from the Admiralty.

2. Port Division.-The port division of every man is to be noted against his name, immediately over his official number, the letters P., C., and D. standing for Portsmouth, Chatham, and Devonport respectively.

3. Petty Officers' designations.-Petty officers of the seaman class are to be designated in the ledger by classes ; others are to be shown in their individual ratings.

4. Marine Servants.-All marines employed as servants to naval or marine officers are to be shown on the ledger as so employed by red ink notations under their names.

1569. Persons on Passage.-Persons borne for passage from one ship to another are to be entered on List 17 of the Ledger of the ship conveying them, for the purpose of showing the dates of victualling, and of noting any charges incurred during passage. All such charges are to be shown in the proper columns of the ledger and duly brought to account in the classified summary, and the total of the charges incurred by each person is to be shown as a debt against his name on the original transfer list or pay ticket, which is to accompany them to the ship to which they are ultimately discharged. The dates, with the fact of their having been victualled during the passage, are also to be noted, both on the transfer list, or pay ticket, and in the " date " and " lent " columns of the victualling section of the ledger of the ship to which they are discharged, as laid down in Article 1573.

2. Supernumeraries, however, on passage in a ship specially detailed for the conveyance of relief crews, are to be borne for pay on the ledger of that ship. On arrival at home, any balance of wages and naval savings bank money, and any advance of pay and leave allowance under Article 1807, clause 7, to which they may be entitled are to be paid to them before their discharge.

1570. Accounts of persons lent.-The account of a person lent from one ship to another, to do duty, is to be closed, and the details of his pay and victualling for the period are to be shown in the ledger of the ship to which he is lent. His name is, however, to continue open at his number in the ship to which he belongs, with a notation in the victualling column of his being so lent, all particulars with regard to his pay during his absence being omitted. This rule is not to apply when he can continue to receive his pay and clothing from the ship to which he belongs ; in such a case he is to be borne on List 17 of the ship to which he is lent.

2. If any such person is discharged or transferred to a ship other than that to which he belongs, a notification is to be sent immediately to the ship from which he was originally lent.

1571. Absence on Special Active Service.-When officers or men, whether naval or marine, are absent on special active service, the nature of the service, and with what force they are acting, are to be stated in the ledger. If they cease to be victualled by their ship, they are to be checked accordingly; but as long as they are supplied with rations from their ship they are not to be


checked, but the period and cause of their absence should be stated, in red ink, in the victualling columns.

2. A list of officers and men absent on special active service, giving full name and address of nearest relative, is to be transmitted to the Admiralty, by post, on form S. 1117 as soon as possible after their leaving their ship. On the re-embarkation, either in their own ship or in any other, of any officers or men who have been so absent, a list of their names, &c., is to be transmitted in like manner, on form S. 1118. In the event of the death, whilst so absent, of any officer or man a return on form S. 544 should be forwarded to the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages as is required by Article 1857 in the case of a death on board.

1572. Pensioners.-Should a pensioner, who may not be allowed to receive his pension while serving, re-enter the Service, he must produce his identity certificate, showing the period up to which his pension has been paid, in order that any payment for a period beyond the date of re-entry may be charged against his wages on the ledger, and a report of the same is to be sent to the Admiralty.

2. Men who are pensioners are to be noted as such on the ledger, and other ship's books and returns.

1573. Persons not victualled on board.-When officers or men from any cause are not received on board the ship to which they are ordered or transferred on the same day as that on which they are entitled to commence full pay, the period which may have elapsed, and for which they have not been victualled on board, is to be noted in the column headed " For victualling," and the date of appearance is to be noted under the name of the place or ship whence they are received.

2. When officers and men belonging to a ship are absent the cause is to be noted in the victualling column, thus:

c. Paid compensation The name of the hospital place or ship, and the inclusive dates are to be stated, and if "�" whether on leave or on duty.
l. Lent
"�" With leave or on duty
x Without leave
s. Sick in hospital, sick quarters, or at home

"�" should be represented with a tick.

3. Any period for which a man is granted leave allowance while checked sick is to be noted in the leave allowance column ; but it is still to be counted as absence due to sickness for purposes of pay under Article 1425.

Sick Mess.-In the case of men checked to the sick mess on board the period so checked is to be indicated in red in the sick column.

1574. Former Credits.-In the column headed " Former Credits, Full Pay, &c." the following items are to be inserted, with a brief description of the nature of the credit in each case against the amount, together with the date of the ledger or the name of the ship on account of which the credit is allowed, viz.

  • Credit balances transferred from former accounts or other ships.
  • Credits on account of pay and allowances not specified in Article 1575.
  • Other credits resulting from corrections on the audit of former accounts.

1575. Miscellaneous Credits.-The column for miscellaneous credits (in both the sea-going and depot ledgers) is to contain any of the following items :

  • Wages of men entered from merchant ships, when received in cash.


Full pay of officers and men provided out of votes other than Vote 1, e.g.-

  • Naval Instructors.
  • Chief, Head and Naval Schoolmasters.
  • Staff of torpedo stores.
  • Royal Naval Reserve (pay, messing allowance to officers, and training gratuities).
  • Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, &c.

Pay granted under special authority, which should be quoted on every ledger on which the credit appears. (This does not apply to difference of pay authorised under Article 1432.)

Repayments (on account) of overcharges on previous accounts for clothing, desertion or absence without leave, and for income tax, hospital stoppages, losses, mulcts, allotments, &c.

Allowance for performing the duty of Naval Instructor and Naval Schoolmaster.

Allowance to Chaplain as. Naval Instructor.

Surveying pay.

Gratuities to marines on re-engaging.

Allowance for playing the harmonium.

Allowances to officers as Interpreters.

Climate pay.

See 1633 (Work done for Private Individuals).

2. Separate totals are to be rendered at the foot of each column for each class of credit or debit.

3. Extra Pay, &e., Sub-vouchers.-Amounts credited on the ledger on account of extra pay, &c., with the exception of hard-lying money, climate pay and submarine pay, are to be supported by sub-vouchers which axe to be alphabetically arranged, so as to enable the separate credits made on the ledger to be identified, corresponding letters being inserted in the columns provided for this purpose on the ledger forms.

4. Credits when Accounts closed.-In the cases of officers or men who have been discharged to other ships before credit of extra pay, &c., could be effected, the closed account is not to be reopened for the purpose of including the credit, but an extract of voucher is to be forwarded.

5. Leave Allowance, how calculated.-Leave allowance is to be credited on the ledger for the quarter in respect of which the amounts become due, whether those to whom it is credited have returned from leave or not. When two quarters are involved the credits are to be divided proportionately.

1576. Increased rates of Pay, &c.-In cases of persons becoming entitled to increased rates of pay or allowances, any amounts subsequently directed to be credited to them in respect of the same are to be entered against their names on the ledger on a separate line, with dates and other particulars.

1577. Payments on account.-Monthly payments on account are to be entered in the proper columns as provided for in Article 1602, clause 5 (a), and the requisite certificates (form S. 17) transmitted into office with the cash account. Weekly payments on account are to be shown in detail as indicated on the ledger form, the monthly totals being shown in the column provided for the purpose. Notations of allotments, charges for tuition, desertion, absence without leave, &c., and charges for clothing, dead and run men's effects purchased, mulcts, and other charges are to be entered at the time of their occurrence. Charges for allotments and tuition are to be entered severally in the respective columns whenever an account is closed. Cash payments to


officers, as advances on joining, are to be entered in one of the columns for monthly payments and described as " Advance." Income tax is to be regulated by the tables which are from time to time supplied, and is to be shown in red ink. Tuition allowance is to be regulated by Appendix III., Part IV.

1578. Allotments.-Abatements made from the pay of officers and men in respect of allotments being brought to account separately, the following instructions on the subject are to be observed by the Accountant Officers of His Majesty's ships :

  1. The abatements are to be shown on the ship's ledger in the column provided. One total for the three months is to be rendered at the foot of the column, except in the Lady-day Quarter, when two totals are to be furnished, one representing the quarterly total, excluding March, the other the total for the month of March only. Arrears are to be totalled separately in red ink. See 1588 (Hospital Allotments).
  2. Credits in respect of overcharges for allotments are to be distinguished, and the periods to which such sums relate are to be specified.

1579. Allotments of Men transferred.-Persons having allotments in force who are transferred from ship to ship are to be debited with the allotment for the current month in the ship from which they are discharged, whenever the discharges take place [on or] after the 15th of the month; and in the ship to which they are discharged, when the transfers take place on or before the 15th of the month.

1580. " Other Charges."-The column headed " Other charges " is to contain any of the following items, the description of which is in each case to be specified, viz. :

  • Balances debtor from former accounts or ships.
  • Conduct deductions, Articles 780, clause 4, and 1183, clause 2.
  • Recoveries of wages overcredited.
  • Travelling warrants.
  • Money advanced by surgeons and agents to men on leave after medical treatment to enable them to return to their 'ships.
  • Stoppages for liabilities incurred during army service.
  • Losses by neglect (Article 1373).
  • Any other charges, the particulars of which are to be separately detailed.

2. Credits and charges directed to be made after the examination of the ledger in office are to be inserted in the proper columns, according to the nature of the credit or charge, and a notation is to be inserted in the column for remarks, giving the date and number of the official communication.

1581. " Remarks."-In the " Remarks " column the following notations are to be made in addition to those enumerated on the ledger:

  • When a rank or rating is borne in lieu of another not available (Article 1562, clause 11).
  • Permanent supernumeraries-duties for which borne (Article 1562, clause 12) .
  • Names and addresses of seamen's relatives (Article 1563, clause 2).
  • Whether corner of a man's service certificate is cut off on his discharge (Article 1563, clause 5).
  • Balances of deserters-if irrecoverable (Article 1584, clause 1).
  • Special recommendations as to gallantry, &c. (Article 1563, clause 3).
  • Medical officer's decision as to continuity of illness on form S. 60 (Article 1425, clause 5).


