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Berry KINCAID2,3 was born in , Woodford Co., Kentucky.2,3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 29672.
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]2,3 [boyd-trees.ged]
!(1) "History of Woodford County," by William R. Railey (Woodford Improvement League, Versailles, Kentucky, 1968) p.70. (2) "Kentucky Marriages 1797-1865," comp. by G. Glenn Clift (Reprint, Register of KY Historical Soc., 1938-1940; Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore,1978) p.83. Cites: (a) "Lexington Observer and Reporter," 9 Sep 1835. !Birth: (1) d/o John Kinkead/Margaret Trotter Blackburn. (2a) d/o John KINKEAD. Marriage to Dr. J.C. Wilson: (2a) 1 Sep 1835, Woodford Co., Kentucky.[alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "History of Woodford County," by William R. Railey (Woodford Improvement League, Versailles, KY, 1968) p.70. (2) "Kentucky Marriages 1797-1865," comp. by G. Glenn Clift (Reprint, Register of KY Historical Soc., 1938-1940; Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore,1978) p.83. Cites: (a) "Lexington Observer and Reporter," 9 Sep 1835. !Birth: (1) d/o John Kinkead/Margaret Trotter Blackburn. (2a) d/o John KINKEAD. Marriage to Dr. J.C. Wilson: (2a) 1 Sep 1835, Woodford Co., KY. Parents: John KINCAID and Margaret Trotter BLACKBURN. Spouse: ,Dr. J. C. WILSON. ,Dr. J. C. WILSON and Prudence Berry KINCAID were married on 1 Sep 1835 in , Woodford Co., Kentucky.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]2,3 Reference Number:556220 Rachel KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 30791. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.278. !Birth: (1) d/o William Kincaid/Mariah Hughes. Marriage to William Rinehart: (1)[boyd-trees.ged] [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.278. !Birth: (1) d/o William Kincaid/Mariah Hughes. Marriage to William Rinehart: (1) Parents: William KINCAID and Mariah HUGHES. Spouse: William RINEHART. William RINEHART and Rachel KINCAID were married. Reference Number:579506 Rachel KINCAID2,3 was born on 11 Sep 1844 in , Greenbrier Co., West Virginia.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]2,3 She died on 5 May 1882.2,3 She is reference number 29787. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia," Supplemental Vol. 6, ed. & pub. by Jim Comstock (Richmond, West Virginia 1883-1974) p.192. Biography of Adam Dean Kincaid. !Birth: (1) 11 Sep 1844, d/o Adam Dean Kincaid/Mary Bunger. Marriage to John Kelly: (1) Death: (1) 5 May 1882. [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia," Supplemental Vol. 6, ed. & pub. by Jim Comstock (Richmond, WV 1883-1974) p.192. Biography of Adam Dean Kincaid. !Birth: (1) 11 Sep 1844, d/o Adam Dean Kincaid/Mary Bunger. Marriage to John Kelly: (1) Death: (1) 5 May 1882. Parents: Adam Dean KINCAID and Mary BUNGER. Spouse: John KELLY. John KELLY and Rachel KINCAID were married. Reference Number:558856 Rebecca KINCAID2,3 was born on 25 Jul 1782 in , Augusta Co., VA.2,3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 33415. [boyd-trees.ged] ! (1) "Historical Collections of Brown County, Ohio," by Carl N. Thompson (Hammer Graphics , Piqua, OH, 1969) p.6. (2) "History of Woodford County," by William R. Railey (Woodford Improvement League, Versai lles, Kentucky, 1968) p.70. (3) "Genealogies of Kentucky Families from the Register of the Kentucky Historical Society " (Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, 1981) Vol. O-Y, Appendix C, p.757-761, "The Families Kin kead, Stephenson, Garrett, Martin and Dunlap," by Laura Kinkead Walton. (4) "Deep Roots- History and Genealogy of the Kincaid-Coyle-Darnell-Lathram-Hart Families, " by Sallye Lathram Hines (Lexington, Kentucky, 1964) p.13. Cites: (a) Waddell's "Annals of August a County, Virginia," p.184, citing Elizabeth Shelby Kincaid, ggd/o William Kincaid. (5) Helen Wood, 105 Walnut Dr., Paragould, AR 72450-3924 (1997). Cites: (a) "Genealogies o f Some KY families," p.758-761. (b) "History of Rockbridge Co., VA," p.253. (c) "The Scotch-I rish in VA," by Chalkley, p.39. ! Birth: (1,3,4a,5) 25 Jul 1782. (1,2,3,4a,5) d/o William Kinkead/Eleanor Guy. (2) VA. Marraige to James OWEN: (5)[alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) "Historical Collections of Brown County, Ohio," by Carl N. Thompson (Hammer Graphics , Piqua, OH, 1969) p.6. (2) "History of Woodford County," by William R. Railey (Woodford Improvement League, Versai lles, KY, 1968) p.70. (3) "Genealogies of Kentucky Families from the Register of the Kentucky Historical Society " (Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, 1981) Vol. O-Y, Appendix C, p.757-761, "The Families Kin kead, Stephenson, Garrett, Martin and Dunlap," by Laura Kinkead Walton. (4) "Deep Roots- History and Genealogy of the Kincaid-Coyle-Darnell-Lathram-Hart Families, " by Sallye Lathram Hines (Lexington, KY, 1964) p.13. Cites: (a) Waddell's "Annals of August a County, Virginia," p.184, citing Elizabeth Shelby Kincaid, ggd/o William Kincaid. (5) Helen Wood, 105 Walnut Dr., Paragould, AR 72450-3924 (1997). Cites: (a) "Genealogies o f Some KY families," p.758-761. (b) "History of Rockbridge Co., VA," p.253. (c) "The Scotch-I rish in VA," by Chalkley, p.39. ! Birth: (1,3,4a,5) 25 Jul 1782. (1,2,3,4a,5) d/o William Kinkead/Eleanor Guy. (2) VA. Marraige to James OWEN: (5) Parents: ,Sr. William KINCAID and Eleanor (Guy) GAY. Spouse: James OWEN. James OWEN and Rebecca KINCAID were married. Reference Number:575835 Richard KINCAID2,3 was born about 1500.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 29309. [boyd-trees.ged] ! (1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. Cites: (a ) R.M.S. ii-2502. ! Birth: (1) s/o Thomas Kincaid of-that-Ilk/Margaret Setoun. (1a) 1541, 29 Sep: Richard and his brother James were witnesses to a charter of Malcolm, Lo rd Fleming, to John, his son, dated at Edinburgh.[alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. Cites: (a ) R.M.S. ii-2502. ! Birth: (1) s/o Thomas Kincaid of-that-Ilk/Margaret Setoun. (1a) 1541, 29 Sep: Richard and his brother James were witnesses to a charter of Malcolm, Lo rd Fleming, to John, his son, dated at Edinburgh. Parents: Of-That-Ilk Thomas KINCAID and Margaret SETOUN. Robert KINCAID2,3 was born in , Scotland.2,3 He died Unknown in , Scotland.2,3 He is reference number 29332. [boyd-trees.ged] ! (1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. ! Birth: (1) s/o Donald de Kyncads. (1) 1464, 17 Jan: Donald de Kyncads and his son Robert were witnesses of the instrument o f Sasin(s?) in favor of James Stewards of Albany for the lands of Baldorene... Stirlings of K eir. [alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. ! Birth: (1) s/o Donald de Kyncads. (1) 1464, 17 Jan: Donald de Kyncads and his son Robert were witnesses of the instrument o f Sasin(s?) in favor of James Stewards of Albany for the lands of Baldorene... Stirlings of K eir. Parents: Donald DE KINCAID. Of-That-Ilk Robert KINCAID2,3 was born in , Scotland.2,3 He died Unknown in , Scotland.2,3 He is reference number 29334. [boyd-trees.ged] ! (1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. (1) A gap of 100 years exists in the records between Robert and the previously known Laird , Francis, who inherited Kyncade about 1320 and was knight by Robert Bruce I for successfull y leading a surprise attack on the Castle at Edinburgh for Sir Thomas Randolph, brother-in-la w of Bruce. He was also granted the right to bear arms with a triple-towered castle. He and h is successors were also confirmed to their hereditary Constableship of Edinburgh, which the f amily retained for many generations. They lost the office after William and Mary accessende d to the throne, the Kincaids being attached to the Stuart cause. (See notes under Sir Rober t Hamilton, a descendant of Francis Kincaid.) (1) 1448, 29 Jun: Was a witness to a Charter granted by Jonet de Fentoun to William Haket o f various lands, dated at Valentar, Perthshire. Was Laird of Kincaid at that date. [alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. (1) A gap of 100 years exists in the records between Robert and the previously known Laird , Francis, who inherited Kyncade about 1320 and was knight by Robert Bruce I for successfull y leading a surprise attack on the Castle at Edinburgh for Sir Thomas Randolph, brother-in-la w of Bruce. He was also granted the right to bear arms with a triple-towered castle. He and h is successors were also confirmed to their hereditary Constableship of Edinburgh, which the f amily retained for many generations. They lost the office after William and Mary accessende d to the throne, the Kincaids being attached to the Stuart cause. (See notes under Sir Rober t Hamilton, a descendant of Francis Kincaid.) (1) 1448, 29 Jun: Was a witness to a Charter granted by Jonet de Fentoun to William Haket o f various lands, dated at Valentar, Perthshire. Was Laird of Kincaid at that date. Children were: Donald DE KINCAID. Robert KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 31005. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.278. Cites: (a) O.C. Docket 4, p.212. !Birth: (1) s/o James Kincaid/Jane McCaslin.[alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.278. Cites: (a) O.C. Docket 4, p.212. !Birth: (1) s/o James Kincaid/Jane McCaslin. Parents: James KINCAID and Jane MC CASLIN. Robert KINCAID2,3 was born in , VA.2,3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 33653. