Town Of Lee, Oneida County, New York | Odds and Ends |
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Anken Homestead - Owned by Mrs. C. Anken, P.O. address, Lee Center. Embraces two hundred and fifty acres. Its products are marketed at Rome and consist of corn, potatoes, buckwheat, oats, etc.
One of the leading features of the farm is its fruit, consisting mostly of apples, there being two large orchards in which will be found the best varieties, especially for winter use. Pears, plums and grapes are also cultivated. Its stock department embraces usually about fifty head, mostly young stock, four horses, about twenty head of swine and considerable attention is given to the poultry industry. It embraces about two hundred white Plymouth Rock hens. It requires on an average two hundred acres of meadow and pasture for its stock, only about twenty acres being devoted to soil products. Its timber lot embraces fifty acres, mostly hemlock, spruce, birch, maple, beech, walnut, etc.
The water supply is unusual, even where springs and brooklets abound. Spring water is introduced into all buildings. A never-failing creek traverses the entire length of the farm.
Its building improvements are extensive and include a large two-story frame house, stock barn, 90 X 40, horse barn 36 X 26, cheese factory 20 X 35, pig sty 24 X 30, one hen house 36 X 14, and one of two stories 16 X 24 feet. The ice house and cheese factory are also two stories.
The topography of the farm shows a very level tract with a southern exposure affording a natural drainage and an unobstructed view of a large portion of the surrounding country, including Oneida Lake, sixteen miles distant.
The present owner has resided here since 1861, having purchased one hundred acres from Gilbert Thomas. In 1866, thirty acres were purchased from Lorenzo Brainard. One Hundred and twenty acres, known as the "Capron Farm," were purchased in 1882, making up the total of the farm's acreage.
The Fraser Farm - Now owned by W. D. Denison. Was first owned by C.E. Fraser in 1874.
Its present industries consist of a fine dairy, the culture of fruit - mostly apples - and the usual soil products, principally oats, potatoes, and buckwheat. There are fifty acres in meadow and one hundred and sixty in pasture land, also a timber lot of about ten acres of different varieties.
The water supply is from springs.
Its farm improvements consist of a one and one-half story residence, stock barn 30 X 60 and a large horse and carriage barn.
The total acreage of this farm is two hundred and thirty and Mrs Denison's address is Lee Center, R.F.D. No 1.
Spring Brook - Owned by W.G. Denison, is located on the North and South Road through Delta.
It contains one hundred and forty-seven acres, and while adapted to the production of grains and vegetables common to this section, its meadows, pastures, and the fine dairying and stock raising, constitute the chief industry of the farm. Aside from these, fruit culture receives considerable attention. About thirteen acres are annually set aside for soil products and there are seven acres of pine and cedars.
Spring brook running through the center of the farm, and wells at the house, furnish an ample water supply. An example of the farm's resources, one hundred tons of hay have been cut from thirty-eight acres, and eighty bushels of oats per acre harvested. The farm is named from the spring brook coursing through the entire length.
In building improvements, it ranks among the best of Lee's fine farms, and includes a large brick mansion erected in 1833; barn 64 X 44 erected 1863; a horse and carriage barn, pig sty, hennery and ice house.
The farm's soil is a gravel loam, and mostly river bottom, hence extremely fertile.
The farm was in the possession of Anson Dart in 1833. In 1858 it was purchased of Asa Hartshorn, M. G. Philips and John E. Dunham by George T Denison, the title passing to W. G. Denison, 1873. Mr. Denison's address is Delta, N.Y. He was born in the Town of Floyd in 1841, settled in Delta, 1858, and on the farm, 1874.
Evans Homestead Consists of one hundred and seventy acres, owned by Rev. E.V. Evans, whose address is Lee Center. It is located on the Lee Center Route to Rome via Hawkins Corners. Rome is also its principal market, six miles distant.
This is one of the fine farms of Lee, its soil being adapted to general products; although its chief industry consists of its fine dairy of Holsteins and the raising of young stock, an average of one hundred and forty acres are in meadow and pasture and twenty acres are in general soil products. The remainder of ten acres is in a timber lot of hard and soft-wood.
Its water supply is more than abundant and includes a spring creek which is never failing and never freezes, this creek crosses the farm's meadows. West Canada Creek forms one-half of the southern boundary and there are drilled wells located at the residence and barns. It may be said that the water supply is a noted feature of this homestead.