1582. Men imprisoned, &c.-Men undergoing imprisonment or detention are to be borne as laid down in Article 775, clause 1.

Men, sentenced to cells are not to be discharged on the ship's books, but the forfeiture of time is to be shown by a notation under their names in red ink on the ledger for the period, specifying the inclusive dates, and the forfeiture of their wages is to be regulated by a charge entered as a mulct in the proper column. See 1682 (Checked for Victualling).

1583. Debts of recovered Deserters.-In the case of a recovered deserter, steps are at once to be taken to ascertain whether he was in debt to the Crown at the time of his desertion, and the amount of the debt, if any, is to be charged against him in the ledger of the ship in which he is re-entered.

1584. Wages, when to be Balanced.-The wages of persons who die, desert, or are discharged are to be finally balanced ; the wages of all other persons are to be balanced whenever the ledger may be closed, and the balances, debtor or creditor, are to be transferred to the next account or ship.

The final balances of deserters are to be treated as follows :

  • Balance Creditor. As in the case of a balance creditor transferred, with the word " forfeited " written against it in red ink.
  • Balance Debtor. To be carried to the remarks column and noted in red ink as a " Balance Irrecoverable," and separately totalled in the abstract and summary.

2. When the wages account of a person about to be discharged to the shore shows a balance debtor, steps are at once to be taken to notify the debt to the Accountant-General.

1585. Particulars when Balancing, &c.-The date to which the pay has been cast and adjusted is always to be inserted; and in casting out the credits of wages, the daily pay of the rank and rating, and all allowances of the character of full pay, as specified in Appendices I. and XV., are to be shown separately. On the last day of each quarter the gross pay, &c., are to be computed in one sum, unless any change takes place in the rates, in which case the component amounts are to be shown, and the total debits and credits, with the balances, debtor or creditor, are to be inserted. After the payment any amounts not paid are to be transferred to the ledger for the succeeding quarter.

1586. Discharges and Transfers.-The pay and victualling of officers, seamen or others transferred from ship to ship, or discharged to hospital, are to be claimed in the ledger of the ship from which the removal takes place, provided it occur after the hour of noon ; but should it take place at or before noon, the pay and victualling shall be accounted for in the ship or hospital to which the transfer or discharge is effected.

1587. Sent to Hospital, &c., abroad.-When any. person is sent from a sea-going ship to a hospital or sick quarters abroad, his account is to be closed in the ledger, and the result transferred to a pay ticket, which is to accompany him to the hospital ; but his name is to continue open on the books of the ship to which he belongs until his return, or until he is finally disposed of. See 1601 (From Ships at Home, &c.).

1588. Re-entries from Hospital, &c.-When a person for whom a pay ticket had been made out rejoins the Navy from hospital or sick quarters, he is, when entered for pay, to be given an entry for the same, if entitled thereto, from the date following the date of his discharge from his own ship shown on his pay ticket, and the balance, creditor or debtor as the case may be, and all charges


shown on the pay ticket, together with any charges for hospital stoppages and allotments, are to be duly transferred to his account on the ship's ledger. Should he, however, return to his own ship during the same quarter in which he was discharged, his pay is to be so adjusted on the ledger as to have only one account for such period as he may be entitled to pay. In either case the pay ticket is to be transmitted into office with the ledger. See 601 (Sub-section of List 17, " Persons borne for Discipline only ").

1589. Documents to accompany Ledger.-The following documents are to accompany the ledger when sent into office

  • Transfer lists and pay tickets ;
  • Office victualling and check sheets;
  • Mulct account (see 1561) ;
  • Sub-vouchers in support of credits of extra pay, &c. ;

Requisitions from consuls, &c., or orders from Senior Officers to receive and victual distressed British subjects or other persons not belonging to the Navy, to accompany ledger in which the names first appear. In the case of persons who have belonged to merchant ships, the names of such ships are to be specified in the ledger;

Wills executed during the period of the ledger; and all other orders and correspondence relative to questions of pay and victualling which are dealt with in each ledger. See 1425 (Certificate of Continuous Treatment of Sick).

1590.-Completion of Ledger.-As the ledger, in a great measure, can be prepared in advance, a period of fourteen days only will be allowed for its final completion and transmission into office except as provided in clause 2.

2. Sea-going flag-ships will be allowed an extension of time not exceeding seven days. Depot ships and establishments may be allowed under Admiralty authority a longer period according to circumstances, but the time is in no instance to exceed six weeks.

1591. Persons serving on shore at Home.-The sea pay and any amounts due in respect of extra pay, compensation, lodging, and kindred allowances of persons borne on the books of stationary ships at home, for permanent service in a naval establishment on shore, are to be paid by the Accountant Officer of the establishment, to whom the Captains are to furnish all requisite information respecting ranks and ratings, rates of pay, allotments, &c. Men so borne will be supplied with clothing and soap from their ships, and the Accountant Officer of the ship is to inform the Accountant Officer of the establishment of such. supplies in order that the necessary abatements from pay may be made.

2. Abroad.-The sea pay and any amounts due in respect of extra pay, compensation, lodging, and kindred allowances of officers and their coxswains or servants, and of Naval Schoolmasters, borne on the books of ships abroad for service in a naval establishment on shore, are to be paid by the Accountant Officer of the establishment.

Petty officers, seamen, and marines similarly borne in stationary ships abroad are to be credited with their pay and any amounts due in respect of extra pay, compensation, lodging and kindred allowances by the Accountant Officer of those ships on the ledger; the amounts so credited being charged in the classified summary of pay, direct to the debit of the Vote and head of service under which provision is made for the same in the estimate, the classification, where necessary, being obtained from the Accountant Officer of the shore establishment.


Petty officers, seamen and marines borne for service at any shore establishment, where there is no stationary ship, are to be paid by the Accountant officer of the naval depot on shore, and dealt with generally as provided in the preceding paragraph.

In the case of members of the sick berth staff, serving in naval hospitals, the amounts are to be credited on the hospital ledger, and payment made by the Accountant Officer of the establishment.

Credits of extra pay, compensation, lodging and kindred allowances are to be supported by sub-vouchers (forms S. 9 and S. 14), which are to accompany the ledger into office.

The pay of officers while on passage is to be charged to the establishment vote, but the wages of petty officers, seamen and marines while on passage are to be charged to Vote 1.

3. The sea pay and allowances of officers and others lent to do work for private individuals, or for dependent or foreign governments, &c., are to be dealt with as directed in Article 1833, clause 8, the classification, where necessary, and other particulars being obtained from the Accountant Officer of the naval establishment.

4. On Shore temporarily.-Officers and men lent for temporary or special service in an establishment on shore are to be credited with their pay and any amounts due in respect of extra pay, compensation, lodging or kindred allowances by the Accountant Officers of their respective ships, the necessary classification with a brief description on subsidiary vouchers (forms 202a and c) of the services performed being furnished by the Accountant Officer of the shore establishment.

5. Supernumeraries.-Officers or others borne as supernumeraries on the books of His Majesty's ships for special duties, who are not attached to naval establishments on shore, but whose pay and allowances are provided in votes other than Vote 1, are to be paid by the Accountant Officer of the ship in which they are borne, and the amounts so paid are to be charged in the classified summary of pay direct to the debit of the Vote and head of service under which provision is made for the same in the Estimates.

1592. Men from Merchant Ships.-By the Merchant. Shipping Act, 1894, sections 196-T, the wages of men who enter the Navy from merchant vessels are to be settled to the date of their discharge by the masters of such merchant vessels, either in money or by bill on the owners, the wages being paid to the officer who receives the men, as they are not entitled to be paid their merchant seamen's wages before they would have been payable had they remained in the service of the merchant vessel they volunteered from. The amounts due to them from the merchant service are, therefore, to be placed to the credit of such men on the ledger, to be paid to them with their naval pay. (Article 1575.) If money should be received in payment of such merchant wages, the Accountant Officer will debit himself with the amount in his cash account ; if by bill on the owners, such bill, properly endorsed, is to be transmitted by the first opportunity to the Admiralty, for the Accountant-General, in order that payment of the same may be obtained.


1593. Entries, Re-entries, &c.-A return (form S. 52) is to be transmitted to the Accountant-General at the close of each month, for record in the Admiralty register of services, of all men and boys who have engaged for continuous or special service, or have re-engaged for the former during the


month, and of all non-continuous service men and boys who have entered or re-entered the Service during the same period. The descriptions of all boys who have been rated as men during the month are to be notified on separate sheets of the same form.

2. Official Number.-Every man and boy will have an " Official Number," which, in the absence of special instructions and subject to clause 3, will appertain to him throughout his entire career, and is to be specified against his name in the books, returns, and documents of all ships in which he may be borne, and in all letters or references concerning him. In the case of fresh entries, the number will be notified from office. When official numbers are requested from the Admiralty the dates and ships of first entry should be given.

3. Continuous service and non-continuous service men and boys whose first entry or transfer from special service or from the Royal Marines is made on or after 1st January 1908, will be assigned official numbers according to their class of rating as follows :

Class. Official Number.
Seamen J1 J2, &c., &c.
Stokers K1, K2, &c., &c.
Officers' Stewards and Cooks LI, L2, &c., &c.
Miscellaneous (to include E.R.A.s and all other ratings) Ml, M2, &c., &c.

4. Those assigned official numbers under this system and subsequently transferring to other classes will receive fresh official numbers according to the class transferred to. For this purpose a report of transfer, stating the last day in the old and first day in the new class, together with a note of the authority under which the transfer is made, is to appear upon the current form S. 52, upon receipt of which the new official number will be assigned and communicated.

5. The assignment of official numbers to special service men and to men and boys of the Australasian Naval Forces - the conditions of whose service differ from those of entries for continuous service and non-continuous service is as follows :

Class. Official Number.
Special Service Seamen S.S. 1, S.S. 2, &c., &c.
Special Service Stokers S.S. 100,001, S.S. 100,002, &c.
Australasian Naval Forces A.N.F. 1, A.N.F. 2, &c., &c.