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. Cites: (a) Pittsburgh Papers #31, VA State Library, Capt. John Wilson's Roll. (2) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 13. !Birth: (1,2) s/o Samuel Kincaid. Parents: Samuel KINCAID. Robert KINCAID2,3 was born in , VA.2,3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 46479. [boyd-trees.ged] [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. Cites: (a) Pittsburgh Papers #31, VA State Library, Capt. John Wilson's Roll. (2) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 13. !Birth: (1,2) s/o Samuel Kincaid. Parents: Samuel KINCAID. Robert KINCAID2,3 was born about 1560 in Kincaid, Stirlingshire, Scotland.2,3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 29298. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment of Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H.C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased from the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. Cites: (a) Laing Charters No. 1047. !Birth: (1) s/o James Kincaid of-that-Ilk/Christine Leslie. (1a) 1582, 9 Sep: Charter by James Kincaid of Craglokhart, with consent of his wife Christine Leslie, in favor of Stephen Kincaid, portioner of Broughton, in life rent, and of Robert Kincaid, his second son, and all his heirs male, etc., of annual rent of 20 pounds Scots from the lands of Craglokhart, manor- place etc. To be held blanch of the charter. Dated at Edinburgh. Wits. Edward Kyncaid, Burgess of Edinburgh; Robert Kincaid, brother-german of Stephen. Seals attached: The first, a fess ermine between two mullets in chief and a castle triple-towered in base.[alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment of Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H.C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased from the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. Cites: (a) Laing Charters No. 1047. !Birth: (1) s/o James Kincaid of-that-Ilk/Christine Leslie. (1a) 1582, 9 Sep: Charter by James Kincaid of Craglokhart, with consent of his wife Christine Leslie, in favor of Stephen Kincaid, portioner of Broughton, in life rent, and of Robert Kincaid, his second son, and all his heirs male, etc., of annual rent of 20 pounds Scots from the lands of Craglokhart, manor- place etc. To be held blanch of the charter. Dated at Edinburgh. Wits. Edward Kyncaid, Burgess of Edinburgh; Robert Kincaid, brother-german of Stephen. Seals attached: The first, a fess ermine between two mullets in chief and a castle triple-towered in base. Parents: Of-That-Ilk James KINCAID and Christine LESLIE. Robert KINCAID2,3 was born about 1710 in Edinburgh, Scotland.2,3 He died Unknown in , Alleghany Co., VA.2,3 He is reference number 33638. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. (2) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment of Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H.C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased from the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. (3) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 13. (4) Rev. James A.M. Hanna, The Manse, Box 277, Oak Hill, OH 45656 (1997). !Birth: (1,2,3) s/o Alexander Kincaid of Edinburgh, Scotland. Marriage to Anna HELENEY: (1,3) Anna. (4) (1,2) 1745, Dec: When Charles Stuart attempted to retake his throne and was defeated at Stirlingshire, Scotland, four of the sons of Alexander Kincaid joined him and fought under Cluny MacPherson in the rear-guard action following Stuart's retreat, where they were captured. All this took place within a few miles of Kincaid, and the family retainers soon learned of the capture. The wives of the two married brothers, Samuel and George, were taken to Glascow with some of their furniture, and the four brothers, Samuel, George, James and Robert, were spirited out of the English camp, and all of them put on board ship. (3) Jacobite from Edinburgh. (1,2,3) 1746: (1,2) They came to VA, fairly well supplied with "siller," and on the advice o f their uncle David, settled in Augusta Co. (3) Came to Augusta Co., VA. (1) 1763: Bought 334 acres in Beverly Manor from Bratton. (1) 1770, 20 Jun: Robert Kincaid and Anna his wife sold to their son Andrew 159 acres of the Beverly Manor tract. (1) c.1770: Moved to the neighborhood of Falling Spring, Alleghany Co., VA. (3) Went to Alleghany Co., VA. [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. (2) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment of Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H.C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased from the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. (3) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 13. (4) Rev. James A.M. Hanna, The Manse, Box 277, Oak Hill, OH 45656 (1997). !Birth: (1,2,3) s/o Alexander Kincaid of Edinburgh, Scotland. Marriage to Anna HELENEY: (1,3) Anna. (4) (1,2) 1745, Dec: When Charles Stuart attempted to retake his throne and was defeated at Stirlingshire, Scotland, four of the sons of Alexander Kincaid joined him and fought under Cluny MacPherson in the rear-guard action following Stuart's retreat, where they were captured. All this took place within a few miles of Kincaid, and the family retainers soon learned of the capture. The wives of the two married brothers, Samuel and George, were taken to Glascow with some of their furniture, and the four brothers, Samuel, George, James and Robert, were spirited out of the English camp, and all of them put on board ship. (3) Jacobite from Edinburgh. (1,2,3) 1746: (1,2) They came to VA, fairly well supplied with "siller," and on the advice o f their uncle David, settled in Augusta Co. (3) Came to Augusta Co., VA. (1) 1763: Bought 334 acres in Beverly Manor from Bratton. (1) 1770, 20 Jun: Robert Kincaid and Anna his wife sold to their son Andrew 159 acres of the Beverly Manor tract. (1) c.1770: Moved to the neighborhood of Falling Spring, Alleghany Co., VA. (3) Went to Alleghany Co., VA. Parents: Alexander KINCAID. Spouse: Anna HELENEY. Robert KINCAID and Anna HELENEY were married in , VA.2,3 Reference Number:548416 Children were: Archibald KINCAID, James KINCAID, William KINCAID, Matthew KINCAID, Andrew KINCAID, Robert KINCAID. Robert KINCAID2,3 was born in 1727.2,3 He died in Apr 1806.2,3 He is reference number 45989. [boyd-trees.ged] [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.276. Cites: (a) Family Bible of Robert Kincaid owned by J.N. Scott of Muddy Creek and Waynesburg. (2) "1800 Pennyslvania Census," comp. by Jeanne Robey Felldin, p.213. Cites: (a) Bedford Co., PA census, p.44. (3) AIS, FHL, Cites: (a) Bedford Co., PA 1800 census, p.390. !Birth: (1a) 1727. (3a) Age 45 or over in 1800 (b. 1755 or earlier). Marriage to Susannah Powell: (1a) Death: (1a) 19 or 29 Apr 1806. (1) Served in the Revolution in eastern PA. (1) 1790: Probably the Robert Kincaid in York Co., PA. (1) c.1800: His family settled in the vicinity of Jefferson, Greene Co., PA. It is not known if he came with them, but his Bible did. (2a,3a) 1800: Robert KINKEAD living in Bedford Co., PA. (3b) Living in household are 1 female under 10 (b. 1790-1800), 1 male 10-16 (b. 1784-1790), 1 male 16-26 (b. 1774-1784), and 1 male and 1 female 45 or over (b. 1755 or before). (NOTE: This fits this family perfectly, with the 3 youngest children still living a t home.) !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.276. Cites: (a) Family Bible of Robert Kincaid owned by J.N. Scott of Muddy Creek and Waynesburg. (2) "1800 Pennyslvania Census," comp. by Jeanne Robey Felldin, p.213. Cites: (a) Bedford Co., Pennsylvania census, p.44. (3) AIS, FHL, Cites: (a) Bedford Co., Pennsylvania 1800 census, p.390. !Birth: (1a) 1727. (3a) Age 45 or over in 1800 (b. 1755 or earlier). Marriage to Susannah Powell: (1a) Death: (1a) 19 or 29 Apr 1806. (1) Served in the Revolution in eastern PA. (1) 1790: Probably the Robert Kincaid in York Co., PA. (1) c.1800: His family settled in the vicinity of Jefferson, Greene Co., PA. It is not known if he came with them, but his Bible did. (2a,3a) 1800: Robert KINKEAD living in Bedford Co., PA. (3b) Living in household are 1 female under 10 (b. 1790-1800), 1 male 10-16 (b. 1784-1790), 1 male 16-26 (b. 1774-1784), and 1 male and 1 female 45 or over (b. 1755 or before). (NOTE: This fits this family perfectly, with the 3 youngest children still living a t home.) Spouse: Susannah POWELL. Robert KINCAID and Susannah POWELL were married about 1771.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]2,3 Reference Number:585177 Children were: Samuel KINCAID, Eleanor KINCAID, Robert KINCAID, William KINCAID, John KINCAID, James KINCAID, Margaret KINCAID. Robert KINCAID2,3 was born about 1730.3 He died in 1840.2,3 He is reference number 33628. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 13. !Birth: (1) s/o Robert Kincaid/Anna. Death: (1) 1840. [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 13. !Birth: (1) s/o Robert Kincaid/Anna. Death: (1) 1840. Parents: Robert KINCAID and Anna HELENEY. Robert KINCAID2,3 was born between 1740 and 1780.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 31960. