Steamboat Building in Elizabeth, PA
A Journal of daily activities at the Elizabeth Marine Ways 1898 to 1925
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The Steamers CHARLEY JUTTE and CRUCIBLE are mentioned in the journal on September 26, 1912 when the boat is at the Elizabeth Marine Ways, JW mistakenly writes the W. C. JUTTE as the name of the boat before it becomes the CRUCIBLE. |
The CRUCIBLE is also mentioned in the journals on December 11, 1916. |
Victoria Nickel's Great Grandfather, Paul Leiby Sr., worked on the CRUCIBLE during the 1920s. If you have information to share with Victoria concerning her Great Grandfather or the CRUCIBLE her email address can be found by moving your cursor onto the photo on left. |
This invoice from Pittsburgh Coal Company, who owned Elizabeth Marine Ways at the time of this invoice, to Crucible Steel shows the sale of the bell from the Steamer VOYAGER to Crucible Steel. JW wrote in his journal that the VOYAGER was at the Elizabeth Marine Ways during this time period having major repairs that took several weeks to complete. |
This photo, from the collection of Thom Stapleton, shows the Steamers CRUCIBLE and J. H. HILLMAN tied up at Brownsville, PA during the 1930s. |