6. Men permitted to transfer from special service to continuous service are to receive fresh (continuous service) numbers under the new system.

7. The register will be the official record for exhibiting the full particulars of service for pension or for the benefits of Greenwich Hospital or for identification, in regard to all petty officers, seamen and boys in the Navy.

1594. Numbers borne.-A return (form S. 53) of every description of person belonging to the Navy borne on the ship's books is to be made upon the 15th of every month, and transmitted to the Accountant-General by the first opportunity.

2. The monthly return from a general depot, gunnery or torpedo school, is to include all men paid off from ships to the 14th of the month inclusive, who are to return to such general depot, &c., at the expiration of their leave. See 1128 (Lists of Men and Boys to be rendered).

3. In a ship under orders to proceed abroad, the return of numbers borne, made up to the date of sailing, is to be sent into office before she proceeds to sea.


4. A separate return (form S. 53a) is to be rendered in respect of all persons on passage in contract packets or other merchant vessels borne on ship's books in conformity with Article 1518.

5. Ratings Appropriated to Home Ports.-A return (form S. 202) is to be made annually upon the 15th of March, showing the numbers and descriptions of ratings borne on that date under their respective port divisions, and is to be transmitted to the Accountant-General by the first opportunity.

1595. Entries and Discharges.-A return (form S. 165) of every description of person belonging to the Navy and Marines entered on and discharged from the ship's books of all sea-going ships at home and abroad, stationary ships abroad, and all parent ships or depots in respect of torpedo boat destroyers, and all sea-going tenders, is to be made on commissioning, on finally sailing from England for foreign waters, if any changes have taken place since the rendering of the previous return, and upon the 15th of every month subsequently, and transmitted to the Accountant-General by the first opportunity. The object of this return is to keep the Admiralty and relatives supplied with the latest accounts of the disposition of officers and men. When a protracted cruise or other circumstance is likely to prevent punctual transmission of the form, the Captain may at his discretion cause it to be rendered before the proper date, but in every such case the date of its being rendered should be clearly shown upon the front of the return, together with a short note explanatory of the circumstances.

1596. Deaths and Desertions.-A return on form S. 51 of the deaths and desertions which have occurred during the month is to be transmitted to the Accountant-General at the close of the month. See 1631 (Pay and Effects of Dead and Run Men).

1597. Changes in Allotments.-A return on form S. 54 in regard to changes in allotments is to be transmitted monthly as detailed in Articles 1626 and 1627.


1598. Preparation, &c.-When officers or other persons are transferred to another ship, a transfer list for each ship (forms S. 45, and S. 505 on paying off) is to be prepared by the Accountant Officer, verified by the ledger, and duly signed, showing the official numbers of the men and boys, with all the particulars required by the form. This transfer list is to be sent with them to the ship to which they may be transferred.

In the case of men sent home for discharge from the Service, a note is to be inserted on the transfer list stating the cause of discharge. See 1358 (Pay on Passage).

Engineer and Artisan branches, and Marines.-In discharging petty officers and men to the general depots care is to be taken that the petty officers and men of the engineer and artisan branches are shown on separate transfer lists from those of the other branches. When marines are discharged from headquarters and embarked, similar information is to be given in the muster rolls sent with them, and when they are discharged from ships to headquarters separate transfers are to be made out for each division ; these transfer lists are to be forwarded to the Commandants of the respective divisions with the men. See 1569 (Persons borne for Passage).

The transfer list is to be completed on board the ship to which the officers or men are transferred by the insertion of the lists and numbers at which they are entered.


2. All particulars as to the leave of persons who may be transferred while on leave, and of persons in hospital, and when sent sick, are also to be noted. See 1310 (Medical History Sheets).

3. Disposal.-The transfer lists are to be transmitted into office with the next quarterly ledger of the ship to which they are transferred. Should the removal be effected with such urgency as not to admit of the preparation of transfer lists they are to be prepared immediately afterwards, and forwarded to the ship to which the persons have been transferred, by the first opportunity.

4. In the event of the Accountant Officer of the ship to which the persons have been transferred not being satisfied as to the accuracy of the dates, or other particulars, inserted on a transfer list, he is immediately to take such steps as may be requisite to ensure the adjustment of any discrepancy.

5. Addresses of Officers on Leave.-When officers are discharged to a general depot or other ship for any purpose, and are granted leave without joining such general depot or other ship, their addresses are to be noted on their transfer lists.

6. Nominal Transfer Lists.-When the notice given of drafts is too short to admit of the proper papers being prepared in time to accompany the men, a nominal transfer list is to be sent with them, in which are to be inserted the classes for leave and conduct, and the dates up to which the men are victualled.


1599. When to be used.-A pay ticket (form S. 43) is to be made out, showing all particulars required by the form when any officer, seaman, or other person borne for pay or wages is discharged from a ship or her tender :

  1. To a hospital or sick quarters abroad, except as provided for in Article 1601;
  2. To a merchant ship for passage to England by order;
  3. To a dockyard as rigger, or to the Coast Guard, while on leave from a general depot after being paid off ;
  4. To the shore, or from the Service, when the balance of full pay due has not been paid to him before his discharge, except in cases of discharge to half or retired pay or full pay leave; or
  5. Having been paid the balance of full pay due-if he is entitled to any further payment after his discharge.

Pay tickets are not to be made out for persons transferred from one ship to another, except as provided in clause 4, Article 1600. See 1397 (Officers, Closing Accounts), 1422 (Private Allowance), 1569 (Persons borne for Passage), 1614 (Residue to Officers Discharged to Half Pay).

2. Officer coming Home in Merchant Ship.-An officer returning to England in a merchant ship is required to produce a certificate, signed by the master, of the date of arrival. In the case of an officer accompanied at the public expense by his family, the dates of the first and last dinner meals should be stated.

3. Form S. 48 is to be made out whenever an officer is discharged to half or retired pay or full pay leave.

4. Men lent to navigate Merchant Ships are to be furnished with pay tickets, when practicable, after being paid such portion of their pay due as they may desire, in order that on presenting themselves on board a ship, as required by Article 613, they may receive any balance due to them.

1600. Disposal, &c., of Pay Ticket.-The pay ticket is to accompany the person discharged; if discharged to a hospital or sick quarters abroad, it is to


be delivered to the Principal Medical Officer, who will cause to be duly recorded upon it, from time to time, any advance of pay made to the patient, and any casual charges incurred while in hospital. In the event of an officer not rejoining his own or any other ship from a hospital at home, his pay ticket is to be sent by the Principal Medical Officer to the Accountant-General for authority as to payment of the balance of full pay due, endorsed with a notation as to where it is desired that the balance shall be paid. See 1588 (Particulars from Pay Ticket on Re-entry).

2. Invalids from Abroad.-When a continuous service man sent home sick from abroad is received into a home hospital he is to be entered for pay on the ledger of the general depot at the port from the date following the date of discharge for pay from his own ship shown on his pay ticket. The balance, creditor or debtor, as the case may be, and all charges shown on the pay ticket are to be duly transferred to the man's account on the ledger.

The pay accounts of non-continuous service invalids from abroad are to be similarly adjusted on the ledger of the general depot to the date of arrival. Should the men be entered for treatment in a home hospital, their names are to be transferred to the list of persons in hospital borne for discipline only under Article 601.

The pay tickets are to be cancelled and sent into office with the ledger.

Non-continuous service men who may be entitled to pay while in hospital under Article 1353, and Officers' Stewards and Cooks under Article 1426, are to be dealt with as above directed for continuous service men, the necessary authority in the case of Article 1353 for continuing them on pay being first obtained from the Admiralty, as directed by Article 1354.

3. When an officer is discharged abroad, and provided with a passage by any other conveyance than a ship-of-war, the pay ticket is to be delivered to him for transmission on his arrival in England to the Accountant-General, except as provided for in the next clause. The officer is also to procure from the master of the contract packet or merchant ship a passage certificate, as provided for in Article 1536, clauses 2 and 3.

The pay ticket of a seaman or other person sent home in a merchant vessel is to be enclosed in an envelope, and sent by the same conveyance as the man, addressed to the Senior Naval Officer at the port of arrival, who, except in the cases provided for in clause 2 of this Article, after noting thereon the date of arrival and the intended disposal of the man, is to transmit it to the Accountant-General, who will give directions as to payment. Should, however, men arriving from abroad join the general depot or other ship at home, without papers, immediate application for them is to be made to the Accountant-General.

4. The pay tickets of all officers (except as detailed below) sent home on account of sickness, and received in a home hospital, are to be forwarded to the Accountant-General for adjustment of the balance due to date of arrival in England, and for the issue of instructions regarding the continuation of full pay.

The pay tickets of commissioned warrant and warrant officers are, however, to be forwarded by the Principal Medical Officer to the Captain of the general deport, or other ship, who, if the officers are entitled to continue on full pay, will cause their names to be entered on the books of the depot or ship from the date following that on which they were last credited with full pay, and will cause all charges recorded on the pay ticket to be duly brought to account on the ledger. When the names of such officers are entered on the books of the general depot or other ship a new pay ticket is to be made out from the date of such entry, and is to be delivered to the Principal Medical Officer of the hospital who will retain it in his custody until the officer is finally disposed of, when it is to be dealt with as in ordinary cases.


5. Officers absent on Duty from their Ships.-Officers temporarily employed on special service at a distance from any ship are to be provided with similar pay tickets, upon which they may receive their pay, including, in the case of subordinate officers, their private allowance, according to the established rules, from the Accountant Officer of any ship they may fall in with. In these eases the pay and time are to be extended on the pay ticket, which is to be transmitted with the cash account by the paying officer ; and the officer employed on special service, if entitled to any subsequent payments, is to be furnished by the paying officer with another pay ticket, showing the name of the ship to which he belongs, as well as that of the ship in which he has been paid, and all other necessary particulars.

