
Folk Finders

Large letter Down on the Farm

From: Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf


March 30,1888--A flock of sheep was trying to cross the railroad ahead of a train here a few days ago and a young lamb was caught up by the train and carried 1/2 mile and dropped off unhurt.
Several weeks ago a freight train caught one of Dr. S.A. Marable's sheep, killed and skinned it in such a neat manner that its skin was ready for market without stopping.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


August 22,1885--Mr. Workman the mail carrier from Clarksville to McAllister�s lost a fine mule Tuesday. It died in a few minutes after reaching the latter place.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


R.M. Green lost a fine horse a few days ago from lockjaw.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


June 6,1933--There are two chapters of Future Farmers in the county. The one at Clarksville was organized in 1926 with 36 charter members. Vocational Agriculture having been taught there since 1920.
The other 4-year high school is at Southside, a typical rural community near the borders of Cheatham and Dickson counties. The farms are usually medium in size and often include bottomland for corn and hay with hill for tobacco and pasture. The people, largely descendants of the original thrifty, living in well-kept and attractive homes.
Such a setting is ideal for Vocational Agriculture. The department was organized in 1925 and, under the direction of T.G. Hinton, who took charge in 1927, have grown from 16 students to 39. These boys, in addition to the standard courses, are learning practical co-operation. When they needed a shop they cut logs, had them sawed, and built it. With more help, they got a gymnasium the same way. To encourage dairying, they maintained a cream station until the industry was established. As in the Clarksville school, their projects are largely tobacco, of which they make a superior quality, but feed and livestock are never omitted.
The Future Farmer Chapters of the Adams, Clarksville, Dickson, Southside and Yellow Creek schools met this spring and organized the Black Patch District Chapter. This district chapter will promote contests, fairs, and shows, games, picnics and anything that will make for better acquaintance and fellowship of the schools.

From: Daily Leaf Chronicle


June 26,1901--Henry Davis, the Mail Carrier to Southside, lost a valuable horse yesterday afternoon. The animal became overheated while Mr. Davis was on his way to Southside and died a few hours afterwards from the effect.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


December 11,1918--J.W. Wyatt, the rural route carrier at Southside had the misfortune to lose two horses during the past week. The cause is not known.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


November 27,1931--Virgil Jones of Southside possibly holds the record for slaughtering the largest hog grown in this county in a number of years. Thanksgiving Day the enormous swine imitated the exit of the turkey and fell before the knife. He tipped the beams at 910 pounds, and was only two years old.
Mr. Jones stated this morning that he will sell most of the meat in sausage. He has already begun the arduous task of grinding the meat.
The hog was a purebred Red Duroc, purchased from Lewis Lyle by Mr. Jones.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


August 26,1908--Mrs. Gabe R. Fessey (Jennie) sets great store by her fine turkeys. She had one brood of eighteen, half-grown, that used to wander down the hollow. One evening, they began dropping and were all dead the next day. It was afterwards found that Mr. Fessey had butchered some hogs and carted the entrails down the hollow and failed to burn or bury them, making it necessary to bury the turkeys.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


April 25,1917--Mrs. George McCorkle was planting peas in her garden recently. Unnoticed, her hen followed, picking up every pea in the row. This variety of seed was scarce so she killed the hen, dressed it for the table, recovered the peas, and again planted the peas, getting a fine stand and good promise of a crop. There is nothing like preparedness and frugality.

From: Daily Leaf Chronicle


March 31,1915--Mr. Leslie Lyle lost a fine horse, also Mr. Leslie Davis lost one fine mule and has another sick one caused from eating rotten corn.

From: The Leaf Chronicle


December 18,1902--M.F. Peacher lost a good mule yesterday from blind staggers supposed to have been caused by damaged corn.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


January 22,1932--A certain Rhode Island Red chicken of the Liverworth community evidently gets a thrill out of trying to cross the road but not all the time does it get to the other side.
Wednesday morning, G.B. Plummer and two sons, Paul and Lewis, and a neighbor, Tom Williams, were riding in a car towards Clarksville. Just as they passed through the Liverworth community a red chicken flew in front of the automobile and was caught by the radiator and taken for a ride of some 7 or 8 yards.
At the same hour Thursday morning, the same persons were driving through Liverworth again and approached the same chicken, which tried the same stunt. Instead, he struck the windshield and broke through the glass and fell into the car against the steering wheel.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


December 12,1927--It has been argued that a hen cannot lay two eggs in one day, but the Reverend S.M. Ensor, pastor of the Southside Methodist Church, who raises poultry as a sideline, is prepared to make an affidavit that a fine Wyandotte hen of his flock on last Thursday actually produced two eggs. This must be so, as a minister tells it.
It was a two-in-one freak. The hen, making no more commotion than usual for her kind in producing an egg, laid one which appeared much like ordinary eggs at the first glance. Friday morning, the minister was egg-hungry and had Mrs. Ensor prepare a scrambled-egg breakfast. When this particular hen fruit was broken it was found that within the shell proper there was a small egg apparently fully developed and perfectly shelled. The baby egg was about the size of a dove egg and is still being preserved by the minister. As can be seen the two eggs were a two-in-one preparation, but they were two eggs which were laid in one day by the same hen.