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) Greenbrier Co., VA Will Bk 1, p.276. FHL #595,214. (2) "West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia," Supplemental Vol. 6, ed. & pub. by Jim Comstock (Richmond, West Virginia 1883-1974) p.192. Biography of Adam Dean Kincaid. !Birth: (1,2) s/o Andrew Kincaid. (2) Brother of James Kincaid. (2) Was present at the surrender of Cornwallis. (1) 1810, 9 Jun: Andrew Kincaid wrote his will. Gave to sons John KINCAID, Robert KINCAID, James KINCAID and Thomas KINCAID $1.20 each. Sons Robert and Andrew to be executors. Witnessed by Robert and Matthew KINCAID and others. [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) Greenbrier Co., VA Will Bk 1, p.276. FHL #595,214. (2) "West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia," Supplemental Vol. 6, ed. & pub. by Jim Comstock (Richmond, WV 1883-1974) p.192. Biography of Adam Dean Kincaid. !Birth: (1,2) s/o Andrew Kincaid. (2) Brother of James Kincaid. (2) Was present at the surrender of Cornwallis. (1) 1810, 9 Jun: Andrew Kincaid wrote his will. Gave to sons John KINCAID, Robert KINCAID, James KINCAID and Thomas KINCAID $1.20 each. Sons Robert and Andrew to be executors. Witnessed by Robert and Matthew KINCAID and others. Parents: Andrew KINCAID and Mary. Robert KINCAID2,3 was born between 1755 and 1774.2,3 He died in 1816 in St. Clair Twp., Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]2,3 He is reference number 29391. [boyd-trees.ged] ! (1) Mary Kemmerle, 2089 Eaton Ave., San Carlos, CA 94070. Cites: (a) Census. (2) "Washington Co., Pennsylvania Tax Lists 1781, 1783, 1784, 1793," comp. by Raymond Martin Bell, p. 171,236. FHL #974.882 R49b. (3) "The 1783 Tax Lists and the 1790 Census for Washington County, Pennsyvania," cmp. by Ka therine Zinsser and Raymond M. Bell (1988) p.127. (4) "1800 Pennyslvania Census," comp. by Jeanne Robey Felldin, p.213. Cites: (a) Alleghen y Co., Pennsylvania census, p.90. (5) AIS, FHL, Cites: (a) Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania 1800 census, p.86. ! Birth: (1a,5a) 1755-1774. Marriage to Elizabeth Torrence: (1) ca. 1785. Death: (1) 1816, St. Clair Twp., Allegheny Co., PA. (2) 1781: Robert Kinkaid, single man, taxed Cecil Twp. Washington Co., PA. (2) 1784: Robert Kinkaid, single man, taxed Cecil Twp., Washington Co., PA. (3) 1789: Robert Kinkaid taxed in Washington Co., PA. (3) 1790: John, Thomas and Robert Kinkaid living in St. Clair Twp., Allegheny Co., PA. Robe rt Kincaid has 2 male 16+, 0 males under 16, 1 female. (NOTE: Allegheny Co. formed 1789. Ther e appears to be an older male in his household.) (1) 1792, 1 May: Bought land in St. Clair Twp., Allegheny Co., PA. (1) 1793, 27 Aug: Robert and Elizabeth Kincaid sold land purchased 1 May 1792. (1) 1795, 3 Oct: Bought land in Fayette Twp., Allegheny Co., PA. (1) 1796, 4 May: Robert and Elizabeth Kincaid sold land bought 3 Oct 1795. (1) 1796, 19 May: Robert Kincaid of St. Clair Twp., Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania bought land in Fayett e Twp., Allegheny Co., PA. (1) 1796, 5 Jul: Bought land on road from Pittsburgh to Washington Co., PA. (1) 1797, 22 May: Robert Kincaid sold land bought 5 Jul 1796. (4a,5a) 1800: Robert KINKAID living in Allegheny Co., PA. (5a) Had living in household: 1 m ale & 4 females under 10 (b. 1790-1800); 1 male 16-26 (b. 1774-1784); 1 male & 1 female 26-4 5 (b. 1755-1774). [alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) Mary Kemmerle, 2089 Eaton Ave., San Carlos, CA 94070. Cites: (a) Census. (2) "Washington Co., PA Tax Lists 1781, 1783, 1784, 1793," comp. by Raymond Martin Bell, p. 171,236. FHL #974.882 R49b. (3) "The 1783 Tax Lists and the 1790 Census for Washington County, Pennsyvania," cmp. by Ka therine Zinsser and Raymond M. Bell (1988) p.127. (4) "1800 Pennyslvania Census," comp. by Jeanne Robey Felldin, p.213. Cites: (a) Alleghen y Co., PA census, p.90. (5) AIS, FHL, Cites: (a) Allegheny Co., PA 1800 census, p.86. ! Birth: (1a,5a) 1755-1774. Marriage to Elizabeth Torrence: (1) ca. 1785. Death: (1) 1816, St. Clair Twp., Allegheny Co., PA. (2) 1781: Robert Kinkaid, single man, taxed Cecil Twp. Washington Co., PA. (2) 1784: Robert Kinkaid, single man, taxed Cecil Twp., Washington Co., PA. (3) 1789: Robert Kinkaid taxed in Washington Co., PA. (3) 1790: John, Thomas and Robert Kinkaid living in St. Clair Twp., Allegheny Co., PA. Robe rt Kincaid has 2 male 16+, 0 males under 16, 1 female. (NOTE: Allegheny Co. formed 1789. Ther e appears to be an older male in his household.) (1) 1792, 1 May: Bought land in St. Clair Twp., Allegheny Co., PA. (1) 1793, 27 Aug: Robert and Elizabeth Kincaid sold land purchased 1 May 1792. (1) 1795, 3 Oct: Bought land in Fayette Twp., Allegheny Co., PA. (1) 1796, 4 May: Robert and Elizabeth Kincaid sold land bought 3 Oct 1795. (1) 1796, 19 May: Robert Kincaid of St. Clair Twp., Allegheny Co., PA bought land in Fayett e Twp., Allegheny Co., PA. (1) 1796, 5 Jul: Bought land on road from Pittsburgh to Washington Co., PA. (1) 1797, 22 May: Robert Kincaid sold land bought 5 Jul 1796. (4a,5a) 1800: Robert KINKAID living in Allegheny Co., PA. (5a) Had living in household: 1 m ale & 4 females under 10 (b. 1790-1800); 1 male 16-26 (b. 1774-1784); 1 male & 1 female 26-4 5 (b. 1755-1774). Spouse: Elizabeth TORRENCE. Robert KINCAID and Elizabeth TORRENCE were married in , Pennsylvania.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]2,3 Reference Number:549636 Children were: Agnes KINCAID, Margaret KINCAID, Elizabeth KINCAID, Thomas KINCAID, Jennet KINCAID, Sr. James Torrence KINCAID, Phillip R. KINCAID. Robert KINCAID2,3 was born on 29 Mar 1777.2,3 He died in 1815 in Jefferson, Greene Co., PA.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]2,3 He is reference number 43933. [boyd-trees.ged] [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.276. Cites: (a) Family Bible of Robert Kincaid onwed by J.N. Scott of Muddy Creek and Waynesburg. (2) Green Co., PA Will Bk 1, p.147. !Birth: (1a) 29 Mar 1777, s/o Robert Kincaid/Susannah Powell. Marriage to Polly __: (1) Death: (1) 1815, Greene Co., PA. (2) Will dtd 9 Mar 1815, proved 10 Apr 1815, Greene Co., PA. (2) 1815, 8 Mar: Robert Kincaid of Jefferson, Greene Co., PA wrote his will, proved 10 Apr 1815. Names only heir and daughter Elizabeth. Names executor, brother William Kincaid. Wits. James and Margaret Scott. (1) His will notes that a deed is to be made to his only child and heir by Colonel John Heaton. !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.276. Cites: (a) Family Bible of Robert Kincaid onwed by J.N. Scott of Muddy Creek and Waynesburg. (2) Green Co., Pennsylvania Will Bk 1, p.147. !Birth: (1a) 29 Mar 1777, s/o Robert Kincaid/Susannah Powell. Marriage to Polly __: (1) Death: (1) 1815, Greene Co., PA. (2) Will dtd 9 Mar 1815, proved 10 Apr 1815, Greene Co., PA. (2) 1815, 8 Mar: Robert Kincaid of Jefferson, Greene Co., Pennsylvania wrote his will, proved 10 Apr 1815. Names only heir and daughter Elizabeth. Names executor, brother William Kincaid. Wits. James and Margaret Scott. (1) His will notes that a deed is to be made to his only child and heir by Colonel John Heaton. Parents: Robert KINCAID and Susannah POWELL. Spouse: Polly. Robert KINCAID and Polly were married. Reference Number:585602 Children were: Elizabeth KINCAID. Robert KINCAID2,3 was born about 1798.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 46045. [boyd-trees.ged] [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "Historical Collections of Brown County, Ohio," by Carl N. Thompson (Hammer Graphics, Piqua, OH, 1969) p.6. !Birth: (1) s/o William Kinkead/Annie Dunlap. !(1) "Historical Collections of Brown County, Ohio," by Carl N. Thompson (Hammer Graphics, Piqua, OH, 1969) p.6. !Birth: (1) s/o William Kinkead/Annie Dunlap. Parents: William KINCAID and Annie DUNLAP. Robert KINCAID2,3 was born about 1800 in , WV.2,3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 32357. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia," Supplemental Vol. 6, ed. & pub. by Jim Comstock (Richmond, West Virginia 1883-1974) p.192. Biography of Adam Dean Kincaid. !Birth: (1) s/o James Kincaid. (1) Served in the War of 1812. [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia," Supplemental Vol. 6, ed. & pub. by Jim Comstock (Richmond, WV 1883-1974) p.192. Biography of Adam Dean Kincaid. !Birth: (1) s/o James Kincaid. (1) Served in the War of 1812. Parents: James KINCAID and Elizabeth DEAN. Robert (Kinkead) KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 31050. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "First Marriage Record of Augusta County, Virginia 1785-1813" (D.A.R., Augusta Co., VA, 1970) p.56. (2) "Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia," Vol. 1, by Lyman Chalkley (Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, 1980) p.535-536. File 926, spa. 1814. !Marriage to Peggy Lockridge: (1) 22 Apr 1806, Augusta Co., VA, by Rev. John Montgomery. (2) [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "First Marriage Record of Augusta County, Virginia 1785-1813" (D.A.R., Augusta Co., VA, 1970) p.56. (2) "Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia," Vol. 1, by Lyman Chalkley (Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, 1980) p.535-536. File 926, spa. 1814. !Marriage to Peggy Lockridge: (1) 22 Apr 1806, Augusta Co., VA, by Rev. John Montgomery. (2) Spouse: Peggy LOCKRIDGE. Robert (Kinkead) KINCAID and Peggy LOCKRIDGE were married on 22 Apr 1806 in , Augusta Co., VA.2,3 Reference Number:548578 Children were: Guy Hamilton KINCAID. Robert Dunlap KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 32409. