Old News--DAILY SUN, 5/27/1839

 Daily Sun Issues now online:
-April 10, 1839

-May 27, 1839

yes, I know, not much--but every project must start somewhere!

 "Verite Sans Peur"

Vol 1-------Rochester Monday Morning May 27, 1839--------NO. 4

 The DAILY SUN is published every morning by A. Oakley at the corner of Main and St. Paul street.
TERMS--FIVE DOLLARS in advance or TWO CENTS single copy
Advertisments inserted on the most reasonable terms.

--H. M. and J. M. True advertise new goods at the Great Western Store

--John Stitt advertises groceries

--C. Smith, "sucessor to Underwood" book and job printer No. 26 Buffalo St.

--A.C. Wheeler advertises hat cap and fur store, No. 28 Buffalo St.

--S. K. Warren, "dealer in Boots and Shoes of all kinds…at No. 2 Exchange Building on the bridge."

--Advertisment for Canal, Albany and Buffalo 6 day line. Proprietors: Joseph C. Rich and Horace Perkins (Albany), Edward Jenny (New Bedford Mass.), Justice Yale, Samuel Ellison, Nath'l Ellison (Rochester). Agents: A. K. Allen, Broadstreet, New York; Perkins Rich & Co., Quay-Street, Albany; Yale Ellison and Co., R.R wharehouse, Rochester; Colvin & Patten, Smith & Hervey, Clyde; Davis, Hamlin & Co., E. T. Wilson, Buffalo;Hatchinson, Campbell & Co., Detroit. "P.S.-As Proprietors and Agents of this Line we are willing out men and our boats should rest on the Sabbath, and for the furtherance of our designs we appeal to an enlightened and christian public, and solicit their patronage in support of our undertakings."

--"Morrisons Pills-the celebrated Hygeian Universal Medicines of the Ertish College of Health, London-for sale by the subscriber, No. 13 St. Paul Street, Rochester, Agent for the only Genuina Morrison pills sold in this city WM. R. BURTIS"

--Dr. Cooke has hospital at Albany

--F. Peacock advertises "Friction Matches."

--"The members of the central committee of Scott Republicans are requested to meet at Dr. Faulkner's office, Arcade on Monday evening 27 inst, as business of importance will be transacted."

--Endorsment of Gen. Scott for President by paper.

--Newspaper wars… "An offer was partly made us to take Advertiser office. We would not take the rickety old concern as a gift. Luther Tucker could not probably have found any two men in the State except the present proprietors, but what had brains enough to percieve the Daily Advertiser was a very rotten affair.

--item expressing pride in fire dept. and military

--police examination of a "Cyprian" placed "one of our bank officers in rather an equivocal light."

--"Recipe for an Independent Press-Buy a printing office-price $4,000; borrow $500 of a Bank to make first payment-get in debt for the balance, and depend on the patronage of a few party hacks and trading politicians to meet your payments."

--"One of the banks of Litchfield, Conneticut, has "Swartwouted." Coming events cast their shadows before."

--"Ghost of Gimblet" says he will have nothing to do with Daily if he had known the Sun had such a large circulation.

--"POLICE, May 25, before Judge Wentworth. Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Dorsey and Mr. Livingston, gemmen of color, having no better business on hand, proceded to the African Church and there commenced a row, by loud conversation, and striking the trustees when requested to desist for which the three gentlemen were fined $5 a piece.

--Flour costs $6.50 a barrel. Editor hopes to see it down to $6.00

--Mr. Dunn at No. 12 Globe building has just returned fromNew York with goods to sell.

--"Mr. Hyatt says that he weighs every sentence which he publishes. God only knows where he finds weights small enough to answer his purpose--not in Rochester.

--Fire Destroys N. Y. House of Refuge, 22nd. May

--Committee on Internal Improvements in the House of the Ct. Legislature report bill for railroad construction

--It now takes six days to get from Detroit to Galena, via St. Josephs and Chicago.