From: Daily Leaf Chronicle


December 28,1901--J.D. Fletcher of Shiloh had a Jersey cow that is quite a curiosity in her way. She will not be three years old till February 1902, yet she has three living calves and all born within about eleven months time. Her first calf was born on January 22, 1901 and on November 29 the other two were born. Mr. Fletcher values her and the calves quite highly as all the calves are heifers.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


July 17,1875--Masten Powers held a successful ratification meeting in a 6x8 room on his premises the other day. Forty-four grown rats suffered martyrdom-the undergrowth not counted. They were after Masten�s bread corn. He will have enough to divide with the rats at gathering time. Some of his land will make over ten bushels to the acre.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


December 4,1928--For more than a year the Smith-Hughes agriculture boys at Southside High School have operated a cream station at the school for the benefit of those in the community not having a means of transporting cream to Clarksville. During the nine month period from October 1,1927 to July 1,1928, they handled more than 1800 pounds of butterfat for which the farmers of the community received more than $700.
No one is urged to bring cream to the station, it being operated for the benefit of those finding a local delivery more satisfactory than carrying the cream to Clarksville. Prices are usually a little below price paid by the Clarksville creamery to have a margin for transportation and other handling cost.
The cream is graded, weighed, and tested by the boys.
T.H. Hinton is the teacher.

From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf


July 23,1844--On the 14th day of September 1844 will be sold on a credit of one and two years between 1300 and 1500 acres of land lying on south side of Cumberland River, Montgomery County, Tennessee -- The land is that on which William Peay resided before his death. It is well watered and will afford three or four good settlements. The soil is well suited to the culture of tobacco. It will be divided into lots which will be retained until the money is paid and personal security will be required. The sale will take place on the premises; persons wishing to examine said land will please call on S. Edmondson, who lives adjoining or on N.H. Allen near Palmyra. Sales in the usual hours by S. Edmondson, N.H. Allen, Commissioners.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


May 30,1874--Our correspondent at McAllister�s Crossroads in this county furnished us the following items:
We have a poor prospect for a crop this year; in this neighborhood there will not be more than 1/4 of the usual quantity of Labor.
13 red foxes, 15 crows, and 4 chicken hawks were killed in this neighborhood last month. The wheat crop is looking very promising.

From: Daily Leaf Chronicle


May 1,1918--The first farm tractor in our neighborhood has been put to use by Mr. P.L. Harned on his farm and it is being used for all there is in it. We hope it will be a success here, for likely the tractor is the coming farm power for level land.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


May 29,1935--Miss Thelma Sullivan, Shiloh, was presented a $10 certificate Tuesday as a reward for keeping the best farm account book in Montgomery County. Lewis Hinton of Salem was awarded 2nd place.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


January 4,1932--According to a tobacco plant toted into the Leaf Chronicle Office this morning, a second crop of tobacco could have been raised in the Marion Community this winter. E.L. Payne, District 4 farmer, was enjoying a ride through the Marion Community Sunday and saw a number of tobacco plants still green and growing in a field on the farm of Ben Bryant near the Dickson County line. The plant showed only slight injury from frost, the edges of the leaves being nipped in places. A full coat of suckers was growing between the leaves and the stalk. This is but one of many freaks of nature discovered this winter brought about by untimely high temperatures.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


February 1,1940--Three hundred farmers observed the tobacco sale on one floor this morning. Picked at random, among those interviewed was A.J. Chambers of Shiloh. �Don�t believe it�s quite as good as last year, but that�s due mostly to the weather.�

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle

23   SALEM

June 3,1930--Two more registered Jerseys have been placed in this county. A.G. Davis of Salem purchased one which has been tested and found with excellent records. C.C. Cocke is the owner of a private registered bull.