6. Accounts of persons with Pay Tickets.-The accounts of all persons for whom pay tickets have been made out are to be provisionally closed in the ledger during their absence. See 1588 (Adjustment on Return to own Ship).

7. Final Disposal.-Pay tickets are to be returned with officers or men discharged to ships from hospitals; and, as a rule, are always to accompany the persons for whom they have been made out, until payment has been made upon them, or until the accounts have been entered on the ledger of the ship to which they have been discharged, in the manner described in Article 1588.

1601. When not required.-When an officer or man is sent to hospital from any ship at home, or from a stationary ship abroad, a pay ticket is not to accompany him, but the sick voucher only (form S. 47), the information required by the form including a list of effects being correctly and carefully filled in.

A pay ticket need not be made out for a subordinate or warrant officer sent home from abroad to be discharged direct to a depot or gunnery, &c., school, provided the necessary particulars regarding him are entered on form S. 48.

2. His account in the ship is to be kept open, whether he remain in hospital beyond the quarter in which he was sent or not, and the Accountant Officer is to make the necessary abatements for allotments, hospital stoppages, and other charges on the ledger.

3. A pay ticket is only to be made out for such officers and men

  1. on information being received from the Principal Medical Officer of the death or invaliding of the patient; or
  2. if at home, when the prescribed period of hospital treatment on full pay has been completed (D.S.Q.).

Such pay tickets are to be forwarded to the hospital.

When a number of men are invalided on the same day at a home hospital, a pay list (form S. 42) may be used in lieu of pay tickets for reporting to the hospital the amounts due to the men, and in such cases the documents from the hospital giving the date of invaliding must be sent into office with the ship's ledger.

4. Documents to accompany Invalids from Abroad.-In the case of any person invalided abroad, the Principal Medical Officer of the hospital is to be most careful that timely notice is given to the ship, so that the pay ticket, service certificate, medical history sheet, and other documents shall invariably accompany the patient home, to avoid any delay in settling the invalids' account.

5. Remittances and Issues of Clothing.-Any necessary remittances on behalf of an officer or man in hospital, whose account remains open on ship's books, and all issues of clothing, are to be made by the Accountant Officer of the ship to which the patient belongs. The necessary notice of such requirements is to be given to the Accountant Officer by the Principal Medical Officer; and whenever a remittance is needed the notice should bear the patient's authority, i.e., his signature or witnessed mark, for payment to his nominee.


6. In making such payments, care is to be taken to restrict them to the sums which the patients may require to hand over to their families. The Accountant Officer of the ship, after having ascertained that the amounts are due to the several officers and men, will make the remittances direct to the parties entitled, obtaining their receipts, and show the amounts on the ledger as advances of pay.

7. Remittances on behalf of men whose accounts have been closed on ship's books will be made by the Store Officer and Cashier under the authority of the Principal Medical Officer.

8. The remittances in the case of officers are to be made in the usual monthly list (Article 1650). Such remittances are to be attested by the written authority of the remitter or the signature of the Accountant Officer on his behalf.

9. If an officer desires a payment to himself, notice of such requirement is to be given to the Accountant Officer of the ship by the Principal Medical Officer. The Accountant Officer after having ascertained that the amount applied for is due, will charge the same on the ship's ledger in the column headed " Other Charges " (Advance in hospital) and return the application to the Principal Medical Officer, who will cause payment to be made thereon, including the amount in the hospital cash account.



1602. How to be made.-The pay of all persons serving on board His Majesty's ships is to be paid to them as set forth in these Regulations subject to the following provisions:

2. Responsibilities of Accountant Officer.-The Accountant Officer under the Captain is specially charged with the duty of making these payments and of keeping the requisite accounts. He only, or such junior Accountant Officer as he may, where necessary, entrust with the duty, is authorised to issue money from the public chest for such payments and to receive for return to the public chest such moneys as may for any reason not have been paid. Where possible all payments are to be made by him personally or by an officer under his personal direction, and he is responsible for the correctness of all credits of pay, extra pay, and allowances, for all deductions and calculations, and for all forfeitures of pay and allowances awarded under the Naval Discipline Act being duly carried out.

3. Mustering.-The Captain will arrange for the ship's company and supernumeraries being mustered for payment at the time most convenient to the Service and when the smallest number of men will be absent on duty, and for the subsequent payment on the same day of those men who were absent on duty from the general muster.

4. Officer witnessing.-The general and miss-muster, payments are to be made in the presence of the Captain, or, should that not be practicable, in the presence of an officer not below the rank of Lieutenant, who is to satisfy himself that complaints and inquiries of every description are investigated and settled forthwith unless for any reason reference to higher authority is necessary. If possible both payments should be witnessed by the same officer.

Police.-The police of the ship are to be in attendance.

5. Before the payment commences the following directions are to be complied with :

  1. All figures, including totals, are to be inserted in ink on the ship's ledger (or weekly pay list for out payments) that wilt be used at the payments.
  2. 547

  3. The number of coins of each denomination required for payment of the men named on each folio of the ledger or weekly pay list is to be ascertained, and entered in the coin book (form S. 11a), the total thereof being the amount of cash required to be taken from the public chest for the payment.
  4. In the cases of men, who, by the information in the ship's office, will be unable to attend either the general or miss-muster payment, being on leave, sick in hospital or in the sick bay, or on duty away from their ship, a red pencil line is to be drawn across the money column opposite their names to indicate the improbability of their being able to attend the payment. The pay of these men is not to be included in the amount coined under (b), but should they attend the general or miss-muster payment, they may be paid thereat the amounts to which they may be entitled, such amounts being shown as " additions " in the coin book, and entered or re-entered on the ship's ledger or weekly pay list above the line previously drawn in the money column, the totals of the ledger or list being altered accordingly.
  5. The amount which each person is to receive in cash is to be placed by the Accountant Officer in the proper compartment of the pay trays, together with the receipt for any remittance under Article 1650. Where it is not possible for the Accountant Officer to do this himself; he is to take steps to ensure that the duty is correctly performed.
  6. The Accountant Officer will satisfy himself that all necessary steps have been taken by his staff to ensure that the amounts entered for payment in the ledger or weekly pay list as well as the amount of the coins entered in the coin book are correct.

6. Calling names and amounts.-Where an Assistant Paymaster or Clerk is borne, and is on board at the time of payment, the names of the men and the amounts payable are to be called out by him. He will insert a tick against the amounts paid at the general and miss-muster payments, using different coloured pencils to distinguish those payments. Amounts not paid either at the general or miss-muster payments are to be lined through by him in ink, the totals on the ledger being correspondingly altered and the amounts entered under " Deductions " in the coin book.

Where an Assistant Paymaster or Clerk is not allowed in complement, or, if allowed, is not on board when the payments are made, the foregoing duties may be discharged by a Writer, a statement of the reason for employing a Writer in the latter case being furnished on the certificate of payment (form S. 17).

7. When the miss-muster payment is ended :

  1. The corrected totals of the ledger or weekly pay list are to be abstracted, and the coin book is to be closed and signed by the Accountant Officer, who will satisfy himself that the total amount shown as paid by these documents agrees with the amount which he has paid out of the public chest; and
  2. A certificate on form S. 17 of the amount paid at the general and miss-muster payments is to be prepared and signed by the Accountant Officer, by the officer or officers who witnessed the payments, and by the Assistant Paymaster, Clerk or Writer who called out the men's names and amounts at the pay table.

8. Signatures of Witnessing Officer, &c. The signature of the witnessing officer on form S. 17 will be taken as certifying that the ship's company and supernumeraries were duly mustered and paid, and that all complaints and inquiries were investigated in his presence; and the signature of the Assistant


Paymaster, Clerk or Writer will be taken as certifying that any amounts not paid have been lined through on the ledger or weekly pay list ; that, these amounts excepted, the sums appearing on the ledger or weekly pay list were paid to the men against whose names they are entered; and that the amounts shown as paid have been totalled and abstracted.

9. Casual Payments.-Men unable from any cause to attend either the general or miss-muster payment are to be paid individually by the Accountant Officer, their receipts for the amounts paid to them being obtained in a book for casual payments which is to be kept for the purpose in the charge of the Accountant Officer (form S. 18). Men in the sick bay who are unable to attend to receive their wages are to be paid by the Medical Officer, who will sign the casual payments book on their behalf.

10. The amounts of the casual payments during each week or month, according to the system of payment, are to be added to the certificate of payment (form S. 17) prepared under clause 7 (b).

Cash Account.-The total of the monthly payment recorded in the certificates is to be credited in the Accountant Officer's cash account, the certificates being scheduled where necessary on form S. 27.

1603. Payments to Officers.-Except as provided in clause 2, officers are to be paid their full pay and allowances through the officers' pay book (form S. 57), their receipts for the payments being obtained thereon, and the amounts claimed in the cash account on form S. 17 under the heading " Casual and officers' payments."

2. Where for any reason payment direct from the ship's copy of the ledger is considered preferable, this method may be allowed subject to details of the procedure to be followed being first concurred in by the Accountant-General.

1604. Payments to Boys.-Money balances, standing to the credit of boys drafted from the training ships to depots or stationary ships, are not to be paid to them either as advances or at the quarterly settlements in such ships, but are to be transferred from ledger to ledger until the boys reach a sea-going ship.

This direction is not intended, however, to be construed as preventing issues of clothing, and any charges which may be deemed necessary.

1605. Safe custody of documents.-The Accountant Officer may be required at any time to forward into office the officers' pay book, the ship's ledger, coin book, weekly pay list, and casual payments book for examination, and accordingly he will take all necessary steps to ensure their being preserved, and to guard against their being tampered with: in any case they are to be retained for two years from the date of the transactions recorded therein.

2. Erasures, Alterations.-Erasures on pay books, accounts or vouchers are not to be made in any circumstances. Any alterations necessary before, at, or subsequent to the payments are to be made by lining through the original figures, and inserting the corrected figures, every alteration being initialled by the person making it.