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "Pennsylvania Genealogies, Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German," by William Henry Egle (Genealogical Pub. Co., 1969. Originally pub. Harrisburg, 1896) p.31. !Marriage to Eleanor Anderson: (1) [alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) "Pennsylvania Genealogies, Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German," by William Henry Egle (Ge nealogical Pub. Co., 1969. Originally pub. Harrisburg, 1896) p.31. ! Marriage to Eleanor Anderson: (1) Spouse: Eleanor ANDERSON. Robert Dunlap KINCAID and Eleanor ANDERSON were married in , Pennsylvania.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]2,3 Reference Number:610666 Samuel KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 33642. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. (2) "The Monongahela of Old," by James Veech (Privately printed, Pittsburgh, 1858-1892) p.99,131. (3) "Westward of Ye Laurall Hills," by Helen Vogt (McClain Printing Co., Parsons, West Virginia, 1976) p.300,312,428. (4) "Listing of Inhabitants in 1785, Fayette County, Pennsylvania," comp. by Allen Hays (SW PA Gen. Services, Laughlintown, PA, 1983). FHL #974.8 A1 No. 292. (5) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.276. (6) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 9. (7) "LaFayette - The History and Genealogy of Fayette Co., PA." (a) Vol. 5, No. 3, p.1, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania Deed Abstracts. (b) Vol. 2, No. 2, p.11, Civil Court Docket. !Birth: (1,6) s/o George Kincaid. Marriage to Elizabeth Wilson: (1,2,5) (1) Removed from VA to PA. (3) Came to the Monongahela from the Marsh Creek Settlement of York Co., PA, and patented land obtained by virtue of a Virginia Certificate, indicating ownership prior to 1769. (2) Settled just at the junction of Cheat and Monongahela, north side, in Springill. (NOTE: Probably Springhill Twp., Fayette Co., PA.) This land, with half the ferry rights, was devised to him by his father-in-law. (5) An early settler at the mouth of the Cheat River where he operated a ferry, devised to him by Col. George Wilson. (1) 1774: Lt. in the VA Militia. Wounded in the arm in a fight with the Indians near Wheeling. (2,5) 1774: Narrowly escaped being killed while with a party of Militia on Ten Mile Creek, when marching to Wheeling in Dunmore's War. Capt. McClure commanded the party, and Samuel was Lieutenant. They were attacked by four Indians of Chief Logan's party, and the Captain killed and Kincade wounded. (2) Gen. St. Clair said "It would have been no great matter if he had been killed." (6) Captain of Militia. (4) 1785: Samuel Kinkade was a resident of Springhill Twp., Fayette Co., PA. (NOTE: Also in Springhill Twp. were John, Robert, Samuel and William HANNAH, Catherine and Van SWEARINGEN, Joseph COX.) (7b) 1785, Mar: Samuel Kinkade and Elizabeth his wife in Civil Court, Fayette Co., PA, vs. Willial Lelely. 4th Pluries, Capias Case. (3) 1785, Jun: Fayette Co., Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, the Brackenridge case involving others and Samuel Kincaid, caspias debt 5000 pounds Continental currecy. (7b) 1787, 1 Sep: Samuel Pottenger deeds to Anthony Roads, 300 acres in Springhill Twp., Fayette Co., PA, bounded by Sweringen, Samuel Kinkade, Leonard, J. Sweringin. (2) 1788: Samuel Kincade registered 5 slaves b. after 1 Mar 1780, Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania (later Fayette Co., PA). (3) 1810, May: Paid $12.50 for jail repairs. One of the first "gaolers." (3) 1812: Samuel Kincaid, tailor, holder of lot #76 in Waynesburg (now Greene Co., PA). [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. (2) "The Monongahela of Old," by James Veech (Privately printed, Pittsburgh, 1858-1892) p.99,131. (3) "Westward of Ye Laurall Hills," by Helen Vogt (McClain Printing Co., Parsons, WV, 1976) p.300,312,428. (4) "Listing of Inhabitants in 1785, Fayette County, Pennsylvania," comp. by Allen Hays (SW PA Gen. Services, Laughlintown, PA, 1983). FHL #974.8 A1 No. 292. (5) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.276. (6) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 9. (7) "LaFayette - The History and Genealogy of Fayette Co., PA." (a) Vol. 5, No. 3, p.1, Fayette Co., PA Deed Abstracts. (b) Vol. 2, No. 2, p.11, Civil Court Docket. !Birth: (1,6) s/o George Kincaid. Marriage to Elizabeth Wilson: (1,2,5) (1) Removed from VA to PA. (3) Came to the Monongahela from the Marsh Creek Settlement of York Co., PA, and patented land obtained by virtue of a Virginia Certificate, indicating ownership prior to 1769. (2) Settled just at the junction of Cheat and Monongahela, north side, in Springill. (NOTE: Probably Springhill Twp., Fayette Co., PA.) This land, with half the ferry rights, was devised to him by his father-in-law. (5) An early settler at the mouth of the Cheat River where he operated a ferry, devised to him by Col. George Wilson. (1) 1774: Lt. in the VA Militia. Wounded in the arm in a fight with the Indians near Wheeling. (2,5) 1774: Narrowly escaped being killed while with a party of Militia on Ten Mile Creek, when marching to Wheeling in Dunmore's War. Capt. McClure commanded the party, and Samuel was Lieutenant. They were attacked by four Indians of Chief Logan's party, and the Captain killed and Kincade wounded. (2) Gen. St. Clair said "It would have been no great matter if he had been killed." (6) Captain of Militia. (4) 1785: Samuel Kinkade was a resident of Springhill Twp., Fayette Co., PA. (NOTE: Also in Springhill Twp. were John, Robert, Samuel and William HANNAH, Catherine and Van SWEARINGEN, Joseph COX.) (7b) 1785, Mar: Samuel Kinkade and Elizabeth his wife in Civil Court, Fayette Co., PA, vs. Willial Lelely. 4th Pluries, Capias Case. (3) 1785, Jun: Fayette Co., PA Court of Common Pleas, the Brackenridge case involving others and Samuel Kincaid, caspias debt 5000 pounds Continental currecy. (7b) 1787, 1 Sep: Samuel Pottenger deeds to Anthony Roads, 300 acres in Springhill Twp., Fayette Co., PA, bounded by Sweringen, Samuel Kinkade, Leonard, J. Sweringin. (2) 1788: Samuel Kincade registered 5 slaves b. after 1 Mar 1780, Westmoreland Co., PA (later Fayette Co., PA). (3) 1810, May: Paid $12.50 for jail repairs. One of the first "gaolers." (3) 1812: Samuel Kincaid, tailor, holder of lot #76 in Waynesburg (now Greene Co., PA). Parents: George KINCAID. Spouse: Elizabeth WILSON. Samuel KINCAID and Elizabeth WILSON were married in , VA.2,3 Reference Number:634176 Children were: Alcy KINCAID, Nancy KINCAID, Jane KINCAID, Mary Ann KINCAID, Phoebe KINCAID, George W. KINCAID, William KINCAID, Elizabeth KINCAID. Samuel KINCAID2,3 was born in , VA.2,3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 46030. [boyd-trees.ged] [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) Greenbrier Co., VA Will Bk I, p.531. FHL #595,214. (2) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. (3) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 13. !Birth: (1) s/o Samuel Kincaid. (2,3) s/o Samuel Kincaid/Margaret Clarke. Marriage to Sallie Kester: (2) (1) 1800, 16 Mar: Samuel Kincaid wrote his will, proved Greenbrier Co., VA Jul 1819. Named wife Margaret; sons Samuel, George, James; daughters Sally Brown; Betty Brown; Ann Kinkead. Executors, sons Samuel and James. Wits. Robert Kincaid Jr., James Elliott Jr., W.H. Cavendish. (2) Will dtd 1816 and proved 1819. In it he divides his real estate on Anthony's Creek almost equally between his three sons. !(1) Greenbrier Co., VA Will Bk I, p.531. FHL #595,214. (2) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. (3) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 13. !Birth: (1) s/o Samuel Kincaid. (2,3) s/o Samuel Kincaid/Margaret Clarke. Marriage to Sallie Kester: (2) (1) 1800, 16 Mar: Samuel Kincaid wrote his will, proved Greenbrier Co., VA Jul 1819. Named wife Margaret; sons Samuel, George, James; daughters Sally Brown; Betty Brown; Ann Kinkead. Executors, sons Samuel and James. Wits. Robert Kincaid Jr., James Elliott Jr., W.H. Cavendish. (2) Will dtd 1816 and proved 1819. In it he divides his real estate on Anthony's Creek almost equally between his three sons. Parents: Samuel KINCAID and Margaret CLARK. Spouse: Sallie KESTER. Samuel KINCAID and Sallie KESTER were married in , VA.2,3 Reference Number:634449 Samuel KINCAID2,3 died in 1780 in Falling Spring, Alleghany Co., VA.2,3 He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland.2,3 He is reference number 33634. [boyd-trees.ged] ! (1) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trial?