From: Daily Leaf Chronicle


March 9,1897--E.V. & Marshall Cunningham have sold their purchases of tobacco, about 60,000 pounds, to the tobacconists of Bellsburg. Their profit is handsome, as their purchases were for only select tobacco.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


September 27,1919--Since the cyclone in other neighborhoods and a good rain here, the farmers are getting quite a bit of tobacco cut, lots of barns are being filled with the weed. Mr. Chandler cut quite a nice bit and then happened to an accident. He scaffolded it (the old way) depending on it not raining and it all fell down. The men had to haul it to the creek and wash the mud off.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


December 16,1931--A suggestion made last Saturday before an audience of some farmers to petition the state legislature to pass a law prohibiting the sale of Paris Green and Arsenate of Lead as a health measure was offered to Agricultural Agent G.G. Wright by C.W. Dinsmore of District 19, it was announced today. The question of how many farmers would be willing to sign such a petition was greeted with cheers.
While Mr. Wright made the inquiry, he was asked to do so by Mr. Dinsmore.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


December 12,1874--At the last meeting of Barton�s Creek Grange #363, the feeling of the members was taken in regard to the tobacco crop of the coming season. Out of 30 members present, 24 were in favor of a small crop. The idea seemed to be to raise plenty of everything else and if they have spare land and time, to raise tobacco. We would like to hear the sentiments of our brother Grangers on the subject.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


October 3,1885--Tobacco is not as good as usual though we are blessed with a very good crop. B. Plummer, and John C. Batson have extraordinary good crops both quality and quantity.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


January 9,1918--Observe Hog Rally Day-Buy a graded or registered pig. I have the Hampshire and the graded Hampshire and Duroc. Let your boy buy a good one for a start. $6.00 to $15.00.
W.F. Freeman, Southside, Tennessee

January 11,1918--Splendid Hog Rally Held--purpose was to get folks to raise production of hogs by 15%. committees to take inventory of county of sows for sale and those available for breeding purposes. District chairmen appointed:
District 13, J.L. Weakley
District 17, Claude Cocke
District 18, N.H. Allen
District 19, Alex Outlaw and Hartwell Marable
District 20, Burrell Allen
District 22, Walter Batson

From: Daily Leaf Chronicle


March 8,1899--M.M. Hussey shipped a carload (by train) of cattle and hogs to Louisville Saturday night. If the cattle dealers continue in the future, as they have in the past, it will soon be a question of where are the milk and butter to come from.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


July 13,1872--J.K. Raimey of the south side had five acres in clover off of which he cut 15 large stacks. The sample he showed us which is an average of the crop measured five feet in length. Barker and Courts of this city funneled the seed.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


November 3,1931--The Cushaw is a good depression breeder if it is grown in size and quantity as Luther Ragan grows it on the farm of S.E. Ferguson is District 19.
One of the biggest Cushaws from the crop in the Yellow Creek bottom was exhibited here a few days ago by Mr. Ragan. It weighs 40 1/2 pounds, measured 43 inches around the large end and was 25 1/2 inches long.
Mr. Ragan and his family have been eating from the crop for some time and expects it to hold out until after Christmas.
He also reports a fine yield of Pumpkins.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


November 20,1875--Mr. Andrew J. Lyle brought in two ears of corn; one weight 1 pound, 13 ounces, the other 1 pound 11 ounces. Mr. Lyle says he has about 800 barrels of corn which is good, though not quite so large as the specimens brought in.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


July 12,1926--Pery-Embry & Co. at Nashville were again the purchasers of a carload of Montgomery County hogs which was shipped this morning from Steele Springs in District 13 by L.A. Heggie. The car, which is the ninth to be shipped by local farmers contained fifty-eight hogs, most of which will probably be graded as tops.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


May 24,1918--There is a pig having six well-developed legs in the Tarsus neighborhood that will be offered for sale at public outcry at Union School Saturday, proceeds to go to the Red Cross Fund. The pig is from a litter of three and seems to be the thriftiest one of the bunch and is from Dr. S.A. Marable�s farm.

From: Daily Leaf Chronicle


October 13,1915--Clyde Vickers has a queer pig about three months old that sucks his cow. The pig took up with the calves and recently took up his habit to such an extent that it had to be put in another lot. There seemed to be no serious objections.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle

37   DISTRICT 16

August 9,1873--Mrs. T.B. Prewitt, who lives in District 16 on the south side of the Cumberland River, informs us last Saturday that a lot of hogs broke into Mr. James Green�s tobacco field and destroyed a part of his tobacco crop by breaking off the leaves and chewing the stalk. We always thought chewing tobacco was a hoggish practice.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


January 24,1880--Messrs. W. H. Fessey, J.O. Myers, P.H. Dillion and L.C. Dillion have lost most all their pork on account of the warm weather. A good deal has been lost in this district and there are several who have not yet killed their hogs. The weather has been very warm and spring-like; warmer than the oldest inhabitant has seen.