It is named in honor of the Evans family. Its group of buildings include a frame two and one-half-story residence, two dairy barns 35 X 45 and 30 X 40 respectively - the latter containing a basement stable - also a horse barn and carriage house 25 X 50, a pig sty and granary. These improvements are in fine condition.
The farm's surface is more or less undulating with a general southern exposure. The north portion has more of an elevation than the southern portion, and contains a gravel soil devoted mostly to pasture. The southern portion forms the river bottom and is devoted to hay raising.
The first settler whose name is obtainable was George Sheldon who built a residence in 1836. He was followed by Mason Smith, the latter by William V. Evans, father of the present owner, who purchased January 1, 1876, and the present owner January 1, 1885.
Pleasant View - "Pleasant View" numbers one hundred and twenty acres, owned by J.H. Evans, whose address is Lee Center. It is located on the road from Lee Center to Taberg, nine miles from Rome, its principal market.
While this farm is adapted to general farm products, the raising of hay is one of the features. Varieties of fruit are cultivated, and a flourishing dairy of Holstein cows completes the farm's resources. One hundred and three acres are usually devoted to hay and pasture for stock, leaving twelve acres for soil products and five of a second growth of timber. Springs, wells, and a brook which crosses a portion of the farm furnishes a never-failing water supply.
Its name is thoughtfully chosen, as the view from a central elevation is most picturesque and interesting. From this elevation, north of the brook, there is a gravel soil. The lower portion or south part of the farm bordering on the brook is a black loam or muck and very fertile.
There are two sets of buildings on either end of the farm. Those located on what is known as "Pleasant View" are in the best possible condition and neatly painted, etc. The out- buildings consisting of a main barn 36 X 48, a basement horse barn 24 X 26, a store barn attached to main building 22 X 36. The residence is commodious with wood-shed and kitchen attached. In addition to above there is a hennery and pig sty 14 X 26.
This farm, or a portion of it, was settled in 1800, by Asa Star, who continued its possession until 1870. He was followed by Osias Hall, who retained ownership from 1870 to 1874; Philo Collins 1874 to 1878, when it passed to the present owner, J.H. Evans who purchased it April 24, 1878.
Meadow Brook Farm Is bounded on the north by Taberg Road and on the east by the Rome-Turin Road, twelve miles from Rome, its principal market. It numbers forty acres, and is owned by Leroy C. Hartson, whose address is West Branch.
Hay, grain and vegetables and a small dairy are the chief resources. Although small in acreage , it has a fertile soil and nearly forty acres of fine meadow and grazing land. Its water supply is sufficient for the largest farm in town. There are no less than three running brooks, a number of springs and flanked by the Mohawk River. In fact its name is derived from its spring brooks.
Its building improvements consist of a good residence, a basement cow barn, horse barn and carriage house, all of which are kept in the best of repair.
The topography of the farm embraces river flats and a sloping pasture adorned with a small maple-sugar grove.
Mr. Hartson was born in the town of Western, March 14, 1873. He purchased the present farm in 1902. He is at present in the employ of the Government as a mail carrier on the Rural Deliveries. His family consists of a wife and two children.
John Marsh Farm - Consists of ninety-eight acres, and is owned by John Marsh. It's location is Lot 80, Fonda's Patent. Its markets are Rome, seven miles distant, and Lee Center, one mile distant.
Peas, corn, and oats are the principal soil products, but the chief resources are found in its dairy of Holstein cows, horses and young stock. An annual average of eighty-seven acres are in meadow and grazing, and some twelve acres are devoted to soil products. Its timber supply consists of about three acres, mostly maple. Four wells, two at the residence and two at the barn, and Canada Creek crossing a portion of the farm, give a never-ending water supply. In 1906, one acre of early peas netted $55.00, and a later variety $93.00.
Mr Marsh is one of the enterprising farmers of his town as indicated by the improvements he has made. The present fine residence was erected in 1898 and a stock barn in 1899. The first owner or settler was Allick Wigams. George Utley in 1849, followed by his son Filmore Utley, who in turn, sold to his brother, Charles Utley. Dates of sale not given.