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. B rown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renic ks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. Cites: (a) Records o f Council of War held at Staunton, VA 1756. (b) Pittsburg Papers #31, VA State Library, Richm ond, Roll of Capt. John Wilson's Co. (2) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. (3) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co. , Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottis h Genealogy Society, 13. ! Birth: (1,2,3) s/o Alexander Kincaid of Edinburgh, Scotland. Death: (1,3) 1780. (1,2) 1745, Dec: When Charles Stuart attempted to retake his throne and was defeated at Sti rlingshire, Scotland, four of the sons of Alexander Kincaid joined him and fought under Clun y MacPherson in the rear-guard action following Stuart's retreat, where they were captured . All this took place within a few miles of Kincaid, and the family retainers soon learned o f the capture. The wives of the two married brothers, Samuel and George, were taken to Glasc ow with some of their furniture, and the four brothers, Samuel, George, James and Robert, wer e spirited out of the English camp, and all of them put on board ship. (1) Samuel came with h is wife, name unknown, and at least two sons. (3) Jacobite from Edinburgh. (1,2,3) 1746: (1,2) They came to VA, fairly well supplied with "siller," and on the advic e of their uncle David, settled in Augusta Co. (3) Came to Augusta Co., VA. (1) 1754, 16 May: Bought 100 acres in Beverly Manor, Augusta Co., VA, from John Richey, par t of a tract of 287 acres patented to Beverly and sold to Adam Thompson, who sold it to Riche y 22 Nov 1753. Richey evidently failed to pay for it, as deed is made the next year direct f rom Thompson to Samuel Kincaid. The 1785 deed from Samuel Kincaid Jr. to Henry Eagle of Berk s Co., PA, states that his father bought the land from John Richey, who bought it from Thomps on. The other 187 acres was sold to Peter Hanger in 1779 by Andrew Thompson, son and heir o f Adam. This land adjoined that of Robert McClanahan, later Captain of the Greenbrier Valle y Volunteers of Botetourt Co., which explains why two of Samuel's sons, George and James, wer e members of this company. James Clark, father of Samuel, a Sergeant under McClanachan, an d of Margaret, wife of Samuel Kincaid Jr., also adjoined this tract. (1a) 1756: Fort Mann, at the mouth of Falling Spring Creek, was sufficiently garrisoned a t that time, mainly by Kincaids, Hamiltons, Manns and the McAllisters. (1) c.1765/7: Moved to what was Botetourt Co., VA, later Greenbrier Co., VA, and now Allegh any Co., VA, at Falling Spring on Jackson's River. (1) 1771: Bought 283 acres of land on Jackson's River, which had been patented to Robert Cr ockett in 1750, sold by Samuel, Robert's heir, in 1762, to Alexander Hamilton, a brother of R obert Hamilton; sold by Alexander to William Hamilton in 1765; and by William to Samuel Kinca id. (1) 1775: As a member of the militia, went to Pittsburg with his old friend and neighbor, C apt. John Wilson, and was wounded in the thigh. According to family tradition, he never full y recovered from this wound. (1b) On the roll of Capt. John Wilson's Co., Samuel Kincaid is s hown as wounded, receiving 19 days pay of 3 pounds 7 shillings, advances on pay-wounded, bala nce 3 pounds, 7 shillings. (1) 1780: Sold his 283 acres on Jackson's River to his nephew and son-in-law Andrew Kincaid , just shortly before he died.[alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trial?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. B rown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renic ks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. Cites: (a) Records o f Council of War held at Staunton, VA 1756. (b) Pittsburg Papers #31, VA State Library, Richm ond, Roll of Capt. John Wilson's Co. (2) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. (3) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co. , Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottis h Genealogy Society, 13. ! Birth: (1,2,3) s/o Alexander Kincaid of Edinburgh, Scotland. Death: (1,3) 1780. (1,2) 1745, Dec: When Charles Stuart attempted to retake his throne and was defeated at Sti rlingshire, Scotland, four of the sons of Alexander Kincaid joined him and fought under Clun y MacPherson in the rear-guard action following Stuart's retreat, where they were captured . All this took place within a few miles of Kincaid, and the family retainers soon learned o f the capture. The wives of the two married brothers, Samuel and George, were taken to Glasc ow with some of their furniture, and the four brothers, Samuel, George, James and Robert, wer e spirited out of the English camp, and all of them put on board ship. (1) Samuel came with h is wife, name unknown, and at least two sons. (3) Jacobite from Edinburgh. (1,2,3) 1746: (1,2) They came to VA, fairly well supplied with "siller," and on the advic e of their uncle David, settled in Augusta Co. (3) Came to Augusta Co., VA. (1) 1754, 16 May: Bought 100 acres in Beverly Manor, Augusta Co., VA, from John Richey, par t of a tract of 287 acres patented to Beverly and sold to Adam Thompson, who sold it to Riche y 22 Nov 1753. Richey evidently failed to pay for it, as deed is made the next year direct f rom Thompson to Samuel Kincaid. The 1785 deed from Samuel Kincaid Jr. to Henry Eagle of Berk s Co., PA, states that his father bought the land from John Richey, who bought it from Thomps on. The other 187 acres was sold to Peter Hanger in 1779 by Andrew Thompson, son and heir o f Adam. This land adjoined that of Robert McClanahan, later Captain of the Greenbrier Valle y Volunteers of Botetourt Co., which explains why two of Samuel's sons, George and James, wer e members of this company. James Clark, father of Samuel, a Sergeant under McClanachan, an d of Margaret, wife of Samuel Kincaid Jr., also adjoined this tract. (1a) 1756: Fort Mann, at the mouth of Falling Spring Creek, was sufficiently garrisoned a t that time, mainly by Kincaids, Hamiltons, Manns and the McAllisters. (1) c.1765/7: Moved to what was Botetourt Co., VA, later Greenbrier Co., VA, and now Allegh any Co., VA, at Falling Spring on Jackson's River. (1) 1771: Bought 283 acres of land on Jackson's River, which had been patented to Robert Cr ockett in 1750, sold by Samuel, Robert's heir, in 1762, to Alexander Hamilton, a brother of R obert Hamilton; sold by Alexander to William Hamilton in 1765; and by William to Samuel Kinca id. (1) 1775: As a member of the militia, went to Pittsburg with his old friend and neighbor, C apt. John Wilson, and was wounded in the thigh. According to family tradition, he never full y recovered from this wound. (1b) On the roll of Capt. John Wilson's Co., Samuel Kincaid is s hown as wounded, receiving 19 days pay of 3 pounds 7 shillings, advances on pay-wounded, bala nce 3 pounds, 7 shillings. (1) 1780: Sold his 283 acres on Jackson's River to his nephew and son-in-law Andrew Kincaid , just shortly before he died. Parents: Alexander KINCAID. Children were: Ann KINCAID, James KINCAID, Robert KINCAID, Hugh KINCAID, Alexander KINCAID, William KINCAID, Ann KINCAID, James KINCAID, Robert KINCAID, William KINCAID, Samuel KINCAID, George KINCAID. Samuel KINCAID2,3 was born about 1734 in Edinburgh, Scotland.2,3 He died on 23 Jan 1819 in , Greenbrier Co., WV.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]2,3 He is reference number 46112. [boyd-trees.ged] [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) Greenbrier Co., VA Will Bk I, p.531. FHL #595,214. (2) D.A.R. Patriot Index, Vol. I (1966) p.387. (3) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. Cites: (a) Pittsburgh Papers #34, VA State Library, Capt. Samuel Kincaid's Roll. (b) Greenbrier Co., VA Land Entry Book No. 1, p.8. (c) Greenbrier Co., VA Land Entry Book 2, p.130,182. (d) Morton's "History of Monroe." (e) Greenbrier Co., VA Deed Bk IV, p.191. (4) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 13. (5) "Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia," by Lyman Chalkley, Vol. 3, p.575. FHL #975.5916 F2c 1989 V3. Cites: (a) p.162. !Birth: (2,3,4) c. 1734. (3,4) Scotland. (3,4) s/o Samuel Kincaid. Marriage to Margaret Clark: (1) Margaret. (2,4) (3) About 1776. Death: (1) Will dtd 16 Mar 1800, proved Jul 1819, Greenbrier Co., VA. (2,3) 23 Jan 1819. (3) Greenbrier Co., VA. (4) ca. 1746: From Edinburgh, Scotland. Settled in Augusta Co., VA, later Alleghany Co., VA. (3a) 1775, 2 Sep: (3a,4) Capt. in the Botetourt Co., VA Militia. (3a) His company was at Pittsburg. He was paid for 69 days service, 34 lbs. 10 shillings. (2) C.S., VA, Revolutionary War. (3) According to family tradition, he resigned his commission shortly after his father was wounded and, as the eldest son and heir and only son unmarried, returned to the home place to look after it and his father, who had long been widowed. (3) 1777: Was one of the largest landowners in Greenbrier Co., VA at the time of its formation from Botetourt Co., VA. (3) 1780: Moved to what is now Neola on Anthony's Creek. At that time the only feasinble road from VA into that territory came through Rucker Gap, down Meadow Creek to its Junction with Anthony's Creek at Neola. Here he built a large hotel with a number of summer cottages, and for many years drew a clientele from the entire eastern United States, comparable to the patronage later enoyed by the Greenbrier Hotel at White Sulphur Springs. The fireplace was described by his descendants as one in which six men could stand abreast. (3) 1781, May: Served on the grand jury. (5a) 1785, 27 Aug: Samuel KINKEAD, son and heir-at-law of Samuel KINKEAD, deceased, and Margaret, of Greenbrier, deed to Henry EAGLE of Barracks Co., PA. (3) 1785: Deeded to Henry EAGLE of Berks Co., PA 100 acres in Beverly Manor, Augusta Co., VA, which his father had bought from John RICHEY, who bought it from Adam THOMPSON. (3c) 1791, 3 May: Entered 300 acres, Greenbrier Co., VA, on VA State Military Warrant 18342. (3) 1792: Commissioned Justice for Greenbrier Co., VA. (3d) 1794: One of a commission of 10 men selected to settle a dispute between Greenbrier Co. and Monroe Co. (3) His total land holdings in Greenbrier Co., VA were over 10,000 acres. (1) 1800, 16 Mar: Samuel Kincaid wrote his will, proved Greenbrier Co., VA Jul 1819. Named wife Margaret; sons Samuel, George, James; daughters Sally BROWN; Betty BROWN; Ann KINKEAD. Executors, sons Samuel and James. Wits. Robert KINCAID Jr., James ELLIOTT Jr., W.H. CAVENDISH. (3) Will dtd 1816 and proved 1819. In it he divides his real estate on Anthony's Creek almost equally between his three s ons, giving the middle portion with the home place to James. (3) 1804, Sep: Deeded to William Brown. (3e) 1807, 22 Aug: Gave bond as High Sheriff of Greenbrier Co., VA. (3) Served as Sheriff through 1808 and 1809. !