Town Of Lee, Oneida County, New York | Cemeteries |
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On the following pages you will find some background information, location, and photos of the some of the cemeteries. A current transcription is also included for each cemetery. The transcriptions were taken from the actual tombstones and we have attempted to provide as accurate a reading as possible. As with any research, the information obtained from these listings should be used as a guide and verified personally before entering it in your family files.
Belcher Road Cemetery, (aka) Smith Burial Grounds), Belcher Road
Eames family Cemetery, Lee Center-Taberg Road
Evergreen Cemetery, Route 26 (Turin Road), Stokes
Graves Family Cemetery, Thomas Road
Hall Cemetery, Point Rock Road
Lee Center Cemetery, Thomas Road
Lee State Road Cemetery, Rt. 69
Lee Valley Cemetery, Lee Valley Road
Point Rock Cemetery, Sulphur Springs Road
Quaker Cemetery, Rt. 26, Turin Road
Sly Hill Burial Ground, off Sly Hill Road
West Branch Cemetery, off Rt. 26, Turin Road
Cemeteries near the borders of the Town of Lee:
Delta Cemetery, off Driftwood Drive (Town of Western)
Link Road Cemetery, Link Road (City of Rome)
Lorena Cemetery, Lorena Road (City of Rome)