From: The Leaf Chronicle


December 18,1902--B.U. Swift and B.J. Corban were appointed delegates to the Farmers� Institute at Dickson and received free passes, but neither attended, presumably though fear of smallpox and the high water in that section.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


January 6,1941--In the biggest 4-H Club and adult farmers tobacco show ever staged in Clarksville which was held at the Association Warehouse on Commerce Street, Saturday, Lonnie Bumpus of Poplar Grove School and L.H. Waller of Lone Oak were champions. Bumpus won the 4-H event with a dark brown wrapper entry. Waller took the adult prize with bright leaf. Both were awarded $5 championship prizes.
4-H winners included:
Cigar Wrappr Groupe Fine Brown Wrapper:
Bruce Corlew, Salem
Cecil McWhorter, Gum Springs
Dark brown Wrapper:
Earl Hinton, Salem
Heavy Leaf, Brown:
Pete Wall, Southside
William Bearden, Lone Oak
Keith Coppage, Southside
Dark Heavy Leaf:
Ray Ferrell, Marion
Bobby Bartee, Palmyra
Thin Leaf Group, Light Color:
Pete Wall, Southside
Marshall Hinton, Salem
William Harrison, Marion
Cecil McWhorter, Gum Springs
Brown Spinner:
Gene Harris, Lone Oak
A.C. Jones, Cunningham
Dark Wrapper:
John Matthews, Southside
Heavy Leaf Brown:
B.H. Waller, Cunningham
John Matthews, Southside
Thin Leaf Light:
John David Harris, Cunningham
Alex Batson, Cunningham
Dorris McWhorter, Cunningham
Charlie Black, Cunningham
Thin Leaf, Brown:
Luther Biter, Cunningham
Thin Leaf, Brown:
Luther Biter, Cunningham
Luther McWhorter, Cunningham
Elton Black, Cunningham

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle

41   EGGS

December 4,1928--On May 24th of this year, T.G. Hinton, Smith-Hughes agriculture teacher at Southside, purchased from the Clarksville hatchery five day old Barred Plymouth Rock chicks. On November 16 the first one laid and before the 24 of November three were laying. It is not unusual for Leghorns and other egg-laying strains to begin laying before they are six months old. Barred Rocks, however, usually do not lay until seven or eight months of age. Mr. Hinton attributes their early maturity to liberal feeding of good mash and to a good supply of skim milk. His old hens averaged 15 eggs per hen in November.

From: Daily Leaf Chronicle


January 28,1897--A few farmers are losing their hogs from some disease, supposed to be cholera.

R.C. Evans killed 100 rats and a mink while tearing down a corn crib this week. Rats have been numerous and destructive this winter, and it is to be hoped more hauls like that can be made.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


July 9,1923--E.R. Gannaway has returned from a ten-day business trip to Dover and Bumpas Mills. He reports a bumper tobacco crop for that section.

From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf


Walter Morrison's cow had two calves a few days ago. He wanted to kill one of them, but they were so much alike he did not know which to kill.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


November 11,1930---Clay Bourne, Montgomery County, secured a yield of 225 bushels of sweet potatoes per acre from a nine-acre field. The crop sold for a total of $2,531.25 which gave him a nice profit above cost of production.

From: Clarksville Democratic


October 21,1882--Mr. John K. Smith, of New Providence, left us a sample of his Irish potato crop, three from one hill weighing 5 pounds, the largest measuring 8 inches in length and weighing 2 pounds. They are of the General Bate Variety.

Mr. John H. Tandy, of New Providence showed us the other day a sweet potato vine in full bloom, beautiful purple flowers, something very uncommon.

Mr. A. Logan sends us a Bate Beet, grown by Robert Wickham, of the solid south side, which weighs 6 pounds. Mr. Logan reports the south side solid for the gallant Bate and honest government and men for the legislature who will stand by their pledges and serve the people, not individual and cliques.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


November 20,1917--The first load of tobacco for the 1917 season was delivered this morning to a loose floor. Mr. Buford Batson raised the tobacco on the farm of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Batson in the 22nd Civil District near McAllister�s Crossroads. Mr. Batson estimated the load at 1,000 pounds including 250 pounds of lugs. The tobacco brought $15 per round and was bought at the barn.

From: Clarksville Star

48   DISTRICT 20

December 16,1924--District 20, so far in the hog-killing season, claims the champion slaughtered swine. Ben (Little Ben) Weems of that district, this week killed a two-year-old Duroc male which netted 800 pounds

From: Clarksville Democrat


May 8,1890--The Farmers� and Laborers� Union meets at Locust Grove Saturday, the 10th. We expect Mr. T.Y. Dixon to meet with us on that occasion.
Respectfully J.E.M.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


May 16,1874--Prospects for the corn crop are not very good now. The ground is getting very hard and dry and many of the farmers have not as yet planted any. The wheat crop looks very fine. I was passing by the wheat field of Major Mavesty the other day and my curiosity led me to get down and measure the height of it. It was four feet and was just beginning to head out. The tobacco plants very nearly have been destroyed by bugs. Many beds were washed away by the heavy rains. There will not be more than half a crop planted this year.

