Buried in Paul, Idaho
The Minidoka County News, Rupert, Idaho, October 29, 1938 (Front page)
Seized by a sudden circulatory attack when apparently recoveringfrom an illness of three weeks, Mrs. Howard Easton of Paul died at herhome Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock., death being due to a blood clotin the lung.
Three weeks ago Mrs. Easton was taken ill, a hemmorhage from theleft leg placing her in Rupert General hospital. She improved steadilyand after a week's treatment was able to go to the home of her daughter,Mrs. Earl Goode in Rupert, remaining there a week. Friday evening shedesired to return to Paul and felt equal to the trip, expressing a wishto spend the night at the home of her daughter Mrs. Vern Patterson, andto continue to her own home Saturday. This she did and was up and aroundthe house in the early afternoon Sunday when the final attack thatresulted in death two hours later seized her.
Well known in the communiity, a resident of Minidoka County and thePaul vicinity for the past 26 years, Mrs. Easton's death came as a shockto her many friends and neighbors.
She was 64 years of age. Her maiden name was Rilla Bella Runkledaughter of James and Mahala Runkle. She was born Auguat 3, 1874, atSouth Whitley, Indiana. September 22, 1897 Miss Runkle and Howard Eastonwere united in marriage at Beaver City, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Easton came to the Minidoka project from Cambridge,Neb. in 1912, making their home here from that time.
Surviving are her husband, Howard Easton, six children, sixgrandchildren, one brother and two sisters. The sons and daughterssurviving are Mrs. Hazel Patterson, wife of Vern Patterson of Paul; Mrs.Gladys Goode, wife of Earl Goode of Rupert; Charley Easton and ClintonEaston, both of Paul; Laura Mae Easton, teaacher in the Twin Falls publicschools, and Emma Easton of Rupert. The grandchildren are Roscoe andLloyd Patterson; Irene Belle and Buster Goode; Gene Easton and KennethEaston. All of the sons and daughters were at the Easton home at thetime of their mother's death.
Mrs. Easton's borhter, W. A. Runkle of Chilicothe, Mo., was unableto come for the funeral and the address of her two sisters is not known.
Services were conducted at the Methodist church in Rupert at 2o'clock Wednesday afternoon with interment in Paul cemetery underdirection of the Goodman Mortuary. Rev. Albert B. Parrett officiated.
Music was by a quartet, Miss Margaret Scholer, Mrs. I. W. Dspain,Ross Woolford and George Brock in two selections. "Face to Face: and "TheOld Rugged Cross:. Mrs. W. D. Boydston accompanying.
1880 Census
1880 Census - Whitley County, Indiana - June 10, 1880
|d# |f# |name |r|s|Ag|rel |s|m|occu |me|birth |Fath|moth|twp |pg
|135|136|Runkle, James |w|m|40| | |x|Farmer |12|Ohio |Ohio|Ohio|Cleveland|512
| | |Runkle, Mahala |w|f|38|Wife | |x|Keeps House|12|Ohio |Ohio|Ohio| |
| | |Runkle, Samantha|w|f|19|dau |x| | | |Indiana|Ohio|Ohio| |
| | |Runkle, Wally |w|m|14|son |x| |Scholar | |Indiana|Ohio|Ohio| |
| | |Runkle, Viletta |w|f|7 |dau | | | | |Indiana|Ohio|Ohio| |
| | |Runkle, Belle |w|f|6 |dau | | | | |Indiana|Ohio|Ohio| |
| | |Runkle, John |w|m|24|nephew| | |Laborer |12|Indiana|Ohio|Ohio| |
1920 Census
1920 Census - Minidoka County, Idaho - January 29-30, 1920
|sa |h# |Name |rel |h|f|s|r|ag|m|sch|rd |wri|birth |father |mother |trad|type |f# |pg
|121|282|Easton, Howard |H |0|F|M|w|43|m| |yes|yes|Illinois|Ohio |Ohio |Farm|GenFarm|121|14B
| | |Easton, RillieBelle|wife| | |F|w|45|m| |yes|yes|Indiana |Ohio |Ohio |none| | |
| | |Easton, Gladys |dau | | |F|w|17|s|yes|yes|yes|Nebraska|Illinois|Indiana|none| | |
| | |Easton, Charles |son | | |m|w|14|s|yes|yes|yes|Nebraska|Illinois|Indiana|none| | |
| | |Easton, Emma |dau | | |F|w|13|s|yes|yes|yes|Nebraska|Illinois|Indiana|none| | |
| | |Easton, Clinton |son | | |M|w|10|s|yes|yes|yes|Nebraska|Illinois|Indiana|none| | |
| | |Easton, Laura Mae |dau | | |F|w|8 |s|yes|yes|yes|Nebraska|Illinois|Indiana|none| | |
1930 Census
1930 Census - Minidoka County, Idaho - No Date
|h#|f#|Name |rel |h|f |s|r|ag|m |a |sch|rd |birth |father |mother |eng |trade |type |e|w |v |f#|twp |pg
|73|75|Easton, Howard |H |R|Yes|M|w|54|M |21|no |yes|Illinois|Ohio |Ohio |yes |farmer|GenFarm|E|yes|no|66|Paul |5B
| | |Easton, Rilla |w | |x |F|w|55|m |23|no |yes|Indiana |Ohio |Ohio |yes |none | | | | | |Dist 8|
| | |Easton, Clinton |Son | |x |m|w|20|s | |no |yes|Nebraska|Illinois |Indiana |yes |farmer|genFarm|E|yes|no|67| |
| | |Easton, Laura Mae|dau | |x |F|w|19|s | |yes|yes|Nebraska|Illinois |Indiana |none| | | | | | | |
| | |Runkle, Mahala |mother-in-law| |x |F|w|87|wd|16|no |yes|Ohio |United States|United States|none| | | | | | | |