"The BUCHANANS of Buchanan, and of that ilk, are descended from
Gilbert, Seneschal to the Earl of Lennox, who obtained from him,
in the middle of the thirteenth century, a part of the lands of
Buchanan, in Stirlingshire, Scotland, and took his name from
them. The King confirmed these lands by charter to Gilbert's
descendant, Maurice of Buchannane. Alan BUCHANAN, second son of
Gilbert, eighth laird of Buchanan, m. Margaret of Lenney, dau.
of Gillespie of Lenney, who, according to a charter of Alexander
II to this Alan, dated 5th Oct. 1227, held Lenney “by virtue of
a small sword which King Culen (965-70) gave as a symbol to
Gillespie MOIR, her ancestor, for his particular service.” The
BUCHANANS of [p.108] Lenny received a charter from David II,
granting them permission to bear the Royal Lion, in memory of
their great antiquity as “Keepers of the Small Sword” to the
Kings of Scotland. Walter BUCHANAN, through the marriage with a
daughter of Menteith of Rusky, became connected with the royal
house. Sir Alexander BUCHANAN is said to have slain, in 1421, at
the Battle of Bauje-en-Anjou, the Duke of Clarence, and the
clan's war-cry, “Clain Inch,” is said to have come from this
event. Thomas BUCHANAN, the founder of the Maryland family, came
from England and settled in Prince George's Co., Md., in 1760.
He was a brother of Sir Francis James BUCHANAN, who was a
Lieutenant-Colonel of Artillery in the British Army, and who d.
Feb. 1787, and is buried at Bath, England."
son of Joseph B Carrico b. 1778 in Charles Co, MD d. 19 Jun 1833
in Washington Co, KY and Elizabeth Cambron b. About. 1793 in MD
Death: 13 Sep 1837 in Washington Co, KY.
Liza Carrico
Jonathan G Carrico
Sarah L Carrico
Suzy Carrico
Mary Elizabeth Carrico b. 28 Sep 1838 in Green Co, KY
Margaret E Carrico b. About. 1844
William Benedict Carrico b. 1 Apr 1848 in KY
Joseph B Carrico b. 1856
"as for Johns illeg son with Eliz Robards I am still looking for
him I believe John left some land to one of his friends without
mentioning Jesse but I believe he was provided for in a
roundabout way still looking." Fran