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WÖRFEL or WÜRFEL Residence: northern Bohemia, Czech for more than 300 years *geni
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Pauline WERFEL Born: abt 1852 Died: Dec 7, 1915 in Vienna, Austria age 63 NFP + Samuel Siegmund (see KARY family) Born: in Hungary seiden *1st wife of Samuel: Emma Oppenheim (4/6/1847 m. 7/ 9/1868 Vienna - 4/9/1870 Vienna) age 23 *geni
- Rudolf WERFEL Born: Sep 21, 1857 in Prague, Bohemia. Died: Jul 31, 1941 in Marseilles, France + Albine "Albin" (see KUSSI family) Born: Mar 10, 1870 in Pilsen or Žihle, Bohemia. Died: Jul 31, 1964 in New York Father: Bernhart Kussi (1832 Krashowitz or Scheles - 1932) owner of a Mill in Pilsen? Mother: Feigel (?) ( - 1906-1908 Pilsen)
Note: ref-1, ref-2 in 1882, Rudolf started his 1st glove manufacturing business. May 1938, he owned the "Werfel & Böhm" pic. ref-1 factory and empowerd his long standing employee Erich Fürth to register the coompany in his name. Year later Rudolf tried to arrange for the transfer of all his shares in the company, but to no avail
Franz Viktor WERFEL Born: Sep 10, 1890 in Prague, Bohemia. Died: Aug 25 or 26, 1945 in Beverly Hills or Los Angeles, CA + Alma Maria SCHINDLER Born: Aug 31, 1879 in Vienna, Austria. Married: Jul 6, 1929 Died: Dec 11, 1964 in New York, NY Father: Emil Jakob Schindler ( -1892) landscape artist Mother: Anna von BERGEN widowed *2nd husband of Anna; Carl Julius Rudolf MOLL (1861-1945) prominent painter *1st husband of Alma: Gustav (see MAHLER family) Born: Jul 7, 1860 in Kaliště, Bohemia. Died: May 18, 1911 in Vienna wiki Bohemian-Austrian composer, conductor & distant relative of Fritz Spiegl *wiki. on Geiringer page *2nd husband of Alma: Walter GROPIUS Born: May 18, 1883 in Berlin, Germany. Divorced: 1920 Died: Jul 5, 1969 *wiki German Architect and founder of Bauhaus *2nd wife of Walter: Ise FRANK Married: 1923 Died: 1983
Note: wiki: Franz Viktor Werfel, an Austrian-Bohemian novelist, playwright & poet.. ..He served in the Austro-Hungarian army on the Russian front and in the press office in Vienna, where he met and fell in love with Alma Mahler. In 1920 Alma, widow of Gustav Mahler, divorced architect Walter Gropius in order to be with Werfel and the couple lived together from that point on; they finally married in 1929.. ..he published The Forty Days of Musa Dagh.. ..An identified Jew, Werfel left Austria after the Anschluss in 1938 and went to France.. ..he and his wife narrowly escaped the Nazi regime and traveled to the USA. While in France, he vowed to write about the experience and, safe in America, he published The Song of Bernadette in 1941.. ..1958 film Me and the Colonel starring Danny Kaye.. ..his last novel Star of the Unborn /Stern der Ungeborenen published posthumously in 1946.. *see Pragerish Atmosphere or article
OR wiki Alma Maria Mahler-Werfel Viennese-born socialite well known in her youth for her beauty and vivacity.. ..Mahler-Werfel's lively social interactions in her youth included friendships with the artists of the Secession, among them Gustav Klimt. As a young woman Mahler-Werfel had a series of flirtations, including Klimt, theater director Max Burckhard and composer Alexander von Zemlinsky. On Mar 9, 1902 she married Gustav Mahler who was 20 years her senior and the director of the Vienna Court Opera. With him she had two daughters, Maria Anna (1902-1907) who died of scarlet fever or diphtheria and Anna (1904-1988) who later became a sculptor" OR see alma-mahler.at
- Hannah (Hanna) WERFEL Born: Jul 11, 1894 or 1896 in Prague, Bohemia Died: 1964 + Herbert von (see FUCHS von ROBETTIN family) Born: Aug 15, 1886 in Prague.
Married: Mar 21, 1917 Died: Aug 19, 1949 Father: Robert Fuchs von Robettin (1854 - 10/10/1925 Vienna) NFP, Prague conscription Mother: Hermine (Hermina) von Posner (1854 or 12/6/1858 Budapest - ) also on Bauer page
Note: wikipedia: Hanna Fuchs-Robettin "..Hanna's father rebuilt the family wealth. Hanna grew up in a stylish house on Marienstrasse in the New Town where the children were nurtured by a Czech Catholic woman named Babi.. ..The Werfels were assimilated Jews with a strong interest in music and theatre, which they attended often.. Hanna and Herbert fled Prague to escape Nazi persecution as Jews and moved to New York City
- Munzo FUCHS Born: private
- Dorothea "Dodo" "FUCHS Born: private
Marianne "Mizzi" Amalia WERFEL Born: Oct 30, 1899 in Prague, Bohemia. Died: Jan 8, 1965 in Los Angeles, CA + Ferdinand Arthur RIESER Born: Feb 18, 1886 in Zurich, Switzerland. Married: Sep 21 Died: 1947
Carl WERFEL kaiserl. rat Born: abt 1857 occupation: Präsident de Sana a.-G., Prag. Died: Oct 31, 1930 in Vienna NFP + Vilma ABELES
Theodor WERFEL Born: abt 1861 occupation: Partner (Gesselschafters) of the firm "S. Kary & Comp". Died: May 27, 1919 in Vienna, Austria age 58 NFP + Ida (see KATSCHER family) Father: Heinrich Katscher (1844 - ) manufacturer in Brno, Moravia
- Walter WERFEL
- Richard WERFEL
- Oscar WERFEL Residence: Zurich, Switzerland + Elsa KARPELES *geni
Emilie WERFEL Residence: Prague, Bohemia + Benedikt (Benedict) BÖHM Born: abt 1843 occuaption: Kommerzialrates Werfel & Böhm Glove manufacturing firm. Died: Nov 17, 1919 Prague NFP *Vienna has Emma (1857 - 11/1/1894)
- Auguste WERFEL + Moritz SCHEIN *Vienna has (1877 - 4/28/1932 Vienna)
- Olga WERFEL + Leo ZENTNER*Prague cons. registry has Olga Werfel (1870 -) & Jacob Kohn (1859 -), as well as Ernestine Werfel (1875 -) & Alois Zucker ( 1868 -)
- unknown WERFEL
Contact: Peter Rohel, 42 Cardigan Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada M8Z-2W2 | Copyright: © 2004-2012