From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf


December 20,1889--The spring-like, balmy weather of the past few weeks has put some of our people in the notion of gardening and Sterling Neblett planted onions and potatoes this week.

From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf


January 10,1890--J.N. Brown, of the McAdow neighborhood is in a quandary whether to use his meat or not. He had 11 hogs in a pen fattening; a dog got among them and bit several; on November 25 he killed ten of the hogs, and since then the remaining hog has died of hydrophobia. Mr. Brown�s meat has not spotted, while the joints of nearly all the meat in the county killed on that day is tainted, if not rotten. To what extent is the sound condition of the meat due to the bite of the dog is another question for inquiring minds.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


August 14,1875--Some of the finest and best watermelons that we have seen and tasted this season were raised by J.W. Attaway.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


May 5,1938--While they may not have the best �laying hens� in the county, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Yarbrough believe they have the �soundest sleepers�.
Wednesday night, Mr. and Mrs. Yarbrough motored four miles from their home in the intersection of Highway 48 and Salem Road. Someone walked around their car, and on the back bumper sat a big Rhode Island Red and a Plymouth Rock hen, apparently unmoved by the dash through the cool night air.
Mr. Yarbrough theorized that the hens which were his, were roosting on the bumper when he drove away from his garage.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


October 23,1875--Mr. John S. Neblett, who is engaged in farming on the old Rogers farm, brought us a specimen of his Irish potatoes last week. Those brought us were extra large Shaker Russets found of fine flavor. We have not seen a better potato this year.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


September 5,1918--Mr. Harris Haynes will begin cutting tobacco this week. Mr. C.W. Baxter is through cutting, I think. You know he has to be first. Mr. A.J. Baxter and Mr. G.S. Talley are trying to keep up with him.

From: Clarksville Daily Tobacco-Leaf Chronicle


January 31, 1895--S.E. Thompson, near Orgain's Cross Roads, brought a peculiar freak of nature to the Leaf Chronicle office this morning in the shape of perfectly formed twin eggs. The eggs are joined together at the smaller ends and are fully developed in every respect. There is no question in the minds of the most skeptical that one hen laid both eggs, and in view of the present high price of eggs, she is a valuable hen to have around as well.

From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf


January 10,1890--M.C. Johnson, of Hampton Station, had two grade jersey calves killed on the railroad last week.

From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf


January 7,1890--Misses Lula Hern, Ludie Edmondson, Minnie & Mollie Foster some of Montgomery�s fairest & prettiest belles, spent Christmas in Stewart County. Their acquaintance is extensive here and the admiration of them is universal.

From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf


January 10,1890--Mr. Pettus, of New Providence, has been around these rainy days buying tobacco. He has bought several crops at $.05.

From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf


January 7,1890--A dog with marked indications of hydrophobia appeared at the home of Reverend Josiah Carneal Sunday afternoon and bit a fine cow before he could be killed.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


December 26,1874--Mr. Henry Lyle presented us with 3 turnips weighing 18 pounds. They are solid and sound to the core, and considering the drought we think they are whoppers. The largest one weighing 7 pounds and measuring 32 inches in circumference.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


May 14,1936-- �He�d be worth more alive than a farm� declared B.T. Hogue, District 13 farmer this morning sorrowfully displaying in the newspaper office the deceased body of a beautiful fowl which at a distance resembled a chicken hawk, at closer range looked like an owl, about the head and feet but with a color which would not fit either. Mr. Hogue shot the bird Wednesday afternoon just after it had flown across his yard frightening the chickens and had lighted in a tree in the yard. He said he had mistaken the bird for a chicken-killer.
"In all my 65 years, including the time I lived in the Cumberland Mountains, I have never seen a bird like it," Mr. Hogue said this morning.
The strange fowl�s body was abut the size of a hoot owl and his wings measured 3 1/2 feet from tip to tip. He was colored a light yellow with gray speckles and his downy body feathers where white.
Mr. Hogue says he might have the bird stuffed and mounted.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


January 4,1890---Mr. J.G. Williams of Palmyra, writer for the Chronicle, says that he has ripe strawberries in his garden and that he gathered enough of this luscious fruit for a fine New Year's dinner. If this has a parallel in history, the Chronicle would like to hear of it.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


January 5,1878--Mr. Andrew J. Lyle killed 44 head of hogs, making 11,130 pounds of pork. Two of the hogs, 21 months old, weighed 900 pounds. The average weight of the total killed was a fraction over 252 pounds.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


July 31,1943---The question: What do you think of the proposal to use German prisoners as farmhands?
The answers:
E.D. Sampson, Hwy. 76 farmer, "I don't like the idea. It wouldn't be a good thing. We have enough Germans here now."
Bobby Turrentine, M.L. Cross Company, "I think it's all right. There's a shortage of farm labor and I imagine the German prison labor would be cheaper. They may as well do some good while they're over here."
J.H. Alley, Guthrie, Rt. 1 farmer, "I think it would be good if they'd keep a strong guard. We surely need the labor, but we don't want them to get away."
E.F. Toler, 526 Eleventh St., "I believe it's a good idea to put the German prisoners to any use we can anywhere. I'm afraid, however, that it will take as many guards as there are laborers."