Marsh Homestead. "Marsh Homestead" is located on Lot 80, Fonda's Patent. It consists of seventy-eight acres and is owned by John Marsh, whose address is Rome, R. F. D. No. 6. Its principal market is Rome, N.Y., seven miles distant, and it is only one mile from the village of Lee Center.
General soil products common to this section, a small apple orchard and a flourishing dairy of Holstein cows, with some young stock and horses make up its general resources. There are usually forty acres in meadow, thirty-five in grazing land, and about ten acres devoted to soil products, to which may be added three acres of hard timber, mostly maple. Running spring water is supplied to buildings and stock, there being two hydrants at the residence and two at the barn.
The improvements consist of a residence erected in 1875, and a commodious barn in 1873.
The record of ownership is as follows: John Smith (first settler, 1836) followed by David Putman, followed by Augustus S. Potter, son-in-law of Potter, who sold to James Marsh in 1865 and who resided here until his son, John Marsh, the present owner, came into possession, having purchased the interests of his mother, Eliza Marsh, and brother, Thomas Marsh, and wife, Carrie, in 1892. Mr. Marsh was born November 10, 1866, on the farm he now owns (1907).
Mathis Farm - Is located on parts of Lots 45 and 49, on the highway from Lee Center to Point Rock. It contains one hundred and four acres, owned by Joseph Mathis, whose address is Lee Center, N.Y., R.F.D.
Its principal market is the city of Rome, ten miles distant. Corn, oats, potatoes, and hay are standard crops. Considerable attention is given to the cultivation of apples and the commanding feature is doubtless its dairy of fifteen graded cows. The main portion of the farm, or about ninety acres, is in meadow and grazing land. There are ten acres of timber, mostly beech, birch and maple. The water supply is almost exclusively from springs. The building improvements include the farm residence, stock barn 26 X 40, with stanchion room for twenty head, a horse barn, shop, pig sty, etc. The buildings are in the best of repair.
The settlement here was in 1880 by Josiah Cushman.
Mathis Homestead. Numbering one hundred and eighty-four acres is also owned by Joseph Mathis. It is located on parts of Lots 35, 40 and 45. Its market is similar to "Mathis Farm."
Its soil products are also similar, but in the fruit department grapes and plums are cultivated to some extent. The dairying interest, however, is much more extensive, compromising thirty-five head of cows and a number of horses, and one hundred and sixty-four acres are in meadow and pasture. Its timber lot of twenty-four acres includes beech, birch and maple. Spring water is supplied to stock and buildings. The building improvements are also more extensive and include a residence, horse barn 26 X 50, stock barn 30 X 100 - with stanchions for forty-five head - granary and pig sty.
W. Nisbet is recorded as the first owner, followed by N. Wentsworth and the Rome Savings Bank.
Pritchard Homestead. This farm is the property of C.E. Pritchard, P.O. address Lee Center, R.F.D. No 1, comprising two hundred and forty-five acres. Its products are marketed at Rome, eleven miles distant.
The usual soil products of this section, dairying and fruit culture are its chief industries. Its dairy comprises thirty-seven graded cows, There are seventy-five acres in meadow, one hundred and twenty in pasture and fifty acres of timber, including beech, birch, maple, etc. Never-failing spring water is supplied to stock and buildings.
Its name is in honor of the Pritchard family, who have been in possession since 1854. George Bingham settled here in 1850. He was followed by Ebenezer Pritchard who was in possession from 1854 until 1902. A convenient residence, horse barn 20 X 40, stock barn 32 X 80 with stanchions for forty-eight head, and the shop and granary make up the building improvements. Other improvements including fencing, are on a par with its buildings.
Maple Grove - Is owned by Mary L. Pritchard, P.O. address Lee Center. It contains fifty-four acres, located on the road from Lee Center to Point Rock, two and one-half miles distant from a good market.
The farm is mostly devoted to grazing and grain raising and its stock department includes cows, horses and sheep. Fruit culture is a special feature. With the exception of four acres in timber, the farm is given over to meadow and pasture. Never-failing spring water gives an abundant supply for use of stock and buildings.
The first settlement was made in 1812, by Warren Adams, coming into possession of the present owner in 1883 (1907). Buildings, fencing and other improvements are of the best.
