William Ray1
M, d. before 7 May 1787
Edith N. Read
F, b. 29 March 1884
Rebecca Read
F, b. circa 1852
- [S305] Captain, Supply Corps, U. S. Navy (Ret.) John Wesley Haines, A Quaker Family of Burlington County, New Jersey Since 1682, p 100.
(?) Rebecca1
F, d. before 1798
Marriage* | | (?) Rebecca married Ira Brooks, son of David Brooks and Elizabeth Parker.1 |
Death* | before 1798 | (?) Rebecca died before 1798 at Bowentown, Salem, New Jersey.1 |
Married Name | | Her married name was Brooks.1 |
Elizabeth Redding1
Marriage* | | Elizabeth Redding married Harry Grace. |
Married Name | | Her married name was Grace. |
- [S119] George Millard Personal records, George Millard.
Thomas Redman1
(Witness) Land Sale | 11 March 1800 | Thomas Redman witnessed the land transaction of William Howey and William Holmes on 11 March 1800 at 4 tracts totaling about about 195 acres, Woolwich Twp., Gloucester Co., New Jersey; tract 1 is the same 180 acres acquired from father Robert on 31 March 1788.1,2 |
(Witness) Land Sale | 11 March 1800 | Thomas Redman witnessed the land transaction of William Holmes and William Howey on 11 March 1800 at two tracts totaling 178 acres, Deptford Twp., Gloucester Co., New Jersey.3 |
- [S181] Gloucester Co NJ Deeds on microfilm: Gloucester County Deed Book O pg. 97-100 dated March 11 1800 recorded June 19, 1810.
Indenture William Howey and wife Ann, of Woolwich Twp., Gloucester Co., of the first part and William Holmes, Deptford Twp., Gloucester Co., yeoman. For 2325 pounds. Four tracts of land and meadow ground in Woolwich.
First, abuts Oldmans Creek, Robert Howey's 25 acres, Avis' Run. 180 acres agreeable to the survey done in 1773.
Tract as described in Robert Howey deed of 31 March 1788.
Second tract, meadow ground called The Island on Oldmans Creek abuts Henry Louderbacks meadow. 3 acres more or less. Deed from John Lauderback and wife Amy 18 Mar 1791.
Third tract, abuts Oldmans Creek Bridge on the Salem Road, Martin Halls Lot, said Howey other land. 10 acres 2 roods and 18 perches. Deed from Joseph Eastlack and wife Hannah to William 3 Jan 1799.
Fourth tract, abuts Oldmans Creek, Salem Road. 3 roods and 10 perches. Deed from Martin Halls and wife Jane 9 Nov. 1799.
Signed and sealed by William and Ann Howey. Witnesses Thomas Redman and Thomas Redman Jnr.
- [S181] Gloucester Co NJ Deeds on microfilm: Date Abstracted: 28 August 2002
Compiler: Robert T. Howey
Address: 9963 Bridle Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19115
County: Gloucester
State: New Jersey
Deed Book: O
Page: 97 - 100
Grantor: William Howey, yeoman, and wife Ann
Grantor Residence: Woolwich Twp., Gloucester Co., NJ
Grantee: William Holmes, yeoman
Grantee Residence: Deptford Twp., Gloucester Co., NJ
Date of Deed: 11 March 1800
Date Recorded: 19 June 1810.
Consideration: 2325 pounds
Signature(s) or Mark(s): William Howey (seal) and Ann Howey (seal)
Witnesses: Thomas Redman and Thomas Redman Jnr.
Four tracts of land and meadow ground all in Woolwich Twp.
First tract beginning at a hickory stump at Oldmans Creek, thence N 45° 32' E 51 chains and 50 links to a corner of Robert Howey's 25 acres, then by the same N 45° W 35 chains and 20 links to Avis' Run thence down the run ca. 33 chains to a post corner to lands late James Avis's and George Avis's thence N 71° W 1 chain and 81 links to a black oak, thence S 41° 30' W 6 chains to a white oak thence S 40° 30' W three chains and 42 links, thence S 49° E 80 links thence S 45° E 3 chains and 25 links, then S 42° W two chains and 2 links, thence S 12° E 2 chains and 50 links thence S 40° W 50 links to Oldmans Creek aforesaid thence up the creek to the point of beginning . 180 acres agreeable to the survey done in 1773. Same tract conveyed by deed of gift on 31 Mar 1788 by Robert Howey to his son, the said William Howey.
Second tract, meadow ground called The Island on Oldmans Creek. Beginning at a creek or gut and running up the several courses thereof bounding on Henry Louderback's meadow to the main branch of Oldmans Creek thence running down the creek bounding by the several courses thereof to the place of beginning . 3 acres more or less. Same tract John Louderback and Ann his wife conveyed by deed 18 Mar 1791 to William Howey.