From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf


January 14,1890--Reverend Lewis Lowe informs the Leaf that the winter of 1820 was just such as this: the pastures were green throughout the winter, stock thrived on little feed, and, just as now, the farmers lost nearly all their pork from the warm weather.

From: The Clarksville


October 9,1857---We are indebted to Mr. Henry O. Wyatt on the south side, for a bottle of molasses, a sample of his manufacture from the Chinese Sugar Cane. The machinery employed by Wyatt is of the simplest character, and the product produced by him is of very superior quality--better, to our taste, than the molasses usually brought here from New Orleans. We hope the success of Mr. Wyatt will encourage others to cultivate the cane and that he will persevere in his efforts to develop its value.

From: Daily Tobacco Leaf Chronicle


June 18,1891---Reverend Lewis Lowe, who has been a Postmaster at Pleasant Mound for a number of years, has resigned his position as such, and also the position of correspondent for the Agricultural Commission on account of failing health. Dr. Jonathan G. Rogers has succeeded Mr. Lowe in both positions. Reverend Lewis Lowe has made an excellent Postmaster at Pleasant Mound, and he has also furnished the Agricultural Department with excellent crop statistics from the county. His wide circle of friends will be pained to hear of his failing health. Dr. Rogers is a capable man and will make a good Postmaster and an agricultural correspondent. The vacancies have been well filled.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


May 10,1916---Mr. Perry L. Harned sent to his farm Saturday, a bull and two heifers of the imported Roan Durham and we are much pleased to have them in our neighborhood. Their combined weight was 2080 lbs.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


October 12,1929---T.G. Hinton, Smith-Hughes teacher at Southside School, this morning in company with six men and boys of his class attended a sale of Jersey cows by C. D. White of Pembroke, Kentucky, who is disposing of all his purebred Jerseys. Mr. Hinton said it is likely that the Southside�s may purchase one or more of the cows. Those attending the sale were Lewis Lyle, J.B. Hagewood, Grafton Dickson, Edwin Lyle, Reuben Hagewood, and Harned Dickson.

From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf


March 7,1890--T.A. McDaniel�s saddle and harness mare out of Maude by Ahue, dropped a fine filly colt by Minglewood last Saturday night. The youngster is a chestnut sorrell like its dame, and is the first born of its promising sire, that perished in the flames when James P. Gill�s stable was burned.

See article #344 in Remembrances of Our Past for complete story of the barn burning.

From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf


March 7,1890--Mrs. Allen has had bad luck with her chickens. A few days ago her servant boy prepared food for the cows, of meal, salt and cattle powders. By mistake the chickens were fed form the mixture, after which twenty, nearly feathered were found dead.

From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf


March 4,1890--W.A. Bobbett had a log rolling Friday afternoon. He is clearing and making ready for farm work.

From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf

75   120 POUND CALF

March 4,1890--Capt. Gracey�s fine Holestein cow, Widow Maloney, milk record sixty-five pounds per day, dropped a bull calf February 14, by Darius S., that weighed 120 pounds. Darius S. has proven to be the finest Holstein breeder ever introduced in this section. This calf is likely to prove the superior of its sire, and will be a prize to any stock raiser who may be so fortunate as to secure it.

From: Clarksville Jeffersonian


December 7,1853---On Monday, we received a turnip, raised by Mr. S.S. Norfleet, of this place, which measured two feet one way and one foot ten inches the other, and weighed six pounds.
This is not quite as large as the one sent to our neighbor, but we think it quite as large as such a vegetable ought to grow.

From: Clarksville Jeffersonian


September 14,1853---We are indebted to Mrs. M�Daniel for the largest peach we have seen this season. Although not of as great dimensions as some, of which our cotemporaries are bragging, we venture to say it was equal to any of them in flavor.

From: Clarksville Jeffersonian


May 25,1853---Mrs. J.A. Trice will accept our thanks for the finest specimen of asparagus we have seen this season. We hgave seen some large specimens of the vegetable, but this beats them all - being nearly four inches in circumference, and about eight inches in length.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


June 3,1872---Barker & Courts have a ham hanging at their front door, which weights 48 lbs. the hog from which it was taken weighted 650 lbs. and was raised by Bud Grey of the South side. This would be a splendid ham to return thanks for.