Grand View Stock Farm - Consists of one hundred and forty-five acres. Owned by Jacob Ritter, P.O. Address, Lee Center. Its location is lots14, 15, and 20, Scriba's Patent, nine miles from Rome, its principal market.
Its soil products are general. The special features being fruit culture and its fine dairy including young stock and horses. There is an average of fifty acres of meadow, and sixty-nine of pasture and twelve of soil products, in addition to which there are fifteen acres of hardwood timber. There is hardly a portion of this farm but that is watered by never-failing springs. An added source of profit is its gravel bed consisting of coarse gravel much in use.
The farm's name is selected from the splendid view of the Mohawk and country to the south. Rome and Oneida Lake are in plain view when the weather is favorable. Its building improvements consist of two residences, barns and out-buildings, all in good repair.
The farm is almost entirely fenced with wire. This may be considered one of the fertile farms of the town. It has southern exposure and natural drainage. Much of the soil is gravelly loam.
John Forgeon so far as known, was the first settler, followed by a Mr. Martin. The present owner came into possession into 1899 (1907).
Mineral Spring Farm - Owned by Mrs. Eliza Scothon, address Lee Center, N.Y. Numbers thirty acres. The farm is bounded by the east by South Street (Lee Center) and on the north by School Street.
Its soil products are marketed at the Rome Canning Factory, about four miles distant. Corn, potatoes, peas, oats, and celery are chief among its soil products, about ten acres being set aside for these. Its dairy consists of graded Holsteins and Jerseys and an average of twenty-five acres are in meadow and pasture. Spring brook furnishes an abundant supply of water. Noted crops are as follows: Three hundred bushels of potatoes from one and one-forth acres; Five tons of hay on one and one-fourth acres; The corn on nine acres was once sold for $500.00.
The farm's name was derived from a mineral spring located on the premises. All buildings are in excellent repair. About twenty-nine acres of this farm form a highland, and there are ten acres of muck land.
William Parke was the first settler. Date not obtainable. He was followed by William A Parke in 1890.
Judge Robbins Homestead. This farm numbers one hundred and fifty acres, located on Lots 8 and 3, Bayard's Patent. The owner is M.B. Smith, address Delta, N.Y.
Its nearest market is Rome, seven miles distant. The soil products include those common to this section of the State. Apple culture is one of the features of this farm, there being five acres of grafted fruit. The dairy industry is also well developed, requiring seventy-five acres of pasture for its stock and forty acres of meadow. About ten acres are annually devoted to soil products. There is a splendid timber lot of twenty-five acres consisting mostly of hardwood. The water supply is obtained from three brooks crossing the farm and a good spring and well at the residence.
Its name is in honor of Judge Robbins, a former citizen who resided here in 1838. A frame two-story building and a commodious barn make up its building improvements. The farm has a southern exposure and fertile soil.
Ebenezer Robbins came into possession of this farm April 11, 1838; J.H. Sly, February 28, 1864; Eliza F. Sly, February 14, 1896; The present owner (1907) February 28, 1898. Mr. Smith was born in North Bay, July 17, 1860, from thence he came to Quaker Hill when eight years of age. He has resided on a farm until 1891, when he purchased a grist mill at Delta on the east side of the river. In 1905 , he erected a mill on the west side of the river which he is now operating (1907).
Elm Hill Farm Consists of one hundred and seventy acres, and is owned by J. A. Streun, P. 0. address, Lee Center. It is located on what is known as the Six Thousand Acre Tract, Township No. 1, Scriba's Patent, Lot 54.
Rome', ten miles distant, is its principal market. Grain, vegetables and buckwheat are its principal soil products. Its fruit varieties are apples, pears, plums and berries. Dairying is one of its features, but sheep, horses and young cattle also enter, into its stock department. One hundred and thirty acres are in meadow and pasture; forty in soil products and sixteen acres of timber, including hemlock, maple, beech, etc. Its water supply is convenient and abundant, furnished mostly by springs and wells.
Its building improvements are classified as follows: residence, 20 x 28, stock barn 40 x 80, horse barn 30 x 42, sheep barn 20 x 26, shed 16 x 40, and a shop 16 x 80. Its soil is a mixed gravel and clay; its surface rolling.
The first settlement was made in 1800 by Elijah Ward. He was followed in 1856 by John Streun, Sr., and he, by John A. Streun, 1899-the present owner who was born in the town of Lee in 1862. His parents were natives of Switzerland.