1606. Sent home for misconduct.-Full pay is not payable to any officer or other person sent home, or awaiting passage home, from a foreign station, for the disposal of the Admiralty on account of misconduct; such persons are to be victualled in the manner prescribed in Article 1682, clause (g), and any question of their full pay will be decided by the Admiralty on their arrival in England.


2. Officers' Mess Bills.-If an officer returning under these conditions is unable to pay his mess bills, the Accountant Officer may make payments to the mess on his behalf, viz. :

  • For a ward-room or gun-room officer, the amount of the undischarged liabilities; within the limits of his ordinary mess subscription (Article 849).
  • For a warrant officer, an allowance in repayment of actual expenditure, but not in excess of 6d. a day.

The amount paid to the mess is to be charged on the ledger and transferred to the officer's next ship or reported to the Accountant-General, if recovery cannot be effected from full pay.

In Advance.

1607. Advance on Appointment.-Flag Officers, when appointed from half pay, upon application to the Accountant-General, may receive as advance of full pay and table allowance, a sum equal to three monthly payments, according to Appendix III., Part I., if appointed for home service, and to six monthly payments if appointed for foreign service.

2. Other naval officers appointed upon first entry, or from half pay, or from the shore, to ships at home or abroad, may be paid three months' advance of pay, either by the Accountant Officer of the ship to which they are appointed, or by the Accountant-General.

Officers appointed from a ship at home to a ship on, or fitting for, a foreign station, may be paid a similar advance by the Accountant Officer of the ship from which they are appointed.

Officers appointed for transport service will, however, only be allowed an advance of one month's pay.

3. Royal Marine Officers.-Officers of the Royal Marines appointed to sea-going ships at home may be paid a similar advance by the Accountant Officer of the ship on joining; but it is not to be paid to them when appointed to home stationary ships. When ordered to join ships abroad, the advance will, on application, be paid by the Accountant-General should time permit, but should immediate embarkation be ordered, the advance may be paid by the Divisional Paymaster.

4. Men going Abroad.-When a ship is commissioned for foreign or immediate sea service,. petty officers, seamen, marines, and others may be allowed one month's payment, as an advance, before the ship proceeds to sea, though not actually due. See 1610 (Payment of Balances of Pay).

5. Pensioners. Seamen and marine pensioners, when called out by Royal Proclamation, may be allowed, if they desire it, an advance of one month's wages, at the rates laid down in Appendix III., Part II., in addition to any advance sanctioned by clause 4 of this Article.

6. If the officer or man allots, the amount of his allotment is to be deducted from the advance.

7. Men going on Leave at Home.-Petty officers, seamen, marines and boys who are granted not less than seven days' leave while serving in ships at home, including ships from a foreign station paying off in England, may be advanced, before going on leave, a sum not exceeding four-sevenths of the pay and leave allowance which would accrue to them during the period of leave granted (see Appendix III., Part III.) ; but no payment do this account is to be made to men in debt. See 1609 clause 11 (Payments on Account in Ships making Monthly Payments).

1608. Officers on Full Pay Leave.-No advance or payment on account is to be made to an officer borne for full pay leave (Article 1998, clause 7), by the


Accountant Officer of the general depot on the books of which he is borne. The amount due will be paid by the Accountant-General when the officer's leave expires.

When, however, the full pay leave extends over a month, an officer may, on application to the Accountant-General, be granted a monthly payment on account, but only after the expiration of a month's leave.

2. On Full Pay Sick Leave.-Officers who have been granted full pay sick leave (Article 1396, clauses 2 and 3), may be paid, on application to the Accountant-General, monthly payments on account. The first payment, however, will not be made until after the expiration of a month from the date of being sent sick, or, in the case of foreign invalids, of arrival in England. Subsequent payments will be made at monthly intervals. The final payment will be made by the Accountant-General on the expiration of the full pay sick leave.

On Account.

1609. Monthly.-The officers of the Navy and of the Royal Marines in all ships, and the petty officers, seamen, marines and others in ships other than ships and establishments at home, may be paid a portion of their full pay for the first and second months of each quarter according to the scale established by Appendix III., provided they will not thereby be brought into debt. All mess debts on board, and the allowances due to servants under Article 1179, are to be defrayed out of the payments thus made.

2, These payments are to be made as soon after the close of each month as may be convenient.

3. Weekly.-Petty officers and men serving in ships and establishments at home are to be paid weekly throughout the quarter according to the scale, provided they are not paid such an amount as will bring them into debt. The amounts paid are to be entered in the columns provided on the ledger.

4. Scale.-The scale of monthly payments to officers is computed on the principle of allowing an amount equal to the complete pounds of their net pay, omitting fractions of a pound, and with a reduction on account of income tax, &c. The scale of payments to seamen and others is based on the principle of allowing them the full amount of their wages and allowances, after the deduction of a margin to cover charges for clothing, &c. Officers and men who allot are to receive the amounts according to the scales, less the amount of their allotment..

5. Abatements.-When charges have been incurred on account of absence without leave, travelling warrants or other authorised abatements, they are to be deducted from the payment. Subscriptions are to be dealt with as directed in Article 1374.

6. Officers and Men absent on duty or on leave, or sick in hospital, at times when payments are made, may be paid the arrears on rejoining their ships. The amounts so paid are to be entered separately in the proper column of the ledger for the current month, with the date inserted below in red ink.

7. When weekly payments are made the established form B. 37 is to be used only for such of those payments as are out payments.

8. The amounts paid will be provisionally allowed in the Accountant Officer's monthly cash accounts, upon the production of a certificate (form S. 17), subject to that document being found correct upon the subsequent audit of the ledger.

9. Newly entered Men in Debt.-Newly entered men who are unavoidably brought into debt on entry by taking up clothing are not entitled to monthly or weekly advances. on the ordinary scale; but until their debts are liquidated,


they may be paid advances at reduced rates as follows, or at such rates as the Admiralty may from time to time direct :

  • C.S. men, at half the rate prescribed in Appendix III. for non-allotting men.
  • Non-C.S. men, at the rate prescribed in Appendix III. for allotting men. ,See 1611, clause 4 (Clothing Debts).

10. Other Men in Debt.-Seamen (except newly entered men who are dealt with in the preceding clause) and marines serving afloat who are in debt to the Crown from any cause, and whom it is intended to retain in the Service, may be granted advances of pay at rates not exceeding those laid down in Appendix III. for men who allot, the advances in the case of ships making monthly payments being those allowed to men allotting at the maximum rate. The actual rate of advance (if any) is left to the discretion of Commanding Officers, but, as a general rule, a man should not be deprived of all pay if there is a reasonable prospect of his ultimately becoming free from debt.

11. Men going on Leave from ships making monthly payments may be paid the advances of pay to which they would have been entitled had weekly payments been in force, in addition to the four-sevenths advance of pay and leave allowance. (See 1607, clause 7, and Appendix III., Part III.)

12. Any balance due to men drafted for foreign service may be paid immediately before embarkation, for remittance to their wives and families.

13. To meet Mess Debts.-If men about to be transferred to another ship are in debt to their mess, the Accountant Officer may, with the sanction of the Captain, make them an advance for the purpose of discharging the debt. Such advance, however, is not to exceed the balance of wages due. See 847, clause 3 (Officers).

1610. Crew of Ship going Abroad.-With the approval of the Commander-in-Chief, the crew of a ship about to sail for a foreign station may be paid the balances of pay, which have accrued to them in addition to the month's advance if payable under clause 4, Article 1607. Such payments are to be entered in the ship's ledger, in one of the columns for monthly payment, and not in that reserved for the final quarterly settlement.

Quarterly Settlements.

1611. Calculation of.-On the last day of every quarter the gross and net sums due to the officers, petty officers, seamen, marines, and others are to be calculated and inserted in the ledger for final balance ; and to facilitate this arrangement, the Captain, during the last seven days of the quarter, will not allow the issue of clothing, or the incurring of charges of any kind, unless required by the exigencies of the Service.

2. When to be Paid.-Payment of the balances due on closing the ledger for each quarter is to be made to the officers and ship's company on the first day of the subsequent quarter, or as soon after as may be convenient. The balances are to be read to the men at the payment.

In ships, however, in which weekly payments are made, if a separate payment at settlement would interfere with the regular weekly payments, the balances due at the end of the quarter may be transferred to the next quarter's ledger and paid with the first or second ordinary weekly payment.

3. Should fourteen days elapse between the end of a quarter and the date at which an opportunity occurs for obtaining money and making the payment, or should any person be absent from the ship at the time of payment, the ledger is not to be delayed, but is to be transmitted into office ; the balances remaining unpaid are to be credited in the ledger for the following quarter, and when paid, are to be charged in one of the columns for monthly payments.


4. Men or Boys in Debt.-If men or boys should be brought into debt on account of issues of clothing, or other articles which may be requisite to keep them efficient, all money payments to them are to be suspended until the debt has been covered by their growing pay.

5. Officers on Detached Service.-Officers on detached service, who are entitled to full pay, may be paid by the Accountant Officers of any ships as directed by Article 1600, clause 5, but those who cannot be so paid, may draw bills quarterly for the amount due to them, in the common bill (form S. 3) with which they will be supplied on application; they are to advise the Accountant-General of every such bill which they may draw.

6. A certificate (form S. 18) of each quarterly payment is to be sent into office as a voucher to the cash account in which the payment appears. Separate certificates are required when the payment extends over one day.

7. Payments on ship's ledger at settlement are to be vouched by a certificate similar to that supporting the monthly advance payments, form S. 17 (Certificate of payments to officers and men) being used for both purposes.