From: Daily Leaf Chronicle


January 4,1900---Prof. Emery of the �Queen City� was down today looking after the interests of his farm near Corbandale.

M.M. Hussey bought the Fessey farm last week. It would make a fine dairy farm, having a fine spring of cold water near the residence.

From: Daily Leaf Chronicle


January 31,1900---J.L. Green, of District 17, the prospective postmaster of the new post office, Iloilo, was in the city this morning. He reports that the farmers out his way are busily engaged in burning plant beds, and that there is very little unsold tobacco out there now.

From: Daily Leaf Chronicle


April 11,1918---Everybody is preaching, teaching, and singing patriotism, and actually the cattle are beginning to show patriotism, for E.R. Gannaway can boast of having the first patriotic cow to April fool hm April 1 by dropping twin calves, and they are like the Irishman brother, they are so much alike can�t tell which from t�other.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


H.P. Myers has lost two horses caused from eating damaged corn.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle

84   DISTRICT 22

July 16,1918---Mr. Tolert Clark of District 22 has a fine mule severely, if not permanently, injured Sunday morning. The mule was running in a lot in a playful manner when he stuck the sharp end of a large pole lying on the rail fence, which penetrated the head at one corner of the eye to the depth of about six inches. It was though that the animal could not live when the wound was dressed, but it is said that there is a good chance for its recovery.

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle

85   SALEM

October 22,1920---At the county Agricultural Fair in the Community Exhibit Category, 1st place prize of $100 to the Salem Club.

Other laurels were added to the Salem Community in the county Agricultural Salem Community in the county Agricultural Fair when J.H. Cock Jr. won 1st prize in the Boy�s corn club show winning $25---Webb�s Imperial Watson corn. Other winners were:
Summer Neblett--4th place for $6 with Tennessee Red Cob
Vernon Neblett---6th place for $2 with Tennessee Red Cob

From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


July 29,1943---The popular notion that snakes do not kill chickens was dispelled recently when Mrs. Chap Cunningham got a snake with the goods on him at her house on Palmyra Road. Hearing a disturbance in the brooder house just before dark, Mrs. Cunningham investigated. Turning on the light, she found a seven-foot Chicken Snake lying in the corner in 3 coils resembling a small Boa Constrictor. The snake had a chicken in its mouth, which it had swallowed all but its feet, and a chicken rapped in each coil. The snake had squeezed one chicken to death, and was lashing at the others with its tail.
Other chickens in the brooder house had all come out from under the brooder and were gathered around the snake---foolish things, these chickens.
Mrs. Cunningham called her husband who killed the snake with a hoe. Mrs. Cunningham declares that she will never again go to that chicken house after dark.

From: Clarksville Jeffersonian


April 27, 1853---The pond in front of Dr. Castner�s is on the decline--it has been looking sickly for sometime past.

From: Clarksville Jeffersonian


May 25,1853---Mrs. J.A. Trice will accept our thanks for the finest specimen of asparagus we have seen this season. We have seen some large specimans of the etetable, but this beats them all being nearly four inches in circumference, and about eight inches in length.

From: Clarksville Jeffersonian


October 5,1853---The farmers of Aberdeen, Scotland, are said to practice the following method for curing butter, which gives it a great superiority over that of their neighbors.
Take two quarts of the best common salt, one ounce of sugar, and one ounce of common saltpeter; take one ounce of this composition ofr one pound of butter, work it well into the mass, close it up for ose (spelled in newspaper). The butter cured with this mixture appears of a rich and marrowy consistency and fine color, and never acquires a brittle hardness nor taste salty. Dr. Anderson says: �I have eaten butter cured with the above composition that has been kept for three years, and it was as sweet as at first.�
It must be noted, however, that butter thus cured requires to stand three weeks or a month before it is used. If it is sooner opened, the salts are not sufficiently blended with it and sometimes the coolness of the nitre will be perceived, which totally disappears afterwards. The above is worthy the attention of every dairywoman.

From: Clarksville Jeffersonian


December 7,1853---On Monday we received a turnip, raised by Mrs. S.S. Norfleet, of this place, which measured two feet one way and one foot 10 inches the other, and weighed six pounds.
This is not quite as large as the one sent to our neighbor, but we think it quite as large as such vegetables ought to grow.

From: Clarksville Jeffersonian


June 24,1854---Mrs. Hiter will please accept our most sincere thanks for that large and delicious cucumber, she sent us, last Monday noon. It was decidedly the finest we ever saw - measuring eleven inches in length, and six and a half in circumrference, - perfectly green and solid. It was received �just in time,� kind lady, as we had lost our appetite from over exertion at the fire, and nothing could have restored it sooner or more perfectly than did your delicious gift. May your garden ever grow just such vegetables and a long life of health be spared you to enjoy them.