Swancott Homestead. This farm is owned by D. Swancott, whose address is Lee Center. It consists of ninety-two acres. The residence is located in the village of Lee Center.
Rome, eight miles distant, is its principal market and its chief soil products are hay, corn, potatoes, etc. Special features of this farm are its draught horses and Holstein and Jersey cows. The former are raised for the market. The working capacity of the farm is divided into seventy-six acres of meadow and pasture, and sixteen acres to soil products. West Canada Creek forms its eastern boundary, while Scothon Springbrook crosses the northern portion of the farm, these, with two never-failing wells at the residence, furnish an excellent water supply.
The name is in honor of the Swancott family who have been in possession since 1874. Its building improvements consist of four dwellings, all in the best of repair, and several barns for stock and grain purposes. While the topography of the farm is mostly level, there is a gentle sloping to the southeast.
A Mr. Young was the first settler so far as known. He was followed. by Mr. Odell, succeeded by Dr. Pratt, and later by W. Coo k . It was purchased by the present owner in 1874. Mr. Swancott is also engaged in the lumber business, owning a mill in Lewis County. It is claimed that the first frame house in the town of Lee was erected on this property.
Fish Creek Farm. Number four of this group of Toomey's farms, comprising ninety acres, located on the road from Lee Center to Taberg, Rome supplying its principal market.
There are seventy acres in meadow and grazing land, eight acres in soil products, and twelve acres covered with beech, birch, maple and hickory timber. Fish Creek, after which the farm is named, and numerous springs, supply an abundance of fresh water for stock and buildings.
The improvements of these farms are in good condition both in buildings and fencing and are in every way creditable to the owner whose modesty prevents any personal mention.
Maplehurst. This farm of sixty-three acres, as also the group of farms which follow, with their respective names, are owned by G.W. Toomey (1907), whose P.O. address is Lee Center.
All of the farms are devoted to general soil products, dairying and fruit culture. Corn, oats and potatoes being the principal soil products. The stock department comprises cows and young stock. Maplehurst is located one and one-half miles west of Lee Center on the Taberg Road, with Rome as its principal market. About fifty acres are devoted to pasture and meadow land, and the remainder to soil products. Its water supply is obtained from springs and is abundant.
Brookside. Another of Mr. Toomey's farms, comprising thirteen acres, is located on the cross road from Eames Corners to Brookfield. Its principal market is Rome, N.Y. It is watered by Mitchell Brook.
Toomey Stock Farm. The third of Mr. Toomey's farms, comprising one hundred and thirty-seven acres, is located on the road from Lee Center to Taberg, in the Town of Annsville. Its products are similar to those of "Maplehurst" and about one hundred and twenty-seven acres are devoted to meadow and pasture, the remainder to soil products. Its water supply is obtained from the creek passing through the senter of the farm.
Wilkinson Homestead- Consists of one hundred and fourteen acres. It is located on Lots 10, 14 and 15, Matchins' Patent, one mile east of Lee Center, which is. the P. 0. address of its owner, P. A. Wilkinson.
Rome is its chief market. This farm was settled at An early day by Richard Bainbridge, followed by Harvey D.. Spencer, and as early as 1833 we find Albert J. Wilkinson in possession and so continued until 1900 when it became the property of the present incumbent. Mr. Wilkinson was born near his present abode, October 26, 1839. He married Lydia Somers, January 15, 1863, and they have one son, A. F'. Wilkinson, now practicing law in Camden, N. Y.
This is one of the good farms in the town of Lee and second to none in its soil and general farm products. In addition to the usual varieties of grains and vegetables cultivated in this section of the state, fruit culture, dairying and stock raising are features. It requires eighty acres of meadow and pasture lands for its stock and hay product, leaving about fourteen acres under cultivation and twenty in the timber lot, which embraces mostly hemlock, maple, beech and ash. Springs and brooklets give a never-failing supply of pure water for fields, stock and home use.
Its name is in honor of the Wilkinson family who have been in possession for seventy-five years. Building improvements include a large two-story residence, tenant house and three barns. The farm's surface is rolling and ornamented by maple groves.
Mr. Wilkinson has served his town as justice' of the Peace for the past eleven years.