--Money collected on Ohio and Miami Canals

--Jackson, Miss. Court has 2,500 cases on the docket

--Ct. house of Reps. Adopt resolutions calling on Congress to establish a national foundry in their state

--School organization meeting held May 24, 1839. Doct. Maltby Strong, Elihu F. Marshal, O. Hastings, Esq., Prof. J. Orville Taylor, Gen. J. Gould, T. Kempshall, Esq. are mentioned

--R. L. Whitney wants $500 loan for two or three years.

--R. Nichols informs Rochester "that his Splendid Equestrian Arena will be open. Price of Admission-Box 50 cents; Pit 25 cents. Police present to enforce order. Brass band present. Horses unrivaled in US

--Thomas M. Watson, proprietor of Arcade House, thanks people for patronage, now has Ice Cream, Mead and Soda Water, etc.

--H. M. and J. M. True advertising more dry goods

--someone found a hat with papers (money?) in it

--A. J. French holding auction, for particulars see J. O'Donoughue

--Hiram Mason has new goods for sale at No. 41 Buffalo Street

--E. B. Collins selling boots and shoes

--C. Mollen selling hats and caps under the Methodist Chapel on Buffalo St.

--C. Morse selling wrapping paper No. 18 Exchange Street

--"McMunn's Elixor of Opium--This new chemical preparation containing all the valuable medicinal properties of Opium, to the entire exclsion of its useless and poisonous principles. For sale at the Drug & Medicine Store corner of Main & St. Paul street J. U. Winslow"

--Nichols and Wilson selling "3000 pieces paper hangings and Borders" at No. 6, Exchange Street

--J. M. Winslow selling "Winslow's Balsam of Horehound." A cold remedy

--George B. Benjamin and John Haywood selling "Morus Multicalus" from a celebrated Northampton nursery

--A. Sprauge, agent for traids to and from Rochester

--J. Dawley advertises his "confectionary and saloon"

--Tho's P. Pike looking for boarders, "first door east of the Franklin house (up-stairs)."

--Nichols and Wilson have new boos at No. 6 Exchange Street

--William S. Bull, auctioneer, ready to hold auctions at any time

--J. M. Winslow at it again-offering "Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters." A "Druggist on the Bridge."

--H. B. Sherman advertises "Figured Satins" No. 7 Exchange Street

--J. U. Winslow advertises "Deans Chemical Plaster" to cure rheumatism, "ulcers of every description," etc.

--M. Miller engraving and draughtsman, office No. 2 Arcade Hall.

--J. M. Winslow advertises fever and ague remedies.

--Miller, Soullard & Co. No 40 Buffalo-st. arcade have "goods suitable for boat furnishing."

--A. M. Badger advertises venetian blind manufacturing.

--Nichols and Wilson Advertise new books-Oliver Twist, Elvira The Nabobs wife, etc.

--Wm. Alling, No. 12 Exchange Street has 3000 pieces paper hangings

--A. B. Brown & Co. offers Muslins De Lanes for sale, No. 18 State Street

-- "Important Inquiry-Have you a cough? Do not neglect it! Thousands have met a premature death for the want of a little attention to a common cold.
"Have you a Cough?
Winslow's Balsam of Horehound will most positively afford speedy relief and save you from that awful disease consumption which at this season of the year makes sure of so many victims among the old, the young, the fair and gay.
"Have you a cough? Winslow's Balsam of Horehound is the only remedy you should take to cure you.
"For this plain reason? That it never faisl to give relief. It may be had genuine of
Wm. Pitkin, Messrs. Hawks L. B Swan & Co., Dr. Maines, J. U. Winslow, Mr. Braithwate, Frankfort and J. H. Winslow, No. 6 on the bridge."

--C. Morse advertises circualting library

--J & J. D. Hawks advertise Dye Stuffs.

--A. B. Brown & Co. advertise "plain and figured Satin Vestings," No. 18 State.