From: Clarksville Jeffersonian

92   CORN

October 11,1854---We have on our table, as fine specimens of corn, grown in this county, this year, as we ever saw. The ears are very large - one of them twelve inches in length - twelve rows, and sixteen kernels to the row, two ears to the stalk. These specimens were taken indiscriminately from a crop of three hundred acres, on the plantation of Mr. I.D. West, at the Yellow Creek Furnace. If all the crops of the country were like this we should have little to apprehend from famine.

From: Clarksville Jeffersonian


November 15,1854---Mr. C.N. Merriwether and Mr. Jonathan W. Barker, of this county, have just received from the East several fine specimens of Devonshire Cattle. One of them took the $100 prize, and the other the $75 prize at the recent State Agricultural Fair of Ohio at Springfield. We were informed it is their intention to import more of the same stock.

From: Clarksville Chronicle


May 6,1845--Our friend, Mr. Arthur Harris, had green Peas from his garden on Thursday last--very early, but not quite the earliest.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


October 9,1857---We are indebted to Mr. Henry O. Wyatt, on the South side, for a bottle of molasses, a sample of his manufacture from the Chinese Sugar Cane. The machinery employed by Wyatt is of the simplest character, and the article produced by him, is of very superior quality - better, to our taste, than the molasses usually brought here form New Orleans. We hope the success of Mr. Wyatt will encourage others to cultivate the cane, and that he will persevere in his efforts to develop its value.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


August 27,1858---We have been favored by Mr. W.F. Fall with a basket of most delicious peaches, grown at his nursery, near town. They are very large; of a beautiful pink and gold color, and very sweet and juicy--in fact, as fine fruit as we remember ever to have seen.
Mr. Fall�s nursery is an enterprise to which he has devoted a large capital, and undivided attention, and it should be sustained by the patronage of the entire community. Every yard, or garden, however small, should have one or more fruit trees in it, and Mr. Fall can supply the very best of every variety. His nursery is situated on the Port-Royal Pike, about two miles from town.

From: Clarksville Chronicle


June 23,1846---A beautiful specimen of this rare flower, commonly called the Rain-bow Cactus, in full bloom, was shown us this morning, from the garden of Mr. John W. Prouty. It is indeed pretty to look upon.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle

98   FRUIT

August 27,1858---We have been favored by our friend H.M. Dudley, Esq., of this county, with some fine specimens of fruit grown by him this year, and among them some Peaches that are superior to anything in the way of fruit that we have seen for many years. We do not know what variety of peach this is, but cordially every one, who gives any attention to the culture of fine fruit, should procure this peach.
Mr. Dudley has, for the past few years, devoted much attention to the cultivation and improvement of fruits, and the result is that he has now the very best of every kind; and it is a real treat to visit his farm, and see to what perfection he has brought the art of farming and gardening. One of the most interesting features of his enterprises is his extensive and well arranged apiary. Sometime ago, we know, he had about fifty large hives, al full of the purest honey.
In addition to these departments of rural pursuits Mr. D. gives much attention to the breeding of fine stock. In a word he has brought great energy to bear in all he has undertaken, and instead of working at hap-hazard, he has operated both in agriculture and horticulture, after the most approved method of experts in those pursuits, and we do earnestly hope that our farmers, generally, will follow his example, and instead of tolling simply to accumulate money will devote some attention to those pursuits which, while they put money in the pocket, do at the same time refine and elevate the taste.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


May 20,1859---We are indebted to Mrs. William Dudley, living a short distance in the country, for a basket of most excellent Strawberries--handed us by our friend, H.M. Dudley. They are a new seedling, a very large, flat shaped, and deliciously flavored berry, raised from the seed by Mrs. Dudley. It is nearly equal in size to McAvoy�s and Peabody�s superior seedling, and more hardy and very prolific. Several competent judges pronounced them superior to any berry they ever saw.

From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle


October 15,1858---R.J. Munford, who resides near Oak Grove, Kentucky, presented us a mammoth Sweet Potato, which measured fifteen inches in length, twelve inches round, and weighing near five pounds. A large family made a bountiful meal off of it--all of them being particularly fond of sweet potatoes.

We have also received from Mr. Frank Phillips, of Chestnut Hill Farm, a potato, measuring about 28 inches in length, and weighing within a fraction of five pounds. These two specimens, varying much in shape, and somewhat in family, are hard to beat.

Mr. G.J. McCauley, Esq., sent us, as a present, a splendid sample of the white yam potato, but as we were just going to press, had to omit measure and weight.

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