1612. Transfer to another Ship.-When officers, seamen, marines and boys are transferred from one ship to another, their accounts in the ledger are to be closed, and they are to be informed of the result. The credit balances are not to be paid to them, but are to be transferred to the ledger of their new ship. The accounts of marines disembarked are to be dealt with in the same manner, their balances being transferred to headquarters. In order to enable the Accountant Officer properly to close the accounts of persons ordered to be discharged, any clothing which may be required is to be issued, and the day and hour at which the discharge is to take place is to be fixed, when practicable, some time on the day previous ; no alteration is to be permitted, unless absolutely required by the exigencies of the Service.

2. Officers returning to England, otherwise than in one of His Majesty's ships, may be paid the balance of pay, if any, due to them on discharge, but are not to receive any payment on account of full pay accruing during passage home. See 1508 (Advances to meet expenses incidental to passage home).

1613. Officers sent to Hospital. When an officer is sent to hospital or to sick quarters from a sea-going ship, he may be paid the amount due to him up to the day on which he is sent. If a further payment should become due while the officer remains there, he may be paid by the Principal Medical Officer, who is to note the particulars on his pay ticket. If sent from a stationary ship, he will be paid as directed by Article 1601. In the event of an officer or man not rejoining his own or any other ship, from hospital, the final settlement of his pay will be made by the Accountant-General, and his pay ticket is to be disposed of in the manner directed by Article 1600, clause 4.

1614. Officers discharged to Half Pay.-The residue of pay of officers discharged to half pay is to be paid by the Accountant Officer, provided that there be no liability impending on account of passage money or other charges.

2. An exception exists in the case of commissioned officers borne nominally on the books of a general depot for full pay leave after foreign service, or for full pay sick leave, the pay in these cases being dealt with by the Accountant-General on sections of the ledgers kept at the Admiralty.

3. Officers discharged the Service.-The residue of pay officers discharged from the Service, or to retired pay or pension, and of those against whom there


are liabilities, is to be left for settlement by the Accountant-General, to whom the pay documents should be forwarded.

4. If, however, an officer discharged from the Service abroad desires to remain there, and is clearly under no liability for passage money, cost of telegrams, or other charges, the residue of pay may be paid by the Accountant Officer.

5. Men discharged the Service.-The residue of pay of men and boys discharged from the Service is in all cases to be paid by the Accountant Officer.

6. Receipts of Men and Boys.- The receipts of the men and boys for the payments made are to be obtained in the casual payments book (form S. 18), and the payments entered on the ledger in the payment column of the week or month in which payment has been made. Amounts so paid are to be claimed in the cash account on form S. 17.

1615. Return of Officers discharged whenever officers are discharged from home or foreign service, returns on forms S. 49 and S. 48 respectively are to be made out in accordance with the directions noted thereon.

2. Form S. 48 is to be handed to an officer with his pay ticket, and any other documents required to clear his account, for delivery, unless a more direct opportunity occur for sending it.

1616. Documents of men sent to Detention, &c.-A transfer list is to be made out for each man sentenced to imprisonment or detention, except in the case of a man who is to undergo his sentence either in a naval or civil prison and who will be discharged direct from the prison to civil life (see clause 3).

2. The transfer list is to be forwarded, with the service certificate and medical history sheet, to the captain of the ship on whose books the man will be borne during sentence (see 775, clause 1). In the case of a man sentenced abroad who is also to be finally discharged from the Service at home, the documents are to accompany him from ship to ship until his arrival at the general depot at home when the balance of pay due to him is to be paid and claimed as wages in the proper columns of the ledger.

3. In the case of a man who is to undergo his sentence either in a naval or civil prison or military detention barrack at home and who will be discharged thence to civil life, the balance of wages due is to be delivered, with his service certificate, into the custody of the Governor or Commandant of the establishment in order that the wages and service certificate may be handed to the man on his release. The transaction is to be treated as a [casual] payment of wages and entered in the proper columns of the ledger in the or ordinary course. See also 1505 (Travelling warrants and subsistence allowance).


1617. Paying off at Home.-In order to facilitate the completion of the ledger the Captain is not to sanction the issue of clothing, after the receipt of the order to pay off in a home ship, or after the arrival at home to pay off of a ship from a foreign station, except in cases affecting the men's health, neither is a man to be allowed to incur charges of any kind so far as they can be avoided.

2. The ledger is to be completed by the insertion of all charges and deductions in the proper columns, and so soon as notice shall have been received of the date fixed for putting the ship out of commission the wages are to be cast and the amounts due to each officer and man, up to the day appointed for payment, ascertained and inserted by the Accountant Officer, and the ledger finally closed for payment.


3. In the case of C.S. men who allot, see 1618, sub-clause (h), and 1620 (Transfer of Allotments),

4. How made.-The payment, as regards wages, is invariably to be made from the ship's ledger in the manner laid down in Article 1602, and as regards savings bank deposits, from the final withdrawal list.

5. Savings Bank Deposits.-Money envelopes (form S. 32) are to be used in the payment of all savings bank deposits on the paying off of the ship. The money should be placed in the envelopes, on each of which should be endorsed the name of the recipient, and the amount of money enclosed therein. The envelopes should be handed to the men at the same time as their wages are paid from the pay tray.

6. Officers are to be paid as at quarterly settlements.

7. Completion of Ledger.-As soon as possible after the payment, every column and table of the ledger is to be completed, the dates on which and the ships or places to which the men are discharged being inserted; and the ledger is then to be sent into office, accompanied by the conduct book and the usual documents. Characters are to be inserted only in those cases in which they have at the same time to be recorded on the men's certificates under article 829, clause 4.

8. Paying off Abroad.-When ships are paid off abroad, and their officers and crews are sent home in transports or merchant ships, separate transfer lists are to be prepared according to the provisions of Article 1129 so far as they are applicable, and forwarded with the officers and men. Such non-C.S. men as are to be discharged to the shore on arrival at home are entitled to be discharged at the port nearest their homes, and are therefore to be transferred to whichever general depot is mist convenient for this purpose.

9. Advance on arrival Home.-Any requisite advance of wages may be made by the general depot at the port of arrival, due notation being made on the transfer lists, but the men are only to be entered for wages on the books of the ships to which they will be attached on return from leave.


1618. Maximum Rates.- Allotments of full pay and allowances may be made

  1. by officers, at any rate not exceeding, as a rule, the maximum for the corresponding rate of pay and allowances as shown in Appendix Ill., Part I. (In exceptional cases and at the discretion of the Commanding Officer, such maximum rates of allotment may be exceeded, provided that particulars of the cases are specially reported on form S. 63 for confirmation at the Admiralty) ;
  2. by petty officers, seamen and marine, at any rate not exceeding the maximum for the corresponding rate of pay and allowances as shown in Appendix III., Part II. ;

under the following regulations, but fractions of a shilling are in every case to be avoided :

  1. To whom made.-Commissioned and warrant officers on full pay, and petty officers, seamen and marines may allot in favour of any persons. Boys, if they keep their clothes complete and in proper order, may, after six months' training, allot to their fathers or mothers or to Cashiers of dockyards for investment in the naval savings banks or to approved guardians.
  2. A uniform rate of 8s. is fined for all boys' allotments.


  3. When forwarded.-Declarations of allotments whether commenced, increased or reduced, are to be forwarded monthly on form S. 63, in accordance with the instructions thereon.
  4. Age of Allottees.-Allotments are not to be made payable to persons under 18 years of age. Should the allotments be intended far the benefit of persons below that age, they must be made payable to some adult person as a trustee.
  5. When in debt.-Officers in debt to the Crown, or in debt for mess expenses, are not to be allowed to allot. Men entered on ship's books with a debt exceeding �1. are not to be allowed to allot until the debt is cleared off. No boy can allot until he has one clear month's pay due.
  6. Commencement and rate.-The date of the commencement of an allotment, and the rate are always to be determined on board, and both are to be clearly noted in the declaration lists and ledger. In cases where it is desired to effect a transfer from one person to another, from the date to which the allotment may have been paid to the former nominee, the words " payment continuous," provided the rate remains unaltered, should be inserted, instead of the commencing date. When allotments are to be increased, transferred to other persons, or reduced from a certain date, the date of the commencement of the new allotment is to be noted on the declaration list.
  7. Where payable.-Allotments may be made payable at all places within British territory, and at such other places as may be specially approved by the Admiralty in individual cases.
  8. Commencement.-Allotments must always commence on the first day of a month and they are payable for complete months only. The first payment will become due on the last working day of the month in which the allotment commences, and men should be clearly informed on this point. Allotments payable abroad, will, however, be paid, at the discretion of the Admiralty, at such later dates as will allow time for mail communications.
  9. Marines embarking.-The declarations of officers and men of the Royal Marines may be signed at the divisional headquarters previous to embarkation, should the Commandant have no objection. Non-commissioned officers and men declining a month's advance on embarkation may allot from the first day of the month of embarkation. The dates of the commencement of all such allotments and the rates are to be notified on the embarkation sheets; for entry in the ledger.
  10. Reduction in Pay.-If from any cause a reduction should occur in the rate of pay to which an officer or man having an allotment in force is entitled, and the rate of his allotment be in excess of that established for the reduced rate of pay, a corresponding reduction is to be made in the allotment.
  11. Debts.-Men are not to be permitted to incur debts to such an extent as to render it necessary that their allotment should be stopped ; those who may be unable to provide themselves with proper clothing without running into debt are only to allot at a rate below the maximum.
  12. Transfers.-When officers or men, having allotments, are discharged from one ship to another, their allotments are to be transferred with them, and the transfers are to be duly notified to the ship to which they may be discharged on the transfer list sent with them.
  13. When an officer or man is sent to hospital or provided with a pay ticket upon any other occasion, the allotment is to be noted on it.


    For the stoppage of allotments in the case of officers going on full pay leave, see 1620.

  14. When proceeding in Merchant Ships.-Officers and men about to proceed by packet or merchant ship to join their ships abroad, who do not draw advance or who draw advance under the allotting scale, will be permitted to execute declarations of allotment. In cases of officers embarking direct from their homes, application may be made to the Accountant-General for the necessary form of declaration.

