note.gif "As Time Goes By"
Monday 13 December 1999 - Published Weakly
Serving members of the Monday Morning Mariners Meeting
Direct Correspondence to the chair at the bkhd - outboard, or email [email protected]                

The Monday Morning Mariners' Meeting

The MMMM meets at 1130 every monday in the Captains Grill at the Holiday Inn in Cocoa Beach Florida, and is open to all - mariner or not. All are welcome who have a need for telling sea-stories, good company, and good food. There are no formalities, nor membership requirements. Take nothing seriously, nor believe anything you hear. Seating is by tenure, especially the chair nearest the bulkhead facing inboard. The meeting adjourns around 1300 for no reason whatsoever.
Your newsletter, Balmy Breezers, is published by, and for members of the MMMM on a weakly basis. This publication exists to inform, and entertain those interested in keeping abreast of the latest scuttlebutt.
Articles contained herein may be reprinted by other publications provided definitive written credit is given.
The mail address is as shown in the masthead. Delivery is by Internet shortly after each meeting.
Members are urged to submit material to the editor for inclusion in this newsletter, otherwise it will fizzle out toot-sweet.


Closed to the outside world, the inhabitants of Easter Island began warring amongst themselves after denuding their forests, and depleting their natural resources. Directing all their industry to creating large stone idols, and engaging in human sacrifices for entertainment, the population eventually fell into perdition, killing each other off, and becoming a decadent few, too weak to function as a cohesive group, thus reduced to a low form of human scavangers of what ever washed ashore with the tide.
Though the MMMM hasn't resorted to warring, or human sacrafices (yet), nor fallen into perdition, our worn out seastories, like the statues of Easter Island, stare out across an empty sea (restaurant), our only audience a couple of old ladies at the far end. We yearn for a topsail to break the horizon, and bring new life to our group.


Too late for this meeting, but nevertheless pleasant to behold, a racey sloop, with fine lines, came upon our shores. Shirley...the significant other of Lanni, and company, joined us at the very end. Though in conjunction with the departure of most of the gang, Shirley joined the few remaining...having a salad.
Whoa is us...though we do scan the horizon for new blood, chances are, we of the MMMM will have to endure, embellishing our old sea-tales to sustain us to the inevitable end. Marooned we is... Marooned.

**** CELEBS ****


Dick, and friend


Shirley Lanni



Captain Ed Lanni, and Barbara Boswell of the Cocoa Police Department pose for the camera at a recent gala event. Ed is active in Police activities, and functions.



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Space Coast Chapter

We must commend Bill Zarkas for arranging a marvelous party at the Patrick Air Force Base NCO Club...the setting, and the food was perfect. The MSC RETIREE does not have a home page as such, we are just piggy-backing on SLOWBELL'S home page. Maybe some day we will. Here's an incomplete recollection of those who participated: Hugh (Pat) Patterson, and friend; Eilleen Bortfeld; Bill, and Milly Valashinas; Gene, and Dolores Spencer; Dennis, and Dolores Good; Ed, and Shirley Lanni; LeRoy, and Dolores Clausen; Anthony (Tony), and Betty Zotich; Tim Donahue, and friend Norma; Ralph, and Jackie Goldsmith; Howard, and Peggy Tarpey; Ime Jonkers; Van Altman; Frank, and Pat Noble; John, and Harriet Forster; Thomas (Tommy) Harris; Gus, and Kiki Karas; William (Bill) Quince; James (Jimmy) Veber; William Vos;  and last, but not least of whom I remember - Gary, and Mary (forgot their last name), and Gene Sirota - both not MSC Retirees, but good comrades from the Monday Morning Mariners Meeting group. We will have to thank Gene for his superb digital photograpy. This will be a first for the MSC Retiree...posting the meeting online.
You can view the MSC Retiree page by clicking on this address:

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