(1) Greenbrier Co., VA Will Bk I, p.531. FHL #595,214. (2) D.A.R. Patriot Index, Vol. I (1966) p.387. (3) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. Cites: (a) Pittsburgh Papers #34, VA State Library, Capt. Samuel Kincaid's Roll. (b) Greenbrier Co., VA Land Entry Book No. 1, p.8. (c) Greenbrier Co., VA Land Entry Book 2, p.130,182. (d) Morton's "History of Monroe." (e) Greenbrier Co., VA Deed Bk IV, p.191. (4) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 13. (5) "Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia," by Lyman Chalkley, Vol. 3, p.575. FHL #975.5916 F2c 1989 V3. Cites: (a) p.162. !Birth: (2,3,4) c. 1734. (3,4) Scotland. (3,4) s/o Samuel Kincaid. Marriage to Margaret Clark: (1) Margaret. (2,4) (3) About 1776. Death: (1) Will dtd 16 Mar 1800, proved Jul 1819, Greenbrier Co., VA. (2,3) 23 Jan 1819. (3) Greenbrier Co., VA. (4) ca. 1746: From Edinburgh, Scotland. Settled in Augusta Co., VA, later Alleghany Co., VA. (3a) 1775, 2 Sep: (3a,4) Capt. in the Botetourt Co., VA Militia. (3a) His company was at Pittsburg. He was paid for 69 days service, 34 lbs. 10 shillings. (2) C.S., VA, Revolutionary War. (3) According to family tradition, he resigned his commission shortly after his father was wounded and, as the eldest son and heir and only son unmarried, returned to the home place to look after it and his father, who had long been widowed. (3) 1777: Was one of the largest landowners in Greenbrier Co., VA at the time of its formation from Botetourt Co., VA. (3) 1780: Moved to what is now Neola on Anthony's Creek. At that time the only feasinble road from VA into that territory came through Rucker Gap, down Meadow Creek to its Junction with Anthony's Creek at Neola. Here he built a large hotel with a number of summer cottages, and for many years drew a clientele from the entire eastern United States, comparable to the patronage later enoyed by the Greenbrier Hotel at White Sulphur Springs. The fireplace was described by his descendants as one in which six men could stand abreast. (3) 1781, May: Served on the grand jury. (5a) 1785, 27 Aug: Samuel KINKEAD, son and heir-at-law of Samuel KINKEAD, deceased, and Margaret, of Greenbrier, deed to Henry EAGLE of Barracks Co., PA. (3) 1785: Deeded to Henry EAGLE of Berks Co., Pennsylvania 100 acres in Beverly Manor, Augusta Co., VA, which his father had bought from John RICHEY, who bought it from Adam THOMPSON. (3c) 1791, 3 May: Entered 300 acres, Greenbrier Co., VA, on VA State Military Warrant 18342. (3) 1792: Commissioned Justice for Greenbrier Co., VA. (3d) 1794: One of a commission of 10 men selected to settle a dispute between Greenbrier Co. and Monroe Co. (3) His total land holdings in Greenbrier Co., VA were over 10,000 acres. (1) 1800, 16 Mar: Samuel Kincaid wrote his will, proved Greenbrier Co., VA Jul 1819. Named wife Margaret; sons Samuel, George, James; daughters Sally BROWN; Betty BROWN; Ann KINKEAD. Executors, sons Samuel and James. Wits. Robert KINCAID Jr., James ELLIOTT Jr., W.H. CAVENDISH. (3) Will dtd 1816 and proved 1819. In it he divides his real estate on Anthony's Creek almost equally between his three s ons, giving the middle portion with the home place to James. (3) 1804, Sep: Deeded to William Brown. (3e) 1807, 22 Aug: Gave bond as High Sheriff of Greenbrier Co., VA. (3) Served as Sheriff through 1808 and 1809. Parents: Samuel KINCAID. Spouse: Margaret CLARK. Samuel KINCAID and Margaret CLARK were married. Reference Number:555079 Children were: George KINCAID, Harriet Frances KINCAID, Sarah KINCAID, Samuel KINCAID, ,Col. James KINCAID, Elizabeth KINCAID, Ann KINCAID. Samuel KINCAID2,3 was born on 4 Apr 1773.2,3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 31080. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.276. Cites: (a) Family Bible of Robert Kincaid onwed by J.N. Scott of Muddy Creek and Waynesburg. (2) "1800 Pennyslvania Census," comp. by Jeanne Robey Felldin, p.213. Cites: (a) Green Co., Pennsylvania census p.84. (3) AIS, FHL, Cites: (a) Green Co., Pennsylvania census, p.45. !Birth: (1a) 4 Apr 1773, s/o Robert Kincaid/Susannah Powell. (2a,3a) 1800: Samuel KINCADE living in Greene Co., PA. (3a) Living in household are 1 male and 1 female age 16-26 (b. 1774-1784). [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.276. Cites: (a) Family Bible of Robert Kincaid onwed by J.N. Scott of Muddy Creek and Waynesburg. (2) "1800 Pennyslvania Census," comp. by Jeanne Robey Felldin, p.213. Cites: (a) Green Co., PA census p.84. (3) AIS, FHL, Cites: (a) Green Co., PA census, p.45. !Birth: (1a) 4 Apr 1773, s/o Robert Kincaid/Susannah Powell. (2a,3a) 1800: Samuel KINCADE living in Greene Co., PA. (3a) Living in household are 1 male and 1 female age 16-26 (b. 1774-1784). Parents: Robert KINCAID and Susannah POWELL. Samuel KINCAID2,3 was born on 20 Sep 1791.2,3 He died in 1863.2,3 He is reference number 29678. [boyd-trees.ged] ! (1) Chester Co., Pennsylvania Genealogical Soc. Genealogical and Biographical Records File, FHL #561 ,704. Cites: (a) Genealogical chart at Historical Soc. of York Co., PA. ! Birth: (1a) 20 Sep 1791, s/o Andrew Kincaid/Ann Poage. Marriage to Lettice Blanks: (1a) Death: (1a) 1863.[alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) Chester Co., PA Genealogical Soc. Genealogical and Biographical Records File, FHL #561 ,704. Cites: (a) Genealogical chart at Historical Soc. of York Co., PA. ! Birth: (1a) 20 Sep 1791, s/o Andrew Kincaid/Ann Poage. Marriage to Lettice Blanks: (1a) Death: (1a) 1863. Parents: Andrew KINCAID and Ann POAGE. Spouse: Lettice BLANKS. Samuel KINCAID and Lettice BLANKS were married. Reference Number:556383 Children were: Andrew Blanks KINCAID. Samuel S. KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 32299. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.278. !Birth: (1) s/o William Kincaid/Mariah Hughes.[alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.278. !Birth: (1) s/o William Kincaid/Mariah Hughes. Parents: William KINCAID and Mariah HUGHES. Sarah KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 30793. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.278. !Birth: (1) d/o William Kincaid/Mariah Hughes. Marriage to James Bell: (1) Parents: William KINCAID and Mariah HUGHES. Spouse: James BELL. James BELL and Sarah KINCAID were married. Reference Number:579536 Sarah KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 45246. [boyd-trees.ged] [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.278. !Birth: (1) d/o William Kincaid/Mariah Hughes. Marriage to James Bell: (1) Parents: William KINCAID and Mariah HUGHES. Spouse: James BELL. James BELL and Sarah KINCAID were married. Reference Number:603166 Sarah KINCAID2,3 was also known as Sally. She was born in , VA.2,3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 45951. [boyd-trees.ged] [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) Greenbrier Co., VA Will Bk I, p.531. FHL #595,214. (2) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. (3) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 13. !Birth: (1) d/o Samuel Kincaid. (2,3) d/o Samuel Kincaid/Margaret Clarke. Marriage to William Brown: (1) Called Sally Brown in her father's will 1800. (2) 1804. (1) 1800, 16 Mar: Samuel Kincaid wrote his will, proved Greenbrier Co., VA Jul 1819. Named wife Margaret; sons Samuel, George, James; daughters Sally Brown; Betty Brown; Ann Kinkead. Executors, sons Samuel and James. Wits. Robert Kincaid Jr., James Elliott Jr., W.H. Cavendish. (NOTE: Source 2 says this will is dated 1816. Copied incorrectly?) !(1) Greenbrier Co., VA Will Bk I, p.531. FHL #595,214. (2) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. (3) "Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A.," by Donald Whyte (Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, 1972). Cites: (a) "Kincaid Family Researches," by J.K. Young, Library of Scottish Genealogy Society, 13. !Birth: (1) d/o Samuel Kincaid. (2,3) d/o Samuel Kincaid/Margaret Clarke. Marriage to William Brown: (1) Called Sally Brown in her father's will 1800. (2) 1804. (1) 1800, 16 Mar: Samuel Kincaid wrote his will, proved Greenbrier Co., VA Jul 1819. Named wife Margaret; sons Samuel, George, James; daughters Sally Brown; Betty Brown; Ann Kinkead. Executors, sons Samuel and James. Wits. Robert Kincaid Jr., James Elliott Jr., W.H. Cavendish. (NOTE: Source 2 says this will is dated 1816. Copied incorrectly?) Parents: Samuel KINCAID and Margaret CLARK. Spouse: William BROWN. William BROWN and Sarah KINCAID were married in 1804 in , VA.2,3 Reference Number:808095 Sarah KINCAID2,3 was born between 1740 and 1780.3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 32257. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) Greenbrier Co., VA Will Bk 1, p.276. FHL #595,214. !Birth: (1) d/o Andrew Kincaid. Marriage to __ Caldwell: (1) (1) 1810, 9 Jun: Andrew Kincaid wrote his will. Gave to daughters Sarah Caldwell, Elizabeth Miller, Ann Garten, Mary Wyatt, and Margaret Stone $1.20 each. [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) Greenbrier Co., VA Will Bk 1, p.276. FHL #595,214. !Birth: (1) d/o Andrew Kincaid. Marriage to __ Caldwell: (1) (1) 1810, 9 Jun: Andrew Kincaid wrote his will. Gave to daughters Sarah Caldwell, Elizabeth Miller, Ann Garten, Mary Wyatt, and Margaret Stone $1.20 each. Parents: Andrew KINCAID and Mary. Spouse: CALDWELL. CALDWELL and Sarah KINCAID were married. Reference Number:599511 Sarah "Sally" KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 45965. [boyd-trees.ged] [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.278. Cites: (a) O.C. Docket 4, p.212. !Birth: (1) d/o James Kincaid/Jane McCaslin. Marriage to W.W. Clendening: (1) Aug 1862. !