1619. Support of Men's Wives and Families.-The Captain and officers are to use their influence with the men to encourage them to make due provision for the support of their wives and families by allotting portions of their wages or by remitting money. When allotments have been made in favour of wives, families, or near relations men should be discouraged from stopping them, unless the Captain be satisfied of the validity of their reasons for discontinuing payment.

2. The authority given to the Admiralty by sections 179 (7) and 146 of the Army Act, 1881, to order stoppages to be made from the pay of marines for the support of their wives, families, or bastard children, is not to be enforced in the case of marines serving under the Naval Discipline Act.

1620. On paying off, the allotments of officers and men, except as provided for in clause 2, are to be transferred to the ship to which they are discharged unless they wish them to be stopped.

2. The allotments of any officers, seamen or marines who are to be discharged to the shore or headquarters are to be stopped on paying off. If paid off abroad, the date of stoppage is to be calculated so that the last payment will coincide as far as possible with the probable date of their arrival m England.

3. When officers proceed on full pay leave their allotments are to be stopped unless at the expiration of the leave they are to be borne for pay under Article 229.

1621. Allotments to Marine Savings Banks.-Allotments by marines to the savings banks at the Artillery or Light Infantry divisions are to be included with those of seamen or others in the ordinary declaration lists, and are in all cases to be executed in favour of the Divisional Paymasters, and not of Clerks or Pay Sergeants; marines thus allotting, whilst serving afloat, may stop such allotments at any time.

1622. To whom to be paid.-Payment shall be made only to the allottee personally, unless such person may be unable, from illness or infirmity, to attend, in which case payment may be made to a person producing

  1. The official authority, with the allottee's written order, duly signed and witnessed, for payment to such person; and
  2. Acertificate from a medical practitioner or other proper certifying authority as to the allottee being unable, from illness or infirmity, to appear personally; provided the paying officer may not see reason to doubt the authenticity of the order or the truth of the certificate.

2. Precautions on Payment.-The paying officer will .also be required to satisfy himself, so far as may be expedient, of the title of the claimant ; and if on any application for payment, the paying officer may entertain any doubt as to the claimant's title, he will inquire into the matter, and may require from the claimant alone, or from the claimant with other persons, such statutory declaration or declarations as he may deem requisite.

3. Receipt.-On paying an allotment the paying officer will take a receipt, duly witnessed, on the authorised form, and will endorse on the official authority,


held by the allottee, the date of the payment, and the term for which it is made.

4. Death of Allottee.-When the death of an allottee may come to the knowledge of the officer by whom the allotment is payable, that officer will, endorse the date of his receipt of the information on the authority for payment,. and return the same to the Admiralty.

1623. When Allottor becomes Insane.-When an allottor becomes of unsound mind, and his wife, child, or other near relative is the allottee, payment of the allotment, under the directions of the Admiralty, may be continued to such allottee, within the limits of the pay due.

1624. Death, Misconduct, &e., of Wife.-When a wife, being an a allottee, dies, or deserts her children, or misconducts herself so as to be considered undeserving of support from her husband, the Admiralty, on a certificate to that effect from a proper certifying authority, may stop payment of the allotment ; but if, in such case, any child of a person allotting shall be left destitute, the Admiralty, on receipt of a certificate to that effect from a proper certifying authority, may appoint a trustee to receive the money and apply it to the maintenance of the child, until the allottor shall have an opportunity of nominating a trustee of his own choice. Should a wife, being an allottee, become of unsound mind, the Admiralty, on receipt of a similar certificate, may revoke the authority for payment to her, and, similarly, may appoint a trustee to act temporarily on behalf of herself and her children.

1625. Increase, Reduction, or Stoppage.-Whenever it is desired that allotments should be increased, reduced, or stopped, the allotment charge at the original rate is to be calculated up to such a date as will allow sufficient time for communicating the change to the Accountant-General, and for making the necessary alterations in England.

1626. Notices of Stoppage (form S. 54) are to be made monthly, the reason. for stoppage being fully stated in all cases in order that such information may be communicated to the allottee, if inquiry be made of the Admiralty. This: regulation applies also to supernumeraries on passage whose allotments are to be entered against their names on the ledgers, although they may not be borne for pay.

In the case of the general depots, gunnery and torpedo schools, notices of stoppage due to detention or imprisonment are to show the nature of offences, term of sentence, and the establishment in which confined.

2. Stoppage of Marines' Allotments.-In all cases of marines discharged to, headquarters, or of marines who on arrival in England after being invalided abroad are discharged to hospital, notices are to be sent, either on form S. 54, or, when necessary, by special stop-letter to the Accountant-General to stop their allotments, from the ships so discharging them, whether the marines are borne for pay or not.

1827. Death, Desertion, or Discharge of Allottor.-The allotments of all officers and men who die, desert, are discharged to the shore, or in any other way cease to be borne for pay, and those of officers appointed for service in naval establishments abroad are to be stopped; also those of men committed to a prison or detention establishment unless they may have such an amount of pay due to them as will cover their allotments during the period of their sentences.

2. In case of death or desertion, or when officers or men leaving the Service are likely to be brought into debt, immediate notice is to be given by a stop-letter but if, in any case other than death, the letter is not likely to be received


at the Admiralty in time to prevent payment being made to the allottee (on the last working day of the month) for which there is no corresponding charge, the notice should be given by a telegram, provided that the amount saved is greater than the cost of the telegram. In every case particulars are to be included in the monthly report on form S. 54.


1628. Ledger for Tenders. The crews of tenders are to be entered on separate lists (as 12a, 12b, &c., in the ledger), and a copy of every such list is to be kept by the officer in command of the tender. When in company with the ships to which the tenders are attached the crews are not to be checked, but are to be noted in the ledger in red ink as doing duty in the tenders ; and similar notations are to be made against the names of officers and men of the ship's complement who may be lent to the tenders, as well as of those lent from the tenders to the ships. When a tender may be ordered on detached service, such of her crew as are actually on board, and such of the officers and men of the ship as may have been lent to her, are to be checked on the ship's ledger, and the particulars of pay and victualling are to be shown on the tender's list, which must contain a complete record of all persons serving on board, and is to be transmitted, at the end of the quarter, to the Captain by the officer in command. Should this list not be received in time, the closing of the ship's ledger is not to be delayed, but it is to be transmitted into office as usual, and the tender's list and abstract are to be separately transmitted as soon afterwards as practicable. When tenders are thus employed on detached service, the officers in command are personally responsible for the lists being kept with correctness, and that all money advances and issues of clothing are duly recorded. See 1761 and 1762 (Victualling Accounts).

1629. Clothing and Advances by Parent Ship.-Issues of clothing and payment of advances to the crew, when practicable, are to be made by the Accountant Officer of the parent ship ; but a temporary supply of cash, provisions, and clothing sufficient. to meet any probable requirements when detached with the issuing prices of the clothing, is to be placed in the charge of the officer in command, who is to make any necessary advances and issues. He is to be supplied with the necessary established forms.

2. Whenever tenders receive supplies of any kind the original vouchers or supply notes are to be forwarded to the Captain of the parent ship.

1630. Prize Vessels.-So far as practicable, the foregoing Instructions are also to apply to prize vessels.


1631. Dead Men's Effects.-Whenever any person dies on board, the following directions as to his pay documents, and the disposal of his effects, are to be observed, viz. :

  1. Inventory.-The Captain is to cause the clothes and all the other effects of the deceased, including cash, to be immediately collected and delivered into the charge of the Accountant Officer, who is to make out an inventory on form S. 46 signed by two or more messmates in the case of an officer; in the case of a marine, by a commissioned and a non-commissioned officer of Marines ; and by the Executive Officer and the chief of police in every other case.
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  3. No effects of a deceased officer or man are to be handed over, or sent to any person, until instructions as to their disposal are received from the Admiralty, and the Captain is not, in any circumstances whatever, to sanction the payment of any debt out of any deceased person's estate, which is the property of his executors, and can be dealt with by them alone.
  4. Sale of Effects.-The clothes and all other effects of deceased petty officers, seamen and others, except cloth tunics and frocks supplied to marines within 16 months of their death, and such of those of deceased officers as the Captain shall authorise, are to be sold on board as soon after death as convenient, according to the custom of the Service, by auction, under the inspection of the Accountant Officer, and in the presence of an Executive Officer and an Assistant Paymaster or Clerk. The particulars of the effects, the rates for which they were sold, and other information required by the form are to be entered in the account of sale. If any man should die without leaving any effects, the fact is to be certified by the persons referred to in sub-clause (a). No person is to be permitted to make purchases if his doing so would bring him into debt, or if, being the effects of an officer, they would be unsuited to his station ; or, if not belonging to the ship, unless he pays for his purchases in money.
  5. Articles for Relatives.-If the deceased be an officer, the Captain, if he think fit, may direct that all or any of his effects shall be preserved until they can be forwarded to his relatives or executors, instead of being sold on board; and if amongst a man's effects there should be any articles which the Captain thinks proper to preserve for the nearest relatives or friends, they may be kept for that purpose. In exercising this discretion, the Captain will take into consideration the circumstances of the deceased, the distance of the ship from his family, and what would, in all probability, be to them the most agreeable course to pursue.
  6. In cases where the death occurs at a home port, any effects reserved from sale are to be retained on board ship, or at the depot ; but, when the death occurs abroad, they should be sent to the Admiralty for delivery to the legal representative, on admission of claim.
  7. Books and Papers.-In every case the private books and papers of a deceased officer are to be sealed up in parcels, in the presence of witnesses, and retained with other articles reserved from sale. Such of the public books and papers of an officer in charge of stores as are not required to be retained on board are to be transmitted into office with his accounts, by his successor, accompanied by an inventory.
  8. Documents to clear Accounts.-All the documents necessary to clear the accounts of a deceased Captain are to be forwarded by the officer succeeding to the command direct to the Commander-in-Chief, for transmission to the Accountant-General, without delay.
  9. Medals and Decorations.-Medals and decorations belonging to officers, seamen and marines dying on service, are to be preserved for delivery to their representatives, unless administration is taken out by a creditor, in which case any such medals or decorations are to be returned to the Admiralty.
  10. Disposal of Inventory.-The inventory is to be retained by the Accountant Officer until the effects have been disposed of, when it is to be completed by the addition of the account of sale, or a notation as
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    to the disposal of the effects. Full particulars are to be noted on the inventory of all effects which are retained for delivery to friends of an officer or man, and in what manner they have been disposed of, whether for delivery, or awaiting the relatives' decision.

