Rock carvings of Idaho 3

Ritual rock carvings Idaho 3

If we cannot interpret some ancient script that does not mean that uneducated people made the script. In fact every script demands for lots of thinking and even that more than one man thinks since script is a kind of convention among a group of people

Rock carvings, Snake River, cartouche, Tutankamun, alabaster egg, Nampa, urn symbol, offer cauldron, high sea ship,

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Lately some Scandinavian scientist told that above 50 degrees latitude is the shaman belt and that concerns even most of both Americas. Perhaps they have never heard about the great stony cultures south of that landmark. Archaeologists and historians prefer big buildings that they can see are culture. Rural wooden culture leaves not much remains. Stony artefacts have not the same value in Egypt and above that shaman belt for some reason. But the primitivity of archaeology and history is not the topic here.

I use a lot of irony here since I get the impression that officially the history of the North American Indians do not go longer back than to the Spaniards. I suppose it is much like in Scandinavia that they believe in the shaman belt lived only primitive beings. The latest to describe them was Adam of Bremen who told about one-eyed, one-footed, head-in-stomach and people with dog head in the far Scandinavia that in fact is above the 50th degree. Dear Adam could blame the Greeks since he copied their texts …and some of the scientist today follow his thread.

I have to mention this because when I now tell about cultural rock carvings no-one would believe that some of them are maybe 4000 years old … I see the same disbelieve here in Scandinavia very often. However we have cultural rock carvings dated by the elevation of land to an age of around 6000 years. That shows that they followed the southern cultures at that time. Other carvings were ere made as soon as the ice left and rock carvings is the oldest art on earth.

It is world-wide custom that citizens and Hollywood describe rural people as lowtech and "behind the angle" as we say in Swedish. The underestimating one is the fool. Some scientist has found that as soon as we draw some figure we also intuitively understand the mathematics of the same. I have met people with very little time at school being skilled professionals later in life. One house-builder calculated the buildings and costs but could not tell how he did it.

We should not underestimate the wisdom and skill of Stone Age people … in fact the great cultures in the Old World was build with simple stone tools to a great extend. On some of the rocks I found a symbol that is like compasses of those days and surely they needed that to draw the perfect circle on next rock.

On top of this crowded rock is the Thunderbird

On this rock is a real mix of glyphs/ symbols without order. Here I use the word "glyph" since they seem to be from a vocabulary of standardised glyphs in a script. However they are not used for running texts. In the early syllable scripts glyphs could be used also as ideograms and whole words.

I have used several cuts from this rock: They show that these rock carvings were made with metal tools. Next question is from where came the tools? We know that at those times the Indus culture was a big dealer in metal. The rock is very hard and they have needed hard tools for the precise grooves. For the Thunderbird see the artice Idaho 2 … but here another cut.

In Middle East the Stormgod was the primer god at this time

 … this glyph is from the Indus Script. Significant is the low wings and I compare it with the Indus Script. Naturally there are many more similarities than this. But it is only natural to begin at this rock since the figure looks primitive.

That is why I compare with the symbol form the same time in India and we can also note that in northern Mesopotamia and Anatolia most of the cities and settlements worshipped the stormgod as one of the most important deities at the time.

The cracked parts of the rocks make all interpreting difficult. Observe the very deep glyph in lower right corner. That must have been done with metal tool at another time.

Randall has sent me pictures of around 30 rocks and from different angels so it is total around 100 pictures. They show a cross-section of the rock-carvings made with symbols and glyphs. It is much like our Scandinavian rock-carvings where we find a few big rock-carvings made as ritual calendars at one occasion and in the same style. Another category is big rocks with a mix of symbols and glyphs perhaps made at different times. Third category is smaller rocks with rock carvings that look like sketching.

In true science we cannot put on a label "uneducated" as soon as we cannot interpret some script as long as we generally mean that script is a sign of "high" culture. It is just contradiction in arguments.

Their problem was how compress a long message shortly on a rock or somewhere else. All kind of script and text compresses reality. The description of our universe would be bigger than the universe. So we have to simplify. The more we do it the more difficult to understand the description. On a rock there is limited space for script in the size we normally see at rock carvings

Our ancestors 6000 years and more back found the general methods of gripping chaos. First step is to give name to known facts or points in the chaos. Chaos is not idle but in motion so we have to decide the path of motion. They call it the Ariadne thread in unknown chaos, but in planned movement it is the timetable completed with the actors and actions to do or follow.

That is why they invented the "suite" with leaders for the moments of time. They made stony monuments especially in West Europe to manifest the decided patterns of life. They "painted" their programme at the night sky as a ritual calendar. The asterisms are real as icons but not as physical facts. They associated myths to the round and the asterisms and got a timetable for the season.

We have to know this as the thread behind unknown scripts. As a matter of facts few of us think about the patterns we are educated to follow. The Church still tells us the ritual year and they decide the dates in the ancient way. All our behaviour follows the same methods and patterns our ancestors figured out.

When describing or measuring chaos we use the method of comparing the unknown with the known and give names from known things. The Sumerians told that once the "thing" gets a name it is not unknown any more. It exists and that is clear and scientific analysing in detail. The Sumerians wrote down the algebraic method in which the balance is the method. We put the unknown on one side and compared the unknown with that. All our measuring technique is using the balance.