Third tract beginning at the foot of Oldman's Creek Bridge in the Salem Road and N 21-1/2° E 3 chains and 12 links thence N 34° E 10 chains to a corner of Martin Hall's Lot, thence by said lot S 62° E six chains and 50 links to another corner of Martin Halls lot in the Ditch being on the line of said Howey's other land thence by the same S 42-1/2° W 3 chains and 90 links to a white oak in the hill side thence S 43° W 3 chains and 37 links to a corner in the hill side thence S 49-3/4° E 3 chains and 25 links crossing the Branch to a small black oak thence by the hill side S 42° W 2 chains and 2 links (?) thence S 12° E 2 chains and 50 links thence S 40° W 50 links to Oldmans Creek thence down the same by the several courses to the place of beginning. 10 acres 2 roods and 18 perches. Same tract conveyed by Joseph Eastlack and wife Hannah to William Howey 3 Jan 1799.
Fourth and last tract beginning at a hickory sapling by the edge of Salem Road and runs from thence S 70° 30' E 7 chains and 10 links to a Spanish oak sapling thence S 42° 30' W one chain 87 links to a post by the edge of Ditch thence N 61° 30' 6 chains 50 links to the aforesaid road thence bounding on the same 60 links to the place of beginning. 3 roods and 10 perches. Same tract conveyed from Martin Halls and wife Jane to William Howey on 29 Nov 1799.
Other Pertinent Information:
Release of dower: Ann, wife of William Howey, 11 March 1800.
- [S181] Gloucester Co NJ Deeds on microfilm: Gloucester County Deed Book G pg. 14-17 dated March 11 1800 recorded 14 May 1803
Indenture William Holmes and wife Lydia, Deptford Twp., Gloucester Co. and William Howey of Woolwich Twp., Gloucester Co., For 2000 pounds. Two tracts in Deptford, Gloucester Co. First tract abuts Hillmans land, Joseph Clement, Abel Clement, Timber Creek, Allmanysing Branch, Edward Lucas, former land of William Lucas. 87 acres, second tract 91 acres.
Signed and sealed by William Holmes his X mark and wife Lydia her X mark. Witnesses Thomas Redman and Thomas Redman Jnr.
Thomas Redman Jr.1
(Witness) Land Sale | 11 March 1800 | Thomas Redman Jr. witnessed the land transaction of William Howey and William Holmes on 11 March 1800 at 4 tracts totaling about about 195 acres, Woolwich Twp., Gloucester Co., New Jersey; tract 1 is the same 180 acres acquired from father Robert on 31 March 1788.1,2 |
(Witness) Land Sale | 11 March 1800 | Thomas Redman Jr. witnessed the land transaction of William Holmes and William Howey on 11 March 1800 at two tracts totaling 178 acres, Deptford Twp., Gloucester Co., New Jersey.3 |
- [S181] Gloucester Co NJ Deeds on microfilm: Gloucester County Deed Book O pg. 97-100 dated March 11 1800 recorded June 19, 1810.
Indenture William Howey and wife Ann, of Woolwich Twp., Gloucester Co., of the first part and William Holmes, Deptford Twp., Gloucester Co., yeoman. For 2325 pounds. Four tracts of land and meadow ground in Woolwich.
First, abuts Oldmans Creek, Robert Howey's 25 acres, Avis' Run. 180 acres agreeable to the survey done in 1773.
Tract as described in Robert Howey deed of 31 March 1788.
Second tract, meadow ground called The Island on Oldmans Creek abuts Henry Louderbacks meadow. 3 acres more or less. Deed from John Lauderback and wife Amy 18 Mar 1791.
Third tract, abuts Oldmans Creek Bridge on the Salem Road, Martin Halls Lot, said Howey other land. 10 acres 2 roods and 18 perches. Deed from Joseph Eastlack and wife Hannah to William 3 Jan 1799.
Fourth tract, abuts Oldmans Creek, Salem Road. 3 roods and 10 perches. Deed from Martin Halls and wife Jane 9 Nov. 1799.
Signed and sealed by William and Ann Howey. Witnesses Thomas Redman and Thomas Redman Jnr.
- [S181] Gloucester Co NJ Deeds on microfilm: Date Abstracted: 28 August 2002
Compiler: Robert T. Howey
Address: 9963 Bridle Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19115
County: Gloucester
State: New Jersey
Deed Book: O
Page: 97 - 100
Grantor: William Howey, yeoman, and wife Ann
Grantor Residence: Woolwich Twp., Gloucester Co., NJ
Grantee: William Holmes, yeoman
Grantee Residence: Deptford Twp., Gloucester Co., NJ
Date of Deed: 11 March 1800
Date Recorded: 19 June 1810.
Consideration: 2325 pounds
Signature(s) or Mark(s): William Howey (seal) and Ann Howey (seal)
Witnesses: Thomas Redman and Thomas Redman Jnr.
Four tracts of land and meadow ground all in Woolwich Twp.