  12. Cash.-All cash coming into the Accountant Officer's hands, whether found among the effects or collected as debts due from private individuals, or from the sale of articles disposed of for money, is to be included in form S. 46, and debited by the Accountant Officer in his monthly cash account, and a notation is to be made on the form that this has been done.
  13. The amount of any extra pay, or of the arrears of any allowance to which the deceased may have been entitled at the time of his death, provided such allowance be payable by the Accountant Officer, should be inserted in red ink on the form, but not debited in the cash account.

  14. Form S. 46 is to be prepared and transmitted into office immediately after the sale, a duplicate being retained by the Accountant Officer.

2. Persons dying in Hospital.-On the death of a seaman, marine or boy, in hospital or sick quarters, whether at home or abroad, his effects - in all cases properly cleaned and, if necessary, disinfected - are to be sent to his own ship if present, to be dealt with as above directed; should she not be present, they are to be sent to such other ship for disposal in such manner as the Commander-in-Chief may in reference to local circumstances see fit to appoint, in order to ensure the best possible price. In every such case the inventory of the articles sent from the hospital for disposal will be prepared by the Principal Medical Officer; it should give the name and rating of the deceased, and it is to be completed, and the proceeds of the sale duly charged or debited by the Accountant Officer of the ship in which it takes place in the manner above directed. In the case of an officer, a similar course is to be pursued in respect to such of his effects as it may be deemed better to dispose of by sale, and also as to the effects of deceased invalids, pensioners, and others not borne on any ship's books.

3. Distressed British Subject.-If a distressed British seaman or subject should die on board, his effects are to be treated precisely in the same manner as if he belonged to the Service, but a special report of the case giving the best information that can be procured of the name and residence of nearest relatives of the deceased, and in the case of a seaman, the name of the merchant ship to which he had belonged, and of her owners, is to be transmitted as soon as possible, in order that the proceeds of the sale may be paid over to, and dealt with by, the Board of Trade.

4. Wages of deceased Krooman, &c.-On the death of a Krooman, a native of Africa, or an Asiatic, his account, on form S. 46, is to be sent for examination and assignment by the Accountant-General, who, if requested, will cause the wages of the deceased to be paid to the next-of-kin or legal representative.

5. Sale of Deserter's Effects.-The effects left by a deserter are to be dealt with in a similar manner, on receiving the authority required by the Naval Discipline Act, and provided that the other requirements of the Act be observed.


1632. List of Differences.-When the official examination of the ledger is completed, the Accountant Officer will be apprised of all corrections made therein, or discrepancies or omissions discovered, and of all casual or other charges raised in office; in the case of a continued account, all such corrections


are to be made by him in his open ledger for the current quarter, immediately after receipt of such notification, care being taken to quote therein the number and date of any special Admiralty letters. When the errors have occurred in the accounts of officers or men who have been transferred to other ships extracts containing the necessary information are to be forwarded forthwith to such ships, and a notation that this has been done is to be inserted on the list of differences, which is to be returned into office as soon as the corrections have been made. Should the list be retained on board for more than 10 days an explanation of the cause of detention is, at the expiration of that period; to be forwarded to the Accountant-General.


1633. Private Individuals.-When officers or men are employed on their own ships or are sent from their ships to work for private individuals their gross pay, allowances, extra pay when payable, and cost of victuals, or allowance in lieu, are to be reclaimed.

When, however, fleet labour is employed on behalf of machinery contractors for placing coal on board and trimming it in the bunkers for carrying out steam trials of His Majesty's ships, the charges for any such labour will be fixed as follows :

  1. At naval establishments :
  2. Whenever there is a coaling contract in operation at the port, the rates then current for contract labour for such coaling will be charged, and when no such coaling contract is in operation the charge will be made on the basis of dockyard labour under the scheme of prices applicable thereto.

    The claims in these cases, with an addition in respect of the authorised percentage charges, will be made on the machinery contractors by the naval establishment.

  3. At places other than naval establishments.

The local contract rates current at the port for coaling labour as determined by the Admiral or Captain Superintendent of the district will be charged.

The claims in these cases, with an addition in respect of the authorised percentage charges, will be made on the machinery contractors by the Accountant-General of the Navy from information furnished by the engineer overseer through the Admiral or Captain Superintendent of Contract Work for the district.

2. Dependent or Foreign Governments.-When sent direct to do work for a foreign ship-of-war or foreign or dependent government, the extra pay only, if payable, is to be claimed.

3. When landed for service in a naval establishment and forming for the time part of the strength thereof, the exception in clause 2 will not hold good ; the naval establishment will be liable in common with private individuals for the whole of the pay, extra pay, &c.

4. The reclaims on account of services performed are to be made out on board, and should show

  1. The names, ranks or ratings, periods of employment, and rates and amounts of pay, allowances, extra pay when payable, and cost of victuals or allowance in lieu, together with the incidental charges thereon, as authorised by the memorandum prefixed to the Rate Book.


  2. Whether or not stores have been supplied, a reference being made to the supply voucher on form S. 134d, on which a similar reference is to be made to any charge made for wages, extra pay, and allowances.

5. Payment.-If the reclaim is paid at once, a copy of it is to be retained with a reference to the debit voucher for the sum received.

6. If not paid at once, it should be signed by the responsible officers of the government or by the individuals to whom the service was rendered, and is to show all particulars necessary to enable the Accountant-General to recover the amount.

7. Reclaims by Naval Establishments.-The reclaims on account of services rendered through a naval establishment will be prepared therein, the Accountant Officers furnishing the officer in charge thereof with the rates and amounts of pay and allowances which are to be recovered, in addition to the extra payments made in the establishment under existing regulations.

8. Notations in Ledger, &c.-On the ship's ledger where the wages paid will appear as usual, the Accountant Officer is to note in the Remarks column against the name of each officer or man employed for private individuals, &c., the name of the private individual, &c., the period of employment, and the amount of pay and allowances on account thereof, which amount he is to show on the classified summary of pay in the space provided thereon.

9. Repayments are to be similarly brought to account in the cash account under the head of " Private Individuals, &c.," but the amounts repaid for wages, stores, and incidental charges, are to be kept distinct.


1634. Whenever men are entitled to bounty under Royal Proclamation, the Accountant Officer is to pay it under the following Regulations :

  1. The amount paid must be in accordance with the Proclamation, with reference to the ratings that may have been assigned to the men on volunteering.
  2. Should any men entitled to bounty die, desert, be invalided, or discharged from the Service for any other reason, within the period when the bounty due to them would become payable, particulars are to be reported forthwith to the Accountant-General.
  3. All payments of bounty, and the dates thereof, are to be noted against the men's names in the ledger and on their service certificates.


1635. All officers, petty officers, seamen, marines, and boys are entitled to receive the full or sea pay of their respective ranks and ratings while detained .as prisoners of war ; the following rules are to be observed in such circumstances :

  1. The senior officer present at the place of confinement is to procure money by a bill to be drawn at three days' sight on the Accountant-General, for the purpose of paying himself and the other officers and men present either the whole or any portion of the pay due to them which they may wish to receive at the end of each quarter, or, if practicable, at the end of each month.
  2. Any officer or man may remit a portion of the pay due to him in accordance with. Article 1650.
  3. An account of these payments is to be prepared in manuscript, and each officer or man is to sign it in acknowledgment of his having
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    received the amount paid to him, and the account is to be sent to the Admiralty for the Accountant-General by the first practicable opportunity.

  5. Such of the officers, petty officers, seamen, and marines as have not already made allotments are to be permitted to do so in accordance with the provisions of Article 1618.
  6. If any of the petty officers, seamen, marines, or boys should require small advances of money while in prison, in consequence of monthly payments being impracticable, the senior officer present may draw a bill at three days' sight upon the Accountant-General for such moderate sums as are sufficient to meet their immediate wants, but these sums are not to exceed the proportion of monthly advance money.
  7. A correct account of these remittances and advances is to be kept, showing the amounts remitted by and advanced to each person, and the ship to which he belonged. This account is to be forwarded to the Admiralty for the Accountant-General by any practicable opportunity.
  8. Reports of the death of officers or men, and of the absence of those who may have left the place of confinement, so as to be no longer under the observation of the Senior Officer, are to be made to the Admiralty for the Accountant-General by the earliest opportunity.
  9. In all lists of payments or allotments declared, the names of the ships to which the persons referred to belonged at the time of their becoming prisoners of war must be distinctly stated.


1636. Books and forms relative to the naval savings banks on board His Majesty's ships, at the home dockyards and at the marine divisions, are supplied to ships for the guidance of officers and others concerned.

2. Whenever an Accountant Officer is superseded, he shall transmit to the Accountant-General an abstract account for the whole period of his charge, in the same form (S. 483) as that rendered when a ship is paid off.

3. The balance of this abstract account is to be verified by comparison with a schedule (form S. 490) to be prepared from the savings bank ledger, of the amounts due to the depositors.

4. The preparation of this schedule is to be superintended by a commissioned officer appointed by the Captain, who shall, previously to signing the certificate at the foot of the schedule, require the production of the depositors' pass books, and compare in each case the balance shown as due with the amount standing to the depositor's credit in his pass book, and in the ship's savings bank ledger. The schedule is to be forwarded to the Accountant-General.

5. In discharging petty officers and men to the general depots, care is to be taken that those of the Engineer and Artisan Branches are shown on separate naval savings bank transfer lists.


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