In this case it is not possible to solve the script since we do not know the language of the time. In my own province it was possible to solve some bits since the language here surely has been near our present language … or at least near the earliest Old Norse. It was a good help until I understood what it is about. Once we know the topic we can understand the glyphs/ symbols that are based on ideograms, i.e. simplify something known.


This is the rock with bear paws with cross-lines

On this rock we can at least see that the footprints are bear paws since the claws are so long. But still it is not a bear since there are cross-lines so it must be some virtual being. Since we from other rock carvings have the approximate dating we can see it as Bearwatcher. In Scandinavia we have several rocks on the same theme.

As soon as we connect to India we understand why there is three that means trisected moon year. The oblong figures left of the three paws means moons and there are some other glyphs from the Indus Script. We see they tried to merge glyphs to word and that is much like in my province.


There are symbols that seem to be symbolising moon, sun and time and some remains just enigma at this time. It is much the same as mixed rock carvings on Scandinavian rocks with only glyphs, symbols and ideograms.


In the middle Egyptian bronze sickle compared with rock carvings Himmelstadlund Sweden

The figure at the rock we see at left above the shadow. It looks much like the Egyptian bronze sickle. In fact we have in Sweden rock carvings of a time-ship with only the Egyptian bronze sickle as cargo. I think we should see it as that they made a note of the novelty they got in the trade … in this case it is up to us if we want to believe it is possible that some trader brought it to Idaho.

Maybe we should mention an alabaster egg with the cartouche of Tutankamun found at Nampa Idaho

"King Tuts Cartouch was found at Nampa Idaho. Never told exactly where but all indications tells me at Wees Bar. This was found at an undisclosed location so as not to attract attention to Wees Bar I suspect. This was in 1914, way before Carter located his tomb".

Naturally that kind of find ignite imagination and many questions once we skip the presumptions that none had been there before Columbus in America. However I have to get more exact details.

We have been searching for more information and 26 February 2002 I got this message from Randall:
Now to facts, I had spoken to the person whom has Tuts egg, Kathy Kinkaid. Two hours on the matter. No relation to Mr. Kinkaid.
The egg was found in Pocatello, Idaho by her grand mother in 1918, in the hills probably lightly buried for it is the size of a chicken egg. With it is a blue glazed glass type stone probably Fienece.
Please correct the info you had posted on the Idaho web page concerning the egg that I had mentioned. The credit for the correction has been from one Terry Carter. He had read your web page and contacted me telling of our error and went as far as calling Mrs Kinkaid so as I could speak to her personally.

Later I will get a picture perhaps, however Mrs Kinkaid does not want publishing. Maybe I can write a few words about what it could be.

Unfortunately this rock is very cracked

It would have been good to see the entire ornament, but the pot on the ship catches the eyes One swallow does not make a summer … but sure the motif with the "boiler" feed curiosity. We know very little about Chinese high sea ships during Bronze Age. They think they were of the same type as the riverboats with broad cut off stern and stem but higher than at the riverboat.

We do not know anything about a "dragon" in stem. They have found rock carving on Hawaii showing high stem and possibly a dragon. Still we do not know much about the boat in entire Asia. Wee much Egyptian influence in Indian and Polynesian boats of today.

We see some urn-symbols also on the SRV-rocks. The asterism Urn was current as opposite fix star of spring around 2000 BC, i.e. autumn equinox. And it would be the earliest astronomical evidence in Snake River Valley so far. The meaning of the Urn is naturally as container for the harvest alternatively the cauldron for the feast and generally for cooking food. En Celtic myth we have Dagda with the cauldron and the big club. The club was maybe the harvest symbol and the cauldron the winter food.


The urn at right reads "Is in Urn" meaning then time or harvest

It would be natural that the ritual symbol in the sky gave the idea to the cauldron and even the Chinese boiler. They have found some very big boilers for offering. Some of the early Chinese images for asterisms they have in common with India. So it looks like ordinary trade from India to China.

At right in Scandinavia we have some finds of various offer cauldrons and the urn-ship is from a calendar in my province.


At left the LI-tripod from China with typical Shang decoration that reminds much about the early Olmec decorations

Note the Sumo-trousers. To me a figurine like this is a question-mark from the Olmec culture 1200 - 400 BC

Carl Johannessen of the University of Oregon says American peanuts are found in two provinces in China dated to 2300 BC. At this moment we do not know if the Chinese sailed themselves or if traders from the Indus culture were specialised at transpacific trade. The ships in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific are clearly influenced by Egyptian as well as Indian seamanship and culture. We also see that Chinese ritual astronomy have something in common with the Indus culture.

We have little evidence from the early period of this Asia - America connection. But it is enough to make us be careful before we deny categorically that there was any connection before Columbus, I think. I hope future will bring more evidence … as an idea I think of the rock carvings in East Gautland showing a boat and on that a sole Egyptian bronze sickle. It was their way of presenting the novelty

This picture of a high-sea ship is from Mohenjo Daro, Indus and the same period. We know from later times that they were skilled sailors and traded on China. Another seal shows they carried birds on the ship. They used them when they sent them away in search for land.