First tract beginning at a hickory stump at Oldmans Creek, thence N 45° 32' E 51 chains and 50 links to a corner of Robert Howey's 25 acres, then by the same N 45° W 35 chains and 20 links to Avis' Run thence down the run ca. 33 chains to a post corner to lands late James Avis's and George Avis's thence N 71° W 1 chain and 81 links to a black oak, thence S 41° 30' W 6 chains to a white oak thence S 40° 30' W three chains and 42 links, thence S 49° E 80 links thence S 45° E 3 chains and 25 links, then S 42° W two chains and 2 links, thence S 12° E 2 chains and 50 links thence S 40° W 50 links to Oldmans Creek aforesaid thence up the creek to the point of beginning . 180 acres agreeable to the survey done in 1773. Same tract conveyed by deed of gift on 31 Mar 1788 by Robert Howey to his son, the said William Howey.
Second tract, meadow ground called The Island on Oldmans Creek. Beginning at a creek or gut and running up the several courses thereof bounding on Henry Louderback's meadow to the main branch of Oldmans Creek thence running down the creek bounding by the several courses thereof to the place of beginning . 3 acres more or less. Same tract John Louderback and Ann his wife conveyed by deed 18 Mar 1791 to William Howey.
Third tract beginning at the foot of Oldman's Creek Bridge in the Salem Road and N 21-1/2° E 3 chains and 12 links thence N 34° E 10 chains to a corner of Martin Hall's Lot, thence by said lot S 62° E six chains and 50 links to another corner of Martin Halls lot in the Ditch being on the line of said Howey's other land thence by the same S 42-1/2° W 3 chains and 90 links to a white oak in the hill side thence S 43° W 3 chains and 37 links to a corner in the hill side thence S 49-3/4° E 3 chains and 25 links crossing the Branch to a small black oak thence by the hill side S 42° W 2 chains and 2 links (?) thence S 12° E 2 chains and 50 links thence S 40° W 50 links to Oldmans Creek thence down the same by the several courses to the place of beginning. 10 acres 2 roods and 18 perches. Same tract conveyed by Joseph Eastlack and wife Hannah to William Howey 3 Jan 1799.
Fourth and last tract beginning at a hickory sapling by the edge of Salem Road and runs from thence S 70° 30' E 7 chains and 10 links to a Spanish oak sapling thence S 42° 30' W one chain 87 links to a post by the edge of Ditch thence N 61° 30' 6 chains 50 links to the aforesaid road thence bounding on the same 60 links to the place of beginning. 3 roods and 10 perches. Same tract conveyed from Martin Halls and wife Jane to William Howey on 29 Nov 1799.
Other Pertinent Information:
Release of dower: Ann, wife of William Howey, 11 March 1800.
- [S181] Gloucester Co NJ Deeds on microfilm: Gloucester County Deed Book G pg. 14-17 dated March 11 1800 recorded 14 May 1803
Indenture William Holmes and wife Lydia, Deptford Twp., Gloucester Co. and William Howey of Woolwich Twp., Gloucester Co., For 2000 pounds. Two tracts in Deptford, Gloucester Co. First tract abuts Hillmans land, Joseph Clement, Abel Clement, Timber Creek, Allmanysing Branch, Edward Lucas, former land of William Lucas. 87 acres, second tract 91 acres.
Signed and sealed by William Holmes his X mark and wife Lydia her X mark. Witnesses Thomas Redman and Thomas Redman Jnr.
Donna Kay Reed1
- [S164] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1, Tree #3237, Date of Import: Nov 6, 1999.
Jere Reed1
- [S164] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1, Tree #3237, Date of Import: Nov 6, 1999.
Jonathan Reed
M, b. circa 1796
Karin Reed1
- [S164] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1, Tree #3237, Date of Import: Nov 6, 1999.
Keith Reed1
- [S164] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1, Tree #3237, Date of Import: Nov 6, 1999.
Kevin Reed1
- [S164] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1, Tree #3237, Date of Import: Nov 6, 1999.
Robert Reed1
M, b. July 1898, d. 7 May 1981
Birth* | July 1898 | Robert Reed was born in July 1898 at Port Norris, New Jersey.1 |
Marriage* | 11 August 1933 | He married Anna Mae Sharp, daughter of Reuben Lore Sharp Sr. and Jennie O. Woodlin, on 11 August 1933.1 |
Death* | 7 May 1981 | Robert Reed died on 7 May 1981 at Millville, Cumberland Co., New Jersey, at age 82.1 |
Reference* | | Reference: 855. |
- [S164] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1, Tree #3237, Date of Import: Nov 6, 1999.
Virginia Clay Reed
F, b. circa 1853
- [S315] Unknown author, LDS Church records, FHL Number 1008794.
- [S305] Captain, Supply Corps, U. S. Navy (Ret.) John Wesley Haines, A Quaker Family of Burlington County, New Jersey Since 1682, p 301.
Kaiti Reedy
- [S38] Individual contact, Facebook messenger message from Daniel Mrak on 6 Sep 2014.
Hi, Kaiti and I want to introduce you to the newest member of the Mrak family. Michael Ashton Mrak was born on Thursday September 4th at 12:48am. He weighed 8lb 15oz and has a full head of black hair.