91st PA--letters and orders, 1 October 1863

Letters and orders, 1 October 1863

[source: regimental orders book]
[see consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 1 Oct 63, which does not include all these promotions]

Head Quarters 91st Regt. Pa Vols.
Octbr 1st 1863
Special Order No 99

The following promotions are hereby made in Co "A" to take effect this day

SergeantJames Simpsonto3rd Sergtvice Gordon in In. Corp
CorplWm Beaverto4th Sergt" Simpson promoted
PrivateJos. Andrewsto5th Sergtto fill vacancy
CorplSimeon Zaneto1st Corplvice Beaver promoted
"John Biddleto2nd "" Zane "
PrivateJacob Fisherto3rd "to fill vacancy
"William Jeffriesto4th "" " "
"Arthur Blomlyto5th "" " "
"Wm Hoffmanto6th "" " "

By order of
E. M. Gregory
Col Commdg

H. W. Shipley
Actg Adjt

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revised 31 May 02
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