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.278. Cites: (a) O.C. Docket 4, p.212. !Birth: (1) d/o James Kincaid/Jane McCaslin. Marriage to W.W. Clendening: (1) Aug 1862. Parents: James KINCAID and Jane MC CASLIN. Spouse: W. W. CLENDENING. W. W. CLENDENING and Sarah "Sally" KINCAID were married in Aug 1862.2,3 Reference Number:596884 Sarah (Kinkead) KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 31979. [boyd-trees.ged] ! (1) Augusta Co., VA Will Bk 5, p.445. FHL #30,317. ! Birth: (1) d/o Matthew Kinkead/Elizabeth. (1) 1775, 2 Jun: Matthew Kinkead, farmer, wrote his will, proved 19 Jun 1776, Augusta Co. , VA. Names wife Elizabeth; eldest son David, under 21; son John; Daughters Elizabeth, Sara h and Mary Anne; an unborn child. Executors wife, William W. Leer?. Wits. William Kinkead , John Hodge, Samuel Lockridge. Parents: Matthew (Kinkead) KINCAID and Elizabeth MC TEER. Sarah (Kinkead) KINCAID2,3 died in 1870.2,3 She is reference number 32094. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "Historical Collections of Brown County, Ohio," by Carl N. Thompson (Hammer Graphics, Piqua, OH, 1969) p.781. !Marriage to James Melanathan Gilliland: (1) Death: (1) 1870. [alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "Historical Collections of Brown County, Ohio," by Carl N. Thompson (Hammer Graphics, Piqua, OH, 1969) p.781. !Marriage to James Melanathan Gilliland: (1) Death: (1) 1870. Spouse: James Melanathan GILLILAND. James Melanathan GILLILAND and Sarah (Kinkead) KINCAID were married. Reference Number:604800 Sarah I. KINCAID2,3 was born about 1840 in , Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]2,3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 31616. [boyd-trees.ged] (1) Mary Kemmerle, 2089 Eaton Ave., San Carlos, CA 94070. !Birth: (1) ca. 1840, PA, d/o Phillip R. Kincaid/Elizabeth.[alice-boyd.FTW] (1) Mary Kemmerle, 2089 Eaton Ave., San Carlos, CA 94070. !Birth: (1) ca. 1840, PA, d/o Phillip R. Kincaid/Elizabeth. Parents: Phillip R. KINCAID and Elizabeth. Sarah Jane KINCAID2,3 was born on 9 Jun 1836 in , Greenbrier Co., West Virginia.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]2,3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 29785. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia," Supplemental Vol. 6, ed. & pub. by Jim Comstock (Richmond, West Virginia 1883-1974) p.192. Biography of Adam Dean Kincaid. !Birth: (1) 9 Jun 1836, d/o Adam Dean Kincaid/Mary Bunger.[alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia," Supplemental Vol. 6, ed. & pub. by Jim Comstock (Richmond, WV 1883-1974) p.192. Biography of Adam Dean Kincaid. !Birth: (1) 9 Jun 1836, d/o Adam Dean Kincaid/Mary Bunger. Parents: Adam Dean KINCAID and Mary BUNGER. Sarah Rebecca KINCAID2,3 was born on 25 Oct 1825 in , Greenbrier Co., West Virginia.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]2,3 She died on 7 Aug 1826 in , Greenbrier Co., West Virginia.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]2,3 She is reference number 33670. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. !Birth: (1) 25 Oct 1825, d/o James Kincaid/Phebe Kincaid. Death: (1) 7 Aug 1826.[alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "Virginia Genealogies, A (Trail?) List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brown Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA) card #642, prepared by the University of VA, "The Renicks of Greenbrier," by B.F. Harlow Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951), Appendix F. !Birth: (1) 25 Oct 1825, d/o James Kincaid/Phebe Kincaid. Death: (1) 7 Aug 1826. Parents: ,Col. James KINCAID and Phebe KINCAID. Scott KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 33509. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "Historical Collections of Brown County, Ohio," by Carl N. Thompson (Hammer Graphics, Piqua, OH, 1969) p.6. !Birth: (1) s/o William Kinkead/Annie Dunlap.[alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "Historical Collections of Brown County, Ohio," by Carl N. Thompson (Hammer Graphics, Piqua, OH, 1969) p.6. !Birth: (1) s/o William Kinkead/Annie Dunlap. Parents: William KINCAID and Annie DUNLAP. Shelby KINCAID2,3 was born in , Kentucky.2,3 Shelby KINCAID died Unknown.3 Shelby KINCAID is reference number 29830. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]2,3 [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "Deep Roots- History and Genealogy of the Kincaid-Coyle-Darnell-Lathram- Hart Families," by Sallye Lathram Hines (Lexington, Kentucky, 1964) p.13. Cites: (a) Waddell's "Annals of Augusta County, Virginia," p.184, citing Elizabeth Shelby Kincaid, ggd/o William Kincaid. !Birth: (1) Child of William Druey Kincaid/Elizabeth Fontaine Shelby.[alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "Deep Roots- History and Genealogy of the Kincaid-Coyle-Darnell-Lathram- Hart Families," by Sallye Lathram Hines (Lexington, KY, 1964) p.13. Cites: (a) Waddell's "Annals of Augusta County, Virginia," p.184, citing Elizabeth Shelby Kincaid, ggd/o William Kincaid. !Birth: (1) Child of William Druey Kincaid/Elizabeth Fontaine Shelby. Parents: ,Judge William Berry KINCAID and Elizabeth Fontaine SHELBY. Stephen KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 29304. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment of Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H.C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased from the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. Cites: (a) Laing Charters No. 1047. !Marriage to __ Kincaid: (1) d/o James Kincaid of-that-Ilk/Christine Leslie. (1a) 1582, 9 Sep: Charter by James Kincaid of Craglokhart, with consent of his wife Christine Leslie, in favor of Stephen Kincaid, portioner of Broughton, in life rent, and of Robert Kincaid, his second son, and all his heirs male, etc., of annual rent of 20 pounds Scots from the lands of Craglokhart, manor- place etc. To be held blanch of the charter. Dated at Edinburgh. Wits. Edward Kyncaid, Burgess of Edinburgh; Robert Kincaid, brother-german of Stephen. Seals attached: The first, a fess ermine between two mullets in chief and a castle triple-towered in base.[alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment of Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H.C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased from the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. Cites: (a) Laing Charters No. 1047. !Marriage to __ Kincaid: (1) d/o James Kincaid of-that-Ilk/Christine Leslie. (1a) 1582, 9 Sep: Charter by James Kincaid of Craglokhart, with consent of his wife Christine Leslie, in favor of Stephen Kincaid, portioner of Broughton, in life rent, and of Robert Kincaid, his second son, and all his heirs male, etc., of annual rent of 20 pounds Scots from the lands of Craglokhart, manor- place etc. To be held blanch of the charter. Dated at Edinburgh. Wits. Edward Kyncaid, Burgess of Edinburgh; Robert Kincaid, brother-german of Stephen. Seals attached: The first, a fess ermine between two mullets in chief and a castle triple-towered in base. Spouse: KINCAID. Stephen KINCAID and KINCAID were married. Reference Number:547916 Susan KINCAID2,3 was born on 16 Sep 1854 in , Greenbrier Co., West Virginia.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]2,3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 29792. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia," Supplemental Vol. 6, ed. & pub. by Jim Comstock (Richmond, West Virginia 1883-1974) p.192. Biography of Adam Dean Kincaid. !Birth: (1) 16 Sep 1854, d/o Adam Dean Kincaid/Mary Bunger. (1) Lived with brother-in-law John Kelly.[alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia," Supplemental Vol. 6, ed. & pub. by Jim Comstock (Richmond, WV 1883-1974) p.192. Biography of Adam Dean Kincaid. !Birth: (1) 16 Sep 1854, d/o Adam Dean Kincaid/Mary Bunger. (1) Lived with brother-in-law John Kelly. Parents: Adam Dean KINCAID and Mary BUNGER. Susannah KINCAID2,3 was born in Apr 1775 in , Augusta Co., VA.2,3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 31490. [boyd-trees.ged] ! (1) "Historical Collections of Brown County, Ohio," by Carl N. Thompson (Hammer Graphics , Piqua, OH, 1969) p.6. (2) "History of Woodford County," by William R. Railey (Woodford Improvement League, Versai lles, Kentucky, 1968) p.70. (3) "Genealogies of Kentucky Families from the Register of the Kentucky Historical Society " (Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, 1981) Vol. O-Y, Appendix C, p.757-761, "The Families Kin kead, Stephenson, Garrett, Martin and Dunlap," by Laura Kinkead Walton. (4) "Deep Roots- History and Genealogy of the Kincaid-Coyle-Darnell-Lathram-Hart Families, " by Sallye Lathram Hines (Lexington, Kentucky, 1964) p.13. Cites: (a) Waddell's "Annals of August a County, Virginia," p.184, citing Elizabeth Shelby Kincaid, ggd/o William Kincaid. (5) Helen Wood, 105 Walnut Dr., Paragould, AR 72450-3924 (1997). Cites: (a) "Genealogies o f Some KY families," p.758-761. (b) "History of Rockbridge Co., VA," p.253. (c) "The Scotch-I rish in VA," by Chalkley, p.39. ! Birth: (1) 3 Apr 1775. (1,2,3,4a,5) d/o William Kinkead/Eleanor Guy. (2) VA. (3) 20 Apr 17 75. (4a) 10 Apr 1775. (5) 30 Apr 1775, Augusta Co., VA. Marriage to Joseph LINDEY: (5) Jos. LINDSEY.[alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) "Historical Collections of Brown County, Ohio," by Carl N. Thompson (Hammer Graphics , Piqua, OH, 1969) p.6. (2) "History of Woodford County," by William R. Railey (Woodford Improvement League, Versai lles, KY, 1968) p.70. (3) "Genealogies of Kentucky Families from the Register of the Kentucky Historical Society " (Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, 1981) Vol. O-Y, Appendix C, p.757-761, "The Families Kin kead, Stephenson, Garrett, Martin and Dunlap," by Laura Kinkead Walton. (4) "Deep Roots- History and Genealogy of the Kincaid-Coyle-Darnell-Lathram-Hart Families, " by Sallye Lathram Hines (Lexington, KY, 1964) p.13. Cites: (a) Waddell's "Annals of August a County, Virginia," p.184, citing Elizabeth Shelby Kincaid, ggd/o William Kincaid. (5) Helen Wood, 105 Walnut Dr., Paragould, AR 72450-3924 (1997). Cites: (a) "Genealogies o f Some KY families," p.758-761. (b) "History of Rockbridge Co., VA," p.253. (c) "The Scotch-I rish in VA," by Chalkley, p.39. ! Birth: (1) 3 Apr 1775. (1,2,3,4a,5) d/o William Kinkead/Eleanor Guy. (2) VA. (3) 20 Apr 17 75. (4a) 10 Apr 1775. (5) 30 Apr 1775, Augusta Co., VA. Marriage to Joseph LINDEY: (5) Jos. LINDSEY. Parents: ,Sr. William KINCAID and Eleanor (Guy) GAY. Spouse: Joseph LINDSEY. Joseph LINDSEY and Susannah KINCAID were married. Reference Number:575821 Susannah KINCAID2,3 was born on 12 Feb 1812.2,3 She died in 1870 in Newcastle, Henry Co., IN.2,3 She is reference number 31045. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.277. !Birth: (1) 12 Feb 1812, d/o William Kincaid. Marriage to Alexander Lindsey: (1) Marriage to John Shroyer: (1) Death: (1) 1870, New Castle, IN.[alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.277. !Birth: (1) 12 Feb 1812, d/o William Kincaid. Marriage to Alexander Lindsey: (1) Marriage to John Shroyer: (1) Death: (1) 1870, New Castle, IN. Parents: William KINCAID and Mary CREE. Spouse: Alexander LINDSEY. Alexander LINDSEY and Susannah KINCAID were married. Reference Number:584501 Spouse: John SHROYER. John SHROYER and Susannah KINCAID were married. Reference Number:584531 Of-That-Ilk Thomas KINCAID2,3 was born in , Scotland.2,3 He died Unknown in Kincaid, Stirlingshire, Scotland.2,3 He is reference number 29308. [boyd-trees.ged] ! (1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. Cites: (a ) R.M.S. i-1348. (b) Wigtown Charters No. 529. ! Birth: (1) s/o Thomas Kincaid of-that-Ilk/Elizabeth Kincaid. Marriage to Margaret Setoun: (1) (1a) 1534, 12 Feb: By a charter granted by James V, Thomas and Margaret received the land s of Craglokhart, County Edinburgh. (1b) 1545, 16 Jan: Thomas was witness to the Writ of Foundation of the Collegiate Church o f Biggar by Malcolm, Lord Fleming. [alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. Cites: (a ) R.M.S. i-1348. (b) Wigtown Charters No. 529. ! Birth: (1) s/o Thomas Kincaid of-that-Ilk/Elizabeth Kincaid. Marriage to Margaret Setoun: (1) (1a) 1534, 12 Feb: By a charter granted by James V, Thomas and Margaret received the land s of Craglokhart, County Edinburgh. (1b) 1545, 16 Jan: Thomas was witness to the Writ of Foundation of the Collegiate Church o f Biggar by Malcolm, Lord Fleming. Parents: Of-That-Ilk Thomas KINCAID and Elizabeth KINCAID. Spouse: Margaret SETOUN. Of-That-Ilk Thomas KINCAID and Margaret SETOUN were married. Reference Number:547971 Children were: Richard KINCAID, Malcolm KINCAID, George KINCAID, Marion KINCAID, Of-That-Ilk James KINCAID. Of-That-Ilk Thomas KINCAID2,3 was born in Edinburgh, Scotland.2,3 He died Unknown in Kincaid, Stirlingshire, Scotland.2,3 He is reference number 29316. [boyd-trees.ged] ! (1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. Cites: (a ) R.M.S. i-2861. (b) R.M.S. i-3237. (c) Wigtown Charters No. 261,465. (d) R.M.S. i-1348. ! Birth: (1) s/o Thomas Kincaid, Burgess of Edinburgh. Marriage to Elizabeth Kincaid: (1) (1) His wife brought him the lands of Kincaid. (1a) 1505, 3 Jul: At Linlithgow, James IV granted a charter to Thomas and his heirs of th e lands of Craglokhart with the tower and fortalice, County Edinburgh, which Patrick Kincai d personally resigned. Life tenantment was reserved for Patrick and his wife Egidie. (1b) 1508, 27 May: Thomas and Elizabeth Kincaid were mentioned in a charter granted by th e Earl of Lenox to John Stirling of Cragbernard. (1c) 1515, 13 Dec: Thomas Kincaid was witness to a letter of reversion by John, Lord Flemin g, to James Fleming of Bord granting the lands of Auchinreoch and Auchtermony lying in the sh ire of Striveling. (1c) 1524, 25 Nov: An instrument taken at the place of Drumlzear taken upon Thomas Kincaid , his going there and giving Catharine Prissell, Lady Frude, and the writs and evidents of th e lands to John Tweedie of Drumlzear and his son for relaxing the three gentlemen who were pl edges of Malcolm, Lord Fleming, lying there in captivity. (1d) 1531, Aug: Thomas Kincaid and his son Edward were witnesses to a charter by Malcolm, L ord Fleming, to Robert Innes of Ivermary. [alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. Cites: (a ) R.M.S. i-2861. (b) R.M.S. i-3237. (c) Wigtown Charters No. 261,465. (d) R.M.S. i-1348. ! Birth: (1) s/o Thomas Kincaid, Burgess of Edinburgh. Marriage to Elizabeth Kincaid: (1) (1) His wife brought him the lands of Kincaid. (1a) 1505, 3 Jul: At Linlithgow, James IV granted a charter to Thomas and his heirs of th e lands of Craglokhart with the tower and fortalice, County Edinburgh, which Patrick Kincai d personally resigned. Life tenantment was reserved for Patrick and his wife Egidie. (1b) 1508, 27 May: Thomas and Elizabeth Kincaid were mentioned in a charter granted by th e Earl of Lenox to John Stirling of Cragbernard. (1c) 1515, 13 Dec: Thomas Kincaid was witness to a letter of reversion by John, Lord Flemin g, to James Fleming of Bord granting the lands of Auchinreoch and Auchtermony lying in the sh ire of Striveling. (1c) 1524, 25 Nov: An instrument taken at the place of Drumlzear taken upon Thomas Kincaid , his going there and giving Catharine Prissell, Lady Frude, and the writs and evidents of th e lands to John Tweedie of Drumlzear and his son for relaxing the three gentlemen who were pl edges of Malcolm, Lord Fleming, lying there in captivity. (1d) 1531, Aug: Thomas Kincaid and his son Edward were witnesses to a charter by Malcolm, L ord Fleming, to Robert Innes of Ivermary. Parents: Thomas KINCAID. Spouse: Elizabeth KINCAID. Of-That-Ilk Thomas KINCAID and Elizabeth KINCAID were married. Reference Number:547973 Children were: Of-That-Ilk Thomas KINCAID, Edward KINCAID, James KINCAID. Thomas KINCAID2,3 was born in , Scotland.2,3 He died Unknown in Edinburgh, Scotland.2,3 He is reference number 29321. [boyd-trees.ged] ! (1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. ! Birth: (1) s/o John Kincaid of-that-Ilk. (1) Burgess of Edinburgh. [alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) "Kincaid-Lennox-Galbraith," by Herbert Clarke Kincaid (1941), taken from "Assortment o f Kincaid Papers," reprinted by Steve Kincaid (San Diego, CA, Clan Kincaid International). H. C. Kincaid was a fellow of the Institute of American Genealogy, and his paper was purchased f rom the Genealogical Book Co., Baltimore, by Mr. Hulme H. Kincaid, San Anselmo, CA. ! Birth: (1) s/o John Kincaid of-that-Ilk. (1) Burgess of Edinburgh. Parents: Of-That-Ilk John KINCAID and WALTERSTOUNE. Children were: Of-That-Ilk Thomas KINCAID. Thomas KINCAID2,3 was born in , Kentucky.2,3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 29829. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "Deep Roots- History and Genealogy of the Kincaid-Coyle-Darnell-Lathram- Hart Families," by Sallye Lathram Hines (Lexington, Kentucky, 1964) p.13. Cites: (a) Waddell's "Annals of Augusta County, Virginia," p.184, citing Elizabeth Shelby Kincaid, ggd/o William Kincaid. !Birth: (1) s/o William Druey Kincaid/Elizabeth Fontaine Shelby. Parents: ,Judge William Berry KINCAID and Elizabeth Fontaine SHELBY. Thomas KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 32212. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families," p.278. !Birth: (1) s/o William Kincaid/Mariah Hughes. Parents: William KINCAID and Mariah HUGHES. Thomas KINCAID2,3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 43777. [boyd-trees.ged] [alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) "Virginia Genealogies, A Trial List of Printed Books and Pamphlets," by Stuart E. Brow n Jr. (VA Book Co., Berryview, VA). Card #642, prepared by University of VA, "The Renicks o f Greenbriar," by B.J. Harlan Jr. (Lexington, VA, 1951) Appendix F, p.17. (2) "Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files," p.1947. Cites: (a) Claim S5997. (3) "The 1787 Census of Virginia," by Netti Schreiner-Yantis and Florene Speakman Love (Gen ealocial Books in Print, Springfield, VA) p.131. FHL #975.5 R4sn. Cites: (a) Augusta Co., V A Personal Property Tax 1787, List C. ! Birth: (1) s/o John Kincaid/Elizabeth. (3a) 1787: Thomas KINKEAD taxed Augusta Co., VA, for self and no males 16-21. (2a) 1832, 3 Oct: A Thomas KINKEAD applied for Revolutionary War Pension in Pendleton Co. , VA, as soldier in VA line. He lived in Augusta Co., VA at enlistment and m. unnamed wife i n Mar 1764. (NOTE: Not sure this is the same Thomas, but the age and place fits.) Parents: John (Kinkead) KINCAID and Elizabeth HAMILTON. |